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Happy Birthdayfrom

a happy family

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On Iqbals 69th birthday …warm birthday wishes to my hubby of 43 years Mashalah. May Allah SWT always keep you in good health and forever happy in whatever you do. Ameen. I am thankful to Allah SWT for this life with you. It has been the fullest Allhamdulilah and we have been blessed with four loving and caring sons and for them Allah SWT sent equally caring if not more loving daughters-in-law and of-course the grandchildren followed and they mean the world to me Alhamdulilah. Of-course life together hasn’t always been a bed of roses. It has its ups and downs but certainly I wouldn’t exchange it for any other. There have been sunny days ,cloudy days and some rainy days when it seemed the rain will never end. But Alhamdulilah we have made it through. Now we have entered the autmn of our lives and may Allah SWT keep us together in health and happiness Ameen. Sincere wishes from better half of 43 plus years.

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I would like to wish Abbu a very happy birthday.It seems like yesterday that Omar and I were small and abbu used to hold our hands and take us places.Now we have grown old and

Abbu older.But we all can be sure of this that Abbu has been a very caring father for all of us.Although you live away from

us but atleast you love it there and that brings peace to us.May Allah bless you and ammi with good health always.

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OmarAbbu, you inculcated in us truthfulness, steadfastness and

all attributes of being effective members of society, good

human beings and God-fearing Muslims. It was due to

your and ammi's untiring efforts and hard-work that we

(brothers) now enjoy respectable places in society and in

our respective fields. I really miss you being away from

you physically. I wish we live close together to be able to

fulfill my obligations as a son and a source of comfort for

both you and ammi. May Allah SWT bless you

immensely, Ameen.

Happy Birthday Abbu.

Love, Omar.

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SaadA very happy happy birthday my dearest abbu. Its been 35 years of your kindness and affection. I still remember the memorable times of KANUPP colony. When ever you went abroad, you brought gift for us (according to our farmaishaat). It is impossible to escape from your gentleness and care, you made it sure to put on a collar while having neck-ache, you made it sure to have a pill for curing fever. You took us to buffet dinner @ Suzi-Wong each Ramadan. There are countless sweet memories of all the comforts that you showered on us. Thank You Abbu!

We have a weekly picnic at farmhouse and Its always a pleasure to assist you while doing innovative jobs at farm.

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TahaHappy birthday Abbu! I know this isn't the best way of celebrating your birthday when all of your loved ones are away but I hope all of these messages would help bring a smile to your face. You have been a role model for all of your children, not because you're a father and every child looks up to his father as a role model but you've thoroughly earned it! From teaching us manners to driving the best out of us, you've been a father par excellence mashaAllah!I remember how you'd wake up in the middle of the night on hearing slightest of coughs, checking on me to see if I had fever and then making me drink that awful "lal sharbat" - although I hated drinking it in the middle of the night, I knew deep down inside that I was lucky to have you as a father! Even now you can tell over the phone whenever I'm sick. I get amazed at how you and Ammi are so good at it!I remember the times when Ammi was away and you'd cook us wholesome feasts, including prawn biryani where prawns exceeded the number of rice grains! You'd find the biggest cup in the cabinet and serve me cup full of Ovaltine and I'd spend good 10 minutes thinking how am I going to get done with it. Despite your hectic office schedule, you'd wake me up at Fajr and make me do Physics till it was time for you to leave for office. I don't know if I ever told you but the 10 minutes bathroom break that I took each morning was mostly fake. I'd mostly fake it to buy myself some time and also because you'd end up solving numerical for me during the time I was away. If I didn't have you as my tutor, I don't know if I would have ever cleared intermediate.I can go on and on with the memories that I've had with you but I'll stop now so I can discuss others over many more birthdays to come inshaAllah! You've been a great father and we all can't wait to be with you over Eid inshaAllah. Maybe then we can celebrate your birthday again!I hope Ammi has already prepared a feast for you! Enjoy your day!

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TaniaWith you in our lives, we all have someone who looks at things very differently and it enables us to have a completely different perspective of things. I am amazed when I read your blogs, by your vivid description of things that are just a part of a picture for us. It is alhamdolilah great to have you in our lives. On your birthday, I wish you great health and a long life. I wish you would visit us and the rest of your children more often. You know ,it is always a great pleasure to have you at our place. May Allah keep you and Ammi in the best of health and spirits. Ameen.

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It has been almost fourteen years since I first began exchanging emails with you, and somewhere amongst my old files is the one where you preferred being addressed as Aj instead of abbujan. You've always replied promptly and in detail to all my emails and comments and that always gives me the satisfaction of being heard and understood. One habit of yours that I most appreciate is your love of reading. I miss those days when you were the director and as such subscribed many magazines.  I have read countless travelogues, biographies and novels thanks to you and ammi. I wish we could have a proper library at the farm, so we could store and catalogue your collection and pass on your love of diversified reading to your grandchildren.Everyone knows you love gardening but I don't think all of us know that you can also cook your organic produce amazingly well. I always look forward to the Mexican chicken you make.Thank you for being a supportive parent and a grandfather who 'sprinkles stardust on his grandchildren's lives'. I hope you have a wonderful day today and many such days always.

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“A grandfather is someone who lets you eat ice cream for breakfast”Yes , I know you are that kind of awesome grandfather who kids love. Kids know that they have a secret source of chocolates when they come to farm.You are an expert in keeping the kitchen sparklingly clean when ammi is not there.Thank you for being a caring and loving father. Thank you for letting us get away with things that bothers you.(Read: noise pollution)Thank you for feeding me just like my father does. Its your day…..lets celebrate you

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May your special day be filled with memories, happy ones,old

and new.May you be surrounded with love and may this day be all

about you.Thank you for your kindness and

honest,guidance and advice.Happy birthday Abbu.

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EemanHappy Birthday Abbu!

Its unbelievable that you are 69 because you look so much

younger for age. I love you dearly and wish you the very best .I am

glad that I have your reading genes.

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The occasion of your 69th birthday is bitter sweet to me because as your second eldest grandson I should be there and wish you in person. The one thing I remember most about you is whenever we were angry or sad you told us stories, gave us "kishmish" and sometimes brought us catty chins and lemon tarts. A big thank you for all your love dada. May Allah bless you you and give you a long life. Ameen

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hibaHappy 69th birthday dada abbu!

I wanted to come and wish you because you wished me so touchingly and

everybody loved it very much. The things I like about you are gardening,

writing,and you're very friendly to us. I always remember that you and dadi took us to the united bakery and we

took ginger breadman and lemon tarts I thank you for your kindness.May Allah bless you and give you a long long life.

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Dear dada Dada you give me chocolate to eatBooks to readFor playing…beadsYou give me everything indeedAt saturday we meet youOne special thing we both are on gmail

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avizhehDear abbu!

A very happy birthday to you. You are now 69 years old.Thats amazing. I wonder how big a

cake would ammi have to bake to fit in all those candles.

Have a great time on your birthday.I miss you and love you very much.

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And from rest of the gang

A very happy birthday to an awesome dada

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