Page 1: Chapter 7 · Chaos in Electrophysiology Michael R. Guevara, Department of Physiology and Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine, McGill University, MontrØal, QuØbec


Chapter 7

Chaos in Electrophysiology

Michael R. Guevara, Department of Physiology andCentre for Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine,McGill University, Montréal, Québec


Over the last fifteen years there has beenmuch interest in the topic of chaos in biologi-cal systems. There are several hundred reportsdealing specifically with electrophysiologicalsystems. In this article, we review experimen-tal and modelling work on chaotic dynamics inelectrophysiology, concentrating on examplesdrawn from the cardiovascular and nervoussystems, which have been the two systems moststudied. We survey the techniques that havebeen used in claiming the existence of chaoticactivity in these studies, giving a fairly com-prehensive, but not exhaustive, list of the situ-ations in which these techniques have beenused. These techniques include: description ofone-or-another of several well-characterizedroutes to chaos, extraction of a one-dimensionalmap from a time series (�return map�), exami-nation of the power spectrum for a broadbandcomponent, reconstitution from the time seriesof a geometrical portrait of the strange attractor

generating the chaotic behaviour (�method oftime delays�, �embedding�), construction of aPoincaré section (and perhaps a one-dimen-sional return map) from the reconstitutedattractor, determination of the fractal dimen-sion of the attractor and its Liapunovexponent(s), and testing for nonlinear determin-ism. We also give a few caveats along the way,including examples where the claim for chaoswas wrong (or at best premature).


One can find several definitions of chaosfloating about in the literature. Many of theseare mathematical in nature, and therefore of lit-tle use to an experimentalist or to a modellercarrying out numerical simulations (e.g. defi-nitions involving the existence of an infinitenumber of unstable periodic orbits). A usefulworking definition of chaos might perhaps besomething along the lines of aperiodic dynam-ics in a deterministic system demonstrating

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sensitive dependence on initial conditions[143]. There are clear methodological problemsif one takes a few moments to reflect on eachof the three requirements in this definition.

Many experimentalists think of a traceas being chaotic when it is irregular or aperi-odic (and obviously not just a periodic tracewith some noise superimposed), but with somedegree of determinism or predictability (i.e. notpurely random or stochastic). It is not goodenough to call a trace chaotic simply becauseit is aperiodic, as has been done in many pub-lished papers [125, 157]. An example of a be-haviour that would not be viewed as chaotic atthe present time is the irregular beating of asingle pacemaker cell isolated from thesinoatrial node. The irregularity in this case canbe accounted for by the fact that the electricalactivity underlying spontaneous activity is be-ing generated by a population of ion channelslying in the membrane, with each individualchannel opening and closing in a random fash-ion [106, 288]. Note that while one cannot pre-dict the exact time at which a particular chan-nel that is presently open will close (or viceversa), the probability that it will do so isknown, being controlled for most channels bythe transmembrane potential.

Since Johnson, membrane, and some-times synaptic noise are intrinsic to all electro-physiological systems, there are no electro-physiological systems that are purely determin-istic (i.e. have no stochastic components). Thus,when one states that chaos exists in such a sys-tem, the underlying implication is that there issome deterministic mechanism at work that isresponsible for generating the aperiodicity. Afurther implication is that this deterministicmechanism is in some sense more important tothe production of the irregular dynamics thanany stochastic processes that might be present.One way of demonstrating this deterministiccontribution to the dynamics is to develop arealistic, physiologically-based, deterministicmodel of the system, and then to have thatmodel generate chaotic behaviour resembling

the experimentally observed irregular dynam-ics.

The third requirement in the definition(sensitive dependence on initial conditions) isnot very often proven, or even tested, in ex-perimental work. Demonstration of this prop-erty involves calculation of the largestLiapunov exponent. Among other things, thisthird requirement means that quasiperiodic phe-nomena - which are both aperiodic and deter-ministic - are not chaotic.

There are several recent publications spe-cifically reviewing chaotic dynamics in the car-diovascular field [17, 49, 60, 127, 130, 140,198] and in the neural field [60, 131, 152, 207,210, 211, 220, 262]. Many publications sum-marize the broader physiological and biologi-cal literature [19, 47, 78, 80, 124, 143, 163, 197,260, 287]. There has also been a great deal ofdiscussion about the possible rôles of chaos innorrno- and patho-physiology [44, 86, 87, 140,151, 163, 206, 238, 260, 287] and higher brainfunction [53, 60, 114, 151, 152, 186, 207, 210,211, 258].

We now briefly consider the main tech-niques that have been used to provide evidencefor the existence of chaotic dynamics inelectrophysiological systems, along the wayproviding an entrée into the literature and point-ing out some practical problems. We shall notgo into the details of these techniques, sincethey are described in several recent review andtutorial articles [48, 49, 60, 80, 92, 127, 131,137, 152, 163, 184, 210, 211, 217, 247, 250].

Routes to Chaos

One of the tests most frequently used toestablish the existence of chaos is the determi-nation that one of several well-characterized�routes to chaos� is being followed as someexperimental parameter is systematicallychanged. There have been several routes tochaos described. These include period-dou-bling, intermittency, crises, period-adding,

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Sil�nikov, and quasiperiodicity [20, 57, 97, 152,252].

Period-Doubling CascadeThe period-doubling route to chaos is

probably the route that has been the most re-ported. A period-doubling bifurcation occurswhen there is a doubling of the period of a regu-lar, periodic oscillation as some parameter ischanged. It is well-known in mathematicalwork that a cascade of an infinite number ofperiod-doubling bifurcations can lead to cha-otic dynamics [20, 49, 60, 78, 143, 174, 252,267]. Irregular rhythms seen in experiments oncardiac [36, 38, 76, 107, 109, 112, 122, 147,244], vascular [98], and neural [116, 145, 173,272] tissue can, and have been, interpreted inthis light.

