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Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) Student Panel Video Transcript Transcript of Student Panel Webinar Hosted for First -Year PharmD Students

1 00:00:03.600 --> 00:00:13.049 Juliana Brammer: So once again welcome this is a student Panel for our University of Maryland school firm see Dr firms, the students and so. 2 00:00:13.530 --> 00:00:19.500 Juliana Brammer: I wanted to have you guys, to have an opportunity to kind of have a panel experience I know we had some chat hours. 3 00:00:20.040 --> 00:00:29.550 Juliana Brammer: During the interview process but it's also been a while, since we've had that, so this is your opportunity to ask our P threes you know some questions about. 4 00:00:30.210 --> 00:00:39.900 Juliana Brammer: getting started in the fall I know a lot has changed since they were P ones, but a lot of stayed the same, or will you know can kind of ramp up. 5 00:00:41.160 --> 00:00:52.950 Juliana Brammer: in different ways, so we want to just make you aware of you know, different opportunities for you and you know advice wise words from our students so once again welcome. 6 00:00:55.170 --> 00:00:55.800 Juliana Brammer: So. 7 00:00:57.120 --> 00:01:01.500 Juliana Brammer: Again, the format i'll do a few guided questions and then open it up to general q&a. 8 00:01:03.390 --> 00:01:04.500 Juliana Brammer: So let's see I guess. 9 00:01:06.450 --> 00:01:19.650 Juliana Brammer: How did the air or any of you involved in outside activities such as student organizations work or family and how do you balance that with your schoolwork.

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10 00:01:25.680 --> 00:01:26.700 i'll pick on you Jeffrey. 11 00:01:30.480 --> 00:01:32.910 Geoffrey Kist: i'm sorry I cut out a little bit there was that last part. 12 00:01:33.720 --> 00:01:39.690 Juliana Brammer: Oh, my apologies, actually, you know what before we even get into the questions, my apologies, I should have you guys introduce yourselves. 13 00:01:41.610 --> 00:01:49.230 Juliana Brammer: I guess if you guys just introduce yourself say your name and maybe you know if you're from Maryland or where you're. 14 00:01:51.360 --> 00:01:59.490 Geoffrey Kist: Okay, I can start Hello i'm Jeff kissed i'm a rising p3 student and i'm originally from Pennsylvania. 15 00:02:01.830 --> 00:02:05.520 Aanye Gafrey: hi my name is anya and i'm originally from Ghana. 16 00:02:07.980 --> 00:02:10.260 Joey Han: hello, my name is joey. 17 00:02:11.730 --> 00:02:15.030 Joey Han: i'm from South Korea and i'm a rising P for students. 18 00:02:15.570 --> 00:02:19.950 Juliana Brammer: Oh great great wonderful mix of the 13 people that's great. 19 00:02:20.670 --> 00:02:29.970 Juliana Brammer: So welcome Thank you guys for joining me today they're all on rotation with Dr Morgan right now is the academic rotation yeah right. 20 00:02:31.020 --> 00:02:46.410

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Juliana Brammer: So they're helping me with this as well as some other administrative stuff this week so thanks again so again i'll Jeffrey start again with you, are you involved in outside activities which is organization work or family and how do you balance that with your score. 21 00:02:48.150 --> 00:02:52.140 Geoffrey Kist: yeah sure so i'm involved in a couple of organizations. 22 00:02:53.190 --> 00:02:57.420 Geoffrey Kist: But there's one i'm like more heavily involved in like i'm on the Executive Board so. 23 00:02:58.260 --> 00:03:07.740 Geoffrey Kist: I got it it's like important to like a like join the organization's you want and what interests you, but just keep in mind that, like you may not be able to. 24 00:03:08.580 --> 00:03:24.030 Geoffrey Kist: equal amount of time to each so if one like interests you I lot, so I want for me it's like the but that the clinical form the ACC to the clinical pharmacy organization like I like i'm on the Executive Board there, and so I spent some lot of my time there then. 25 00:03:25.200 --> 00:03:34.950 Geoffrey Kist: I also we're like every other weekend right now so like it kind of leaves like some time for school, but it also helps me get some experience. 26 00:03:35.430 --> 00:03:41.940 Geoffrey Kist: But for scheduling it's just important to like divide your time he likely so like. 27 00:03:42.330 --> 00:03:48.900 Geoffrey Kist: Even if, like your PDF more things like that's not necessarily school work that you're still voting the time you need to school where. 28 00:03:49.170 --> 00:03:58.500 Geoffrey Kist: So I got like it depends on what you are a five year someone who wants to schedule all their time into like like different parts of the day, like it's helpful to do that and i'm. 29 00:03:58.890 --> 00:04:04.890 Geoffrey Kist: Once like you have like you're in a class, as you can see what time commitments each class maybe you may be. 30

