  • for Genealogical Research

    Department of State Records

    documents including information on passports,

    visas, birth, marriage and death reports, and

    State personnel records.

    David Pfeiffer will discuss Department of State

    David Pfeiffer

  • David Pfeiffer Archivist

    National Archives College Park, MD

    David Pfeiffer is currently an archivist with the Textual

    Records Reference Section at the National Archives at

    College Park. He is a specialist in transportation and

    diplomatic records. He has worked for us since 1977 in

    various offices including the Records Declassification

    Division, Printed Archives Branch, Navy and Old Army

    Branch, and Suitland Reference Branch. He has published

    articles, given presentations, and provided reference service

    on diplomatic records for 35 years. He received his B.A. from

    Ithaca College in 1975 and his M.A. from George Mason

    University in 1982.

  • General Records of the Department of State (Record Group 59)

    Name Cards Passport Applications Visas Birth, Marriage and Death Reports Department Personnel Files

  • Name Card Index to the Central Files, 1910-73

    For each segment of the Numerical and Minor Files, 1906-10, Central Decimal File, 1910-63, and the Subject Numeric File, 1963-73, the Name Cards index communications from, to, or about persons or organizations.

    The Name Cards are available for research for the period 1910-59. The cards for 1960-73 are classified and are available for limited searches from cleared staff.

  • l

  • Passport Applications, 1795-1925 The Department has issued passports to U.S. citizens

    traveling abroad since 1789. U.S. citizens not required to have a passport until 1941,

    except for 1861-62 and 1918-21. Passport applications may provide information about

    marital status, date and place of birth, naturalization, occupation, and other family members included on the passport.

  • Passport Applications Microfilm

    M1371: Registers and Indexes for Passport Applications, 1810-1906. 13 rolls. M1848: Index to Passport Applications, 1850-52, 1860

    80, 1906-23. 61 rolls.

    M1372: Passport Applications, 1795-1905. 694 rolls. M1490: Passport Applications, 1906-25. 2,740 rolls.

  • Other sources for Passport Applications Digital copies of the microfilm is available on and These websites are subscription-base, but are free at any NARA research facility.

    Passports applications after 1925 are still at the Department of State. Ordering instructions are available at

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  • Passport Photographs

  • ·~mrr--••..,..••

  • Emergency Passport Applications, 1906-25

    Arranged by country, then under passport number.

    This series is available on NARA has an index on microfilm, M1371, that covers the period up to 1918.

    The index to emergency passports for Jewish names only are available at Jewish Genealogical Society at

  • ,v .,.,ar l/1'1/f 'O•as bo~11;t~-~-- ...:_~, _ , - -_: ~ .1 1·v_ ~ . b , -"- . •• the St•te itll. . • "out.he I; daycf.I\'\~ ¥

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  • Other Passport & Immigration Records of Note

    Special Passport Applications (Military, Civilian Federal Employees and Dependents), 1914-25 (Ancestry) Special Diplomatic Passport Applications, 1916-25

    (Ancestry) Insular Passport Applications for Residents of Puerto Rico

    and the Philippines, 1913-25 (Ancestry) Passport Applications Filed at U.S. Territories and

    Possessions, 1907-25 (Ancestry) Division of Passport Control: Passport Correspondence

    (Cutter Files), 1910-25 (Name Card Index)

  • Visa Division Files Visas have been required of all aliens since 1917. They

    are obtained from U.S. officials abroad. Consuls were directed to refuse visas to aliens who threatened public safety or inadmissible under the quota system.

    Visa Case (Name) Files, 1914-April 1940. Arranged by chronological segment, then alphabetically by name. Consists of correspondence of the Department with visa applicants, their relatives or attorneys, and others. Decimal 811.111 (name).

  • Albert Einstein’s temporary visa application granted, October 24, 1932

  • Permission for Albert Einstein to debark from the quarantine of the steamer “Westernland,” October 1933

  • Other Visa Division Records General Visa Correspondence Files, 1914-59. Arranged

    by decimal, and then by subject. CDF Decimal #811.111 (subject). Correspondence of the Visa Division dealing with regulations, quotas, crew visas, student visas, ID cards, and diplomatic visas. Indexed by Name Cards.

    Also of note is the Visa Division: Correspondence Regarding Immigration, 1910-45. CDF Decimal #150151. Mostly correspondence and case files. Indexed by Name Cards.

