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Formato de Debate Karl Popper

Karl Popper DebateAlejandro MoralesDebate is a speaking tool and a process of arguing about claims in situations where an adjucator must decide the outcome.

It develops critical thinking and tolerance.

The debate takes place with two Houses: The Proposition and the Opposition.

Investigation must be done based on both positions. A debate format that matches two three-person teams against each other: one affirming the proposition and one opposing it. Each team has one constructive speech presenting its basic arguments for and against the proposition and two constructive speeches refuting the opposing teams arguments and summarizing its own.

It can be divided into 10 parts, 6 speeches (that cannot be interrupted), leaving space for the other 4 parts to be crossed interrogatories between the speakers of the opposing houses.

Each house has 8min that can be used throughout the debate to prepare, modify and/or coordinate their strategy.

The positions for the debate are announced 10min before the debate takes place.

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