Page 1: Case Number ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council · Commercial; the following uses are excluded: Appliance repair,

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Case Number _ZC-17-190_


City Council Meeting Date: Council District 4 December 5, 2017

Continued Yes ___ No _X_ Case Manager Lynn Jordan__ Surplus Yes ___ No _X_ Council Initiated Yes ___ No _X_

Owner / Applicant: AIL Investments, LP Site Location: 8000-8100 blocks Monterra Boulevard Mapsco: 35G Proposed Use: Commercial Request: From: PD710-1 "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use, for all uses in "C" Medium

Density Multi Family; plus: Home Offices, with the following development standards: • Maximum height is 32 feet measured front slab to top plate. • Entry features may be located at the main entry to the development (at North Tarrant

Parkway) and at the entry to each complex within the development, and will be subject to the following: Entry feature must be located on collector or wider street, is limited to twenty-five feet with a minimum side and rear setback of five feet. No front setback along the street right-of-way is required.

• Entry signs must be free standing or attached to a wall or entry feature. Signage is limited to six square feet and a maximum height of six feet with a maximum illumination of 25 lumens.

• Signs (other than those associated with entry monuments) will be in accordance with the "C" district sign requirements, except that home office business identification signs limited to six square feet per business may be permitted.

• Parking will comply with the City of Fort Worth parking requirements. • Residential density the maximum allowable dwelling units for the entire 133 acre PD will

not exceed 1026 units. • Masonry is minimum 50% masonry construction, (Masonry= brick, stone, cementitious

fiber concrete products or stucco.) • Screening and Buffer yard will be per the "C" requirements adjacent to area zoned for

single family use and will be subject to a Unified Residential Development plan approval. • Maximum 15 foot front setback adjacent to public right-of-way. • Site Plan waived

and PD 710-2 "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use, for all uses in "E" Neighborhood

Commercial; the following uses are excluded: Appliance repair, Cold storage or Ice plant, Pawn shop, Tattoo parlor, Taxidermy, Gasoline sales, Check cashing, and allowing the following residential uses: Multifamily apartments, condos, and single dwelling units when part of a business. All buildings may contain a mix of uses, with either office/apartment combination units (single occupant mixed use with office downstairs and apartment upstairs from each unit), or individual retail at ground level with separate apartments above.

Zoning Commission Recommendation: Approval by a vote of 9-0

Opposition: None submitted Support: None submitted

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• Masonry is minimum 50% masonry construction (Masonry= brick, stone, cementitious fiber concrete products or stucco.)

• Sign requirements for the "E" district apply with the following exceptions: Signs adjacent to North Tarrant Parkway or North Riverside Drive (Old Denton Road) will be limited to ground mounted monument style

• Maximum height is 3 stories or 45 feet measured front slab to top plate. • Entry features may be located at the main entry to the development (at North Tarrant

Parkway and at the entry to each complex within the development, and will be subject to the following: Entry feature must be located on collector or wider street, is limited to twenty-five feet with a monument side and rear setback of five feet. The front setback along the street right-of-way is required.

• Entry signs must be free standing or attached to a wall or entry feature. • Signage is limited to sixty square feet and a maximum height of six feet with a maximum

illumination of 25 lumens. • Maximum 15 foot front setback adjacent to public right-of-way. • Residential density maximum allowable dwelling units for the entire 133 acre PD will not

exceed 1026 units. • Site Plan required

To: Amend PD 710-2 to Expand Area 2 and Amend Area 2 development standards to allow gasoline

sales; to clarify that the multifamily uses are permitted and clarify multifamily will be constructed to the “C” Medium Density Multifamily standards; to clarify that a building may include a single use or mix of uses; maximum front setback 20 feet adjacent to Monterra Boulevard right-of-way; maximum allowable square footage of non-residential uses will not exceed 15,000 square feet and; Create Area 5 with the “E” Neighborhood Commercial district; site plan waiver recommended

Land Use Compatibility: Requested change is compatible. Comprehensive Plan Consistency: Requested change is consistent. Background: The proposed site is located on North Tarrant Parkway just east of IH 35. The request is to amend the PD710-2 zoning to amend the development standards set for Area 2, adding gasoline sales and providing a 20 ft. front yard setback adjacent to Monterra Boulevard, and expand the Area 2 district into portions currently designated as Area 1. Area 2 is designed to provide a flexibility in uses including multifamily and commercial. The MU-1 Mixed Use district was considered however the setback, block length, and other development standards designed to provide a higher density environment are not consistent with current development patterns and not preferred by the developer in this area. The proposal also would create Area 5 on the north to the “E” Neighborhood Commercial district. Site Information:

Owner: AIL Investments, LP 9800 Hillwood Pkwy

Suite 300 Fort Worth, Texas 76177 Agent: AIL Investments, LP/Joe Scheider Acreage: 32.78 acres Comprehensive Plan Sector: Far North Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses:

North “AG” Agricultural, PD 985 Planned Development / Service Plus Facility and vacant East “I” Light Industrial / single-family, outside storage, commercial landscape business South “PD-710” Planned Development for multifamily / apartments and vacant West “PD-710” Planned Development for open space, grazing, park related structures, etc./

vacant, cemetery

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Recent Relevant Zoning and Platting History:

Zoning History: ZC-06-175 various zoning categories to “PD-710” Planned Development, approved by City Council 08/06 (subject property).

Platting History: PP-11-015 Monterra by Hillwood approved by City Plan Commission 07/27/11 Transportation/Access

Street/Thoroughfare Existing Proposed In Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)

North Tarrant Parkway Major Arterial Principal Arterial Constructed

Riverside Dr. Neighborhood Collector

Neighborhood Collector Yes (under construction)

Monterra Blvd Two-Way residential

Two-Way residential No

Public Notification:

The following organizations were notified: 300 foot Legal Notifications were mailed on October 25, 2017. The following organizations were notified: (emailed October 13, 2017)

Organizations Notified Summerfields NA* Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Assoc. Arcadia Park Estates HOA Trinity Habitat for Humanity Manor Hill at Alliance HOA Streams And Valleys Inc North Fort Worth Alliance North Fort Worth Community Alliance Keller ISD Northwest ISD

*Closest Registered Neighborhood Association Development Impact Analysis:

1. Land Use Compatibility The applicant is proposing to amend PD 710 expand Area 2 and amend Area 2 development standards and create Area 5 for “E” Neighborhood Commercial; site plan waiver requested. Surrounding land uses are commercial and vacant to the north, multifamily to the west, industrial, single-family and landscape business to the east and vacant to the south. The proposed amendment to shift some Area 2 lines, revise development standards and create area 5 as “E” is compatible with the surrounding development. Additionally, the site will be located on North Tarrant Parkway, which is currently being constructed to a principal arterial. As a result, the proposed zoning is compatible with surrounding land uses.

2. Comprehensive Plan Consistency

The 2017 Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property as Alliance Mixed Use Growth Center. The proposed changes are consistent with the mixed use growth center future land use. In addition the property is located on a future principal arterial, which is a proper location for commercial and multifamily uses. The policy below applies to this development:

• Accommodate higher density residential and mixed uses in areas designated as mixed use growth center on the City’s future land use maps. (pg. 37)

The zoning change request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.

Attachments: • Location Map • Area Zoning Map with 300 ft. Notification Area • Future Land Use Map • Aerial Photograph

• Minutes from the Zoning Commission meeting

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0 510 1,020255 Feet

Area Zoning Map


Applicant: Address:Zoning From:Zoning To:Acres:Mapsco:Sector/District:Commission Date:Contact:

AIL Investment,LP

35G32.78361558Expand Area 2 and Amend PD 710 Area 2 standards; Create Area 5 for EPD 7108000 - 8100 blocks Monterra Boulevard

817-392-249511/8/2017Far North

Created: 10/25/2017 12:35:28 PM

Subject Area300 Foot Notification


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0 2,000 4,0001,000 Feet

Area Map


Created: 10/16/2017 9:04:35 AMÜ


Overlay DistrictsAirport Overlay DistrictI-35WTU PERIPHERALDESIGN DISTRICT

Noise ContoursDECIBEL


Council Districts

4 - Cary M oon5 - Gyna B ivens6 - Jungus Jordan7 - Dennis Shingleton8 - Kelly Allen Gray9 - Ann Zadeh

3 - B rian Byrd2 - Carlos E. Flo res

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770 0 770385 FeetA Com prehens iv e P lan shall not c ons titu te z oning r egulations ores tab l is h z oning d istrict boundaries . (Texas Loc al Governm ent Code, S ection 213.005.) Land use des ignations were approv ed by City Counci l on M arc h 7, 2017.

