
An incident i will never forget

I definitely have a lot of embarrassing moments. But usually when something embarrassing happens you try to forget it. Thats why I wont write twenty pages of my „incidents“ because I have forgotten most of them. But there was one incident that I will never forget. It happened in school it was a beautiful day and everybody was happy because it was the last lesson of the day. I remember I was walking to class I sat front row and I did my studying like a normal person in class. But then I didn't know an answer and I thought oh well I ask the teacher then. I called the teacher, but then I realized I had said Mom. Yes, I said Mom out loud. I was so embarrassed that my cheeks were bright red and in that moment I wanted to switch schools , etc. T, etc.he teacher laughed for a second and then acted like nothing happened. She answered my question, but I didn´t ask her anything in class for at least 2 months.


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