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00:04:05.460 --> 00:04:16.950 Geoffrey Kist: More proficient in one class or the other, so maybe like focus more and classes that you're struggling with and just make sure to reach out if you need help or your us, you have, like all your classmates and there's a. 31 00:04:17.610 --> 00:04:22.740 Geoffrey Kist: places that that help you to reach out if you need help, but it's just important that. 32 00:04:23.370 --> 00:04:29.430 Geoffrey Kist: don't over commit yourself but don't sign up for a ton of organizations so i'm going to do this, this this and this. 33 00:04:30.000 --> 00:04:35.970 Geoffrey Kist: Before like you'd get a feel of how the school loans, going to be so, I feel it's important just. 34 00:04:36.810 --> 00:04:43.290 Geoffrey Kist: Like just like go in, like a little bit like you don't have to go if there's one thing you want like in early in the first year like you can go for it. 35 00:04:44.130 --> 00:04:49.680 Geoffrey Kist: I advise advise only going for like one or two things early on, and maybe, just like experiencing arrest or. 36 00:04:49.920 --> 00:05:04.080 Geoffrey Kist: You cannot attend the meetings like you don't have to be a part of a Sunday organizations to accept attended meeting so or you might go from but different meanings to different days you can experience what each organization is about and find what really interests you. 37 00:05:06.690 --> 00:05:09.330 Juliana Brammer: Thank you so much on your God have and. 38 00:05:12.720 --> 00:05:30.600 Aanye Gafrey: same thing, like what Jeffrey said I think time management and organization is key, when you're in pharmacy school because she could get caught up in trying to get involved in so many things, but you ultimately school is your top most priority. 39 00:05:30.750 --> 00:05:31.950 Aanye Gafrey: So you want to make sure you're.

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40 00:05:31.950 --> 00:05:40.980 Aanye Gafrey: Managing your time efficiently and at the same time, you want to get involved into stuff in school, but you want to make sure you organize your time. 41 00:05:44.910 --> 00:06:02.010 Joey Han: I agree completely agree with what's been all said I think it's important for you to not overload yourself it's important to get involved, but the first priority is getting you know coursework done so, you should focus on. 42 00:06:04.650 --> 00:06:15.090 Juliana Brammer: Thank you absolutely that's very good advice you know kind of start slow dip your toes in the water, a little bit and then see where your interests lie, where you want to go a little bit further. 43 00:06:16.290 --> 00:06:21.390 Juliana Brammer: and always check in to see if, like this little too much, maybe we need to back off on something. 44 00:06:23.070 --> 00:06:38.370 Juliana Brammer: So in that theme kind of Category I guess you know, is there any campus resources that you've used that you felt was helpful in you know learning how to study differently for pharmacy school i'll start with you. 45 00:06:40.530 --> 00:07:01.170 Aanye Gafrey: So I know my second, the end of my first semester I utilize academic coaching is basically one he's more of a faculty Member they take their time to meet with you, once a week to go you're teaching skills or sorry learning skills, I mean how. 46 00:07:02.550 --> 00:07:07.620 Aanye Gafrey: For the sort of get a baseline of how you how you study and. 47 00:07:08.430 --> 00:07:24.420 Aanye Gafrey: They recommend tips and tricks, you could use to help you study and more efficiently, then they check in with you, every week, so you guys have a meeting we usually use to meet in the SMC Center so then we with you, once a week, they go over. 48 00:07:26.070 --> 00:07:36.630 Aanye Gafrey: How the tips they like they recommended how it's helping you out in school and your coursework and all that and sometimes he used to.

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49 00:07:40.140 --> 00:07:50.640 Aanye Gafrey: Review my grades, maybe classes, I was struggling with your reviewer with me and review how the tip he recommended held or. 50 00:07:52.800 --> 00:08:00.330 Aanye Gafrey: help improve my grade or if it didn't help we found other alternatives basically that's one resource I use. 51 00:08:00.990 --> 00:08:16.050 Aanye Gafrey: A lot and also I just I use a library also like once classes were done, I used to spend a couple of hours in the library major I was caught up with a lot of things before I headed home because I commute so I made sure to spend some time in the library first before coming home. 52 00:08:18.390 --> 00:08:19.260 Juliana Brammer: Thank you. 53 00:08:20.580 --> 00:08:22.230 Juliana Brammer: have anything to add to me. 54 00:08:24.810 --> 00:08:24.960 Juliana Brammer: You. 55 00:08:25.200 --> 00:08:25.770 Joey Han: know, of course. 56 00:08:26.130 --> 00:08:34.200 Joey Han: So the school the school of pharmacy also provides the Tutoring service as well, so you'll be paired up with. 57 00:08:34.680 --> 00:08:44.280 Joey Han: opera your student who has already taken the course and it'll be free of charge, and you can assign you can you can schedule a time. 58 00:08:44.790 --> 00:09:05.970 Joey Han: With your tutor and get tutor for the coursework you're not really confident with or not unsure of so you can get caught up with the classes or get the grade you want they're extremely helpful and it's really easy to get assigned one, so I would recommend it if you're struggling class.