Future Land Use


Cr eated: 10/16/2017 9 :07:02 A M

TOLLWAY / FREEWAYPRINCIPAL ARTERIALMAJOR ARTER IALMINOR ARTERIALVacant, Undeveloped, AgriculturalRural ResidentialSuburban ResidentialSingle Family ResidentialManufactured HousingLow Density Res ident ialMedium Density ResidentialHigh Density R esident ial

InstitutionalNeighborhood CommercialGeneral CommercialLight Indus trialHeavy IndustrialMixed-UseIndustrial Growth CenterInfras truc ture100 Year Flood PlainPublic Park, Recreation, Open SpacePrivate Park, Recreat ion, Open SpaceLakes and Ponds


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0 960 1,920480 Feet

Aerial Photo Map



Page 8: Case Number ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council · Commercial; the following uses are excluded: Appliance repair,

Draft ZC minutes (not verbatim) November 8, 2017

“E/AO” Neighborhood Commercial and “J/AO” Medium Industrial all with Meacham Airport Overlay To: “I/AO” Light Industrial/ Meacham Airport Overlay Josh Butler, 6801 Glenhurst Dr, stated the request is to expand the current industrial uses that are on site. Motion: Following brief discussion, Ms. Trevino recommended Approval of the request, seconded by Mr. Gober. The motion passed unanimously 9-0. Document received for written correspondence ZC-17-188

Name Address In/Out 300 ft.

notification area

Position on case Summary

Josh Butler 6801 Glenhurst Dr Support Representing Applicant

14. ZC-17-189 SUN ONE DEVELOPMENTS, INC. (CD 4) – 3301 Hartnett Way (Carrington Court Addition, Lot 1, Block 1R7, 7.04 ac.) From: “G/I-35” Intensive Commercial/I-35 Design District Overlay To: “PD/G/I-35” Planned Development for all uses in “G” Intensive Commercial/I-35 Design District Overlay plus hotel; site plan included Shad Vermeesch, 808 E Osborn, Phoenix, Az, representing this applicant, gave a brief overview of the project. He also showed renderings of the proposed hotel. He stated they reached out to the neighborhoods and attended a neighborhood meeting the night before and there was no opposition. Motion: Following brief discussion, Mr. Gober recommended Approval of the request, seconded by Ms. Runnels. The motion passed unanimously 9-0. Document received for written correspondence ZC-17-189

Name Address In/Out 300 ft.

notification area

Position on case Summary

Shad Vermeesch 808 E Osborn, Phoenix, Az Support Representing Applicant

Kris Bascom 2721 Los Gatos Ln Out Opposition Sent letter

Belinda McCullough 3100 Peyton Brook In Opposition Sent letter

Fossil Park IV Owner’s

Association Support Sent letter

15. ZC-17-190 AIL INVESTMENT, LP (CD 4) – 8000 - 8100 blocks Monterra Boulevard (William McCowen Survey, Abstract Number 999, 32.78 ac.) From: PD710-1 "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use, for all uses in "C" Medium Density Multi Family; plus: Home Offices, with the following development standards: • Maximum height is 32 feet measured front slab to top plate.

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Draft ZC minutes (not verbatim) November 8, 2017

• Entry features may be located at the main entry to the development (at North Tarrant Parkway) and at the entry to each complex within the development, and will be subject to the following: Entry feature must be located on collector or wider street, is limited to twenty-five feet with a minimum side and rear setback of five feet. No front setback along the street right-of-way is required.

• Entry signs must be free standing or attached to a wall or entry feature. Signage is limited to six square feet and a maximum height of six feet with a maximum illumination of 25 lumens.

• Signs (other than those associated with entry monuments) will be in accordance with the "C" district sign requirements, except that home office business identification signs limited to six square feet per business may be permitted.

• Parking will comply with the City of Fort Worth parking requirements. • Residential density the maximum allowable dwelling units for the entire 133 acre

PD will not exceed 1026 units. • Masonry is minimum 50% masonry construction, (Masonry= brick, stone,

cementitious fiber concrete products or stucco.) • Screening and Buffer yard will be per the "C" requirements adjacent to area zoned

for single family use and will be subject to a Unified Residential • Development plan approval. • Maximum 15 foot front setback adjacent to public right-of-way. • Site Plan waived; and PD 710-2 "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use, for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial; the following uses are excluded: Appliance repair, Cold storage or Ice plant, Pawn shop, Tattoo parlor, Taxidermy, Gasoline sales, Check cashing, and allowing the following residential uses: Multifamily apartments, condos, and single dwelling units when part of a business. All buildings may contain a mix of uses, with either office/apartment combination units (single occupant mixed use with office downstairs and apartment upstairs from each unit), or individual retail at ground level with separate apartments above. • Masonry is minimum 50% masonry construction (Masonry= brick, stone,

cementitious fiber concrete products or stucco.) • Sign requirements for the "E" district apply with the following exceptions: Signs

adjacent to North Tarrant Parkway or North Riverside Drive (Old Denton Road) will be limited to ground mounted monument style

