Page 1: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOLeLearning combined with cooperative, open learning

Page 2: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Overview what is eCOOL?

working with assignments

competence based learning


eCOOL tools für Moodle

ePortfolio work & feedback

game-based learning scenarios

Page 3: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

… based upon work from John Dewey & Helen Parkhurst

… using Dalton-Principles COOL (COoperative Open Learning) was first introduced in Upper

Secondary Schools with business-background in Austria – ages 14-20 focus at first was in classes with weak learners due to the big success it was shortly after transferred to all classes now the transfer to different school-types (schools with technical or

general focus) has been initiated

What is COOL?History

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]




learning to cooperate, freedom, creativity, learning to be a teamplayer

free choice of when to do what (budgeting time, place of work and being responsible for individual advancement („learning-contract“)

controlled planning of projects, documentation of learning-advancement, individual activities

= cooperative, open Learning

What is COOL?

Page 5: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

COOL Quality-Criteria

class-teacher teams with team communication (at least three meetings per semester)

COOL-course training required by at least two teachers

written assignments with precise educational objectives

freedom of choice to work on assignments within open learning phases –recommended at least 3 hours per week

class councils as a social-integrative method (3 per semester)


Page 6: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Center of Cooperative Open Learning

main tasks cooperation / networking / information/ pr continuous development educational concepts organizing seminars

Austrian-wide center to establish this learning-method on a broad range – an initative of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education (bm:ukk)

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Quality-Criteria COOL

COOL networking partners optional certification at

COOL (impulse)schools certified visitable school multiplier HQ


schools using COOL & eLearning

some logos…

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

certified COOL impulse-schools

HAK KlagenfurtInternational CHS Villach






BHAK/BHAS Oberwart






SZ UngargasseHAS FriesgasseBHAK Neumarkt

AC SalzburgHAK Hallein

center of cooperative open learning

HLW Linz-Landwiedstr.

HLW Bregenz-Marienberg

HLW Zwettl

HLW Hartberg

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]


eCOOL uses eLearning tools with the cooperative, open learning method

utilizing COOL method eLearning platforms

(lms systems such as MOODLE) minimizing online-phases eCOOL assignments ePortfolio-work game-based learning


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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]


lms systems using collaborative & communicative elements, activities

promotion of social competences & soft skills

results of assignments as parts of ePortfolios

verbalized feedback & reflection


didactical scenarios like game-based learning

more aspects

Page 11: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

working with assignments

Page 12: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]


goals precognition budgeting time (release & deadline) interest pockets materials tasks & learning products examination

method, choice of social-form feedback/ePortfolio/SCORM/blogging commitment, learning contract


Page 13: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Basic: assignments in structured form with goals, time-table, social-form assignments in word format distributed via lms upload of assignments verbalized teacher feedback

Advanced: feedback of students – electronic questionnaire downloadable in SCORM format

Expert: integration & use of ePortfolios use of social media didactical scenarios such as game-based assignments


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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

compentence based learning

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]




social competence (teamwork)

methodological competence

(extract, structure, reflect, ….)

eCOOL: media competence

content competence (Vienna educational standards)

Page 16: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

competence orientation

… is done primarily by the description of educational objectives

competences are referred to with„I can…“-statements within the educational objectivesas part of assignments = descriptors for educational standards

Example: „I can present myself within a social community in a correct manner“ or „I can do calculations using an electronical spreadsheet“.






competence model actions (…used for competence grid)

Page 17: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

educational objectives

teachers‘ viewpoint: by describing educational standards as goals within a given assignment

students‘ viewpoint: pre-assignment goal assessments – self-reflection

competence orientation


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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

educational objectivesexample

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

educational objectivesmethodological competence - examples

„find the provided expression (i.e. what is usb?) on the web and summarize it into the MOODLE-glossary – all informationin the glossary will part of an examination“

„read the weblink provided, extract some multiple choice questionswith answers, enter them in MOODLE question creation activity“.

then: do quiz reflect results rework questions do quiz again use superbrain game with quiz and work on it at home match yourself with others – MOODLE results block

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

„If you can google it – don‘t teach it!“

educational objectivesmethodological competence

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]


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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]


related to environment: school architecture, netbooks

related to time: schedule, COOL hours

related to content: individualized differences

within assignments


Page 23: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

learning contracts (COOL assignments) consist of main topic possible subtopics several assignments

educational objectives are proposed by the student and

negotiated with the teacher (who adds or removes items).

COOLlearning contracts

With my signature I confirm that I have carefully read this assignment and that I have understood all the tasks.