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59 00:09:09.030 --> 00:09:11.400 Juliana Brammer: Thank you very much, what about you Jeffrey. 60 00:09:13.980 --> 00:09:17.160 Geoffrey Kist: I personally haven't used any of idea. 61 00:09:17.460 --> 00:09:19.530 Geoffrey Kist: either go to Arizona academic coaching. 62 00:09:20.610 --> 00:09:31.200 Geoffrey Kist: or just you just like know what's available and like if you are struggling, just like the reach out because a lot of people are willing to help you, if I if I call you need to do is ask and and. 63 00:09:31.800 --> 00:09:39.930 Geoffrey Kist: Even if it's just asking what your fellow classmates if I do a study group and asking them some of the questions that they can help clarify, because some of. 64 00:09:40.710 --> 00:09:52.110 Geoffrey Kist: Like just like being instead of groups help because, like like if, like the other people in the group had to like teach you something that helps reinforce the idea for them so overall it's beneficial for everybody in that group. 65 00:09:53.610 --> 00:09:55.290 Juliana Brammer: Thank you yeah absolutely. 66 00:09:57.030 --> 00:09:58.200 Juliana Brammer: Definitely, I would say. 67 00:09:58.440 --> 00:10:01.890 Juliana Brammer: Like some of what I heard and some of what we discussed earlier was that. 68 00:10:02.910 --> 00:10:04.770 Juliana Brammer: there's a lot of opportunity to. 69 00:10:06.000 --> 00:10:06.450 Juliana Brammer: kind of.

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70 00:10:07.860 --> 00:10:19.230 Juliana Brammer: Work with your peers and I always say like lean on your peers will kind of lean on your peers and each other support each other in you know big little, which is something that we're going to do during orientation. 71 00:10:20.580 --> 00:10:33.720 Juliana Brammer: Also, just group work in general and you're in your own group and then student orgs so for sure, as we get back to campus I definitely see that as being something that will. 72 00:10:35.340 --> 00:10:37.710 Juliana Brammer: That has been very supportive for our students so. 73 00:10:38.850 --> 00:10:46.560 Juliana Brammer: We do offer Tutoring and then studies skills was another one that Dr knowles is teaching this year and I know he mentioned it in our last. 74 00:10:47.010 --> 00:10:56.400 Juliana Brammer: faculty panel so definitely just be aware of your resources, I know I have that resources list in the incoming students web page and that does live out some of those. 75 00:10:57.090 --> 00:11:10.980 Juliana Brammer: As well as counseling Center you wreck fit, which is a beautiful gym with pool and basketball court so it's really, really nice so like I said there's a lot of things that you can do to make sure that you're well and well rounded. 76 00:11:12.720 --> 00:11:17.730 Juliana Brammer: Have any of you worked for fact with faculty for research opportunities. 77 00:11:22.380 --> 00:11:28.860 Aanye Gafrey: So i'm currently working on a couple of research projects with to faculty members um. 78 00:11:30.210 --> 00:11:37.080 Aanye Gafrey: One one of them was actually supposed to be more in person in a lab but because of covert we've not been able to. 79 00:11:38.160 --> 00:11:41.880 Aanye Gafrey: really work on that, but the other is more virtual.

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80 00:11:42.990 --> 00:11:55.200 Aanye Gafrey: it's more of a systematic review, where we over paper, so we could still do it virtually so um it's a good opportunity to reach out to professor's once you get a good. 81 00:11:56.280 --> 00:12:00.360 Aanye Gafrey: feel of pharmacy school, you can reach out to Professor and they're always willing to. 82 00:12:01.380 --> 00:12:05.070 Aanye Gafrey: Take on students because you're you're gonna learn stuff. 83 00:12:06.390 --> 00:12:12.930 Aanye Gafrey: As you go, which is beneficial for pharmacy school also like the one research project we're doing right now is how. 84 00:12:15.630 --> 00:12:29.700 Aanye Gafrey: em health, which is more of a an application, how it helps children with for taking certain medications so it's beneficial, in a sense that we learn about psychotropics So it goes hand in hand a. 85 00:12:30.870 --> 00:12:36.600 Aanye Gafrey: course work also so that's basically the main research project we're working on right now. 86 00:12:38.700 --> 00:12:41.550 Juliana Brammer: And I enjoy you know you're doing a dual degree talk. 87 00:12:41.670 --> 00:12:42.150 Juliana Brammer: about that. 88 00:12:44.250 --> 00:12:51.600 Joey Han: So the beauty of our school program is that the from the students can pursue dual degrees. 89 00:12:53.400 --> 00:12:58.350 Joey Han: There is the particle kinetics and there's the regulatory sizes and there is. 90 00:13:00.300 --> 00:13:07.320 Joey Han: jd if you wanted to pursue that one i'm currently doing the regulatory sciences, everything is.