• Maximum height is 3 stories or 45 feet measured front slab to top plate. • Entry features may be located at the main entry to the development (at North

Tarrant Parkway and at the entry to each complex within the development, and will be subject to the following: Entry feature must be located on collector or wider street, is limited to twenty-five feet with a monument side and rear setback of five feet. The front setback along the street right-of-way is required.

• Entry signs must be free standing or attached to a wall or entry feature. • Signage is limited to sixty square feet and a maximum height of six feet with a

maximum illumination of 25 lumens. • Maximum I5 foot front setback adjacent to public right-of-way. • Residential density maximum allowable dwelling units for the entire 133 acre PD

will not exceed 1026 units. • Site Plan required

Page 10: Case Number ZONING MAP CHANGE STAFF REPORT City Council · Commercial; the following uses are excluded: Appliance repair,

Draft ZC minutes (not verbatim) November 8, 2017

To: Amend PD 710-2 to Expand Area 2 and Amend Area 2 development standards to allow gasoline sales; to clarify that the multifamily uses are permitted and clarify multifamily will be constructed to the “C” Medium Density Multifamily standards; to clarify that a building may include a single use or mix of uses; maximum front setback 20 feet adjacent to Monterra Boulevard right-of-way; maximum allowable square footage of non-residential uses will not exceed 15,000 square feet and; Create Area 5 with the “E” Neighborhood Commercial district; site plan waiver requested Joe Schneider, 1404 Woodborough Ln, Keller, TX, representing the applicant, stated the zoning for the property has been in place since 2007 and this is mostly for clarification. He went over a conceptual plan of the area. Motion: Following brief discussion, Mr. Gober recommended Approval of the request, seconded by Mr. Aughinbaugh. The motion passed unanimously 9-0. Document received for written correspondence ZC-17-190

Name Address In/Out 300 ft.

notification area

Position on case Summary

Joe Schneider 1404

Woodborough Ln, Keller, TX

Support Representing Applicant

16. ZC-17-192 PATE RANCH COMMERCIAL LP (CD 6) – 6200 - 6300 Dirks Road (J.F. Heath Survey, Abstract No. 641, 19.02 ac) From: A Portion of PD 1063 “PD/G" Planned Development for all uses in "G" Intensive Commercial excluding: probation or parole office, electric power substation, telecommunications tower (allow stealth towers & antennas on buildings), amusement outdoor, massage parlor (allow massage therapy), theater, drive-in, recreational vehicle park, feed store- no processing/milling, mortuary or funeral home, newspaper distribution center, pawn shop, tattoo parlor, taxidermist shop, automotive repair, paint & body shop, vehicle sales or repair, including automobiles, motorcycles, boats or trailers, airport, aviation field or landing area (allow helistop), recycling collection facility, batch plant, concrete or asphalt (temporary), trailer, portable; sales, construction or storage. Maximum height of five stories or 60 feet. Commercial lighting to be designed and constructed to not be obtrusive to the adjacent A-5 single-family residential zoning to the north; site plan required; and A Portion of PD 1064 “PD/MU-2” Planned Development for all uses in "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed Use excluding: community home, group home I & II, probation or parole office, electric power substation, telecommunications tower (allow stealth towers & antennas on buildings), baseball/softball facility (commercial), massage parlor (allow massage therapy), mortuary or funeral home, newspaper distribution center, pawn shop, tattoo parlor, taxidermist shop, automotive repair, paint & body shop, recreational vehicle (KV) sales/service, assaying, assembly of pre-manufactured parts, except for vehicle, trailers, airplanes or mobile homes, bottling works, milk or soft drinks, food processing (no slaughtering), manufacture of artificial flowers, ornaments, awning, tents, bags, cleaning/polishing preparations, boats under 28 ft. in length, brooms or brushes, buttons and novelties, canvas products, clothing, suits, coats, or dresses for wholesale trade,


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