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PlagiarismAnalysisResultsSafeAssign Turnitin VeriCite Urkund UniCheck

15* 18* 22 21 2260% 72% 88% 84% 88%


SourceAnalysisResultsSafeAssign Turnitin VeriCite Urkund UniCheck

0 12 9 11 11SeeAppendixIIIforfulllist

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AppendixIPaper/Subject Year Seed SeedSource Paper/Subject Year Seed SeedSource

Anthopology EastAsianStudiesGordon,Gwendolyn 2014 BridgesIV,WilliamH. 2012Polk,Daniel 2014 Gregory,ScottWentworth 2012Robinson,Mark 2014 Hunter,Michael 2012 2Page AsiaSociety.orgMoranThomas,Amy 2012 2Page Wikipedia Ro,Sang-ho 2012 2Page TodayTranslationsSavova,NadezhdaDimitrova 2013 4Page EBSCOJournal Compton,Eno 2013 4Page NewWorldEncyclopedia

Architecture EconomicsBuckley,Craig 2013 Alvarez,JorgeAlejandro 2016Efrat,Zvi 2014 Ge,Qi 2016Hsieh,LisaL. 2013 Ravit,JasonGregory 2016Campbell,Mark 2014 2Page EBSCOJournal Zeltzer,Dan 2016 2Page AmerSocofMechEngrSunwoo,Irene 2013 4Page EncyclopediaBrittanica Feng,Xiaochen 2016 4Page

ChemicalandBiologicalEngineering GermanGirardi,Matthew 2015 Attanucci,TimothyJ. 2012Bozym,David 2015 Christian,MargaretaIngrid 2012Davis,RaleighLloyd 2015 2Page EBSCOJournal Eldridge,SarahVandegrift 2012Dsilva,CarmelineJoan 2015 2Page WolframMathworld Spies,Petra 2012 2Page WikipediaHiszpanski,AnnaMaria 2015 4Page King,AlanaJane 2014 4Page ChristianCyclopedia

Chemistry NeuroscienceFortmeyer,IvyCamille 2016 Coen,Philip 2015Ganguly,AahanaNibedita 2016 Silbert,Lauren 2014Terrett,JackAlexander 2016 2Page Solway,Alec 2014 2Page EncyclopediaofPhilosophyHone,Graham 2016 2Page Wikipedia Eldar,Eran 2014 4Page WikipediaDigianantonio,Katherine 2016 4Page CenterforDiseaseControl Opendak,Maya 2015 4Page ScopusJournal

Classics PublicandInternationalAffairsJones,MadeleineKersti 2013 Coffey,Diane 2015Clark,VirginiaEmily 2014 Palmer,JohnRB 2013Meinrath,Danielle 2015 Collins,Liam 2014 2Page SmallWarsJournalOswald,Simon 2014 2Page Kanter,David 2014 4Page WikipediaSirois,Martin 2014 4Page ScopusJournal Lim,DarrenJames 2014 4Page CIAWorldbook

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Paper/Subject SafeAssign TurnItIn VeriCite Urkund UniCheck SeedSource

Gordon 2% 17% 11% 9% 4.3%Polk 2% 10% 10% 2% 0.0%Robinson 1% 10% 10% 2% 0.0%MoranThomas2P 13% 25% 19% 19% 14.7% WikipediaSavova4P 1% 10% 53% 47% 42.1% EBSCOJournal

Buckley 1% 10% 10% 4% 0.0%Efrat 1% 17% 17% 13% 9.8%Hsieh 2% 12% 10% 2% 0.0%Campbell2P 1% 17% 10% 1% 2.1% EBSCOJournalSunwoo4P 28% 54% 48% 46% 46.4% EncyclopediaBrittanica

Girardi 11% 52% 47% 4% 37.3%Bozym 4% 19% 10% 6% 4.7%Davis2P 10% 37% 31% 1% 24.6% EBSCOJournalDsilva2P 9% 49% 42% 24% 60.0% WolframMathworldHiszpanski4P 28% 56%* 41% 41% 43.5%

Fortmeyer 1% 16% 10% 4% 0.0%Ganguly 4% 28% 10% 6% 2.1%Terrett2P 16% 77% 77% 83% 66.8% Phys.orgHone2P 21% 41% 18% 24% 18.7% WikipediaDigianantonio4P 41% 63% 60% 44% 56.1% CenterforDiseaseControl

Jones 1% 7% 10% 4% 0.0%Clark 8% 12% 22% 15% 9.9%Meinrath 2% 23% 10% 2% 0.0%Oswald2P 20% 26%* 23% 22% 21.1% History.comSirois4P 2% 45% 10% 3% 2.2% ScopusJournal

Bridges 7% 15% 10% 4% 6.5%Gregory 4% 14% 10% 5% 0.0%Hunter2P 26% 32% 27% 27% 21.2% AsiaSociety.orgRo2P 9% 25% 25% 24% 23.5% TodayTranslationsCompton4P 11% 56% 55% 50% 44.4% NewWorldEncyclopedia