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91 00:13:08.760 --> 00:13:09.360 Joey Han: online. 92 00:13:10.410 --> 00:13:23.160 Joey Han: you'll be working with teammates to do coursework and I think it's really a great resource, then you can use when you're in the University of Maryland. 93 00:13:23.790 --> 00:13:44.190 Joey Han: Because you have to do electives anyways and then you can use the dual dual degree program courses towards your electives rather than just doing electives for the sake of getting all the electives done also I think it's if you've started in the. 94 00:13:46.320 --> 00:13:57.480 Joey Han: The SEC, the Spring semester, I believe, of the p2p year your whole degree will be free, except for the ged Program. 95 00:13:58.020 --> 00:14:17.220 Joey Han: And if you start from the fall of 24 all of your p3 year you'll be just paying for one semester dust for the summer semester so it's a very cost efficient way to earn another degree and to learn more about what you're don't learn in class, but you would. 96 00:14:18.540 --> 00:14:36.660 Joey Han: When you can learn more about the promo code kinetics thermal called metrics is more like designing pk and all that stuff and regulatory sciences that's more about how the FDA does how the other regulatory affairs are involved in getting the drug into the market. 97 00:14:37.800 --> 00:14:42.780 Joey Han: So yeah that's it and I would highly recommend you utilize that. 98 00:14:44.370 --> 00:14:46.410 Juliana Brammer: Thank you very much, just to clarify. 99 00:14:47.280 --> 00:15:03.120 Juliana Brammer: If that's true that if you take curtis during the fall and spring that if you're a full time student you're not charged extra with some of those degrees if it's in a different schools, such as the business degrees, that we have a farm D MBA. 100

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00:15:04.290 --> 00:15:16.890 Juliana Brammer: Some sometimes there is an extra expense, depending on the degree, but definitely our in house masters, I know we're probably the most flexible with that and that's regulatory science or moko metrics Those are the two hour. 101 00:15:18.870 --> 00:15:39.900 Joey Han: Mark so renders doing the i'm sorry um my friend, is doing the University of baltimore the dual degree program with the mda I I think that's fully online as well yeah not sure about the the the College, part one, I think I think some of the has to be like in person correct. 102 00:15:39.960 --> 00:15:47.430 Juliana Brammer: that's correct UV is all online and the College park does have may have some in person requirements and they may take a little longer. 103 00:15:47.910 --> 00:15:49.080 Juliana Brammer: And again, you know. 104 00:15:49.110 --> 00:15:56.940 Juliana Brammer: Once you complete your firm D, if you have additional time to complete the second degree, then obviously like the tuition would pick up with that second degree. 105 00:15:58.470 --> 00:16:05.640 Juliana Brammer: So, but it depends, I know, we do have one at least one student going through the College park from DC so. 106 00:16:06.690 --> 00:16:19.530 Juliana Brammer: Thank you um let's see and maybe one last question before I turn it over to our guests, which is tell me, you know, one of your favorite things to do, or places to do more. 107 00:16:24.510 --> 00:16:31.980 Aanye Gafrey: So I mean me and my friends, you know the one hour break lunch break we have we usually go to nando's. 108 00:16:33.300 --> 00:16:45.780 Aanye Gafrey: For that break because I nando's about five minutes from the school so that's where we usually go for lunch break sometimes not all the time, but we usually go and. 109 00:16:47.070 --> 00:16:59.160

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Aanye Gafrey: When I have free time spare time I like to play video games, because I commute some homeless other times I play video games, just to relax after studying for hours, those that I do. 110 00:17:00.810 --> 00:17:04.260 Juliana Brammer: And I just I love non does I love all of you around our campus. 111 00:17:04.290 --> 00:17:07.410 Juliana Brammer: makes me so excited those two tracks to. 112 00:17:09.210 --> 00:17:10.350 Juliana Brammer: Jeffrey why don't you go ahead. 113 00:17:12.000 --> 00:17:16.050 Geoffrey Kist: yeah sure what one thing like I like enjoying life and baltimore is a. 114 00:17:16.470 --> 00:17:27.540 Geoffrey Kist: Really, I kind of live like in downtown so like all like walk down to like the federal park like by the water and it's just like just like hanging out there it's like some friends and. 115 00:17:29.820 --> 00:17:32.370 Geoffrey Kist: I said I want my favorite things to do, and ultimately. 116 00:17:36.150 --> 00:17:37.980 Geoffrey Kist: Thank you yeah there's. 117 00:17:38.010 --> 00:17:41.490 Juliana Brammer: Some free concerts on certain days will during the summertime at least. 118 00:17:42.750 --> 00:17:46.140 Juliana Brammer: that's a great music scene as well sure what about you joey. 119 00:17:50.100 --> 00:17:56.430 Joey Han: So, like Jeffrey said the harbor region is a great area to spend time. 120 00:17:57.900 --> 00:18:05.220 Joey Han: There you can there's also boating and you can do some sightseeing they're also there are some good cafes around that area.

