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The first day of the class we were asked to introduce ourselves to the other

students. The first thing Jurry told me was “ Don’t be shy. “

Arch 101 not only improved my design skill but it also helped me to overcome my

other weaknesses. I am not a native speaker and always tried to run away from having

conversation with others but this class was the base point to start and get involved

with all the criteria that lead you to be an architect.

Special thanks to Jerry and all my classmates who gave me the confidence to

confront with the obstacles. Even though I couldn’t have a decent presentation on final

day, I still believe this course was a giant step for me.

I only have one day to finish my portfolio, while looking at the photos that I took

during this semester I found this picture that is extremely valuable to me. Empty Arch

101 studio …. I already missed you all …

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Inspired by this semester’s topic: “ Shaping Wonder: seeking beauty, the unexpected, and the unfamiliar in architectural and interior design expresions”, students from both sections of ARCH 101 will first explore and develop small-scaled environmental installation design on an individual basis; and then in teams of 3-5 members, select their “ town “ or “ country “ site , collaboratively design and install their full-size work on either the courtyard directly outside of Batmale 246 or on the hillside, adjacent to the courtyard. Prior to the full-size construction of environmental installations , students will be introduce to additional design approaches and topics related to this final project. Students are reminded that this final project is capstone of ARCH 101 learning. As such, students are to incorporate appropriate design concept and principle; and utilize tools and techniques introduced throughout the semester. This final project will culminate with team presentations to a Guest Jury, who will provide constructive critiques and assessments of the installed work.

Program and site Analysis with documentation

I had a hard time to understand the assignment, I spent almost one day to figure out

how I could satisfy the requirements! Tectonic language ! I highly recommend to take all

the lectures provided in the class by Jerry seriously. I recorded his voice by his

permission and listen to his speech while working but still I need to expand my


Started my site analysis by trying to get information about natural forces. Wind which

can the most important aspect in San Francisco and sun. I made a 3D model of

courtyard in Sketch Up in order to do some research about the sun.

What are the significant and unique site aspects and qualities to which you are choosing to respond with your design ?

Final project ARCH 101 :Shaping Wonder

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Unfortunately except early morning we don’t have sun in court yard on December. If you

want to have cast shadow you are in trouble to bring the sun in courtyard !

On the other you can have wind as much as you need . I assure you

that You will experience that during construction period !!

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Another thing I found interesting

about this place was Red island

actually is a remaining of an old

hill that people destroyed it in

different times, When they built

the Batmall Hall and when they

built the road. So that island

was important to my approach.

It was the only remaining of the

nature close to the concrete


I wanted to invite the nature to the courtyard and remind people that they are still

alive. Why do we create something against the nature? Why don’t we get along with

the nature ? Do we want to have more disasters ? It seems the nature is way

powerful than humans !

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Is this the story of this giant

concrete wall ?

People cut the trees to make

formworks and pour concrete in

it to keep the nature “ trees “

back ! Don’t come closer !! You

are dangerous for humans !! We

prevent humans from the nature

!! Still you can see the texture of

wood on the concrete wall .

Shame on …

That made me think about my

design approach. I wanted to

bring the roots of the trees

from Red island out of the

concrete wall and disturb people

and remind them what they have

done and at the same time

create a pleasure place for

people to enjoy when they are

at courtyard. The nature is not

as dangerous you thought !

Later on when we matched up

the teams we still tried to

changes the rigid environment of

the courtyard to a more organic

place .

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Time to design and make the

ideas work !

Individual design work

After understanding each technique and approach, select one explore its possibilities through digital and physical modeling. Product at least 3 generic approaches in physical scaled model from ( include a scaled human figure for reference )

These are the

roots of the trees

coming to

courtyard and

create an interior


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Still trying to create a space and pathway according

to the program.

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Jerry asked me : what size of people are able to go to

that space and take a journey !? He is right, maybe only

skunks !!

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They are my awesome team mates.






Carlos : Project maneger

Bitrez : Bookkeeper

Brett : Site coordinator

Siamak : Photographer

Rue & Tiare : Design team

Its 4:30 am and I am running out of time. I spent almost an hour to find the best

description for my team mates but …

They are the best !

