Page 1: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

YOGATEACHERTRAININGProspectusJanuary – July 2018

Grace & Presence

Page 2: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Grace & Presence is about being connected to the magnificence of the human body and our human nature, in a real, sensitive and honest way. I believe that the way to cultivate health, vitality and a beautiful experience in this life is to learn about how our exquisite bodies are designed to move, and to embody that. It is part of my experience of spirituality to honour this body, as nature and as perfection. To dance through yoga and to savour it. Advanced asana then follow.

In my many years of physical training, I have encountered countless techniques, instructions and perspectives on how we should move. There were training regimes that made me less flexible in the exact places I thought I was stretching. There were instructions that instantly hurt, and I learned to power through, only to end up seriously injured. And then there were moments that just worked, images that made movement stronger and more flexible, and instantly healed pain.

Through my own practice, studies and working with my injuries and unhelpful patterns, I realized I needed to approach yoga from a perspective of inquiry. My practice explores contemporary perspectives on movement, physics, exercise science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga.

So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012, with a commitment to exploring yogic science without dogma and yogic movement with deep sensitivity to our design.

Grace & Presence is dynamic yoga that includes physical training with movement explorations to create ease in the practice. It is about being real, honest, reflective, and at the same time clear in the intention to grow, improve and manifest our best selves in our lives. It is about self-acceptance, self-knowledge and growth. It is about being peaceful and self-loving in order to be peaceful and compassionate to others.

I ran the Grace & Presence course regularly from 2012 – 2015.

In 2014, my partner and I created Sadhaka Yoga Centre, a yoga studio and home for the teacher training courses. After 9 months, a fire closed its doors.

Just after, I found myself pregnant with my first child, with a second who swiftly followed. I took a step back from Teacher training, because the most important way to live my teachings was to be present to my children.

As a life-long student of yoga, two aspects of my physical life deepened these last years. I prepared and healed from 2 births and I trained as a Franklin Method Educator; an approach to moving the body that has evolved within me over 5 years.

I have chosen to work collaboratively with Fern and Nathalie because of their perspectives that uplift my own teaching. Nathalie brings grounded self-reflection, with a playful but deep embodiment. Fern brings an electric spark of creativity, mixed with dedicated exploration born from deep curiosity. Our individual voices, along with our collective 25 years teaching and yoga business experience come together to create this training.

There are countless Teacher Training courses available, and each will inspire changes in your life. We have chosen to offer this one because of the magic this work has brought to us and our wholehearted belief in Grace & Presence as a way of being in our bodies and our lives.


Page 3: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Hello! I am Fern, co-creating this course with Mollie and Nathalie. Let me tell you why I am excited to bring this programme to life. Over the years, I’ve been asked many times about what style of yoga I share and how people can learn to teach in this way. The truth is, I find it really difficult to answer that question. There has been no single course or teacher, but over a decade of curiosity into the human body and its spirit which has led me to the place I am sharing from now. Traditionally, I am a vinyasa flow teacher who over time has fallen in love with natural body movement practices. My teachings also draw upon my work as a body worker, Reiki practitioner, a lover of language and a twenty year span of travel into the mysticism of Asia.

To the Grace & Presence faculty, the teaching of yoga is an art form which celebrates a rich multiplicity of how this practice can be shared. It can draw upon traditional texts as much as it draws upon independent philosophies, music and poetry. As teachers, it’s about having the skill to make tangible connections across a spectrum of context yet always anchor it back into the yoga.

This is so exciting! With three teachers to 16 students, we are here to guide and inspire people into creating rich yoga classes which are unique to them. We are not here to be copied. How can we be? We’ve experienced life through a completely different set of eyes. But we can help you to see clearly through your own. We provide our students with the opportunity to ask questions, to follow their own thread of inspiration, make connections between the traditional and the modern and in doing so weave their own independent offering into a yoga class.

The teachers who are willing to invest their souls into their work make a difference, because these are the ones that inspire their students to connect to their own souls. And this planet needs all of our souls. So let’s rise up. We’ve got work to do...


