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DISC Training Outline _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Training – Prep ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.Check to make sure both Graphs are Valid (See last Page of Packet) 2.Print Worksheets & Handouts 3.Print extra copy of each Person’s Graph I & II 4.Have green & blue Highlighter for each Person 5.Decide which DISC DVD segments are the best match

Training – Lesson Plan (Allow approximately 30 to 45 minutes)

Timing Min Topic PPT # Packet / # Participants’ Resources

__ to __ 15 Cover, 3 P’s, Outline 1 - 3 --- ---

__ to __ 15 Part 1 - DISC Model 4 --- --- DISC Refers to? 5 --- --- Country DISC Story 6 --- --- Divide & Conquer 7 - 9 Divide & Conquer / 1 – 2 DISC Report – e-Graphs - Pg 5 DISC DVD “Pure Styles” 10 – 11

__ to __ 30 Part 2 – Your Style 12 --- --- Write on Pg 5 … 13 Debriefer-Script / 3 DISC Report –e-Graphs- Pg 5 (If you did prior one-on-one DISC Debriefs, ask attendees what you had them write on their Page 5.) Style – High D … 14 – 21 --- --- Overview of YOUR Graph II 22 – 24 Overview YOUR Graph II / 4-5 Worksheet - Tool Group Breakdown- Graph II 25 Group Breakdown-Graph II Handout - Reference __ to __ 15 Graph I & II Comparison 26 – 33 Graph I & II Comparison / 6-7 Worksheet –Tool (If you did prior one-on-one DISC Debriefs, only review PPT Slide 26 & 27.)

__ to __ 15 Part 3 – All Styles 34 --- --- Strengths, Motivators, Tips 35 – 40 Summary of D Style / 8 DISC Report Summary Pg 12

__to__ 45 Part 4 – Practicing 41 --- --- How to Identify Styles 42 – 44 --- Job Aids - Distribute (Alternative – DISC Report – Four Basic Styles Overview Pg 14) DISC DVD 45 – 46 --- Job Aids - Reference (If a Management Training, select “The Meeting.” If General or Team Building, select “Effective Communications.) What style is Joan? … 47 – 50 --- Job Aids – Reference Decoding Emails 51 – 52 Email Decoder /9 Worksheet - Tool Emailing a D,I,S,C / 10-13 Handout

__ to __ 15 Part 5 – Get Results 53 --- --- Identifying Styles Activities 54 – 60 Action Plan 4 Styles/ 14-15 DISC Report Action Plan Pg23 Summary, Thank You 61-62 --- ---

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Divide and Conquer Category: Application Goal: Observing behaviors provides clues to another’s communication style. Materials: Flipchart Paper, Magic Springs from Oriental Trading Preparation: Post 1 flipchart sheet for each style in a corner of the room.

Grouping: For majority of activity, participants are grouped by style. Timing: Total of 15 Minutes.

(5 Min) Moving (5 Min) Explaining Pace & Priority (5 Min) Meeting Scenario

Assignment: Ask “D’s & I’s to go to back and S’s & C’s to come to front of room.” Assignment: After people move…

Ask S’s & C’s “Describe how the D’s & I’s got in line?” (Typical Responses: They rushed over; some of them are still talking & laughing!)

Ask D’s & I’s “Describe how the S’s & C’s got in line?” (Typical Responses: Took their time, making sure they were standing in right spot.)

State “You’ll find that we will be able to use our own training session today as a

laboratory – Allowing us to identify styles in real time.”

Assignment: Request “Everyone move to the corner where your Primary Style is; D,I,S,C.”

Explain: Stand by D’s & I’s, explain “D & I’s Pace…is Fast, Charge..”

Stand by S’s & C’s explain “S’s & C’s Pace…is Cautious, Reflective.”

Explain: Stand by D’s & C’s explain “D’s & C’s Priority…is Task”

(Mention: D’s more goal oriented, C’s did the goal get done… correctly!)

