Page 1: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Believe inBETTER A


ual R




BETTER research | BETTER treatment | BETTER l ives | BETTER together

A division of the Parkinson’s FoundationA division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

200 S.E. First Street , Suite 800 • Miami, FL 33131 • 800.4PD.INFO (473-4636)

Page 2: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation


My dad greets each day with strength and perseverance. He is determined to win the battle against Parkinson’s. I participate in the Moving Day® Walk for Parkinson’s for him and others with the disease to help them live their best life. I’ll do whatever it takes to beat Parkinson’s.”

— Amy Pictured with her father,

Marty, who is living with Parkinson’s

A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

The Parkinson’s Foundation is working toward a world without Parkinson’s disease. Formed by the merger of the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF) in August 2016, the mission of the Parkinson’s Foundation is to invest in promising scientific research that will end Parkinson’s disease and improve the lives of people living with Parkinson’s and their families through improved treatments, support and the best care.


Page 3: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

I am honored to introduce myself as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Parkinson’s Foundation, an organization with a rich history of serving the community.

In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation (PDF), merged to form the Parkinson’s Foundation. At the time of the merger, the NPF division was headed by Paul R. Blom, formerly the chair of its Chapter Advisory Council. The PDF division was headed for more than 20 years by Robin Anthony Elliott. Mr. Blom, after a brief hiatus, will join the Parkinson’s Foundation Board and Mr. Elliott, the emeritus chief executive officer of Parkinson’s Disease Foundation division, will retire at the end of June 2017.

We have a shared purpose—working toward a world without Parkinson’s disease:

• Better Research: We support promising scientific research by investing in individual and collaborative research, as well as an extensive network of research and medical centers in the United States and around the world.

• Better Treatment: We continue to focus on the care and well-being of people living with Parkinson’s today.

• Better Lives: We will expand our advocacy and community outreach efforts to ensure that the response to this disease matches the urgent need.

We know that this is a pivotal time, one in which the needs of the Parkinson’s community and the potential of science are greater than ever. That’s why we are committed to accelerating the science and care for Parkinson’s on behalf of the millions of people across the globe living with the disease.

We look forward to working with you to ensure that people with Parkinson’s and their families have the tools they need to live well with the disease today, and to ending the disease once and for all. We are stronger and better together.

Yours in the fight,

John L. Lehr

Chief Executive OfficerParkinson’s Foundation


2Annual Report 2016

Please note: This report reflects the financials of the National Parkinson Foundation, a division of the Parkinson’s Foundation.

BETTER together

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The next


in Parkinson’s

disease is to

ensure everyone

has access to

the care that

delivers the

best results

now. We produce better outcomes through our grants,

which fund research initiatives. Better research leads

to improvements in care and the ability to further

understand Parkinson’s in real time.

One of our grant recipients, Nabila Dahodwala, MD, is

at the forefront of identifying differences in caregiving

based on gender. She works to make life better for

patients and caregivers alike by determining the

everyday issues that result in caregiving barriers.

Dr. Dahodwala noted that patient outcomes are

linked to differences in caregiving and showed that

these differences existed across centers by analyzing

patients and caregivers in our Parkinson’s Outcomes

Project — the largest ongoing clinical study of more

than 9,000 Parkinson’s patients receiving care at

Parkinson’s Foundation Centers of Excellence.

Dr. Dahodwala found that women with Parkinson’s

have fewer informal caregiving resources to rely on

and have a tougher time getting support for their

Parkinson’s issues than men. She proved that men are

significantly more likely to have a regular care partner

and less likely to have a paid caregiver, while women

were less likely to have a caregiver accompany them to

a doctor’s visit. Dr. Dahodwala also found that women

use a paid caregiver earlier in disease progression.

Each year, we work to fund even more front-line

research studies like this one that can utilize the

limitless potential of our expanding Parkinson’s

Outcomes Project. Harnessing this data allows us

to help each person with Parkinson’s and caregivers

receive better care now.

A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

Learn more about our commitment to expert care and research at

Nabila Dahodwala, MD


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BETTER research

Annual Report 2016

Nabila Dahodwala, MD Site Principal Investigator, Parkinson’s Outcomes Project studyDirector, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center at the University of Pennsyl vania, a Center of Excellence

“ We are looking at how important the informal caregiving role is. For instance, if you put a monetary value to caregiver resources—the number of hours spent helping with activities of daily living, administering medicine and going to doctor’s appointments —it’s substantial. The fact that women with Parkinson’s don’t have as much access to caregiver resources as men is a major concern that we need to think about on a societal level.”


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BETTER treatment

Annual Report 2016

Peter Schmidt, PhDPrincipal Investigator, Parkinson’s Outcomes Project studyNPF Chief Mission Officer

“ From data collected in the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project, we know that medication use patterns vary across expert Parkinson’s disease clinics. We have the ability to establish and disseminate the first-ever standardized treatment protocol that will help inform models of precision care for Parkinson’s.”

Page 7: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Every day,

people with


fight to find

ways to live

with their



that make even the smallest tasks like buttoning a

shirt seem impossible. Finding the right dopamine

replacement therapy is essential, but doctors often

prescribe these medications inconsistently and

ineffectively. People living with Parkinson’s have an

urgent need for a standard treatment protocol so they

have more time to live active, productive lives.

Using the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project as a

platform, researchers examined medication

use patterns from more than 9,000 people with

Parkinson’s disease, across 25 Centers of Excellence

located in four countries. The overarching goal of

the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project is to identify and

explain how expert care delivers better outcomes for

people with Parkinson’s.  

Researchers discovered that more than 346 different

combinations can be made using the 10 most

common Parkinson’s medications. However, most

patients enrolled in the study used one of just nine

combinations. The study also taught us that the

Parkinson’s care delivered by leading experts is not

systematic or scientific, but instead dependent on

the experience and preferences of a neurologist.

We want to change that.

People living with Parkinson’s have an urgent need

for a standard treatment protocol. The foundation

hopes to streamline recommendations to create the

first-ever dopamine replacement therapy protocol

doctors could use to treat patients.

Soon our Parkinson’s Outcomes Project will reach

10,000 participants. This cutting-edge, ongoing study

allows us to continuously help people live better

lives today and pave the way for the next clinical



Learn more about the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project at

Peter Schmidt, PhD

A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

Page 8: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

At Iris Rodriguez-

Cavallo’s 50th

birthday party,

her cousin,

Miriam Rodriguez,

who is a nurse,

noticed Iris was

walking strangely. She thought the symptoms could be

neurological and told Iris to see a neurologist. She was

right. Iris was diagnosed with Parkinson’s after her first

visit to the University of Miami Parkinson’s Disease &

Movement Disorders Center, a Parkinson’s Foundation

Center of Excellence.

“In a way, I was relieved to find out what was wrong

with me, but I kept thinking about what I was going to

do next,” Iris said. She found her answer a few days

later while watching a local news segment about

a dance class tailored to people with Parkinson’s.

“I saw people like me dancing, socializing, having fun

and exercising,” Iris said.

Iris learned that the class was free due to a community

grant sponsored by the foundation and that anyone

with Parkinson’s could attend. The class became

her favorite way to work out and meet people in the

Parkinson’s community. A recent study, funded by

the foundation, discovered that 2.5 hours of weekly

exercise can help manage Parkinson’s symptoms.

