Page 1: Final Status Report on Database Sabla

Report (Data-Base & Analysis)


Base Line Survey for

“Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for

Empowerment of Adolescent Girls


Survey conducted at six selected District in

West Bengal

Report work done under supervision and

support from CINIYUVA

Report prepared by:

Banipur Sahayog (Howrah Unit)

Vill & P.O.- Chamrail, Police Station- Liluah,

District- Howrah, Pin- 711 114

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Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) ‐‐‐‐ Sabla was

started on in Nov, 2010 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in selected

200 districts at different states of India. The scheme is aimed at addressing the multi-

dimensional problems of adolescent girls between the age group of 11 to 18 years and

would be implemented through the platform of integrated child Development Services

Scheme (ICDS) projects and Anganwadi centres. The scheme is targeting to reach one

crore of girls annually in these areas.

The objectives of the scheme are to:

(i) Enable self‐development and empowerment of Adolescent Girls;

(ii) Improve their nutrition and health status;

(iii) Spread awareness among them about health, hygiene, nutrition, Adolescent

Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH), and family and child care;

(iv) Upgrade their home‐based skills, life skills and vocational skills;

(v) Mainstream out‐of‐school AGs into formal/non formal‐education; and

(vi) Inform and guide them about existing public services, such as PHC, CHC, Post

Office, Bank, Police Station and various development scheme of Government etc.

Activities will be done under the scheme:

1. Formation of Kishori Samooh : At the Anganwadi Centre level with 15 to 25

adolescent girls from amongst the out of school girls there will be a group. The

group in further will be select three leaders, based on age, education level,

maturity, willingness of the girl and her acceptability within the group. These girls

will be called ‘Sakhi’ (one girl) and ‘Saheli’( two girls). Each of the three selected

girl will have a term of four months as Sakhi, on rotation basis, while the

remaining two will function as Sahelis assisting Sakhi. Thus, each Kishori

Samooh will be headed by Sakhi, assisted by two Sahelis. Sakhi and Sahelis will

serve the group for a period of one year, after which a fresh selection would be

made. The concept of Sakhi and Saheli is meant to serve several purposes:

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development of leadership abilities, team spirit, motivation to be the next Sakhi

and Saheli, understanding democracy at a very fundamental level, and providing

information and guidance to peers. The identified girls, i.e., Sakhi and Sahelis,

will be imparted training as per prescribed module at the project or sector level.

Sakhi and Sahelis are expected to participate in regular activities of AWC, like

providing pre‐school education and supplementary nutrition, growth monitoring,

etc. They may also accompany the AWW for home visits, which will serve as

training ground for future.

2. Observation of Kishori Diwas: a special health day, celebrated once in three

months on a fixed day, as decided by the State Governments /UTs. On this day,

the AWWs with the help of health functionaries, including Medical Officer,

Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) and Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA),

will mobilize AGs and their families, especially mothers, to assemble at the

AWC. On Kishori Diwas, Adolescent Girls and their families will be able to

interact freely with ICDS and health personnel to obtain basic services and

information. On Kishori Diwas, the following services are to be provided:

(a) General health check‐up, including recording of height, weight, Body‐Mass

Index (BMI) for all AGs, by the Medical Officer / ANM

(b) Filling up of Kishori Cards for every AG, marking major milestones

(c) Referral to specialized healthcare facilities, as required specially for conditions

like malnutrition (BMI < 18.5), menstrual problems, frequent headaches,

prolonged acne, worm infestation, etc.

(d) Organising of special health camps

(e) Providing nutrition and health education

(f) Demonstration of preparing nutritious recipes(FNB may be involved for these)

(g) Holding counselling / behaviour change communication (BCC) sessions with

adolescent girls and their families for promoting good practices

(h) Imparting information, education and communication (IEC) to community,

parents,siblings etc.

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(i) Mobile Health Units (where existing) may be utilised.

3. Kishori Card: Each adolescent girl will be issued a “Kishori Card”, containing

information regarding the weight, height, Body Mass Index (BMI)4, Iron Folic Acid

(IFA), supplementation, referrals and services received under Sabla. The card will also

contain important milestones in the girl’s life like joining school, leaving school,

marriage, etc. which will be marked as and when they are achieved. AWW will help the

girls in maintenance of Kishori Cards. Sakhi and Sahelis will assist the girls in filling up

the Kishori Cards, after which the AWW will countersign it.

