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Analysis of Recurrent Neural Networks forProbabilistic Modeling of Driver Behavior

Jeremy Morton, Tim A. Wheeler, and Mykel J. Kochenderfer

Abstract—The validity of any traffic simulation model dependson its ability to generate representative driver accelerationprofiles. This work studies the effectiveness of recurrent neuralnetworks in predicting acceleration distributions for car-followingon highways. Long short-term memory recurrent networks aretrained and used to propagate simulated vehicle trajectoriesover ten-second horizons. On the basis of several performancemetrics, the recurrent networks are shown to generally matchor outperform baseline methods in replicating driver behavior,including smoothness and oscillatory characteristics present inreal trajectories. Our study reveals that the strong performanceis due to the ability of the recurrent network to identify recenttrends in the ego-vehicle’s state, and recurrent networks areshown to perform as well as feedforward networks with longerhistories as inputs.


Comprehensive risk assessments are required for automotivesafety systems before their release. Conducting such studiesoften requires real-world driving tests, which are expensive,time consuming, and subject to safety constraints. Simulationallows for testing a wide range of scenarios in a fraction ofthe time, at marginal cost, and at no risk of injury, but mustemploy accurate behavior models for traffic participants inorder to produce useful evaluation metrics. It is critical thatthe simulated behavior be as representative of actual drivingas possible; otherwise, the risk associated with a safety systemcould be significantly over- or underestimated.

Many methods have been proposed for learning micro-scopic driving models from real-world data. A large bodyof research exists for car-following models using fixed-formdistributions [1]–[4] that rely on specific response equations. Inparticular, Bonsall, Liu, and Young highlighted the deficien-cies in these models, which they attributed to safety-relatedassumptions, and argued that parameters ought to be learnedfrom real-world data [5].

Recent work has sought to automate the construction ofgeneral driver models from data using less restrictive prob-abilistic models. Agamennoni, Nieto, and Nebot developed asoftmax classifier over contextual features to identify a contextclass with an associated Gaussian acceleration distribution [6].Gindele, Brechtel, and Dillmann constructed a Gaussian dis-tribution over acceleration and turn-rate using random forestsover contextual features [7]. Wheeler, Robbel, and Kochen-derfer used Bayesian networks to generate predictions overacceleration and turn-rate for free-flow, following, and lane-change context classes [8]. Damerow and Eggert planned

The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University,Stanford CA, 94305 USA. {jmorton2, wheelert, mykel}

using a probabilistic risk map generated using the foresighteddriver model [9], [10]. Bahram, Hubmann, Lawitzky, et al.combined spatio-temporal cost maps to predict intentions withBayesian networks for classifying candidate maneuvers withintention-unaware local features [11]. These methods producedistributions over future actions, which can be sampled topropagate driving scenes in simulation, but rely on hand-selected features that are limited in their ability to capturenuanced temporal and spatial characteristics.

Deep neural networks have recently gained widespreadpopularity as universal function approximators, capable oflearning robust hierarchical features from complicated in-puts [12], [13]. Deep neural networks have outperformedtraditional state-of-the-art methods in fields as diverse as imageclassification [14] and natural language processing [15]. Theirefficiency, effectiveness, and flexibility make deep neural net-works highly attractive. Prior applications of neural networksto automotive behavior modeling include maximum likelihoodprediction in car-following contexts [16]–[19], lateral positionprediction [20], and maneuver classification to provide inputsto a hidden Markov model [21].

This paper describes neural car-following models developedbased on naturalistic driving data and outlines a generalmethodology for constructing such models. The human drivingmodels produce distributions over actions rather than max-imum likelihood predictions, allowing for stochastic predic-tions and the evaluation of statistical risk. Long short-termmemory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks [22] are comparedto feedforward networks and traditional baselines. The LSTMarchitecture can automatically learn relevant spatial and tem-poral features, reducing the need to record and input long se-quences. The resulting networks form generative distributionsover driver accelerations and are used to propagate simulatedtrajectories. Trajectories generated from the resulting modelsare compared using a wide range of metrics that quantify theirmodeling performance and oscillatory characteristics. Finally,the spatial and temporal features learned by the neural networkmodels are investigated, and it is found that LSTM networksrely largely on very recent information. It is shown that, ifthe input to a feedforward network is expanded to incorporatestate information from multiple time steps, it is able to matchthe performance of LSTM networks.


