

Development of an in situ simulation-basedcontinuing professional developmentcurriculum in pediatric emergencymedicineJames S. Leung1* , Mandeep Brar2, Mohamed Eltorki1, Kevin Middleton3,4, Leanne Patel2, Meagan Doyle1 andQuang Ngo1


Background: Continuing professional development (CPD) activities delivered by simulation to independentlypracticing physicians are becoming increasingly popular. At present, the educational potential of such simulations islimited by the inability to create effective curricula for the CPD audience. In contrast to medical trainees, CPDactivities lack pre-defined learning expectations and, instead, emphasize self-directed learning, which may notencompass true learning needs. We hypothesize that we could generate an interprofessional CPD simulationcurriculum for practicing pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) physicians in a single-center tertiary care hospitalusing a deliberative approach combined with Kern’s six-step method of curriculum development.

Methods: From a comprehensive core list of 94 possible PEM clinical presentations and procedures, we generated an 18-scenario CPD simulation curriculum. We conducted a comprehensive perceived and unperceived needs assessment ontopics to include, incorporating opinions of faculty PEM physicians, hospital leadership, interprofessional colleagues, andexpert opinion on patient benefit, simulation feasibility, and value of simulating the case for learning. To systematically rankitems while balancing the needs of all stakeholders, we used a prioritization matrix to generate objective “priority scores.”These scores were used by CPD planners to deliberately determine the simulation curriculum contents.

Results:We describe a novel three-step CPD simulation curriculum design method involving (1) systematic and deliberateneeds assessment, (2) systematic prioritization, and (3) curriculum synthesis. Of practicing PEM physicians, 17/20 respondedto the perceived learning needs survey, while 6/6 leaders responded to the unperceived needs assessment. These rankeddata were input to a five-variable prioritization matrix generating priority scores. Based on local needs, the highest 18 scoringclinical presentations and procedures were selected for final inclusion in a PEM CPD simulation curriculum. An interim surveyof PEM physician (21/24 respondents) opinions was collected, with 90% finding educational value with the curriculum. Thecurriculum includes items not identified by self-directed learning that PEM physicians thought should be included.

Conclusions:We highlight a novel methodology for PEM physicians that can be adapted by other specialities whendesigning their own CPD simulation curriculum. This methodology objectively considers and prioritizes the needs ofpracticing physicians and stakeholders involved in CPD.

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* Correspondence: [email protected] of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,McMaster University, Health Sciences Centre, Room 2R014, 1280 Main StreetW, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, CanadaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Leung et al. Advances in Simulation (2020) 5:12

BackgroundIndependently practicing physicians have a moral impera-tive to commit to continuing professional development(CPD) in order to provide high-quality patient care andmaintain ongoing public trust as a self-regulated profession[1]. The current conceptualization of CPD emphasizes up-dating and acquiring all of the broad competencies requiredfor practicing high-quality medicine, including continuingmedical education (CME), whereby technical knowledgeand skills are refined and acquired [2], as well as the physi-cian’s capacity as a communicator, collaborator, leader,health advocate, and professional [3]. In recent years, theincreasing emphasis on improving healthcare quality andpatient safety has transformed the needs and expectationsof medical education provided to physicians in training andin practice [4, 5].There is mounting public pressure for maintenance of

certification (MOC) programs to support activities dem-onstrating change in physician behavior and improvingpatient outcomes rather than focusing on individuallearning outcomes [6]. Concurrently, there has beenmounting pressure from physicians for MOC programsto demonstrate value, encouraging CPD delivery innovel, impactful methods with high-quality learning out-comes. In Canada, specialists are mandated to partici-pate in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons ofCanada (RCPSC) MOC program. A 2016 cross-sectionalsurvey of the RCPSC MOC program found a perceivedlack of impact of the program on physician learning andperception from physicians that the MOC programserved as a monitoring/regulatory body rather than itsintended purpose as a mechanism to enhance lifelonglearning and reflection [7]. A similar, US survey in 2016revealed physicians desire more practice-relevant learn-ing that is time-efficient, low-cost, and with topics oftheir choosing [8].

