
Ready to Wear Packet with Forms

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4-H FASHION REVUE CONTESTS 2017- Ready to Wear 4-H U Fashion Revue is an educational program designed to enhance the 4-H clothing project. Objectives are for youth to: □ Build self-confidence, learning to project a smile, enthusiasm and poise

□ Develop good posture and grooming habits.

□ Create and select clothing that is becoming, and expressive of one’s personality.

□ Develop skills in planning, selecting, and sewing clothing and accessories for different occasions.

□ Develop skills in recognition of quality construction techniques and workmanship.

□ Model with confidence clothing selected to meet one’s wardrobe needs.

□ Acquire knowledge and skills in planning, presenting, and participating in Fashion Revues.

In the Fashion Revue Program, 4-H members are evaluated based on consumer decision making, quality analysis,

quality of construction or workmanship, degree of difficulty, modeling, fit, and appearance.

Description: The State 4-H U Fashion Revue Educational Program consists of 4 different contests which culminate in

a Fashion Show during 4-H U opened to the public. Fashion Revue includes two sewing contests Casual Outfit and Creative Choice and two no-sew or sewing optional contests Designer’s Choice and Ready to Wear. All contestants must model their contest garment for appearance judging on contest day and for the 4-H University Fashion Show. Specific details are found in each contest packet. Below is a short description followed by a packet with forms and details required for the Ready–to-Wear Contest. The 4-H U Fashion Revue Contest is scheduled for Wednesday Morning with Fashion Show Rehearsal on Wednesday afternoon. The Fashion Show is held Thursday afternoon in the LSU Union Theater. See 4-H U program for

scheduled times, location and updates. Fashion Revue Week details along with Fashion Revue Competition numbers and Fashion Show Line up numbers will be found in 4-H U Parish Registration packet. NO-SEW OR SEWING OPTIONAL: Ready-to-Wear

Selections & Judging: where contestants purchase an outfit and are judged on selection and appearance. No more than $100 may be spent on outfit. In addition, contestants compete in a consumer judging activity. Garment is not submitted for judging prior to 4-H U. Only the data packet is submitted prior to 4-H U. Garment Analysis, Tests, and Appearance Judging are completed during the 4-H U contest.

Contest Superintendent: Tanya A. Giroir Ready to Wear Winner Award: Fashion Board Educational Field Study sponsored by the State 4-H Foundation Blue Ribbon Awards are sponsored by Age Requirement: Must have passed his/her 13th birthday and not passed his/her 20th birthday in the year of competition. General Contest Rules: 1. A parish may send two (2) individual entries in each of the four (4) listed contests in Fashion Revue for a total of 8 entries. 2. Contestant must not enter a garment that was entered in any previous State 4-H U Fashion Revue Contest. 3. Contestants in Creative Choice must have entered some previous 4-H clothing contest to be noted on the Data Sheet (not necessarily a state contest). 4. All entries must be complete outfits. They can be any number of pieces but may not contain more pieces that can be worn at any one time. 5. Contestant must do all construction on sewn garments and accessories. Accessories such as belts, scarves and purses that are purchased ready-made should not be submitted for construction judging but may be worn for appearance judging and fashion show. 6. Personal data packet with pictures must be submitted for each contestant and must be signed by contestant and AgCenter personnel, 4-H Leader, or parent/guardian. 7. Contestant must be present for judging of appearance for the Fashion Revue contest. 8. Contestants will model their garments in the fashion show. Valid written excuses received prior to contest will be accepted for those unable to attend practice sessions or Fashion Show.

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SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR the Ready-to-Wear Selection and Judging CONTEST:

Includes outfit suitable for any occasion purchased for no more than $100. (Outfit pieces may be all ready-to-wear or a combination of home sewn and ready-to-wear; outfit must include some ready-to-wear pieces. Limited spending amount does not include shoes and accessories).

Submit a completed personal data packet prior to deadline. Only the personal data packet is submitted for judging prior to 4-H U. Garment is not submitted prior to 4-H U.

During Wednesday morning contest, 4-Her’s will model outfit for appearance judging.