Page 24: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]


ATTLS-questionnaire to gain information related to the types of learners (connected knower vs. seperate knower)

electronical assignments with educational objectives and

individualized subtasks (obligatory/voluntary)

self-assessment with additional tools (rubrics)

ePortfolio-upgrade – competence-grid


Page 25: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOL tools for MOODLE

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

exabis student review for MOODLE

exabis ePortfolio block for MOODLE

exabis flashgames for MOODLE


Page 27: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOL ePortfolio work

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]


Usage of ePortfolios within eCOOL concept

document management self-reflection & trainer-feedback (blogging) publishing-aspect (i.e. one‘s best work) documentation of learning progress

ePortfolio work

Page 29: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

exabis ePortfolio block

internationally certified1

freely available/opensourced integrateable into Moodle as a block downloadable via easy start into ePortfolio work easily exportable and transferrable

ePortfolio data via SCORM export1 – first internationally certified third-party-tool for Moodle


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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

viewsexabis ePortfolio block

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

exabis ePortfolio blockSCORM-export

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOL reflection & review

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

reports for students aggregated from different teachers based on variable time period verbalized feedback rating on COOL scale

(teamwork, responsibility, self-dependency) printable customizable version

exabis student reviewfacts

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

exabis student reviewmask

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

exabis student reviewreport

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOL game-based learning

Page 37: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

game-based learning

there are many games around, but…

they are usually not developed by/for teachers

cannot be manipulated by teacher

are not integrateable into platforms

usually don‘t have a didactical concept

introductory thoughts

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

game-based-learning – categorization of serious games1:

knowledge-oriented contents questions glossary memory …

operative competence and systematical context virtual worlds role-playing games simulations

1simplified illustration from Mayer/Seufert, 2003

game-based learningsystematics

Page 39: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

The games-module of Moodle combines simple games with contents of courses: questions, quizzes, glossary…

games: hangman, crossword, cryptex, millionaire, sudoku, "Snakes and Ladders", "Book with questions" and "The hidden picture"

game-based learningMOODLE games

Page 40: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Do you think it is useful to use games as part of class work?Would you use games to learn certain subjects?How should a game work so it will be accepted by students? Re: Game Based Learning2

Yes, I think that games are useful for class work. They are fun and can simplify learning. A game has to be fun and thrilling for students!

Re: Game Based LearningNice game – even though it does not quite come up to Warcraft III. It can be used for learning in class because it is good for a change. I would however prefer multi-player games so I can match myself with classmates.

2students asked were age-group 15-18

game-based learningstudent feedback – snakes & ladders

Page 41: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Re: Game Based LearningIn my opinion it is very innovative to use games during classes. They can help teachers make courses more interesting and simplify learning. Re: Game Based LearningI think that this game is way too boring – there is no benefit for me to play this game. All you do is climb up a ladder and after finishing nothing really happens. A game should be exciting, challenging and also useful for learning. It might be a good start but there is still a lot to do ;)

game-based learningstudent feedback – snakes & ladders ctd.

Page 42: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

game-based learningexabis flash games

so far: superbrain game

combinable with results block


business simulation „start-up“

new game: click and unhide

full integration of

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

didactical setting communicates

with MOODLE challenge-aspect


game-based learningsuperbrain game

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Where is the connection between eCOOL and game-based learning?

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

usage of games using eCOOL-assignments:

using different social-forms (individual work, group-work, partner-work)

assignments with work packages

individualized knowledge acquirement

interdisciplinary work

development of media competences

eCOOLgame-based learning

Page 46: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

game category assignment time aspects

Superbrain-game quiz read articles make questions/answers enter questions into lms give test reflect play superbrain-game

2-4 hrs


Startup simulation introduction into subject produce scenario play game reflection of results do alternative scenarios

2-4 hrs

simulationmanipulation of scenarios

Museum Online adventure use different subjects develop storyboard with students use software/editor other students play adventure reflection and correction

8-10 hrs

interdisciplinaryhigh level of student-involvement

eCOOLgame-based learning scenarios with micro games

Page 47: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOLgame category assignment time aspects

The movies simulation getting acquainted with the game creative process: find ideas, develop storyboardIndividualized development of

dialogs actors scenes audio-sequences film

12-16 hrs

high level of individualization strengthening of media competences interdisciplinarymotivational

Rockband rythm-game

group of students become band develop marketing-concept develop virtual identities play game business-aspects: management competition „Battle of the bands“

12-16 hrs

challengesocial competence multimedia competence interdisciplinary

scenarios with complex games

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOLI wanna be a rockstar

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

eCOOLI wanna be a rockstar – evaluation criteria

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

cooperative project between teachers (provide professional contents) students (provide ideas for games, concepts) and developers (professional output).

game-based learning scenarios and gaming concepts should be developed and published using

game development engines (i.e. for making of adventures) and individually produced games (i.e. during school-projects).

Page 51: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

game category assignment time aspects

gamelabs text-based adventure with background-graphics

develop a game idea write a storyboard develop dialogs with questions and answers define scenarios create the game online integrate into MOODLE-courses challenge others

12-16 hrs

high level of individualization emphasis on social competences strengthening of media competences interdisciplinarymotivational

Page 52: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

play games register as a teacher create online-adventures integrate games in Moodle challenge others

Page 53: eCOOL eLearning  combined with cooperative , open  learning

andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Future project

social communities


act in a community


differences strategies for solving

problems can be extended by

adding new tasks

eCOOLcommunity game „little green planet“

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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]




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andreas riepl, center of cooperative open learning, ceo gtn gmbh, [email protected]

Thank you!

information regarding COOL

communication-platform for COOL-teachers

eCOOL-assignments &exabis-MOODLE-modules

my company: elearning, social media, cms

twitter: mail: [email protected]


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