Rationale for simulation in continuing professionaldevelopmentEvidence from several studies [7–12] suggests three fac-tors consistently influence CPD learning success: accur-ate needs assessments prior to the learning activity,interaction amongst physician learners with opportun-ities to practice, and multifaceted educational activities[13]. Simulation-based medical education (SBME) ad-dresses all three of these factors and has a greater influ-ence on physician learning outcomes and practicecompared to the traditional CPD methods such as lec-tures and conferences [12, 13]. SBME offers a number ofpotential advantages over traditional educationalmethods including simultaneously addressing CMEneeds and advanced knowledge domains such as com-munication and teamwork, direct observation of clinicalperformance with feedback through debriefing, and the

capability to practice medical procedures and methodswith minimal patient risk. SBME is also unique in itsability to train physicians to operate within interprofes-sional healthcare teams and the larger systems in whichthey function.For these reasons, MOC programs are increasingly em-

bracing SBME for CPD. In Canada, a 2009 RCPSC MOCprogram evaluation led to simulation being recognized asa method of practice assessment. In the US, SBME is re-quired for primary licensure of anesthesiologists and sur-geons and is utilized for CPD with anesthesia, surgery,internal medicine, family medicine, emergency medicine,pediatrics, and radiology [14]. There is strong physiciandemand for SBME, with 46% of practicing US physicianswanting more simulation activities for CPD in a 2016 na-tional cross-sectional survey [8].There is less understanding regarding the effectiveness

of SBME for CPD, as most published literature focusesupon trainee physicians. However, evidence is emerging tosupport SBME effectiveness for board-certified physicians.A systematic review of 39 available studies in 2015 re-vealed benefits of SBME for CPD in acute care physician’sself-reported skills and attitudes, and immediate and sus-tained improvements in physician educational outcomes[5]. As an educational method rooted in constructivism,SBME theoretically has a greater potential educationalbenefit for practicing physicians due to the presence ofpre-existing clinical experiences to build upon. With thispotential educational impact, understanding methods tooptimize SBME for CPD is imperative.

Rationale for developing a curriculum for simulation CPDIn contrast to medical trainee programs, CPD programsare distinguished by lack of specific, pre-defined curric-ula and emphasis on self-identified learning interests.However, evidence has shown that despite being a keymotivator for ongoing engagement [8, 15], self-directlearning (SDL) is insufficient for a robust CPD programas physicians are unable to accurately self-assess learningneeds meeting professional and societal demands [16]. Acurriculum including necessary topics not identified bySDL would create a more robust and effective CPDprogram.At present, much of our experience with SBME and

CPD consists of ad hoc case creation suiting SDL needsof physicians or as a reaction to systems needs (i.e., crit-ical safety events). This approach limits the educationalpotential of SBME for CPD. In contrast, a simulationcurriculum, planned in advance from perceived and un-perceived learning needs, is more robust, sustainable,and proactive for healthcare system needs. Wehypothesize that such a curriculum would be non-inferior in educational effectiveness compared to thetraditional approach.

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Curriculum integration prospectively distributes CPDlearning over several sessions, broadening the scope ofSBME and allowing deliberate practice and spaced repe-tition of targeted objectives to achieve mastery learning[17]. In particular, we feel spaced repetition is powerfulfor equally important learning objectives such as com-munication, which can be repeating educational aims, ina curriculum with various clinical presentations. Fromthe perspective of a MOC program, a curriculum vastlyimproves simulation logistics and operations. Althoughseemly trivial, prior CPD literature has identified logis-tical factors as a leading facilitator and barrier to suc-cessful and sustainable CPD [10]. A curriculum serves toassist course facilitators with more predictable planning,known costs, lead-time for quality simulation scenariodevelopment and testing, and standardization of localpractice. These changes potentially translate to an over-all higher quality educational experience.Conceptually, we envision a curriculum whereby a group

of board-certified physicians shares in completing a compre-hensive series of longitudinally delivered simulation scenar-ios. Using appropriate knowledge/experience disseminationtools, this approach is rooted in the educational theories ofExperiential Learning, Social Learning and Communities ofPractice [18–21]. This co-produced curriculum approach isa pragmatic solution to allow a greater variety of cases to becovered in a feasible timeframe than a single individual com-pleting the curriculum alone.

