Page 1: Condobolin High School...These small things make a difference, and if we insist on excellence in uniform, then maybe we have other things under control as well. Parents, please support

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Condobolin High School SMARTER ~ STRONGER ~ PROUDER

Important Dates

Term 2

June 9th White Card—Training 13th Queens Birthday Holiday 15th Career Expo—Condo 16th School Ball—Black & White Ball 27th-1st July Aspire—Syd 28th Parent/Teacher Evening 28th P&C Meeting

P.O.Box 237, Condobolin NSW 2877. T (02) 68952333 F (02) 68953501 E [email protected]

Term 2 Week 6 3rd June 2016








Pink Stumps Day—McGrath Foundation.

On Wednesday 1st June the Condobolin High School SRC ran a Pink Stumps Day fundraiser for the McGrath Foundation. There were multiple pink aspects to our day including students and staff dressing up in their best pink outfits providing a gold coin donation, auctioning off some hot pink sunglasses, hats and wristbands as well as hosting a pink bake sale while six cricket teams competed in pink stump matches. The five over long matches

were played in 20/20 style and great fun was had by all. Our total raised funds are yet to be calculated but from all of the activities at school and the online donations from parents and community members it is well and truly more than our target of $250!! Well done Condobolin High School staff, students and parents/carers for your support in raising funds for this great cause!

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Clothing and Accessories

Blue Polo Shirts are $35.00 School Jumpers are $60.00

Calculator Scientific are $25.30 Hospitality Shirts are $22.00

Laptop Cases are $15.00 Ties are $22.00

Learner Car Lessons are $5.00 Visual Art Diaries

They can be purchased from the Front Office



Our next meeting is on Tuesday 28th June

5.30pm School Library All Welcome to Attend

School Information

2016 ICAS International Competitions and Assessments for Schools

Self Select Students have been enrolled in the following competitions. If any other students wish to participate please let Ms McCallum know at least 3 weeks before the competition dates. English Tuesday 2nd August Mathematics Tuesday 16th August


Follow Instructions


Maths Update

Mathematics classes will be changing shortly. After looking at class results after Term 1, the Mathematics classes for both Stage 4 & 5 have been looked at and there will be some student changes and also staff changes. By making these changes we will be able to better cater for individual student ability and to improve their understanding and to encourage them to achieve to their potential. This will start in Week 4. If you have any concerns, contact Mrs Davis at the school.

Thursday 16th June 2016 Condobolin Sports Club Commencing at 7.30pm

Finish at 10.00pm $10.00

No Admittance after 8.00pm

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Creating a Positive and Safe Learning Environment

For students, this is a term of consolidation; a term of cementing knowledge and preparing for exams and assessments. I urge all students to ensure they have work books up to date; effectively use their diaries, actively participate in class and research for assessment tasks in advance, never leaving work to the last minute. As a PBL school we focus on creating a positive and safe learning environment, where students follow instructions. We exhibit good communication with teachers and all staff, having respect for others. Students are also recognised and rewarded for excellent behaviour and achievement in all facets of their schooling. In our efforts to continually enhance the environment with which we work and students learn in, we are giving the foyer a facelift. The honour boards have been sent away to be updated, old pictures removed and a fresh layer of paint added to brighten up the aging foyer. The quad is getting an overhaul from the Wednesday community group which includes new plants, the addition of an Aboriginal garden and the clearing out of old vegetation, whilst Mr Thorpe and Mr Speers have been going around the school removing built up waste and non essential items. I have also met with council to investigate the improvement of the footpaths surrounding the school, improve fencing and make additions to the bus shelter. It is hoped that when all these tasks have been completed the school will look fresher and more visually enhancing. Winter is approaching and with this in mind, I ask parents, to ensure your child is in full uniform. Uniform serves a number of purposes. In the first instance, it provides items of clothing that are serviceable, comfortable and safe. The uniform, which has been chosen by parents, staff and student representatives is cost effective and hard wearing. Students in uniform are seen as equals, there is no competition for dress, brands and fashion. There is no ruminating on what to wear each day, no shopping for endless outfits, no fighting with the teenager about what is and isn’t suitable for school. It is simple, just put on the same uniform each day! Uniform unites students and forms a sense of belonging to our school, students feel proud when they are in full school uniform. It is a wonderful feeling at assembly to look out at all the students, all in neat school uniform. Uniform forms a brand for our school. Students are recognisable by their uniform. We are often told how smart our students look when they are in uniform. Uniforms also give us a sense of security. If all students are in full school uniform, it is much easier to spot an intruder on the grounds. Rightly or wrongly, the public will judge us on how our students look. If they look sloppy and out of uniform, does that mean that the school is sloppy in other areas. These small things make a difference, and if we insist on excellence in uniform, then maybe we have other