In experimental work on biological sys-tems, it is very rare to find reports of a period-doubling bifurcation beyond a second consecu-tive period-doubling (which produces a period-4 orbit); a rare example of a period-8 orbit canbe just barely made out in Fig. 5B of Hescheler& Speicher [122]. Thus, only one, two, or, veryrarely, three period-doubling bifurcations havebeen described in biological systems before theirregular dynamics appears. There are probablytwo main reasons for this. First, the noisepresent corrupts higher-order period-doubledorbits that would presumably exist in the ab-sence of the noise, producing a �bifurcationgap� [45, 81]. This gap exists because the smalldifferences between the higher-order orbits thatwould occur in the noise-free system are withinthe background noise level, resulting in orbitsthat resemble at best a noisy period-2n orbit,and which can be mistaken for �noisy perio-dicity� or �banded chaos� [166]. Secondly,since the range of the experimental parameterover which one would expect to encounter aperiod-doubled orbit decreases as the cascadeis penetrated, it is often impossible to hold theexperimental system stationary enough to al-low period-doubled orbits of longer periods tobe seen. This effect is accentuated in the pres-ence of noise. However, this line of reasoning

soon gets one into the hot water reminiscent ofthe famous question of Bishop Berkeley. Thus,it remains a matter of the individual investiga-tor�s judgment in a particular case as to whento claim that a cascade of period-doublings isleading to chaotically irregular dynamics [107,111].

Evidence for the period-doubling routeto chaos has also been found in modelling workon cardiac [24, 134, 160, 181, 281], neural [3,4, 8, 25, 33, 34, 108, 116, 129, 135, 283, 284],and pancreatic [31] systems, as well as in mod-elling work on tremor [5].

Alternans is a rhythm seen on the elec-trocardiogram (ECG) in which there is a beat-to-beat alternation of one or more of theelectrocardiographic complexes. It is often as-sumed that the alternans arises out of normalsinus rhythm via a period-doubling bifurcation.Alternans can be seen in the setting of acutemyocardial ischaemia, and often precedes thephase of induction of malignant ventriculararrhythmias [229, 235, 265, 279]. It is thustempting to speculate that the alternans mightbe the first sign of a period-doubling cascadethat would eventually lead to chaotic dynam-ics, which would correspond to ventricular fi-brillation [264]. Since the transition from ven-tricular tachycardia to ventricular fibrillationcan be thought of as being due to the breakupof a spiral wave into multiple spirals [148], arecent report in which spiral breakup occurswhen the system is sufficiently close toalternans is especially intriguing [148].

Caveats1. As a single parameter is changed, it is math-

ematically possible for chaos to be seen fol-lowing one [176, 276] or two [160] period-doubling bifurcations. It can also appearabruptly, not being preceded by any period-doublings, producing �instant chaos� [195].Thus the interpretation proffered above ofnoise corrupting an infinite cascade is notnecessarily the explanation when one seeschaotic dynamics following a finite number

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of period-doublings in the presence of noise.2. An incomplete cascade of period-doublings

can occur, sometimes followed by a sym-metrical cascade of reverse period-doublings(�period-halvings�), producing a bifurcationdiagram containing �bubbles� ([100], Fig-ure 5). Since such partial cascades can ex-ist, it is prudent not to assume that chaoticdynamics must necessarily ensue if a se-quence of a few period-doublings is seen[278].

3. The first period-doubled orbit shows up inthe time series as a simple cycle-to-cyclealternation between two components in thewaveform. When one sees such an alterna-tion, it is thus tempting to claim that therhythm has been produced by a period-dou-bling bifurcation. However, this is not al-ways the case. A nice example of this is in2:1 atrioventricular heart block. If onerecords from within the atrioventricularnode, one can see a beat-to-beat alternationin action potential morphology. However,this is not the result of a period-doubling,since the transition from the period-1 rhythmis not direct, but rather, from a mathemati-cal point of view, involves an infinitenumber of other periodic rhythms, which aretermed Wenckebach and reverseWenckebach rhythms [102, 257].Another example would be when one seesalternation in the force of contraction of amulti-cellular muscle (cardiac, smooth, orskeletal), in which one [72] or two [182]subpopulations of cells are contracting onevery other response, with perhaps the ma-jority of cells contracting on each response.If the 2:1 response in the subpopulation(s)arises out of a Wenckebach sequence, thealternating rhythm cannot be said to havearisen out of a period-doubling bifurcation.It is difficult to rule out this possibility in anexperiment in which one simply has an iso-lated trace showing an alternans rhythm,since it is technically difficult to measurefrom all - or indeed even a few - sites in amulticellular preparation. The best that canbe done here perhaps is to vary a parameter

and see whether intermediate rhythms canbe seen during the transition from normalrhythm to alternans rhythm.

IntermittencyThere are three types of intermittency

(types I, II, and III). These are found when thesystem is chaotic, but close to (i.e. a relativelysmall change in a parameter will produce) asaddle-node, Hopf, or period-doubling bifur-cation respectively [20, 205, 252]. The charac-teristic feature of a waveform showing inter-mittency is that, as time proceeds, there is aswitching back-and-forth between two formsof behaviour, which appear very different: alaminar phase, in which the waveform looksquite regular (with some sort of slow drift), anda turbulent phase, in which the waveform ismuch more irregular.

Type I intermittency has been reportedin neurons [116, 120] and axons [270], as wellas in periodically driven heart cells [83]. TypeIII intermittency has been seen in the squid gi-ant axon [173, 270] and in the elecroencepha-logram [215]. There also is a report of inter-mittency, which might be of type I, in vascularsmooth muscle [98]. We are not aware of anyreports of type II intermittency in electrophysio-logical systems (reports of this type of inter-mittency are very rare in the literature on physi-cal and chemical systems).

Caveat1. Part of the definition of intermittency is that

the system be close to the appropriate kindof bifurcation. However, this is a necessary,but not sufficient, condition. For example,systems that can have only periodic andquasiperiodic behaviours, and no chaoticbehaviour - e.g. a limit-cycle oscillator sub-jected to periodic forcing of sufficiently lowamplitude [82] - can display a form of be-haviour which can be misidentified as typeI intermittency when the system is close toa saddle-node bifurcation. We have previ-ously termed this phenomenon �tangency�[20, 100]. Thus, showing a slow drift in a

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waveform is not enough to establish the ex-istence of a chaotic intermittency ([118], Fig.1(b); [83], Fig. 11.4).

