  • © 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

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    Astrology stands the most popular science of human beings deals with the every important events occurring in

    human life, observing the planetary position. Based on the exact location of planets, Astrologer create the birth

    chart which shown the balance sheet of the karma of pre-birth. The time of birth, place, and date becomes

    inevitable to make a birth chart. The Jyothi Satra is prominent and primitive of all the sciences and hence

    called as science of sciences having direct connectivity all the deeds of mankind covering elaborated activities

    from birth to death. The girl who attained Rithu when she gets first menses called Rajaswala. Astrologers

    create Horoscope related with puberty of girls called Rithu Jataka. Especially in Southern States specifically in

    Tamilnadu and Kerala, Ritu Jataka is most popular which is copiously used to foresee the results pertaining to

    her marital life, progenies, prosperity, happiness, longevity of husband, conjugal bliss and character of the

    native in general. The terminology Rajaswala is seen in many of the epics and other texts. Many of the authors

    see the periodical change of female human body as a common phenomenon to conceive the male sperm for

    creating own tradition. The period of menstruation has been restricted for several occasions due to secretion of

    blood based on its impurities and un-touchabilities. The present research attempt generalise the usage of Ritu

    Jatakam in the society as a gesture of maturity of a girl in terms of physical phenomena. Ample references are

    available in Samhitas, Upanishds, Dharmasastras and in Astrological texts with regard to Puberty and

    hygienic precautions applicable to post menstruation periods. Present research investigate the social utility of

    Rithu Jatakam and generalise its sanctity in line with Astrological reference.

    Key words: Rithu Jataka, Rajaswala. Samhitas, Upanishads, Dharmasastras,


    Concurring to Indian astrology, Puberty is the period, when a boy and girl reach the full sexual maturity along

    with their physical changes. The Puberty transpires at the age 10 to 14 for girls and for boys this age is 12 to 16

    generally. Our early civilizations embolden the Indian astrological thoughts in a holistic way emphasizing the

    need of observing and experiencing the true aspects of puberty for the boys and girls. Puberty is an impulsive

    change in girls and boys that may seem annoying, but later on they will recognise it as a physiological process

    by nature. Adolescence is an intermediate phase of growth and subsequent development between childhoods to

    adulthood. The world Health Organisation defines the adolescence as the symptom of physiological maturity

    between ages 10 to 19. Different societies of all over the world see the Adolescence which is assiduously

    equated with puberty and the cycle of physical changes culminating in reproductive matureness. The term

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    IJRAR19K2909 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 417

    adolescence habitually refers to the period between ages 12 to 20 and approximately equivalent to the word

    teenagers. In Astrological sense, adolescence is understood in a broader terms that encompasses physiological,

    social and moral environment, linked with natural pregnancy and normal child birth so as to keep the hierarchy

    of the tradition. During puberty period, the issues of essential alienation from the family members and

    restricting the routine affairs affects the establishment of personal values and related adjustments makes several

    problems among the new generations. Moreover, the teenagers occasionally have significant roles in the

    society, occupying the equivocal time of puberty occurred as a primary phenomenon. Followed by frequent

    periodical menstruations, the individual experience becomes causative to sexual feelings followed by

    embryonic developments within the body.


    As per the fundamental text Amarakosha, the word ‘rajah’ means the formulation of a quality of affection. The

    same has been described as equivalent to menstruation blood of the women.

    रजोयं रजसा सारं्द्ध स्त्रीपुष्पगुणधूलिषु रजः क्लीबं गुणान्तरे आर्तवे च परागे

    रेणुमते्रलप दृश्यरे् ।

    The word Menstruation, has been illustrated as the monthly regular outflow of blood and mucosal tissue having

    distinctive colour (menses of woman) from the internal lining of the uterus.


    As per the principles of Astrology, horoscope is usually caste for a child based on the planetary positions in the

    zodiac. In several provinces, predictions about girls who attained maturity for pregnancy cast natal charts

    known as Ritu Jataka. Ritu is a Sanskrit word means Puberty. Menstruation is considered as a physical change

    in the structure of a girl. The girl who attained Rithu when she gets first menses called Rajaswala. The day

    which falls in, Rithu Chart is casted based on the planetary positions based dated, time and place. Rithu chart

    deals with marital life, progenies, prosperity, happiness, longevity of husband, conjugal bliss and character of

    the native in general.

    कुजेन्दु हेरु्: प्रलर्मासमार्तवं गरे्रु् पीडर्क्तमनुष्णदीलधर्ौ अर्ोन्यथास्थ शुभपंुग्रहेलर्क्रे् नरेण

    संयोगमुपैलर् कालमनी । The causation of menstruation is linked with Moon and Mars as per Jyotisha and

    specifies the orderly cycle of the female linking with lunar movements. Horocharya specified the average

    period of menstruation commenced by 15 and menopause by 51 years. This is liable to change due to living

    conditions, food habitat and un-natural intake medicines or other-wise (Horasastram-I, 4th Chapter Verse-1


  • © 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

    IJRAR19K2909 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 418


    The Chinese Birth Calendar is prevailing as convenient solution instead of going for ultrasound tests for gender

    fixation. The ancient Chinese Chart of 700 BCE has been linked with lunar movements based on age,

    menstruation cycle (28 days) and conception of women. This has been substatially correlated in the Indian

    Astrological scriptures vide Jatakadesham Chapter-2 Verses-3, p.22)

    पुत्रोल्पायुदातररका वंशकर्ात वंध्याऽपुत्र: सुन्दरीशो लवरूपा

    श्रीमानपापा: धमतशीिस्तथास्त्री सवतज्ञ: स्यार्् रु्यतराते्र क्रमेणा । The offsping conceived during 13 nights commencing with the fourth day after menstruation, will be of the

    following qualities. If conceived on the fourth night, it will be a short-lived son; if on the fifth, a girl; if on the

    sixth, a founder of family; if on the seventh, a barren female; if on the eighth, a son; if on the nineth, a

    beautiful female; if on the 10th, a lord; if on the 11th, a deformed female; if on the 12th, a fortunate son; if on

    the 13th, a sinful female wrech; if on the 14th, a virtuous son; if on the 15th, the very goddess of fortune; and if

    on the 16th, an intelligent son. Here the age, health and metal stability, moon’s position becomes decisive

    factor. As per Madhaveeyam, the auspicious days for Garbhadhaana is specified to obtain perfect female or

    male kids. लवभावरी षोडशभालमनीनामृदुल्गमादीयतरु् कािमाहु: नाद्याश्चर्स्रोऽ त्रलनषेकयोग्या:

    पराश्चयुग्मासु्सर्दा: प्रशस्ता: (Madhaveeyam-Chapter-6 Verses-3, p.92). After menstruation, if

    garbhaadhaana during even days of 6,8,10,12,14,16 days and odd days of 5,7,9,11,13,15; a perfect healthy

    woman is causative for male and female baby respectively. The fundamental attribute of the Moon in

    Astology is that it gives the most congruent information about the pregancy of women about the strength of the

    womb and potency of the couple to produce the progenies. The inadequate human potency has been

    metaphorically linked with the blind in the moon light - भवत्यपतं्य लह लवबीलजनालममे करा लहमांशोवी

    दृशालमवाफिा: [Horasastram-I, 4th Chapter Verse-3 p.149]. The Natal chart of female should be posited

    with Moon and Mars in even sign or navamsha and for male, the sun and venus in odd sign or navaamsha

    alongwith due trine aspect of Jupiter is causative for children. These expressions are highly informative from

    the past which is available none other than Astro-Texts. Vide Brihad samhita, Varahamihirachary obviously

    narrated that one cannot compare the women with any other spotless things in the world who we remain reviled

    or repugnant. The menstruation phenomena of the female, annihilates all the obnoxious actions.

