
Water Research 38 (2004) 3645–3650




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An automated spectrophotometric system for monitoringbuffer capacity in anaerobic digestion processes

Tor Gunnar Jantsch, Bo Mattiasson*

Department of Biotechnology, Center for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lund University, P.O. Box 124, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden

Received 7 October 2003; received in revised form 7 May 2004; accepted 12 May 2004


Anaerobic digestion is a suitable method for the treatment of wastewater and organic wastes, yielding biogas as a

useful by-product. A common way of preventing instability problems and avoiding acidification in anaerobic digesters

is to keep the organic load to the digester far below its maximum capacity. An improved way of operating digesters

would be to use monitoring and control systems for increased organic load under controlled conditions such that the

digester performance is improved. The partial alkalinity, which indicates the bicarbonate concentration, has in many

cases been found to be a suitable parameter to monitor. Here, an automated monitoring system for alkalinity

measurements is described. It is shown to be applicable for measuring a wide range of bicarbonate concentrations. The

system shows potential for monitoring anaerobic digesters as it responds to the alkalinity of digester effluent, as well as

being stable over a relatively long time span with few maintenance requirements.

r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Automated monitoring; Buffer capacity; Alkalinity; Spectrophotometric; Anaerobic digestion

1. Introduction

Anaerobic biological treatment of wastewater has

several advantages over aerobic treatment processes

such as lower sludge production and a valuable by-

product; methane. Despite these obvious advantages,

the use of anaerobic treatment is not as widespread as it

could be and one reason for this is its reputation of

instability during start-up and operation.

The anaerobic biodegradation of organic matter to

biogas is conducted by a consortium of microbial groups

with a high degree of interdependence. The methano-

genic organisms (pH optimum: 6.5 to 7.5) are considered

to be the most sensitive organisms in this consortium

ing author. Tel.: +46-46-222-8264; fax: +46-

ess: [email protected]


e front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserve


and are also the slowest growing organisms in the

degradation chain. This implies that unfavourable

conditions such as organic overload, unfavourable pH

or presence of toxic compounds will cause instability

and be observed as elevated concentrations of metabo-

lites in the metabolic chain preceding the action of the

methanogens. One group of metabolic intermediates

that is especially of high significance is the volatile

fatty acids (VFAs). Increased concentration of VFAs

may lead to a decrease in the buffering bicarbonate

concentration, as the bicarbonate becomes protonated

and is released as carbondioxide gas. The pH of the

reactor may decrease to levels below the optimal for the

methanogenic organisms, thereby escalating the instabil-

ity problem. Upon instability, the loading to the process

may have to be stopped for prolonged periods of time to

facilitate degradation of the VFAs and recovery of the

metabolic balance in the reactor. In severe cases the

instability may cause acidification of the reactor with

complete inhibition of the methanogenic activity. Such a





VFA volatile fatty acids

pKa �log[acid dissociation constant]TA total alkalinity

PA partial alkalinity

T.G. Jantsch, B. Mattiasson / Water Research 38 (2004) 3645–36503646

situation makes it necessary to remove the reactor

content and to start up the reactor again.

A common way of avoiding instability problems is to

operate the anaerobic digestion process at an organic

loading rate which is far below the maximum capacity of

the system. A more economically favourable way of

operating a digester and avoiding instability problems

would be to monitor and control the process. An ideal

monitoring and control system would detect instability

and imply countermeasures to compensate for the

instability. The monitoring system should be online,

automated, robust and give early indications of in-

stability in the process. Some process indicators, which

traditionally have been used for monitoring, are the gas

production rate, gas composition, pH, alkalinity and

concentrations of VFAs. Liquid-phase parameters (pH,

alkalinity, VFA) reflect the environment of the micro-

organisms and therefore, often give a faster response

than gas-phase parameters (gas composition and pro-

duction rate). pH is commonly used as a process

indicator, but the effectiveness of using this as a control

parameter is strongly dependent on the alkalinity, i.e.

buffering capacity of the process (Ahring et al., 1995).

The alkalinity is mainly dependent on the bicarbonate

and VFA-concentrations (�log[acid dissociation con-

stant] (pKa) values of 6.35 and 4.75, respectively), and in

some processes the ammonium concentration (pKa-

value of 9.4). The most important buffering species

within the optimal pH for the methanogenic organisms

is the bicarbonate and therefore it is of interest to

develop methods to monitor it.