CrisesA crisis occurs when an unstable peri-

odic orbit collides with a chaotic attractor [94].Crises come in two flavours: interior andboundary. The former results in the suddenwidening or narrowing of a pre-existing cha-otic attractor, while the latter converts transientchaos into chaos, producing a chaotic attractor(or vice versa). Unlike the case in theoreticalwork or numerical simulation, it is usually im-possible in experimental work to track an un-stable orbit as a parameter is changed. Thus, itis virtually impossible to obtain prima faciaeevidence for a crisis in experimental work, sinceone will simply see the sudden appearance, dis-appearance, or change in size of a chaoticattractor, and there is always the alternativeexplanation of bistability between a periodicorbit and a chaotic attractor, or between twodifferent chaotic attractors.

While crises have been documented inmany physical systems, there are very few re-ports in the physiological literature. For exam-ple, an interior crisis can be seen in the peri-odically driven FitzHugh-Nagumo model[283], which is a simplifed version of theHodgkin-Huxley equations for squid axonalmembrane, and a crisis has been associated withthe transition from beating to bursting in amodel of a pacemaker neuron [284]. We havepreviously noted that crisis-induced intermit-tency has several characteristics reminiscent ofthe behaviour displayed by single ionic chan-nels, whose kinetics are taken to be stochasticat present [103, 162].

QuasiperiodicityQuasiperiodic behaviour occurs when the

trajectory of the system lies in the surface of atorus, producing a motion made up of two ormore frequencies that are incommensurate [20,48, 96, 143, 152, 252]. A chaotic attractor canoccur when quasiperiodic motion on a torus of

dimension three [194] or higher [234], whichresults in a quasiperiodic waveform with threeor more incommensurate component frequen-cies, is destabilized by a nonlinear perturba-tion [57, 96, 152]. One nice aspect of this sce-nario is that the chaotic strange attractor pro-duced is structurally stable: i.e. it will persistdespite changes in parameters in the system,provided that they are sufficiently small.

We know of only one report claiming thisquasiperiodic route to chaos in electrophysiol-ogy, which will be discussed below. This rela-tive lack of evidence might simply be becausethis route is not well-appreciated byexperimentalists, and so there may not havebeen many serious attempts made to find it orproduce it experimentally. However, the ma-jority of physiological variables (e.g. heart rate,blood pressure) are controlled by systems withmany different characteristic response times.The weak interaction of these many differentcontrol systems would lead to N-tori with Nlarge [96]. One might thus expect chaotic be-haviour arising from the Newhouse Ruelle-Takens scenario to be quite commonplace invivo, since these control systems are generallynonlinear and interact in a nonlinear fashion.However, unlike the case in the physical sys-tems where this scenario has been described[20, 96, 252], it might be difficult to providedirect experimental evidence for this route,since to do so one would have to set up a sta-tionary quasiperiodic behaviour with three ormore component frequencies. In addition, onewould then have to subject the system to theappropriate nonlinear perturbation, whichmight have to be very carefully chosen, espe-cially when the perturbation is small [96]. Anadditional consideration to be borne in mind inthis case is that this route might be intrinsicallyrare, since it was not seen very often in a nu-merical study of one particular system in whicha search was made over a wide range of ran-domly chosen parameters [96]. In addition,while the theory says that chaos should occurfor an infinitesimally small, but appropriatelychosen perturbation, it was found in this study

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that the chaotic attractors became increasinglycommon as the amplitude of the perturbationwas increased.

Caveats1. Quasiperiodicity is a mathematical concept

that cannot be proven in an experimental ornumerical setting, having, like chaos, fun-damental methodological problems inherentin its definition (e.g. irrational numbers). Ina noisy system, it becomes impossible todiscriminate between quasiperiodic orbitsand periodic orbits of long period ([83], Figs.11.7 and 11.8). In addition, a fundamentalconflict between the measure-theoretic andgeneric points of view has been pointed out[100].

2. Should the nonlinear perturbation be pre-existing (i.e. not added after the 3-torus isestablished, as in the Newhouse-Ruelle-Takens scenario), it is possible that only twofrequencies would be seen as a parameter ischanged before the chaotic attractor wouldappear, since the 3-torus that would other-wise occur would not come into existencebecause of the destabilizing effect of thenonlinear perturbation [252]. For this rea-son, chaotic activity seen following a 2-fre-quency quasiperiodic motion has been in-terpreted in terms of the Ruelle-Takens-Newhouse scenario in experimental work onphysical systems [20, 252]. Unfortunately,diagnosis of the Newhouse-Ruelle-Takensscenario cannot definitely be established inthis circumstance, unless one could some-how remove the perturbation and show thata 3-torus would result instead of the strangeattractor in the absence of the perturbation.

3. It is possible to obtain chaos from a 2-torus,e.g. in the Curry-Yorke model [20]. Thisroute is probably connected with anothervery-well studied �route to chaos� involv-ing quasiperiodicity in one-dimensionalmaps [20, 152]. There are also several otherreports in which there are still other routesto chaos involving tori - e.g. period-doublings of tori [9, 66].

4. In the one report that we have been able to

find in the electrophysiological literature inwhich the quasiperiodic route to chaos wasclaimed [98], there was apparently a transi-tion to a period-doubled rhythm, and thento a quasiperiodic rhythm, and then to chaos.This is not consistent with the classicNewhouse-Ruelle-Takens scenario (unlesssome variant of the situations described incaveats 2 or 3 above existed).

The Sil�nikov ScenarioThe Sil�nikov scenario (or bifurcation or

phenomenon) is a very complex phenomenonin which the system generates an infinity of pe-riodic and aperiodic orbits as a parameter ischanged away from a value at which the sys-tem admits a homoclinic orbit (an orbit of infi-nite period) associated with a saddle-focus typeof equilibrium point. As one changes a param-eter away from the one precise value where thehomoclinic orbit exists, there is an explosionproducing an infinite number of periodic or-bits, each of which undergoes a cascade of aninfinite number of period-doubling bifurcationsleading to chaos. There is numerical evidencethat this scenario is being followed when�mixed-mode� rhythms containing actionpotentials and delayed afterdepolarizations areseen in numerical work on an ionic model ofthe sinoatrial node [105]. It is also possibly oc-curring in other situations in which delayedafterdepolarizations are seen in cardiac ([101],see also references therein) and neural [104,113, 285] oscillators, as well as in still othersituations in which early afterdepolarizations[29, 30] or internal calcium oscillations [278]occur. The Sil�nikov scenario has also been in-voked to account for phenomena seen in respi-ration [240] and in human neuromuscular co-ordination [151].