    स्त्रस्त्रयः पलवत्रमरु्िं नैर्ा दुष्यस्त्रन्त कलहतलचि् मालस मालस रजोह्यासां दुषृ्कर्ान्यपकषतर्ी ।1

    जाया वा स्स्याजनलयत्री वा संभव स्त्रीकृर्ो नृणां हे कृर्घ्नास्तयोलनतन्दां कुवतर्ां वः कुर्सु्सखं ।2

    दंपत्योरू्व्तल्क्क्रमे दोषः समश्शासे्त्रप्रलर्लिर्ः नरा न र्मवेर्क्ने्त रे्नात्र वरमङ्गना3

    It is undoubtedly told that all the male natives are born from a wife or a mother. Lacking obligation, those

    who censure them, nobody can have virtue in life. Samhita Grantas and Dharmasastras vividly indicated that

    1 Puliyoor P.S.P.Namboothiri (2002) Brihad samhita (Mal), Devi Book Stall, Kodungallur. Chap-74, Ver-9, pp.382. 2 Ibid Chap-74, Ver-11, pp.382. 3 Puliyoor P.S.P.Namboothiri (2002) Brihad samhita (Mal), Devi Book Stall, Kodungallur. Chap-74, Ver-12, pp.382.

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    all tghe beings are born from thier mother synomously categrorised as wife or a woman. The puberty and

    conjugatation between male and another lady is not treated as extreme sin whres coagulation between female

    and another man becomes extreme iniquity. Due to this reason, women are considred as the most virtuous

    giving equivalent synonyms such as Sthreeratna.


    The birth chart of the girl is separate which reveals the entire destiny under Vismshottari system. That deals

    with the matter related with birth to death such as full longevity of the native. The birth chart is using for

    matching making and other compatibility. Rithu chart is not utilised for determining any karmic problems,

    assets and analysing the main period or sub-period of the planets and their influences. Rithu charts cannot be

    used when menopause occurred. Rithu chart is only applicable to the female based on few aspects due to their

    anatomy and life style distinctions. Pregnancy and child birth is closely related with female, they are given

    utmost priority linking with genesis.

    In Rithu Jataka, foreseeing the results about 5th and 9th house deals with conceptions and progenies. The 7th and

    8th bhava is related with husband and wife which is one and same as applicable to birth chart. Marriage and

    matching making is done mostly based on the compatibility of bride and groom. Out of 10 matches made by

    comparing birth stars of bride and groom, at least five matches such as dinam (health and longevity), gana (for

    governance and peace of mind), yoni (sexual satisfaction), rashi (progeny), rajju (longevity of husband) shall

    be must for a healthy marital life. Apart from this, proper horoscope matching is also required based on the

    planetary locations in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th houses.


    The colour of the menstrual blood is described by Lord Dhanwantari through the following verses:

    मासेनोपलचरं् काले धमनीभ्ां र्दार्तवम् । ईषतृ्कष्ण लवदगं्ध च वायुयोलनमुखं

    नयेर्।। ( सुशु्रर् शारीरस्थान अ.3 वाक्य 8)

    During the period, sloughing off the thickened blackened blood from the uterine lining is quite natural to

    several women due to obstruction of the unbalanced effects of Air and Phlegm in the passage. The menstrual

    blood wedged in the uterus without oxidation gets brownish red colour. The menstruation process commences

    at the twelfth year, flowing once in every month, and persists till the fiftieth year naturally when it departs with

    the sensible deterioration of the body. The foremost pranas are prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana

    associated to the different life processes in the body. Out of which the Apana is a force that exists in the navel

    and is liable for the following functions.

    1. Throwing out stools.

    2. Removal of urine.

    3. Discharge of semen.

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    4. Discharge of ovum during menstruation / aborted pregnancy.

    5. Labour (child birth ).

    All of them they are all forces of denial in a downward direction. The pranas are considering in a spiritual

    mode having adherent propinquity to one another under the process of rejection. Therefore accepting the

    process either spiritual or religious principles during the menstrual period become wasteful and detrimental in

    case of women. The Vedic concept treat the women with menstrual stained clothes as a symbol of sin. The

    impurities of women folk during celibacy both in terms of physical and mental aspects. Mythological belief of

    Mayan treat the menstruation as a chastisement for infringing the social rules of marital alliance and menstrual

    blood is used for sorcery and evil practices. Traditional clans keep the first blood stained clothes are a custom

    linking the puberty with spiritual phenomena.


    आर्तवं सौलर्कं चैव, मात्र्यवं र्तु्ससंगमम् । अशौचं कलथरं् देवै:, लिजानां सुव्रर्ात्मनाम्


    There are three types of untouchables are narrated in the texts according to the puberty persuasion. Out which

    first one is monthly, second one is child bedded or birth related and third one is due to death, and the fourth

    one is due to contact of the persons responsible for funeral rituals.

    लदनत्रय-मशौचं स्यार्् सा चरु्थेऽलि शुर्द्धयलर् । पत्यौ लह केविं सा च, दान-पूजासु


    The Menstrual woman should be isolated for first three days and after fourth day she gets pureness through

    holy bath and enable to prepare food for the spouses and allowed to offering and worship as per her perfect


    उपयुतपरर संजार्ा, भूयो भूयो रजस्विा । दान-पूजा-लक्रयादौ च, नालधकारोऽस्त्रस्त सवतथा।

    If a lay woman face menstrual outflow even after holy bath and observe intermittent bleeding, she has to do

    offerings of utensils and Jin-Worship whereas she has no right to do any virtual activities.

    रोगालद-कारणाज्जार्ा, भूयो भूयो रजस्विा। र्स्या अप्यलधकारो न, दान-पूजालद-कमतलण।।

    Those who infectious due to contagious diseases during which menstruation falls they are not deserved to

    perform sacraments and other propitiation activities.