She searched online for the foundation and was excited

to find local support groups, videos about Parkinson’s

and Moving Day®, A Walk for Parkinson’s. For the last

three years, Iris has been a Team Captain for Moving

Day Miami, helping to raise Parkinson’s awareness and

dancing to help manage her Parkinson’s symptoms.

Iris’ dance class is just one of the local Parkinson’s

programs supported by our annual community grant


Funds raised from Moving Day in its 2015-2016 season

were distributed to 23 health, wellness, and education

programs across six cities.


Learn more about the community impact of Moving Day at

A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

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BETTER lives


Annual Report 2016

Iris Rodriguez-CavalloMoving Day Miami Team CaptainLiving with Parkinson’s disease

“ I have an amazing care team at a Center of Excellence in Florida. My support group led me to Moving Day® Miami, which provides community grants to my favorite PD dance class. I’ve really come full circle with the help of the foundation. Help them keep these programs available for people like me and our caregivers.”

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MORE THAN 105,000


307,439 FACEBOOK



with Parkinson’s received expert care at our 42 Centers of Excellence

and 10,040 f o l l o w e r s on Twitter

a c r o s s o u r l i b r a r y o f

198 educational videos


64,084 CALLERS

rece ived v i ta l counsel ing

f r o m t r a i n e d s p e c i a l i s t s

a n s w e r i n g o u r t o l l - f r e e

Helpl ine, 1-800-4PD-INFO

distributed through the Helpline

and local chapters to help people

get better care in a hospital



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10A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation



s u p p o r t e d o u r mission this year to make l ife better for p e o p l e l i v i n g w i t h Parkinson’s disease

77,500 DONORS

enrol led in the Parkinson’s

Outcomes Project, the largest

Parkinson’s clinical study, at

25 NPF Centers of Excellence


to – the

go-to onl ine resource

3,253,000 WEB VISITS

o n 8 d i f f e r e n t t o p i c s m a i l e d t o h o m e s a c r o s s A m e r i c a



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Annual Report 2016

100Moving Day® events

held across the country

100,000 participantsMore

than $13.7million raised to date

7,000 teamsMore



Washington, D.C.

Kansas City

Page 13: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Moving Day does so much more than raise funds—it provides support to cities across the country through community grants, which provide a wide range of critical health and wellness services to people with Parkinson’s and caregivers.

Join Moving Day®, A Walk for Parkinson’s. People who move change the world®.


Los Angeles



Funds raised through Moving Day support our mission by:

• Delivering quality care to more than 105,000 people with Parkinson’s worldwide through the Center of Excellence network

• Funding cutting-edge research like the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project, aimed at better treatment and care

• Providing free resources for patients and their families, such as our toll-free Helpline (1-800-4PD-INFO) and our life-saving Aware in Care kits

• Delivering community grants that support local Parkinson’s-tailored exercise classes


A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

Find a Moving Day walk near you at

Page 14: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

$250,000 AND ABOVE

Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation*Estate of Fayne E. HarterEstate of Gerald R. Hiering

The McCamish Family Charitable Fund J. Gordon and Sully Beckham Margaret P. McCamish

Estate of Nancy J. NovickThe Edmond J. Safra Philanthropic Foundation

$100,000 TO $249,999

AbbVie Neurosciences

Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Charles S. Ackerman Philanthropic Fund

Acorda Therapeutics

The Applebaum Foundation, Inc.

Estate of Marion F. Dean

Estate of Elaine D. Dooman

Lundbeck, LLC

Mindy McIlroy*

Medtronic, Inc.

Estate of Kathrine A. Neubauer

The Oreffice Foundation

Parkinson’s Unity Walk

Right at Home, Inc.

UCB, Inc.

University of Rochester

$50,000 TO $99,999

Robert and Juliette Bacon Foundation

The Batchelor Foundation, Inc.

Lourdes and Alberto Dosal

Estate of Alice B. Dunn

GE Healthcare

Guido Goldman, PhD

Estate of Nhu Y. Herman

Trust of Chester W. and Nadine C. Houston

The Don A. Hunziker Memorial Foundation, Inc.

Impax Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

The KCPL Fund

Marcia Mondavi Borger


Estate of Carol C. Price

Anne J. Sherr

Estate of Manette H. Speas

Ms. Nettie M. Swinney

US WorldMeds, LLC

$25,000 TO $49,999

Anonymous (1)The Jane H. Berktold Parkinson FundMr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Bittel Paul R. Blom and Robert W. White*Bloomfield Family FoundationMyron and Shirley Blumberg Charitable Remainder TrustEstate of Willard H. BramanCarani Charitable Foundation TrustCommunity Health CharitiesCynapsus Therapeutics, Inc.Ross S. EvansEstate of Peter R. HubertThe Kinetics FoundationCheryl Ruth KorthThe Holly Marie FundMiami Wine Auction, Inc.Massmutual Life Insurance Co.Trust of Dennis OlivieriEstate of Mary M. PatrickEloise And Carl Pohlad Family Fund

Estate of Mary Honor RivinEstate of Doris R. SchmidtEstate of Sherwood and Mildred SchwartzEstate of Joyce SpecterJerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation, Inc.*Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin ZuckermanZuckerman Family Foundation

$10,000 TO $24,999

Anonymous (1) AbbVie, Inc.Albert Family Fund Andrew B. and Mona AlbertVanguard Explorer Fund Admiral SharesTerry and Regina Armstrong Family Charitable FoundationMr. Harry AugeneblickMr. and Mrs. Byrd BallThe Bock Family Gift FundBlue Cross & Blue Shield of Kansas CityBoston Scientific CorporationEstate of James M. Cantrell, Jr.Mrs. Pansy L. ChanW. G. Christianson FoundationEstate of Thomas P. ChristinoThe John P. Clulow FundReitzel Cook FoundationRobert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable FundCSRA Parkinson Support GroupCurt and Clara FundRodger L. and Gloria F. Daniels Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. John L. DiMarcoDowntown Building

Ventures, LLLPEdward JonesMs. Zahra ElmekkawyJan and Guy FerrisLinda and Robert P. FetchFlorman Family FoundationDr. and Mrs. Bernard J. and Judith FogelCharles H. Gehret and Sandy HansonMr. and Mrs. George E. HollodickJGB Jr. Charitable Giving FundMr. Stephen JoyceJohn W. Kozyak and Barbara SilvermanRita A. LehnertEdwin and Carolyne Levy Charitable Foundation, Inc.Jerry M. LindzonMr. and Mrs. Wendy and Matthew LittleMahoney Charitable Remainder UnitrustMarian S. and Frederic T. McAuslan Endowment FundThe Melzer Family Charitable FundGail and Robert MilhousTrust of Barbara A. NelsonNPF Greater Rochester ChapterNPF Minnesota ChapterNPF Western New York ChapterMr. Denny OgdenOhiohealthParker Hannifin CorporationParkinson Association of Central FloridaBee Payne-Stewart FoundationEstate of Virginia M. RichertEstate of Aleen M. Schreiber

The Richard M. And Maureen G. Schulze FundAlan M. SlewettSolomon Family FoundationSouth Palm Beach County Chapter of NPFDegna Spoldi Private Family FoundationTrust of Mary E. SublettThe Change The World FoundationThe Miami FoundationWagner Family FundThe Marjorie P. Willoughby TrustYMCA Retirement Fund

David Zid

$1,000 TO $9,999

Anonymous (18)23 and Me, Inc.A.T. Kearney, Inc.Mr. John AdamsMr. Benjamin AlbertDevin M. AlbertTrust of Rita AlexanderAll Saints Senior LivingAllergan USA, Inc.Ms. Julie AllinsonThe Ame Foundation, Inc.Amgen PAC- Match Gift ProgramLeo M. AmorosoKathleen and Harold AndersonThe Anderson Family TrustMr. Richard D. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Robert K. AnzickCastlewood Apparel Corp.ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts ProgramMrs. Renee ArturoDr. Virginia AshleyHome Care AssistanceAssociated Electrics, Inc.Backwoods Fest Auction

The National Parkinson Foundation gratefully acknowledges all our supporters who donated $1,000 or more between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016.

