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Ed Turose

Focus Life Institute

Career and Workplace Success Course

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Career and Workplace Success Course

Introduction Question 1: Based on the outcomes from the Introduction section, what 1-2 areas do you feel you can focus on to fulfill your assignment and destiny in life?


Session 1 – 5 C’s of the Kingdom

Question 1: Examine yourself in light of the Five C’s. Which ones are you actively pursuing? How would you rank the Five C’s currently in your life regarding their active priority?


Question 2. What steps would you take currently to increase your intensity level of practicing and implementing the Five C’s?


Session 2 – Personality Part A

Question 1: My Focus Behavioral Profile is? Example S/C or I/S/


Question 2: Reflect on your personal DISC profile assessment. What points do you agree/disagree on? Ask a close friend to read your profile and write those points of agreement/disagreement they see in you.


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Question 3: Compare your work with your close friend’s work and begin to see how you may be seen by others in difference to your self-perception. Record your results.


Session 3 – Personality Part B

Question 1: Look at the DISC Behavioral Profile Chart and find yourself. Record your opposite, your people/task motivation, your behavioral movement tendencies, your resistance tendencies, and your pace of activity.


Question 2. Examine and record what you must do to best blend with those in your relational sphere.


Session 4 Personality Part C

Question 1: What are your personal observable and unobservable behavioral weaknesses?


Question 2: What are you going to do to minimize those weaknesses when you approach your current workplace or ministry assignment?


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Session 5 Passion

Question 1: What makes you feel really energized to talk about or participate in? Answer:

Question 2: What topics (or activities) make you really joyful? What “pushes your buttons”? Answer:

Question 3: What activities do you get involved with that make you lose track of time? What things cause you look up at the clock and you can’t believe how much time has passed because you were so absorbed? Answer:

Question 4: List the top two passion areas that would inspire you to make a commitment that ties into your passion—serves your vision.

Answer 1:

Answer 2: Question 5: This is important: How can these areas of passion be incorporated into your personal vision? Answer:

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Session 6 Placement

Question 1: Enter you top 3 spheres of influence.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Answer 3:

Question 2: As you review your top three mountains (spheres of influence), what about those mountains fits your plans for the future and are in line with your previously identified passion points?


Question 3. Identify three ways you plan to experience your mountain and your strategy to get those experiences on your calendar.


Session 7 Profession Part A

Question 1: Identify your top two career clusters and research the financial rewards and the opportunity for personal growth and contribution that those clusters may afford you in the mountains (spheres of influence) of interest to you.



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Question 2: Please list two potential career choices from each cluster that match your focus behavioral style.

Cluster One 1:


Cluster Two 1:


Question 3: Develop, in writing, a preliminary strategy that you might follow in pursuit of your #1 choice in career cluster. (i.e., five or six steps that might set you in motion towards your career pursuit).



Session 8 – Profession Part B

Question 1: Reflect on your own life and identify all the life/career/relational twists and turns that have gotten you to this point in life. What and how will you deal with those experiences going forward? What have been your “key learnings” that will now propel you forward?


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Question 2: Examine your current thoughts about moving forward in a career. Record, in writing, how you would want to make your career choice exemplify your core values—especially your Christian and kingdom of God values—as you step into the mountain and career you desire.


Session 9 - Vision

Question 1: If earning a paycheck was not a concern, what would you want to do every morning when you got out of bed? (Write this below). DREAM Write your big dream here Answer:

Question 2: GOAL Please write a specific goal that you feel you can reach in your lifetime Answer:

Question 3: CAREER DREAMS Thinking in terms of career (it doesn’t have to be your current job or even a job you have ever held), please list your likes and dislikes: Personal Likes and Dislikes Example: I like to work with people or I do not like to be confined in an office working alone Answer:

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Question 4: What would it take to make this a possibility? (More education? More experience? Development of skills? Connections? Money? New location?) Answer:

Question 5: VISION STATEMENT Write Your personal Vision Statement

I would like to in my lifetime because

To do this would require

to achieve.