Our aim: development of simulation CPD curriculum forPEMsIn pediatric emergency medicine (PEM), simulation isvital for practicing physicians as the frequency of critic-ally ill children is low relative to the total volume of chil-dren presenting to pediatric emergency departments[22]. Simulation allows PEM physicians to refine and re-tain resuscitative skills to remain prepared to managerare, high stakes events. The tremendous breadth ofclinical presentations in PEM creates both a challengeand rationale for a well-designed CPD simulation cur-riculum. An objective and systematic methodology usinginput from vital stakeholders to select the importantclinical presentations and procedures to include in sucha comprehensive curriculum is critical.To design our simulation CPD curriculum, we formed

an Interprofessional PEM Simulation Oversite Committee(PEMSOC) with membership consisting of local physi-cians, a registered nurse (RN), pharmacist, and a simula-tion operation specialist with a professional background asa registered respiratory therapist (RRT). The overarchingaim of our simulation CPD program was to utilize simula-tion to develop and maintain the clinical skills of healthcare providers with the goal of providing world-class qual-ity care to children. The primary objective of this paper is

to describe our methods for the development of a SBMEcurriculum for CPD of practicing PEM physicians.

MethodsLiterature reviewTo develop our curriculum, we first looked at existingliterature on CPD simulation curriculum design. Weconducted a literature review on curriculum designmethodology for simulation and CPD. A formal searchby a research librarian conducted on February 14, 2019,revealed 172 results when including articles (EpubAhead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Cita-tions) from OVID Medline between 1946 and February14, 2019, with the following MESH terms: ProfessionalCompetence (MESH 108801) AND Simulation Training/or exp Computer Simulation/ or exp Patient Simulation(MESH 222646) AND faculty, medical/ed or “Education,Medical, Continuing” (MESH 24165). A manual reviewof these 172 results revealed 0 articles referencing a cur-riculum design methodology for physician CPD usingsimulation.

Curriculum design processWith no identified pre-existing literature, we endeavoredto develop our own methodology for CPD simulationcurriculum design. Although our methodology could beconsidered for general CPD curriculum design, our focuswas to develop a curriculum optimized for simulation asthe chief educational strategy.To develop our methodology, we adapted Kern’s [23]

established approach to curriculum design for a novelapplication of simulation curriculum design with a CPDaudience. We completed the following six steps: (1)problem identification by a general needs assessment, (2)targeted needs assessment, (3) goals and specific measur-able objectives, (4) educational strategies (SBME in ourcase), (5) implementation, and (6) evaluation and feed-back [24] This process was followed by a deliberativecurriculum approach with experts determining the finalcurriculum content. Specific deliberative considerationsincluded lack of standardized core learning objectives,greater variations in learner clinician experience andpractice patterns, non-static learner composition, needfor voluntary learner participation, medico-legal ramifi-cations of simulations, and psychological safety consider-ations of participants such as reputation.We consolidated the above processes into our novel

systematic three-phase methodology described below(Fig. 1: Continuing professional development simulationcurriculum design process).

Phase 1: systematic and deliberative needs assessmentWe conducted a detailed general and targeted needs as-sessment using a systems and deliberative approach,

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including perceived and unperceived learning needsfrom our target learner audience.A perceived needs assessment was completed using a

20-item electronically distributed survey (SurveyMonkeyInc., San Mateo, CA, USA, sentto all 20 practicing PEM physicians at our institution fromMarch 28, 2018, to April 11, 2018. The primary objectiveof this survey was to determine topics our audiencewished to cover in simulations. The secondary objectivefocused on local simulation etiquette and tailoring learn-ing processes for our target audience. Participants werepresented a comprehensive list of 65 clinical presentationsand 29 critical procedures from the 2013 RCPSC Objec-tives of Training in pediatric emergency medicine [25]and asked if they felt an educational need to address by aneducational simulation session. This document, originat-ing from our national board-certifying organization, wasselected as the foundational list as we felt it best repre-sented the competencies expected of PEM physiciansupon entry into practice. The survey was anonymouslycompleted by 17 physicians (85% response rate), with re-sults found in Additional file 1: Needs assessment survey.

Considering the aforementioned limitations of SDL inidentifying learning needs, we conducted an unperceivedneeds assessment by asking our hospital leadership torank on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = low priority, 3 =moderate priority [default starting score], 5 = high prior-ity) from the same expansive list of clinical presentationsand procedures presented to PEM physicians from theperspective of their position of leadership. Six positionsof leadership polled were multi-disciplinary and com-posed of our PEM medical director and division head,deputy division head, PEM division safety lead, generalemergency department site lead at our local tertiary caregeneral hospital, PEM pharmacist lead, and PEM RNlead and trauma coordinator. All six leaders (100% re-sponse rate) completed the survey. In addition to leader-ship needs, PEMSOC accounted for patient-level needsby reviewing cases discussed from the previous 2 yearsof PEM divisional quality improvement and patientsafety rounds (QI/PS). PEMSOC reviewed 21 clinicalpresentations but did not go into an in-depth chart re-view of each case at this stage, as our focus was to deter-mine topics to cover in the simulation curriculum.