Our generous donors allow to us to educate and assist people in communities across the country about Parkinson’s disease. We thank them for their dedicated support.

* Includes payment toward a multi-year gift13Annual Report 2016

2015-16 Honor Roll

Page 15: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Mr. Ronald E. AustinMr. and Mrs. E. H. AveryMs. Nancy S. AyersMs. Beth AzorIsabel L. BaderMr. Bryan BainMr. Decio BaioEd BakerBaker & Hostetler, LLPMr. and Mrs. Stewart BalkinEugene M. Bane Charitable TrustBank of AmericaCommerce BankMr. John BankstonMs. Shirley A. BarbulaEstate of Mildred BarcusMs. Allison BarnesThe Barr FoundationJohn E. and Nellie J. Bastien Memorial FoundationMr. David BastosTrust of Jean F. and Christopher R. BatchelderBattelleDr. Clifford T. BauerMr. Ben BauerMr. and Mrs. Frank BaumgardnerBaxaltaBay Area Golf for Parkinson FoundationMs. Beverly BearMr. Jeff BeardMr. Robert H. Beasley, Jr.Mrs. Susan K. BechterMr. Don C. BedellClaire BeekmanMs. Carol BeesleyMs. Angela BeldingMs. Maradee BellBemis Associates, Inc.Patricia and Gardner Bemis FundBerdon, LLPJoan and James Berkowitz FundJay BerrymanThe David H. Bescherer Family Charitable FundBetty Dain Creations, LLCMr. John Beuerlein

Mr. Mark BeznerMr. Scott BielerMr. Thomas E. BieryMr. James BilanLampinen E. BillieMr. Stephen BischoffMr. and Mrs. Joseph J. BishowMr. Michael BittelMs. Marta BlancoMs. Patricia BlasiLinda and Steven Blasnik Philanthropic FundBliss Associates, LLCMr. Robert S. BloomMr. and Mrs. Herschel M. BloomJacob BolgerMr. Ed BondMs. Shirley BosColonel (Ret.) and Mrs. Conrad BoterwegHelen S. Boylan FoundationMs. Caroline F. BradyMrs. Nancy BrandauRoxanne BrandtMs. Judy BraunMr. Jeffrey W. BreeserThe Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. BresslerMs. Delia BrintonBristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Matching Gift ProgramMr. and Mrs. William F. BrollMr. Keith T. BrookMr. Steve BrougherLewis D. Brounell Charitable TrustMs. Karen BrownMr. Leonard BrownMr. Joe BrownMs. Karen BrownDr. Warren BrownerThe Brunetti FoundationBruce H. BryantBuckles-SmithMr. and Mrs. Robert H. BuescherHighmark Builders, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Burnstine

Estate of Hildegard ButlerMr. Todd ButlerCharity BuzzMr. Steven R ByarsMr. Tim CabralMrs. Missy CalleroMr. and Mrs. Michael CannizzoMr. Robert CantorCapitol Federal FoundationMr. and Mrs. Ricardo CaporalThe Capps Family Giving FundCapstone Group, LLCMr. and Mrs. Donald J. CaraniTim CarlinCarlson and the Curtis L. Carlson Family FoundationMr. John CarlsonMr. Paul CarlucciMs. Sandra CaronClay CarpernterCarrera Races, Inc.Mr. Jeff CarsonPaul and Pearl Caslow FoundationPatricia CatarelloCatch The CureMr. Ronald CazalotCbiz Mhm, LLCCemex Materials, LLCDr. & Mrs. Craig E. ChalfieThe Chaney Family FoundationMs. Barbara CharlesChattanooga Shooting Supplies, Inc.Mr. Luis ChiappyChinowth Charitable Lead TrustMr. Martin ChodorowNational Christian FoundationMs. Josephine ChuRicky ChurchwellMr. Anthony B. CimmarrustiDr. Charles ClappMrs. Mary R. ClarbourMr. Phil ClarkClif Family WineryLevine Clopton Family Fund

Douglas R. ClovisMs. Josie CoMr. John W. Coffey and Ms. Ann P. RothDr. and Mrs. Andrew CogbillMr. Barry CohenMs. Reina CohenMr. Jason CohenMr. and Mrs. George CollinsMs. Carole ColoeCommunity Foundation of The Lowcountry, Inc.The Community Foundation of Macon CountyCommunity Foundation of New JerseyCommunity Health Charities of HeartlandCommunityAmerica Credit UnionEstate of Sally CooperThe Cooper Family FundCorinthian International FoundationCorning, Inc.Ms. Constance CoryCosentino Charity FoundationMrs. Susan CostelloCreger Family FoundationCrestwoodMs. Cynthia CristMr. Edgar H. CrosbyMr. and Mrs. Donald CrossMr. Jordan CurnesBobby’s Frozen Custard, Inc.Mr. Andrew CzekajDac Patient Recruitment Services, LLCMr. Todd DalleyDaluge Family FundTrust of Thomas A. DamrowMrs. Diana DanaherMs. Lindsay DarosaThe Daus Family FoundationDavid Arthur VineyardsMr. Steve DavidsonAlvin and Fern Davis Foundation

Franklin L. DavisM. Robin DavisMr. Donald DavisMrs. Patricia de Stacy HarrisonMr. and Mrs. Mark DebofskyMr. Joe C. DegraffenriedDavid DelgadoDelouri Farms, Inc.Charles H. Denny, III Charitable TrustMr. John DensmoreMs. Susan DevencenziWilla Ruth DevenyMrs. Bonee DewitzAlessandro Di Rocco, MDEvelyn DiamentHarriet Ford Dickenson FoundationMr. Thomas W. DicksonMs. Suzanne DimmelMs. Sue DisabelMs. Elaine DivineyMrs. Tommye B. DoddMs. Rosaleen DohertyMr. Robert E. DolanDonelan Family WinesMr. Arthur K. DonleyJohn W. and Patricia H. Donoghue Family FundGus B. DoppesMs. Susan DorschMr. and Mrs. Jim and Donna DownMr. Robert DownesDoyne-Oury-Rosenfeld Family Philanthropic FundMr. Gerri DrewMs. Jeanne DriscollMr. Barry W. DubinMark DuffyMr. Jim DunnJoseph DunnDupuis Family FoundationThe John and Marilyn Dutton Charitable Giving FundMs. Lois DykEagan Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. Norman EakerMr. Michael EarleyEarthly Treasures, LLC

* Includes payment toward a multi-year gift 14A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

