
Borehole Application Overview

Stefan Gronsdahl, B.Sc., A.Ag. May 2015


Why use an app App overview Final products

Why Use an App

Using an app: Reduces potential human error Standardizes sampling methods Reduces data processing and report creation time

Tablet Choice

Our company’s preference is Trimble Yuma Rugged and durable Good battery performance in cold temperatures

Any tablet with Windows 7 GPS and camera enabled

App Overview

Borehole – Main Page

Add Borehole

Sample Borehole

Add or Edit a Sample

Add or Edit a Soil Layer

Well Layers

Project Information

Borehole Main Page Map

Borehole Main Page List

App Output - Excel

App Output – Borehole Log

Other uses for customized Apps

Surface water sampling Groundwater sampling Geotechnical surveys Wildlife/vegetation surveys Environmental Monitoring Whatever you can think of!


Contact Information: [email protected] 867-456-2711

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