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121 00:18:07.620 --> 00:18:15.990 Joey Han: addition to that area would be mount Vernon area which I really like it's it kind of has the DC vibe I think. 122 00:18:17.520 --> 00:18:20.220 Joey Han: it's about 20 minutes walk from the school. 123 00:18:22.170 --> 00:18:33.300 Joey Han: And there is a lot of good restaurants and good cafes and also it's near by peabody too, so you have more chances of interacting with other students. 124 00:18:33.630 --> 00:18:43.740 Joey Han: Which is kind of hard to do at our campus because you know it's mostly only the baltimore students so yeah I would recommend non burning and in our harbor region. 125 00:18:45.240 --> 00:18:52.890 Juliana Brammer: Thank you, yes, actually, and we do have shuttle that go to that goes to the Mount Vernon i'm kidding fells point and federal hill areas so. 126 00:18:53.820 --> 00:19:05.550 Juliana Brammer: We usually recommend like maybe live on campus first year if you're not overly familiar with the area and, as you get to know the city and each other, you know you can start to branch out and see you know what other places, you may want to live. 127 00:19:07.230 --> 00:19:07.770 Juliana Brammer: So. 128 00:19:09.240 --> 00:19:11.400 Juliana Brammer: Is there any questions from our audience so far. 129 00:19:15.360 --> 00:19:19.620 Joey Han: Just to add one thing, so if you're planning to live on campus I think. 130 00:19:19.650 --> 00:19:30.750 Joey Han: i'm the school i'm not sure if its affiliated with a school but there's the fe yet, I think it is affiliated with the school it's so it's so many for students, you MBA students.

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131 00:19:31.260 --> 00:19:46.380 Joey Han: And it recently opened up, I think it's opening up around July, and I think they were giving to month three or something so if you're gonna consider living on campus that's one of the options affiliate. 132 00:19:49.200 --> 00:19:50.220 Juliana Brammer: What time did you have a. 133 00:19:50.220 --> 00:19:50.940 question. 134 00:19:52.110 --> 00:20:04.260 Lotanna Ezeofor: yeah I did on so I just wanted to know like how like coming into pharmacy school like How was it in terms of like setting up like your resumes and like CVs and certain things like that, like worth. 135 00:20:04.290 --> 00:20:06.180 Lotanna Ezeofor: Was the program like or the school. 136 00:20:07.050 --> 00:20:08.730 Lotanna Ezeofor: very helpful with that kind of stuff. 137 00:20:20.040 --> 00:20:21.540 Aanye Gafrey: Before I got into pharmacy. 138 00:20:21.540 --> 00:20:22.980 Aanye Gafrey: School I. 139 00:20:24.450 --> 00:20:35.550 Aanye Gafrey: tried to get our message experience first, before getting in just to get a feel of how one pharmacy is, in general, and I had a mentor who was working at. 140 00:20:39.030 --> 00:20:43.380 Aanye Gafrey: emc so I shadowed him for a couple of days, also so that's where I. 141 00:20:44.730 --> 00:20:51.600

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Aanye Gafrey: Generally got a few of wanting to do pharmacy go once I got into pharmacy school same with this we had. 142 00:20:53.580 --> 00:21:02.580 Aanye Gafrey: During my interview session I spoke to a couple of upperclassmen they showed me resources available and. 143 00:21:03.840 --> 00:21:13.650 Aanye Gafrey: So just like how they look up drugs little things just those little things, or what to focus on when you get into pharmacy school that was good. 144 00:21:14.580 --> 00:21:33.570 Aanye Gafrey: That, I think that's kind of the main resource, I had I don't know if that's secondary so upperclassmen during my interview that's basically those are the people that I spoke to prior to starting pharmacy school basically about general questions, I had a note that says question but yeah. 145 00:21:40.350 --> 00:21:47.520 Juliana Brammer: I was going to say as far as resources if I was understanding that correctly for resume writing, we do have a career navigation. 146 00:21:47.970 --> 00:21:58.050 Juliana Brammer: person, and I know he has resumes CV interview clinics, you know throughout the Semester throughout the year opportunities to connect with employers. 147 00:21:59.460 --> 00:22:03.990 Juliana Brammer: You know internships when those become available in your P two year so. 148 00:22:05.040 --> 00:22:06.840 Juliana Brammer: The office of student Affairs does have. 149 00:22:08.730 --> 00:22:12.930 Juliana Brammer: That like career development part of what we do as well, so you'll definitely want more about that. 150 00:22:14.070 --> 00:22:20.010 Juliana Brammer: During orientation as well, I was gonna say you know we're talking about baltimore have you guys use the sleepwalks the bride. 151