4. Group sessions and capacity development session will be arrange at the AWC for

adolescent girls

Services under the scheme: There are two major components under the Scheme ‐

Nutrition Component and Non Nutrition Component.

i) Nutrition Component: Take Home Ration or Hot Cooked Meal for

o 11‐14 years: Out of school girls

o 14 ‐18 years: both out of school and in school girls

ii) Non Nutrition Component

• For Out of school Adolescent Girls: (2 – 3 times a week)

a) 11‐18 years

- IFA supplementation,

- Health check‐up and Referral services,

- Nutrition & Health Education (NHE),

- Counseling / Guidance on family welfare, ARSH, child care


- Life Skill Education and accessing public services

b) 16‐18Years

- Vocational training under National Skill Development Program

• For In school Adolescent Girls: (twice a month – average)

c) 11‐18 years

‐ Nutrition & Health Education (NHE),

‐ Counseling / Guidance on family welfare, ARSH, child care


‐ Life Skill Education and accessing public services


-Vocational Training (for girls aged 16 and above) through

National Skill Development Programme (NSDP) of Ministry of

Labour & Employment

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Scope of work:

Government of West Bengal has conducted a base line survey for identification of

the Adolescent Girls in the pilot districts (Malda, Purulia, Nadia, Kolkata, Jalpaiguri

and Cooch Behar) to roll out the RGSEAG or the Sabla scheme. The primary data

were collected by ICDS functionaries from the six districts of West Bengal where

SABLA programme is in implementation.


To strengthen implementation of SABLA scheme through Government-Civil Society

Partnership, CINI-YUBA is working in these selected districts. It has been decided

with prior permission of concern Govt. Department to produce a database on details

of adolescent girls of these selected districts. The database will be based on the

findings of the said survey. Period of data collection were ranged from --------- in

different districts.

As a part of the plan, CINI-YUBA has hired Banipur Sahayog as consultant agency

for data management work- including designing the database structure, data feeding,

analysis of said documents on some selected points like assuming the size of

universe (total number of girls, as surveyed), their school going status, age group

wise distribution and caste association etc.

A sample of data collection format was given but it was not strictly followed in each

district for which uniformity in datapool was disturbed. After several discussions with

concern department, CINI-YUBA and Banipur Sahayog, nine information heads were

selected for final database. These are AWC No, Name of the Adolescent Girl, Name of

father, Name of mother, Age, Date of Birth, Caste identity, School going status and class

completed (educational status) etc.

During data cleaning session, a huge gap in data collection work was identified. In

several cases data collection format was not followed, for which information was missed

for several girls. It was decided in joint meeting that in case of gap in information, ‘0’

will be punched in database. Therefore, in data sorting and analysis phase ‘0’ will be cull

as category designating a group whose data is missing. Considering this limitation data

sorting and analysis work was completed.

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Table 1, Information status of Adolescent Girls (11 to 18 yrs) of Jalpaiguri District.


School going status (SG=1, OOS=2, Information missing=0)

Total % School Going status unknown School Going Girls Out of School Girls

Age group in yrs Age group in yrs Age group in yrs

0 % (11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 % (11-14) % (15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) % (15-18) %




Count Count Count

Count Count Count

Category (SC=1, ST=2,

Others=3, Informatio

n missing=0)

1 0 0 0 0 1 0 499 0 35137 25 22444 16 15 0 1778 1 3585 3 63459 45

2 0 0 1 0 1 0 220 0 16682 12 9503 7 34 0 3394 2 4630 3 34465 24

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 269 0 23808 17 15217 11 16 0 1729 1 3126 2 44165 31

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0

Total 0







1 7563


53 4716




0 690


5 1134


8 14209




• In Jalpaiguri District, it has been identified that 45% girls belong to Schedule Caste category where as 24% are from Schedule

Tribe. 31 % were from ‘others’ category.

• Girls from Jalpaiguri were categorised in two category as per their age group, of which 58% belong to (11-14)yrs and 41% to

the age group (15-18)yrs. Information on age were missed for 1% of girls.

