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Best Symfony Tutorials for Beginners

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Why Choose Symfony for Web Development?

Symfony is a perfect choice for systematic and scalable web and app development project because of its familiar MVC type architecture. Due to its MVC nature, Symfony has an organized file structure distributed according to Model, View and Controller. The Model in MVC can be described as the business logic of the application, while View renders that Model into something that visible, like a web page. The Controller acts according to user actions and make changes to the model and view as required. A typical Symfony project folder contains strictly organized subfolders. In addition, Symfony generates its own scaffolding of the application based on user provided input. The result is a skeleton application that could be further improved with views and controllers. Developers generally only need to configure the database and the rest is handled by the framework itself. Read full article at:

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What’s New in Symfony 3.3

Symfony has released the latest stable release, version 3.3.x with several new components and a bundle. In addition to these, the release has implemented a number of updates and fixes. The community is very excited about Symfony 3.3 features, components and bundles. In this version, Symfony has introduced the dotenv component which work pretty much like the Laravel’s .env file. Dotenv Component parses .env files to make environment variables of these files accessible via getenv(), $_ENV or $_SERVER Symfony uses Locks to prevent more than one simultaneous execution of commands on the server. This functionality was first added in Symfony 2.6 and is now extended through a whole new component with three main features. Read full article at:

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Hosting Symfony on Amazon Web Services EC2

Symfony is a developer- centric PHP framework that powers a number of websites and web apps today. This framework is built upon Symfony Components that developers mix-and-match to create CMS and platforms such as Drupal, eZ Publish etc. Such a robust framework needs to be paired with an excellent hosting and support. This is where Amazon Web Services (AWS) excels. Amazon is the pioneer in providing cloud infrastructures and is famous for its persistent performance, reliable server infrastructure and prompt technical support. However, hosting Symfony on AWS is difficult because of a difficult-to-follow process. Cloudways, a managed cloud hosting platform is the easiest solution for this difficulty. Its platform is designed to provide easy installation and hosting solution that even beginners could follow without any issues. The result is a powerful Symfony hosting solution powered by AWS and managed by Cloudways. Read full article at:

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Symfony 3 Performance Benchmarks on PHP 5.6 and 7

Symfony is rapidly becoming a popular choice for PHP projects. The framework has established its reputation after the release of version 3.x. In the same vein, PHP recently received a major update in the form of PHP 7.x. The latest PHP version is 7.1.x. It is important to test the performance of these two new releases to make sure that developers have a very good idea about the tools that they will be using in their next projects. In this context, it is important to understand that the previous versions of both Symfony and PHP will soon become obsolete. Thus, it is important to evaluate and understand the performance of the new versions so that the developers could better understand the implementation constraints of these tools. In this test my main concern is to check which version of PHP (5.6 or 7.0) works in more optimized way with Symfony. Read full article at:

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Upgrading Symfony From 2.X To 3.X

In the last installment, I used AuthO for increasing security for Symfony 3.1 based apps. Versions 3.0.x and 3.1.x of Symfony are out for developers and the community is all abuzz with the neat features introduced for developers in these versions. I have already covered the features introduced in Symfony 3.1. There are still developers who are working on the older 2.x version of the framework. In order to take the full advantage of the features of the 3.x versions of Symfony platform, it is important that developers upgrade Symfony to the latest version. In this article, I will discuss how to upgrade from Symfony 2.7 to Symfony 2.8 and then to Symfony 3.x. An upgrade to version 2.8 is called a minor update while upgrading to version 3.x is called a major update. Version 3.x comes with a whole new directory structure that also change the location of several key files and components. Read full article:

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Symfony based Contact Form With SwiftMailer

So you have created the perfect Symfony powered website but how could people interact with you? How could they express interest in your products and services? For this, you need a contact form so the visitors could send you a direct message. According to many experts, the faster and easier the communication options, the greater the trust of the visitors and customers on the brand. In this article, I will help you create a contact form in Symfony using Form Builder. The contact form will be connected to the SwiftMailer Bundle so that the visitor could receive acknowledgment that the message has been successfully sent. I will start with the development of the contact form. For the purpose of this article, I have assumed that you have already installed Symfony 3.x on a Cloudways server. If not, follow this simple guide to installing Symfony 3 on Cloud Server. You can download the framework from GitHub and check out the demo. Read full article at:

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Rest API with Symfony

Symfony is fast becoming the favourite framework among developers for rapid application development. And despite releasing Symfony 3.1 and 3.2 in the previous quarter, they are still introducing many changes and upgrades. We know that Symfony is one of the best frameworks to develop REST API, so in this article, we will make simple REST API in Symfony 3.1.. By the end of this article, we will have covered the following topics

● Understanding REST API

● Bundles Required For REST API

● Bundles Registration

● Configuration

● Create User Entity

● GET, POST, PUT, DELETE We are also going to use postman to test our API, so it is recommended to install postman from chrome extensions. Let’s get started with our REST API in Symfony 3.1. Read full article at:

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About Cloudways

Cloudways is an intuitive cloud hosting platform, that enables novices, bloggers, designers, developers and agencies to easily manage and deploy applications on DigitalOcean, Amazon EC2 servers, Kyup, Vultr and Google Compute Engine. What Cloudways does is optimize and setup all the necessary software on the DigitalOcean, Google Compute Engine, Vultr and Amazon EC2 servers. You don't have to worry about installing Linux, MySQL, PHP, Varnish, Memcache, Apache, Nginx and other scripts on the servers. All new servers run Debian 8 OS at the back which you do not have to handle as it is the job of Cloudways’ cloud experts. Plus, there is PHP 7 hosting available too. Start your free account on Cloudways

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