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ISBN: 978-1-60901-502-2

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Unit 6The Auxiliary Level: Supporting Services

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Chapter 20Fashion

Auxiliary Services

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Key Concepts • Differences among advertising, publicity, and public relations

• Services provided to fashion merchandisers by such media as trade and consumer publications and broadcast media

• Role of store designers and visual merchandisers

• Information provided to fashion producers and retailers by fashion consultants and research agencies, trade associations and trade shows, and buying, merchandising, and product development office

Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013


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Fashion Auxiliary Services Offered by the Media

• Fashion Magazines

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Fashion Auxiliary Services Offered by the Media

• Fashion Magazines

Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013


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Fashion Auxiliary Services Offered by the Media

• Trade Publications

Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013


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Fashion Auxiliary Services Offered by the Media

• The Broadcast Media

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Advertising, Publicity, and Public Relations Agencies

• Advertising Agencies

• Public Relations Agencies

• Other Advertising and Public Relations Services

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Store Design and Visual Merchandising Services

• Store Design

• Visual Merchandising

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Information Resources

• Fashion Consultants and Information Services

• Market Research Agencies

• Trade Associations and Trade Shows

Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013


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Buying, Merchandising, and Product Development Organizations


•Types of Ownership

•Functions of Buying, Merchandising, and Product Development Organization

Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013


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