Fig. 1 Continuing professional development simulation curriculum design process. A three-phase curriculum development process adapted fromKern’s curriculum development approach used to generate a simulation curriculum for continuing professional development (CPD) for pediatricemergency medicine physicians. Phase 1 begins with a detailed targeted needs assessment involving all relevant stakeholders of the physician’scontinuing professional development. Phase 2 follows with systematic prioritization of learning topics to include in the curriculum using datacollected from the targeted needs assessment. A prioritization matrix is used to rank items for curriculum inclusion. Finally, in phase 3, selectedlearning topics are organized by educational experts into a curriculum to be implemented and evaluated. These three phases can be repeated ina cyclical manner as the curriculum is refined and reimagined over time

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Phase 2: systematic prioritizationIn order to objectively synthesize all of our collected needsassessment data, we utilized a prioritization matrix to ob-jectively determine the clinical presentations and criticalprocedures to include in our PEM simulation CPD cur-riculum. While less commonly utilized in medical educa-tion and simulation, prioritization matrices have beenapplied in healthcare quality improvement [26, 27] andare commonly utilized in business and military goal set-ting where resources are limited and multiple objectivesneed to be addressed [28]. As there are several publishedmatrices underpinned by different mathematical algo-rithms, we adapted an available prioritization matrix uti-lized by members in other local educational projects.Our prioritization matrix utilized five data categories deter-

mined by PEMSOC a priori: perceived needs assessment re-sults, unperceived needs assessment results, feasibility ofconducting the simulation, benefit to patients if practiced, andeducational value of simulating the case for learning (balancedwith frequency of encountering the case in real clinical prac-tice, in which case there would be less educational need).Ranked data ranging from scores of 1 (low rank) to 5 (highrank) were input into the matrix for each clinical presentationand procedure and each data category, generating anoverall priority score which was utilized by PEMSOCin consideration for curriculum inclusion (Table 1).

To complete our perceived needs assessment data cat-egory, we recorded the frequency of “yes” responsesfrom all 17 survey participants, converting individualqualitative responses (nominal/binary data) into quanti-tative discrete frequency data. These frequency datawere categorically assigned a ranking score from 1 to 5(1 = 0–20%; 2 = 21–40%; 3 = 41–60%; 4 = 61–80%; 5 =81–100%) and inserted into the prioritization matrix.With the unperceived needs assessment category, we in-put the mean ranking score (from 1 to 5) of all sixleaders into the priority matrix. For the remaining threedata categories, PEMSOC members independentlyassigned a ranking score from 1 to 5 (1 = low priority, 3= moderate priority [default starting score], 5 = high pri-ority) for each data category, with the mean score inputinto each respective column in the prioritization matrix.PEMSOC committee members also included the 21 QI/PS rounds cases by factoring their scores for the“benefits to patient” data category of the matrix. AsPEMSOC is comprised of inter-professional educationand simulation specialists with formal training (simu-lation, quality improvement, Master of Education,curriculum design), these data represent the expertopinion necessary for pragmatic grounding we felt ne-cessary for eventually creating a feasible, high-qualitycurriculum.

Table 1 Pediatric emergency medicine continuing professional development simulation curriculum systematic prioritization matrix

All items are ranked from 1 (low priority) to 5 (high priority), with 3 (moderate priority) being starting default scoreRCPSC Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, PEM pediatric emergency medicine, PEMSOC Pediatric Emergency Medicine SimulationOversite Committee1Proportion of PEM physicians within the division feeling that curriculum item should be included in CPD simulation curriculum: 1 = 0–20% PEM physiciansresponding yes; 2 = 21–40%; 3 = 41–60%; 4 = 61–80%; and 5 = 81–100%2Mean rank from 1–5 from the following 6 PEM leaders: medical director and division head, deputy division head, PEM quality improvement and patient safetylead, general emergency medicine site lead, PEM pharmacy lead, PEM nursing lead

