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Camel Milk

Camel Milk

Camel Milk the super food...

Camel milk, which is slightly saltier than traditional milk, is drunk widely across the Arab world and is well suited to cheese production. It is is rich in vitamins B and C and has 10 times more iron than cow's milk.

Camel's milk is said to be an 'acquired taste', yet many people around the world depend on it. Its composition is closer to human milk than cow's milk is, so it is better for us. It also contains antibodies, and these may help fight serious diseases like cancer, HIV/Aids, Alzheimer's and hepatitis B. It could be the 'super food' of the future in the West, and generate much-needed income for developing countries. The United Nations is calling for the milk to be sold to the West.

Will Camel milk become the 'Insulin' of the future?

Health benefits of camel milk are attributed to presence of high concentration of insulin-like protein and other factors that have a positive effect on the immunity. The fact that it does not coagulate easily in an acidic environment (e.g. in the stomach) makes it available for absorption in the intestines. The anti-diabetic action of camel milk has been attributed to the camels choice (or is it default!) grazing/browsing on natural vegetation in the desert, including salty herbs and plants, some medicinal plants like the (neem).

In Somalia and Kenya , some diabetics who recognise the value of Camel milk are using Camel milk therapy to control their Diabetes.

Camel Milk based beauty products?

Camel milk is a natural source of Alpha-Hydroxy acids which are known to plump the skin and smoothes fine lines. Camel Milk soap provides a most luxurious bath experience.

Products from Camel milk are already hitting the shelves of shops such as soaps and yoghurts.For Babies

Camel milk is safe for consumption by human babies.However be advised that camel milk is saltier than human and cow milk. Which makes it closer to human breast-milk than cow milk is.If you're not sure the milk has been pasteurised, boil it at 100 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes.

Camel milk can also be a substitute for babies who are allergic to cows milk. Camel milk is a lot more nourishing and easier to digest than cow milk, so it does not trigger allergenic or opiate reactions/responses.There are also currently long-term scientific studies on camel milk. It has been claimed, but not yet scientifically proven, that camel milk is beneficial for babies and children suffering from autism, neuro-integrational and immunological disabilities.Other than that, it has so far been proved that cow milk contains two chemicals that could cause autism in children. While in camel (and human breast-milk) these two chemicals are absent. Therefore camel milk is safer for autistic children to drink. But the other benefits claimed to come from camel milk for autistic children still have yet to be proved.

So, in summary, camel milk is healthier than cow milk. Therefore to answer your question, yes, camel milk is 100% safe and good for babies. In fact, so much more beneficial than cow milk, 1.The healthier choice:Considered to be the closest substitute for mothers milk, camel milk is not only low in fat

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