Page 16: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Mr. William EganEstate of Paul V. EggsteinSteven B. EidenElias Family Charitable FundNadine EllerthorpeMr. Gary ElliottMs. Gail EllisMs. Sherry EmilyEmrik, LLCDr. Bruce A. EpsteinMs. Millicent ErwinMr. Greg EssigDr. and Mrs. Robert and Janet EttlemanFrank E. EvaroneMrs. Gloria EvelynEvenor FundExelonHighmark Exteriors, LLCMr. and Mrs. Robert S. FabrisMs. Barb FahnestockErin FauberH. Haines Fenimore Charitable TrustMr. Gary FermanMs. Mary Jo FerrisMr. Steven FeulingJane Feldman FieldsMr. and Mrs. Walter E. FillmanDr. Mark FinklesteinA.E. Finley Foundation, Inc.Shelley FioreFirst Federal LakewoodMs. Judi FishmanFlat Creek Baptist ChurchAlan and Esther Fleder FoundationMr. James A. FletcherMs. and Mr. Diana FleysherMr. and Mrs. William FondrenRudolph and Hilda U. Forchheimer Foundation, Inc.Crum & ForsterMs. Susan FossettPaul Fox

Ms. Suzanne FrankMs. Denise FranklinDr. Anne FrenchMrs. Patricia FriedbergMr. Roger FriedbergerMr. Richard W. FriedmanMrs. Gloria FriedmanRob and Shari Friedman FundFWP Speed School, LLCMr. James Gabriel and Ms. Ellen R. RosenthalLinda GabrielMs. Sue GallagherMr. Robert GathmanMr. and Mrs. Richard and Cheryl GelberMs. Jennifer GemmaJ. GeraghtyGettler Family FoundationLee GibsteinMr. Greg GilbertMr. Steve GilbertMrs. Judith S. GilliesMrs. Marilyn GirshDr. Andrew GlantzMr. Gary GlaserGlenmore Industries, LLCGlenview State BankGlobal Kinetics CorpMr. Jeffrey GoettmanMr. Frank GoetzMrs. Deanna B. GoldbergMs. Diane GoldenGolub Group Philanthropy TeamMrs. Linda GonotDr. Moses & Beatrice Goodman FundH. Gail GordonMs. Patrice GordonMs. Nancy GordonMr. Mark GordonGordon-Olim Individualized Fund at Brandeis UniversityMr. Peter M. GotschMrs. Doris W. GrahamHeather GrahamThe Granat Family Foundation

Mr. Kenneth GranatMrs. Carole GrayGray & Company, Inc.Gray Metal Products, Inc.Meg Green Family FoundationMr. Rick C. Green, Jr.Greenberg TraurigRichard C. GreenwaldJames H. GrewMr. Vernon GrizzardThe Steven and Kathleen Groot Family FundThe Robert & Lynne Grossman Family FoundationMax Gruber FoundationCohen Gujrathi Charitable FundMr. and Mrs. Jordi and Miriam GusoMr. Ned GustafsonMr. and Mrs. Larry GutekunstThe Gwyn Family FundJerry Haar, PhD*Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. FundMr. Kelly HackettMrs. Helen HagelMr. Gerald HalleJonathan B. HalleMr. Warren HalleMs. Kimberly D. HallumHamburger MarysMs. Leslie HamiltonMr. James B. HamiltonMr. Wade HamiltonMr. Doug HammerMr. Watts HamrickMr. & Mrs. Michael HaneyThe Hansen TrustThe Lewis A. & Ruth L. Hare TrustMr. Sam HargraveJamey HarmonMr. and Mrs. Jack HarterMr. Nick M. HarveyMr. John A. Hash, Jr.Morris A. Hazan Family FoundationMs. Marie D. HeadMr. William HeffnerMr. Daniel HeflinMr. Kenneth Helmuth

Mr. Chris HendriksenHenry Mayo Newhall Memorial HosptialLogan HerndonDr. Brad HerskowitzMarilyn V. HibbertCapt. William L. HicksHighland Commercial Mortgage, LLCMr. and Mrs. Lee E. HillMr. Kurt HillDr. Richard E. HillIra S. Hirschfield FundHolly Hills Country ClubMr. Roy L. HoltHope Lutheran ChurchDr. Heather HopkinsMr. Alan HorwitsMrs. Geri HowardJohn C. and Mary Jane Howard FoundationMr. Michael HubbardThe Peter & Alice Huppert FoundationDaniel HusakMs. Susana HustonImage First of San Antonio, LLCImpax Laboratories, Inc.InfaithIssa Family FoundationDenise and Barry R. JacksonMrs. Kathleen JacksonMs. Pamela JamesJarvis Law OfficeMr. R. G. JenkinsMr. Todd JenkinsJenner & Block, LLPJohn Starulakis, Inc.Mr. Wayne Johnson and Ms. Ruth Bradford-JohnsonStephen JohnsonLee JohnsonMr. and Mrs. David JohnsonJay and Kathy Johnston Family FundMr. Chester JonesEstate of Richard A. JordanMr. Robert Josephberg

JPA Health CommunicationsJSJ Family FoundationMr. John JulianJX EnterprisesDr. Patrick KaczaralTrust of Maynard KagenMs. Catherine E. KangasMr. Lloyd KappMr. Rick KastnerMr. and Mrs. Peter KatzMr. Raanan KatzMr. Norm KaufmanThe Kaul Family FoundationMr. Gary KeenanMs. Tricia KentMr. and Mrs. Richard C. KernsDaniel KerscherMr. and Mrs. Eugene KesslerKildaire Farms Tennis AssociationMs. Janice KingMr. William KirkKisinger Campo & Associates Corp.Mr. Aaron KleinMs. Barbara F. KleinMr. Steven KleinMr. Gary KleingartnerMark M. KliethermesMr. Jean D. KliewerMs. Susan KlingerEstate of Beryl KneopfleMrs. Elizabeth KnowlesMr. Maurice KochMichael KolodnyMs. Jill KorpitaMr. Daniel KosednarWade And Sue Kotula FundKP Financial Services OperationsMr. Jeremy KramerMr. Marty KrebsMs. Rae KrelitzMr. Michael KriegerMs. Jackie KropmanNick S. KueckerMr. Stan KueckerMr. Alfred P. KuehlewindKully Supply, Inc.John C. Kupetz

* Includes payment toward a multi-year gift15

2015-16 Honor Roll

Annual Report 2016

Page 17: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Mrs. Linda Tse Hung KwokBarbara C. KyseMr. Frank LacyEsther LamLam Research FoundationBetty L. LambertJoseph LambertiAmy and Michael L. LandaMrs. Linda LandisMike LangdonMr. Burton LangerLarson Family FundAstrid A. LauterMs. Barbara LavelleMr. Scott J. LawrenceMr. Donald LeebowMr. Herbert LeeMr. Thomas A. LehrerLeidos, Inc.Ms. Rocio LeonMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. LeopoldIra M. Levenshon

Ms. Sharon LeventhalFrancis and Gertrude Levett FoundationMs. Caryn LevisonMr. Miles H. LewisMr. And Mrs. Wesley and Diann LewisLincoln Square Entertainment, LLCMrs. Kimberly LindgrenMs. Katie LippardLitchfield Donor Advised Fund at Yale Law SchoolMrs. Julie LitvakThe Litwin Foundation, Inc.Mr. Edward LoebJohn T. LoftusLogistics Planning ServicesMr. George LohrerNick S. LombardoJames L. LongMs. Patricia LopezHogan Lovells US, LLP