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Phase 3: curriculum synthesis, implementation, andcontinuous evaluationWith these data, the matrix generated priority scores forPEM clinical presentations and critical procedures.These scores were organized into two ranked lists: aclinical presentation list and a critical procedure-listbased on priority score (Table 2). Each list was manuallyreviewed by PEMSOC to ensure overlapping or dupli-cate items were combined into a single item.Based on expert opinion, factoring the large number

of items to cover, balanced with the need for regularcurriculum refresh and review, PEMSOC decided on a24-month curriculum block, filled with an 18-simulationscenario curriculum, with one scenario per month. Wedeliberately planned 6 months of “flex-time” to main-taining flexibility to repeat high-yield scenarios, conducturgent simulation cases (e.g., to address urgent patientsafety and quality improvement needs), and reschedulethe unanticipated events where a simulation sessions arecancelled.With the number of cases to include for our single-

center’s needs decided, PEMSOC selected the highest-scoring 18 clinical presentations and 18 critical proce-dures objectively determined by the matrix for inclusionin the CPD curriculum. PEMSOC mapped individualclinical presentations to critical procedures to synthesizeour 18-simulation scenario curriculum (Table 3). Wecentered our scenarios around clinical presentations, asour intention was to cover all procedures at least oncein the curriculum with repetition of high-yield proce-dures for mastery learning. Learning objectives for eachcase were set by PEMSOC based on expert opinion, in-cluding learning points from the 21 QI/PS round caseswhen appropriate. For consistent formatting, all caseswere drafted using an internally designed standard simu-lation template (Additional file 2: Sample simulationscenario).Our curriculum was incorporated into a monthly

pre-existing interprofessional in situ simulation pro-gram within our pediatric emergency departmentstarting in April 2019. In our single-center PEM div-ision, all practicing PEM physicians participated inthe simulation program, with leadership expectingphysicians to participate in one to two simulation ses-sions within a 24-month period. Prior to our curricu-lum, cases were selected at random from a database,or created on an ad hoc basis, by request of the par-ticipating PEM physician, 1 week in advance of thescheduled simulation session. After curriculum imple-mentation, practicing PEM physicians were insteadgiven an option of three simulation scenarios selectedfrom our 18 case curriculum, 1 week in advance ofthe simulation session. The selected scenario wouldbe marked as “completed” by PEMSOC and removed

from circulation until all cases were covered in the24-month curriculum block. We allowed PEM physi-cians to know the clinical presentation in advance toprovide context, reduce “performance anxiety” [29],encourage psychological safety [30], and encouragelearning in advance of the simulation. We also shareda limited version of the simulation curriculum inTable 3 with all PEM physicians (only detailing “clin-ical presentation,” “sample case stem,” and “uniqueprocedures covered in case”). This sharing wasintended to facilitate learning through community ofpractice and further promote psychological safety.Other interprofessional participants were also pro-vided the case topic in advance, if asked.In the simulation session, the PEM physician com-

pleted a 1-h in situ interprofessional simulation in-volving practicing RNs, pharmacists, and RRTs in ourpediatric emergency department resuscitation room.Following each simulation, immediate post-eventdebriefing of the entire interprofessional team wascompleted by a simulation facilitator with formaldebriefing training (PEMSOC member). Key learningpoints relating to team-level knowledge and perform-ance gaps were addressed during debriefing. Within amonth of the simulation session, an information pack-age highlighting key knowledge and practice tips(called “SimBITS” by our team) was created andelectronically disseminated by PEMSOC to all PEM,RN, and RRT practitioners in our division (Additionalfile 3: Sample SimBITS). To protect the psychologicalsafety of simulation participants, the newsletter omit-ted all identifying information and performance gapsof participants.As our learner group is expected to be non-static, with

evolving clinical experiences and evolving learningneeds, we planned to continuously evaluate our simula-tion program, with repeated curriculum redesign follow-ing the above process every 20 months.

