Page 1: Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam Di… · Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam 20.10.2016 ─ Mariia Biriukova Higher School of Economics Rinke Hendriksen

Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam 20.10.2016 ─

Mariia Biriukova

[email protected] Higher School of Economics

Rinke Hendriksen

[email protected] Erasmus University

Moscow & Rotterdam, 2016

Page 2: Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam Di… · Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam 20.10.2016 ─ Mariia Biriukova Higher School of Economics Rinke Hendriksen

Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

Table of contents Table of contents



3. PROBLEM ANALYSIS AND ITS SOLUTION 3.1. Problem analysis 3.2. Description of the proposed solution 3.3. Risk analysis of the project realisation

4. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 4.1. General description

4.1.1. Activities 4.2. Goals 4.3. Target group 4.4. Correspondence of the project to the contest’s goals

5. IMPORTANCE OF PROJECT 5.1 Expected results of the initiative and their value for students, HSE and society, including expected results 5.2 Scale and horizon of the project 5.3 Economical effect




8. APPENDIX 8.1. Support letter from Faculty of Economic Sciences’ International Office 8.2. Support Letter from Erasmus School of Economics’ International Office 8.3. Support letter from Nuffic Neso Russia 8.4. Support letter from Dr. V. Karamychev 8.5. Support letter from Erasmus Student Network Moscow


Page 3: Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam Di… · Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam 20.10.2016 ─ Mariia Biriukova Higher School of Economics Rinke Hendriksen

Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

1. GOAL S (specific) - increase student cooperation between the Higher School of Economics (HSE; Moscow, Russia) and Erasmus University (EUR; Rotterdam, the Netherlands) and provide student with an additional insight into each other cultures by means of a two-week cultural exchange first week of which will be held in Russia whilst the second one in the Netherlands. M (measurable) - the amount of media coverage, quality of presentations, feedback from participants, feedback from 3rd parties (universities / sponsors) and the completeness of the final report of the team (in which we will analyze the results of this year in order to improve the project in the upcoming years) will be used as a measurement of success. A (attainable) - the goal will be attained by creating a group of participants, whom we will divide into buddy pairs in which each individual from the pair comes from a different country. During visits to both countries, group activities will be organised and, on the last day of every visit, buddy pairs will present on a chosen topic. R (relevant) - the project means are relevant since being in 2 different countries will bring participants an eye-opening experience which will be accelerated by buddy format of the project so that participants from different cultures/universities would have a favourable conditions for cooperation. Their impressions will be deepened by activities which will facilitate their “diving” into each other’s cultures, besides, the activities will serve as an inspiration source for the final project. The final project is a mean to let participants discuss and assess critically their viewpoints, as well as attract media attention. T (time-bound) - the project will be held for two weeks: last week of April the project is supposed to take place in Moscow, on the first week of May in Rotterdam.

2.TEAM This year the project is planning to be launched in a pilot version. For this reason, the team consists only of 2 members.

Name CV (linkedin url) Spheres of responsibility

Mariia Biriukova

Project manager Russia

Rinke Hendriksen Project manager the


Page 4: Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam Di… · Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam 20.10.2016 ─ Mariia Biriukova Higher School of Economics Rinke Hendriksen

Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

driksen/en Netherlands


3.1. Problem analysis Living in Russia is something different than living in the Netherlands. Differences are a good thing, if respected and understood by everyone. Understanding is created by dialog and respect, but recent geopolitical developments between Russia and NL are making these more difficult. We believe that geopolitical developments are not connected to a country's culture, and should not influence people's thoughts about it, yet, on the other hand, we presume that geopolitical developments do have an influence on the opinions on other countries. Visiting a country is a mean to see it through the news coverage, but we indicate that for our target group it is difficult to bring a visit to a far away country. This is because usually there is no direct reason or means for a visit. Besides, it can happen that there is a possibility in the form of a long term study exchange, but participants might not dare to choose for something unknown.

3.2. Description of the proposed solution Our project (as described in 1) is a possibility for people from Russia and the Netherlands to visit respectively Netherlands and Russia. It is a possibility that otherwise would not be there. Furthermore, the uniqueness of the programme is in its team members who are from both Russia and the Netherlands. This enables an opportunity to equally develop the project in both countries and create a maximal immersion in the other country’s culture. During the exchange, there will be a special international environment: half of the participants are from the Netherlands whilst the other half are from Russia. The organization in buddy pairs will increase the possibility for participants to see the country from a different perspective, and the final presentation will encourage participants to actively discuss and share their experiences. All the presentations will be made in an open conference format. This will motivate students to cooperate, use their analytical skills, keep their minds open and see their cultures from a different perspective.