Car-following models capture the longitudinal interactionbetween a vehicle and the vehicle(s) before it. They are criticalcomponents of traffic simulation models, and model variationscan significantly impact the evaluation of system performance.

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Car-following models fall into two categories, fixed-formmodels with a small number of parameters and generalizablemodels with a large number of parameters. The former wereoriginally developed for the analysis of emergent macroscopictraffic patterns, while the latter are used for learning vehicle-specific microscopic behavior.

A. Fixed-Form Car-Following Models

Brackstone and McDonald review the five primary cate-gories of traditional fixed-form behavior models: the Gazis-Herman Rothery model, the collision avoidance model, lin-ear models, psychophysical models, and fuzzy logic-basedmodels [23]. The Gazis-Herman Rothery [1] class of modelspredicts the vehicle acceleration based on the vehicle’s currentspeed s(t), the relative speed r(t), the distance headway d(t),and includes an estimated driver reaction time T :

a(t) = α1sα2(t)

r(t− T )

dα3(t− T ), (1)

where t is the time at which predictions are made. The driverreaction time is typically on the order of 0.8 to 2s [5],and the three parameters α1:3 are constants that must becalibrated against a dataset. The values for α2 and α3 canvary significantly depending on the dataset [23].

The collision avoidance model predicts the safe followingdistance required to avoid frontal collisions using similarfeatures and several calibration constants [24]–[26]. The linearmodel of Helly extends the Gazis-Herman Rothery model withpast accelerations and has five calibration constants, β1:5:

a(t) = β1r(t− T )

+ β2 [d(t− T ) + β3 + β4s(t− T ) + β5a(t− T )] .(2)

These first three classes assume very specific forms for thedriver response behavior. They are limited in their ability togeneralize across contexts and datasets without recalibration.

Concerns about generalization motivated the construction ofthe last two categories, the psychophysical and fuzzy-logic-based models. Psychophysical car-following models assumethat drivers will react once a certain threshold is met [28].These thresholds are often defined in terms of relative dis-tances or headways, and once exceeded, cause the modeleddriver to decelerate or accelerate until the relative speed meetsthe desired zero-difference. The inclusion of several thresholdsallows for more expressive models, but the model is stilllimited by the assumed form of the resulting response.

Fuzzy-based-logic models, based on fuzzy-set theory, havebeen applied to the Gazis-Herman Rothery model [29]. Thesetechniques allow one of several parameterizations of the modelto be identified based on natural language-based driving rules.Fuzzy inference produces a fuzzy output set, which parameter-izes the model in a probabilistic fashion. The primary difficultywith fuzzy logic models is the selection of membershipfunctions [2].

The intelligent driver model (IDM) is a more recent fixed-form car-following model that produces collision-free trajec-tories [30]. The IDM generates acceleration predictions based

on the idea that each driver balances the desire of a certainspeed with the desire to maintain a safe distance to the leadvehicle. The relevant equations are:

ddes = dmin + τ · s(t)− s(t) · r(t)2 ·

√amax · bpref


a(t) = amax








where ddes is the desired distance to the lead vehicle, dmin

is the minimum distance to the lead vehicle that the driverwill tolerate, τ is the desired time headway, amax is the ego-vehicle’s maximum acceleration ability, bpref is the preferreddeceleration, and smax is the driver’s desired free-flow speed.