I commit to myself today to begin the journey!

Session 10 Planning

Question 1: What areas in your life do you want to see a change? As you take a Needs Assessment for your life, ask yourself some questions such as: What are my greatest strengths and assets? What are my greatest weaknesses?


Question 2: What areas in your life make you feel complete when you do them? These are the areas that you want to create your Life Plan around. Please list two areas that you enjoy doing and they truly fill you up.

Area 1:

Area 2:

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Question 3: If you could list two top things you would want to accomplish in your lifetime, what would they be? Examples: Write a book or a play, start a business, learn a new language, become a mentor, become a volunteer in my local community, create a positive work/life balance, or enjoy a long and fruitful marriage.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

Question 4: Write a spiritual action plan for your life. Address the short term and long-term needs and objectives. Reflect and include for reference where you feel your life plans intersect with the lives of those with whom you relate.


Session 11 Purpose

Question 1: What do you deeply enjoy doing? What can you absolutely not stand to do?


Question 2: What are three or four important things to you? (For example: health, security, family, etc.)


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Question 3: You read that “a signpost is a specific experience that you have encountered that has given you that feeling of success or gratification.” Review the signposts along the way of your life that will have helped you understand and identify your purpose. Write them down and record their influence(s) on your life


Question 4: Please write your Purpose Statement. This should include a sense of why you are here on planet earth and what makes you come alive. Write down your purpose statement in such a way as to reflect your mountain and your career cluster. My Purpose Statement:


Session 12 – Possibilities

Question 1: What distractions apply to your life? (Write as many as you need to). Record the distractions in your life that are keeping you in the dreamer phase of life instead of the manifestation phase.


Question 2: I want you to list two distractions that might hinder you from gaining greater levels of success within your life. Please list your top two distractions.

Distraction 1:

Distraction 2:

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Session 13 Peak Performance and Servanthood

Question 1: List and explain one goal you have set and accomplished in your life.


Question 2: Take each of the ten Servant Leader characteristics and rank yourself 1 to 5 (1 being the least powerful, 5 being the most powerful) in all ten characteristics. Write a strategic sentence of how you will improve every characteristic that is three or less.


Question 3: State your top two career goals and explain your ideal role and function in each. Remember, be realistic. Your Primary Career Goal - Your dream career job or position. In other words, your ideal way to make a living. Answer:

Your Secondary Career Goal - If your dream job becomes difficult to attain, what alternative career would you consider? Answer:

Question 4: What educational goals do you need to set? College, tech prep, trade school, others?


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Question 5: List 1short-term goals and 1 long-term goal.

Short-Term Goal:

Long-Term Goal:

Session 14 Distraction Profile and Focus on Your Focus

Question 1: During the week, begin to identify and incorporate servant focus. Servant Focus: individuals who are focused on helping others along with themselves to achieve their objectives and goals.


Question 2: Begin to think of ways to reduce the current distractions you identified in the Distraction Profile. Begin to journal ways to reduce distractions and keep a log on your time reductions on social media or your phone.


Session 15 Focus Lifestyle Introduction

Question 1: Keep a daily log of how much time you are spending on your phone, texting, social media or gaming. Go to your Phone, Click Setting and then Battery to see how much time you spend on your apps.


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Session 17 Focus Lifestyle Identifying Distractions

Question 1: Take your top distraction and focus on reducing the amount of time you spend on it. How are your going to do that?


Session 18 Focus Lifestyle Environment, Energy, and Effort

Question 1: Create your focused environment. What does it look like? Where is it located? What is the lighting like? Is there music or is it quiet? Once you identify the environment that best lends itself to helping you focus, you can create this place for yourself.

Write down the essential components of your quiet place—your focused environment.


Question 2: List two areas you can focus on to improve your effort and work ethic at school or at work.



Question 3: List the current areas that fill you up and you enjoy doing them. Then list the areas that drain you. You must find areas that fill you up and keep the life balance flowing.