• In Jalpaiguri district 86% of adolescent girls are school going where as only 13% are out of school. Information on school

going status was unknown for 1% of girls. Interestingly it has been noted those are out of school, 5% belong to (11-14)yrs. of

age group and rest 8% are from (15-18)yrs of age group.

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Table 2, Information status of Adolescent Girls (11 to 18 yrs) of Cooch Behar District.

Cooch Behar

School going status (SG=1, OOS=2, Information missing=0)

Total % School Going status unknown School Going Girls Out of School Girls

Age group in yrs Age group in yrs Age group in yrs

0 % (11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 % (11-14) % (15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) %

(15-18) %

Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count

Category (SC=1, ST=2,

Others=3, Information missing=0)

1 358 0 396 0 277 0 205 0 987 1 776 1 26 0 90 0 134 0 3249 3

2 558 1 1002 1 805 1 1050 1 25265 26 17049 18 119 0 1594 2 3471 4 50913 53

3 8 0 21 0 14 0 22 0 520 1 340 0 6 0 47 0 66 0 1044 1

0 491 1 629 1 589 1 1001 1 20785 22 12318 13 187 0 2019 2 2926 3 40945 43

Total 1415 1

2048 2

1685 2

2278 2

47557 49

30483 32

338 0

3750 4

6597 7

96151 100

• In Cooch Behar District, it has been identified that 3% girls belong to Schedule Caste category where as 53% are from

Schedule Tribe. 1 % were from ‘others’ category. Information on caste association is missing for 43% of girls.

• Girls from Cooch Behar were categorised in two category as per their age group, of which 55% belong to (11-14)yrs and 41%

to the age group (15-18)yrs. Information on age were missed for 3 % of girls.

• In Cooch Behar district 83% of adolescent girls are school going where as only 11% are out of school. Information on school

going status was unknown for 5% of girls. Interestingly it has been noted those are out of school, 4% belong to (11-14)yrs. of

age group and rest 7% are from (15-18)yrs of age group.

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Table 3, Information status of Adolescent Girls (11 to 18 yrs) of Nadia District.


School going status (SG=1, OOS=2, Information missing=0)

Total % School Going status unknown School Going Girls Out of School Girls

Age group in yrs Age group in yrs Age group in yrs

0 % (11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) %

(15-18) %

Count Count

Count Count Count


Count Count Count

Category (SC=1, ST=2,

Others=3, Informatio

n missing=0


1 1050 1 2918 2 1941 1 5871 3 21992 12 12988

7 240 0 1447 1 2296 1 50743 27

2 68 0 210 0 180 0 289 0 2284 1 1182 1 33 0 331 0 419 0 4996 3 3 1714 1 6254 3 4648 2 9989 5 43541 23 2689

3 14 327 0 2574 1 4328 2

100268 53 0 2652 1 10646 6 7259 4 1543 1 5126 3 3243 2 127 0 720 0 894 0

32210 17




3 2002


11 140


7 1769


9 7294


39 443









188217 100

• In Nadia, it has been identified that 27% girls belong to Schedule Caste category where as 3% are from Schedule Tribe. 53 %

were from ‘others’ category. Information was missing for 17% of girls.

• Girls from Nadia were categorised in two category as per their age group, of which 53% belong to (11-14)yrs and 35% to the

age group (15-18)yrs. Information on age were missed for 12 % of girls.

• In Nadia 72% of adolescent girls are school going where as only 7% are out of school. Information on school going status was

unknown for 21% of girls. Interestingly it has been noted those are out of school, 3% belong to (11-14)yrs. of age group and

rest 4% are from (15-18)yrs of age group.

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Table 4, Information status of Adolescent Girls (11 to 18 yrs) of Kolkata.


School going status (SG=1, OOS=2, Information missing=0)

Total % School Going status unknown School Going Girls Out of School Girls

Age group in yrs Age group in yrs Age group in yrs

0 % (11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) %

(15-18) %

Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count

Category (SC=1, ST=2,

Others=3, Information missing=0)

1 690 3 502 2 452 2 1417 5 974 4 667 2 215 1 189 1 256 1 5362 20

2 9 0 36

0 35 0 126 0 949 3 562 2 24 0 77 0 197 1 2015 7

3 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 0 75 0 40 0 1 0 17 0 17 0 158 1

0 253 1 1057 4 878 3 599 2 7809 29 4665 17 122 0 1536 6 2669 10 19588 72

Total 952 4 1595 6 1366 5 2149 8 9807 36 5934 22 362 1 1819 7 3139 12 27123 100

• In Kolkata, it has been identified that 20% girls belong to Schedule Caste category where as 7% are from Schedule Tribe. 1 %

were from ‘others’ category. Information was missing for 72% of girls.