B. Generalizable Car-Following Models

Traditional fixed-form behavior models make assumptionsabout the driver responses. Recent research has sought toovercome these restrictions using more general models. Angk-ititrakul, Ryuta, Wakita, et al. evaluate the performanceof Gaussian mixture regression and piecewise autoregressiveexogenous models for car-following, but they do not compareagainst traditional fixed-form models [31]. Panwai and Diadeveloped car-following models using two-layer feedforwardneural networks accepting relative speed, relative distance,desired speed, and current speed as inputs [17]. Their modelswere shown to outperform a wide variety of traditional fixed-form models in micro- and macroscopic evaluation, but sincethe targeted application was macroscopic traffic simulationand not prediction, they did not provide performance resultsin the absence of measurements over the prediction period.Both Gaussian mixture regression and neural network modelswere further investigated by Lefevre, Sun, Bajcsy, et al., whoimplemented the models as maximum-likelihood accelerationpredictors and compared against traditional baselines [19]. TheGaussian mixture regression and feedforward neural networkmodels were found to produce comparable results. None ofthese models used recurrent neural networks.


We seek to produce probability distributions over acceler-ations in one-dimensional driving scenes. These models onlyconsider the ego-vehicle, whose actions are being predicted,and the lead vehicle. For a given ego-lead vehicle configura-tion, the system state ~x(t) at time t is represented by:

~x(t) = 〈d(t), r(t), s(t), a(t)〉 (5)

where d(t) is the headway distance between the vehicles,r(t) is their relative speed difference, s(t) is the ego-vehiclespeed, and a(t) is the ego-vehicle acceleration. A humanbehavior model maps a state history to a distribution over theacceleration in the next time-step, from which samples can bedrawn to propagate simulated trajectories. Given a sampledego acceleration at the next time step, a(t + ∆t), the egoposition and speed can be updated according to:

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s(t+∆t) = s(t) + a(t+∆t)∆t

y(t+∆t) = y(t) + s(t+∆t)∆t(6)

where y is the absolute longitudinal position of the ego-vehicle. The ego state can then be updated by propagating thelead vehicle according to its true trajectory. The underlyingmodel implementation can take many forms. In this work weuse neural networks, as described in the next section.


Neural networks are universal function approximators thattraditionally consist of an input layer, multiple hidden layers,and an output layer. Vector-valued inputs are fed into theinput layer and are manipulated by a set of linear transformsand nonlinear activations as they traverse the hidden layersto the output layer. Here, the network outputs parameterizeprobability distributions over the acceleration in the next time-step.

Neural networks are typically trained with stochasticgradient-descent to optimize a scalar loss function [32]. Inthe context of driver modeling, this loss function is thepredicted log-likelihood of the true vehicle behavior. Severalhyperparameters, including learning rate and regularizationstrength, must be chosen to produce high-quality networks.

Neural networks are very efficient to use once trained.The resulting models permit fast-time Monte Carlo simulationbut are sophisticated enough to produce physically realisticdynamics. Recurrent neural networks extend traditional feed-forward networks with internal cycles. This provides recurrentneural networks with an internal state that is capable oftracking sequences of information and learning relevant tem-poral features. The long short-term memory (LSTM) neuralnetwork architecture is widely used due to its resistance tothe vanishing gradient problem [22], [33].

All networks were trained to predict parameters for distri-butions over future acceleration values given the vehicle state,~x(t). Ten-fold cross-validation was performed and extractedmetrics were averaged across folds. The training data wasdivided into twelve-second trajectory segments, the first twoseconds of which were used to initialize the internal stateof the LSTM networks. All networks were implemented inTorch7 [34] based on Karpathy’s char-rnn package [35] andZaremba’s LSTM implementation [36].

Two forms for the parameterized distribution family wereconsidered: Gaussian mixture and piecewise uniform. Thenetwork structures and parameterized distribution families areshown in Fig. 1.

A. Gaussian MixtureThe first parameterized acceleration distribution family is

the Gaussian mixture:

p(x) =


wi N (x | µi, σ2i ). (7)

where wi, µi, and σi are the weight, mean, and standarddeviation for the ith mixture component. The neural net-work’s output layer produces the component weights, means,

and standard deviations. The weight parameters are obtainedthrough softmax activation to ensure they sum to one, andexponential activations on the standard deviations ensure theyare positive. The outputs for the component means are notpassed through any activation because they can theoreticallytake on any value. This approach was initially proposed byBishop [37], and has been successfully applied in fields suchas speech synthesis [38].

