  • Fine Print: Shojo Kamukei Utena is property of CPM in the United States, and several other companies in Japan. Illustrationsare from the following web sites: Utena through a Rosy tinted lens, No infringment ofcopyright is intended. If you dont like it, tell me and Ill give you credit (or remove the offending pic, if you prefer). Hey, CPM.Hurry up and release the Black Rose Saga! Were waiting!

  • Table of Contents ................................................ 2Introduction .................................................................................... 2

    Ohtori Academy ................................................. 3The Student Council............................................. 4

    The Student Council: Game Notes...................................................... 4The Mikage Seminar ............................................ 5

    The Mikage Seminar: Game Notes ..................................................... 5New Things....................................................... 6

    Animeter......................................................................................... 6New Attributes ................................................................................ 6New Disabilities............................................................................... 7Major Equipment............................................................................. 7

    Rules to Duel By................................................. 8The Duel ......................................................................................... 8In the Game..................................................................................... 8

    OK. I needed some filler, so heres the filler. I decided to generate this when I noticedthat there was no longer an Utena plugin for Big Eyes, Small Mouth. So, after some time, Ifinally generated his file. The current version is 0.95. I have not been able to test any ofthis yet, although I hope to have a gameing group eventually (Hey! Any gamers in theHouston area that play BESM? Hello? Anyone home?).

    WARNING: Spoilers Ahead! This work is laden with spoilers for both the StudentCouncil and Black Rose plots.

    You may wonder why there are no pre generated characters. Well, its simple. Ididnt feel safe putting down hard, cold numbers for these characters when the Black Rose,Akio, and Apocalypse plots have not been released yet. Thus, I am unable to properlyinterpret the characters. One day, I hope to do so. Until CPM gets off its duff, however, itis very unlikely. Also, it allows the GM more freedom to help design the characters.

    Oh, and dont kill me for my inside jokes. Unlike some people, I like to occasionallycrack a joke or two. It keeps the audience from laughing at bad times (like when somebodygets killed).

  • Ohtori Academy is where almost theentirety of the Utena anime takes place. Itis an extremely large boarding school,located in either Japan, France, or Italy.Where it is, however, is moot; it exists,and that is enough.

    Outside the campuswalls are the dormbuildings where most ofthe the students spend theirtime when they aren't inclass. The East Dorm inparticular is notable,because it has had only twooccupants within the pastten years.

    Every morning beforeclass, a student must cross one of severallong bridges over the school's moat (atleast it looks like a moat) and passthrough the gates in the wall into theschool itself.

    Once a student is inside the walls ofthe Academy, the most noticeable featureis the massive spire that rises from thecenter of the school. An old fasionedcage elevator travels to the top of thespire, going straight to the StudentCouncil chambers. This great room is litonly by sunlight, and is strangely devoidof furnishings. The onlyfurnishings in the roomare a few special chairsand a large round table,all of which are out on thebalcony. In thebackground somewhere isan old Hammond electricorgan. ;-)

    Moving through thecampus, our next stop isthe Rose Garden. Inside this tallgreenhouse like structure, HimemiaAnthy tends the various rose plants, mostof which can be found in blossom yearround. We attribute this phenomenon toour special fertilizer. The roses here grow

    in special urns, and are picked undercertain circumstances.

    As we leave the Rose Garden, wewalk across campus to our next stop,Nemuro Memorial Hall. This proud

    structure was build atopthe foundation of abuilding which burneddown many years ago,claiming the lives of ahundred students whowere involved in aproject with ProfessorNemuro, who also isbelieved to haveperished in the fire. TheMikage Seminar, a

    society of elite businessmen, executives,and the like, meets here under theguidance of Soiji Mikage.

    Past Nemuro Memorial Hall, as weapproach our final destination, we cometo the wall where our drama students arepracticing for their productions. Sunsetprojects their shadows against this wallwhich bears several engraved roses uponits surface. There is another wall whichour more offbeat students use for theirstrange practice, but it is not on the tourmap.

    The final stop on thetour route is the RoseGate, which now standsclosed. Only studentswho wear Rose Signetsmay proceed beyond thispoint, into the ArenaForest. What lies in theForest itself is a mystery,known only to theStudent Council and

    those others who bear the Rose Signet.Rumors abound, however, of floatingupside down castles of air, greatstaircases leading up into the sky, and agreat arena where the Student Councilmembers fight great battles. All areprobably hogwash.

    Inside the Rose Garden

    Rumors of strange things abound

  • The Student Council is the elite bodyof students which manages OhtoriAcademy. There are four active membersof the Student Council, plus onehonorary member. The active membersare Kiryuu Touga (President),Kaoru Miki, Arisugawa Juri, andKyouichi Saionji(Vice President).Kiryuu Nanami is the one honorarymember of the Student Council.

    All five members of theStudent Council are duelists, andall five bear Rose Signets. They arejoined by their receipt of lettersfrom the mysterious Ends of theWorld, which are one waymessages which are to be followedas the council members see fit.