    Our traditional texts are the treasure of human etiquette against all rituals covered in life.

    रजस्विा लह चैकाने्त, लर्िेन्मौनेन सा र्दा । ब्रह्मचयत-समायुक्ता, जन-स्पशतलववलजतर्ा।

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    They should perform mounavrat and to keep the chaste abstinence without touching the opposite sex belongs to

    outward family.

    गृहकायं न सा कुयातद्, गानं नृतं्य च वादनम् । सीवनं रन्धनं हासं्य, पेषणं जिगािनम्।।

    लवदधालर् न षट्कमत, ध्यायन्ती श्रीलजनं हृलद । गुरुदेवजनै: साधं, कुयातनै्नव च भाषणम्।। They should refrain from internal household affairs, amusement activities, mockering, hallucination; avoiding

    illicit karmas. They need to pass the time with the memory of the God without chanting the mantras.

    नीरसं भोजनं कुयातर््, पत्त्र ेलपत्ति-भाजने । कुयातिैकाशनं शुरं्द्ध, रहलस स्वस्थ-


    They can have liquid food items using bronze utensils and have the food only once in a day.

    चरु्थेऽलि लवदध्यात्सा, स्नानं पूणं सवस्त्रकम् । उष्णोदकेन वा शुर्द्ध-जिेनाचमनास्त्रिर्ा ।।

    र्र्: प्रसन्न-भावेन, पलरं् सा समिोकयेर्् । र्मेव भावयेस्त्रिते्त, र्स्या एर्द् व्ररं् मर्म् ।। She can have bath along with the used clothes preferably in a pond and have the first glace of her husband with

    due celibacy and determination. The used clothes should made dry separately, keeping aloof from others.

    दुब्भाव-असुलच-सूदग-पुप्फवई-जाइसंकरादीलहं । कय-दाणा लव कुवते्त, जीवा कुणरेसु


    If the offerings are made with immoral thoughts it is considered as intentional mistake. Hence violating the

    concepts of panchshuddhi is causative for combination of caste and religion and the malefic effects are

    attributed to rebirth in immoral family belongs to vilest land. The panchshuddhi covers Atmashuddhi,

    Sthanashuddhi, mantrashuddhi, dravyashuddi and devashuddhi.

    आत्मशुस्त्रर्द्धः स्थानशुस्त्रर्द्धः मन्त्रस्य शोधनं र्था | द्रर्व्शुस्त्रर्द्धदेवशुस्त्रर्द्धः शुस्त्रर्द्धः पञ्चलवधेररर्ा ||

    आत्मस्थानमनुद्रर्व्देवशुस्त्रर्द्धश्च पञ्चमी | यावन्न लक्रयरे् देलव र्ावदे्दवाचतनं नलह ||

    The aforesaid shuddhis differ from one tantra to another such as Kularnava.

    देव पूजा गुरुपास्त्रस्त:, स्वाध्याय: संयमस्तप: । दानं चेलर् गृहस्थानां, षट्कमातलण लदने लदने।।

    After acquiring perfect purity, they can go to temples for worship, chanting, offering, and penance and offering

    covered by Shadkarma.

    फिं ध्यानािरु्थतस्य, षष्ठ्योद्यममात्रर्:। अष्टमस्य र्दारमे्भ, गमने दशमस्य रु्।।१७८।।

    िादशस्य र्र्: लकंलचन्मधे्य पर्क्ोपवासजम् । फिं मासोपवासस्य िभरे् चैत्यदशतनार््


    चैत्याङ्गणं समासाद्य यालर् षण्मालसकं फिम् । फिं वषोपवासस्य प्रलवश्य िारमशु्नरे्।।१८०।।

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    फिं प्रदलर्क्णीकृत्य भुङ््तते्त वषतशर्स्य रु् । दृष्ठ्वा लजनास्यमाप्नोलर् फिं वषतसहस्रजम्


    अनंर्फिमाप्नोलर् सु्तलरं् कुवतन् स्वभावर्: । नलह भते्तलजतनेन्द्राणां लवद्यरे् परमुत्तमम्।।१८२।।

    Many of the women used to conduct fasting for a period of five days, and some of them continued this up to

    twelve days and pay the visit to temple. Some of them may undertake fasting for a tenure of one month, six

    moth and a twelve months and adorn the deities as their customs. As far as meditation is concerned, the Dhyana

    Shuddhi needs to be analysed at par with the state of human mind which is categorised as (1) Artta Dhyana,

    (2) Raudra Dhyana, (3) Dharma Dhyana and (4) Shukla Dhyana. As per Hinduism, the first two are

    inauspicious and the latter two are propitious. The first two is connected with causation of the worldly

    transmigration whereas Dharma and Shukla Dhyana lead to liberation and are noble-dhyana. The Artta

    Dhyana is associated with painful experiences of humankind that is performed to catch hold of the

    undergoing mental state that covers Anishta Samyoga, Ishta Viyoga, Roga Chinta and Nidana. In all the four

    states the man endure with mental agony about the prevalent circumstances. When the mind is filled with

    wrath, abhorrence, meanness and ferocity with evil plans, it is called Raudra Dhyana. In such a state one can

    feel the immoral activities such as destroying others, violent actions, falsehood, deceit, dexterity in theft,

    ferocious attitude, sexual enjoyment and other anti-social element. Dharma Dhyana is connected with

    intrinsic nature of the mind that focus upon universal upliftment and spiritual enlightenment. The mind,

    remaining peaceful and steady in this manner, reaches the stage of pure knowledge.


    अहने्यव बलहगतचे्छद्यर्वाग्रजलस सु्ररे् अवर्ज्ज्त स्पशतनादन्यदसु्पषै्वव गृहािधू ।

    न स्परशेश्च गृहं क्वालप पशचि स्वस्थानमाश्रयेद् न दन्तधावनं कुयातन्नभृङं्ग नान्जनं दृशे ।

    न कुयाति कलश्चि् स्पशतमात्मोपकरालिना स्वसंर्ानालिनापे्रष्या स्तन्यपानोपजीवनाि् ।

    रृ्र्ीयेहालन न स्नानु्मदक्याया लवधीयरे् प्राप्तौ रू्पवसेत्तत्र स्नात्वाकायतस्य कमतण: ।

    पतं्र लपप्पिसंभूरं् नैयग्रोधमधाऽलप वा चरु्थेहालन रु् स्नायदालदत्योदयर्ः परम् ।4

    If the mesnstruation is occured on day time, the woman should keep mum without touching the restricted things

    inside amd move outside. In case of nigh mensstruation moving out of the bedroom is not preferable whereas

    she should avoid the untouchable items carefully. She has to take rest at the isolated place without brushing

    the teeth, using oil and other cosmetics. She can use seoarate utensils without having touch with others. She

    can touch own child who is ina feeding state. In case she has indulge with any rites or naimithika karmas, she

    has to performed fasting. They can perform Shradha karmas on the next day having holi bath as per the local

    custom. Consequent to holy bath on 4th day before sun rise, she gets perfect purity and liberated from the

    untouchables implied as the custom.