B. Piecewise Uniform

The second form for the parameterized acceleration distri-bution is the piecewise uniform distribution. The domain overobserved acceleration values is discretized into a finite numberof bins. In this case, the network’s output layer representsprobabilities that the next acceleration value will fall withineach bin. A probability distribution is produced by performinga softmax activation over the output layer:

P (bini | x) =ezi∑nj=1 e

zj, (8)

where zi is the output corresponding to the ith bin and nis the number of bins. The loss function is the NegativeLog-Likelihood criterion, evaluated according to the predictedprobability density associated with the true acceleration value:

p(a | x) = p(a | bin)P (bin | x), (9)

where the probability density is uniform within each bin. Tosample from the piecewise uniform distribution, a bin can beselected based on the generated probabilities, and an exactacceleration value can be sampled from a uniform distributionwithin the bin.


Four neural models and one baseline fixed-form model wereimplemented. All models take states as inputs and producedistributions over vehicle accelerations over the next time-step.

The feedforward Gaussian mixture network (FF) maps thecurrent state ~x(t) to a Gaussian mixture. A second feedforwardnetwork (FF×4) also produces a Gaussian mixture, but ittakes the four most recent states as input, and thus has moreinformation available with which to make predictions. TwoLSTM models were implemented, one that outputs a Gaussianmixture (LSTM GM) and one that outputs a piecewise uniformdistribution (LSTM PU). Both take only the current state ~x(t)and must learn a hidden state representation.

The expressiveness of neural networks typically scales withtheir depth and number of hidden units. This enhanced ex-pressivity can lead to overfitting and is often associated with alarge computational cost [39]. These competing considerationsmust be weighed when selecting a network architecture. Inthis work, each network was given the same architecture,consisting of two hidden layers with 128 units. In the recurrentnetworks, the hidden units are LSTM cells, while in thefeedforward networks the hidden units apply affine transformsfollowed by ReLU activations [40]. The experimental sectionfurther discusses the hyperparameters used for each network.

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Feedforward Gaussian Mixture

〈d(t), r(t), s(t), a(t)〉

128 FF + ReLU

128 FF + ReLU

6 outputs


Feedforward with Past States

~xt, ~xt−∆t, ~xt−2∆t, ~xt−3∆t

128 FF + ReLU

128 FF + ReLU

6 outputs


LSTM Gaussian Mixture

〈d(t), r(t), s(t), a(t)〉

128 LSTM

128 LSTM

6 outputs


LSTM Piecewise Uniform

〈d(t), r(t), s(t), a(t)〉

128 LSTM

128 LSTM

160 outputs


−4 −2 0 20



at [m/s2]






−4 −2 0 20



at [m/s2]

−4 −2 0 20



at [m/s2]

−4 −2 0 20



at [m/s2]

Fig. 1: Network structures and resulting distribution families.

128m 374.9m

high occupancy lane

Fig. 2: Data source highway schematic for the NGSIM Interstate 80 dataset

TABLE I: Learned Parameters for the Intelligent Driver Model

dmin T bpref smax amax

5.249 m 0.918 s 3.811 m/s2 17.837 m/s 0.758 m/s2

The intelligent driver model (IDM) was included to illustratethe difference between fixed-form models and generalizablemodels. Lefevre, Sun, Bajcsy, et al. showed that the IDMoutperforms several other low-parameter car-following modelsin predicting vehicle speeds over various time horizons [19].The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm [41] was used to learn theremaining IDM parameters through a nonlinear least-squaresfit. These parameters are summarized in Table I. It should benoted that the IDM performance would likely improve if theseparameters were learned for individual drivers, but this was notdone in this study due to limited data.


The five models described above are evaluated to comparetheir ability to predict distributions over accelerations andproduce realistic trajectories. This section describes the datasetand methodologies used in the experiments.

A. Dataset

Experiments used on the Next Generation Simulation(NGSIM) dataset for Interstate 80, which contains 15 minutesof vehicle trajectory data collected using synchronized digital

video cameras providing the vehicle lane positions and veloc-ities over time at 10 Hz [42]. The Interstate 80 dataset coversan area in the San Francisco Bay Area approximately 500 min length with six mainline lanes, including a high-occupancyvehicle lane and an onramp, as shown in Fig. 2. Traffic densitytransitions from uncongested to full congestion and exhibits ahigh degree of vehicle interaction as vehicles merge on and offthe highway and must navigate in the nearly-congested flow.The dataset was collected by the Next-Generation Simulationprogram in 2005 to facilitate automotive research and ispublicly available.