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00:22:21.270 --> 00:22:22.710 Juliana Brammer: Prior how did that go. 152 00:22:23.790 --> 00:22:25.950 Juliana Brammer: Or do you want to talk, can you talk a little bit about that. 153 00:22:28.170 --> 00:22:28.620 Joey Han: So. 154 00:22:30.210 --> 00:22:36.300 Joey Han: I love to end the I lived kind of like close by mom burner area and. 155 00:22:37.860 --> 00:22:51.330 Joey Han: I think that was like two blocks away from what the safe ride coppers, so there is a coverage as to where the safe ride would take you to, and you can use stop give them a call and. 156 00:22:52.530 --> 00:23:06.900 Joey Han: schedule, when you want to get picked up or when they can pick you up and it's really good resource to use, because at nighttime after like when you have like exams coming up you're gonna stay. 157 00:23:07.920 --> 00:23:20.310 Joey Han: Do an all nighter, especially in the library or into pharmacy hall and it's easy way to get back home, and you don't have to pay uber you don't have to pay live and it's pretty safe. 158 00:23:21.270 --> 00:23:32.970 Joey Han: there's also the safe off I haven't used that but it's a program where I think if someone comes by and helps you to get back to your place, I think, mostly people. 159 00:23:33.420 --> 00:23:44.640 Joey Han: who live on the Fayette use that a lot because it's so from the Fayette to the school it's about five minutes seven seven minute walking distance I think yeah. 160 00:23:47.940 --> 00:23:51.990 Juliana Brammer: yeah absolutely and I know now we have the credits Tory burch as. 161 00:23:51.990 --> 00:24:02.610 Juliana Brammer: Well, so that's something to consider, you know as you mentioned when you're there late at night to to use that service so that's something else that we have available.

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162 00:24:04.200 --> 00:24:06.720 Juliana Brammer: Did anybody else have any questions for our student. 163 00:24:12.300 --> 00:24:13.530 Charleen Anani: hi I have a question. 164 00:24:15.360 --> 00:24:16.110 Juliana Brammer: So. 165 00:24:16.410 --> 00:24:26.010 Charleen Anani: I heard that there's some sort of mentor program for P want students to get in contact with like upperclassmen how do I go about doing that. 166 00:24:27.630 --> 00:24:30.000 Juliana Brammer: So I think you're speaking to about the big. 167 00:24:30.000 --> 00:24:43.830 Juliana Brammer: Little and that will be during orientation and will always talk about it, then, and then it'll either be done that week or the week after the first week of school and students do that one of the student organizations can't remember off the top my head, but. 168 00:24:45.180 --> 00:24:50.460 Juliana Brammer: But there'll be doing that, during the first week so you'll be matched up with two so that's you know, one of many ways that. 169 00:24:51.450 --> 00:25:03.210 Juliana Brammer: You know mentorship from from our upperclassmen can be helpful and kind of within you know, making those connections right off the BAT and definitely you know the other thing is. 170 00:25:04.350 --> 00:25:13.410 Juliana Brammer: The organizations are going to be talking to you about all of the things that they have to offer, so there are so many opportunities to get involved. 171 00:25:14.400 --> 00:25:23.190 Juliana Brammer: With student organizations and make connections with other students, as well as professionals and everything in whatever you know may interest you.

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172 00:25:33.600 --> 00:25:34.530 Juliana Brammer: To get started. 173 00:25:38.940 --> 00:25:50.460 Lotanna Ezeofor: um yeah I was very excited actually I don't know why but yesterday actually like I keep researching like information or pharmacy school and like there's literally no more information I can get, but I just keep doing it anywhere. 174 00:25:52.530 --> 00:25:54.090 Juliana Brammer: yeah I mean I can imagine it's. 175 00:25:54.090 --> 00:26:06.060 Juliana Brammer: tricky because you guys have been really you know that on campus you know much or at all right so it's gonna be a really no trace, we do have an athlete beautiful building um. 176 00:26:07.080 --> 00:26:11.880 Juliana Brammer: we're just talking about spots to either so many you know places around as well, for that. 177 00:26:12.870 --> 00:26:27.060 Juliana Brammer: And campus Center library they're all like renovated and actually when they were talking about before is the law library, which is right next to fair housing, I talked about that sometimes just because the proximity is so close. 178 00:26:28.080 --> 00:26:29.670 Juliana Brammer: And that's very, very quiet. 179 00:26:31.710 --> 00:26:34.290 Juliana Brammer: Here really do group work in there just study. 180 00:26:36.060 --> 00:26:44.580 Juliana Brammer: But ya know we're excited to have you works need to have a kind of semi normal orientation we're looking forward to putting together some fun activities for you guys. 181 00:26:47.790 --> 00:26:53.820 Lotanna Ezeofor: Oh, but I also did have one more question for this upperclassman, I just wanted to ask like How was the school like.