Darlene LoweLPL FinancialLRWL Inc.Ms. Linda LucasRobin LukacsMr. Roger LumleyLyons Family Charitable FundCarla MaasMacadam Company, Inc.Vista Springs MacedoniaThe Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Family Foundation, Inc.Mr. John W. MadiganMadison Dearborn Partners, LLCMr. and Mrs. Peter and Elizabeth MaerMagnakron CorporationMs. Betsy H. MagowanMs. Katherine L. MalkinMrs. Jaime Malone

Mr. Samuel R. and Erica G. MandelbaumDavid ManheimMrs. Nancy ManocherianMr. Christopher MardorfLloyd A. Marks and Janic Siegel Foundation, Inc.Miami MarlinsMartin Resource Management CorporationMass Mutual Life Insurance Co.Mr. and Mrs. Ron L. MastinMrs. Susan W. MathisMs. Shari MatluckMs. Catherine MattalianoMr. and Mrs. Steven K. MatthewsMr. Todd McAloonWesley McCainMs. Mary J. McCartMcClelland Family FoundationThe Steve and Judy McClure Charitable FoundationJames & Marie McCurdy Family Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Richard B. McGauleyMr. James W. McGrathMr. and Mrs. Timothy E. MckayThe McLean CompanyRoland McLendonMcMaster-Carr Supply CompanyMs. Janet McNewMrs. Kathie McReynoldsMDB Capital Group, LLCMr. John A. MeadMr. Manuel MedinaMrs. Susan L. MedlinMrs. June MeekRobert and Judith MelzerThe Merck FoundationMidamerica Rehab Hospital CompanyMs. Deborah MieselMrs. Jennifer MillerMiller Realty Family Philanthropic FundMr. Mike Miller and Ms. Sharron G. Reiss

Dr. Allan F. Mirsky and Dr. Connie C. DuncanMr. Robert MirvisMr. Constance MitchellMr. Tetsuo MiyakeThe Moehnke Family FundMr. William MolerMolex IncorporatedMs. Mary P. MonhartJames and Charlotte MonhartMr. Jeffrey MonhartMs. Mary P. MonhartMr. James MonteiroMr. Carlos A. MontorfanoMs. Ann MooreMrs. Darla E. MooreMs. Suzanne MorganHoward MorganMs. Suzanne MorganMr. Doug MorrisMs. Jean C. MorrisMr. Doug MorrisBrian D. MorrisonMr. Marty MoseleyJudith M. MossRobert and Dede MossMiss Irene MottaMr. T’s Family FoundationMSJB Family FoundationMs. Lori MulhernPatrick A. Murphy, Esq.Timothy MurphyMassachusetts MutualMr. Samuel NaitoNAON, Inc.Mr. Joseph A. NashMr. and Mrs. Courtney NasonAmbika Nayar, MDThe Neisser Family FoundationMr. Gerald E. NelsonMr. James NemecMr. Brad NeubergerThe Neurology GroupNeuroScience Centers of Florida FoundationNew Century Financial ServicesNew York Life FoundationStuart Newman Charitable Trust

* Includes payment toward a multi-year gift 16A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

In 2016, we mourned the loss and celebrated the life of Janet

Reno, the first female Attorney General of the U.S. She lived

with Parkinson’s with strength and grace. Ms. Reno was a

longtime supporter of the foundation and an advocate for

Parkinson’s research and awareness.

Janet Reno at Moving Day® Miami with her sister, Maggy Hurchalla, in 2012.


Page 18: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Newmark & Company Real Estate, Inc.Robert NolanMrs. Mary Ann NoltingMr. Gary NorbergMrs. Jean F. NorfleetNorthern Tool & EquipmentNorthwestern UniversityNorwegian Cruise LineTolbert H. NowellMr. Deryck G. NucktonMr. Bill NygrenScott and Mary Nykerk Family FundMr. Russ OasisMr. Sean ObranskiMr. Ronald O’ClairMr. George O’ConnorO’Connor Davies, LLPDr. and Mrs. Michael and Leslie OkunGary OlixMark O’PreyOpus OneLisa OrbergMr. John O’RourkeOrtega FoundationMrs. Angela OrtolaniMr. William OrtweinThe Ohio State UniversityMr. Dean OwensMr. and Mrs. Christopher D. OwensMr. Dean OwensMs. Christi PagetSunny PakMr. and Mrs. Roberto and Silvia PalenzuelaLieutenant Colonel E. M. PankaDr. Sotirios A. Parashos and Ms. Christine G. PhillMs. Christie PargeterMrs. Eulalee ParhamDave Parker 39 FoundationMr. Wright ParkerMr. and Mrs. Jan L. Parkinson

Parkinson’s Association of West Michigan, Inc.Mrs. Charles G. Patmon, IIIMr. & Mrs. Richard M. PattersonDr. Robert F. PaulMr. Scott PayneMr. Shane PearlmanMr. Michael PeglowMs. Jennifer PeltzMr. Bill PerdanMrs. Charlotte PerdanPershingMr. Norman PessinMr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. PetchePeters Family Memorial Gifiting FundMs. Deanna PetersonEdward P. PetroskyMrs. Kathy PickPillsbury FoundationDr. Lincoln N. PinskyPlanet FitnessFrances Platzer FoundationMr. Robert J. PliskaMs. Christina PolitoPolsinelli Shugart, PCMr. Lawrence PortnoyPotter Family FundPrabhat, Inc.Patricia Lee PrattMr. William PrindleMr. James W. PritchardProthena Biosciences, Inc.Ms. Mary Jane ProughLawrence PuckettMr. Thomas PuckettQuintiles, Inc.Quten Research InstituteMr. Douglas RachlinRadio-CoteauMr. Andrew RamosMs. Edith M. RanelliSowmyan RanganathanPerry L. RashleighMr. Stuart Ratzan

Mr. Joshua Bartlett RaudenbushMs. Sheila RavindranJulian White RawlSusan and Buddy Redd Charitable AccountMr. Daniel RedmondRegal Medical Group, Inc.Regal FoundationRehabilitation Institute of ChicagoMarc A. ReichMr. Paul ReichMs. Barbara RembiesaRenaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.Highmark Restorations, Inc.Ms. Lorraine Reynolds

The William D. Rhodes FoundationRhodes Computer ServicesTaxslayerPriscilla RichardsonMs. Anne Fortney RiddellMr. Dallas RiddleMr. and Mrs. Evan D. RileyMr. William F. RingierRJW FoundationMr. Daniel RobbinsRock Steady BoxingRocker Family FoundationMr. Thomas RoeMrs. Carmella RoehrigEstate of Robert C. RogersFeazel RoofingMichael P. RoseMs. Rose Lit

Ms. Sandra RosenbaumMr. and Mrs. Robert R. RosenbergLeon V. and Marilyn L. RosenbergEstate of Jack RothMs. Jeanne RothMrs. Deborah G. RoyceHelena Rubinstein Philanthropic FundRegina M. RubensteinMr. Arthur RubinDr. and Mrs. David RuedrichMr. Lawrence RybaMs. Ann RyeThomas L. SafranSaint Lukes Health SystemMr. and Mrs. Charles Salzhauer


“To be able to fund cutting-edge research like the first-ever improvisational comedy Parkinson’s clinical study is fun, innovative and making an immediate impact on the local community,” NPF Chicago Community Development Director Sara O’Hare said. The study determined that improv classes can be used as an effective therapy for Parkinson’s. After 12 weeks, attendees experienced significant improvements in daily living. Northwestern University Movement Disorders Center, a Center of Excellence, conducted the study.