Page 4: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Hi, I’m Nathalie. Welcome! This must be an exciting time for you; you’re considering doing a Yoga Teacher Training! It’s an exciting time for me too. I’d love to share what’s inspired me to offer this course alongside Mollie and Fern.As a teenage dancer, I injured my back and through this discomfort I first found yoga. To me, yoga has never been a fitness practice, but a tool to support and heal my whole being.

When I was first training as a yoga teacher the why, how and what questions were very alive for me. How does yoga work? Why do I feel the way I do? What’s happening? This curiosity led me down a beautiful road of discovery, emerging into a deeply embodied way of being in the world. This way of moving and relating to myself and others from the inside out has been the greatest treasure. It continues to unfold day by day in every aspect of my life and is the main call to offer this training.

For me, at times even yoga asana can feel like an assault on my nervous system, if I am thinking only of making shapes, and forcing the body from the outside in. The world is already full of excessive tension and effort, we don’t need to practice more of this in yoga. Because genuine compassion and connection are lacking, this is what I seek to cultivate more of.

I’ve been hugely inspired by somatic, natural, nourishing and deeply intelligent yoga and movement classes, which have weaved into the fabric of my teaching.

I’ve witnessed how this approach sparks deeper curiosity in my students, who have been a major inspiration behind offering a teacher training. The collaboration between myself, Mollie and Fern has arisen from 6 years of sharing yoga and friendship, and a desire to unify the passion and artistry for embodied movement and living that we share.


Page 5: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Course overview This unique Yoga Teacher Training programme is designed to reveal your style and creativity as a practitioner and teacher of yoga. Created for dedicated yoga students and practitioners who want to explore yogic self reflection within dynamic physical asana practice, this course will deepen your awareness of the essence of yoga and allow you to teach with consciousness, artistry and authenticity.

Learn how to integrate organic movement with traditional yoga and develop the confidence to share your wisdom and experience with others. This approach to yoga embraces individual voices, curiosity and questioning while seeking to avoid scripted, cookie cutter or authoritative teaching styles.

Modern yoga, for modern lives.

This teacher training has been designed to help you:

• Strengthen your practice of asana, pranayama and meditation

• Approach asana, anatomy of movement, and healing sciences from an embodied perspective

• Study the foundations of yoga philosophy and mysticism

• Develop the skills to plan and teach inspiring yoga classes

• Learn the art of sequencing and class structure

• Explore those aspects of the practice that inspire you

• Empower your creativity, confidence and purpose

• Practical guidance in how to work as a yoga teacher

• Integrate yoga into your life for greater health and well-being

Who is it for? Students who wish to delve deeper into their practice.

Practitioners who are looking to make the step into teaching.

Current teachers who wish to further their training and explore different ways of offering yoga classes.

How is it structured? The course is divided into weekends in London, and a retreat in the South of England. (exact location TBA).

This offers the best of both worlds – you don’t have to take an extended leave from your commitments to attend a fully residential course, at the same time you get to experience a week to dive deep into your practice, explore the essence of yoga and the process of becoming a yoga teacher. Away from the push and pull of daily life, we can focus more deeply on yoga and feel the subtle effects of daily practice.

How to applyCourse application form can be found at: training/

Teacher Training course dates 2018 Weekend Immersions in London (Friday - Sunday)19 - 21 January 4 - 6 May23 - 25 February 1 - 3 June23 - 25 March 29 June - 1 July

Week Long Retreat 14 - 22 April

Page 6: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Syllabus & approach An embodied training in the nature, art and science of yoga.

When we say embodied, we mean feeling. The shapes or exercises are not the goal themselves, but a means to develop focus and become more perceptive to our nature. We ask you to bring your full being to your yoga practice. We ask you to turn off phones and screens and sit quietly, so you develop the ears to listen in. We will ask you to strip back your movement and focus on your breath, so you become more sensitive to your perceptions. We will show you bones and let you touch them, so you can visualise within. We will ask you to inquire, experiment, and share your findings. We will give you space to dance, explore, play and sit in nature, to get out of your head and into your body.

Expect to challenge your perceived limitations as we take the practice to the next level, exploring more advanced asana, with both curiosity and with the biomechanical understanding we have developed.

The nature of yoga is its forms and how they relate to physics, the natural world, our physical bodies and our human nature.