During Wednesday morning contest, two (2) classes of ready-to-wear garments will be judged on overall quality of appearance and construction details based on standards for finished durable garments, fiber and care, label information, and price of garment in relation to situation given.

During Wednesday morning contest, 4-H’ers will evaluate knowledge of clothing and textiles and select reasons from a true/false test for each class of garments.

Contestant will model outfit for the Fashion Show during 4-H U held on Thursday. EVALUATION: Ready-to-Wear Selection & Judging (Detailed Rubrics are included in the contest packet)

Garment Selection (Data Packet) 120 Appearance Judging 130 The 4-H’er 50 Judging and Reasons (2 classes) (Analysis/Tests) 200 Total 500 points

Note: The higher numerical score in Ready-to-wear does not mean to imply greater value for this contest. These point values are needed to effectively use Hormel computing slide. Appearance and selection points will be same percentage value as other contests. Made Available by: Tanya A. Giroir, Instructor

4-H Youth Development

The LSU AgCenter is a statewide campus of the LSU System and provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Louisiana State University is an equal opportunity/access university.

Ready to Wear Packet with Forms

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Deadline to Parish Extension Agent: ___________________________________ (Parish deadline) # ____________________ (Garment #, To Be Assigned by State) 1. Submit Personal Data Packet to agent prior to deadline 2. Do not submit Ready to Wear Garments, only packet #________________ 3. Bring Ready to Wear garments and accessories to 4-H U. (Line Up Number)

Submit completed packet to: Tanya A. Giroir by COB State Deadline: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Nelson Memorial Building LSU Campus Note: This page will be removed before judging and replaced after judging is completed. Last Name _________________ First Name ______________________________ Email address_____________________ Parish ____________ Address ___________________ City ________________________ LA Zip Code __________ Telephone # (_______) ___________________ Age as of January 1 of this year_______ Date of Birth____________ (Month / Day / Year) Agent’s name _____________________Contact Number: ________________________ Parents Name _____________________Contact Number: ________________________ Signatures required:

________________________________________________Date: ________ 4-H Contestant (signature)

_____________________________________ Date: _____________ Printed name and Signature of Agent or 4-H Leader or Parent/Guardian

Complete this competition packet carefully. This Personal Data packet is judged for completeness, accuracy and neatness. It does not need to be typed but must be legible. Please submit good quality color pictures; photocopies do not show well. Computerized printed copies or the original photo give the best presentation of your project. Judges look for a neat overall presentation; write neatly, and check your grammar and spelling. Complete all spaces. Additional pages may be added where needed.

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Please do not place your name or parish in the personal data packet except on the cover page. Signatures required: Tell us about your 4-H and Clothing and Textile Program Experience: Include present year. 1. Number of years as a 4-H Member ______________ …in 4-H U Fashion Revue Competition? ___________ 2. Have you ever entered 4-H U or other 4-H contests? Yes No Which ones? (Circle all that apply)


Creative Choice

Designer’s Choice

Ready to Wear

Other (list) ________________________

3. Number of other 4-H’ers you helped with 4-H clothing this year? _____In what areas? (Circle all that apply)



Quality Analysis

Textile Science



Laundry Care


Body Image 4. Have you attended Fashion Camp? Yes No Number of years attending Fashion Camp? _________ 5. Who has worked or helped you on your clothing and textile projects? (Circle all that apply)



Other Relative

School Teacher

4-H Leader

Parish Extension Agent

Other: (list) ________________

6. As a result of your experience in the 4-H Textiles and Apparel Program/Fashion Revue, how have you benefited? Check all that apply.

□ Am more confident that I can choose fabrics appropriate to my needs □ Am more confident in identifying quality garment workmanship □ Am more confident in my communication skills □ Am more aware of careers available in Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising. □ Am ready to expand my role in 4-H □ More confident to use my information to share with local 4-H members and others.

7. Additional comments about your 4-H Textiles and Apparel Program Experience: Thank you for participating in the 4-H U Fashion Revue Program!

