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$100 $100 $100 $100 $100$100$100

$200 $200 $200 $200 $200$200$200

$300 $300 $300 $300$300

$400 $400 $400 $400$400

$500 $500 $500 $500$500

LandformsLandformsPt. 2Pt. 2

LandformsLandformsPt. 3Pt. 3

Landforms Landforms Pt. 4Pt. 4

Changes toChanges toEarthEarth

Changes toChanges toEarth pt. 2Earth pt. 2LandformsLandforms

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$100 A natural land shape or


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What is: a LANDFORM?

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$200All the kinds of landforms

in a certain area

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$300 A landform that is much

higher than the surrounding land

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What is: A MOUNTAIN?

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Groups of mountains

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a mountain that usually occurs

individually- has the ability to erupt

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What is: a VOLCANO?

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$100 Landforms that are like mountains, but not as high. Most have rounded


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What is: a HILL?

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$200 A large, flat landform with little


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What is: a PLAIN?

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$300 The difference in

elevation between high and low places.

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What is: RELIEF?

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A large, thick sheet of ice that move and

change the land around and beneath them.

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What is: a GLACIER?

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$500 How can you tell

a moraine from an ordinary hill?

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A moraine contains rocks, sand, and clay. You do

not find them together in most hills.?

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$100 Long, low hills

formed by materials carried by a glacier.

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What is: a MORAINE?

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A feature formed when a lacier

scrapes and scratches the rock beneath it. As the

glacier melts, grooves can be seen in the rock.

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$300A sand hill that is made and shaped by wind.

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What is: a SAND DUNE?

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$400 Long, narrow piles of sand that help protect the mainland from wave


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$500 Where are sand spits and barrier islands


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What is: along the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of


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$100 A tall, flat-

topped rock feature.

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What is: a MESA?

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$200Deep valleys with steep


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What are: CANYONS?

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$300 A cause of earthquakes

and volcanic eruptions

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$400What makes sand dunes and moraines similar?

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What is: Both are kinds of hills?

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$500How can wind change


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Wind can weather landforms and carry away

tiny pieces of rock.

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$100 How can

water cause a river’s banks to change?

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Water can erode a river’s banks and carry away sediment, making the river wider. Sediment deposited on a river’s banks makes the river


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The process by which the surface of the Earth gets worn down

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What is: EROSION?

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$200transported particles that fall out of the transporting medium and

settle on a surface

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$300MoLten rock that reaches

earth’s surface

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What is: LAVA?

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the wearing away of Earth’s surface by the

breakdown and transportation of rock and


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What is EROSION?

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$500the natural processes that break down and change rock into soil, sand, and other materials; differs from erosion in that no transportation of those materials takes place

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An area of new land at the mouth of a river

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What is: a DELTA?

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The curst, mantle, inner core, outer core

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What are: the four layers of the earth?

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$300Blocks of crust and upper

mantle rock that fit together like puzzle


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What are: PLATES

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The movement of the ground caused by a

sudden release of energy in Earth’s crust.

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What is: an EARTHQUAKE?

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$500Melted, molten rock

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What is MAGMA?

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