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182 00:26:53.820 --> 00:26:59.070 Lotanna Ezeofor: rounds so far that you guys have had since I guess come into pharmacy school. 183 00:27:05.130 --> 00:27:06.120 Joey Han: I can talk about it. 184 00:27:07.590 --> 00:27:14.820 Joey Han: So I didn't have a bachelor's degree, so I just did the two two and a half years of. 185 00:27:16.530 --> 00:27:33.030 Joey Han: undergrad work and just did my the prerequisites and came to the pharmacy school the p one winner was definitely a bit tougher tougher for me than other people who actually completed their bachelor's degree program because most of them actually. 186 00:27:34.050 --> 00:27:49.110 Joey Han: went ahead and did the course work that we will be doing in the p one year, so in the p one year if if for a person like me, it would be hard to do our words about work life that student. 187 00:27:49.770 --> 00:28:01.350 Joey Han: friend balance but I, I can assure you that when you kind of like you know go study through and it gets you know that that accumulates and you get the knowledge. 188 00:28:01.680 --> 00:28:15.210 Joey Han: And once it accumulates you get in the learning curve and things become easier and you would have more time for your friends or your family or other word, but before that had some it's going to be tough and. 189 00:28:16.620 --> 00:28:25.590 Joey Han: it's you should try to kind of manage your time and change your schedule a little by little, according to the school schedule. 190 00:28:30.600 --> 00:28:31.080 Lotanna Ezeofor: Thank you. 191 00:28:33.810 --> 00:28:37.380 Juliana Brammer: I would say it's definitely a transition, I know, and like I said it's.

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192 00:28:38.310 --> 00:28:47.610 Juliana Brammer: Obviously, been an abnormal for some time now, but it's it's always a transition from to getting to a new city to graduate school it's like. 193 00:28:48.060 --> 00:28:56.850 Juliana Brammer: Just the volume of like work that you have right so i'm just getting to know you know those different techniques and. 194 00:28:57.210 --> 00:29:05.040 Juliana Brammer: Using some of those resources that we're talking about and getting to know what works best for you, you know and also like I said leaning on each other. 195 00:29:05.670 --> 00:29:14.160 Juliana Brammer: Dr Lisa was saying that you know join study groups, she said, you know she graduated from Maryland some time ago, and she said that she would have like a safer just to. 196 00:29:14.940 --> 00:29:25.980 Juliana Brammer: You know, to study with you know, without much discussion and then some essays that they would really go into you know staying for an exam prior to so it's really what works for you and. 197 00:29:27.900 --> 00:29:32.580 Juliana Brammer: You know, getting to know each other and supporting each other and knowing the campus supports as well. 198 00:29:41.820 --> 00:29:44.610 Juliana Brammer: All right, any other like words of wisdom from our panelists. 199 00:29:48.030 --> 00:29:49.350 Geoffrey Kist: I would just say that. 200 00:29:50.310 --> 00:29:54.690 Geoffrey Kist: Like when you're adjusting the school like it's important to like keep it balanced like don't. 201 00:29:55.350 --> 00:30:05.040 Geoffrey Kist: don't want just always study mixture like leave time for family, friends, I just because it's graduate school doesn't mean you're going to be working 24 seven so it's just.

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202 00:30:05.790 --> 00:30:16.380 Geoffrey Kist: Keeping yourself keeping yourself scheduled know like that you set aside time for studying for work and then for family and friends right so it's not like a. 203 00:30:16.860 --> 00:30:25.380 Geoffrey Kist: Like obviously it's a lot of work and, like you have to like stay on top of it, I don't think that just because it's a lot of work that I don't think you're going to be doing his work. 204 00:30:27.540 --> 00:30:28.230 Juliana Brammer: Thank you. 205 00:30:31.170 --> 00:30:32.700 Juliana Brammer: yeah definitely getting to know your own. 206 00:30:35.820 --> 00:30:39.360 Aanye Gafrey: sounds like to say it's important to hold yourself accountable. 207 00:30:39.480 --> 00:30:49.410 Aanye Gafrey: For the entire time when you're in pharmacy school, yes to make sure you set realistic goals for yourself realistic but achievable goals you want to make sure you're. 208 00:30:51.630 --> 00:31:00.000 Aanye Gafrey: Putting your best foot forward, because even though it's like definitely said it's Grad school you still want to get involved, you still want to. 209 00:31:02.280 --> 00:31:05.190 Aanye Gafrey: Make sure y'all good grading when you graduate obviously but you also want to. 210 00:31:06.390 --> 00:31:11.550 Aanye Gafrey: going to go see time organization is key, like we said earlier, and just. 211 00:31:12.930 --> 00:31:18.330 Aanye Gafrey: enjoy the experience of pharmacy school, so one time thing, so you want to enjoy the experience also. 212 00:31:20.400 --> 00:31:22.470 Juliana Brammer: Most of our students enjoy your summer.