The art of yoga is the choreography and intention that create the experience including the sequence, music, and language.

The science of yoga is the learning that comes from experimenting, reflecting, trying, researching, observing, taking the received wisdom of those before us and putting it to the test within ourselves.

Page 7: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Regular dynamic asana practice – with the intention that you will be challenged in your practice to help you grow into being a teacher. This training is specifically for people who want close guidance in their practice to take it to the next level. Every day of this training includes a dynamic yoga class.

Embodied anatomy sessions – anatomy and biomechanics are woven into every aspect of this training, so you will experience them in an engaged, accessible and practical way. We will cover skeletal and muscular anatomy, working especially with the joints of the pelvis and hips, spine, shoulder, foot and knee. We will also explore relevant aspects of the nervous system.

Embodied self-care – techniques of warming up and working with the body that create the most positive effects on your yoga practice.

Meditation practice – learn different meditation techniques in order to develop a consistent practice.

Teaching a yoga class – every student on this course will teach a professional quality yoga class by the finish of the course. You will leave with the confidence that you have taught probably the hardest class of your life, and you have the tools and inner resources to go out and teach.

The art of change – How we can use the mind and our self talk to change the body and our experience of movement. How we learn and practice being our own teacher, by observing, setting intentions, making interventions and reflecting on the changes.

Personal growth – yoga teacher training is challenging on physical, emotional and spiritual levels. Expect to find yourself stepping up to meet your challenges gracefully, in a supportive environment. We want you to grow and thrive on this course.

Personal reflection – we will consistently facilitate self-reflection as part of the process of personal growth through yoga practice. This includes personal reflections on the spiritual sides of yoga, as a way of integrating yoga philosophy into daily life in an individual way.

Yoga’s history and development – physical and philosophical developments from yoga’s ancient history to yoga’s modern developments and trends.

Yogic philosophy – drawing on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Tantric Yoga Sutras and lineages of Buddhism.

Classical pranayama and kriya – from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and other classical lineages.

Mantra – we will focus on 2 key mantras, but will be introduced to many more.

Sanskrit basics and the yoga of sound – a clear introduction to Sanskrit, pronunciation and the magic of yogic sound as a spiritual science.

Esoteric anatomy – koshas, chakras and the body in classical yoga traditions.

Teaching beginners – what are the basics you need to share. How do you break down poses to guide people into an experience of yoga and ‘being’ in their body, in order to create interesting classes for beginners.

Sequencing and theming yoga classes – learn how to plan and deliver intelligent and inspiring yoga classes from your own experience. A large part of your assessment will be class planning, and practicing this skill throughout the course will cultivate confidence and creativity.

Sankalpa (Intention setting) – developing greater intuition and clarity in yourself to create specific change in your teaching practice and life.

Teaching private clients – explore types of clients and scenarios, to empower you in a range of possibilities for working privately. Assisting, adjusting and the magic of touch and language – learn to observe people’s movement, tune into what’s required, and offer a variety of ways to support and guide their practice.

Adapting your classes for different populations – develop the compassion and wisdom to teach people according to their life stage, health and personal circumstances.

Savasana, yoga nidra and restorative yoga – an exploration and introduction to these deeply restful aspects of yogic practice.

Adapting poses to prevent and heal from injuries – how to trust your own experience and expertise to teach students with different physical issues.

Using imagery, music, poetry, words and silence – to enhance connection, communication and fun.

Practical teaching topics and the business of yoga – how to get started teaching, find clients, and promote yourself as a teacher.

Page 8: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

How are you assessed The week-long retreat and intensive weekends are all mandatory. Full attendance is required for certification.

At the end of the course to receive certification, you will be asked to lead an assessment class to other trainees, to an acceptable professional standard. To complete certification requirements, students will need to submit a portfolio of classes attended, summaries and reflections on reading materials, journals of progress in their practice, an anatomical research summary, sample class plans and sample marketing materials.

This work ensures you have the tools necessary to begin teaching immediately, should you wish to, as well as the skills and confidence to build your own knoweldge after the course finishes.