ResultsInterim curriculum feedbackBetween November 10 and 15, 2019, PEMSOC distrib-uted an electronic survey to all 24 practicing PEM physi-cians (SurveyMonkey Inc., San Mateo, CA, USA, (our division had grown by fourmembers in the interval time). The primary objective ofthis survey was to elicit feedback on the curriculum con-tents, with a secondary objective of determining learnerattitudes to our curriculum approach (Additional file 4:Interim feedback survey).Twenty-one PEM physicians responded to the sur-

vey (88% response rate) with 20 (95%) respondentspreviously participating in PEMSOC CPD simulationactivities. Four (19%) of respondents felt the

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Table 2 Ranked scores for pediatric emergency medicine continuing professional development simulation curriculum generated bypriority matrix

Clinical presentations ranked 1–18 and procedures codes A–R were selected for inclusion in the final curriculum1Clinical presentations related to trauma were omitted from our needs assessment and hence systematic prioritization as they were considered beyond the scopeof our continuing professional development program and encompassed in a different trauma simulation program at our institution2Please use this column when referencing procedures found in Table 3. Pediatric emergency medicine continuing professional development simulation curriculum

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curriculum included scenarios they did not feel werenecessary, with three (14%) being unsure and theremaining 14 (67%) feeling all included scenarios wereappropriate. Participant opinions on curriculum con-tents are detailed in Fig. 2: PEMSOC interim curricu-lum survey results regarding curriculum contents.

Presentations the PEM physicians group felt shouldbe included (but were not) were multi-system trauma(the subject of trauma not in the scope of this cur-riculum), pericardial tamponade (actually included inthe curriculum), increased intracranial pressure (alsoincluded in the curriculum), traumatic arrest (not in

Table 3 Pediatric emergency medicine continuing professional development simulation curriculum


Clinical presentation Sample case stem Cross-covered clinicalpresentations (clinicalpresentation #)

Key procedures covered incase

Secondaryprocedures(procedure keycode1)

1 Toxicology TCA toxicity* 3, 4, 8, 18 Emergency intubation, rapidsequence induction,cardioversion/defibrillation


2 Cardiopulmonaryarrest

Isolated blunt chesttrauma—cardiactamponade

6 Pericardiocentesis D, H, I, R

3 Cardiac arrhythmia Toxin-inducedbradycardia (calciumchannel blocker)

1, 4, 14 External cardiac pacing D, E, H, I, O, R

4 Respiratory failure Severe pneumonia/empyema

13 Tube thoracostomy D, E

5 Congenital heartdisease

Tetrology of Fallot spell 3 Central venous access D, E

6 Drowning/submersion

Hypothermic arrest 2, 3, 4 Chest compressions, hypothermiawarming procedures

D, H

7 Upper airwayobstructions

Complete foreign bodyairway obstruction

4 Supraglottic foreign body removal A, B, D, E, G, I

8 Shock and fluidresuscitation

Massive tonsillectomy +adenoidectomy bleed

Tonsillar hemorrhage management,control of exsanguinating externalhemorrhage

A, B, D, E, G, Q, R

9 Inborn error ofmetabolism

Newborn with ureacycle defect

4 Umbilical vessel catherization D, E

10 Severe asthma Asthma + respiratoryfailure + complications

4 Tube thoracostomy, needledecompression

A, B, D, E, G, I

11 Disseminatedintravascularcoagulation (DIC)

Snake bite/laceration 1, 2, 3 Control of exsanguinating externalhemorrhage

12 Pulmonaryembolism (PE)

Massive PE with cardiaceffects

2, 3

13 Sepsis (severe) Fever in returningtraveller + sepsis

4 Central venous access D, E

14 Severe electrolyteabnormalities

Chronic renal failurerequiring dialysis

15 Adrenal disorders Adrenal crisis +hyperkalemia

14 Cardioversion and debirillation,chest compressions

16 Inhalational injury Caustic ingestion 4 Difficult airway management,emergency cricothyrotomy,emergency cricothyrotomy andtranstracheal ventilation, emergentendotracheal intubation, RSI forintubation

O, R

17 Meningitis/encephalitis

Meningitis withincreased intracranialpressure and DIC

4, 11 Central venous access D, E

18 Toxic syndrome Local anesthetic toxicity 1 Cardioversion and debirillation,chest compressions

D, E

1Please reference Table 2, “Procedure key code” column for designated procedures

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the scope of this curriculum), violent/agitated patient,and the critical procedure of Burr hole.Regarding attitudes towards the PEM CPD simula-

tion curriculum, 19 (90%) felt they could learn from ashared curriculum approach, with 19 (90%) feelingthey could learn from our post-simulation, SimBITSknowledge dissemination package. Seventeen (81%) ofphysicians even felt our curriculum approach en-hanced their learning compared to the previous, withthe remainder being unsure (19%). No respondentsfelt unable to learn in our curriculum approach, and11 (52%) respondents felt the curriculum would makeit more likely they would participate in CPD

simulation activities, with 8 (38%) being unsure andtwo (9.5%) responding no. PEM physician opinions onthe CPD simulation curriculum are detailed in Fig. 3:Physician opinions regarding added value of CPDsimulation over traditional ad hoc approach.