Caveats1. There are many problems with establishing

the existence of the Sil�nikov scenario. Asrecently emphasized, it is not sufficient tosimply show that a homoclinic orbit exists[233]. Determination of the amplitude of thereal parts of the eigenvalues of the saddle-


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focus equilibrium point is one of the keymeasurements to be made in establishingthis scenario. Unfortunately, while this cal-culation can be carried out in modellingwork [105], it has not been done in experi-mental work.

2. There is one experimental report on a chemi-cal reaction in which mixed-mode oscilla-tions occurred, but with no sign of chaoticactivity [171]. Modelling work on this re-action reveals that the range of the param-eter over which the chaos exists is exceed-ingly small, and the chaos itself can be onsuch a fine scale that it would almost cer-tainly not be observable in the correspond-ing - necessarily noisy - experimental sys-tem ([226], Fig.17). This �chaos on a finescale� is presumably what accounts for thelack of aperiodic behaviour in the model-ling work hitherto carried out on ionic mod-els of heart and nerve (references above).

3. Noise can produce rhythms reminiscent ofthe mixed-mode rhythms expected from theSil�nikov scenario in situations where thisscenario cannot exist [35, 165].

Power Spectrum

The power spectrum of many chaotic sig-nals has a background level that is significantlyabove the instrumental noise floor. In this con-text, the power spectrum has been determinedin experimental work on the cardiovascular [98,244, 291, 292, 294, 295, 296], neural [1, 117,173, 177, 202, 249, 270], respiratory [239, 240],and hormonal systems, as well as in reports onhuman speech [191] and periodically drivenplant cells [121]. Spectral analysis has also beenemployed in modelling work on periodicallystimulated cardiac cells [134] and axons [133],as well as on bursting pacemaker neurons [25]and spiral waves in an excitable medium [297].

While the lack of a broadband compo-nent in the power spectrum of ventricular fi-brillation has been taking as evidence for con-cluding that fibrillation is not chaotic [86], it ispossible to construct chaotic models that have

a narrow-band spectrum similar to that seen infibrillation [139]. In contrast, the spectrum dur-ing atrial fibrillation has been reported to bebroad-band in nature [146].

Caveats1. One should be cautious in concluding that a

system is chaotic simply on the basis of theexistence of a broad-band spectrum com-puted from a single time series. The evi-dence is more convincing if one can showa sequence of bifurcations involving peri-odic orbits, with the sudden emergence of alarge-amplitude broad-band component inthe spectrum, coinciding with the transitionfrom periodic to aperiodic behaviour [25,133, 244].

2. It has been known for some time that cha-otic systems can have a 1/fα-like spectrum[126, 170, 214]. While cardiovascular [136,142, 153, 188, 190, 200, 201, 242, 256, 282]and neural [75, 188, 189, 193, 209, 243]systems can also have a 1/fα-like spectrum,caution is indicated in so far as drawing acausal connection, i.e. implying or conclud-ing that the electrophysiological system istherefore chaotic [256]. In this respect, wemust note that stochastic systems can havea 1/fα spectrum [41, 65, 199], and that thereexist strange (i.e. fractal) attractors that arenot chaotic [95]. Caution is also suggestedin cases when their seems to be some fractalstructure in the signal - e.g. fractal cluster-ing in auditory spike trains [271] and in ven-tricular extrasystoles [266]. Finally, a 1/fα

spectrum can be replicated by a systemwhose component parts individually haveappropriately chosen Lorentzian spectra[243]. Thus, as previously stated [106, 142],the 1/fα falloff in heart-rate and blood-pres-sure spectra could conceivably be simply theresult of many different control systemsworking over widely different time scales.It is thus not necessarily correct to deducethat there is some form of fractal processsimply because there is a 1/fα-like spectrum[190].

3. Fractal anatomy does not imply chaotic dy-

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namics [249], nor does the existence of a 1/fα spectrum imply the existence of a fractalanatomy [21, 37, 161], as has been claimedfor the cardiac His-Purkinje system ([85,287], and references therein).

Attractor Phase-Portrait

This technique has been particularly at-tractive to many investigators, in no smallmeasure because it is very simple. A time se-ries of a measured variable x(t) is sampled atan interval ∆t producing the discrete data set{x(0), x(∆t), x(2∆t), ..., x(N∆t)}. One thenforms n-tuplets (often triplets for purposes ofillustration) of points (x(i∆t), x((i+1)∆t), ...,x((i+(n-1)∆t))), i�0 and plots the trajectorytraced out by these n-dimensional points in then-dimensional phase space. This method of re-constructing or reconstituting a phase-spacetrajectory is called �the method of time delays�or �embedding�. Alternatively, a phase portraitcan be obtained by plotting one measured vari-able against another, or a two-dimensionalphase-plane plot can be obtained by plottingthe first derivative of a variable vs. the variableitself.