Stand by I’s & S’s, explain “I’s & S’s Priority…is People.” (Mention: S’s more team oriented, I’s more PARTY!)

D I C S Trainer





Assignment: Ask “Please circle your highest Graph II point(s.)”

D & I C & S Trainer

(Back of room)

(Front of room)



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Divide and Conquer



Meeting Stand in the middle of the room. “Wonder why some folks initially have conflicts?” Scenario: Here’s an example that offers some explanation. Think about a non-productive meeting.”

Point to D’s: “Get frustrated when others will never give you an answer?” (YES!)

Point to S’s: “Ever feel you’re being pressured to answer?” (Yes.) Ask Large Group as you point “S’s - Pace?” (Cautious) “Priority?” (People) Ask Large Group as you point “D’s -Pace?” (Fast) “Priority? “ (Task)

Ask S’s: “Would you be willing, when asked for an answer during a meeting, respond with something like? ‘I will get back to you by end of day with … e.g. timeline, budget.’” (Yes) “Then take a step towards me, towards the center of the room.”

Ask D’s: “Would you be willing to give them to end of the day to get an answer to you? (Yes) Then take a step towards me, in the center.” “So, if the center of the room represents the main objective of having a more productive meeting, then with just a little effort put forth, everyone is on target to make that happen.”

Point to C’s: “Ever feel like people aren’t taking their work seriously?” (Yes.)

Point to I’s: “Ever feel like some people are taking work way too seriously? (YES!)

Ask Large Group as you point to “I’s - Pace?” (Fast) “Priority?” (People) Ask Large Group as you point to “C’s - Pace?” (Cautious) “Priority?” (Task)

Ask C’s: “Would you be willing to give the people who love to interact, 5 minutes of the beginning of the meeting to have a ‘howdy-duty-time?’” (Yes) Then take a step towards me in the center.”

Ask I’s: “Would you be willing to try & limit yourself to 5 minutes of ‘howdy-duty-time‘?”(Yes) “Then take a step towards me in the center. Now you’re all closer to the center, the main objective of having a more productive meeting, with just a little effort put forth, , everyone is on target to make that happen.””

Closing: “So with a little bit of effort/stretching - we all come closer to having what we all want…

more productive meetings. So, to inspire you to keep stretching, head on back to your seats & open your Magic Springs box and S-T-R-E-C-H. … And… note that as you stretch the magic spring.. it becomes easier to stretch. So the more you are willing to stretch, when needed during a meeting, the easier it becomes.”

Closing Option: Ask “Please head back to your seat, but first do some stretching…and we all know

It gets easier. Same process in stretching in styles, the more we stretch the easier it gets.” Special Note: Sometimes someone will pop-up with… “Yeah…but, what if you’re the only one

stretching? Not fair!” Ask them…“Who is the only person you can really control? You? And, I can guarantee you if YOU don’t stretch, then the meeting or situation most likely will not get better, but, if you are willing to stretch, at least it takes the edge off of the tension for you.”



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The Debriefer - Script






Instruct: “To the right of your 2 Graphs, write D, then below an I, then S, & then a C.

Next to D write Dominant, next to I - Interact, next to S - Steady, next to C - Compliant."

Say: “It seems that society has painted the word ‘compliant’ with a negative connotation,

so let’s add, what I refer to as the Positive P’s.”

Instruct: “Next to Dominant write Problem Solve. Next to Interact write People.

Next to Steady write Plan, next to Compliant write Procedures.”

Say: “We all have some D, I, S, C in us.

The greater the intensity/intensities – that is what determines our Primary DISC Style.”

Instruct: “By The Adaptive Style, Graph I, write Snapshot of 1 Day at Work.”

Instruct: “Go to your DISC Report Cover Page, to locate the date you actually took your DISC Assessment. Then

transfer that date by your Graph I, as well. For example, if your DISC cover page says 01-16-2013 then write 01-16-2013 by your Graph I .”

Say: “We all know each day at work is not always the same. The 3 main influencers for each day at work

for us are - your actual Responsibilities, the Role you played & who you Related to.