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□ 4-H contestant □ AgCenter personnel, 4-H Leader, or Parent/Guardian

Ready to Wear Garment # ____________ Line Up # _____________ (To be assigned by state)

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Include two pictures of you wearing your outfit (two views, front and back are necessary). You may add close-ups and side views as well. Use additional sheets if needed. Please add any additional information as needed to explain or describe. Place pictures of you wearing your outfit Photos required:

Front view of you wearing your completed outfit including accessories

Back view of you wearing the completed outfit including accessories

Any additional photos as needed (close up, side views etc. may be included)

You may reproduce this page for additional photos.

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Figure Types: The human body comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and is predetermined by genetics. While research studies

have described figure types is numerous ways, most body types can fit into several categories for male and female figure types. While there is no perfect body type, there are ways to use design principles and elements to create the best look possible with the clothing we wear. However, the current stereotype of the ideal female body shape is moderately tall with a body balanced vertically, an hourglass figure and an oval shaped face. For males the ideal is tall with a balanced vertical body and a trapezoid torso (that is, broad shoulders and chest tapering to medium waist and hips) and an oval face. If you understand what your current shape and proportions are and know a few style guidelines for your shape you are well on your way to looking your best. You can create the illusion of a desired body shape by choosing clothes to create the illusion of the ideal proportions. It's all about balancing your perceived shape to the ideal shape (or moving your appearance in that direction). Of course understanding your current shape doesn't rule out changing your shape if needed through diet and exercise. The media often gives an unrealistic impression that all people should fit into one body shape mold. The truth is the models may not even fit into this “ideal mold” because they are often airbrushed and altered by computer software to make the “perfect image”. Sometimes the person in the advertisement is not even a real person, rather a computer-generated model! This media message may be harmful to how individuals view themselves and may cause them to adopt unhealthy eating and exercise habits as they strive to fit the mold.

Promote a positive body image: It is important to understand media and evaluate what is seen in the media. Promote a

healthy lifestyle rather than worrying about body shape or weight. It is important to remember that being skinny does not equal being

healthy. Every body shape can be healthy if a combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity is maintained. Help out

others by telling them when they have done a good job. Every body shape can be healthy as long as healthy life style choices are

adopted. Healthy eating and regular physical activity are important to everyone and every body type. The idea is to make the most of

whatever shape you are now.

Briefly describe how 3 of any of the design principles and elements can be used to give you your best look possible with the clothing you wear. 1. 2. 3.

Fashion Show Script: Write 2-3 sentences about the complete outfit describing the features of the garment that you have selected to wear in the Fashion Revue (include accessories). This information may be included in the fashion show script. Do not mention the obvious such as “long sleeve white” shirt, or “blue” dress. Be creative, have fun.

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Identify your outfit by garment pieces, cost and location purchased (example: dress, blouse, jacket, skirt, pants, etc.) in the spaces below (i.e.: Garment A = blouse, Garment B = skirt). If you have more garment pieces than the space below allows, please duplicate this page as needed to accommodate all information.

Garment A Garment B Garment C

Price: (retail price + tax = total) $

Price: (retail price + tax = total) $

Price: (retail price + tax = total) $

Give store name and location where outfit was purchased. Garment A Garment B Garment C

Total Cost of Outfit: $

Description of outfit:

Reason for Selection:

4-H U Outfit How did the following criteria influence your decision to purchase outfit? (i.e.: silk is soft and flows gently as I walk; wool in coat keeps me warm; fiber blend needs no pressing). You may list each part if needed (pants/shirt) and explain reason for choosing that garment.

For what occasion can this outfit be worn?

Color that is suitable to me

Style Appropriate

for me

Fits into my Wardrobe


Compatibility with my body


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Fiber Content (Do not give kind of fiber

and %)

Fabric type (Do not give fabric type)

Care of garment

I like this outfit because:

Cleaning Costs are an important consideration when purchasing clothing. Cost per wearing figures to use for estimating cleaning costs are found at right:

$1.50 for machine washing and machine drying $ .50 for hand washing and air-drying $ .75 machine wash and line dry $7.00 for dry cleaning

4-H U Outfit Expected number of times to wear per year

Approximate cost per wearing (show work) Cost per wearing = total price of garment + (cost for care X the # of times Cleaned) ÷ the # of times worn.

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Labeling /Care Information: Provide the following label information from each piece of your outfit.