things under control as well. Parents, please support us in insisting that your child wears full school uniform. If you are having difficulty with the economics of outfitting your student, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. Last week along with Condobolin Public School we hosted all the principals from Lachlan who gathered at the Waradjuri centre for our term meeting and professional learning day. Can I thank Mrs Small and her Year 11 Hospitality class who provided morning tea and lunch. The food and choice was outstanding and it was great to see the students being recognised. They can feel very proud of themselves and I need to pass on my congratulations on behalf of many a Principal who felt they had done a wonderful job. This year we have 10 students going to China on our biannual visit, Miss Norton has been busy organising this and I know the students are getting excited as preparations start to build momentum. I will be joining this group and too am looking forward to this wonderful opportunity. Stay tuned as we keep you informed coming events and parent meetings. Finally for this edition, I would like to make parents aware of the schools focus on: building relationships, communication with home and positive feedback. Teachers have been asked to communicate with parents more. Can I also ask the same of parents, let the school know when you have a concern, require additional feedback or assistance or have something positive to share. One thing I do ask is that if you have a concern or problem with the school let us know, occasionally I hear that a parent has a concern and shares this on facebook, in a discussion up the street or I find out third hand from another parent. If I am aware I will contact the parent or community member and ask to find out what is the concern and address it immediately. As always, should any of you have any issues, problems or questions – my door is always open. Jeff Ward Principal

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What’s Happening for our School.

A Big Thank You to Craig Davis from Quality Wool and Leigh White from Shearing Services who kindly donated a cheque for $175.00 which was greatly received. The High School will be putting this donation towards enhancing the Agriculture Department. Thanks again for your donation.

Hospitality Year 11 Hospitality are proving their culinary skills through successfully catering for community functions. The lat-est function was for the Lachlan Principal’s conference held on the 26th May at the Wiradjuri centre; more than thirty Principals from across the region met to discuss educational issues and enjoyed both morning tea and lunch prepared by the Year 11 Hospitality class. This service was of restaurant quality, with the Principals enjoying sweet treats such as chocolate eclairs, mud cakes and a selection of slices. Lunch served up a selection of warm tarts and chicken or roast pumpkin soup. Congratulations to Alynta, Piper, Tyannua and Cameron for working for two days to prepare such a lovely meal.

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Thank You and Goodbye

A big thankyou to Dave Carter from Spot 4 Condobolin and The White Family of Central West Tyre Service Condobolin for all your help getting Hecter (The Car from Grease) back to his resting place. Make sure you honk when you see Hecter at his home on the West Wylong Road. Thanks to the Mark and Emma Judd for letting the school borrow Hector.

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2016 Cross Country

This year students had the option to either compete in the Cross Country or participate in a scavenger hunt around the SRA grounds. The winners of the scavenger hunt were Emma Kennendy. Zoe Dargin, Piper Thomas, Nayata Brandy and Alynta McKellar The Cross Country track was a good representation for the Western Region Carnival held at Geurie Race Course on June the 15th. Congratulations to the following age champions. Good luck to the students who are off to Geurie for the Western Carnival

Boys Girls

12yrs Frankland Ross Hayley-Grace Whiley

13yrs Michael Stanley Peyton Bevill

14yrs Aiden Matherson Danielle Thompson

15yrs Andre Taylor Takira Charles & Kylie Kennedy

16yrs Cyle Gray Madeline Sinderberry

17yrs Ryan Smith Bianca Levy

Year 12 Sports Coaching students Brodie King and Jarrett Kirby have finished the Athletics track just in time for next


Athletics Carnival

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12 Primary Industries Cattle Study Trip

HSC Maths General Surveying Assessment

Earlier this week the year 12 Primary Industries class headed over to Bedgerabong to complete their Animal handling cluster. The class of six had to draft 80 cows and calves and then mark the calves. Most of the cattle were cooperative and only two small calves had to be chased and tackled to get get in the yards. Marking calves includes firstly catching the calf in the crush behind the head and then ear tagging, NLIS tagging, vaccinating, ear marking and castrating using a rubber ring. Students were required to attempt all activities

and had to record tag numbers and breed. There was a few challenging calves but the students worked really well as a team and the job was done with few mistakes and very efficiently. Thanks to Sue Broad for driving the noisy bunch over there and for doing a Macca’s run on the way home. Thanks to Ms Earney for lunch and thanks to the students for completing Ms Earneys cattle work!

On Monday 30th May 2016, HSC Maths General 2 students from LAP Schools Lake Cargelligo, Ungarie and Tullibigeal joined the Condobolin High School students for their Surveying Assessment. This involved a practical activity involving measurements for an offset (traverse) survey, a plane table radial survey and a compass radial survey with students working in mixed groups from all schools. The students had to complete their surveys together and then submit their individual surveys, then complete a test on the theory component for the assessment by calculating angles, distances and areas.

