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  • Wednesday, May 22, 2013 Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 1



  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 2 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Good n Bad!

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 3 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Axiology (value theory)

    the Greek axia (, value, worth), is the study of PT or Wet-John. It is often thought to include ethics and aestheticsphilosophical fields that depend crucially on notions of valueand sometimes it is held to lay the groundwork for these fields, and thus to be similar to value theory and meta-ethics.

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 4 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Etymology: Ethics

    Middle English ethik, from Old French ethique (from Late Latin thica, from Greek thika, ethics) and from Latin thic (from Greek thik), both from Greek thikos, ethical, from thos, character.];

    ( ) ( ) , ) Branch of philosophy concerned with the nature

    of ultimate value and the standards by which human actions can be judged right or wrong.

    The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral values or principles; moral philosophy.

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 5 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Morality the concept of human ethics which pertains

    to matters of good and evil also referred to as "right or wrong

    used within three contexts: individual conscience; systems of principles and judgments sometimes called moral values shared within a cultural, religious, secular, Humanist, or philosophical community

    codes of behavior or conduct morality

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 6 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Law & Jurisprudence

    The law is considered a living governing system constructed by present and historical debate and moral consensus among juries, and more generally, all citizens under the system.

    This system is used to maintain order, righteousness, and justice in everyday life. Individual actions or events can be summoned to court for review, investigation, and prosecution if it is believed that there has been a breach of morality (meaning, a violation of the law) or if a law's moral implication is questioned.

    A verdict is a lawful determination of guilt, and a guilty party is one that has committed an immoral act. In most systems, the lack of morality of the individual can also be a sufficient cause for punishment, or can be an element for the grading of the punishment.

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 7 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Axiology: Value debates Ideas


    Rational Emotional

    Ethics Aesthetics


    Law & Regulation Custom

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 8 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Scope of Ethics

    Meta-ethics (the study of the concept of ethics, value); what is the fundamental nature of ethics or morality itself, including whether it has any objective justification

    Applied ethics (the study of the use of ethical values); how a moral outcome can be achieved in a specific situation

    Moral Psychology (how moral capacity or moral agency develops and its nature)

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 9 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Meta Ethic Theory: How do we

    know what should we behave?

    Meta Ethic Theory


    vs. Supernaturalism


    vs. Absolutism


    vs. Cognitive


    vs. Descriptive

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 10 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Glossary Naturalism vs. Supernaturalism

    the view of the world that takes account only of natural elements and forces, excluding the supernatural or spiritual

    doctrine of supernatural or divine agency as manifested in the world, in human events, religious revelation, etc

    Relativism vs. absolutism The doctrine that no ideas or beliefs are universally true but that all are,

    instead, relative that is, their validity depends on the circumstances in which they are applied

    theory holding that values, principles, etc., are absolute and not relative, dependent, or changeable

    Cognitive vs. Emotive pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment,

    and reasoning

    Pertaining to the emotional and volitional processes.

    Normative vs. Descriptive propose an Ideal values (what they ought to do)

    explain an actual practiced values (what they do)

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 11 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Normative Ethic Theory: how

    should we behave?

    Normative Ethic Theory

    Macro value (ideal)

    How should one live?

    Micro value (practical); human action

    what is right and wrong?

    Intention based Theory



    Consequence-based Theory



    Value-based Theory


    Divine Command Theory

    or Duty-based theory


  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 12 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Type of moral theory: value theory

    Value-based theory: Macro value (general action), not micro value (particular action), the value that guide the individuals life as a whole, like a question of How should I live? for an answer is to cultivate the virtue or achieving a true happiness Based on Aristotles Nicomachean ethics which leads

    to neo-Aristotelianism to grow.

    Great virtues are truth, generosity, courage, wisdom

    The proper living is only based on moral excellence

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 13 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Religious Ethic or Divine Command


    The Divine Command Theory is the meta-

    ethical theory that moral values are commanded

    by a god or gods; top-down moral

    Christian believes that right means Gods will, wrong means Gods wrath. Therefore moral is an issue of following absolute commands of God

    through the divine Words (revelation) or it is a

    religious duty.

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 14 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Micro Value (practical): What is

    right and wrong?

    intention action effect

    Sense of human duty (Deontology or

    act purely with intention of good)

    Consequencialism (Teleology or

    act with double intention)


    (universal maxim) Utilitarianism


  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 15 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Type of moral theory: Deontology Intention-based theories (deontology or obligation): a

    value of action is measured according to pure intention (maxims). Kantian ethics

    Immanuel Kant (1724-1804): just a human sense of duty, not because of self-interest. Meaning the motive (intention) of action was far more important that the action itself and its consequences. For example we help people because the act of helping is good by itself, not because of gaining popularity or achieve self-esteem

    There are four vital elements in Kantian values

    Maxims as a pure human intention and universal

    The moral duty is known as categorical (certain/unconditional) imperative (important) (as end) vs. hypothetical one (as means)

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 16 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Type of moral theory:


    Consequence-based Theory (effect): an action is right or wrong not on the intentions of the person performing the action, but rather on the consequences of that action Utilitarianism (John Stuart Mill 1806-1873), more

    toward hedonism (happiness), i.e. good is whatever brings about the greatest amount of pleasure (happiness) for the greatest number of people or The Greatest total of Happiness Principle or the principle of utility

  • Mostafa Kamal Mokhtar 17 Wednesday, May 22, 2013

    Reference Warburton, Nigel. 1992. Philosophy: The Basic.

    London: Routledge (p. 37-64)

    Pojman, Louis P. Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company

    Kessler, Gary E. Voices of Wisdom: A Multicultural Philosophy Reader. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company (p. 78-115)

    Stewart, David & Blocker, H Gene. 1996. Fundamentals of Philosophy. 4th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

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