The NGSIM dataset includes vehicle positions and ve-locities in the lane-relative frame. We use the reconstructedNGSIM I-80 dataset from 4:00 to 4:15 due to its correctedkinematic inconsistencies, extreme acceleration values, andswitching vehicle IDs [43]–[46]. All training was conducted onzero-centered, normalized data segmented into twelve-secondtrajectories, two seconds of which were used to initialize theLSTM networks.

B. Hyperparameter Selection

Neural networks are very sensitive to the training hyperpa-rameters, which include the number and size of the layers, thelearning rate, and learning rate decay. For this work, severalhyperparameter settings were tested, and selections were madeaccording to the performance achieved by trained models ona validation set. In all networks, a learning rate of 4 × 10−3

was used and was cut in half every three training epochs.The Gaussian mixture networks, both LSTM and feedforward,

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consist of two 128-neuron hidden layers and a two-componentGaussian mixture in the output layer.

The piecewise uniform network architecture consists of twohidden layers containing 128 neurons and an output layercontaining 160 neurons. The neurons in the output layercorrespond to bins in the predicted acceleration distributionwith the range of possible acceleration values spanning −5 to3 m/s2. Constant width and constant frequency bin boundarieswere averaged to find the bin sizes in the output distribution,which allows for finer discretization near common accelerationvalues, while maintaining reasonable bin sizes near the ex-tremes. Smaller output layers were tested, but required coarserdiscretization, leading to unrealistic acceleration jumps whensamples were drawn from wider bins. The performance ofboth LSTM networks was found to improve when a dropoutof 25-percent was applied during training. Dropout is a formof regularization that helps prevent overfitting [39].

Once trained, each network was used to generate simulatedtrajectories. For each trajectory in the training set, the networkswere supplied with two seconds of inputs corresponding totrue state values, and then ten-seconds worth of simulatedtrajectories were sequentially sampled. The trajectories weregenerated through iteratively sampling from the output accel-eration distributions and updating the state values using thekinematic relations in Eq. (6). Fifty simulated trajectories weregenerated for each true trajectory in the following analysis.

C. Cross-ValidationTo assess how the models generalize to unseen data, we

used 10-fold cross-validation. The complete set of trajectorieswas partitioned into 10 folds, of which one fold served asthe validation set and the remaining nine folds were usedto train each of the models. This process was repeated 10times, allowing each fold to serve as the validation set. Theperformance of each method was then computed by averagingscores across all ten folds on the basis of several metrics.


After training, we assess whether our learned models arecapable of generating artificial trajectories that exhibit thesame characteristics as real trajectories. This similarity canbe evaluated through quantitative criteria such as predictiveaccuracy and emergent behavior, as well as qualitative criteriasuch as smoothness. This section outlines several metrics toquantify this similarity and discusses the relative performanceof each method. All propagation was at 10Hz.

A. Root Weighted Square ErrorThe predictive accuracy of a method can be measured using

the discrepancy between the predicted speed values and thetrue values over various time horizons. The root-weightedsquare error (RWSE) captures the deviation of a model’sprobability mass from real-world trajectories [47]. The RWSEfor m trajectories for predicted variable v over horizon H is:


√√√√ 1



∫ ∞

−∞p(v) ·

(v(i)H − v


dv, (10)

1 2 3 4 5






Time Horizon (s)





Fig. 3: Mean root-weighted square error in velocity predictionsover different horizons. Error bars are omitted for clarity, butthe margins are relatively small.

where v(i)H is the true value in the ith trajectory at time horizon

H and p(v) is the modeled density. Because the integral isdifficult to evaluate directly, we estimated it with n = 50simulated traces per recorded trajectory:


√√√√ 1




(v(i)H − v



, (11)

where v(i,j)H is the simulated variable under sample j for the

ith trajectory at time horizon H . The intelligent driver modelproduces point estimates, in which case the RWSE reduces tothe root mean square error.