Mr Dodhy from Ungarie, Mr Thorpe from Lake Cargelligo and Mr Garvey from Tullibigeal joined their students in Condo for the day. The Condobolin High School students were glad to see Mr Dodhy back in Condo – to start with anyway. Students worked well together and did a good job to complete their assessment. Well done to everyone!

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University of Wollongong Early Admission Opens 1 August Gain entry before your ATAR. Visit: The University of Notre Dame Young Achievers Early Offer Program Closes 29 July Gain entry before your ATAR. Demonstrate your involvement and ability in academic studies, community, cultural , sport. Free HSC Study Sessions for Year 12s At Western Sydney University's Parramatta, Campbelltown and Bankstown campuses during July school holidays. Registrations open for English, Maths, the Sciences, Business and Legal Studies, and more. Students must register individually on NIDA Holiday Workshops NIDA Bites. 2 July . 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington Musical Theatre Bootcamp. 2 – 3 July . 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington NIDA Drama School. 4 – 8 July . 10am to 4pm, Chatswood. 11 – 15 July . 10am to 5pm, Canberra Acting for Stage and Screen. 12 – 14 July. 10am to 4pm, Wollongong. 13 – 14 July . 10am to 4pm, Campbelltown NIDA Actors Project. 4 – 8 July . 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington Acting Bootcamp. 9 – 10 July . 10am to 5pm, NIDA

Kensington Screen Acting Bootcamp. 16–17 and 2-3 July. 10 to 5pm, NIDAKensington. 11–13 July. 10 to 5pm, Chatswood Directing101. 11 – 12 July . 10am to 5pm, NIDA Kensington Apprenticeships Australian Apprenticeships is a very useful website developed by the Australian Government aimed at helping young people access any information they may need with regard to apprenticeships. Boilmaker 1st Year Apprentice Sarina Russo provides an apprenticeship opportunity in Forbes, NSW. Through the completion of the apprenticeship the successful candidate will also receive a Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade. Regional Express Pilot Cadet Program REX Cadet 32 week pilot training. Guaranteed employment at REX upon satisfactory completion. 3 intakes per year. Applications open.

Careers—University News

Students from across three of our local LAP schools descended on Condobolin for a day of Chemistry fun! As part of their third module in the course, Chemical Monitoring and Management, students were required to carry out a series of tasks to investigate how much sulfate is contained in lawn fertiliser. With methodical procedures and diligent work ethic students ground up their fertiliser to a fine particle, added some dilute HCl before warming and filtering the solution. The filtrate was then collected and barium chloride added to form a precipitate with the sulfates. This was then heated and refiltered prior to weighing and analysing the results by comparing the weights. Highlights of the day included Will’s heroic attempt to save a glass stirring rod, (which consequently shattered all over the floor). However it certainly broke the nerves

the boys were experiencing over the assessment task. All students worked well and should be proud of their efforts.

Chemistry Lap Day

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Careers—Come Visit our Expo






11.00AM TO 1.30PM


Universities, Tafe, Local Mines, Police Force and Lachlan

Shire Council and many more.

Parents and Carers are welcome to attend

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Term 2 Assessment Tasks

There have been a number of changes in terms of assessments at Condobolin High School in 2016. Part of my role as assessment coordinator has been to rewrite the assessment policy and implement a number of changes across the school. Students have all been issued with Assessment Booklets; these booklets are also available on the Condobolin High School Website, for each Year Group. These booklets are an important document for every child. They outline the assessment requirements for each subject across every year, outline the procedures to follow in terms of applying for an extension or misadventure and include a copy of the Board of Studies key terms. Some important information for parents and students:

Each assessment task requires a minimum of two weeks’ notice to be given. Students are expected to sign a receipt of task at the time the task is issued. If a student is away from school it is their responsibility to seek out any missed assessments or classwork.

No more than TWO assessment tasks should be due in each week for any year group. Please contact myself at school if this is not the case for your child.

For any change of date of assessment your child should receive a notification in writing advising of the new date.

All submitted assessments and quizzes are to be returned within two weeks. Again please feel free to contact myself if this is not occurring, and the assessment committee will be able to investigate the issue.

If your child cannot attend school on the day of an assessment, or has been unable to complete an assessment due to reasons including – Sickness, Carers Responsibilities, Illness in the family, they must apply for either an Extension (If before the due date) or Misadventure. They need to collect these forms from Head Teachers and return with appropriate documentation to myself for processing.

