Page 1: Economy & Culture Storybook 관광업·뉴질랜드 Pita's Gift - New …


Pita's Gift - New Zealand

Written by Yeshil Kim | Illustrated by Heather Powers Rewritten in English by Joy Cowley

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Economy & Culture Storybook 19. NEW ZEALAND-Pita’s Gift

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Page 3: Economy & Culture Storybook 관광업·뉴질랜드 Pita's Gift - New …

글 김예실

대학에서 경영학을 공부한 뒤, 현재 그림책 작가이자 번역가, 일러스트레이터 에이전트로 활동하고 있습니다.

<코나의 선물>은 뉴질랜드에서 살았던 십 년의 경험을 바탕으로 집필한 것입니다.

그동안 쓴 작품으로는 <누가 만두를 먹었을까>, <열 꼬마 도깨비> 등이 있습니다.

그림 헤더파워스

미국의 미시건 주에서 태어났으며, 미술 대학교에서 회화와 판화를 공부했습니다.

현재 많은 잡지와 그림책에 삽화를 그리고 있고, 2007년에는 토미 드 파욜라 상을 수상하기도 했습니다.

이 그림책의 그림은 판화로 조각을 한 뒤 잉크를 바르고 찍어 낸 다음 다시 파스텔과 연필로 마무리했습니다.

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탄탄 세계어린이 경제마을 관광업·뉴질랜드




















출판등록 1998년 8월 7일, 전화번호 02-523-6660

서울시서초구서초동 1420-6, 홈페이지


Pita's Gift - New ZealandWritten by Yeshil Kim Illustrated by Heather Powers Rewritten in English by Joy Cowley

big & SMALL

Page 4: Economy & Culture Storybook 관광업·뉴질랜드 Pita's Gift - New …

Pita peddles his bike fast around the shore of Lake Rotorua. He turns at the bus terminal which is packed with tourists, and then rides past the hot springs that spill steam and the smell of sulfur into the morning air.

The tourism industry promotes the natural environment, traditional cultures and man-made sites in a particular area. Through these resources, the industry profits by attracting tourists and providing them with good and services such as sightseeing, accommodation and souvenirs.

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Pita stops in front of Mrs. Huirama’s motel.“Good day Mrs. Huirama!” Pita’s family perform *Maori dances for tourists and Mrs. Huirama asked him to deliver the program for her motel guests.“Why don’t you sit in the garden?” she tells him. “I’ll bring you a cold drink.” “Thanks a million,” says Pita. *The Maori are New Zealand aborigines.

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As Pita walked into the garden, he saw a girl on a seat. She smiled shyly at him, and he stopped. “Hi!” he said. “I’m Pita. I live here in Rotorua.” “I’m Vicky and I’m from England,” she said. She told him her father was at a conference.While her father was away all day, she stayed at the motel with Mrs. Huirama.

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“Do you get bored, Vicky?” asked Pita. “It’s the most boring trip I’ve ever had,” said Vicky, and she looked close to tears. Pita felt sorry for her, and he had an idea. “My Uncle Hoani has a small tourist bus. Today is his day off, so I will ask him if he can give us a tour of Rotorua.”

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Off they went in the bus with Uncle Hoani who had a microphone to tell Vicky about all the things they saw. Vicky sat in the window seat and Pita told her that his uncle liked to name things after movies. “Welcome to Rotorua, Vicky,” said Uncle Hoani. “We will go to Whakarewarea where you will see a sight I call, Walk in the Clouds.”

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Vicky looked at the sky and said to Pita,

“I don’t see anything special about the clouds.

Why did he call this Walk in the Clouds?”

At that moment, the Pohutu Guyser erupted.

A gear jet of steaming water shot high in the air

and spread above them like a fluffy cloud.

“That is why,” said Pita.

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“Our next stop is called “Silence of the Lambs,” said Uncle Hoani, stopping at a large building. This was the Agrodome, an interesting place where sheep were the main attraction. Vicky watched sheep being sheared and she fed a baby lamb with a bottle.

The tourist industry is closely related to other industries. New Zealand is well known for the quality of the sheep. This tourist attraction is a profitable way to showcase the industry. New Zealand also produced many international movies, and tourists like to visit the sites where the movies were made.

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Afterwards, they went to a shop that sold many local goods, wool and wood items, honey, soap, candles, dolls and jewelry. Vicky pointed to a green jade necklace. “This is like your necklace,” she said. “Yes. It’s a traditional design of our people,”Pita told her. “They say it brings good luck.”

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The last stop on Uncle Hoani’s tour was Lake Rotorua where they fed the ducks and swans on the lake. Uncle Hoani said, “Why don’t you two find a film name for this stop?” Pita said, “Vicky, how about Swan Lake?” Vicky laughed. “That’s funny, Pita! But I think it should be a special name. Actually, this is the first trip for Dad and I since my mother passed away.” Then Pita understood why Vicky had looked so depressed at the motel.

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On the way back to the motel, Pita gave Vicky the concert program. “Vicky, will you come tomorrow?” “Of course I will,” she said. “I’ll ask Dad.” Pita couldn’t stop smiling.