    The Student Council, while itis subservient to a mysteriousfigure, has tremendous power.Those students who oppose itsaction quietly disappear fromcampus. The only thing they cannoteasily effect is the reinstatement ofan expelled student.

    Only three members of theStudent Council regularly attendtheir called meetings: Touga, Juri, andMiki. Nanami attends when Touga isunable to, as she is his proxy, and Saoinjirarely attends at all. Their meetings areusually called by the Ends of the World,although in time of great distress anddanger, any member may call a specialmeeting.

    Student Council members wear aspecial version of the male school

    uniform, regardless of their gender. Eachwears

    By edict of the Student Council, nostudents are permitted past the Rose Gate,lest their secret be revealed. All of them

    know what the reprocussions ofhaving the Code of the Rose Sealbeing revealed to the general public,and will do almost anything toprevent its release.

    Membership in the StudentCouncil is extremely hard to obtain.A characer must receive a letterfrom the Ends of the Worlddirecting him to a Council meeting.Likewise, at least one of theCouncil Members, usually Touga,must receive a similar letterinstructing him that a new memberhas been chosen. The new memberwho attends his (or her, as the casemay be) first meeting is granted aRose Signet and honorarymembership. Of course, the Endsof the World could specify a

    different location for the investiture, as hedid in Nanami's case.

    Upon receiving membership, thenew Duellist receives his Rose Signet andthe power Power of Dios with no uppersor downers. She also receivesautomaticly the disadvantage Owned bythe Student Council at level 1. There is noway to leave the Student Council save viaexpulsion.

  • The Mikage Seminar, aka BlackRose Society is the only pother society ofduelists on Ohtori Academy. SoujiMikage runs this secretive group from hisoffice in the basement of NemuroMemorial Hall, just one floor above theschool furnaces. Down here, he and

    Mamiya plot the doomof the Rose Bride andgrow their black roses ina strange aquarium.

    The MikageSeminar, as the StudentCouncil's opposite, hasa good share of powerover the student body,although it is used in amore secretive way.They can easilyrecomend theresinstatement of anexpelled student, as theydid for Saionji, but theirother influences aremore insidious.

    Each Black Rose Duelist shares acommon bond; in a moment of personaldistress, they retreated to Mikage, whoexamined their soul. Those who areselfish enough are admitted to theSeminar. They receive a Black RoseSignet and an actual Black Rose whichthey must wear when they challengewhen they face the Victor. Most BlackRose Duelists also receive a SpiritSword, which is drawn from a formerfriend in the same manner in which theVictor draws the Sword of Dios from theRose Bride.

    In the Anime, after each black Roseduelist was defeated, she (or he, inTsuwabuki's case) collapsed in a fit ofamnesia and promptly forgot theiraffiliation with Mikage. Their Black RoseSignets mysteriously vanished also, asdid their Spirit Swords.

    When a student has a moment ofpersonal anguish or desparation, she, forit is usually a female student, must go tothe elevator in Nemuro Memorial Hall.As the elevator descends, the studentbegins to spill her soul across the elevatorfloor, with Mikage occasionally probingdeeper. At the bottom of the shaft,Mikage will judge the student's soul. Ifshe cares more about herself than thewelfare of others, she is received into thecompany of those who seek to destroyAnthy and elevate Mamiya.

    A Black Rose duelist will receivefrom Mikage a Black Rose Signet andfrom Mamiya a black rose to wear in theduel. Most of them receive Spirit Swordsalso, except whichever one is unfortunateenough to be first (it was Kanae in theanime). The hapless student receives boththe Attribute Spirit Sword at level 2 andthe Disadvantage Owned by the MikageSeminar at level 2.

    After dueling, a Black Rose duelistwho defeats the Victor will likly bringAnthy down to the depths of theMemorial Hall, where she will be killed(it wasn't ever made clear in the anime;perhaps Anthy stabs the victorious BlackRose duelist? =-P) so Mamiya will beelevated ot the status of Rose Bride.

    Should the duel be inconclusive(both roses are knocked downsimultaneously), or if the Black Roseduelist loses, she will collapse inexhaustion. At this point, and here only,she may relinquish her Spirit Sword, buyoff her Owned by the Mikage Seminar,and throw away her Black Rose Signet.If she does, she will black out, and notremember anything that happened aftershe took the elevator down into thedepths of the Memorial Hall.

    Probably, if a Duelist did not chooseto buy off her disadvantage andrelinquish her powers, she could return toMikage to try again, perhaps. This wasnever explored in the Anime, and canproduce more than enough plot threads.

  • Characters in Shojo Kamukei Utenaall began the series with roughly 35 to 40Cp. Your actual mileage will vary.

    Cost: 5 points/levelRelevant Stat: None(Combat Value)

    Power of Diosis the raw ability touse the Power ofDios in whateverform it may take. Nocharacter may havemore than three levelsof Power of Dioswhen initiallygenerated; anyadditional levels must be obtained usingAdvancment Points.

    For each level of Power of Dios, acharacter may chose a Dios Power:

    Just what it says. It takes a duelist toopen the Rose Gate, and this is the powerthat opens it.