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

3.3. Risk analysis of the project realisation Instability of the team is highly unlikely since the team consist of two people who are highly interested in the project and have been successfully cooperating together already for several years. Later on, when the project starts growing on scale, the team will become larger and its stability will be protected by supplementary members. Successful meetings of deadlines is ensured by keeping all the project-related documents on Google Drive and handling its tasks with Lack of participants is supposed to be avoided by a small-scale of the project. However, in the case if it is not possible to recruit sufficient number of participants from the engaged departments (i.e. Faculty of Economic Science at HSE and Erasmus School of Economics ar EUR) the recruitment area will be expanded. Good project outline is guaranteed by scrupulous reading of the documents related to the contest and translating them into English.


4.1. General description This year, the project will be in a pilot format which assumes a limited amount of participants. However, after accomplishing the project, its results will be analyzed and a new project on a larger scale is planning to be made.

4.1.1. Activities The group activities are organised around themes, where every day will have a different team. We distinguish the following themes:

1. Welcome day: arrival, adaptation 2. University day: introductory lectures 3. Business day: visiting companies (not weekend) 4. Politics day: getting deep into culture 5. Leisure day: visiting parliament, embassy etc (not weekend) 6. Forum day: presenting and discussing 7. Final day: departure

The days, with corresponding themes will be the same in Russian and the Netherlands. However, the implementation might differ. Tables with possible implementations are provided below. Note that these tables are still concepts, and the actual implementation might differ from the implementation proposed.


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

Activities in Russia

Day Activity Cost (in EUR)

Welcome Day Welcoming speech at university Dinner at ГУМ and visit Red square

- No cost

- 10

University Day Sightseeing center Moscow Introduction class on Russian language

- 10

- No cost

Business Day Company visit

- 10

Politics Day Inside the Kremlin - visit parliament -visit embassy

- 10

- 5

- 5

Leisure Day Visit to a city of the Golden Ring Night programme Moscow

- 50

- 25

Final Day Preparing for presentations presenting

- No cost

- 5

Total cost 130

Activities in Netherlands

Day Activity Cost (in EUR)

Welcome Day Arrival Welcoming speech at

- No cost


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

university Pizza

- No cost

- 10

University Day Sightseeing Rotterdam Introduction class on Dutch culture Night program

- 10

- No cost

- 30

Business Day Company visit

- 10

Politics Day Sightseeing the Hague visit parliament visit embassy

- 15

- 5

- 5

Leisure Day Visiting tulip fields of the Netherlands by bicycle 5th of May celebrations

- 50

- 25

Final Day Preparing for presentations presenting

- No cost

- 5

Total cost 160

4.2. Goals 1. Find all the documents information needed to succeed in realisation of the

project: approaching universities, organisations with international experience (ESN Moscow and ESN Rotterdam, Nuffic Neso Russia), approach organisations and people who had previously done\participated in similar projects (e.g. Stanford U.S.-Russia Forum);

2. Analyze the garnered information and prepare the project documents according to it;


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

3. Approach the organisations and companies which can support the project (the HSE Student Contest Project, business companies, embassies of the Netherlands and Russia, etc);

4. Develop promotional material and start promoting the programme; create and launch a platform for it (on vk or/and fb);

5. Recruit participants and match them in order to create buddy pairs; 6. Facilitate participants communication (whatsapp group); 7. Apply for visas and receive them, buy tickets. book activities; 8. Start the programme.

4.3. Target group 2nd and 3rd year students from Faculty of Economic Science at the Higher School of Economics and 1st and 2nd year students from Erasmus School of Economics at Erasmus University. Such selection was made because bachelor’s programme at HSE takes 4 years whereas at EUR it is only 3 years.

4.4. Correspondence of the project to the contest’s goals The project aims to develop team working and leadership skills of its participant and strengthen them in an international aspect. This is provided by a special conditions in which the project will be held. Besides, the international environment of the programme sharpen problem-solving skills, improves English command, adaptability, communication skills. The final project boosts analytical skills and critical thinking. Moreover, a general insight into a new culture and, in particular, a final project as an incentive to process the obtained information will provide a favourable impact on participants’ social responsibility concept and increase their engagements into socially-important problems of society.


5.1 Expected results of the initiative and their value for students, HSE and society, including expected results The project will increase student mobility and international cooperation at HSE which will eventually contribute to competitiveness of HSE and its students. In addition. as mentioned above, the project will contribute to personal development of the students participating in it. These students, in their turn, will produce a favourable impact on the society they live in. The project will also influence HSE international outlook and improve its ties with EUR.


Page 9: Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam Di… · Culture Dive Moscow R otterdam 20.10.2016 ─ Mariia Biriukova Higher School of Economics Rinke Hendriksen

Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

5.2 Scale and horizon of the project In 2016/17 year we are planning to create a pilot project. However, the horizon of the project is longer than 1 year. We intend to organise this year in such a way that the project can be held on a larger scale in the upcoming years. The experience and reputation of the project which will be earned this year will play a significant role in its further development.