    o प्रथमे हालन चण्डािी लिर्ीये ब्रह्मघार्की रृ्र्ीये राजकी प्रोक्ता चरु्थे हलन शुद्ध्यरे् ।

    4 Shankasmuthi Laghudharma Prakashika.pdf Edited on 20-06-2016 Chp-12, Pada-3, pp 133 to 136.

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    o केलचर्् पञ्चदशाहर्ः परमध्स्त्वेकोन लवशािहं पूवतस्त्रिन् लदवसेनु्त्यजेव लदवसेन्यस्त्रिन

    लिजद्रोलहणी रृ्र्ीये रजकी चरु्थतलदवसे शुर्द्धास्वयं कमतसु स्वर्ने्त्रण रु् पाचमे शुलचमर्ी

    रोगालद नो दोशकृर्् । Many of the hindu clans see the mesntruated women on first day as Chandalee, second day as Bhrhmaghatakee,

    third day as extempted and forth day as perfect. Some other people impose more untouchable on them which is

    not a healthy paractice to accept in a civlized world. According to Saint Bhargava, the royal blooded women

    should follows the rules of menstruation in thier family and they should have first glace of thier husband after

    performing the holy bath on the day four.

    According to Varahamihiracharya, Stree prashamsaadhya is available wherein female are given more priority

    than male natives. As per the yogachudamani Upanishad, it is clearly mentioned that the menstruation cycle

    is happening due to the influence of the omnipotent sun and moon.

    लबन्दुब्रतह्मा रजः शस्त्रक्तलबतन्दुररन्दू रजो रलवः । उभयोः सङ्गमादेव प्राप्यरे् परमं पदम् ॥

    वायुना शस्त्रक्तचािेन पे्ररररं् च यथा रजः । यालर् लबन्दुः सदैकतं्व भवेलद्दर्व्वपुस्तदा ॥

    शुकं्ल चने्द्रण संयुकं्त रजः सूयेण सङ्गर्म् । र्योः समरसैकतं्व यो जानालर् स योगलवर्् ॥5

    The strength of airy planet Saturn is also linked which is pushing out the secretions od menstrual blood from

    the body.


    The visibility of first menstruation fallen on stars Dhanishta, Punarvasu, Magha, Purvaphlaguni, Uttarphalguni,

    Hastha, Pushya, Bharani, Uttarashada, Margashira, Rohini, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshta,

    UttarbhardaPada, Revati is considred as highly auaspicious. As it falls on tidhis such as Chathudashi,

    Dwadashi, Shahti, Navami, Ashtami, Charthurthi, Amavasya and week days such as sunday, tuesday, saturday

    are awfully malefic. Rising of malefic plants in Ascendant and malefic amshakas are particularly not


    वस्वालदत्य मघा चरु्गुतरुमया वैशं्य शशी रोलहणी वायर्व्ालद चरु्ष्कबुलिभयुरं् पौषं्ण च मुखं्य


    मिकांगनवाष्टवेदलर्थयो दशतस्त्रिर्ा लनस्त्रन्दर्ाः कन्यायां प्रथमार्तवे हृशुभदाः पापांशवारोदयाः


    The following signs covering, Taurus, Capricorn, Geminy, Acuarius and Saggitarius invariably considerable

    and treated as propitious for primary menstruation. If the puberty occus during Libra sign the native will be

    blessed with enough female progenies.

    5 Yogachudamani Upanishad Verses 62 to 64

    6 P.S.P.Namboothiri, Madhaveeyam (Mal) (2002) ST Reddyar & Sons, Quilon Chap.15, Ver-1, pp.198.

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    गोनक्रयमहृद्रोगर्ौलर्क्काखे्यषु रालशषु सुखं लवन््दतु्य: ऋरु्मर्ी कन्यायां कन्यकाप्रसुः ।7

    If the first menstruation commence at the time of Gandanta covering first Padas of Ashwini, Magha and Moola,

    the last Pada of Aslesha, Jyeshta and revati is highly inauspicious.

    आद्येंऽशे दस्रमघा मूिानां साप्पतश्क्क्रपौष्णानां चरमे यलद पुष्पवर्ी कुिर्ा वन्ध्या मृर्प्रजा

    भवलर् ।8

    Asa the puberty time fall within the Gandanta, the native will be a harlot, impotent or a mother of dead


    The first menstruation falls under Antaranga Nakshatras such as Karthika, Rohinee, Margashira and Ardra is

    highly outstanding.

    अन्तरङे्गषु नर्क्ते्र ऋरु्योगः प्रशस्यरे् बाहे्यषु लनन््द्रे् सवेस्त्रष्वलर् केलचि् बुधाजगुः ।9

    If the same falls in Bahiranmga Nakshatras covering Punravasu, Pushya and Aslesha is bitterly unfavourable as

    told by the learneds.


    There are certain influential factors which deteremine the life of female throuhg Rithu Jataka and the planetary

    postions on the day in on which puberty has fallen in. Fundamentally there has no difference in casting the

    male charts as such whereas predictions may for female in few aspects in line with thiere anatamy and life style

    diversity. As per anatomy,development of braeast and ovary are directly connected with 4th and 5th house in a

    female chart. While analysing the 5th and 9th house which denotes conception and children create kalatra dosha

    which may afflict the life qualities of the female. The female will be blessed with qualitative husband and

    gratified conjugal lifre if the 7th house which is no0t affliected the malefic grahas such as Mars, Satrurn, Rahu

    and Ketu. In case of negative impacts, proper remedy needs to be done to have a good husband with obliging

    relationship along with good progenies. The 9th house in female chart indicate children and 5th house denotes

    conception and probabilities for abortion. She will become childless when 9th house is seriously affected. The

    malefic planet located in 5th bhava indicates overy problems. Rahu located in 5th house become casative for

    development of minute germs in the ovary which ius harmful to ovum that distrubd the conception of baby.

    Mars conjoined in 5th house creates more temperature in the overy to spoil the conception ultimately hurt the

    embryo. Saturn in the fifth house fills up the Vayu (gas) due to its vata nature and prevents floating of spern

    cells entered in the overy. Ketu in the 5th house damage the tissues of the overy which delay the perfect

    conception of the baby. The 5th and 9th house of the female chart should nopt be affected by any malefic

    planets to have a healthy pregnancy and child birth. The 7th house is knwon as Kalatra sthana that signify the

    characterestics of the husband, sexual happiness and ecstacy. The 8th house is called Mangalaya Sthana which

    7 P.S.P.Namboothiri, Madhaveeyam (Mal) (2002) ST Reddyar & Sons, Quilon Chap.15, Ver-2, pp.198. 8 P.S.P.Namboothiri, Madhaveeyam (Mal) (2002) ST Reddyar & Sons, Quilon Chap.15, Ver-3, pp.198. 9 P.S.P.Namboothiri, Madhaveeyam (Mal) (2002) ST Reddyar & Sons, Quilon Chap.15, Ver-4, pp.198.