DiscussionWe describe a three-phase methodology for designinga simulation curriculum for CPD, whereby ranked dataobtained from a systematic and deliberative approachis subsequently input into a project prioritizationmatrix to generate objective prioritization scores foruse by program coordinators to plan, synthesize, and

Fig. 2 PEMSOC interim curriculum survey results regarding curriculum contents. Pediatric emergency medicine physicians (n = 21/24) completedan online survey indicating personal opinions on whether clinical presentations should be included in a simulation curriculum designed forcontinuing professional development. Clinical presentations are listed in ascending order of priority score in curriculum design process. Clinicalpresentations with high priority scores (toxicology, cardiopulmonary arrest, cardiac arrhythmia, respiratory failure, congenital heart disease,drowning/submersion) were felt to be high yield. Items with lower priority scores (toxic syndrome, meningitis/encephalitis) were felt by somephysicians to not be necessary. Some clinical presentations (inborn error of metabolism, disseminated intravascular coagulation, adrenal disorders)were unexpected to be included in the curriculum and felt to be high yield by physicians

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implement a final curriculum (Fig. 1: Continuing pro-fessional development simulation curriculum designprocess). To our knowledge, this is the first publishedmethodology for curriculum design with CPD simula-tion activities.Preliminary feedback from our curriculum approach

was positive. The majority of PEM physicians found ourcurriculum approach educationally effective (potentiallymore than traditional ad hoc simulation). In addition,the vast majority of physicians found our curriculumcomprehensive for their needs, with no participantsdisagreeing with clinical presentations included.Reassuringly, the clinical presentations our PEM phy-sicians found to be of highest yield in the interimfeedback survey were also the clinical presentationswith the highest matrix prioritization scores (toxicol-ogy, inborn error of metabolism, cardiopulmonaryarrest, cardiac arrhythmia, severe electrolyte abnor-malities). Similarly, clinical presentations that PEMphysicians felt were not required had lower matrixprioritization scores. There were also clinical presen-tations PEM physicians felt would be high yield butdid not identify as important for curriculum inclusion,such as inborn error of metabolism, severe sepsis, andelectrolyte abnormalities. These finding highlights andreaffirms a critical function of our curriculumapproach: the capability to consider learning needsbeyond those identified through the traditional self-directed approach.

Although our curriculum design process was derived forPEM subspecialty physicians, we believe our methodologyis generalizable to other healthcare specialities interestedin using simulation for CPD. Our phase 2 objectively in-corporates the identified needs of multiple stakeholdersinvolved with CPD, including participants, the healthcaresystem, and patients. Other healthcare specialities canadapt our prioritization matrix to suit their needs includ-ing incorporating differing clinical presentations and pro-cedures, mathematical algorithms for calculating priorityscores, and data categories to suit their needs. Alternativedata categories for use in other priority matrices by othergroups are shown in Table 4. We also intentionally de-signed our phase 3 of curriculum synthesis, implementa-tion, and continuous review to rely on expert opinion oflocal education leaders. Our approach was applied to anacute care medical speciality in a fashion we felt bestsuited our local needs. However, our approach allowsother healthcare specialities to select different numbers ofclinical/presentations for curriculum inclusion, interpretprioritization score data to map different simulation cur-ricula, implement their own CPD simulation programscompatible to their learning audience, and utilize variableknowledge dissemination techniques. While relying onlocal expert opinion creates more difficulty in consistentlyreplicating curricula, we felt our approach was strength-ened by the intrinsic conceptual flexibility of our method-ology to accommodate the countless local needs, barriers,and variations of CPD simulation practice.

Fig. 3 Physician opinions regarding the added value of CPD simulation over traditional ad hoc approach. (20/24 pediatric emergency medicinephysicians responded to an online survey on personal opinions regarding simulations for continuing professional development adhering to acurriculum model, in comparison with simulations devised shortly in advance of a simulation session based on personal request (ad hoc approach).The majority of physicians felt the curriculum allowed them to experience more diverse clinical presentations outside of their comfort zone. Thecurriculum approach also encouraged mastery learning and created a more psychologically safe and predictable simulation experience.)

