Page 1: Double page spread analysis

There is only one main colour on this page, and it dominates the whole double page spread. The background to the text and image is pink, Nicki Minaj’s name is written in big capital letters this is also in pink, and in the photo of Nicki she is wearing bright pink lipstick which matches a similar shade of pink to the colour in which her name is written in. the reason in which this is done is to match the identity and reputation of Nicki. She is known as a very girly artist and often is photographed in a sexual way. The bright pink matches this perfectly as of course pink is recognised as a girls colour.

The title of the text ‘The Gospel according to Nicki Minaj’ doesn’t fit the personality that she often portrays. As I have previously mentioned she often portrays herself as a very sexy and is commonly seen wearing minimal clothing. This certainly doesn’t fit the title due to the fact the work ‘gospel’ has connotations of religion. This may draw a potential reader to read the text after only reading the title. This is because they may have seen the way Nicki Minaj present herself to the media and will be intrigued to find out what she feels is ‘the gospel’ as the title indicated this will be revealed within the text.

This pull quote is separated up into two separate colours, black and white this creates a contrast and makes the quote stand out a lot more. It is also highlighted in a darker shade of pink which is another way in which it makes it stand out even more. The font used is also different to the main body of text and is a lot bolder, both these techniques will gain the reader’s attention and effectively force them to read it as it will stand out, even if they are just glancing at the page. This pull quote may interest them therefore making them want to read the body of text below.

The ring in which Nicki is wearing has lettering on it which spells out ‘ICON’ this will suggest that Nicki herself is an icon within the music industry. Someone who may not know a lot about her may feel inclined to read the text to discover more about this icon within the music industry. The ring is also black and white and is a similar font to the lettering used in the pull quote just to the left of Nicki.

The colouring on this page is extremely simple, consisting of pretty much 3 colours, pink, black and white. The pink being the background, a darker shade for the title which matches the shade of pink of her lipstick. And the black and white theme in the pull quotes resemble the black and white in her dress, ring, eyes and false eye lashes.

The bodies of text are all split up into small sections and they all have titles informing the reader on what the body of text below is about. This will allow the reader to know realise if they are interest in reader the paragraph below. They can pick and choose which parts of the text they want to read rather than reader the whole page.

Page 2: Double page spread analysis

Other than the picture the first thing my eye was drawn to on the double page spread was the pull quote “It keeps dragging me back”. The artist featured is David Bowie one of the most recognised, iconic and successful artists ever. And the pull quote is clearly a quote from him. He has a huge amount of fans that would be interested in what he had to say, so m using a quote like that, will intrigue the reader, they will want to know exactly what it is that is dragging him back, and from what he is being dragged back from. It’s a clever pull quote and will certainly make the reader want to read the text to see what he has to say.

The title of the text which also doubles up as a pull quote “It keeps dragging me back..” is well linked with the image on Bowie on the lefty hand side. If something was dragging you back, this would be frustrating as you are not able to reach what you should be able to. The picture on the left shows a stressed out frustrated looking Bowie with his head in his hands and glumly looking into the camera. The reader will automatically be able to link the fact that Bowie looks destressed with the quote on the right and will want to find out exactly why he feels this way, and of course, this will feature in the text, drawing the reader to read the ext.

Bowie was born in the 40s, his music could be classed as relatively old. Black and white is an effect used in modern day photography to give a vintage of edgy look to an image. There is no colour on this page at all, it is all in black and white, this could link/portray the fact most of his music was produced a while ago, it symbolises his old style of music.

Page 3: Double page spread analysis

This double page spread is from an issue of an NME magazine. The colouring of the photo used goes against regular conventions of an NME magazine due to the fact it is in black and white. This creates a huge colour contrast on the page due to the fact the text has bright blue and orange colours around it.

The photo of Lana Del Ray is in black and white, there is a reason behind this other than to look aesthetically pleasing. The majority of Lana Del Rays music is slow, sad music, which is why the dull, black and white photo of her fits appropriately. The dull image reflects her music as what she produces isn’t ‘vibrant’ or ‘pop genre’ her music is a lot more traditional. Her music is more jazz and blues reflective rather than contemporary

There is also a separate sub header, just 3 or 4 lines of text below the main title. This is an introduction to the text and is just a small preview to what may be featured within the text. This will allow the reader to decide if they want to read the article without having to start reading the main text itself.

The use of blue and orange also reflects her as an artist. Due to the fact he bright colours and reflect her age as she is a younger artist. Orange is seen as a rich colour, so the orange on the page could be used to suggest the fact her music is sophisticated. These colours also help ad a bit of colour to the page, usually on a double page spread the most colourful part of the page is the picture, however as this picture is black and white you lose this colour. So in order for the page to look somewhat interesting and vibrant the text must have some kind of colour to it.

The title of the article and the fact that Lana Del Ray is winking in the photography is cleverly thought through. The title is ‘Mission Accomplished’ this automatically makes the reader wonder what mission has been accomplished and may want to make them read the article to find out, it draw in the reader effectively. The reader may look to the picture for clues of what she has accomplished and as she is winking it may intrigue the reader even more. Sometimes winking is associated with something naughty or doing something you shouldn’t have, so by titling the text ‘mission accomplished’ and pairing this up with a picture of her winking, it may suggest that the ‘mission’ was one that she wasn’t supposed to take part in, it maybe suggests that she wasn’t allowed to do whatever she has accomplished, and this will definitely intrigue the reader to read the text.

In the middle of the text they have included a box featuring statistics on Lanas Success. The box is a bright blue box which stands out on the surrounding colours of white back ground and black text. The box will catch the reader’s attention and the stats featuring in the box will inform the reader about Lana del ray. This may draw people who don’t usually listen to her music to read the article. They may see how successful she has been by quickly reading the stats and then want to read the article on her after this.

The majority of the music in which Bowie produced falls under the ‘rock’ genre. In the image of him, which is a medium close up, the only item of clothing visible of David’s body is a black leather jacket. The black leather is a popular clothing item within the rock industry and could be seen as reflecting his genre of music.

When David was producing music he was commonly featured in the media, however usually with bright colours around him or wearing bright clothes. The colour red was a common theme with a lot of the photographs taken of him. This is why seeing him in black and white may intrigue the reader, they may wonder why he is in black and white and why there is no colour within the image, it doesn’t suit the standard image portrayed of Bowie my the media, this my make the reader want to read the text to find out.

At the start of each article big bold capital letters are used, the font size is a lot bigger than the rest of the text and the letters are a lot bolder this will draw attention to the start of each article and will encourage the reader to read the text.

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