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The banner at the top is used to inform the reader about what this page is about. It keeps the theme of the colour code and the design of the magazine which is what the reader will be looking for.

The date is important as it shows a conjunction between the front cover and the contents page.

The sub heading is blocked out and shows the reader what is available throughout this magazine.

The NME masthead has the same colour code as the front cover.

Main image is on a slant to show a more interesting appeal to the reader. The image is a medium shot of the woman in the photograph. The image also links in to the text beneath it as well.

Bands are listed in red with page number in black. This follows the colour scheme of the magazine and looks interesting on the layout with the page.

Image is edited so it looks like a photograph. This is appropriate because it links in with the theme of the article.

Editors introduction to contents of magazine

This section shows the future and next issue of NME. An contact detail in how to entail a subscription which would increase sales.

The text is the same theme as the text as the front font.

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Image relating to the text,. Will also have a similar theme to the magazine.

subheadings indicating what’s included in this month’s issue.

Text responding to the image above and will also relate to the magazine itself.

Subscription advertisment and also showing next month’s edition.


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The colour yellow they use on their masthead every week on the front cover is splashed across this contents, the same yellow that is used on danger or caution signs.

Larger images to show the main headlines through out the magazine.

Images are clearly identified by captions and page numbers. Both are out of the way in the corner to not interrupt the images.

The sub heading is blocked out and shows the reader what is available throughout this magazine.

The banner at the top is used to inform the reader about what this page is about. It keeps the theme of the colour code and the design of the magazine which is what the reader will be looking for.

The date is important as it shows a conjunction between the front cover and the contents page.

The text is the same theme as the text as the front font.

This section shows the future and next issue of Kerrang. An contact detail in how to entail a subscription which would increase sales.

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Masthead “contents”

Preview of next week’s edition

Main image

Images showing what other stories are included in this magazine’s issue.


Page number and caption

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Sections are placed separate boxes on the page, separating them from the images on the page, and the background of the contents page. The title of the magazine ‘inside the mag..’ is in bold white writing, making the text stand out in front of the pink background. The font of the text is as if someone had written it themselves, which connotes the target audience of the magazine, because the target audience wouldn’t expect something formal, it would be informal because the target audience is only between  the age group of 10 to 15.

The colour scheme of the Top of the Pops magazine is very bright and colourful, the colours used are pink, yellow, white and black. The writing on the contents page is in black, and only some of the writing is in white like the headline, the yellow is to highlight important things that the target audience might especially want to read. The pink plays an important role in the contents page, as it is more a girly colour and Top of the Pops is a girls magazine, pink is used for the background of the headline, and for the numbers of the articles, the pink is to highlight things that the reader will want to know.

Images of boy bands that are in the music genre of ‘pop’.

Contents/ header Index

Page numbers

Images relating to the text

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Image of this month’s magazine issue


Enlarged page number

Large picture of a boy band (group shot)

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