Instruct: “By Natural Style, Graph II, write 24/7 & in CAPS write WORK AND HOME.”

Say: “Graph II represents the combination of one’s:

Nature - the DNA we are born with & Nurture – our environmental influencers from family & society.”

Intro Instruct: “In your printed DISC Report, please turn to page 5.”

Say: “I first want to provide clarity around your e-graphs. Please write the following on your page 5.”

Instruct: “At the top of your page, please write Style not Skill Assessment.”

Say: “DISC assesses preferences not performance.”

Instruct: “Locate the horizontal, bold lines in each Graph. In between the two Graphs, write Energy Line.”

Say: “We all have points above and below the Energy Line.”

FYI: “Interesting insight on the formation of your actual Graphs I & II. Researchers discovered that people

have more clarity around what they LEAST like. For example, my LEAST favorite food is liver. So, it doesn’t matter when or where you ask me that question, 24/7, at WORK or HOME, my answer will always be liver. So, your Graph II is based on your LEAST selections when you took the DISC Assessment.”

“Researchers also discovered that people change their options when selecting what they like MOST. For example, my favorite food selection depends upon several factors (or influencers) – what time of the day it is, where I am,… One day I might say pancakes is my favorite food & another day I might say pizza. So, your Graph I is based upon your influencers during the day you took the DISC Assessment; what Responsibilities you had, your Role you played & who you were Relating to. So, your Graph I is based upon your MOST selections when you took the DISC Assessment.”

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Overview of YOUR Graph II Worksheet - Instructions

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Overview of Your Graph II Problem Solve People Plan Procedures








Quick Expressive Methodical Detailed

Strong Willed Optimistic Consistent Logical

Determined Collaborative Stable Conventional

Contemplative Modest Flexible Tenacious

Reflective Subtle Restless Changeable

Cautious Composed Risk-Taker Conceptual

Creating Powerful Results Together Copyright by DISCcert 2011


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Graph I & II Comparison Worksheet - Instructions

Name_______________________________________ Date_________________________

Intro 1. Objective is to provide you with more insight to the value of Graph I, by comparing it with

Graph II.

2. If your two graphs are different, that’s fine. It typically means that the day you took the

assessment you needed to adapt/flex/stretch to get the job done. (Out of your comfort zone.)

3. If your two graphs are the same, that’s fine too. It typically means that the day you took the

assessment you were able to communicate the way you would prefer and still get the job



4. Please line-up your Graph II energy line with this Worksheet.

5. Start with Graph II, locate D point. Draw imaginary line to word on Worksheet.

Now highlight the corresponding word using your GREEN highlighter. Continue process with I,S,C.and draw lines to connect the words.

6. Next go to Graph I, locate D point. Draw imaginary line to word on same Worksheet.

Now highlight the corresponding word using your BLUE highlighter. Continue process with I,S,C, and draw lines to connect the words.

Determining Gap 7. To determine the differences in the 2 Graphs in a meaningful way, we start with GREEN D


8. Then count to the BLUE D. Write the count at bottom of page.

(If count from Green to Blue went in up direction, then write count next to “D went up ___.”) (If count from Green to Blue went in down direction, then write count next to “D went down ___.” ) Apply this same process for the other three styles I, S, & C.

What does the Gap mean 9. If your count is 7 or more for D,I,S,C – The corresponding explanations may provide

insight as to what there was a need for you to flex/stretch/adapt. (This shows you are

willing to flex.) If you can not recall what you were specifically doing that day, think of what

job responsibilities might require you to stretch in such a matter.

10. However, important to ask yourself: Does this stretch occur just occasionally or does it

represent a much longer period of time? If one has a stretch for long period of time, may

still be providing excellent work, but prolonged, intense stretching requires an enormous

amount of effort. May want to consider if there are any changes that could reduce such a

constant stretch.

11. If your Graph I & II were the same, that means you were able to get your job done within

your comfort zone. However, the goal is to not stay in that mode day in and day out,

otherwise one is not stretching to accommodate other’s way of communicating.