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Session 19 Focus Insights Soft Skills Introduction

Question 1: Go back and review your Focus Behavioral Profile and list your personal behavioral style results (i.e. S/C style) and provide reflection on your strengths and fears based on your style. Is there any area that you discovered that you need to improve in based on your personal behavioral style? If so, list the areas and what can you do to improve in these areas.


Question 2: In the area of behavioral flexibility, describe a situation where you felt uncomfortable with those who have a different behavioral style than you. How did it make you feel? Were you able to blend your style to get in sync with them?


Question 3. Research online the top skills that employers in your city or country are looking for in their employees and begin to focus on these skills. List the top three skills.


Session 20 Focus Insights Review of Communication, Collaboration and Conflict Resolution

Question 1: Identify two areas that you can improve on in the area of communication?


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Question 2: Describe a person that you are struggling with in the area of communication and what can you do to improve it? Document how you blended your style in your everyday life this week with others who have a different behavioral style than you – for example, if you are an “S,” how did you communicate with a “D” or “C” style.


Question 3:Identify two areas that you can improve on in collaboration with others in a team, organization, project or study group?


Question 4: As a person who is leading or someday will lead a team, what do you need to do based on your behavioral style to make the team work together?


Question 5: Identify two areas that you can improve on in reducing conflict with others.


Question 6: Knowing that most S and C styles do not like conflict as compared to a D style who thrives on it and the I style wants to talk things out. Based on your style, what do you need to do if you have different styles than yours on a team to reduce conflict?


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Session 21 Focus Insights Review of Confidence, Creativity and Character

Question 1: : Identify three confident characteristics about yourself that you can share with others.


Question 2: Identify three creative characteristics about yourself that you can share with others.


Question 3: You can lose your character by one post on social media, how can you control and protect your character.


Question 4: Identify three-character traits about yourself that you can share with others.


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Session 22 The Virtues of Honor and Excellence

Question 1: Please list your top 2 values and why they are important to you.


Question 2: Please list the 2 weakest areas and what can you do once you review the HEROES principles to improve on them.


Session 23 The HEROES Principle (Part A)

Question 1: Please list 2 ways that you improve in the area of honor.


Question 2: List 2 people that you need to honor more in your life.


Question 3: List 2 ways to improve in the area of excellence. Answer:

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Question 4: List 2 areas that you are currently involved in at work or school where you can improve in excellence. Answer:

Question 5: What 2 areas can you take a greater level of responsibility in to see greater results.


Question 6: What actions can you take to be more responsible?


Question 7: Is there anything in your life right now out of order? Please take personal inventory and identify any specific area(s) that you can reposition to bring order to your life.


Question 8: Identify 2 areas that you can change your attitude and become more expectant.


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Question 9: Where you are currently serving someone or something, list 2 areas in which you can increase your service.


Session 24 The HEROES Principle (Part B)

Question 1: Apply a hero principle this week and document your results.


Question 2: Ask God to show ways to serve others this week and document how God’s favor is being revealed to you.


Session 24 Interviewing for Success Introduction and Advanced Steps

Question 1: Create two S.T.A.R. success stories that you can use during your interviews. Describe SITUATION, Explain TASKS, Describe ACTION taken and RESULT



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Star 2

Question 2: Based on these success stories, write a paragraph that describes your ability to be a value employee to the organization.


Question 3: Do a mock interview with a partner using the STAR technique. List the person, specific STAR story and the results.


Question 4 : By reviewing your personal behavioral strengths, list 5 qualities that you possess that you can use to describe yourself in an interview. Answer:

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Session 25 Performing With Precision as a Kingdom Leader

Question 1: Examine within yourself and record your thoughts about the question: “Are you ready to pay the price of a precise performer?”