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    is adherently related with marital; tie and longevity of the husband. Combination of any malefic planet is 8th

    house creaties Mangalaya Dosha whcih spoil the marital life either by seperation from the husband or divorce

    or by his untimely death.


    Marriage should be arranged for a girl subsequent to compeltion of appropriate remedies if the Ruthu is occured

    on a inasupicious day, thidhi, constallation, months,yogas, karanas, planetary locations ans stregth of the

    planet. Happy life of a girl is determined based on the clothes worn at the time of first menses, person who see

    the phenonomena and the colour of the menstrual discharge. It is beleived that the quality of the cloth worn by

    the girl during puberty posses certain linkage with marriage. If she worn white clothe during first menses her

    life will be blessed with happiness and properity. She will live like a queen and be fortuntae if she worn silk

    cloth during her Ruthi. Usage of torn cloth, red, black,dirty cloth denotyes poverty, disease, widowhood and

    ultimate sorrow respectively. Her parents should concentrate in selecting the rightg garments, night clothers for

    thier girl who is about to attain puberty. For them, white, yellow, green, are the recommended colours for those

    who are attining 12 years. The black and red colours are strictly restricted in several kinfolk. As far as the

    person who confirm the first menses also have itsown importance. If a married woman (Mangalaya Stree) has

    witnessed the firt menses, the lady will have happy life with her husband. The first menses witnessed by a

    widow, childless woman, woman currently in menses are resricted to confirm the puberty. As part of shakuna,

    the girl who taked first batha (Mangala Snana) afer first menses shoud look at the objects like sandal wood,

    lotus, mirro, cow, elephant or Ashtamangala materials. Women who attained puberty on ianuspicious muhurta

    will face troubloes in thier marital life, In view of this, the bad effects of such muhurta needs to be minimised

    to a gret extent by doing proper remedy as suggested by the Vedic Scholars.


    Mesha – scarcity; Rishabha - plentiful livestock; Mithuna – desire; Karka – immorality; Simha – enough

    progeny; Kanya – several daughters; Tula - businessman; Vrischika – depravity; Dhanus - detrimental to

    husband; Makara - lovely conversation; Kumbha - propitious for both parental and marital home and Meena –



    Aswini - widowhood

    Bharani - many daughters

    Krithika- harmful for sons

    Rohini - enjoyments

    Mrigashira - gains

    Ardra - bad company

    Punarvasu- no marriage

    Pushya - royal comforts

    Aslesha - loss of sons

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    Magha - many sons

    P.Phalguni - fortunate

    U.Phalguni - diseases

    Hasta - monetary gains

    Chitra - comforts

    Svati - heart disease

    Visakha - loss of wealth

    Anuradha - comforts

    Jyeshta - polyandry

    Mula- widowhood

    Poorvashada - prosperity

    Uttarashada - comforts

    Sravana - abundance of ornaments

    Dhanishta - all enjoyments

    Satabhishak - all enjoyments

    P.oorvabhadraPada- first child female

    UttarabhadraPada - prosperity

    Revati - comforts from husband


    Pradhama - virtuous children

    Dviteeya - virtuous children

    Triteeya - comforts

    Chaturthi - dishonesty

    Panchami - many sons

    Shashti - loss of sons

    Saptami - less sons

    Ashtami - diseases

    Navami - hardships

    Dasami - comforts

    Ekadasi - many sons

    Dvadasi - widowhood

    Trayodasi - comforts from husband

    Chaturdasi - immorality

    Poornima – blessed with all gains

    Amavasya – dissipation

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    Bava – reputation; Balava – harsh; Kaulava - sensual pleasure; Taitila - family fortune

    Gara - physical potency; Vanija – perception; Vishti- hardship; Shakuni – attitude; Chatushpat – uprightness;

    Naga - more daughters; and Kimstughna - lowliness.


    Sunday – immorality; Monday – chastity; Tuesday – misery; Wednesday - many sons;

    Thursday – gains; Friday-good husband and Saturday - all losses.


    Sun : misery;

    Chandra and Sukra : death

    Kuja : bondage;

    Budha : loss of sons;

    Guru : destruction;

    Sani : widowhood and

    Rahu & Ketu : poverty

    If 7th from rutulagna is empty it is auspicious,


    Self – misfortune; Married woman – auspicious; Widow – widowhood; Maid- affluence; Man – insufficiency;

    Unmarried woman – providential; While taking food - distress

    While asleep - widowhood


    Old black – melancholy; Beautiful black – worthy; Multicolored - scarceness

    Red – infirmities; White - enough children


    The vicinity of drops has been treated with the following results in in this system.

    First drop gives wealth

    Second drop gives good enjoyments

    Third drop diseases

    More than Three drops poverty

    If the Mars links the star in which the first menses occurs , symbolises untimely death of children.

    The Jupiter makes her virtuous.

    The Sun will give forfeiture of husband.

    The Rahu will make her clandestine.

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    The Saturn will formulate her a maid servant .

    The Moon in eighth house brings fatalistic threats.

    The Venus in seventh bhava will bestow married life in abroad.

    The Saturn provides enslavement.


    In the Indian context where truth, belief , knowledge and customs are amalgamated each other Ruthu Jatalka is

    casted by the enthusiastic parents to know the forthcoming effects about longevity and marital life of the girls.

    The total life of a girl encounter rapid changes consequent her puberty and gets feminine qualities. Along with

    physical changes, physiological changes also give much impact to mould her character after Ruthu. Though the

    birth chart of a girl exposes entire destiny, the Ruthu chart shows only about the marital life, children,

    cheerfulness, longevity of husband, conjugal harmony and the character of the native. If the Ruthu chart

    encounters any Kalatra Dosha or Mangalya Dosha, proper remedies are to be taken before the marriage. It is

    emphasised that this chart is applicable up to menopause and will not determine the karmic effects and other

    effects connected with deities. Practically it is very difficult to make the chart proper as they are unable to

    detect the exact time and other external symptoms of the first menses. Therefore the ruthu chart is required to

    be verified inter terms Nakshatra Padas which is stipulated for 6 house or 15 Nadis.