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Graph I & II Comparison Worksheet





What does the Gap mean? -If your Graph I & II are the same, that’s fine. It means you were able to get your job done within your comfort zone. (However, the goal is to not stay in that mode day in and day out, otherwise one is not stretching to accommodate other’s way of communicating.)

-If your Graph I & II are different, that’s fine too. It means that the day you took the assessment you needed to adapt/flex/stretch to get the job done. You were willing to step out of your comfort zone to do what the situation required.

-Compute the difference between your Graph II & I, with each style; D,I,S,C. If the count is 7 or more, the corresponding explanations often provide insight as to why there was a need for you to flex/stretch/adapt.

-If you cannot recall what you were specifically doing that day, think of what job responsibilities might have required you to stretch in such a manner. This can provide you increased understanding as to what you may experience in future situations that necessitate flexing.

-Important question to ask yourself:

Does this stretch occur occasionally or does it represent a much longer period of time? If it represents a long period of time, it is helpful to remember it takes more effort to accomplish tasks. You may want to explore how you could accomplish the same assignment, but with an approach that does not entail such prolonged adaptation.

-If there is a gap, what understanding does it provide you? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________









D goes UP ____ BECAME MORE ASSERTIVE Pressure, Deadline, Demand, Decision now, Crisis D goes DOWN ____ BECAME LESS ASSERTIVE Following through on Task. Increased Paperwork.

I goes UP ___ BECAME MORE OUTGOING Leadership responsibilities, e.g. Meeting Leader. I goes DOWN ___ BECAME LESS OUTGOING Changes in Policy, Management, Procedures.

S goes UP ___ BECAME MORE METHODICAL Planning, Reporting, Attend Meetings. S goes DOWN ___ BECAME LESS METHODICAL Time Crunch, Staff Reduced, Increased Workload

C goes UP ___ BECAME MORE CAUTIOUS New Procedures, Management Change C goes DOWN ___ BECAME MORE RISK TAKER Deadline moved up. Resources Reduced.

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Summary of D Sample’s Style

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Pairing – Up Activity 2 Options

1.General Group Training Objective … Learn about other styles.

-Do your best to put opposite styles in pairs or trios.

-Ask them to share Strengths, Motivators, Communication Tips.

2. Team Building Session* Objective … Improve communications.

-Determine sets of pairs prior to the session.

-Ask them to share Strengths, Motivators, Communication Tips.

-In addition, ask them to ask their partner, “Do I include your communication

tips when I interact with you?”

-This exchange is confidential, although you are moving around in your

“Professional Ease-Dropper” role.

*Spinach Story: Ever had a spinach salad for lunch & you go back to work &

attend a lot of meetings and go home & then look in the mirror and what

do you see…? And you ask yourself… Why didn’t ….. (somebody tell me??)

You would have been embarrassed when they told you,..but, now you’re

humiliated. Wouldn’t you like to know if you had spinach on your teeth

right now?

*Introductions Story: Ever met someone & you didn’t quite get their

name? But, you tell yourself,… That’s okay, I’m sure I’ll never see them

again. And…yes… you see them again. This time you still don’t get their

name, but you’re sure that was just a fluke & you’ll never see them again.

And.. you do…but, this time you are expected to introduce them to

someone else. And they look at you and ask… If you didn’t know my

name…why didn’t you ask before? Similar situations happen at work.

Someone does something that bugs you, but you tell yourself they won’t do

it again. And… things then move along, to the point they have now done it

5 times, but, you’re concerned if you say something to them…they are now

going to ask you… Why didn’t you tell me in the first place? So… morale of

the story here is.. we don’t have crystal balls… & sometimes we might step

on someone’s toes at work & it might take awhile before they tell

you…don’t make them wrong for finally telling YOU!

Push-back may pop-up during large group presentation or during the above “Pairing-Up Activity.”

Script: “What narrative do you not agree with?” When you listen to their response, do you hear any of the following Skill Words.