Alvarez 2% 96% 10% 94% 74.3%Ge 1% 8% 65% 71% 55.4%Ravit 11% 14% 10% 2% 0.0%Zeltzer2P 20% 49% 41% 35% 29.8% AmerSocofMechEngrFeng4P 32% 94% 34% 96% 30.8%

Attanucci 2% 23% 10% 9% 3.3%Christian 1% 17% 10% 5% 2.7%Eldridge 1% 17% 10% 1% 7.9%Spies2P 13% 30% 24% 23% 22.3% WikipediaKing4P 45% 51%* 39% 52% 34.8% ChristianCyclopedia

Coen 2% 30% 10% 74% 0.0%Silbert 9% 62% 47% 38% 23.7%Solway2P 10% 94%* 88% 95% 74.6% EncyclopediaofPhilosophyEldar4P 34% 61% 52% 84% 53.5% WikipediaOpendak4P 20% 48% 50% 4% 16.3% ScopusJournal

Coffey 2% 93% 94% 96% 63.3%Palmer 1% 9% 38% 38% 2.5%Collins2P 15% 50% 33% 28% 19.0% SmallWarsJournalKanter4P 40% 65% 51% 51% 59.3% WikipediaLim4P 33%* 58% 48% 44% 43.5% CIAWorldbook

SeededMaterialFound 15* 18* 22 21 22 Red:SeededMaterialwasnotidentifiedTotalSamples=25 60% 72% 88% 84% 88% Green:SeededMaterialwasidentified












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Paper/Subject SafeAssign TurnItIn VeriCite Urkund UniCheck

AnthopologyGordon 2% 17% 11% 9% 4.3%Polk 2% 10% 10% 2% 0.0%Robinson 1% 10% 10% 2% 0.0%MoranThomas2P 13% 25% 19% 19% 14.7%Savova4P 1% 10% 53% 47% 42.1%

ArchitectureBuckley 1% 10% 10% 4% 0.0%Efrat 1% 17% 17% 13% 9.8%Hsieh 2% 12% 10% 2% 0.0%Campbell2P 1% 17% 10% 1% 2.1%Sunwoo4P 28% 54% 48% 46% 46.4%

ChemicalandBiologicalEngineeringGirardi 11% 52%* 47%* 4% 37.3%*Bozym 4% 19% 10% 6% 4.7%Davis2P 10% 37% 31% 1% 24.6%Dsilva2P 9% 49% 42% 24% 60%*Hiszpanski4P 28% 56% 41% 41% 43.5%

ChemistryFortmeyer 1% 16% 10% 4% 0.0%Ganguly 4% 28% 10% 6% 2.1%Terrett2P 16% 77%* 77%* 83%* 66.8%*Hone2P 21% 41%* 18% 24% 18.7%Digianantonio4P 41% 63%* 60%* 44% 56.1%*

ClassicsJones 1% 7% 10% 4% 0.0%Clark 8% 12% 22% 15% 9.9%Meinrath 2% 23% 10% 2% 0.0%Oswald2P 20% 26% 23% 22% 21.1%Sirois4P 2% 45% 10% 3% 2.2%

EastAsianStudiesBridges 7% 15% 10% 4% 6.5%Gregory 4% 14% 10% 5% 0.0%Hunter2P 26% 32% 27% 27% 21.2%Ro2P 9% 25% 25% 24% 23.5%Compton4P 11% 56% 55% 50% 44.4%

EconomicsAlvarez 2% 96%* 10% 94%* 74.3%*Ge 1% 8% 65%* 71%* 55.4%*Ravit 11% 14% 10% 2% 0.0%Zeltzer2P 20% 49% 41% 35% 29.8%Feng4P 32% 94%* 34% 96%* 30.8%

GermanAttanucci 2% 23% 10% 9% 3.3%Christian 1% 17% 10% 5% 2.7%Eldridge 1% 17% 10% 1% 7.9%Spies2P 13% 30% 24% 23% 22.3%King4P 45% 51% 39% 52%* 34.8%

NeuroscienceCoen 2% 30%* 10% 74%* 0.0%Silbert 9% 62%* 47%* 38%* 23.7%*Solway2P 10% 94%* 88%* 95%* 74.6%*Eldar4P 34% 61%* 52% 84%* 53.5%*Opendak4P 20% 48%* 50%* 4% 16.3%*

PublicandInternationalAffairsCoffey 2% 93%* 94%* 96%* 63.3%*Palmer 1% 9% 38%* 38%* 2.5%Collins2P 15% 50% 33% 28% 19.0%Kanter4P 40% 65%* 51% 51% 59.3%Lim4P 33% 58% 48% 44% 43.5%

OriginalMaterialFound 0 12 9 11 11(publishedelswhere) Blue: Originalmaterialfoundelsewhere

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