Page 1: Guidance on how to give good DP lectures (1972.03.24)

NOTE: These notes are taken from a Peace TV video clip. They cannot be published as definitive texts and should never be used in the future as an "official" publication of True Father's words. However, they do provide a good idea of the "spirit" of the message. - Rev. Katsumi Kambashi Hoondokhae at the Cheon Hwa Gung (HC 5. 29 / July 18, 2012) Mrs. McDevitt read Father's speech from the Sermon of the Rev. Moon volume 54, titled "In Order to Give Good DP Lectures" given in Germany on March 24, 1972. In the speech, Father advised that one should practice their lectures chapter by chapter rather than trying to cover from the beginning the whole contents of the DP. For example, if one practices their lectures only on the Principle of Creation for one month, they can have a clear understanding of it. He also emphasized that every each person can give lectures without exception. The "Original Copy of the Principle" has 556 pages and if one memorizes two pages per day, they can be finished with the whole book within a year. Father also advised to have guts in standing in front of the audience and to think that "people have been mobilized here from the world who want to listen to me most." Father said the lecturers need to think "they are my sons and daughters" and then we can feel much closer to and responsible for the listeners. Father said that by evaluating our audience by checking their responses, we need to rank them into three categories. The most difficult types are put into the first rank, and the lecturer needs to fight against them. Father said we need to check their faces after 10 minutes to see if they become more stern or become relaxed, without being noticed by them that we are checking it. Also lecturers need to make the audience to be relaxed with laughter: once they laugh, they come to listen to the lecture. Father also explained how to behave and walk when giving a lecture, and the importance of having adequate facial expressions as a lecturer and the ability to sing songs. Father emphasized "being natural and flexible" at the podium and "to become a necessary person" for the audience. Father talked about the prayer in public, in which he emphasized the poetic sense as being necessary. Father said the necessity of listening to others' lectures as much as possible so that they can learn from there. Father concluded by saying one needs to practice as much as possible so that they can be relaxed in lecturing and become creative. Father said : First, you need to train yourself. Second, you should be relaxed. Third, you should adjust yourself to the needs of the audience, this is important." "Those who do not have confidence can not become successful."

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