Page 1: CHANNELS - September 2009

2009 Channel Host�Fall Fellowship....�

WTV4W Channel Hosts�gather for some good ole’�

fashioned fun and fellowship..�


Ladies join our�broadcaster lineup!�


Visit us online for more!�

WTV4W Sponsors�the 2009 AWSA�Conference in�Denver, CO�

Page 2: CHANNELS - September 2009

Channels is produced in partnership with English Mountain Press and Jubilant Press. All�contents are copyright WebTV4Women. No materials contained in this newsletter may be used�without the written permission of its owners. No part of this newsletter may be copied, sold,�transmitted, reprinted, or rebroadcast without the written permission of�

WebTV4Women is headquartered in Colorado with a production bureau in Tennessee. Please�visit our website for more information about our organization.�

© 2009 WebTV4Women. All rights reserved.�

Channels�Our Staff�

Founder/Developer� Michele “Shell Washam�Co-Owner� Linda Evans Shepherd�Editors - Channels� Michele “Shell” Washam & Linda Evans Shepherd�Director of Radio Broadcast� Linda Goldfarb�Director of Programming� Linda Evans Shepherd�Design & Development� Shell Washam�

Channel Hosts�

Bible Study� Sharon Elliott�Beauty & Fashion� Carole Whang Schutter�Education� Jody Caephart�Faith & Encouragement� Thelma Wells�Food & Cooking� Linda Evans Shepherd�Health & Wellness� Linda Goldfarb�Lifestyles� Penny Carlavato�Miracle TV� Linda Evans Shepherd�Positive Life Network� Karol Ladd�The Praying Life� Jennifer Kennedy Dean�Relationship� Deborah Dunn�Spiritual Journey� Various�WTV4W Specials� Various�Talk it Up!� Pam Christian�Women@Work� Dr. Gail Hayes�

Visit us online to learn more about our hosts and channels!�

Page 3: CHANNELS - September 2009

A Message from our�Founder�Welcome to the final summer edition of Channels – we have a special�newsletter planned for you this month. Can you believe that summer is�almost over?  It seems like just yesterday when we were talking about the�kids getting out of school and now most of them are back or getting ready�to go back.  Back-to-school time triggers some amazing memories for me.�I grew up in Buffalo, NY and by the time we went back to school after�Labor Day, the leaves were starting to change colors and cool air had set�in. Fall really begins early in Buffalo.  Memories of our family loading the�

cars with picnic baskets and as many family members as we could find to take our annual trip�to the  “country” for apple picking and visits to the pumpkin patches  always visit me at this�time of the year. It has always been my favorite.  Although my grandparents are gone Home,�and most of the cousins I grew up with have moved on, I still try to duplicate this magical�family tradition for my kids.�

Every October, as the leaves turn vibrant colors of red, orange, crimson and brown we gather�my parents and the kids and drive through the beautiful Smoky Mountains. The views are�breathtaking. We make our annual stop at the Apple Orchard to pick up fried apple pies, hot�tea,  and bags of fresh apples, homemade jams and jellies and whatever else they have that�looks good. We wrap the DAYcation up with a stop in Gatlinburg where we park and walk the�strip and look in all the shops.  I look forward to this more than any other event each year. �Do you have a special autumn tradition or family memory?  Send it to me at�[email protected] and if I use your story in our next newsletter I’ll send you a free pass�to our Answer to Miracles webcast!�

Linda and I have been SUPER busy this summer. We are welcoming a bunch of new�broadcasters and you can read more about them later in this letter. We’re preparing for our�first annual Fall Fellowship with our channel hosts and planning this year’s Holiday Survival�Guide. Gosh! I just LOVE this time of the year!!  �

 Read on for more good stuff and until we meet again, Simply Believe!�

Shell Washam�Founder/Developer��

Follow me on Facebook & Twitter:���Bog:�

Check out Shell’s NEW eShow starting in�September!�

Under the�

Tree�A Country Living program on the Lifestyles channel�

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A Message from our�Co-Founder�Dear Friends,�

Here in Colorado fall is starting to gift the rich green foliage with bouquets of yellow�leaves while my backyard apple trees blush with fruit. The zinnias in my garden�entertain dancing orange butterflies under a cloudless sky that shimmers in a shade�of blue known only to the season.�

Don't ya love it?�

This is the perfect season to enjoy brisk walks in the cool of the morning. I love�my walks and I love to invite the God of the universe to join me.�

One of my favorite prayers is the prayer to invite God not only into my walks, but into my�family, my ministry, my life and circumstances. And the knowing that He is with me, changes my�perspective, relieves my stress and calms my soul.�

So, as you embark on this season of Autumn, invite the Lord of the universe to join you, in every�area of your life and circumstances. Like me, you'll find joy and experience the peace that passes�understanding.�

In the meantime, I'm so excited about what's happening at Web TV 4 Women. We have some�wonderful new shows like The AWSA Bookclub Moment and the development of other new shows like�Under the Willow Tree with Shell Washam, Rebekah at the Well with Rebekah Montgomery and A�Women's Ministry Moment, with me! Plus, we have your favorite shows returning with additional�shows soon to launch. So stay tuned.�


P.S. Be sure and check out my new ebook, Grief Relief, filled with help and videos for anyone who is�hurting. Also, I'm happy to announce my two new books from my publisher, Baker Revel; The�Potluck Catering Club - Taste of Fame (a novel) and The Potluck Cookbook. Enjoy!�

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I knew from past experience with individual AWSA ladies that I�was part of something special, but it wasn’t until I had a face-�to-face joy-filled collision with these women at our Denver�conference that I knew first hand AWSA ladies are AWSA-ome! I�spent a lot of time in the interview room preparing and�conducting interviews for the AWSA Book-Club Moment to be�viewed on WebTV4Women.TV which was a total blast, so many�women, so many stories, so little time… but we made it through�and I can’t wait to do it again.�

Every lady I met was gracious and�willing to share from their hearts�all their tips and secrets about the�

speaking/writing industry… and that’s a lot! The breakout�sessions were like whipped crème on top of an ice cream�sundae great information given and received by all.�

This is one event I plan to attend every year, I hope to see you�there in 2010.�

By Linda Goldfarb�

AWSA Member - Michele Huey� AWSA Member & WebTV4Women�Women@Work Channel Host - Dr.�

Gail Hayes�

AWSA Ladies are AWSA-some!�- Linda Goldfarb�

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AWSA Members & WebTV4Women Channel�Hosts - from left to right: Thelma Wells,�

Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Linda Goldfarb, Pam�Christian�

Diane Dike and AWSA Founder Linda Evans�Shepherd�

Andrea Mullins & WTV4W Channel Host -�Sharon Elliott�

Jennifer Devlin & Poppy Smith�

Carol Kent, Carla Williams, Pam Farrel,�Linda Goldfarb�

Carol Kent�

Page 7: CHANNELS - September 2009

Poppy Smith & Debby Alsdorf�Shirley Kim, Hollywood producer with�screenwriter Carole Whang Schutter�

Kathy Carlton Willis & Twila M. Belk�Janette Windell, Vonda Skelton�

Pam Farrel with AWSA Golden Scrolls Award Fiction�Editor of the Year Jan Stob of Tyndale House�

Publishers,and publisher Jonathan Merkh of Howard�Books.�

Carolyn Curtis and Connie Canvanaugh with�special AWSA guests.�

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By Penny Carlevato�Host of the Lifestyles Channel�

“Mommy, Let’s Have Tea”�As a child, one of my fondest memories was having tea with my Mother after school. I would be�excited to share what had happened at school that day and wanted to tell her right away. As soon�as I ran into the house, I would be calling her. “Mummy, where are you? Guess what happened�today? “ She would be ready to listen and I would share all the daily happenings over a cup of�tea. That was the beginning of�The After School Tea Club�. These days I am the one getting the�kettle ready and listening to my grandchildren when we are visiting with them.�

I started having teatime with my 3 children and 9 grandchildren when they were very young. I�am thrilled that even though some of the grandkids are now in college, we still have time for tea�whenever we are together. As I have shared this concept with mothers and grandmothers around�the country, most fear that since they have never had tea with their kids or grandkids when they�were small, that it might be a lost cause. But, from the feedback I have received, it’s never too�late. Many of the children, not just girls, but boys too, are looking forward to this unique time�with Mom or Grand mom as something very special. They have even asked if friends could join�them. Here are some points to consider when starting your�After School Tea Club�.�

1. Keep it Simple� 2. Keep it Short� 3. Keep it Classy� 4. Keep it Open�

Keep it Simple�:�

We try to use bone china cups and saucers or mugs, pretty napkins�

and a table clothe to set the tone that this is not just a “milk and cookie ‘ after school snack time.�You can use cups you have. What I have found to be really special is getting each child its own�cup and saucer or tea mug. Theses can be picked up at garage sales or thrift stores, or even in�the discount stores, such as Marshals or Ross. Many moms have brought out the china cups and�saucers from their china sets. In all the years I have been doing the After School Tea Club, we�have never had a broken teacup. With the atmosphere special, the manners are usually�excellent.�

We usually have fruit and cookies, or scones, which can be homemade or store bought. Each�family has their favorite cookie and scone recipes, and if you decide to bake them at home, have�it be a weekend project. The teas we use tend to be the traditional black teas, so they can have�the experience of adding milk and sugar cubes. But you might have more success with some of�the fruit teas or spicy ones. I also use loose-leaf teas and brew it the proper way, so it becomes�sort of a little ceremony just for us. But, teabags are perfectly acceptable.�

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This part of preparing should be quick and easy. If done on a daily basis, keep the tea items�together in one place. I use hatbox and then never have to hunt for our tea party cups and plates.�

Keep it Short: Timing is Everything�

In today’s hectic lifestyle, your child’s habit may be to run into the house after school, grab a soda or�a candy bar, then retreat to their rooms or the den and spend hours testing or watching TV without�so much of a “Hi Mom”. You can change the tone of your families after school activities by turning�your living or dining rooms into your own version of The�After School Tea Club�. I don’t advocate this�to be a long event, just about 10 to 15 minutes. Studies show that the best time for your child to�share his day is right after school. Another interesting thought is how important it is to spend time�with your child. A recent study showed that 89 percent of 1.100 British children, who were�interviewed for the study, said they would rather spend time with their parents than receive a�material gift from them. (Hewlett Packard Study May 9, 2006) Time is everything! So don’t try to�have a 2-hour sit down tea party, just a cup of tea and a few cookies, or fruit will let your child know�they are important to you. By the way, let the answering machine pick up the phone calls, and no�cell phones or texting allowed for this special 15 minutes.�

Keep it Classy: Incorporate the Classics (Music)�

I hear you…”My kids don’t like that kind of music.” We play the music very soft, in the background,�but it sets the tone for the teatime. In our fast paced world, this is a unique tradition to begin. Let’s�give our boys and girls the opportunity for a time of culture and also a place to share their hearts. It�might be that they have never been exposed to this type of music, so try some of the light classical�to begin. I like to use the cable music channels, and then they can see what is playing. Encourage�them to choose the music for the next�After School Tea Club�. At first you might meet with�reluctance, but I know from experience that they really do think this is a special time just for them.�

Keep it Open: Encourage Sharing�

Probably the biggest benefit of setting aside time with your child is the ability to have some sharing�time with them. Have an open mind, don’t be critical and let you heart listen to what they are�sharing. Be sensitive to their frustrations and joys. Some families have incorporated the teatime into�a daily afternoon family ritual, while others will meet just once a week. So much of this is�determined by the schedules of the families. The�After School Tea Club� can be a fun way to open the�doors for communication with your children. During the holidays, when they are home from school,�this has been a time of day that many of the kids looked forward to. I hope you will try this and not�be discouraged if it takes awhile for it to be accepted. If they know that you are doing something�special, just for them, I believe they will come to appreciate your time together. From the comments�I have received, it is worthwhile starting this tradition in your home.�

This is a precious time of day to be available. If you can’t be there when they walk in the door,�encourage your child to start getting things ready for the tea club. Don’t delay; start the�After School�Tea Club� in your home today.�

To join the After School Tea Club, go to��.�It’s Free!�

Ideas, recipes and items needed are posted on the website.�We encourage you to send in your ideas and recipes.�

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How to Pray for Your Children�by Jody Capehart�

(Education Channel Host)��

1. That they will know Christ as Savior early in life� (Psalm 63:1 and I Timothy 3:15)�

2. That they will have a hatred for sin (Psalm 97:10)�

3. That they will be caught when guilty (Psalm 119:71)�

4. That they will be protected from the evil one in each area of their lives; spiritual, emotional,�physical (John 17:15)�

5. That they will have a responsible attitude in all their interpersonal relationships (Daniel 6:3)�

6. That they will respect those in authority over them (Romans 13:1)�

7. That they will desire the right kind of friends and be protected from wrong friends.� (Proverbs 1:10, 11)�

8. That they will be kept from wrong mate and saved for the right one (II Corinthians 6:14-17)�

9 That they, as well as those they marry, will be kept pure until marriage (I Corinthians 6:18-20)�

10. That they will learn to totally submit to God and actively resist Satan in all circumstances� (James 4:7)�

11. That they will be single-hearted, willing to be sold out�to Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1,2)�

12. That they will be hedged in so they cannot find their�way to wrong people or wrong places and that the wrong�people cannot find their way to them (Hosea 2:6)�

Pick one point a month to concentrate on. Within a�year, you will have consistently prayed this entire list.�"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything,�by prayer and petitions with thanksgiving, present your�requests to God. And the peace of God, which�transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts�and your minds in Christ Jesus."� Philippians 4:6-7�

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Eight Great Ladies Join The�WebTV4Women Broadcaster Family!�

We’re often asked what makes WebTV4Women so different from other eTV sites. The answer�to that question is, THE WOMEN!! There is nowhere else on the Internet where you can find�such an incredible group of talented women sharing their message all in one place. We work�diligently to bring the greatest ladies with the greatest messages to our viewers. This month,�we’re adding SEVEN new ladies to our broadcaster family. Their eShows are sure to bless�you. Read on to learn more about these wonderful women and their upcoming programs.�

Live a life that will�Flourish�.�By combining biblical wisdom, Christian spiritual�practices, faith-based positive psychology and�neurosciences, Dr. Catherine Hart Weber shows you�how to nurture abundant spiritual emotion, character�

virtue and well-being.�

Dr. Catherine Hart Weber�is committed to�transforming lives through the best practices and inter-�ventions that�inspire others to intentionally draw close to�the heart of God, overcome adversity, live well and�flourish in life and relationships.�

Look for�Flourish�

coming soon�

A Different Dream for My Child is for parents of children with special needs.�In each broadcast, Jolene addresses unique issues that accompany raising�kids who are frequently hospitalized, chronically ill, or facing a terminal�illness. She brings spiritual hope and encouragement, as well as practical�tips, to parents whose dreams for their children have changed. If you have�a special needs child or know someone who does, you’ll want to tune in and�learn how to embrace a new dream with joy.� Coming to the Family &�Parenting Channel in October.�

with Karen Porter�

Stimulating. Satisfying. Tantalizing. Delicious. Chocolate is that sweet�"something extra" that infuses anything ordinary with delectable flavor�and zest. In the same way, loving friendships can sweeten a woman's�life and make almost any situation - good or bad - taste even better.�Coming to the bible Study Channel�

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with Misty Taggart�The Cozy Book Chair with writer/producer Misty Taggart brings�the most entertaining and information packed book videos to your�screen. Watch the videos, talk with the authors and hear reviews!�This must see program, filled with fun, Misty's quirky sense of�humor and hot off the presses book info, will quickly become a�favorite.�On the Talk it Up Channel this October!�

You Can Too Mom!�With Laurie Winslow Sargent�

Encouragement and Helpful How-to for Joy-Filled Parenting�coming�to the Family and Parenting channel!�

Rebekah Montgomery has a heart for women like herself —�less-than-perfect but giving life their best efforts.�Visit�WebTV4Women to view Rebekah’s opening!�

with Dr. Sharon Morris May�

Coming to the Relationships Channel�

Become the Person God Created You to Be!�with N.J. Lindquist�

Coming to the Faith & Encouragement Channel�

Page 13: CHANNELS - September 2009

Book Review�Now, more than�ever before, people�need...�

The Answer to Miracles!� This is a WebTV4Wmen�TOP PICK. You've told us what you need and we�listened. Author Carole Whang Schutter (author of�September Dawn) is changing the world with her�divinely inspired advice on how to get answers to�your prayers.�

Carole doesn't just talk about what works she is�LIVING it! From finances to relationships, she�shares the lessons God gave her to get through�catastrophic life events. If you need answers This�book will change your life!�

Visit to download�a free excerpt.�

Founders Review:�After reading Carole's book, The Answer to Miracles, I realized that if I can�dream it, I can do it! I'm actually DOING it! I find myself in awe when an answer to prayer�materializes out of the blue. The answers keep coming and Carole has taught me that you�need only teach yourself to BELIEVE! There is SO MUCH power in faith! Thanks Carole, this�book has changed my life!�

- Shell Washam, Founder - WebTV4Women�

Join us for The Answer to Miracles live workshop. Carole�Whang Schutter and guests as they walk you through�

the steps needed to see answers to your prayers!�

Details in the next newsletter!�

Page 14: CHANNELS - September 2009

We're super excited to announce the FIRST annual�WebTV4Women Channel Host Fall Fellowship! This is the�MOST fun you're going to have all year. No doubt our�ladies have been working extra hard all year long to�promote their speaking, new books, ministries and�WTV4W shows so now it's time to have a, a LOT�of fun!�

It's time to reward the WTV4W channel hosts for all their�hard work and dedication.�

Stay tuned for some great video from our fall fellowship!�We’ll be sharing our greatest moments from this weekend!�

If you’re a channel host and haven’t registered,�please go and click on Fall�fellowship to register.�

Channel Host Fall Fellowship�

Have a Great Message? Put your�eShow on WebTV4Women!�

You can have your very�own eShow on our�

network for as little as $50�per month.�

Call Us! 423-623-9950�

WebTV4Women is preparing�our Fall issue which is packed�with recipes, articles, harvest�

ideas and more.�

Get ready for the WTV4W�Annual Holiday Survial Guide�

and webcast!�

This year is going to be the�best yet!�

And Finally...�

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