AccreditationUpon completion of the course, graduates will be certified to teach in the UK and anywhere in the world. Your Grace & Presence teaching certificate will enable you to take out the relevant insurance to do this. In addition, Grace & Presence is registered with the Yoga Alliance, a directory of Yoga Schools with a criteria for accreditation that we exceed. Fees can be paid to the Yoga Alliance, if the student wishes to register for their RYT 200 status, which is optional for Yoga Teachers.


You will be required to: • Attend every session.

• Attend outside yoga classes.

• Keep a journal of your process.

• Teach other trainees.

• Read texts from a reading list, and complete written assignments on your findings.

• Explore your questions through study, research and reflection.

• Explore your own interests in yoga or in tangential subjects surrounding yoga.

• Turn in a portfolio of your own work throughout the TT course.

• Be part of a community of supportive and compassionate yogis.

If it sounds like a lot, it is! This course will challenge and inspire you to deepen your practice and understanding of yoga, to share your learnings as a teacher, and to enhance your offerings if you already teach. This course is over 200 hours of contact time, approximately 100 hours of self study with an in-person assessment.

Page 9: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Courselocations& sampleschedules

Weekends in LondonBlank 100100 De Beauvoir RoadUnit 5N1

Sample day schedule, London9 – 11am Asana class11:15 – 11:30am Journal and review class11:30am – 1pm Anatomy session 1 – 2pm Lunch2 – 4 pm Teaching methodology4 – 4:15pm Tea4:15 – 5:30pm Small group teach back5:30 – 6pm Mantra and Meditation session

RetreatRetreat venue in the South of England to be announced soon.

Sample day schedule, retreat6:30 – 9am Asana class9 – 10:30am Breakfast10:30am – 1pm Morning taught session1 – 3pm Lunch and individual activity3 – 5pm Afternoon taught session5 – 6:30pm Yin yoga/relaxation/chanting7pm Dinner

Page 10: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Course fees

Course fees include:• Full 200+ contact hours of teacher training over 6 x 3-day weekends and 7-day immersive retre as well as 100+ hours of additional study. • 7 nights accommodation and food included as part of the April UK Retreat.• Intimate tuition and mentorship from three London yoga teachers with a collective teaching experience of 25 years.• All administration fees, manuals and course materials. (excludes cost of books from required reading list)• Graduates are able to register with Yoga Alliance• A community of peers to support you on your teaching path.

Advanced payment in full £2995 (early bird)Course fees paid in full by 1 October 2017

£3300 (regular)Course fees paid in full after 1 October 2017 and before the commencement of the course.

Installment plans £3300 (early bird) £750 deposit before 1 October 2017 6 monthly installments of £425 from November 2017 - April 2018

£3600 (regular) £750 deposit before the commencement of the course.6 monthly installments of £475 from January - June 2018

Should you need to arrange payments for the course in a different manner, please contact us. We aim to make payment of course fees manageable.

Teacher training policy:We encourage all students to review the fees, dates and expectations before enrolling and paying for the course.

A non-refundable deposit of £750 is required to secure your place on the course.

Please note:In order to complete the Teacher Training programme and receive certification, attendance at all sessions and completion of all outside assignments on time is mandatory.

If a student misses a session, without prior agreement, there may be opportunity to make up that session privately with the tutor at the rate of £60 per hour.

Page 11: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,


Mollie McClelland MorrisMollie’s signature style of Vinyasa Flow yoga teaching unites the beauty and wisdom of the yogic teachings with embodied self-inquiry, physical challenge, sensitivity and fun. As creator of Grace and Presence Yoga Teacher Training and Mentoring Courses, she has over 15 years of experience teaching, mentoring and encouraging people to live healthy, happy, mindful lives. She co-owned and co-directed Sadhaka Yoga Centre in London, until it was closed due to a fire. Since then she has been practicing self-reflection through the journey of motherhood, and bringing Franklin Method wisdom and embodiment to her yoga practice and life.