Figure 3 shows the RWSE values for each model overprediction horizons between 1 and 5 seconds. The perfor-mance of constant speed (CS) and constant acceleration (CA)prediction methods are included as baselines. The Gaussianmixture methods achieve the best performance according tothis metric, outperforming all other methods over all timehorizons. The feedforward network with multiple-state inputslightly outperforms the other methods, indicating that theacceleration distributions it learns to predict are least likelyto introduce error into speed estimates. IDM outperformsthe piecewise uniform method over time horizons less thanfour seconds, and accumulates less error than constant speedpredictions over all time horizons.

B. Negative State Values

A second method for assessing model performance is tolook for unrealistic behaviors in simulated trajectories. Twosuch values are negative distance headways and speed values,corresponding to collisions and vehicles in reverse, respec-tively. While there is a nonzero probability that acceleration

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Negative Headway Negative Speed

Fig. 4: Frequency of negative state values in generated trajec-tories. Error bars indicate standard deviation across folds.

values will be sampled from the neural models that lead tosuch negative state values, these events should be rare.

Figure 4 summarizes the frequency with which these valuesare observed in simulated trajectories for each model. The val-ues depicted are the mean values obtained over ten-fold cross-validation, with error bars indicating one standard deviationabout the mean. Negative state values are observed in all neuralmodels to an extent, and are most common in the trajectoriesgenerated by the piecewise uniform network. Interestingly,the feedforward models have fewer negative state values thanboth LSTM models. The IDM produces no collisions and fewnegative speed values in accordance with its design.

C. Emergent Properties

The similarity of generated trajectories to true trajectoriescan also be measured by comparing the distributions overemergent properties in real and simulated trajectories. Thesequantities can be discretized into bins, and the distributionsover these values can be approximated as piecewise uniform.From these empirical distributions, the Kullback-Leibler di-vergence can be evaluated. These values are shown in Fig. 5for the speed, acceleration, jerk, and inverse time-to-collision(TTCi) [48], with low values indicating similarity. Time-to-collision quantifies the ratio of range to range-rate for vehiclesin a car-following context. Its inverse is often used to avoidsingularities when the relative speed approaches zero.

According to these metrics, the FF×4 and LSTM GMnetworks are superior to the other models and achieve nearlyequal performance. The feedforward network with a single-state input generates trajectories with the least realistic accel-eration and jerk profiles among the neural models. In addition,there is a large discrepancy between the IDM empiricalacceleration and jerk distributions and the true distributions,largely due to the artificially smooth nature of its trajectories.

The feedforward network with single-state input generatesthe same output as the FF×4 and LSTM GM models and








Speed Acceleration Jerk TTCi

Fig. 5: Summary of KL divergence values for trajectoriesgenerated using each model.

TABLE II: Jerk Sign Inversions per Trajectory



12.51± 0.83

47.18± 0.94

14.05± 0.95

14.02± 0.38

17.45± 0.44

1.76± 0.06

could be expected to share their advantages. However, this isnot the case, as its acceleration and jerk distributions are biasedtoward values that are small in magnitude. In fact, many ofits trajectories exhibit extended stretches where the predictedacceleration values stay close to zero. Predicting that a driver’sacceleration will remain near zero if it was close to zero atthe previous time step is a reasonable strategy if no otherinformation is available, but it illustrates a clear shortcoming ofthe feedforward network: it cannot observe and follow trends.

Figure 6 shows examples of real trajectories and correspond-ing artificial trajectories. The LSTM trajectories are noticeablysmoother than the feedforward trajectories, which qualitativelyillustrates the advantage of having access to state valuesfrom multiple time steps. This reflects what we would expectin realistic driving scenarios where the interactions betweenvehicles are more complicated than the car-following scenariosstudied in this paper. In lane changes, for example, we wouldexpect the acceleration of the ego-vehicle to change graduallyto achieve a desired following distance instead of jumpinginstantaneously. Models without access to information frommultiple time steps are less adept at accounting for these morecomplicated phenomena, and therefore have trouble capturingthe smooth, oscillatory nature of the true trajectories.

