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Almost half of UK managers work an extra day of unpaid overtime per week, a recent study* into working practices has suggested.

With over 90% of managers working beyond the traditional 9 – 5, the lines between home and work are looking increasingly blurred. However busy you are, it’s important to get a work/life balance that suits you.

Millions of working days are lost each year due to stress-related illness, so it’s really important you look after your own wellbeing. 

Read our top ten tips to finding the right work/life balance for you.

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We’re all different and it’s all about finding the right balance for you. Some of us thrive on challenge, some of us don’t.

Pay attention to your own needs and wellbeing, and play to your strengths.

So, if you’re a lark, tackle the tough jobs early in the day when you’re at your most productive. If you’re an owl, then use the first hour or two to do necessary but undemanding tasks.

1. Know yourself

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If something needs to be done, it’s often just needs to be done well, not perfectly.

You’ll be far more effective at work if you get lots of things done well, rather than one or two perfectly.

Likewise if you delegate a task, if it’s done well, say thank you and move on. Don’t waste time worrying about how you might have done it that little bit better.

2. Choose ‘good enough’ over perfect

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3. Make a ‘To Do’ List

Whether you use a classic notepad and pen or a complex project plan, make sure you know which projects you’re working on and what needs to be done.

Poor organisational skills can mean you waste work time, which eats into your evening.

For many people the simple process of crossing things off on a list once they’re complete helps them realise their achievements each day. When you’ve finished your To Do list for the day it’s time to stop working.

To Do....

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4. Always stop for meals

However busy you are, make time to eat.

Skipping meals will only make you less productive. If you’re working at home in the evening set aside some time to eat, whether it’s with your family or alone.

If you want to perform at your best mentally, you need to look after yourself, and eating healthy regular meals is vital. And don’t forget healthy snacks too!

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5. Ask for help.

Don’t be a martyr; if you need help then ask for it.

Recognise that asking for help is both necessary and sensible sometimes. Talk to your Head of Department or Manager, and the sooner, the better.

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6. Say no.

Obviously you don’t want to say no all the time, but if you’re already overloaded have the confidence to explain you can’t take on another project right now.

Taking on yet another tricky project when you’re already struggling just isn’t sensible. If you really want to say yes to an extra responsibility or project, see if you can delegate or get rid of another task to free up time.


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7. Outsource

Don’t be afraid to outsource work to an agency if you need to. There are only so many hours in the day, and they’re not all for working.

If your workload is simply unmanageable, then look at outsourcing elements or buying in additional help.

Put together a business case as to why you need to outsource, and always get at least three quotes.


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8. Do something for yourself

At least once a week do something for yourself that you’ll look forward to and enjoy. Remember this is for you – not for work, not for your partner and not for your family.

Whether it’s a Spanish conversation class or reading a trashy novel in the bath for the hour, take time out for you.

Don’t check your emails, and screen all incoming calls – only ring back if there’s an emergency message on your voicemail. If you don’t carve out space for you, it won’t happen.

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9. Use technology

Sometimes you need to attend a meeting or event in person. Sometimes you don’t.

Use webinars, conference calls and Skype to reduce your travelling time. If you do have to travel, think about using the train rather than the car.

This will free up time to work on your laptop. Or you can switch off from work for a while and read the paper, or call that friend you’ve been meaning to catch up with.

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10. Unplug and switch off.

Build uninterrupted thinking into your day, away from technology.

Whether it’s walking to work or reading on the tube, take time out to unplug and switch off.

Our brains need a bit of respite in order to come up with all those creative and innovative ideas and solutions. And work phones have no place in the bedroom.

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