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“So do you know how much fizzers are?” Abby says to her best friend Hayley “One dollar

fifty” replied Hayley.

“Oh to bad I have only got a dollar” replies Abby.

“I have 50cents spear you can have it” said Hayley. Just as Hayley was passing fifty cents to


Abby goes over to Molly, Molly whispers “um Abby can you please steal some money from

Hayley” “why” said Abby. “because you don’t want to be unpopular and everyone will be

teasing you coz you're a wuss chicken clucky cluck cluck ha ha ha” her voice fades away as she walks back up to the supermarket with lee dragging behind he looks back and sighs

what should Abby do? :I .

Good choice Bad choice

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Abby thinks and thinks she doesn’t want to ruin her reputation at school.

Abby HATES being called chicken so Abby says “fine ill do it but what's in it for me?”

“hmmmmm if you steal two dollars fifty I will buy you a fizzer”

“ok!” says Abby so molly sits down on a chair to watch.

Then Abby says “hey Hayley can I please have two dollars fifty?”

Hayley said “course not that’s my weekly pocket money im ok with fifty cents but two dollars fifty sorry”. Molly really wants a fizzer so she says “um I think when I stayed the

night at yours I left something in your hand bag”. Then Hayley says “oh what did you leave”

do Abby has to answer quickly so she says “cellphone” Hayley says “oh ill have a look” then Abby shouts out “NO! no ill look in your bag” so Abby looks around in Hayley bag for her wallet JACKPOT! Thinks Abby a five dollar note with a little rip in it! Abby quickly puts the note in her pocket then Hayley says “did you find your cellphone?” Abby says “no I just remembered it is on my bed side table”. “oh ok” said Hayley Abby gave five dollars to molly then suddenly Hayley said I have to buy a news paper and some milk for my mum she gave me five dollars. Abby suddenly feels butterflies in her belly they walk into the dairy “what are you goanna get from the dairy?” Asked Hayley “well molly's goanna buy me a fizzer”. “she's a good friend” said Hayley “and so are you”.

Abby feels Really guilty and then heres Hayley say “hey where's my five dollar note! I think I have lost it!

My mum is goanna kill me!” Then hayley sees molly carrying a five dollar note but not just A five dollar note HER five dollar note hayley remembered that little rip in her five dollars so she walks up to molly and says “YOU STOLE MY FIVE DOLLAR NOTE THAT TOOK TWO WEEKS TO SAVE UP FOR!” Molly said “this is yours?” Abby gave this to me” “ABBY HOW COULD YOU!’ Hayley ran off crying about what her mums goanna do to her and all Abby is left with is a fizzer.

Next day at school

Molly and hayley see Lee carrying a laptop to his class they were bored so they asked Abby to push lee over and make him drop his lap top Abby is like best friends with lee and doesn’t want to hurt him but you do not know what those girls can do. .seriously. This is a hard decision but Abby feels really guilty about steeling Hayley’s money.

Abby thinks and thinks what do you think she should?

Good choice Bad choice

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Abby thinks and thinks and finally she has the answer no. She walks up with pride and says “NO I AM SICK AND TIRED OF GETTING PUSHED AROUND ITS NOT NICE SERIOUSLY!” Molly and Hayley just watch with there mouth wide open. :o Abby walks off thinking did I just do that? Abby now then felt good and went to play with lee and said be careful you don't drop your laptop lee .seriously.

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Abby thinks and thinks and she says yes she was scared of what they were gonna do to her if she said no but she was also scared of what she was gonna do to lee. So abby walked over to lee and said “yo what's up fuzz nut” then abby pretended to trip on to lee POW! Went flying the laptop and fell onto the ground some of the laptop screen was cracked and a and k fell off from the key board.

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Abby thinks “come on slowcoach lets go to the park” says Hayley already swinging as high as she could .Abby thought she looked like a circus lady on the trapeze Hayley always wanted to run of and join the circus maybe she's practicing. Abby doesn't swing as high as she usually would “what's wrong you don’t look like your own cheerful self?” says Hayley. “promise not to tell Molly, but Molly asked me if I could steal your money but I said no who cares if everyone calls me chicken for two weeks, ill just ignore them or tell the teacher” said Abby.The next day Abby woke up in the morning feeling good for not stealing Hayleys money but she has to put up with CHICKEN CLUCKY CLUCK CLUCK by everyone in the whole entire school even the new entrants for two whole weeks “AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!” screamed Abby. her mum came rushing up the stairs practically broke down Abby’s door “what's wrong darling” shouted her mum [but in a nice way] “Dosent matter, but when I come down stairs please can there be a nice warm piece of toast with peanut butter and a nice cold drink of fresh up in a glass mmmmmmm”Abby gets up and gets dressed .At school molly was waiting for Abby but she cleverly avoided her and walked over

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