D. Jerk Sign Inversions

The similarity between the smoothness and oscillatory be-havior of the true and simulated trajectories can be quantifiedby the average number of jerk sign inversions per trajectory.Very smooth trajectories will have few jerk sign inversions,

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0 2 4 6 8 10−2






Time (s)



(a) Real Acceleration Values

0 2 4 6 8 10






Time (s)



(b) Feedforward (1 state)

0 2 4 6 8 10




Time (s)



(c) LSTM Gaussian Mixture

0 2 4 6 8 10−0.4





Time (s)



(d) IDM

Trajectory 1 Trajectory 2 Trajectory 3

Fig. 6: Visual comparison of simulated and real trajectories. Trajectories created by the Piecewise Uniform network and theFeedforward network with four-state input are qualitatively similar to those generated by the LSTM Gaussian Mixture network.

whereas highly oscillating trajectories will have many. Thesequantities are listed in Table II.

As expected, the number of sign inversions in FF trajectoriesfar exceeds the number of sign inversions in true trajectories.IDM trajectories, on the other hand, exhibit far fewer signinversions than the real trajectories. The LSTM and FF×4networks produce the most realistic jerk sign inversion counts.

The feedforward networks can be viewed as approximationsto recurrent networks, with the ability to remember infor-mation over timescales equivalent to the number of statescontained in their input. The results above suggest that knowl-edge of only one previous state is insufficient for the taskof generating smooth acceleration profiles, but the expansionof the input to include just four previous states allows thefeedforward network to match the performance of the LSTMnetworks. Hence, recurrent networks learn to track only veryrecent information in creating their acceleration predictions.


In addition to evaluating the predictive performance of theLSTM networks, it is also important to understand whichspatial and temporal features they track in order to generatepredictions. Figure 7 illustrates some of the reactions thatindividual network neurons have in response to input state

values. These activations exhibit responses to both the statevalues themselves, and the temporal variation in state values.

Neuron activation is most affected by the input acceleration,and knowing a previous time history of acceleration valuesis very important in predicting future acceleration values.Presumably, though, the network should also use the otherinputs. Figure 8 illustrates an experiment that was devised inorder to determine whether this is the case.

As mentioned previously, before propagating simulated tra-jectories, the networks are supplied with two seconds of statevalues from real trajectories. In this experiment, within asubset of trajectories contained in the first validation set, the dand s values were translated independently such that the lowestvalue over the two seconds preceding propagation correspondsto some varied minimum value. By moving these state valuescloser to zero, the network is forced to generate accelerationsthat prevent the state values from going negative.

These experiments were performed using a Gaussian mix-ture LSTM network and minimum state values varied between0 and 5 in increments of 0.5. The fraction of negative headwaydistance, d, and speed, s, values were extracted from theresulting trajectories in order to quantify the effect of theshifted state inputs. These metrics are shown in Fig. 9.

The network does not strongly react to small d-values, with

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0 2 4 6 8 10




Time (s)




0 2 4 6 8 10




Time (s)




0 2 4 6 8 10




Time (s)




0 2 4 6 8 10




Time (s)



Acceleration (m/s2) Activation Relative Speed (m/s)

Fig. 7: Visualization of activations. In (a), the variation in activation values tracks the variation in acceleration values, but ata delay, which is evidence that the network remembers previous acceleration values. In (b), the neuron activations follow thejerk values when the acceleration is positive. Because jerk values are not passed into the network, they must be found throughthe temporal variation in acceleration values. In (c), the neuron activates strongly due to an abrupt change in relative speed.These jumps are due to lane changes by vehicles ahead of the ego-vehicle. In (d), the neuron saturates with a sign consistentwith the sign of the acceleration values.