4-H U Outfit Location of label on garment

Brand name


Country where Made

R N number

Fiber content and percentages

Care instructions

Additional Information for judges. List challenges

suggestions for improvement

training needs

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Evaluate your personal data packet being submitted for judging. Use the chart below to self-evaluate your prior to submission. Judges will use the same evaluation rubric below.

Evaluation Comments (Write additional comments for each category as needed)

Possible Points

Your Points

Completeness of Form 5pts each

□ Cover Sheet completed, signatures □ Program Experience completed with additional comments □ Fashion Show Script □ Body type description □ Outfit cost: Adherence to Budget given □ Outfit description


Photos 1pt each

□ Front view □ Back view □ Presentation of garment □ Clarity of photo □ Composition of background


Reasons for selection

Explanation of selection based on criteria listed

Occasion □ Color □ Style □ Wardrobe plan □ Body Type □ Fiber content □ Fabric type □ Ease of care □ I like this outfit because


Cleaning Costs Use/Cost 5pts each

□ Care costs/ Cost per wearing, □ Math correct □


Label/Care information

□ Information complete


Knowledge exhibited (overall)

□ Additional information. Be sure to add information that you want the judges to know. (10 points)

□ Neat, appropriate grammar (5 points)




The LSU AgCenter is a statewide campus of the LSU System and provides equal opportunities in programs and

employment. Louisiana State University is an equal opportunity/access university.

4-H is an educational program sponsored by the LSU AgCenter.

120 _____ _____

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Well Done

Could Be Improved By: Possible Points

Points Earned


Fabric, style and their appropriateness to each other and individual

-fabric texture, weight or design_______ -change of pattern style ______________ -length of width of__________________ -color_____________________________


General appearance of garment

-combination of colors, fabrics_________ -improving construction of ___________ -pressing techniques_________________ -different buttons, zipper, other notions___________________________


Accessories – including shoes, hose, purse, hat, belt, scarves, jewelry, hair ornaments, props (books, umbrella), etc.

-change of color____________________ -change of size_____________________ -adding or changing to_______________ -appropriate_______________________


Appropriate for the occasion entered

-change of fabric or style_____________ -more casual look___________________ -dressier look______________________



Smooth and attractive -adding ease by letting out____________ -changing undergarments____________ -correcting fit all: -neckline________________________ -bust___________________________ -waist__________________________ -hips, abdomen___________________ -special alteration for _____________



-changing expression________________ -hair style change___________________ -make-up change___________________ -other grooming change______________ -showing off garment better__________ -explaining outfit or reason for entering__________________________




YOUR SCORE The LSU AgCenter is a statewide campus of the LSU System and provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Louisiana State University is an equal opportunity/access university.

4-H is an educational program sponsored by the LSU AgCenter.

180 _____ _____

Division: Ready to Wear

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Ready-To-Wear Consumer Judging 4- H Ready-To-Wear Consumer Judging is a decision making exercise based on a hypothetical buying situation. 4-Hers will judge two classes of Ready–To-Wear garments (t-shirts, jeans, shorts, blouses, shirts, etc.). There will be 4 garments per class and contestants will be given 5 minutes per class for evaluation, and 25 minutes total for two consumer judging tests. Notes may be taken on notecard provided during the contest for judging. A sample note card and sample test are included in this packet. A written situation for each class will establish the basis for determining garment placings (1st-4th), to be evaluated by the Hormel Scoring Scale. It will be necessary to compare the garment choices in order to select the one best suited to the situation. Seldom is one alternative perfect or another alternative all bad, so strengths and weaknesses of each choice will have to be weighed. To place the class, 4-Hers will rank garment choices from best to poorest for the situation. Judging will also include 25 true/false test questions for each garment class. Test questions will be made based upon the following categories. There will be some test questions based solely off of knowledge about these categories.