Examination of the phase-portrait some-times reveals a banded structure that is remi-niscent of �strange attractors� (described be-low) seen in numerical simulations of math-ematical systems that are commonly acceptedas being chaotic (e.g. Lorenz, Rössler attrac-tors). Whether this resemblance is of any sig-nificance, or merely superficial, is unclear. Inthe area of neurophysiology, portraits have beenconstructed in one of the three ways mentionedabove for the EEG [12, 13, 50, 67, 68, 177,211, 216], multi-unit recordings from the tec-tum [192], the H-reflex [245], the electrooculogram [1], visual evoked potentials [249],epileptiform hippocampal bursts [117], respi-ration [238, 239, 240], speech [191], burstingmolluscan neurons [116, 186], driven neuronsand axons [2, 62, 115, 116, 117, 119], and mod-els of axonal and neuronal membrane [3, 116,169]. There are also many articles in the car-

diovascular field, dealing with normal sinusrhythm [12, 26, 50, 123, 178, 187, 225, 295],atrial fibrillation [123, 146, 196], ventricularfibrillation [139, 224, 225], irregular rhythmsin periodically driven preparations [36, 38,244], irregular blood flow and blood pressure[99, 230, 282, 292, 294], and models of car-diac cells [24, 181] and of spiral waves [297].Portraits have also been made for periodicallydriven plant cells [121] and for activity in amodel of respiration [238]. Finally, of great in-terest to electrophysiologists, it is apparentlypossible to reconstruct a chaotic attractor thatis generating a spike train via an integrate-and-fire mechanism from a record of the spike trainitself [241]. Embedding is now perhaps mostfrequently used as a preliminary step in obtain-ing a Poincaré section or in calculating the cor-relation dimension or Liapunov exponent.

Caveats1. The visual appearance of the attractor can

change depending on the choice of embed-ding time delay ∆t (see [12] for the ECG;[80] for the heartrate). One of the very fewplaces where one can find nice systematicillustrations demonstrating this point in anexperimental system is in an article on achaotic chemical reaction ([231], Figs. 2,3).An incontrovertible example of the effectof choice of time delay on the reconstitutedattractor can be seen when one embeds atime series obtained from a deterministic setof equations: in this case, the reconstitutedstrange attractor can be made to look verydifferent from the real strange attractor([282], Fig.3).

2. Filtered noise can sometimes give a recon-stituted trajectory that looks similar to astrange attractor, in that it appears to con-tain some �structure� ([216], Fig. 3). Insome situations in which the existence oflow-dimensional chaos (and therefore astrange attractor) is claimed, the phase por-trait is comparable to a �ball of string� or�tangle of spagetti� ([26], Fig.1; [67],Fig.1a; [87], figure on page 48; [292],Fig.6), that is reminiscent of the phase por-

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trait constructed from a random system([73], Johnson noise from a resistor in Fig.3;[216], Fig.4). In such an instance, the pos-sibility also exists that there has been amisdiagnosis of low-dimensional chaos, andthat there is instead an orbit (which mightor might not be chaotic) of very high dimen-sion ([73], summated output of 12 oscilla-tors in Fig.3).

3. Interaction between two approximately pe-riodic processes at different frequencies (e.g.respiratory sinus arrhythmia) can produce aquasiperiodic rhythm, which, in the presenceof noise, can sometimes result in a portraitthat superficially has the banded shape char-acteristic of many strange attractors (e.g. theRössler attractor). The same sort of phenom-enon can occur in periodically stimulatedcells that have some sort of �memory�, thetime constant of which is long with respectto the period of the stimulation.

4. In modelling work, reconstitution of anattractor can still be carried out using themethod of time delays, even though one canplot the phase-space trajectory directly [24,116].

Poincaré Sections

Once an attractor has been reconstituted,it is possible to take a Poincaré section of thatattractor. This is done in a three-dimensionalreconstruction, for example, by placing a planetangential to the overall direction of the trajec-tory in that region of the phase space, and keep-ing track of where successive passes of the or-bit pierce that plane (a nice example of this isin a study on a chaotic chemical reaction -[231]). One can then sometimes also extractout a one-dimensional return map. Poincarésections have been taken for the ECG [12, 291],experiments on neural [2, 116, 117, 186] andcardiac [244] tissue, respiration [239], vocali-zation [180], and modelling of cardiac [24,181], neural [116, 284], respiratory [238], andmultiloop feedback [79] systems.

Return Map

Perhaps the simplest context in whichone can visualize and appreciate chaotic behav-iour is in the setting of a one-dimensional fi-nite-difference equation or map [78, 143, 174].It is therefore not surprising that the approachof reducing consideration of experimentally ornumerically obtained data to consideration ofthe properties under iteration of a one-dimen-sional map has been very popular. This proce-dure can be carried out in two ways. Themethod most commonly used is to construct areturn map directly from the time-series show-ing the chaotic behaviour. Less commonly,what one might call a �forward map� may beconstructed from an experiment independentof the experiment producing the chaotic trace[23, 38, 39, 82, 107, 108, 131, 160, 280].

A return map can, in turn, be producedin one of two ways. As described in the sectionjust above, one can construct a Poincaré sur-face of section for a reconstituted attractor andthen keep track of where this surface is piercedon successive passes of the trajectory. Alterna-tively, one can simply measure some charac-teristic feature of the waveform on each �cy-cle� of the waveform (or on each cycle of thewaveform of a periodic forcing stimulus, yield-ing a �stroboscopic map�) and plot successivevalues as a function of the immediately pre-ceding value. This latter approach results in anapproximately one-dimensional first-returnmap in experiments on plant [118, 121], car-diac [38, 76, 82, 107, 109, 112] and neural [3,115, 117, 119, 120, 145, 179] preparations, aswell as in the cries of newborn infants [180].A one-dimensional map has also been extractedin this way in work modelling cardiac [160,181, 281], neural [2, 25, 129], and pancreatic[31] activity. In other situations, when a first-return plot is made, one or more clouds of pointsshowing little or no hint of one-dimensionalstructure results [12, 40, 71, 74, 76, 106, 110,164, 238, 240, 246, 289]. This result is vari-ously ascribed to the existence of random orchaotic dynamics. In some cases - digitalis-in-

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toxicated cardiac muscle [71], hipppocampalbursting [246], and ventricular fibrillation [289]- the interpretation is that there is a two- orhigher-dimensional map underlying the proc-ess. The extracted two-dimensional return maphas then been used in �controlling chaos� [255]in neural [246] and cardiac [71] preparationsin which the authors claim the existence of cha-otic activity ([40], for an alternative interpre-tation).

Caveats1. The fact that there is no one-dimensional

structure apparent on a return map does notnecessarily imply that the system isstochastic. For example, if the map is deter-mined from a Poincaré section, it might bethat the surface of section is inappropriatelyplaced: changing the location of the planeof section might result in a more one-dimen-sional map ([231], Figs. 9,10 ). Perhaps moreimportantly, there is no requirement thatchaos must have some sort of one-dimen-sional description, since one might expectthis only in systems in which the flows arestrongly contracting.