They have the same value as Jerry does to me !! They are unbelievable supportive. I am

so glad that we worked together.

Sometimes, even I myself couldn’t understand what I was trying to say but they’re

never being impatient with me !

These experiences are even more valuable than my final grade ! I cant wait to see them


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Planning, coordinating and individual small scale design charette

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What I loved about my team was we moved forward very fast and all the members

cooperate closely. Rue’s design was the most attractive one and we all agreed to

keep working on his model and establish our final design .

Making 3D models in AutoCad and Sketch Up ...

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This is the final model . First time I looked at the model I thought we

were not going to finish building this complex model !! But I was wrong

, we made it …

Our first

meeting ,

working on



and the top


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Building resources and

Lows were the places we

searched to find the

material we needed.

As we are getting closer to construction part we face with more new problems. When

you built a model with cardboard and balsa you are not worried about the gravity,

weight and many other things but when you are building the actual size of your model

you have to include all the factors that you ignored before !!

We did a lot of research for material. We wanted to have a kind of material that is

light, strong, and think enough !! Our design needed many different connections and

also we wanted to make the structure moveable in order to respond to the nature.

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After two weeks we still try to find the efficient connections and alter the design al

little to make it easier to build . Talking and talking …

But it was time to start … we were running out of time . We had to start and


Installation initiated : 25 % complete by end of week

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He is like Jesus trying to help us … LEAD us . I am not Christian but I clearly

remember there was round halo over Jesus head ! This one looks like square !! I

believe he is the Jesus ,but more creative and contemporary !!

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Installation continued : 50 % complete by end of week

As we made the first pars

everything became faster

because after the first part

we had the pattern to follow


We didn’t have enough time

to discuss more so we

started that day with “ No

more talking , start building

“ and it worked. By the

end of the day we made the

first fan part and hanged it

from the roof.

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As we moved forward we designed

different connections and even

sometimes we invent some new

strategies that helped us .during the

construction. Like this picture , we

made this bridge below the fan

structure to keep the rays straight

and we used that method from

beginning to the end of project.

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Because we didn’t have

any actual drawing we

couldn’t estimate how

much wood exactly we

needed so we went to

Lows a few times to buy

wood. Once they were

run out of that wood we

used ! I highly

recommend to set a

plan before doing some

random things ! But still

keep working …

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Cast shadow

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Night photos

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The day before presentation I went to school to take a few photos of our work even

though we already had had around 900 photos! I had leave the school by 8:45 to get

to work. It was 8:55 and I didn’t want to leave because every single minute by changing

the sun rays I found new images everywhere. It was like a kind ground ma who was

telling me a story. I wanted to stay and figure out the end of this mystery … it was

talking to me …

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Narrative :

The path beginning into our world leads you into a long corridor that

distorts your perspective of the structure. You are lead to believe

that it is a completely circular entrance, but as you approach you see

that what you see is only a reflection of a fraction of the project and

you are enticed to enter into the structure. Upon entering the hard

structure of the always Brutalist Architecture building, Batmale Hall,

the walls transform and become soft. Connecting its ridged corners

to and intertwining organic and inorganic construct existing between

the interstitials of the courtyard. Here we find the space breaking

apart and coming together to create a conduit for the built to enter

into conversation with the natural. At the center of the structure the

interactions become complex and unexpected as you are not only in

dialogue with a center for gathering, but are also thrown into a non-

verbal conversation with the framed adjacent classroom, who’s clear

glass window allow for a unique experience. As you turn your gaze

upward you see the fractal patterns that imitate the seemingly

random nature, but you realize that there is actual order telling you

that here the path splits: One up into the sky and the other further

into the tree. Should you choose to continue to explore, you would

stumble down a rabbit hole that ends in a space within a space. The

low entrance humbles you, as if entering a sacred temple where a holy

conversation takes place; you enter into an intimate conversation with

the nature the tree represents. Your cathartic self-reflection gives

you the final moments in exploring a void in cliché.

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Presentation day

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My amazing team mates. Thank you guys …

I had a great time with them … we shared our happiness and difficulties

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