    This is the victor's ability to drawthe Sword of Dios from the Rose Bride.As a weapon, the Sword of Dios dealsDamage 10, and is Concealable, albeitSlow.

    This is Touga's trick with the redsparklies surrounding the sword. Itcauses the Sword to glow in the samecolor as the weilder's rose, and gives itan added measure of power. While thisability is in use, the Sword deals anadditional 5 Damage, plus it severs theopponent's sword automaticly on a MajorSuccess.

    This ability has a cost, however.While in use, it drains five energy pointsfrom both the weilder and the Rose Brideevery second round of use.

    This ability is Utena's ability to callDios down from the upside down castle

    and merge with him. Once merging iscomplete (it is almost instantaneous), thevictor must make a single Melee Attackroll to win the duel, with a -2 bonus.

    This ability has an even heavier costthan Sword Protection, however. It

    instantly drains twenty (yes,that's 20) Energy Pointsfrom the Victor for eachMelee Attack roll made inthis manner.

    Warning! Spoiler!Cost: 5 points/levelRelevant Stat: None(Combat Value)

    This is the power of theBlack Rose duelists tochannel Akio's power totheir advantage. No

    character may receive this Ability duringintial generation.

    When a character joins the MikageSeminar, she receives the two CPdisadvantage Owned by the MikageSeminar, as well as two levels of SpiritSword. After losing a duel, a charactermay throw away her Black Rose Signet,relinquish all levels of Spirit Sword andOwned by the Mikage Seminar, and havea memory lapse. (Or not)

    For each level of Spirit Sword, acharacter may take one of the followingSpirit Sword sub abilities:

    This is the same as the form thatappears with Power of Dios.

    This is the power to draw a SpiritSword from out of a duelist. The SpiritSword as a weapon deals 10 Damage,and confers a Melee Attack bonus of +3.It confers a Melee Defense bonus of +1,however. The drawing of a Spirit Sworddemands 5 Energy Points, however.

    This theoretical ability is the powerto sheathe a Spirit Sword in an aura ofdeep sparkling black. This is functionallythe same, however, as Sword

    The Aquarium

  • "Protection" which is available underPower of Dios.

    Note: Any theoritical Spirit Swordpowers are included in case a characterwho has descended to the MikageSeminar decides not to forgo the Powerof Akio. (Hey! It might make a goodrole playing vehicle, too) Anyway,any of the theoretical powers must bepurchassed with Advancment Points, andonly after the first duel with the Victor.

    This disadvantage causes thecharacter to occasionally (or regularly ifthe 2 CP version is taken) have fits ofirrational anger. At 1 CP, thisdisadvantage is relatively harmless; theworst that happens is Anthy gets slapped.At 2 CP, however, the character holdsgrudges, and needs to be kept away fromdangerous objects (exchange diaries andswords come to mind).

    This disadvantage causes a characterto try to be going out with as manymembers of the opposite sex as possible,as often as possible ("The Music Roomisn't just for Music, you know" Kozue).

    At level one, the character is just ashameless flirt, while at level two, hecharacter has a major problem(AhemTouga!).

    The Rose Signets play an importantpart in the series. Therefore, they areincluded here with a brief description.

    The Rose Signet is the visualaccident of the Power of Dios. Utena andthe Student Council duelists each haveone of these, which is a silver (steel?)ring with a pinkish (red?) roseemblazoned upon it. Duelists wear theirRose Signets constantly.

    The Black Rose Signet is a RoseSignet whose wearer has met his maker,gone to the happy land far far away, orjust plain died. The Black Rose Signetresembles a normal Rose Signet,although it is made of a darker coloredmetal. Also, its rose is a black coloroutlined with red (pink?). These rings aregranted only to members of the MikageSeminar.

  • The Code of the Rose Seal is what all the Duelists fight by. It is a code of unwritten rulesthat govern the dueling and the fights over Anthy (or whoever is the Rose Bride).

    Before the duel, the challenger must issue her challenge to the Victor. Student Councilduelists serve their challenges in person, as does Utena, while Black Rose duelists leave acard with their message of doom.Next comes the "Ascension Sequence" where Utena opens the Rose Gate and ascendswhile Absolute Destiny Apocalypse throbs on in the background. While it can berepeditive, its still cool.Once Utena is at the top of the stairs, she and the other duelist receive their roses exceptthe Black Rose duelists, who have already received their badges. The duel ensues onceUtena has drawn the Sword of Dios, and to the Victor goes the Rose Bride!

    There are a few things to remember when resolving a duel. Any attack which would havedealt damage gets through, and destroys its victim's rose. A near miss will probably shredthe character's clothing, as Touga did to Utena's fuku in Episode 12. The duels should bethe only time combat is allowed, unless Saionji goes berserk

    Shojo Kamukei UtenaDesigned and Interpreted by Graham Cull

    Table of ContentsIntroduction

    Ohtori AcademyThe Student CouncilThe Student Council:Game Notes

    The Mikage SeminarThe Mikage Seminar:Game Notes

    New ThingsAnimeterNew AttributesNew DisabilitiesMajor Equipment

    Rules to Duel ByThe DuelIn the Game

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