Fern TrelfaFern is a creative creature and has come to perceive the practice of vinyasa as energetic artistry. Her teachings stay rooted in traditional philosophy yet she very much embraces a modern approach to working with the physical; embracing the body’s own incredible engineering in dynamic asana - and life! - with ultimate support and grace. Fern discovered yoga over ten years ago whilst struggling with severe periods of anxiety. Over time it has come to be the thread that ties all of life together, anchoring her in self belief and purpose. Fern loves people, nature and turning dreams into realities. She brings all of this together in her work as a yoga teacher, body worker and creator of Maison Fish retreats.

Nathalie Joel-SmithNathalie’s nourishing and accessible Yoga teaching is inspired by the grace and intelligence of natural human movement. With a keen interest in psychology, biology and energetics, her embodied and creative approach bridges ancient yogic traditions with modern science, to support an individual discovery of the union that is ‘yoga’. Nathalie has been practicing Yoga for 20 years, having started as a teen with a bad back. Her 6 years of teaching have included the arts, businesses, care homes, sports clubs and 1:1’s, exploring how to adapt the practice to meet the needs of different people in their day to day lives.

Page 12: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

EligibilityWe welcome students who have an intention to grow and manifest their best selves through yoga and self-enquiry. You do not have to be ready to teach to begin this journey, we will help you get there.

To join this course you must have:• Practiced yoga for 2 years, and continue to attend classes or self practice regularly.

• A familiarity with Sun salutations and key yoga poses.

• A desire to grow in your practice, on a physical, spiritual and emotional level.

• Be healthy and fit enough to participate.*

*It is the students responsibility to share information on any injuries and health conditions as they arise. Yoga training is not a substitute for medical counseling or treatment. If you have any doubts about the suitability of the exercises or participation on the course, you should refer back to your medical practitioner.

Course application forms can be found at, or can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. For applicants who are not regular students of Mollie, Fern or Nathalie, a letter of recommendation and interview will be part of the application process.

Acceptance on the course is dependent on suitability of the applicant. Spaces on the programme are limited. Applications will be considered based on the information provided on the application form. Decisions to accept a candidate are made by the course directors. Teaching staff reserves the right to accept or deny anyone participation on the course for any reason.

Page 13: Grace & Presence YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Prospectus · science and embodied awareness to arrive at the wisdom and practices of yoga. So I began training people to teach yoga in 2012,

Testimonials “Mollie is dedicated to her students, passionate about yoga and teaching, knowledgeable, humble and open, giving students the space needed so that they can safely and honestly be inquisitive about what yoga is to them. These months were some of the deepest and most joyful moments of my life. Much gratitude to her and my fellow students!” Valerie Hartwich, Teacher Training Graduate, Massage therapist “It has been one of the most transformational experience for me! I cannot express enough in words how much I appreciate all the wonderful teachings, kind support and love that Mollie and the rest of the fellow trainees shared throughout the training! Mollie is a very gifted teacher who brings the very best out of us and directs us on our own teaching journeys. Her dedication, encouragement and truthful nature towards yoga teachings and life will always be one of my best inspirations! I would highly recommend this course to anyone. Whether you want to deepen practice or would like to become a yoga teacher or simply looking for deep self connection. Go for it!” Toni Liu, Teacher Training Graduate

“Practicing with Fern was integral to me discovering the transformational effect of yoga. She is hugely knowledgeable, not just in the field of yoga, but many other disciplines too, and this knowledge is brought onto the mat in each class. It is evident that she lives and breathes the practice she teaches. Her instruction is clear, precise, and always offers a little extra insight than most asana classes. As well as her wealth of knowledge and experience, her classes are laced with magic that make practicing with her that little bit extra special. Amongst the many options for practicing yoga in London, Fern’s classes remain my favourite.”Natalie Owen, Certified Yoga Teacher

“Nathalie introduced me to yoga and is far more than just a yoga teacher. She brings to her classes a very real and practical approach, not only to the physicality, but also to the philosophy and spiritual aspects of Yoga (something I find fascinating), with a tangible sense of honesty, warmth, and humanity, voicing thoughtful insights into the world we all share as a collective and as individuals. You really feel like she is on a journey with you, always growing and learning new things though her own life and yoga practice, which then informs the class organically. Incredibly supportive, gently encouraging and forever inspiring, I would recommend Nathalie’s classes to anyone and everyone; you wont regret it.”Toby Smith, Actor

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Thank[email protected]

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