Community Grant Funds First Improv Comedy Clinical Study

Annual Report 2016

2015-16 Honor Roll

Page 19: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Samuels Family FoundationJose M. Sanchez Family FoundationMark SandyMr. and Ms. Dan SatreSchaefer Family FoundationW. S. Scharff Family FoundationMs. Liz SchaubDr. and Mrs. Martin SchechterMr. Steven ScherJoseph A. SchindlerThomas SchlosserDr. and Mrs. Peter SchmidtMargo SchmidtMr. and Mrs. Don SchneiderSchoenstadt Family FoundationJoyce SchrockGail SchroederDavid SchulmanMs. Nancy SchumacherMs. Bonnie J. SchwartzMr. and Mrs. Steven ScottMr. Paul H. SearsMr. Frank J SemcerMr. William SenseneyMs. Barbara SerilColonel Orlando C. SeveroMs. Mary ShafferMr. Bhagirath ShahMs. Diane ShawShell Oil Company Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramMrs. Irene ShenMs. Betty A. ShindlerMs. Betty S. ShineKenneth Shockley Charitable TrustThe Shore Family FundShure IncorporatedMs. Joyce SieferingNancy SilvermanMarty and Dorothy Silverman FoundationMr. Bradley G. SimpsonMr. and Mrs. Grover SimpsonMr. Grover R. SimpsonMr. Joel Singer

Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux CommunitySanford SirulnickSheila SlewettMr. Larry SmithMr. and Mrs. Paul G. SmithMrs. Rosemary W. SmithMs. Ellen Rader SmithMr. Steve SnaterMartin H. SnitzerMr. and Mrs. Nelson B. SoggsJohn L. & Grace P. Soldoveri Foundation, Inc.Sosa Charitable Gift FundDr. and Mrs. Enrique J. SosaMr. Laurence SpectorMrs. Lucille SpittlerMs. Kathryn P SprouseSpyderco, Inc.Mr. John M. St. ClairDr. Mark A. StacyMr. David J. StaffordMs. Deborah StangeMs. Margaret StarnerMrs. Geraldine SteinMr. and Mrs. Sylvester SteinkeMr. Mark S. StephenoffMrs. Norval StephensMs. Jennifer StettnerStewart Title CompanyStonecrest Senior LivingMr. Bert StrombergMr. William StubbsMrs. Stephanie B. StullMr. and Mrs. James W. StultzMr. Bernard G. SuessJeff SultanSunset Development CompanyThe Sussex County Parkinson’s Education & Support GroupMr. and Mrs. John A. SvobodaMr. and Mrs. Paul H. SwanMr. Geoffrey SwettMrs. Joanne SymesSynergy Home CareT. Rowe PriceMr. Joel Talish

Tallgrass Energy, LPTampa Bay Rays Baseball, Ltd.Mr. Mark A. TancilTASFAA, Inc.Mr. Harry TchiraMr. Lee TenenbaumTeng Family Charitable FundTeva PharmaceuticalsTeva Neuroscience, Inc.The GMK Family FundThe Habit Restaurants, LLCThe Lucky Clover Trading Co.Patrick ThelenMr. Tim TheriaultErnest ‘Tommy’ Hayden & Harriett ‘Rusty’ Jean Thomas FundMr. John ThomasMrs. Jean S. ThomasMr. B. R. ThompsonMs. Maggie ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Bernie ThomsenKaren ThrockmortonThe James and Patricia Tolley Charitable Gift FundMartin TombergTrigran Investments, Inc.Ms. Sharon L. TroySabra TruesdaleTrukenbrod Family FoundationTrustmark National BankThe Donald P.Tucker and Family Charitable FundMs. Laura TurnerMr. and Mrs. John W. TurnerMr. Charles TurnerTrust of John and Ruth Ann TylerMr. Steve UlreyUnited Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern New JerseyUniversity HospitalsMr. Marcello VaccaroRocky ValentineValero Texas OpenMs. Karen Van Haitsma

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van NuisMs. Karen Vander LindeMs. Sherri VazalesMr. Christopher VolkMr. and Mrs. Malte Von MatthiessenBruce and Carole Wagner Charitable FundMr. Herbert WagnerRobert WagnerWake Research AssociatesCushman & Wakefield, Inc.Mrs. Loretta WallaceMr. Joe WallerMr. Lawrence WangMr. Andrew WangMr. Dale A. WarnerMr. and Mrs. Glenn WarrenAlvin WarsawMs. Rosalind WattelMs. Joan A. Watters and Mr. Frederick SnareMr. Steven D. WattsMr. and Mrs. David WaudThe Wayen Charitable FoundationMrs. Allyson WeathersEstate of Douglas L. WeaverMr. and Mrs. John C. WeicherMr. and Mrs. Harvey M. WeidenfeldMr. Melvyn WeissWells Fargo Advisors, LLCMrs. Jeannine WenskyWest Gables Rehabilitation Hospital, LLCErik WestrumMrs. Margaret E. WhitbreadMr. and Mrs. Brian WiestMs. Alysha WilcoxMrs. Terry WildbloodMr. and Mrs. Fred WilkinsonMr. Colin P. WilkinsonMr. John I. Williams, Jr.Williamson TrustAnthony L. WilnerMrs. Nancy L. WilsonMr. Curtis Wolfe

Steve & Cindy Wolfe FamilyWolzinger Family FoundationMs. Kalynn WoodMr. and Mrs. Gordon and Carrie WoodPhyllis I. Wormwood FundMs. Crystal WorrellJohn M. & Kathy R. Wright Family Charitable Foundation TrustThe Wuliger FoundationMr. Gregory WuligerMr. Timothy WuligerMr. David WurthYCNAN & DERF FundDr. Haile YidegiligneYonker Family FoundationMr. Edwin YorkMr. Thomas YorkYoung Living TrustMr. Kevin YoungJason YoungMs. Louise K. YoungMr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Zack, Esq.Ms. Sandy ZackyMr. Keith ZagarMr. Ted ZahnerMr. Phillip ZamanZanesville Parkinson’s Group All Shook UpDr. Karen M. ZarlengoMr. Mark ZastrowMr. Glenn ZebrowskiMr. Jeffrey ZeidmanZestZissu Family FoundationEleanor and Leo Zucker Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Daniel ZuckermanJerome and Dolores Zuckerman Gewirtz Trust

* includes payment toward a multi-year pledge

18A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

Page 20: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Anonymous (8)

E. Richard Alhadeff

Leo M. Amoroso

Helen C. Avchin

A. Jeffrey Barash

Dorothy Beatrice

Ben Berkowitz

Connie Bierlein

Paul R. Blom and Robert W. White

Marshall R. Burack

Maida Burka

Tom Campbell

Kari Clark

Estate of Lewis F. and Mildred E. Collier

Richard and Susan Comeau

Robert A. M. Coppenrath

Deloris T. Crews

Thomas A. Curtis

Mary Dexter

Mary Jean Elioff

James A. Enloe, Sr.

Alvin Gardner

Guido Goldman, PhD

Dr. Moses and Beatrice Goodman Fund

James H. Grew, Jr.