  • Issuance of gratis (diplomatic) visa to Albert Einstein, November 1931, for purpose of delivering lectures in California

  • Passport Division: Decimal Files, 1910-49

    Birth Reports, decimal 131 Marriage Reports, decimal 133 These and other decimals in the file are available on

    Ancestry and are indexed by CDF Name Cards.

    Births and marriages were reported to the local U.S. diplomatic or consular officials and the form was sent to the Department. Later reports are still at the Department of State.

  • Child Born Abroad of an American Father

  • Marriage Certificate

  • Death Reports Death Reports, 1789-1906. Filed among the Consular

    Despatches (on microfilm). Indexed by the Registers of Consular Despatches for the period 1828-1906.

    Death Reports, 1906-10. Filed in the Numerical File and covered by the card index. On Microfilm.

    Death Reports, 1910-62. In the Central Decimal File, 191063, arranged by time period 1910-49, then by file number (3**.113), or 1950-62, then by file number (2**.113). The reports are indexed by the Name Cards. (Ancestry)

  • More Death Reports Death Reports, 1963-74. Separate series from the Subject-

    Numeric File. Filed by year, then alphabetically by name. (Ancestry)

    Record of Death Notices of U.S. Citizens Abroad, 1835-55. 1 volume. Arranged chronologically.

    Notices of Deaths of U.S. Citizens Abroad, 1857-1922. 34 volumes. Arranged chronologically. Copies of form notices sent to newspapers reporting deaths of U.S. citizens in foreign countries.

  • Michael Rockefeller, son of Nelson Rockefeller, DoD 11/19/1961

  • Judy Garland De Vinko, DoD 6/21/1969

  • Ellen Naomi Cohen (Mama Cass Elliot), DoD 7/29/1974

  • RG 59 State Personnel Records Applications and Recommendations

    Central Decimal File decimal #123

    Lists of Consular and Diplomatic Officers by Post

    Oaths of Office

    Service Record Cards, 1890-1939

  • Letters of Applications and Recommendations for Public Office Applications and Recommendations for Public Office,

    1797-1901. Arranged in chronological periods by Presidential administration, and then alphabetically by name of applicant. The files contain applications and letters of

    recommendation for government positions, including diplomatic and consular service. George Washington Administration – at LC,

    Manuscript Division John Adams Administration to Grant Administration

    is on microfilm. Hayes to McKinley is in paper format.

  • Apps & Recs file for Nathaniel Hawthorne, for the position of Surveyor of the Port of Salem, Nov 1845

  • Central Decimal File, Decimal #123

    Decimal #123 in the Central

    Decimal Files, 1910-63.

    Arranged alphabetically by name.

    Consists of personnelcorrespondence of ForeignService Officers includingtravel, job assignments andsalary, and sometimesreports and memorandaprepared by the officer.

    Indexed by the Name Cards.

  • George F. Kennan: Accepts appointment as foreign service officer, September 11, 1926

  • Assignments: Vice Consul and Language Officer

  • Lists of U.S. Foreign Service Officers by Post, 1789-1939

    List of U.S. Diplomatic Officers, 1789-1909. Available on microfilm, M586. Arranged by country.

    List of U.S. Consular Officers, 1789-1939. Available on microfilm, M587. Arranged by post.

  • Lists of U.S. Consular Officers by Post, 1789-1939

  • Other Significant State Personnel Records

    Office of the Chief Clerk, Applications and Recommendations for Appointment to the Consular and Diplomatic Services, 1901-1924.

    Service Record Cards, 1890-1939

    Card Record of Appointments Made from 1776-1968.

    State Department Biographic Register, published by Department dating 1860-1974. Available online up to 1950 at:

  • Oaths of Office

    Oaths of Office of Miscellaneous Federal Appointees, 1799-1976 (27 ft.) Arranged alphabetically by name for the period 1799-1860.

    After 1860, arranged by year, then alphabetically by name.

    Includes files for Presidential appointees not including State personnel up to 1932, and both State and other federal agencies after 1932.

  • George F. Kennan: Oaths as Foreign Service Officer and Vice Consul of Career

  • Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State RG 84

    1789-1912: Arranged by type of records.

    1912-48: Arranged by Foreign Service Post decimal filing scheme.

    1949-63: Arranged by a revised decimal filing scheme.

    1963-78: Arranged by the Department of State subject alphanumeric filing scheme. (Records screening may be required).