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The following day, Pita and his family performed traditional Maori dances for a crowd of tourists. Pita, his father, uncles and cousins, began with the Haka, a fierce dance, stamping feet and slapping chests like warriors going to battle. As Pita danced, he looked for Vicky but he couldn’t see her anywhere.

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Pita’s mother, aunts and sisters sang a beautiful Maori love song, twirling their *pois around and around.There was still no sign of Vicky. Pita felt like a deflated balloon as he sat at the side of the stage. *The poi is a ball of white cotton with a string attach.

Maori women twirl the ball various ways as they dance.

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Suddenly a voice shouted “Pita!” It was Vicky. “Pita, I am so sorry! Dad couldn’t leave work in time.” “It’s okay,” said Pita. “You are here now.” He gave her a small envelope. “Vicky, I need to go on stage for the last song.” “I will sit here and watch you,” said Vicki.

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While Pita was singing, Vicky opened the envelope and read his letter. She whispered, “Pita, take care until we meet again. Ka kite ano!”

They are agitated, the waters of


But when you cross over, girl, they will be calm.

What if we call the lake "Ka kite ano?"

It means goodbye until we meet again

Until we meet again!

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A Memorable Trip

Let’s Think

NEWZEALAND: Pita’s Homeland

Land of the Long White Cloud

The Economy of New Zealand

Hot Springs

Hello Boys and Girls, I am Pita from Rotorua, New Zealand. My family and I perform traditional concerts for tourists coming to Rotorua. Many people here make a living providing accommodation and tours for these tourists, and selling souvenirs. One day I met an English girl called Vicky at Mrs. Huirama’s motel. Vicky looked really sad, so I organized a surprise sightseeing trip for her on my Uncle Hoani’s tour bus. Do you think I was successful? When you are in Rotorua, look for me. Ka kite ano! I will see you then. Sincerely, Pita

What is tourism? How is nature and culture related to tourism? What attitude must those in the tourism industry have?

New Zealand is a South Pacific island country comprised of the North and South Islands, Stewart Island and many smaller islands. With a long territory that runs from north to south, New Zealand is rimmed with clean sand beaches. It is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, but volcanic activity is minimal and most of its volcanoes are dormant.

The Polynesians first settled in New Zealand in the 10th century. According to Maori legend these early settlers called the land “Aotearoa” meaning “land of the long white cloud.” In 1642 a Dutch explorer Abel Tasman named it New Zealand after a province in the Netherlands.

More than a quarter of the land is used for grazing, thus producing large amounts of beef, wool and milk. New Zealand’s tourism industry is also well-developed, attracting millions of visitors from around the world.

New Zealand is home to the world’s largest region of geysers and hot springs. Notably, the hot springs of Rotorua have made the city a tourism hotspot. There are hot spring spas everywhere in Rotorua and volcanic parks where you can see sulpheur springs right before your eyes! Located near Rotorua is Lake Taupo, which was created thousands of years ago as a result of a massive volcanic explosion. It is the largest lake in New Zealand and is vast like an ocean.

Pohutu Geyser: tourist attraction

Area: 270,534 km2 Capital: Wellington Major Languages: English, Maori

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What is Tourism?

Nature and Tourism

Culture and Tourism

Selling and Buying Memories

Tourism in South Korea

Let’s Talk!

Tourism is an industry where profits are gained by offering services and goods to tourists. These may include running a hotel or motel where tourists can stay, restaurants, souvenir shops, travel agency, tour guide services and so on. The majority of locals residing in near tourist attractions make a living from tourism.

Famous tourist destinations are usually in areas of beautiful scenery. Ideal areas for tourists include unspoiled places of clean beaches and lakes, high mountain peaks, islands or desert with spectacular landscapes. Many people enjoy taking part on leisure sports associated with the area – hiking, sailing, swimming and skiing.

Cultural productions play a significant role in the development of tourism. These provide tourists with the opportunity to learn about a different culture. Culture and industry collaborate to attract tourists. For example, tour guides take tourists to places where movies have been filmed, where famous events have taken place or where world-known people have lived. In New Zealand where the block-buster movie Lord of the Rings was filmed, the natural film locations have become a major tourist attraction.

What is the most important quality for a worker in the tourism industry? Good attitude toward the tourist. Travelers not only encounter nature and new cultures, they also encounter new people. Warm greetings from locals, kindness from a tour guide, generous restaurant owners and a friendly person in a souvenir shop, leave a lasting impression on visitors. In the same way, rude encounters and overpriced goods and services can leave a negative impression.

South Korea is home to many famous tourist destinations. Jeju Island has unique scenery that attracts domestic and international travelers. Gyeongju is a city rich in heritage sites and is one place every Korean is sure to have visited on a school field trip. The beautiful beaches of Busan are popular during summer months, and the scenery of Mt. Jiri, Mt. Sorak and Daegwanryeong is beautiful in all four seasons.

Learn more about local tourist destinations. 1. Search the Internet for popular tourist destinations in the north, east, south and west of your country. 2. Mark the locations of all destinations on a map of your country. Stick pictures of the sites on your map. 3. Choose one destination you would most like to visit and research more about it. Find directions to the place, interesting things you can observe there, and information about heritage sites and accommodation. 4. Visit this destination on your next family trip and write a travel diary.

New Zealand tourist attraction

Tourists visiting a site featured in a drama

Tourist attraction in Gyeongju

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