Skill words require effort. Style words energize.

-“I have learned to …” -“It comes easy for me to…”

-“I can do that now…” -“Just feels so natural to…”

-“My job requires …” -“This job is what I wanted.”

-“I use to be that way…” -“I’ve always …”

Script: “It sounds like you have accomplished the ability to (e.g. ‘listen patiently.’)That required effort on your behalf… right?”

Response: Is typically, “Yes.”

Script: “ Because you have worked on that ability, that actually describes your development in the skill.

That’s great. But, remember, the DISC Assessment does not measure skill, only style.”

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Email Decoder

Please read email & circle words/ items that indicate the communication style. Write the DISC Style in the box. Helpful Criteria is below. D I S C - Greeting? Business Happy Friendly Formal - Formatted? Brief Space for Thorough Detailed - Word Choice? Notification Party Productive Serious

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DISC Tips – Emailing an “D”

What is a “D”? Dominant Quick Tip...Email is preferred way of communicating. It's a "D" Email When : Starts with: A directive instead of a salutation. Example: Send quarterly report ASAP! Format: Short, to-the-point statements & bulleted lists. Example:

In my office tomorrow at 8:30 sharp. Send results now: * Latest Profit & Loss Summary * Update on Focus Group results * Status on the Smith account Tone: Formal, urgent & authoritative. Example: Your work last week was acceptable, but what about today? Power Cues: Executes control through confrontation, debating & testing. Example: WHAT IS THIS?? What were you thinking?! FIX it NOW! When E-mailing a "D" : Pace:

Write email as if it's a text message. Immediate response is best; longer elapsed time = less credibility. Example: Consider it done.


Be organized. Keep it to one key point per e-mail. Be Brief, Be Bright, Be Gone! Example:

See charts below. Tests are positive. You were right again! Provide:

Solid solutions with justification. Keep to the facts. Example:

Here are 3 best options and why: A - Reduces our costs by 10%, B - Increases productivity by 5%, C - Combination of A&B but 50% higher upfront investment required.


Always include your complete contact information to expedite their response, even in replies. Example:

Name & Company Job Title/Position

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DISC TIPS – Emailing an “I”

What is an "I"? Interact Quick Tip...Email is for sharing thoughts and feelings.

It's an "I" Email When: Starts with:

Friendly, enthusiastic, energetic & uplifting greeting in a conversational style. Example: “Shelly, THANK YOU!! Your referral is now my largest client. I owe you lunch.” Format:

Covers multiple topics in one email, often mixing personal with business. Example: “Check out this cool article on leveraging our technology to connect with people. I'm starving, where's the lunch spot today?” Tone:

Optimistic, inspirational, & appreciative. Example: “You folks rock!! For the 3rd month in a row, you beat the deadline! KUDOS!” Cues:

Expressive, seeks recognition, comfortable with "tooting their own horn." Example: “Wow..I'm flying high - got a raise - going golfing with CEO & vacation

starts Friday!”

When E-mailing an "I": Pace:

Write with feeling & share short stories. Example: "Things are going well! Last week I fought with the copy machine; this week we're friends again! LOL." Format:

Include emoticons; using symbols to express emotions. e.g. smiley face : ) Example: "Hi Jim, I'm psyched about our assignment. We're going to kick butt!!!! - Dan : )" Provide:

Admiration for their specific accomplishments & achievements. Example: “Excellent presentation! Great info & so're hilarious!” Closing:

Be sure to include an acknowledgement and/or compliment. Example:

“Jan, again, thank you for an awesome job! ~Brandon.”

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DISC TIPS – Emailing an “S”

What is an "S"? Quick Tip...Email is for building personal relationships.