Question 2: Luke 14:28–29 (AMPC) says “For which of you, wishing to build a farm building, does not first sit down and calculate the cost [to see] whether he has sufficient means to finish it? Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation and is unable to complete [the building], all who see it will begin to mock and jeer at him, Saying, This man began to build and was not able (worth enough) to finish.” In light of this passage, where are you now, where do you want to be and how are you going to get there?


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Session 27 The Spirit of Generosity

Question 1: Develop a giving plan for this year. Begin by what you have and ask God to give you wisdom in creating your giving plan.


Question 2: Identify a certain person or organization that you can spread the spirit of generosity to this week. What will be the result?


Session 28 Tapping God’s Power for Reformation

Question 1: Examine and write down the things you do or would do to build a team whether it be the workplace, athletic, family or any other arena. Identify which of those steps would be inside-out efforts on your part that would take the person and the team to new heights of accomplishment.


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Question 2: Now, look at the Five L’s in this session. Which of these qualities do you use naturally? Which of these qualities do you need to develop? Write down your thoughts about the inside-out principles taught in this session.


Session 29 Kingdom Success

Question 1: Identify your greatest area of need, take the word of God add scriptures to meditate on daily and see your need met through your seed.


Question 2: Identify two people who are successful in Kingdom principles. After you interview them write down the top three principles that they have incorporated in their life to become successful through applying the Kingdom principles and patterns.


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Session 30 Be a Blessing in the Workplace

Question 1: Use your gifting this week and be a blessing to one of your schoolmates this week and journal your results.


Question 2: Identify two ways in which you can be a Kingdom distributor to someone in the world this week and document your findings.


Session 31 Insights for Business Success

Question 1: Ask the Lord to give you a witty invention (Proverbs 8:12) or a concept this week. Document it and ask the Lord to show you how to move it forward to become a stream of income.


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Question 2: Identify one area where you can pray for God to give you a solution to a problem you are facing.


Session 32 Conquering Cultural Collisions

Question 1: You and your unsaved co-worker or friend have a heated difference of opinion on a certain topic that the Bible truth proves you are right. What is the best way to approach this person in love to show them the truth of the Gospel?


Question 2: Look at the Six Kingdom collision points. Identify a real point of collision conflict—Let’s say pro-life or pro-choice or some other major point of interest to you. Now take the six points and write down how you think Jesus would want you to respond to the collision conflict.


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Summary Recap

Please capture all your following pertinent information in the summary section below.

Did you Vision statement change after the course? Please rewrite a new vision statement. VISION Where I am going. MY VISION STATEMENT

I would like to in my lifetime because To do this would require to achieve.

PASSION Ardent affection; a strong desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. Review the list of causes and extracurricular activities. List the top two passion or extracurricular activity areas you indicated would inspire you to make a commitment that ties into your passion that serves your vision.



PLACEMENT Filling a position, choosing a location or arrangement. Please list your top three spheres of influence.




PERSONALITY The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character by the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others. My DISC Focused Behavioral Style is a . My top two strengths based on my Focused Behavioral Profile are:



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PROFESSION An occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification. In order to find out every aspect of your career choices, please visit the following websites: and Identify Three Career Clusters That Interest You and Write Them Below.




Please List Two Potential Career Choices From Each Cluster That Match Your Focus Behavioral Style. Cluster One 1:



Cluster Two 1:



PEAK PERFORMANCE Sustained excellence in execution of objectives and the achievement of goals. Please list the following goals:

Career Goals:

Educational Goals:

Personal Goals:

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SERVANT LEADERSHIP Is a philosophy and set of practices that enriches the lives of individuals, builds better organizations and ultimately creates a more just and caring world. List two areas that you can begin to serve others within the next 6 months.



With what you have learned about yourself in the Career and Workplace Success Course you can use all these insights to go and serve others in your sphere of influence. Examine each of these areas and identify ways to serve others on a daily basis. A wise leader once said, “Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else.” So go! Begin to utilize your passion and gifting today. Serve your generation and influence the world in a positive way. Greatness is in your willingness to serve others!


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