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LimitationsUnfortunately, due to the limitations of our single-centerdesign, we determined a priori that we would be unable toaddress the above-proposed hypothesis comparing theeducational effectiveness of our curricular approach to adhoc SBME for CPD. It was not feasible in our single aca-demic center to have some members of our pediatricemergency department in the curriculum group andothers in a traditional stream. This is a major limitation ofour current protocol requiring further investigation in fu-ture, multi-center, comparative studies. We do believethere is benefit to curricular integration with CPD simula-tion on learning outcomes, although additional studies re-garding effect on learner knowledge, skills, andperformance are required. Additional unique learning out-comes to examine from a CPD context include voluntaryparticipation rates for CPD, economic analysis of an inte-grated simulation curriculum for CPD compared to adhoc design, correlations with MOC certification perform-ance and, of course, impact on real patient outcomes.Nonetheless, our protocol design process described here isthe first step toward these future studies, which is critical,as SBME is increasingly utilized for CPD.

ConclusionsWe describe a novel three-phase process for curriculumdesign in simulation activities targeting independentlypracticing physicians for continuing professional devel-opment (CPD). The highlights of our approach are (1)an adaptable prioritization matrix capable of objectivelyranking and identifying high-priority subjects to includeusing data collected from an in-depth perceived and un-perceived needs analysis and (2) a knowledge gap shar-ing tool to facilitate group learning and community ofpractice amongst physicians. This methodology is valu-able as simulation activities are increasingly embracedand required as CPD activities.

Supplementary informationSupplementary information accompanies this paper at

Additional file 1. Needs assessment survey.

Additional file 2. Sample simulation scenario.

Additional file 3. Sample SimBITS.

Additional file 4. Interim feedback survey.

AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to acknowledge Ms. Elizabeth Czanyo, MLIS, whoconducted our literature search on behalf of Joule Inc., a Canadian MedicalAssociation company. We also acknowledge Dr. Anthony Crocco, DivisionChief and Medical Director of McMaster PEM, and Ms. Christine Chaston,Clinical Manager of McMaster PED for their administrative support with theMcMaster PEMSOC program.

Authors’ contributionsJL made substantial contributions in the conceptualization of this study,acquisition of data (survey creation and dissemination), and primary dataanalysis (matrix creation, data entry, matrix score generation, curriculumsynthesis creation and process, case scenario generation) and is the primaryauthor of this manuscript. Revisions after peer and editorial review wereprimarily made by JL. MB made contributions in the conceptualization of thisstudy (prioritization matrix methodology, matrix creation) and data analysis(curriculum synthesis, matrix score generation, case scenario generation) andrevised the manuscript. ME made contributions in the conceptualization ofthis study, data acquisition (survey creation), and data analysis (curriculumsynthesis, matrix score generation, case scenario generation) and providedsubstantial revisions to the manuscript. KM contributed to theconceptualization of this study and data analysis (matrix score generation,curriculum synthesis). LP contributed substantially to data analysis (matrixscore generation and case scenario generation) and revised the manuscript.MD contributed substantially with data analysis (curriculum synthesis andcase scenario generation) and revised the manuscript. QN contributedsubstantially to the conceptualization (Kern’s curriculum designmethodology) and data analysis (curriculum synthesis, case scenariogeneration) and provided substantial revisions to the manuscript. All authorshave reviewed the attached manuscript and approve of this version to besubmitted for publication. All authors have agreed to be personallyaccountable for their own contributions and ensure that questions related tothe accuracy, integrity of any part of their work, even the ones in which theauthor was not personally involved are appropriately investigated, resolved,and the resolution documented in the literature.

FundingThere are no funding sources to declare in this publication.

Availability of data and materialsAll the datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are availablefrom the corresponding author on reasonable request.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThis study was reviewed by our regional ethics board (Hamilton IntegratedResearch Ethics Board) and felt to be qualified as a quality improvementstudy. Formal ethics approval was deferred.

Consent for publicationNot applicable—no individual personal data is presented.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,McMaster University, Health Sciences Centre, Room 2R014, 1280 Main StreetW, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, Canada. 2Emergency Department – McMasterChildren’s Hospital, Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, ON, Canada.3Simulation and Outreach, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, Canada.4Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

Received: 5 September 2019 Accepted: 3 June 2020

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