    Stree Dosha is an astrological situation in the horoscope of an individual resulting from the blasphemy of a

    woman during the past lives. The detrimental effects of this provision can enunciate adversative results in the

    married life. The basic reason for Stree dosha is the profanity occured during the past life in response to the

    cruelties done to her. Another tormenting causes for Stree dosha is overlooking or disdain of the family

    deity. This malefic effect will be reflected in the horoscope due to conjunction of Venus with any of the

    malefic planets such as Rahu, Ketu and Saturn which wil resulted in confrontational effects in the life of a

    person. Another effect is due to Shrapit dosha occured during the sick periods that can be detected by the

    combination of Rahu-Venus, Venus-Rahu, Ketu-Venus, Venus-Ketu, Venus-Saturn, Saturn-Venus happens in a

    particular house of the horoscope. Divorces, remarriages, absence of issues and illnesses of children are some

    of the ill-effects resulting from Stree dosha. Worshipping Goddess Durga to propitiate Rahu and chanting its

    mantras on Fridays are best remedies for Streedoasha. Adoration of Ashtalaxmi against the presiding dfeity of

    Venus and using Mahalalshmi Yantras are very helpful. Propeitiating the gooddess Anjenaya and Shredharma

    Sastha on Saturdayas, Mrutyunja Mantra Japa and Visiting Navagfraha Temple is the best remedy for

    Saturning effects.


    There are ample versifications about the usage of medicine and immunisation of the human body before the

    genesis of progenies. Especially the woman gets priority to have medicine and perform medicinal bath to

    stregthen the internal organs which directely connected with pregnanacy and child birth.

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    रके्तलधके स्त्री पुरुषसु्त शुके्ल नपंुसकं शोलणर्शुक्लसामे्य

    र्िादर्ः शुक्लवृस्त्रर्द्धर्ालन लनषेलवर्र्व्ालन रसायनालन ।

    Accordingly if the secretion of blood is more, iot is causative to become a female child and exudation of surplus

    semen is causative for male child. If the semen and female blood is becoming identical the progeny will be a

    eunuch. For getting potency for both male and female, taking appropriate medicines such as Rasayanas and

    medicinal bath, as suggested in Ayurveda.


    During 1920,Dr. Serrik observed that the flowers in the hands of a rajaswala lost its freshness, In 1923, in

    England, Dr.Mickwerg conducted research wherein frogs were used. The frog passed on a rajaswala lost its

    speed and its leaps become shorter. Dr. Poland and Dr. Deal got yeast prepared by a rajaswala and identified

    that the fermentation process became deteriorated. They have noticed that the pickles used for domestic

    purpose also found spoiled due to her touch. The Papad (Crackers) grow red and lost their colour and taste.

    The Naans lost their puffing power. They investigated that the green and growing plant such as Tulsi got

    withered due to presence of rajaswala and dried up in a months period10.


    Ritushuddhi is considered as Ritu Kala Samskara is a Hindu samskara associated with the first menstruation.

    They tend to view first menstruation or menarche, as a progressive aspect of a girl's life. Hindu culture

    recommends Shanti-Karma as performed by various creeds in case of ephemeral perniciousness linked with month, tithi,

    star or day falls against rajo-darshana which leads to misery in the future. As per Garbhadana Samaskara, first

    menstruation is equivalent to fertile period for conceiving a new spirit. For his primary arrangement of the

    body, Rithu Suddhi (Cycles), Khsetra Suddhi (foetus), Ambu Shuddhi (Nutritional Medchanism) and Beeja

    Shuddi (Purity of Sperm) is essential for conception.

    धु्रवं चरु्णात सालन्नध्यार्् गभतः स्यार्् लवलधपूर्व्तकम् । रुरु्रे्क्त्रामु्बबीजानां समस्यार्् अंकुरो यथा ।

    (शुशु्रर् वचनम्)

    To overcome the ill effects, one has to perform Sukthapatha and Shanti Homa as per the Saastravidhi. The father of he

    girl needs to perfrom Ruthu Shanti and Bhuvaneswari Shanti in case of dosha from 5th day of pradhama rajo darshana.


    Ayurveda recognizes menstruation as a physiological process and like other physiological process, which is

    governed by the actions of the malefic effects. Ayurveda defines health and illness of a person based on

    balanced or imbalanced working of the ill-effects, and its working process in an individual at any given time

    as per biological clock of the nature. Ayurveda divides the entire monthly cycle into three phases viz., Ritu-

    Kala, Ritu-Vyateeta-Kala, and Rajahsrava-Kala and each of these phases are predominated by a different

    10 Scientific Basis of Hindu believes (Q-108) written by Dr, Bhojraj Dwivedi.

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    Dosha. Ritu-Kala refers to the proliferative phase during which follicles inside the ovaries develop and mature

    in preparation for ovulation. This phase is considered to be of a duration of 12-16 days and is dominated by

    Kapha Dosha, which governs regeneration and growth. Ritu-Vyateeta-Kala refers to the Secretory Phase,

    wherein various hormones and nutrients are secreted in anticipation of nourishing the embryo if conception

    were to take place. This phase will exist for a duration of 9-13 days and is dominated by Pitta Dosha, which

    governs all secretion activities in the body. Rajahsrava-Kala is the actual phase of menstruation, wherein the

    menstrual blood along with the endometrium is shed from the body. This phase exists for a duration of 3-5 days

    and is predominated by Vata Dosha (and the Apana vayu), which governs all movement within the body. The

    following summarizes various acceptable and unacceptable activities connected with the Rajaswala

    Paricharya, and its harmful effect on the conceived child, if prohibited elements are practiced for a long time.

    As prescribed in Ayurvedic Rajaswala Paricharya, along with abnormalities in child if prohibitions are not

    implemented by menstruating women over lengthy period.


    No Do’s during menstruation Don’ts during menstruation

    Irregularities in Child if Don’ts are



    To observe celibacy during

    the first three days of


    Sleeping during day time

    Use of Collegium

    Weeping, Crying

    Over Sleepy Blind

    Visual Disturbances

    2. Sleep on Kusha Mattress Bathing and Anointments Miserable

    Massage Skin disorders


    Should eat meal made of

    ghee, Shali rice, and milk;

    or meal made of barley

    Nail Pairing


    Deformity in nails

    Reckless, indecisive


    To eat food directly taking

    over palm, or in clay

    utensils, leaves

    Laughing and Indulging in

    long conversations

    Discoloration of teeth, lips and tongue-

    Over talkative

    5 To take food in less quantity Listening to various topics

    Combing Deaf and Bald

    6 Concentrate on splendid and

    auspicious things

    Nasal instillation of medicine

    Exposure to wind, Fatigue


    Menstrual abnormalities in female child

    Mental illness

    Table 1 Do's and Don'ts during Menstruation Period.


    Thirandu kalayanam" known as "celebration of puberty" on the other hand is not so unique to our culture.

    There are other cultures, which also celebrate the first menstrual period, as the joyous occasion of the reaching

    of the "productive capacity" of the girl. What makes Nairs interesting, if not unique, is the series of rituals the

    girl goes through as they pass through the menarche.