2. Establishing that a period-3 orbit exists ona return map has been used to claim the ex-istence of chaos in periodically driven plantcells, since the existence of such an orbitimplies that the system �is chaotic in thesense of Li & Yorke� [118]. However, theexistence of chaos in the sense of Li & Yorkeis of questionable significance, since whatone invariably sees in experimental or mod-elling work is the stable period-3 orbit, andnot the aperiodic orbits that theoreticallycoexist with that orbit. Thus, the correspond-ence between Li-Yorke chaos and the irregu-lar experimental trace obtained by Hayashiet al. [118] is not as direct as these authorsclaim.

Fractal Dimension

The irregular waveform produced by achaotic system is a reflection of the aperiodictrajectory traced out by the state-point of the

system. This trajectory is a consequence of theexistence of a strange attractor in the phase-space of the system [234]. This object is termedan attractor since it attracts trajectories start-ing from a set of initial conditions (its basin ofattraction). It is termed strange, since its geo-metric properties are not those of a simplecurve, surface, or volume, but rather those of amore exotic structure, such as a Cantor set. Onecan calculate the dimension of this fractal ob-ject using one of several different algorithms[63, 64, 92, 137]. This determination of someform of dimension is probably the most com-monly used basis on which claims of chaoticdynamics have been made in biological sys-tems. This is undoubtedly due in no small partto the ease with which many of these algorithmscan be implemented on the computer. Anotherreason for the widespread use of this approachis that in situations where one only has a singletime-series and cannot systematically changea parameter in the system, one cannot applysome of the other tests mentioned above (e.g.establishing a route to chaos or demonstratingan increase in the background level of the powerspectrum). The most widely-used algorithm todate is that due to Grassberger & Proccacia [90,91], which estimates the correlation dimension([137], for a nice introduction to this algorithm).

Since the initial reports in the mid-1980�s[11, 13, 56, 175], there have been on the orderof a hundred papers published in which thefractal dimension of the electroencephalogram(EEG) has been calculated (see references citedimmediately below and also [15, 16, 54, 84,131, 132, 175, 207, 210, 212, 275]). These ar-ticles deal with the influence on the calculateddimension of the EEG of several factors, in-cluding smoking [213], intelligence [167], stateof consciousness [11, 13, 50, 68, 177, 178],mental tasks [177] and various diseases [11, 50,68, 187]. Staying within the field of neurophysi-ology, dimension calculations have also beenmade for the magnetoencephalogram [177,237], nystagmus [1, 253], olfaction [67, 183],vocalization [180, 191], the H-reflex [245],tremor [69, 154, 178], postural sway [43], visual

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perception [159, 192], visual evoked potentials[249], auditory event-related brain potentials[220], respiration [137, 203, 238, 239, 240], sin-gle-unit recordings from monkey motor cortex[219], molluscan neurons [186], periodicallystimulated squid axon [173], model neural net-works [84], and a model of respiration [238].

In the cardiac field, there have been manyreports of the fractal dimension of normal si-nus rhythm, including investigation of the ef-fect of circadian rhythms, cardiac transplanta-tion, the autonomic nervous system, altitude,stage of development, and various diseases [12,22, 26, 50, 70, 123, 136, 144, 158, 178, 259,261, 277, 291, 295]. One interesting finding isa decrease in dimension with age [144].

Estimates of dimension have also beenmade for atrial flutter [123]. Two studies onventricular fibrillation showed that the dimen-sion is very high or that fibrillation is random[139, 224]. In contrast, in some instances ofatrial fibrillation, the algorithm yields a low-dimensional estimate [123, 196]. The sugges-tion has been made that the lack of low-dimen-sional behaviour in ventricular fibrillation isdue to the fact that the correlation length is smallwhen compared to the size of the ventricles[18]. It has been reported that the dimensionfalls during the early stages of myocardial is-chaemia in pigs, and falls still further just be-fore fibrillation ensues [261]. A reduction indimension also occurs in patients before ven-tricular fibrillation occurs [156, 259, 263]. Incontrast, another report on three clinical casesfound that the dimension gradually rose as nor-mal sinus rhythm was replaced sequentially bynon-fibrillatory ventricular arrhythmias(extrasystoles, bigeminy, tachycardia), coarsefibrillation, and finally fine fibrillation, whichwas not low-dimensional [225]. In a model ofa single hypermeandering spiral wave, whichmight be a mechanism involved in ventricularfibrillation [93], there is also a low correlationdimension [297].

In addition to heart and brain, there have

been applications to systems in which smoothor skeletal muscle is involved: blood flow [98,99, 282, 292, 294], electromyography [6], vo-calization [180, 191], tremor [69, 154, 178],and finger tapping [154]. Finally, the correla-tion dimension has been calculated for hormo-nal levels [208].

Caveats1. It has been known for a long time that there

are significant methodological problemswith calculation of the fractal dimension.These centre around the choices of samplingrate, time delay, amount of data, precisionof A-D converter, filter characteristics, sur-rogate data set, and length of scaling region,as well as problems due to stationarity, noise,and geometrical effects [14, 51, 56, 59, 61,92, 137, 177, 185, 199, 211, 216, 221, 224,225, 232, 250, 273]. The technical qualityof the studies cited above runs from fatallyflawed to �state-of-the-art� at the time studyconducted. Indeed, for the former group, onemight well take the point of view recentlyexpressed: �One of our conclusions is thatfor a number of problems the only mean-ingful solution will be not to report a dimen-sion at all� [137].