−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1



Minimum Value

Shift Propagate

Time (s)



Fig. 8: Illustration of the shift in primed state values. In thiscase, the distance to lead vehicle is shifted such that theminimum value is 5 meters.

a near-monotonic decay in performance as the minimum statevalue is decreased. While the mean acceleration values outputby the network do decrease slightly as the minimum d-value isdecreased, the response is small in magnitude and insufficientto avoid negative d-values in many cases. On the other hand,the network appears to respond strongly to variations in speed.It is able to generate the accelerations needed to avoid negativespeeds. In fact, Fig. 9b. illustrates that the mean accelerationvalue in propagated trajectories increases nearly linearly as the

minimum s-value is decreased.There are a multitude of factors that could contribute to this

discrepancy in network responsiveness. One key source likelylies in the data used to train the network—around 24% of thespeed values in the dataset are 5 m/s or less, whereas only 1%of the d values are 5 m or less. This means that the network hassignificantly fewer opportunities to learn how human driversreact to small headway distances. Another contributing factorcould be the relative complexity of the relationship betweenacceleration and distance to the lead vehicle. Acceleration hasa direct effect on speed, but its effect on headway distance ismore indirect, as d is also influenced by the ego-vehicle speedand the behavior of the lead vehicle.


This study has demonstrated the ability of Long Short-Term Memory networks to effectively generate predictions forvehicle acceleration distributions. Networks trained to predictGaussian mixture and piecewise uniform distributions overfuture acceleration values exhibited performance on par withor superior to baseline methods as captured by evaluationmetrics such as the RWSE and Kullback-Leibler divergence.Furthermore, the recurrent neural networks were shown togenerate trajectories that replicate much of the qualitativebehavior that is present in real vehicle trajectories. While thepiecewise uniform network performed reasonably well, the

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0 1 2 3 4 50




Minimum State Value











0 1 2 3 4 50.02





Minimum State Value








Headway Distance d Speed s No Shift

Fig. 9: Experimental results for shifted state values. In (a), the fraction of negative state values are shown as the minimumheadway distance and speed are varied. In (b), the mean acceleration value in propagated trajectories is plotted against theminimum state values. The mean acceleration for trajectories where no shift occurred is represented by the solid line.

Gaussian mixture network demonstrated an advantage in allrespects. Additionally, it was shown that feedforward networkscan closely match, and in some cases slightly exceed, theperformance of LSTM networks, provided they are suppliedwith enough information about previous states. Thus, theLSTM networks seem to rely on recent acceleration trendsin generating their predictions. Finally, a study of networkbehavior revealed that the networks respond to both the currentstate values and the variation in state values over time.

There are many potential avenues for extending this work.First, it should be noted that the dataset used for this project isnot representative of all traffic conditions, so further study isneeded to evaluate the neural driving models. The prevalenceof negative state values, especially negative distances to thelead vehicle, in the propagated neural network trajectories canbe addressed by augmenting the network input with morefeatures or by augmenting the training data with more trajec-tories that include small speed or distance headway values. Inaddition, this work can be extended to include a 2-dimensionalrepresentation of the local driving scene, which would requirethe generation of predictions on both acceleration and turnrate. This problem should require the identification of evenmore complex features, in which case deep recurrent neuralnetworks may provide greater benefits. The code associatedwith this paper is publicly available, and can be found at


This material is based upon work supported by the NationalScience Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Programunder Grant No. DGE-114747. The authors gratefully ac-knowledge the helpful comments from anonymous reviewers.


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Jeremy Morton is a graduate student in the De-partment of Aeronautics and Astronautics at Stan-ford University, and a member of the StanfordIntelligent Systems Laboratory. He received a Aerospace Engineering from the University ofIllinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2014. His researchinterests include deep learning and driver behaviormodeling.

Tim A. Wheeler is a graduate student in the Depart-ment of Aeronautics and Astronautics at StanfordUniversity, and a member of the Stanford Intel-ligent Systems Laboratory. He received a B.S. inAerospace Engineering from the University of Cal-ifornia, San Diego in 2013. His research focuses onthe validation and optimization of active automotivesafety systems.

Dr. Mykel Kochenderfer is Assistant Professor ofAeronautics and Astronautics at Stanford University.He received his Ph.D. from the University of Edin-burgh and B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer sci-ence from Stanford University. Prof. Kochenderferis the director of the Stanford Intelligent SystemsLaboratory (SISL), conducting research on advancedalgorithms and analytical methods for the design ofrobust decision making systems.

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