Consumerism Cost per wear Garment Care Appropriateness to Scenario Budget Labeling information: fiber content, care instructions, country of origin Cost of garment: fits situation

Garment Construction

Closures: buttons, zippers, button holes Stitch length, even seams, straight Matching patterns/pieces, parts of design Extra Detailing Areas of Weakness Appropriate seam finish Interfacing Hems

Textile Science

Fiber content Fabric hand Fabric Type Fabric Appropriateness Fabric Performance/Characteristics Fabric color combination/dye stability

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SAMPLE TEST Ready-to-Wear Consumer Judging Contest

(Each year garment type changes) Directions: Write your Name, Contestant number and Class # 1 or 2 on the top of the Scantron answer sheet-side one. On

side two, write and bubble in: □ Your name, last name first, and as much of your parish as possible □ Identification number which is your contestant number □ Grade is the class of Garment, Class 1 or 2

Questions # 1 ~ 4 equal 50 points; point value is determined by the Hormel Judging Scale. Questions # 5 ~ 29 equal 50 points; two points each. You may write on this test; but leave no stray marks on computer answer sheet (Scantron) Turn both tests and both Scantron answer sheets into the test monitor for computerized scoring. PLACING for Garments Determine the most appropriate placing of the garments in Class 1 according to the judging situation. Write

garment number in blanks below, and then darken the corresponding letter on the Scantron answer sheet for questions 1-4. Mark only one answer per question.

Write the placing of the Garments below and transfer to Scantron answer sheet. 1st place is garment ____ 2nd place is _____ 3rd place is ___ 4th place is ____

1. First place is garment letter _____ A. Blue B. Multi Stripe C. Green D. Pink Check

2. Second place is garment letter _____ A. Blue B. Multi Stripe C. Green D. Pink Check

3. Third place is garment letter _____ A. Blue B. Multi Stripe C. Green D. Pink Check

4. Fourth place is garment letter _____ A. Blue B. Multi Stripe C. Green D. Pink Check

============================================================= In the following section, questions 5-29 equal 50 points (2 points each).

5. Garment A has higher quality finishing details than Garment B. A. True B. False

6. Three garments in the class feature trademarked logos. A. True B. False

7. The 100% polyester shirt would be cooler than the 100% cotton shirt.

A. True B. False

8. All garments in the class are made in foreign countries.

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A. True B. False

9. The serged seam finish is appropriate on knit fabrics.

A. True B. False

10. In tagless garments label information is silk-screened directly onto the fabric as in Garment B. A. True B. False

11. The 60% cotton in Garment C is mercerized, giving it a soft hand. A. True B. False

12. Reinforcement tape is used at back, neck and shoulders on Garments A and D.

A. True B. False

13. When compared to other garments, the buttonholes on Garment B have the best quality workmanship.

A. True B. False

14. The embroidered logo on Garment A is more durable than the screened logo on Garment B. A. True B. False

15. The serged armholes and V-neckline notch in Garment C indicate poor quality finishing.

A. True B. False

16. Garment D is accurately described as “performance apparel” because the fabric is light reflective, and the mesh inserts increase air flow through the fabric.

A. True B. False

17. The imprinted silver design on Garment A will not present problems when ironing. A. True B. False

18. Garment B features higher quality seam and edge finishing than does Garment C. A. True B. False

19. Care labels for all garments in this class include instructions in English and Spanish as well as care symbols.

A. True B. False

20. Because of fiber contest, garment C is most likely to shrink. A. True B. False 21. Cool iron is specified for use on Garment D because of the fiber content of the garment.

A. True B. False

22. The quality of the 100% cotton fabric in Garment A is better than the 100% cotton in Garment B.

A. True B. False

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23. Garment B could be safely bleached with non-chlorine bleach if it got soiled during use. A. True B. False 24. Hem treatments for all garments are of good quality. A. True B. False 25. Garment C best fits the situation and selection criteria when compared to other garments in this class.

A. True B. False

26. Garment D is made of a tubular knit which means no side seam lines are necessary. This reduces manufacturing cost.

A. True B. False

27. Excluding tax, all garments fit within the budget specified for the situation. A. True B. False 28. When a garment’s label says “satisfaction guaranteed”, the consumer can expect a good quality product, as in Garment A.