    Many of the Nair families in Kerala are still conducting celebrations connected with Thirandu Kalyanam as a

    concept of marriage with the "modern" civilizations is still following. However, looking at it objectively, this is

    cultural system and by ensuring separation of sex, child-bearing and giving utmost priority to women in terms

    of mother hood. This South Indian tradition is mainly follows expounded celebration is conducted when a girl

    reaches her sexual maturity. It is an age old tradition which is being followed for years now across South

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    Indian families. The girl who reaches her puberty is actually treated as a princess. This celebration is

    exclusively for her with all the attention. On attaining puberty, the girl is kept in a separate room where only

    females are allowed. No men can actually enter the girls room. She is kept in the same room for 15 days until

    all the rituals related to menstruation are completed. The celebration takes place on the 16th day when many

    guest are invited. The girl is given an absolutely healthy and nutritious vegetarian diet for next 15 days. The

    diet includes Ragi (One of the healthiest food in South India), eggs, urad lentils cooked in sesame oil. The

    reason behind such a diet is also backed by beliefs like it would help in the girl’s pregnancy. This diet is

    undertaken to help strengthen the body for childbirth and also help in strengthening the pelvic bones of the girl.

    On the 16th day the isolation period gets over and it’s the day of celebration. A huge ceremony is held which is

    attended by many relatives and friends. The Girl is decorated like a bride, she is gifted her first silk saree and is

    decked up with jewellery and flowers. After the girl gets ready she is made to sit in the celebration, where

    some priest performs some rituals. They conducts special prayers and rituals are over the girl is again given a

    bath with a special water which is mixed with turmeric powder and neem leaves. After the bath the girl is again

    dressed up in a traditional cloth. Some people even celebrate the main day on the 7th day itself, this is because

    now a days not all people prefer disclosing such facts. The celebration can be big or small in size and

    extravagance; it totally depends upon how the family chooses to celebrate it. In the current era, not all girls

    want to disclose such news to the entire world. However, people who like lavish celebrations even throw parties

    which look nothing less lavish than weddings. Friends and Relatives attend this function and give wonderful

    gifts and blessing to the girl, post which they enjoy a grand meal. The family head call the astrologer to read the

    Ritu Jataka to know the future of the girl. If found any malefic effects, they perform special propitiation

    activities as suggested by the Learned and Priest.


    According to Ayurveda, poor diet and inefficient digestion are the main causative factors for these disorders.

    Improperly digested food leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins are circulated by the blood

    to the deep tissues and channels, where they cause blockages and stagnation. These conditions cause

    aggravation of Vata Dosha (air) and the Rakta Dhatu (blood). The aggravated Vata brings impaired blood into

    the channels carrying the raj (menstrual blood), leading to increased menstrual blood flow.

    Ayurveda recommends different types of treatment to treat menstrual problems. These include nourishing and

    toning herbs as well as rejuvenative treatment in accordance with the nature of the disorder. Massage and the

    incorporation of meditation and yoga may also be beneficial for permanent elimination of the problems. It is

    important to address these menstruation problems because a woman expels a large proportion of her wastes and

    toxins through this process. If these toxins remain in the body, they cause further stagnation and blockage

    within the body.

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    Using Shatavari Capsules, Prandrank Churna, Chandraprabha Vati and Shilajit are the highly recommended

    Ayurvedic medicines against menstrual problems from the very ancient periods. A woman during her menses is

    is called Rajaswala in Ayurveda and the rules to be followed by the Rajaswala is called the Rajaswala

    Paricharya. Rajaswala Paricharya needs to be seen not as “oppressive restrictions” being imposed on females,

    but rather as therapeutic prescription. For those with Vata vitiation, Shatavari, Ashwagandha,

    Dashmoolarishta, Castor oil and regular ghee consumption can be suggested. Against Pitta vitiation, Sariva,

    Manjishta and Alovera help cool the blood and ease the flow with Kapha vitiation – Ginger, Cinnamon,

    Cardamom and Pepper help remove the blockages and heaviness.


    The unapproachability occurs in the form of touch, sight, olfaction, delicacy, and proximity (Sparsha,

    Drushya, Ghranam Rasya and Saamipya). Abomination by Contact with faeces, urine, Menstruated woman,

    Outcaste needs watery sanitization is treated as insignificant. Noticing truculent personalities, antagonists,

    strangers and seeing the unseen becomes prospective abhorrence. If the body becomes abhorrent it can be

    purified with drinking pure water, bathing in holy waters and splashing punyaha or holy water on the body.

    When the air is becoming contaminated which affects the body adversely, the sweating needs to be dried up in

    natural air. The Pandits are not using outer clothes because of this reason. For other material purification fire

    is used by means of touching, seeing or offering. For Mantra Shuddhi, purification can be carried out by

    chanting mantras and splashing holy water. For Smaran Shuddhi, memorizing the Guru or the Omnipotent

    Vishnu is the best method adopted by our ancestors. The contamination occurred due to blood stain, the face

    should be cleaned with milk, face with beetle leaves, atmosphere with mantras, water with sandal and other

    fragrance, house with cow dung, cow urine or panchagavya or Gangajala and Prana Shuddhi by using swift

    smelling camphor or equivalent things.


    As we are on verge of Technological Change and Discoveries, US-based Swapna Krishna has introduced Glow

    Fertility ovulation tracker otherwise known as period tracker. Health tracking in Glow is simple for

    determining the post menstruation period our ovulation calculator prediction gets more accurate as you enter

    more data. Woman who use ovulation tracker are 40% more likely to get pregnant.11 This app support to

    forecast periods and ovulation and its predictions become smarter over time which avoid or attempt pregnancy.

    I also extends valued helps those who are undergoing fertility treatments due to menstruation problems and

    associated intrauterine fertilization.

    11 Hindusthan Times Published on First Published: Sep 26, 2018 09:07 IST

  • © 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

    IJRAR19K2909 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 433


    1. Astrology remains an science of experiential sciences with high esteem covering human touch aiming at

    ultimate welfare of the mankind as a whole.

    2. The Customs and belief linked with Shodasakarma is applicable to all in a hindu way of life as a

    traditional system which never becomes a harm to the mankind.

    3. Knowing the unknowing through Ruthu Jataka and observing the forthcoming phenomena in life will

    be the best option to mankind to accept the remedial measure in advance.

    4. Casting Rithu Jataka stands optional and individual freedom as in the case of birth chart and

    Astrological belief in the common society.

    5. Our tradition see the womankind in a reputed distinction and treat them as deities and Sthreeratnas in

    terms of motherhood in a comprehensive manner.

    6. The ancient text Manusmurti possess variegated description upon pollution and untouchables of

    menstrual blood, keeping the desirable position to womankind.