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213 00:31:22.530 --> 00:31:25.290 Juliana Brammer: Before pharmacy school also. 214 00:31:28.020 --> 00:31:38.070 Juliana Brammer: So, even though you're going to get the drug card stuff soon you know you can look it over a little bit, but don't you know definitely enjoy the the break time, I think we all need some break time after this year. 215 00:31:39.390 --> 00:31:42.390 Juliana Brammer: So definitely use that time to revitalize them. 216 00:31:45.630 --> 00:31:54.870 Juliana Brammer: And then also enjoy pharmacy school to when it comes, and it does go fast, you know our fourth years i'm like I remember when they came in, you know before, because of course i'm in admissions. 217 00:31:55.320 --> 00:32:05.550 Juliana Brammer: For that you would come in i'm like I interviewed them American graduate so it's great to see that in our office, so I look forward to working with all of you for the next few years. 218 00:32:08.430 --> 00:32:16.320 Juliana Brammer: So I don't know if anybody has any other questions, but if not we'll probably wrap up in a few minutes. 219 00:32:23.880 --> 00:32:24.480 Juliana Brammer: So. 220 00:32:25.050 --> 00:32:29.400 Lotanna Ezeofor: One question on on do you guys like I don't you don't. 221 00:32:29.460 --> 00:32:30.900 Lotanna Ezeofor: If you don't know right now the time. 222 00:32:30.900 --> 00:32:31.140 Juliana Brammer: But. 223

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00:32:31.170 --> 00:32:32.550 Lotanna Ezeofor: I was wondering if you guys like. 224 00:32:33.420 --> 00:32:36.600 Lotanna Ezeofor: Know like what exactly you guys want to do with your farm D. 225 00:32:39.540 --> 00:32:40.320 Lotanna Ezeofor: Good question. 226 00:32:41.340 --> 00:32:52.290 Geoffrey Kist: yeah I can go so like I right now, like i'm like interested in my clinical pharmacy like in a hospital setting so like so like it's like Okay, if you can like get experience in that area and then. 227 00:32:53.070 --> 00:32:59.280 Geoffrey Kist: it's like right now, like I work in the Johns Hopkins of pediatric pharmacy and there's like a there's a. 228 00:33:00.030 --> 00:33:09.810 Geoffrey Kist: lot there's like a program for what does happen so for pharmacy students to work every other weekend so that's one thing like if you're interested in clinical pharmacy. 229 00:33:10.140 --> 00:33:19.260 Geoffrey Kist: And then, like it's also important to note that, if you want to go, like the wrap up clinical pharmacy you'll probably need like a residency after your you get your phone. 230 00:33:25.860 --> 00:33:45.840 Aanye Gafrey: So for me i'm currently doing both I work on both the hospital and a retail pharmacy so i'm still figuring it out i'm not hundred percent certain where I went, what I want to do in the end, so i'm still working on still have in clinical experience and also having retail experience. 231 00:33:49.410 --> 00:34:11.760 Joey Han: I think it's really hard to I mean i'm i'm writing P for students, when I was coming in, as a P one student, I thought I want to be a clinical pharmacist like no questions asked, but things change like you're going to experience so many things over your four years you universe in Maryland. 232 00:34:13.440 --> 00:34:27.840 Joey Han: And you buy from doing the rotations you might you the thing that you thought you liked it might not be your thing, so I think the best advice is just to experience everything, and you know.

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233 00:34:28.830 --> 00:34:39.450 Joey Han: I think just go out talk to people and even though you're even though, someone said, it is not that good you might like it so just be open. 234 00:34:41.400 --> 00:34:42.390 Joey Han: don't limit yourself. 235 00:34:44.310 --> 00:34:55.830 Joey Han: There is so much career a pharmacist can go into you'll be really amazed like there's also the informatics you can be also working in telemedicine, these days. 236 00:34:57.690 --> 00:35:04.170 Joey Han: it's not just like retail or a hospital, you can also work and research organizations and also. 237 00:35:05.250 --> 00:35:08.370 Joey Han: drug development there's so much more so. 238 00:35:10.260 --> 00:35:12.660 Joey Han: So just talk to people and. 239 00:35:13.680 --> 00:35:14.190 Joey Han: be open. 240 00:35:17.220 --> 00:35:18.720 Lotanna Ezeofor: Thank you so much for your answers. 241 00:35:22.080 --> 00:35:24.600 Juliana Brammer: Thank you for your questions as well. 242 00:35:27.420 --> 00:35:27.930 Juliana Brammer: well. 243 00:35:29.010 --> 00:35:43.830 Juliana Brammer: I was going to say other than that we have you know the August six event which all those soon as well as orientation which i'll post information about that soon as well seems like the summers flying, even though I just started.

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244 00:35:45.690 --> 00:35:46.380 Juliana Brammer: So. 245 00:35:48.570 --> 00:36:02.850 Juliana Brammer: Thank you all for attending today i'm good to stay on a little bit longer if there's any lingering questions, but if you need to drop off, I appreciate your attendance and let me go ahead and stop the recording and i'll post, this also on the site thanks again.

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