A. True B. False

29. The graphic design on Garment A would appeal to 4-year olds.

a. True b. False

Fashion Revue Cost Per Wearing Formula and Cleaning Costs

The care of a garment can be a costly addition to the true cost. Before a consumer buys a garment, he/she should estimate cost per wearing. To figure cost per wearing, a monetary value must be placed on care. Cost per wearing is the total cost of the garment plus the cost of cleaning, divided by the total number of wearings for the life of the garment. The 4-H’er needs to figure the number of wearings between cleanings, and then multiply that figure by the actual cost of washing or dry cleaning. Cost / wearing Formula:

$_________ + {$__________x ___________] ÷ ___________ = $___________ Cost of garment Care Cost Care # Total Wearings Cost/ wearing

Care considerations include:

1) Frequency of cleaning based on: fabric/fiber (linen is cleaned more often than wool), color (light colors show soil and wear sooner) and activity (heavy duty/outside versus desk job) 2) Recommended method for cleaning (dry cleaning, machine washing and drying, hand washing, etc.) 3) Cost of cleaning

Total wearings includes the number of wearings for the entire life of garment. Example: Sweater B is a blend of cotton, ramie and silk; dark red; fisherman weave; pearl buttons. Cost $50; dry cleaning $4.50; will be worn 20 times each year and dry cleaned every other wearing (10 times/year), with life expectancy of 3 years, so that:

Cost/wearing = cost + care ÷ total wearings = $50 + [$4.50 x 30 cleanings] ÷ 60 wearings = $50 + $135 ÷ 60

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= $185 ÷ 60 = $3.08 per wearing

Wise consumers read labels and take care-requirements into consideration before making purchasing decisions. The sweater used in the example above would cost approximately $1.08 / wearing if the care method would have specified hand washing and air-drying:

= $50 + [.50 x 30 cleanings] ÷ 60 wearings = $1.08 per wearing

Cleaning costs: Use the following figures in your data sheet calculations for cleaning costs:

$1.50 for machine washing and machine drying $ .50 for hand washing and air-drying $ .75 for machine wash – line dry $5.00 for dry cleaning

Though local dry cleaner fees may differ, use the figures above for your calculations. On the personal data sheet for Ready to Wear Contest, you will be asked to calculate the approximate cost per wearing your outfit. Please remember to show your mathematical calculations on the data sheets. Points will be deducted if calculations are not included. As a reminder, you may also be asked to calculate cost per wearing during the contest. 4-H U Fashion Revue submission process for Ready to Wear Division:

□ Complete Ready to Wear Personal Data Packet including evaluation score sheets that you have self-cored. □ Secure signatures needed. You may have your agent or 4-H Leader or parent /guardian sign your form. □ Submit personal data packet to your parish extension agent prior to deadline set by agent. □ Personal Data Packet must be submitted to 4-H State Office, Nelson Memorial Hall, LSU Campus, Baton

Rouge for judging by the deadline set by the State 4-H Office by cob. □ Do not submit Ready to Wear competition garment with packet. Bring garment and accessories to 4-H U. □ Fashion Revue Week details along with Fashion Revue Competition numbers and Fashion Show Line up

numbers will be found in 4-H U Parish Registration packet. o 4-H U Fashion Week

Tuesday morning: Competition and line-up numbers as well as a detailed fashion week instruction sheet can be found in the 4-H U parish registration packet from Nelson Memorial Bldg. Your agent or representative will have this for you.

Tuesday afternoon: For those who submitted board applications, State 4-H Fashion Board interviews held in location TBA. Check your program.

Wednesday morning: Fashion Revue Contests (Casual, Creative Choice, Designer’s Choice and Ready to Wear) held in Cotillion Ballroom, doors open at 8:30am.

Wednesday afternoon: Fashion Show rehearsal in Union Theater. Thursday afternoon: Fashion Show in Union Theater. Invite your parents, etc.

Thank you for participation in Fashion Revue Program. Good Luck to each of you! Made Available by: Tanya A. Giroir, Instructor

4-H Youth Development

The LSU AgCenter is a statewide campus of the LSU System and provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. Louisiana State University is an equal opportunity/access university.

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Note Card used in Ready to Wear garment analysis for consumer judging of class one and class two garments. A copy for your use will be provided during the contest. Classgarments

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