Edith Held

Genie B. Hollen

Ida Hutzler Charitable Trust

Edward Jervey

Rachel K. Johnson

Yetta Kaemmer

Barry Kaye

Carol and James Kitzner

Heinrich E. Kolbel

Hanes Lassiter

Helmut Leeser

John McConeghy

James & Marie McCurdy Family Charitable Trust

Diane K. and James N. McGinnis

Karen A. Moschetto

Anna Nalbandian

Kimrey Newlin

Paul F. Oreffice

Ruth Orfield

Margaret Paul

Anne Romanello

Kim Schrotenboer

Alan M. Slewett

Sheila Slewett

Vivian and Centre Unversaw

Miguel Vargas

Dorothy Vaughn

Frank A. Waser

Michael L. & Antoinette H. Wilkerson

Mary Ellen and Bruce Wisnicki


Legacy society members are a select group of donors who have recognized the National Parkinson Foundation in their wills, trusts, estates and other planned gifts. Their generosity and forethought will help thousands of people with Parkinson’s live better lives in the years to come.

We would like to recognize the following Legacy Society members:

Trust of Rita Alexander

Eugene M. Bane Charitable Trust

Estate of Mildred Barcus

Myron and Shirley Blumberg Charitable Remainder Trust

Estate of Willard H. Braman

Estate of Hildegard Butler

Estate of James M. Cantrell, Jr.

Chinowth Charitable Lead Trust

Estate of Thomas P. Christino

Estate of Sally Cooper

Estate of Marion F. Dean

Estate of Elaine D. Dooman

Estate of Alice B. Dunn

Estate of Paul V. Eggstein

Estate of Guy Ferris

Dr. Moses & Beatrice Goodman Fund

The Hansen Trust

Estate of Fayne E. Harter

Estate of Nhu Y. Herman

Estate of Gerald R. Hiering

Trust of Chester W. and Nadine C. Houston

Estate of Peter R. Hubert

Estate of Richard A. Jordan

Trust of Maynard Kagen

Estate of Beryl Kneopfle

Mahoney Charitable Remainder Unitrust

James & Marie McCurdy Family Charitable Trust

Trust of Barbara A. Nelson

Estate of Kathrine A. Neubauer

Estate of Nancy J. Novick

Trust of Dennis Olivieri

Estate of Mary M. Patrick

Estate of Carol C. Price

Trust of Jean F. and Christopher R. Batchelder

Estate of Virginia M. Richert

Estate of Mary Honor Rivin

Estate of Jack Roth

Estate of Robert C. Rogers

Estate of Doris R. Schmidt

Estate of Aleen M. Schreiber

Estate of Sherwood and Mildred Schwartz

Estate of Manette H. Speas

Estate of Joyce Specter

Trust of Mary E. Sublett

Estate of Douglas L. Weaver

Legacy Society estate donors:


In 2016, we said goodbye to Muhammad Ali, a longtime friend of the foundation. Ali elevated Parkinson’s awareness around the world and helped establish the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center, a Center of Excellence. His commitment to living his best life possible with Parkinson’s will forever be an inspiration.

Muhammad Ali with former NPF chairman, Nathan Slewett.


A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

Page 21: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

All Saints Senior Living • Awareness WalkTerrell Allen • Marine Corps MarathonMakenzie Allison • Santa Barbara Wine Country Half MarathonAllstate Insurance Co. • Fight Back, Move Forward Awareness WalkCatherine Anderson • Barbecue FundraiserAshley Bridget, LLC • Parkinson’s Awareness BraceletsAssociated Electrics, Inc. • Annual Remote Control Cars Racing EventMaria Avila • Big Sur International MarathonMariah Bamrick • Moving for MickeyBay Area Golf for Parkinson Foundation • 4th Annual Bay Area Golf RaffleRebekah Beal • Marine Corps MarathonGordon Beckham • Out of the ParkNicolas Bensen • Big Sur International MarathonMichael Bernstein • TCS New York City MarathonMeenu Bhanot • Big Sur International MarathonBobby’s Frozen Custard, Inc. • Famous Turtle Sundae SalesLauren Bobersky • Saratoga Springs Half MarathonAaron Brammer • Marine Corps MarathonBravelets, LLC • Parkinson’s Charity BraceletsAmy Bukszpan • Marine Corps Marathon, TCS New York City MarathonKevin Burkart • 300 Imperfect Jumps Kristina Castro • Miami Half MarathonMarco Castro • Miami Half MarathonCatch the Cure • Paddle for Parkinson’sJulie Chodacki • Miami Half MarathonLinda Cibula • Mardi Gras BallCitizen’s First State Bank  Brenna Clark • 2nd Annual Run2BeatPDAshley Coder • Miami MarathonKelley Cody-Grimm • Pie it Forward for Parkinson’s Improv ShowMarie Coppola • World Parkinson’s Day 5KAshley Dahlman • Big Sur International MarathonLindsay DaRosa • Big Sur International MarathonJennifer Davis • Santa Barbara Wine Country Half MarathonClare Delmastro • Marine Corps MarathonJennifer DeTreville • Soul Cycle Charity RideHannah Devries • PD Donut Dash 5KNicolina Dinardi • UPMC Health Plan Pittsburgh Half MarathonMegan Duffy • Indianapolis One America 500 Mini MarathonBrian Duncan • Marine Corps MarathonMary Edmonds • Marine Corps MarathonElk River Area Chamber of Commerce • Shiver Plunge EventMark Eversgerd • Pancake’s for Parkinson’sEvolve Therapy • Occupational and Physical Therapy SalesAdam Farley • Marine Corps MarathonFlat Creek Baptist Church • The Chris Gaunt 5K Run/Walk Over Parkinson’sGabby Forbes • Big Sur International MarathonKristine Ford • TCS New York City MarathonGarden of Life • Ocean 3’s Better Brain donationsJackie Gibertini • Big Sur International Marathon

Jeff Gonot • Running a Race each month for Parkinson’sTheresa and Danny Gordon • Honolulu MarathonJonathan Gould • Big Sur International MarathonVeronica Gould • Big Sur International MarathonJoanna Grote • Marine Corps MarathonCarlee Guthaus • In memory of Dennis GuthausElena Harp • Marine Corps MarathonChris Harvey • Albertine Harvey Memorial Art Exhibit EveningHeather Heard • Power and Peace for Parkinson’sCasey Hedden • Big Sur International MarathonCarissa Hernandez • Santa Barbara Wine Country Half MarathonHolly Hills Country Club • Pro-am Golf TournamentHope Lutheran Church • The Original Knockout Dayton 2016Kara Horvath • TCS New York City MarathonKendall Hudson • Handmade Furniture SalesBrad Ivers • Ivers-Schiff WeddingDenise Janis • Craft SalesDrew Jennings • Big Sur International MarathonJessica Jensen • Marine Corps MarathonRichard Johnston • Team Crusty Pedals Cyling RideJX Enterprises • Casual for a CauseK & G Striping, Inc. • Strikeout Parkinson’s DiseasePerius Kanga • Cycling from San Jose to San DiegoKeenan Antiques • Summer Wade FestJames Klagge • Marine Corps MarathonJulia Larkin • TCS New York City MarathonGabrielle Lee • Walkway Half MarathonMarc Levin • Marine Corps MarathonAdam Levine • Pedaling for Parkinson’s: East to WestMiles Lewis • Geoffrey Lewis Memorial Parkinson FundraiserKrissy Lipka • Miami MarathonJasmine Liu • TCS New York City MarathonAndrea Longoria • Beat Parkinson’s - 5K Walk & RunKevin Loughran • Santa Barbara Wine Country Half MarathonPaul D. Love • Marine Corps MarathonLyman Ag Supply • Atlantic High School Softball TeamLauren Magill • San Francisco Half MarathonMarc Mahan • TCS New York City MarathonAlexandra Marsek • Earthly Treasures Jewelry ShowDevon McCarty • Marine Corps MarathonMer Rouge Community Chest • 37th Annual DriveMidwest Operating Engineers  Darla Moore • Cycling Against Parkinson’sNathan Moore • Nate Moore Music ProceedsKendra North-Proctor • Strike Out Parkinson’sNPF Ohio Community Partners • Cocktails for a CureOneHope • In-Home Wine Tasting EventDavid O’Reilly • Big Sur International MarathonKate O’Reilly • Big Sur International MarathonKatria Oviedo • TCS New York City MarathonPark Project, Inc. • Perfom Acts of Random Kindness 5KDavid Parker • Marine Corps MarathonShane Pearlman • Big Sur International MarathonGary Pellman • Bob Stanton Memorial Golf OutingLindsey PetersonBeth Philcrantz • Miami Half MarathonPrabhat, Inc. • Youtopia 5KChris Price • Indianapolis One America 500 Mini Marathon