• Girls from Kolkata were categorised in two category as per their age group, of which 49% belong to (11-14)yrs and 39% to the

age group (15-18)yrs. Information on age were missed for 13 % of girls.

• In Kolkata 66% of adolescent girls are school going where as only 20% are out of school. Information on school going status

was unknown for 15% of girls. Interestingly it has been noted those are out of school, 7% belong to (11-14)yrs. of age group

and rest 12% are from (15-18)yrs of age group.

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Table 5, Information status of Adolescent Girls (11 to 18 yrs) of Malda District.


School going status (SG=1, OOS=2, Information missing=0)

Total % School Going status unknown School Going Girls Out of School Girls

Age group in yrs Age group in yrs Age group in yrs

0 % (11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 % (11-14) % (15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) % (15-18) %

Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count

Category (SC=1, ST=2,

Others=3, Informatio

n missing=0)

1 148 0 840 1 1360 1 2001 2 10004 9 10246 9 248 0 1676 1 1911 2 28434 25

2 38 0 148 0 252 0 443 0 2937 3 1216 1 244 0 978 1 913 1 7169 6

3 185 0 1682 1 2224 2 2660 2 28838 25

17766 15

543 0 4487 4 5907 5 64292 56

0 546 0 1317 1 1920 2 547 0 5348 5 3518 3 121 0 937 1 1275 1 15529 13

Total 917

1 398


3 575


5 565


5 4712








1 807


7 1000


9 11542




• In Malda District, it has been identified that 25% girls belong to Schedule Caste category where as 6% are from Schedule

Tribe. 56 % were from ‘others’ category. Information on caste association was missing for 13% of girls.

• Girls from Malda were categorised in two category as per their age group, of which 51% belong to (11-14)yrs and 42% to the

age group (15-18)yrs. Information on age were missed for 7% of girls.

• In Malda district 74% of adolescent girls are school going where as only 17% are out of school. Information on school going

status was unknown for 9% of girls. Interestingly it has been noted those are out of school, 7% belong to (11-14)yrs. of age

group and rest 9% are from (15-18)yrs of age group.

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Table 6, Information status of Adolescent Girls (11 to 18 yrs) of Purulia District


School going status (SG=1, OOS=2, Information missing=0)

Total % School Going status unknown School Going Girls

Out of School Girls

Age group in yrs Age group in yrs Age group in yrs

0 % (11-14) %

(15-18) % 0 % (11-14) % (15-18) % 0 %

(11-14) %

(15-18) %

Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Category (SC=1, ST=2,

Others=3, Information missing=0)

1 17 0 251 0 122 0 335 0 5543 8 2011 3 197 0 1879 3 1724 3 12079 18 2 39 0 313 0 221 0 379 1 6059 9 2702 4 159 0 1315 2 1610 2 12797 19 3 150 0 848 1 711 1 1116 2 22242 32 9067 13 236 0 2643 4 3780 6 40793 59 0 328 0 667 1 224 0 110 0 751 1 328 0 62 0 277 0 247 0 2994 4

Total 534 1 2079 3 1278 2 1940 3 34595 50 14108 21 654 1 6114 9 7361 11 68663 100

• In Purulia District, it has been identified that 18% girls belong to Schedule Caste category where as 19% are from Schedule

Tribe. 59 % were from ‘others’ category. Information on caste association was missed for 4% girls.

• Girls from Purulia were categorised in two category as per their age group, of which 62% belong to (11-14)yrs and 34% to the

age group (15-18)yrs. Information on age were missed for 5% of girls.

• In Purulia district 74% of adolescent girls are school going where as only 21% are out of school. Information on school going

status was unknown for 6% of girls. Interestingly it has been noted those are out of school, 9% belong to (11-14)yrs. of age

group and rest 11% are from (15-18)yrs of age group.

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