2. In an attempt to control for some of theabove problems, the method of �surrogatedata� has been employed. Data is scrambledin some way so as to randomize it (produc-ing e.g. phase-randomized, Fourier-shuffled,or Gaussian-scaled surrogates), but keepingintact some property of the original signal[27, 245, 247 (with source code for algo-rithms), 274] . The dimension is then calcu-lated for both the original and the surrogatedata sets, and various null hypotheses con-cerning the two data sets can then be tested.However, this method is not foolproof, andhas its own problems: for example, there canbe spurious identification of noise as chaos[223, 274], there can be comparable incom-plete saturation in both the original and thesurrogate data [136, 158], and there is at leastone report where the surrogate data is iden-tified as being of low-dimensional origin

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while the original unscrambled data is not[245]. In addition, this author has methodo-logical reservations about the practice of thetechnique of surrogate data, since the �ran-dom number generator� used to scramblethe data is almost invariably a pseudo-ran-dom number generator, which uses a deter-ministic algorithm that has more in commonwith a chaotic process than with a stochasticone [106]. A similar criticism can be madefor studies in which �random� signals areconstructed using pseudo-random numbergenerators and used for testing-out dimen-sion algorithms [221], or for showing thatputatively chaotic systems are in fact prob-ably stochastic [40, 46, 106].

3. There is a much more fundamental questionthat is intimately tied in with the above tech-nical problems. It is now becoming increas-ingly clear that the reservations that somemembers of the community have held for along time are in fact well-founded: there arereal problems in the calculation of dimen-sion and in the interpretation of the result-ing number. Perhaps most tellingly, whenthe input to the algorithm is coloured noise,there can be spurious identification of a low-dimensional attractor [137, 199, 221]. Per-haps the clearest statement of this view todate has been by Osborne & Provenzale[199]: "This in turn implies that the deter-mination of a finite and non-integer valuefor the fractal dimension is in general notsufficient to indicate the presence of astrange attractor."Thus, a revisionist school of thought is nowdeveloping, in which investigatorsreexamining the question are now findingno evidence for the existence of low-dimen-sional chaos, or else reinterpreting the evi-dence of earlier studies that suggested theexistence of low-dimensional chaos basedon estimation of fractal dimension. Inelectrophysiological work, this has been truethus far for the EEG [84, 202, 212, 216, 274,275] and for normal sinus rhythm [136,158]. In addition, studies on binocular ri-valry [159], respiration [137], postural sway

[43], neuromuscular jitter [74], and the H-reflex [245] in human beings could find noevidence for low-dimensional chaotic dy-namics using attempted calculation of thefractal dimension. Similar work with othersignals will undoubtedly follow. This obser-vation perhaps accounts for the trend inmany of the most recent articles to banishthe term fractal dimension or correlation di-mension, and replace it instead with innocu-ous terms such as �dimensional complexityparameter� [177], �dimensional complex-ity� ([210] and references therein), �com-plexity� [144, 277] and �apparent correla-tion dimension� [22, 277].

4. As mentioned above, many physiologicalsystems have a 1/fα falloff in their powerspectra. Random systems with this kind ofspectrum show spurious evidence for theexistence of low-dimensional dynamics[199].

5. When the dimension algorithm shows noindication of low-dimensional chaos [137,202], this can indicate either that the sys-tem is stochastic or that there is a high-di-mensional chaotic attractor. The highest di-mension that has been reliably reported inexperimental work is 12, but this involvedreconstructing an orbit that was not chaoticusing 107 points in a physical system (a col-lection of 12 electronic oscillators) that haslow noise by biological standards [73].

6. Another context in which the word �fractaldimension� appears in the literature is whenone makes a measurement of the fractal di-mension of the waveform itself, treating itas a fractal curve. Thus, by one measure[150], a straight line has a dimension of one,while a very wiggly curve will have a di-mension closer to 1.5. Variants of this kindof �length of coastline� analysis have beencarried out for the EEG [150], respiration[128], heartrate [88, 89, 293], individual nor-mal and abnormal electrocardiographiccomplexes [150], blood flow [230], ven-tricular ectopy [266], the EMG [6], andpostural sway [43]. In the majority of theabove investigations, surrogate data sets

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were not constructed. However, in one casewhere a surrogate data set was constructed- for the human H-reflex [245] - it was foundthat there was no difference between theoriginal and the shuffled data. We reiteratethe point that �the existence of fractal prop-erties in the irregular line does not of itselfimply underlying deterministic dynamics(e.g. chaos)� [89].

7. It has been stated several times that fractalanatomy can lead to fractal dynamics [249].However, there is at least one case on recordwhere it has been shown that this conclu-sion was prematurely taken [21, 37, 161].

8. The dimension of the attractor provides alower bound on the dimension of the state-space. It thus provides no added informa-tion about the dimension of the state-space(i.e. the number of variables) in a physiologi-cal system, which is known a priori to bevery high. Thus the statement that one com-monly encounters to the effect that �the di-mension is the number of independent vari-ables or degrees of freedom necessary forexplaining the system�s total [emphasis inoriginal] behavior or dynamics� [262], whiletrue, is highly misleading. For example, allperiodic phenomena in the physical and bio-logical world have a dimension of one. Themajority of experimentalists would take ex-ception to the conclusion that the dynamicsare thus �explained� in these various sys-tems.

9. Not all �chaotic� attractors are �strange�[96], and vice versa [95].

Liapunov Exponent

The Liapunov exponent is a measure ofsensitive dependence on initial conditions. Ann-dimensional system has n Liapunov expo-nents, and chaos occurs when at least one ex-ponent is positive. There are several algorithmsfor estimating the Liapunov exponents directlyfrom a time series ([290]; [84, 92, 217, 250],for references to more recent methods). Calcu-lation of the most positive exponent has beencarried out for several cases in electrophysiol-

ogy: e.g. EEG [11, 13, 68], respiration [52],tremor [69], vocalization [191], postural sway[43], molluscan neurons [186], periodicallydriven squid axon [62] and hippocampus [47],ECG [12, 79], ionic models of neural [10, 25,33, 133] and cardiac [134, 281] cells, bloodpressure and flow [282], hormonal levels [208],neural network models [4], and a model of ahypermeandering spiral wave [297]. A simplerapproach is to extract a one-dimensional returnmap from the time series, or formulate a for-ward map, and then to calculate the Liapunovexponent from iterations of the map [160]. TheLiapunov exponent has also been calculated ina model of tremor formulated as a one-dimen-sional map [5].

