
By Noah Sprent


THE THREE ARMS OF STATEThe three sections of the government that make important decisions

The Three arms of stateNot like US where

can be separateAll ministers are in

the LegislatureSenior judges in

upper House of Parliament

Head of Judiciary is senior minister

The Executive

• The Ministers who run the country and propose new laws

The Legislature

• The elected body that passes new laws

The Judiciary

• The people who make sure the laws are obeyed

THE HOUSES OF PARLIAMENTWhere does all the decision making take place?

The Houses of Parliament

Located in London

Also known as Palace of Westminster

Big BenTwo Separate


The House of CommonsSat in by MPs 646 seats MPs voted by

constituenciesCan have minority vote

and still winGeneral election is held

to find leading partyGeneral election is

called when PM wants it

The House of LordsSpecial people of

high regardOnly 92 hereditary

peers leftLife peersDistinguished

figures of science, medicine etc.

CommitteesWork mostly done in committees not on

floor (Select)Some temporary committees used to

examine certain Bills that are going to b passed (General)

In House of Lords there are no General committees, matters are discussed on floor

DebateDebate is quite

confrontationalAllowed to

interruptCheering and

Jeering are quite common in house of commons

Prime Minister Question Time30 Minutes12 o’clock on

WednesdayLots of media

coverageOpposition party

leaders challenge Prime Minister’s decisions


The Stages of a BillA piece of

legislation (bill)Usually political

party manifestoQueen’s speechProcess gone

through in both houses

Reading of Bill by minister

Debate and vote on general principles

Each clause and section of bill

examined to make sure wording is right

Changes debated by floor

Final version debated and decided upon by


Royal Assent to make bill become an act

POLITICAL PARTIESWhat are the three main Political Parties in the UK?

What is a party?

People vote during general election

Vote for local MP not for overall party-(True?)

Different views


Lots of things done by state

Higher taxes but better social care and better rights for the people

Example of Extremity:Communism

Lots of thing Privatised

Lower taxes but not very much Social care and less rights for the people.

Example of Extremity:The National

Socialist Party (Nazis)

Left Wing or Right Wing?


The Labour PartyOften called New

LabourLed by Gordon

BrownCentre-LeftMain policy:

‘Labour’s purpose is fairness: fair rules, fair chances and a fair say for everyone’ Quote from website

The Conservative Party Often called Tories Led by David Cameron Center-right Main Policy: A Conservative Government will:

Restore the integrity of the ballot by introducing individual voter registration and addressing the disparities that exist between constituency populations

Address the West Lothian question and give English MPs a decisive say on laws that affect only England

Replace the Human Rights Act, which has undermined the Government's ability to deal with crime and terrorism, with a British Bill of Rights.

The Liberal Democrats Often called the Lib Dems Led by Nick Clegg Centralist Main Policy:

The way Britain's run means the Government doesn't have to listen to you. One party can get control over Parliament even if only a quarter of people vote for them. So individual people and families don't seem to have a voice to influence what happens. The old parties are comfortable because they know they'll get into government every few years - so they never change things and they never will. But people are fed up of being ignored. It's time to make a real change. We need to have an open political system that's designed to listen to people and deliver what they need. Everyone should have an equal voice - not just people who can pay for big donations.

THE U.K. GOVERNMENTWhat do all the members of the government do?

The Prime MinisterThe Most important person in the Political

SystemGordon brown is the 52nd prime ministerIn theory PM just chooses ministers and

chairs the cabinetBehaving more like President10 downing street

Government MinistersSecretary of State- Head of a departmentMinister of State- Middle ranking ministerUnder-secretary of state- Most junior rank

of minister

Departments e.g.:TreasuryHome OfficeForeign Office


Devolved GovernmentThe UK has three mini-governments

underneath the main one they are:The Scottish ParliamentThe Welsh AssemblyThe Northern Ireland Assembly

They govern their own countries under the rule of the government of the UK

CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM?Will there be changes for the better in the Government of the U.K

How is the government going to be better?

New system of expensesA smaller House of CommonsA younger voting ageMore modern culture in the CommonsElection of the house of lordsA written constitution



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