It's an "S" Email When: Starts with:

Friendly salutation. Will ask for input from all members, very inclusive. Example: "Hi everyone, I hope all is well. Do you think we should get together this afternoon to share ideas about the Awards Luncheon?" Format:

Well organized. The greeting is followed by an apprehensive/polite request. Example:

"Pat, glad to hear conference went well. When you have time today, please review the attached outline & provide edits." Tone:

Sincere, supportive, cooperative & diplomatic. Likes to promote teamwork. Example: "I appreciate your hard work on a first class presentation to HQ. Jane's writing, Eyra's graphics & Ted's IT skills made the difference." Cues:

Tentative about making decisions. Defers to others. Avoids conflict. Example:

"I better check with IT first to make sure the timing is right. I'll try to get back to you by tomorrow, but it may take longer."

When E-mailing an "S": Pace/Tone:

Calm, low-key. Offer reassurance & appreciation. Example: "Casey, you're right. Checking with IT first will help avoid any implementation problems. Thanks for always being so thorough."


Well planned. Friendly opening followed by a well-structured message, with invitation to receive their feedback. Example: "Good idea to connect over lunch. Here are the action items we discussed. 1. I'll contact vendors. 2. You'll contact customers. 3. Progress check on 15th. Sound on track?" Closing:

Considerate, sincere, recognition & acknowledgment. Thank them in advance for their help when appropriate. Example:

"...I could use your help outlining our next project meeting's agenda...Your assistance last time really helped me prioritize. Thank you in advance, Taylor."

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DISC TIPS – Emailing a “C”

What is a "C"? Compliant Quick Tip...Office is doing quality work.

It's a "C" Email When:

Starts with: Purpose, task-oriented & data-driven. Example: "In response to your inquiry, the prototype results indicate a 75% match to your requirements. See attached documents." Format: Logical structure, includes all data. Example: "For the following reasons, it is critical to reassess the budget allocation for the next quarter. Tone: Formal, business like, conveys expertise. Example: "It will require three additional weeks to adequately evaluate whether product #018 is a viable option.

When E-mailing a "C": Pace: Incorporate time for them to analyze and prepare a well-constructed response. Example: "Would you review the attached documentation & give me your feedback by next week?" Tone: Exact, professional, serious & task-oriented. Example: "I think your comprehensive analysis of market trends is exactly the information the executive team needs for its strategic planning session." Format: Organized. Include justification for conclusions. Example: "Based on what I have read, research indicates it would be prudent to consider product #018, because of its consistently superior filter system."

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Action Plans With All Four Styles

Instruction: “Turn to Page 23 in DISC Report, Action Plan for All Four Styles.”

Explanation: Overview of 4 Styles; D, I, S, C

Each quadrant has 2 sections Left - style characteristics Right - actions for desired outcome

The 4 Styles have 2 orientations Pace (How Fast or Cautious) Priority (Focus on People or Task) - dealing with situations. - when accomplishing objectives.

Ask: “Please write at … Top, where D & I meet: Pace = Fast

(You can mention: “D focus - decisive / I focus – generate”) Bottom, where S & C meet: Pace = Cautious

(You can mention: C focus - procedure/ S focus - reflective) Right, where I & S meet: Priority = People

(You can mention: I focus – fun / S focus – team) Left, where D & C meet: Priority = Task

(You can mention: D focus - goal/ C focus - process)

Learning Activity Step 1 - Purpose is APPLICATION -Determine a co-worker’s Natural Style, not in the training session. -Not sure of their style? Then, picture them in a network situation. -Which of the following statements would be the best fit? Business Network Scenario Walks in, passes out 50 business cards then leaves. = D Walks in, announces “I’m here!” then heads for food. = I Quietly walks in, looks for person they know. = S Walks in looking at watch … ready to leave. = C

Learning Activity Step 2 – Assess First put by Characteristics that match co-worker. (May include more than 1 style.)

Then put by the Actions under So You ,

that you are currently are you using when interacting with co-worker.

Then put

by the remaining Actions under So You = Your Action Plan. (See image below for example.)