  • Post File Important Decimals Vital Records

    Passport Applications: Before 1912, Bound volumes. Includes separate volumes consisting of copies of passport applications for passports issued at those posts.

    Passport Applications: 1912-48, decimal #130 Birth Reports: 1912-48, decimal #131 Marriage Reports: 1912-48, decimal #133 Personal Rights (Ill Treatment): 1912-48, decimal #320 Death Reports: 1912-48, decimal #330 Visa Applications: 1912-48, decimal #811.11 “Miscellaneous Correspondence”, Pre-1912

  • Visa Correspondence, decimal #811.11, Prague Consulate General, Czechoslovakia, General Records, 1938

  • Post File Important Decimals cont. Personnel

    American Attaché's : 1912-48, #121 FSO personnel: 1912-48, decimal #123 American Messengers: 1912-48, #124.3 & 125.3

    After 1948, Vital Records are in Class 2. After 1948, All Personnel Records are in #123.

  • Records of Note in RG 84

    Jerusalem, Palestine Consular Posts, 1856-1940 Jaffa, Palestine Consular Posts, 1872-1917

    Haifa, Palestine Consular Posts, 1872-1917 Palestine posts are indexed by

    Shanghai, China Consular Posts, 1856-1947 China Diplomatic Posts, 1843-1945

    SEE ALSO: RG 59 Consular Despatches on Microfilm.

  • Interesting Decimals of Note CDF 1930-39: Decimal 852.2221, Members of the Abraham Lincoln


    CDF 1938-49: Decimal 840.48, Refugee files on microfilm, M1284.

    CDF 1930-44: Decimal 740.0011 EW 1939. Records relating to WWII on microfilm, M982. American internees, POW’s and individual claims against foreign governments.

    CDF 1940-44: Confidential Files, Class 7 and 8. Includes internment records and subversive activities files. Other time segments are interfiled.

    CDF 1940-44: Decimal 862.20200. Possible subversive activities files for German nationals.

  • Presenter didn’t get to your question?

    You may email us at [email protected][email protected]

    Slide Number 1Slide Number 2General Records of the Department of State (Record Group 59)Name Card Index to the �Central Files, 1910-73Slide Number 5Passport Applications, 1795-1925Passport Applications MicrofilmOther sources for Passport ApplicationsBabe Ruth, Passport #102886, issued 10/21/1920Julius Marx, Passport #171319, issued 5/16/1922Alexander Graham Bell, Passport #72296, issued 7/15/1920Henry Ford, Passport #12269, issued 12/3/1915Ernest Hemingway, Passport #359666, issued 12/20/1923Passport PhotographsSlide Number 15Slide Number 16Emergency Passport Applications, 1906-25Slide Number 18Other Passport & �Immigration Records of NoteVisa Division Files Albert Einstein’s temporary visa application granted, October 24, 1932Permission for Albert Einstein to debark from the quarantine of the steamer “Westernland,” October 1933Other Visa Division RecordsIssuance of gratis (diplomatic) visa to Albert Einstein, November 1931, for purpose of delivering lectures in California Passport Division: �Decimal Files, 1910-49Child Born Abroad of an American FatherMarriage CertificateDeath ReportsMore Death ReportsMichael Rockefeller, son of Nelson Rockefeller, DoD 11/19/1961Judy Garland De Vinko, DoD 6/21/1969�Ellen Naomi Cohen (Mama Cass Elliot), DoD 7/29/1974RG 59 State Personnel RecordsLetters of Applications and Recommendations for Public OfficeApps & Recs file for Nathaniel Hawthorne, for the position of Surveyor of the Port of Salem, Nov 1845�Central Decimal File, Decimal #123 George F. Kennan: Accepts appointment as foreign service officer, September 11, 1926Assignments: Vice Consul and Language OfficerLists of U.S. Foreign Service Officers by Post, 1789-1939Lists of U.S. Consular Officers by Post, 1789-1939Other Significant State Personnel RecordsOaths of OfficeGeorge F. Kennan: Oaths as Foreign Service Officer and Vice Consul of CareerRecords of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State RG 84Post File Important DecimalsVisa Correspondence, decimal #811.11, Prague Consulate General, Czechoslovakia, General Records, 1938Post File Important Decimals cont.Records of Note in RG 84Interesting Decimals of NoteSlide Number 50

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