5.3 Economical effect We distinguish economic effects on three levels: direct, indirect and spillover. Under direct effects, we take into account that we will be purchasing flight tickets, spending money in the cities on food drinks, sightseeing activities and public transport. On the other hand, for both countries, money that would otherwise be spent inside the country, is now spend outside the country. Therefore, the net direct effects of our program will cancel each other out. Under indirect effects, we take into account the possibilities that because of our project, students will get new insights and ideas. These will contribute to the development of the individual students and will help them to make the most rewarding choices in life. Consequently, this will benefit the native countries, as increased productivity of individuals will increase the country's GDP. Under spillover effects, we take into account those effects that are an indirect consequence of both direct and indirect effects. Here you might think of possibilities that participants will tell positively about the country they visited, and therefore friends/family of participants might consider visiting the other country as well. Also, the possibility exist that because of our program, participants might decide to go for a long term exchange in the other country, which of course has big direct and indirect (as well as other spillover) effects. Besides, the main aim of our program, to increase student cooperation and understanding between the two countries, will have positive spillover effects.

6. PROMOTIONAL PLAN We aim to create a logo, a design template and a house style, such that our communication channels will agree on layout. Besides, we are working on development of promotional material (i.e. leaflets, presentations. information letters). To potential participants, the project will be promoted by means of direct mails, Facebook/VK pages, leaflets, presentations and mouth to mouth communication.


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

To sponsors, we will send mails, and try to visit their offices to promote our project. We will target the companies or organisations which are interested in Dutch-Russian relationship. At their offices, we want to present the project by means of powerpoint and afterwards we will have mail conversation with the companies to see how they can contribute to the development of the project. Besides that, we will actively seek contact in the media sphere in order to promote the project. At this moment, we already received an agreement of Erasmus Student Network Moscow to help with promotion. Hereby, we hope to get to write about our project.


Period (1st/ 2nd half) Description

August 2 ● Developing the programme (Joint project idea)

● contact HSE and ESE ● Sponsors/ fundraising ● Contact people who did a similar programme


September 1 ● Developing the programme (Joint project idea)

● Contact HSE and ESE ● sponsors/ fundraising

September 2 ● Sponsors/ fundraising ● Creating media strategy

October 1 ● promoting the programme ● Research VISA procedures

October 2 ● Application process ● official announcement of the programme (To:

students, media) ● Promoting the programme ● Developing promotional material

(Leaflets, powerpoint, poster, VK/Facebook)

November 1 ● Application process ● Promoting the programme ● Company visit preparation

November 2 ● Application process ● Promoting the programme

December 1 ● Application deadline 1st december ● Processing of applications


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

December 2 ● Processing of applications

January 1 ● Selection results (buddy pairs) ● Confirmation/ official agreement

January 2 ● Confirmation/ official agreement

February 1 ● Final group is ready ● Launching private Facebook/VK/Whatsapp

groups ● Establishing contact between buddies

February 2 ● Documents application deadline on 15 february

● Start making visa ● Flight tickets

March 1 ● Handing out visa ● Making reservations for the activities ● Make official programme

March 2 ● Design/print activities booklet

April 1 ● Final check

April 2 ● Start of the programme (last week of April)

7. BUDGET Budget

Component Russia The Netherlands

Price, RUB*, per person

Provider Price, EUR*, per person


Visa 4,300 Visa Handling Service Russia

80 Visa Handling Service the Netherlands

Flight tickets 15,119 Aeroflot (May, 1-7)

150 LOT (April, 24 - May, 1)

Accommodation *** 20** HSE

Activities Moscow 10,960 See program description

160 See program description

Activities The Netherlands

7,535 See program description

110 See program description


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

Total per person 37,914 520

* Here and further on, the prices were counted according to currency rate 1 EUR = 68.5 RUB ** Only for those students whose buddies live in a dormitory *** Dutch students have apartments on their own and Russian guests can sleep there. Therefore, total expected expenses will be

37,914 * 6 = 227,448 RUB + 520 * 6 = 3,120 EUR = 441,168 RUB = 6,440 EUR.

We expect every participant to contribute 200 EUR, which makes 2,400 EUR in total. Therefore, 4,040 EUR or 276,740 RUB must be covered with a help of sponsors.


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016


8.1. Support letter from Faculty of Economic Sciences’ International Office


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

8.2. Support Letter from Erasmus School of Economics’ International Office The following screenshots represent part of our correspondence with International Office of EUR. Due to heavy workload, Mrs. Dumay-Roest did not have enough time to supply us with a letter of support yet. However, in the next week, we expect the screenshots to be replaced with official letters.


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

8.3. Support letter from Nuffic Neso Russia


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

8.4. Support letter from Dr. V. Karamychev


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Biriukova, Hendriksen . Culture Dive Moscow ⟷ Rotterdam, 2016

8.5. Support letter from Erasmus Student Network Moscow


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