Pura Vida Bracelets • Parkinson’s Charity BraceletsRACES2RUN • 17th Annual John D. Kelly III Memorial RunDexter Ramey • Richmond Half MarathonDawn Randall • TCS New York City MarathonSheila Ravindran • Miami Half MarathonChristine Rhodes • Parkinson’s Benefit ConcertEvan Riley • Punch Out Parkinson’s Golf TournamentRoad Rage Events, LLC • 2nd Annual Summer Slam 5KSummer Rodman • Gail Petronis BirthdaySusannah Scearce • Marine Corps MarathonScranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders • New York Yankees Old Timers’ WeekendKathryn Seidenstein • TCS New York City MarathonAisha Sheikh • Marine Corps MarathonPooja Shenoy • Bay to Bay BreakersCraig Simon • Marine Corps Marathon

Jennifer Singer • Chesco Half MarathonAlison Spain • Annapolis Classic 10KSpyderco, Inc. • Proceeds from SalesStafford Rosenbaum, LLP • Casual for a Cause DayCourtney Stein • TCS New York City MarathonColin Stokes • Coast to Canyon 700-Mile Cycling RideLeticia Suchil • Hair Salon FundraiserMichael Sullivan • Charity of the MonthMark Swiggum • Ojai MarathonJustin Taylor • Falmouth Road RaceSamuel Tephabock • Open House FundraiserThe Lucky Clover Trading Co. • Basket SalesSarah Tomal • Big Sur International MarathonJoyce Tracy • Zero Mile Fun RunValley Quail Chapter of the Embroiders Guild of America • Annual Summer Party & AuctionJared Vazales • Santa Barbara Wine Country Half MarathonAngela Vera Jackson • Big Sur International MarathonWashington, IL, Police Dept. • No Shave NovemberCurt Weeden • Dutch Island Book SalesRenee White • Eversource MarathonJodi Winslow • 18 Hole Ladies Golf LeagueTim Winterfield • Ride for Dad: Cycling from New York to MiamiEva Wong • Marine Corps MarathonKaLynn Wood • Marine Corps MarathonCrystal Worrell • TCS New York City MarathonGordy Yowell • Marine Corps Marathon, TCS New York City MarathonJennifer Zielke • Run to Beat Parkinson’s


20Annual Report 2016

We would like to acknowledge the Team Hope™ community fundraisers that raised $1,000 or more and took place between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. We appreciate every fundraiser’s energy and dedication to helping us beat Parkinson’s.

One-Armed Skydiving for Parkinson’s Research

Kevin Burkart jumps out of a plane for his “300 Imperfect Jumps” fundraiser.

“I did it for my dad,” Kevin said.

Page 22: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

Research $ 2,348,209 | 23%

Patient CareServices

$ 2,383,744 | 24%

Public Education

$ 2,358,507 | 24%

Chapter Services

$ 2,918,758 | 29%



Private &Corporate

$ 9,956,017 | 76%

Legacies & Bequests

$ 2,741,332 | 21%

Other $ 368,531 | 3%

Total Operating Expenses 100% | $ 13,161,375

Subtotal Mission-Related76% | $ 10,009,218

Fundraising 18 % | $ 2,324,967

General & Administration6% | $ 827,190

Total Year-End Assets $ 15,294,256

Total Revenue$ 13,065,880

As illustrated below, the National Parkinson Foundation directed 76% of its 2015–2016 spending on mission-related activities

and 24% on fundraising and management combined.*


2015-16 Financial Highlights

Annual Report 2016 * Reflects the National Parkinson Foundation’s

IRS Form 990 for the fiscal year 2015-16.

Page 23: Belie ve in Report BETTER - Parkinson's Foundation€¦ · In August 2016, two legacy organizations, the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) and the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

The National Parkinson Foundation, a division of the Parkinson’s Foundation, was privileged to have an outstanding and dedicated group of volunteers who generously donated their time and talents by serving on the Board of Directors

from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. Without their selfless efforts, the work of the foundation would not be possible.

OFFICERS John W. Kozyak, Esq. Chairman of the Board

Bernard J. Fogel, MD Past Chairman

Paul F. Oreffice Chairman Emeritus

Andrew B. Albert Vice Chairman

E. Richard Alhadeff, Esq. Vice Chairman

Harold P. Kravitz, Esq. President Emeritus

Marshall R. Burack, Esq. Secretary


J. Gordon Beckham, Jr.

Erin R. Borger

Ricardo Caporal

Patricia de Stacy Harrison

Alessandro Di Rocco, MD

Alberto Dosal

Guido Goldman, PhD

Gregory E. Katz

Honorable Shelley J. Kravitz

Jonathan Levin

Mindy McIlroy

Robert M. Melzer

Gail Milhous

James F.T. Monhart

Roberto L. Palenzuela

Enrique J. Sosa, PhD


A. Jeffrey Barash, Esq.

Carmen Y. Cartaya, Esq.

Edythe Kay-Marsa

Harold P. Kravitz, Esq.

Jo Ann Pepper Oreffice

Alan M. Slewett

Enrique J. Sosa, PhD

Senator Paul B. Steinberg, Esq.

Robert H. Traurig, Esq.



22A division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

John L. LehrChief Executive Officer Appointed January 2017

Paul R. Blom*Interim Chief Executive Officer

Curt De Greff, MBA, CPAInterim Chief Financial Officer

Amy GraySenior Vice President,Constituent and Community Relations

Leilani PearlVice President, Communications and Marketing

Peter Schmidt, PhDSenior Vice President and Chief Mission Officer

Robert G. ShawVice President, Constituent and Corporate Relations

* Served as Interim CEO of the NPF division until December 2016.

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Believe inBETTER A


ual R




BETTER research | BETTER treatment | BETTER l ives | BETTER together

A division of the Parkinson’s FoundationA division of the Parkinson’s Foundation

200 S.E. First Street , Suite 800 • Miami, FL 33131 • 800.4PD.INFO (473-4636)

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