We are hoping that by implementing new policies and procedures, that assessments at Condobolin High School, become more streamlined and meaningful for our students. Miss Melissa Rees Assessment Coordinator

Assessments at Condobolin High School in 2016

Year 11 and 12 Assessments due Mondays

Stage 4 (Year 7 & 8) and Stage 5 (Years 9 & 10) advised by your Teacher

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WEEKLY SPECIALS Mondays Hamburgers $5.00 Tuesdays Curry Chicken & Rice $5.00 Wednesdays Pork, Chicken or Beef and gravy rolls (alternating weeks) $5.00 Thursdays Potatoes in their Jackets with Bolognaise Sauce & Sour Cream, Nachos, Lasagne, Spaghetti bolognaise ALL $5.00, Fried Rice and Kebabs 5.50 (alternating weeks) Fridays Chicken Crackle Packs and Snack Packs $5.50

EVERY DAY Plain Pie $4.80 Potato Pie $4.80 Cheese and Bacon Pies $4.80 Hot dog $3.50 Hot Dog with cheese $4.00 Sausage Rolls $3.50 Corn Roll $2.50 Slams $3.00 Pizza pockets $4.00 Chicken Burgers $5.00 Flame Grill Burger $5.00 Chilli Chicken Burger $6.00 Chilli Chicken pieces $1.80 Flame Grilled & Chicken pieces $2.60 Ham & Cheese melts $1.50 Pizza Subs $2.00 Pizza slabs $4.00 Cup of Noodle chicken or beef $2.50 Trifle $4.00 Fruit Salad $4.00 Watermelon $4.00


Mineral Water $2.40 Daily Juice 500ml $3.50 Moove 300ml $2.60 Moove 600ml $4.20 Dare 500ml $4.20 Poppers $1.50 Sports Water $2.00 Pump Water $4.00 Power Aide $4.00 Soft Drink in Cans $2.50

Canteen Menu

SANDWICHES (Rolls $1.00 Extra Toasted 50cents Extra) Cheese $2.50 Cheese Tomato $3.00 Vegemite $2.00 Chicken Lettuce Mayo $4.00 Egg & Lettuce $3.00 Curry Egg & Lettuce $3.00 Ham & Cheese $4.00 Meat Salad $5.50

WRAPS Chicken Chilli Tender, Chilli Sauce $6.00 Ham or Chicken Mayo with Salad $6.00


Salad Tubs $4.50 Meat Salad Tubs $6.00 (Chicken, Ham, Chicken) Chicken Caesar $6.00 Fruit Salad $4.50 Watermelon $4.00 Cake $1.80 Muffins $1.50 Mousse $1.50 Soup of the Day $4.00

**No food brought from home can be reheated at the canteen due to safe food regulations. This also includes toasting sandwiches brought from home. *** Due to price increases of various products it has left us with no choice but to raise our prices on a few items. Thank you for your continued support of our canteen.

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Condobolin RSL Club Proudly Supporting our Community 20 McDonnell Street Condobolin Ph 68952113

The Hungry Horse Eat in or Take Away

Seven days, Lunch and Dinner


Hardware & Paint ELGAS, Ag Chemicals,

Lawn Mowers, Garden Supplies Swimming Pools, Ammunition,

Paint Phone: 02 68952066

Fax: 02 68952360



Carolyn Girlie—B. Pharm

Dave Rees—B. Pharm Ashleigh Rees—B. Pharm

Prescriptions, General Medicines, Vitamins, Hair and Beauty needs and extensive giftware range.

Phone: 02 68952477

Fax: 02 68952335





MOTEL William Street

CONDOBOLIN 2877 Phone: 02 68952722

Chamen’s 60-62 Bathurst Street

Condobolin 2877 Phone: 0268952055

Leanne’s Hairdressing Salon

Leanne Anderson Annie Ryan

120 Bathurst St Condobolin NSW 2877

(02) 68952865 Call to make an appointment


Room 1

97 Bathurst Street (In with Barratt & Smith Pathology, Chiropractor)

Open from 9am on Tuesday

Specializing in remedial, Sport, Deep Tissue,

Lymph Drainage, Preg-nancy & Relaxation.

For Appointment Phone

Sonya 0477 603 213

Windscreens, Radiators, Exhaust & Pink Slips *Windscreens-side door & rear windows supplied & fitted, sales & repairs (all insurance company claims OK) * Radiators-car, truck, ag & plant new, re-cores, overhauls & repairs *Pink slips & Blue slips-cars, trailers bike, etc. * HVAIS-all heavy vehicles, brown slips (establish) new rego & defect clearance for both new or used * Mechanical repairs.

Contact Dave Carter or David

PH: 68954400 36 Bathurst Street Condobolin

Spot 4

YOUTH GROUP Tuesday Nights

7:30pm to 9:00pm 39 Orange Street

Come along and have some fun!!! Condobolin CRC Church

The more that you read,

The more things you will know.

The more that you learn,

The more places you’ll go. Dr Seuss

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