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Cultural & Values Image Collage

By Peach Suviwattanachai

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There are various human groups in the world, they tend to get to together with their activities, interests, beliefs, religion, nationality, etc. Human tend to be in their cultural/social group without knowing it because sometimes they are born with it (nationality) or blend into it (friends groups).

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There are rituals that human do, and sometimes it’s passed down for generations. These rituals are each cultural group’s unique actions, sometimes it can be for the country or for your own small cultural group. These rituals originated from values they believe to follow in their life. It could be politeness, openness, or conservative. For my country, Thailand, we mostly believe in good manners and politeness to others by using ‘wai’ as a communicating action of politeness.

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There is no limitations where human can create their culture group. It doesn’t matter if they are not the same nationality. If they share the same ideals and belief then they can create their group. As long as they have the same values for living their life then it’s possible.

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Sometimes, people create their social group from their daily life activities. If the actions and lifestyle that they are doing connect with each others , then they can create a social group. For example, listening to music, playing instruments, using computer, playing with phones, walking in the park. All these small things that became ways of living for you, can lead you to a small cultural group where you meet others who are similar to you. For me, my small cultural group is my group of friends where we always talked on the phone.

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Sometimes human get together when they are following the same way of life. People have their own beliefs in living their life, sometimes it can be positive or negative due to each person. With the same way of life, they tend to get together and create their own cultural group. However these values have a greater affect to your lives because it will indicate you actions to the society depend on what you believe. These actions can be successful or not depending on your values of living you life. For example: if you believe in using drugs and dealing drugs for a living, the actions in your life is that you have to always live undercover or the police with catch you.

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Human needs labels because they want to feel that they belong somewhere and that they are not alone in the world because there are others who are believing the same religion with them or the same nationality as them.

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Some people might be lost, or unaware in what cultural group they are in due to the situations around them. Also, it might be difficult for them to realized what culture they are following due to various culture around them. ( International students, TCK, unfortunate children)

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Every humankind wants to share their beliefs around the world and usually through group work where everyone can cooperate. When human cooperate they don’t need one type of people, but various, so they can have different ideas.

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However, sometimes the way that they shared their ideas interpret it in a negative way. Since each person believe that they are right, they tend not to listen to others ideas. Also the way they live their lives might be different from each others which will create conflicts when share their ideas due to the opposing opinions.

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Often, human tend to label others by things they can only see from the outside, and it’s not fair for those people to received those types of stereotypes when they should be accepted as equal human beings

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ConclusionIn this world, there are many ways to define each person. However, since there are so many people in the world, people tend to create groups for themselves, so that it will easily be recognized. These groups are created by that’s group beliefs, values, customs, languages, & religion. These cultural group with their believes can affect the way their actions are done through out the world since it can be positive or negative due to how much it affects others. Their decisions of making those actions with be different from others cultural group because each cultural group have different way of living their life. As a bigger whole these cultural group is called nationality, however cultural group doesn’t have to be as big, it can be a small group where they have the same value to follow for living their lives. Their groups can be represent as anyway it’s shown, but most of the time, people tend to give names for it, either by the appearance (stereotype) or by their actions. However, sometimes when each group is trying to share their beliefs to the whole world, it might not be the best idea since each group have their own beliefs and each group believe that they are right which will create conflicts between each other. The most important thing is that, there shouldn’t be discrimination in the world since we are all human, and that we can all be in one cultural group with many beliefs.

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