Caveats1. The big problems here are the large amount

of stationary data needed [59] and the cor-rupting influence of noise on the estimate[92, 250, 274]. It is also essential that ap-propriate choices of delay time and embed-ding dimension be made: e.g. there can bean artefactually large Liapunov exponent iftoo small an embedding dimension is cho-sen, so that trajectories that are really widelyspaced lie close together on the reconstitutedattractor [290]. This is especially true in�stiff� systems, where the trajectory movesalternately on faster and slower time scales(e.g. action potentials or electrograms): - anice picture of this for the ECG is shown inFig.6 of [84].

2. Although there have been many reports pub-lished on the calculation of the Liapunovexponent for the EEG, there is one investi-gator working with the EEG who has re-cently made the frank statement: �I have notbeen able to measure Lyapunov exponentswith our biological data� [217]. As with cal-culations of the fractal dimension, the tech-nical quality of the studies cited above var-ies dramatically.

3. Stochastic systems can have a positiveLiapunov exponent ([184], and referencestherein). There is also the somewhat para-doxical result that addition of noise to a cha-

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otic system can convert the sign of theLiapunov exponent from positive to nega-tive [172].


Various kinds of entropies [92, 204, 250]have been estimated for the EEG ([68]; otherreferences in [211]), EMG [221], the H-reflex[245], respiration [238], normal sinus rhythm[12, 123, 144, 204, 236, 293], atrial flutter andfibrillation [123, 196], periodically driven ven-tricular cells [122], hormonal levels [204, 208],and models of respiration [238]. As with fractaldimension, there is a trend to replace the term�entropy� with �complexity�. Two interestingfindings are that heart-rate entropy decreaseswith age and that women have a greater �com-plexity� in their heartrate than do men [236].

Tests for Nonlinear Determinism

The problems noted above in using esti-mation of the fractal dimension and Liapunovexponent to establish the existence of chaoshave led - at least in some people�s minds - to aquestioning of the interpretations of results ob-tained from these methods [48, 59, 77, 79, 80,84, 233]. This fact might account for the recentupsurge of interest in developing algorithmsthat carry out the lower-level task of simplyproviding evidence for determinism in a timeseries, since determinism is one of the threecomponents in the definition of chaos givenearlier. Several of these tests are now available:e.g. nonlinear prediction [268], local flow[141], local dispersion [286], and exceptionalevents [138]. Further information on these andother related methods can be found in four re-cent review/tutorial articles ([28]; [92]; [217];[247] (with code for implementing algo-rithms)). As with estimation of fractal dimen-sion, surrogate data sets are constructed to testa null hypothesis.

One or more of these tests have beenapplied to recordings of normal sinus rhythm[84, 136, 158, 291], ventricular fibrillation

[289], the EEG [84, 187], the MEG [187], hip-pocampal evoked responses [241, 248], localfield potentials arising during visual responses[192], binocular rivalry [159], monosynapticspinal cord reflexes [27], spike trains from sen-sory neurons [164], and neural network mod-els [84]. In addition, prediction has been car-ried out using tessellation and neural networksin data obtained from the forced squid giantaxon [179]. In several of the above cases, theconclusion is that there is no evidence fornonlinear determinism in the data.

Caveat1. Coloured noise can produce results similar

to those from a chaotic system whennonlinear forecasting is used [158, 268].

Spatial Considerations

The majority of the clinical and experi-mental reports cited above that claim the exist-ence of chaos are in situations in which the sys-tem variables are functions of both space andtime. Each of these systems is thus describedby a system of partial differential equationsrather than by a system of ordinary differentialequations. It is therefore perhaps surprising thatthe chaotic dynamics in these cases, where thephase-space is of infinite dimension, can oftenbe reduced to the examination of the dynamicsof a one- or two-dimensional map. It is our viewthat the reason for this is that there must existan inertial manifold, on which the dynamics isfinite-dimensional [228]. The flows in the re-sultant finite set of differential equations (theinertial form) must then be strongly contract-ing, so that a low-dimensional finite-differenceequation provides a good approximation to thesystem.

In addition, in these spatially-distributedsystems, measurements are typically made at asingle site. Thus, there has been virtually noexperimental investigation of spatiotemporalchaos in electrophysiological systems, record-ing from multiple sites. However, since it is nomore difficult to �record� from multiple sites

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than from a single site in modelling work, thereare several numerical studies of chaos in spa-tially-distributed systems [7, 129, 160, 181].One of these studies raises the interesting pos-sibility of controlling spatiotemporal chaos [7].

The ability to record from multiple sitesalso opens up the possibility that multichannelreconstruction of the attractor can be carriedout. In this process, one uses signals simulta-neously acquired from several different spatiallocations to produce a phase-space portrait ofthe system, and to then perhaps estimate fractaldimension and the Liapunov exponent [58].This procedure has been carried out both forthe EEG [50, 55, 211] and for the ECG [12,50].

Time delays

A time-delay differential equation arisesnaturally when one considers the systems (in-trinsic, neural, and hormonal) controlling theactivity of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth mus-cle, as well as when one considers informationprocessing in the nervous system. It has beenknown for some time that chaos can arise in atime-delay differential equation [168], and thatone can calculate return maps, power spectra,fractal dimension, Liapunov exponents, etc. ofsuch systems. Nevertheless, like spatiotemporalchaos, this remains an almost completely un-explored area in electrophysiology.


As mentioned early on in this article, afundamental problem in establishing the exist-ence of chaos in an electrophysiological sys-tem is that noise is present in all such systems.This random noise can be due to membranenoise, synaptic noise, or simply Johnson noise.There are now several modelling studies show-ing that experimentally observed irregulartraces are consistent with random (or at leastpseudo-random) mechanisms involvingpopulations of single channels [32, 42, 46, 106,254, 288]. Thus, unless a deterministic inter-

pretation can be put on single channels kinet-ics [103, 162] and vesicular release [155], oneis left with the fact that a stochastic mechanismis at the base of all phenomena seen in experi-mental work, including �chaotic� ones. Perhapsa view recently expressed by Ruelle [233] isthe one that we should all adopt: �In fact weshould not be obsessed by chaos: The whole ofthe dynamics of a real system is interesting,and not just the occurrence of chaos�.


This work supported by an operatinggrant from the Medical Research Council ofCanada.


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