Tip for the Future If you are not sure what someone’s DISC Style is - Then start your conversation as if your co-worker is a “S”

If you are interrupted & asked to get to the point… = D

If you are interrupted & their fishing vacation is now focus = I

If they listen patiently … = S

If they listen & then ask “Why? Why? Why?”… = C

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Action Plans With All Four Styles


Think logically Display reasoning

Want facts and highlights Provide concise data

Strive for results Agree on goal and boundaries, then


Characteristics: So You…


Characteristics: So You…

Concerned with being #1 Show them how to win, new Concerned with approval and appearances

Seek enthusiastic people and situations

Show them that you admire and like them

Behave optimistically and provide upbeat setting

Think emotionally Support their feelings when possible

support or get out of their way

Like personal choices Allow them to —do their thing,“ within limits

Like Changes Vary routine

Prefer to delegate Look for opportunities to modify their

Want to know the general expectations

Need involvement and people contact

Like changes and innovations

Avoid involved details, focus on the —big picture“

Interact and participate with them

Vary the routine; avoid requiring long-

term repetition by them

work-load focus Want others to notice THEM Compliment them personally and often

Want others to notice accomplishments

Compliment them on what they‘ve done

Often need help getting organized

Do it together

Need to be in charge Let them take the lead, when appropriate, but give them parameters

Tendency towards conflict If necessary, argue with conviction on points of disagreement, backed up with facts; don‘t argue on a —personality“ basis

Look for action and stimulation

Surround themselves with optimism“

Want feedback that they —look good“

Keep up a fast, lively, pace

Support their ideas and don‘t poke

holes in their dreams; show them your positive side

Mention their accomplishments, progress and your other genuine appreciation


Characteristics: So You…


Characteristics: So You…

Concerned with aggressive approaches

Approach them in an indirect, non- threatening way

Concerned with stability Show how your idea minimizes risk

Think logically Show reasoning Think logically Show reasoning

Seek data Give it to them in writing

Want documentation and facts

Provide data and proof

Need to know the process Provide explanations and rationale

Like personal involvement Demonstrate your interest in them

Utilize caution Allow them to think, inquire and check before they make decisions

Need to know step-by-step sequence

Provide outline or one-two-three instructions as you personally —walk them through“

Prefer to do things themselves

Prefer to do things

When delegating, let them check before they make decisions

When delegating, let them check on

Want others to notice their patient perseverance

Compliment for their steady follow- through


Want others to notice their accuracy

Gravitate toward quality control

others‘ progress and performance

Compliment them on their thorough- ness and correctness when appropriate

Let them assess and be involved in the process when possible

Avoid risks and changes Give them personal assurances

Dislike conflict Act non-aggressively, focus on common interest or needed support

Accommodate others Allow them to provide service or support for others

Avoid conflict Tactfully ask for clarification and assistance you may need

Look for calmness and peace

Provide relaxing, friendly atmosphere

Need to be right Allow them time to find the best or —correct“ answer, within available limits

Enjoy teamwork Provide them with a cooperative group

Like to contemplate Tell them —why“ and —how“

Want sincere feedback that they‘re appreciated

Acknowledge their easygoing manner and helpful efforts, when appropriate

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3 Invalid DISC Graphs

There are 3 profile patterns that are invalid and cause confusion:

1. Over shift All plotting points above the line. 2. Under shift All plotting points below the line.

3. Tight All plotting points near the energy line.

Unusual Graphs or Graphs that do not seem to be on target can be caused by a person who is:

1. Overanalyzing by taking too long to respond. 2. Under pressure to “be all things to all people.” (Over shift Graph only.) 3. Experiencing a significant emotional event or a personal trauma. (Tight Graph only.) 4. Attempting to outsmart the instrument.

(Least likely reason.)

STRONG Suggestions: Facilitate the participant in taking another assessment. Instruct them during the first few forced-choice selections to ensure they are completing the assessment with: 1. Work environment in mind. 2. How they prefer to communicate at work.

3. If they are not sure of word definition, have them hover the mouse over the word. A group of synonyms will appear.

4. Often helpful if respondent starts with their “Least” selection and works towards “Most” selection.

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