    7. Maintaining the hygienic conditions and keeping the self in a hygienic attitude in a isolated manner is

    the wide-ranging social policy, as taught by our ancestors.

    8. Accepting the best in terms of social benefit and rejecting the depraved one with freewill is still

    applicable in case of Ruthu Jataka.

    9. Based on the effectiveness and practicability following the menstrual methods in line with Ruthu period

    and casting Ruthu Jathakam is worth even in the civilized society to know the forthcoming in advance.

    10. The menstrual cycle is much more important than the hygienic explanations under the mechanics of

    sex and hereditary child birth wherein life depends upon reality of the menstrual cycle or puberty.

    11. The society should provide respect and high esteem to women who act as instrumental to flourish with

    nobility and prosperity of the man and the family as a whole. Man and women are incomplete without

    each other wherein participation of women is inevitable for conduct of any religious or spiritual activity

    without discrimination.

    12. Before taking remedies Pancha Karma Chikitsa is required applying levigated paste of drugs (Kalka),

    medicated Pecharies (Ficliu), Pathya (Diet) and wast with decoctions (Achamana). Appearance of

    clotted blood needs Ayurvedic medicines made of Sandal.12


    While conducting Astrological analysis of Rithu Charts, its interlinking evidence must come from personal

    experience of individual. This experiential evidence conjoined with the study of astrology becomes true

    knowledge. Therefore any belief or disbelief without knowledge is a preconception. Psychologically, women

    are just more accessible, more instinctive, and more persisted in, whereas men tend to be logical and sequential.

    They are much more persuaded to speculate about hypothetical circumstances.

    12 Kavirak Kunjalal Bhishagrantha, The Shushruta samhia-II(1991) Bharath Printers, Calcutta, pp124-125.

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    IJRAR19K2909 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 434

    The custom of 'Untouchabilty' continued to be prevalent in operation for centuries and having habitual

    obedience developed along with Vedic civilizations. Many of them are tolerated psychologically in the name

    of religion by categorising as acceptable and unacceptable. The Varna Systems were convinced in allowing

    the practice of un-touchability linked with Puberty in the name of 'Param-Dharma which is causative get

    liberation after their death.

    The Vedas never specified anywhere that a woman’s body is fouled. Prohibiting women from entering temples

    and reprimanding them as impure is squarely against the teachings of the Vedas. There is no proper reference

    equivalent in English for the Sanskrit term ‘Dharma’ which is generally adjudicated as right duty or

    righteousness. Any human action bring Sreyas (liberation) and Abhyudaya (exaltation) is Dharma which

    brings well-being of all. The responsibility that secures conservancy of human being is Svadharma. It means

    one’s own duty in accordance with the Varnashrama or caste and order of life which are founded according to

    the qualities born of the nature.

    Indian yogic philosophy describe about three gunas such as tamas (black), rajas(red) and sattva(white).

    Anything that is an excretion from the body such as sweat, blood and tears are toxic and are classified under

    tamas that form darkness or obscurity. In view of this, among the traditional Hindus touching a menstruating

    woman is considered a ‘Tamasic’ (incongruous) act. The discrimination of man and women in terms of

    menstrual untouchabilities, it is better to use free will to detect the unholy bodies and unholy minds, based on

    time and causations fundamentally.

    The puberty denotes distressing symptoms surround to a woman’s menstrual ignoring symptoms of her

    body and emotional, or physical needs or imbalances. Thy are usually a wake up calls informing the toxins

    accumulated from the intake food, stress level of the life style. Medical science denotes that the lower level of

    oestrogen and progesterone during menstruation period, the testosterone affects the sexual pleasure and self-

    preparation. In Astrology one can understand the libido and the marital perfection of the woman by verifying

    the Ruthu Chart in a simplest way. The biological process of women fertility cycle is a different phenomenon

    disrupted by natural inclination synchronised with lunar movements. By the influence of Mars and Moon each

    woman gets potential to ovulate based on the phases change within 27 days. The Puberty is connected with

    Lunar ovulation causative for conjugation and pregnancies which happens when they became fertile or free

    from toxins. Using a Ruthu Chart, we can understand about crankiness, impatience, annoyance, marital life,

    sexual satisfaction, vitality, progenies and premenstrual syndrome if any. Those who are having negative

    impacts in the Ruthu Chart, meditation is the best remedy to control the blood cycle.


    This research explore the salient features of birth of a female child by which she is living in this world to

    produce the progenies as human morality. The male born natives have single birth chart whereas the female

    has double horoscope, prepared at the time of birth and the Ritu Jatakam is mending based on the time of

    puberty. The matter in question is that which one stands more important in case of birth or ritu chart. As the

  • © 2019 IJRAR June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

    IJRAR19K2909 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 435

    female has two phases known as the pre stage of puberty and motherhood period which is applicable them.

    This aspect is linked with conceiving power and delivery of child by the females. Meanwhile casting rithu

    jatakam is to know the future prospectus of the girl in terms genesis and motherhood. The sole purpose of

    casting ritu jatakam is to take hygienic precautions for the girl herself and to realise the planetary adverse

    effects if any. It is better to know the malefic effects if any in the prior stage itself, one can take precautions

    through propitiation of god, japa, homa, medication, offering and pacifying the family deities to ensure better

    prospectus. These are all stands as part of Vedic culture, samhitas and Astrology which is highly fruitful in a

    philanthropic manner which cannot be denied even in the modern period. The open ended research gives ample

    opportunity to conduct further research in Vedic Astrology covered in the Horas and samhitas where in time.

    Space and causation factor play in a predominant role always.


    1. P.S.P.Namboothiri, Madhaveeyam (Mal) (2002) ST Reddyar & Sons, Quilon Chap.15, Ver-4, pp.198. 2. Puliyoor P.S.P.Namboothiri (2002) Brihad samhita (Mal), Devi Book Stall, Kodungallur. Chap-74, Ver-12, pp.382. 3. Swami Sidhinathananada, Manusmiriti (Mal) (2016), Prabudha Keralam Press, Trichur. 4. P.S.P.Namboothiri, Madhaveeyam (Mal) (2002) ST Reddyar & Sons, Quilon Chap.15, Ver-4, pp.198. 5. Blessings of the Blood: A Book of Menstrual Lore and Rituals for Women Author

    Celu Amberston.

    6. Vedic Astrology: A Guide to the Fundamentals of Jyotish Ronnie Gale Dreyer 7. The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation, Janice Delaney, Mary Jane Lupton, Emily Toth 8. Culture, Society, and Menstruation, edited by Virginia L. Olesen, Nancy Fugate Woods 9. Regulating Menstruation – Beliefs, Practices Interpretations by Etienne van de Walle, Elisha P. Renne – 2001 10. Magic and Mystery of Menstruation by Luisa Francia (1991)

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