The total alkalinity (TA) (alkalinity to a pH of 4.3)

has been used for monitoring anaerobic processes but is

considered as an insensitive indicator of process

instability. As shown by the pKa-values of bicarbonate

and VFAs, measurements of TA will reflect both the

levels of VFAs and bicarbonate. Upon instability, the

increase in VFA concentrations will cause a decrease in

bicarbonate concentration resulting in a constant TA-

value (Jenkins et al., 1991). Partial alkalinity (PA)

(alkalinity to a pH of 5.75) reflects mostly the

bicarbonate concentration and has been found to be a

valuable tool for process monitoring (Bjornsson, 2000).

More sophisticated titration techniques have been

developed for the determination of VFA and bicarbo-

nate concentrations (Moosbrugger et al., 1993). On-line

methods for monitoring of bicarbonate concentrations

have been developed based on sample saturation with

carbon dioxide and acidification to release bicarbonate

as carbon dioxide with subsequent gas-pressure or

gas-flow determination (Hawkes et al., 1993; Rozzi

and DiPinto, 1994). Also online methods based on other

principles such as titration have been developed (Powell

and Archer, 1989; Almeida et al., 2001).

Previously, a new spectrophotometric method for

alkalinity measurements based on pH indicators has

been used for process monitoring of different anaerobic

digester systems (Bjornsson et al., 2001; Jantsch and

Mattiasson, 2003). The aim of this investigation was to

construct and characterise a fully automated system for

monitoring of anaerobic digestion processes based on

the new spectrophotometric method.

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Titrimetric alkalinity

The titrimetric alkalinity was measured as PA

by titration to pH 5.75 with standardised 0.1M HCl

by using a TitraLabTM 80 titrator (Radiometer,

Copenhagen, Denmark). The results are reported as g

CaCO3 1�1.

2.2. Automated alkalinity monitoring system

The principle for the monitoring system is that a pH

indicator is used to spectrometrically determine the pH

of a mixture of the sample and an acid. When the pH of

the mixture is 5.75, the mixing ratio between the sample

and the acid is compared to mixing ratios of the

standard samples and used to determine the PA of

the sample. Upon changes in bicarbonate concentrations

of the samples, this is reflected in a change in the mixing

ratio between the sample and the acid.

The monitoring system was based on a method

described by Jantsch and Mattiasson (2003) and is

schematically presented in Fig. 1. The spectrophot-

ometer and the pumps were controlled and data were

collected by Fieldpoint modules (National Instruments,

USA) connected via ethernet to a PC. The PC program

for control, data collection and data handling was

developed in the Labview program (National Instru-

ments, USA).

The solutions of sample and acid were delivered by

peristaltic pumps (Alitea, Sweden) fitted with Tygon

tubings. The peristaltic pump caused fluctuations of the

flow and these fluctuations were dampened by an air

filled syringe fitted into the line just after the pump.

Teflon tubing (outer diameter lmm, inner diameter


WasteMixing coil Spectro-






Fig. 1. Automated system for monitoring buffering capacity.

T.G. Jantsch, B. Mattiasson / Water Research 38 (2004) 3645–3650 3647

0.75mm) was used for connecting tubes and mixing coil.

The confluence point was constructed of a Teflon

polymer Tee (Scantech, Sweden). The tube connections

were made of silicone rubber tubing. An Ultrospec 1000

spectrophotometer (Pharmacia Biotech, Sweden)

equipped with a SOG 1.0 flow cell (Starna) was used

for detection.

A flow of the sample was continuously mixed with a

flow of degassed acid (20 or 25mM HCl) containing

methylred pH-indicator (5mg l�1). The mixture was

pumped continuously through the flow cell in the


Determination of PA by the system was based on the

measurement of the spectral properties of the indicator,

that is, the absorbance of the yellow and red colours of

the pH indicator Methylred. The absorbance maxima

for the protonated (red) and unprotonated (yellow) were

438 and 516 nm, respectively, and these were used as the

wavelengths for measurement.

For each wavelength the absorbance was monitored

for l50 s (five measurements per second) as the mixture

flowed through the flow cell. The absorbance value was

averaged for the 150 s. The total measurement time for

each sample was two times 150 s; 5min.

The ratio between the absorbances at the two

wavelengths was used to indicate the pH of the mixture.

A ratio of 2.30 indicated a pH of 5.75 in the mixture.

The ratios 2.20 and 2.40 indicated pHs of 5.7 and 5.9,

respectively. For a measurement to be valid, a pH range

of the mixture of 5.7 to 5.9 was set. If the pH of the

mixture went outside this range, the measurement was

considered to be invalid because it deviated too far from

the desired value of 5.75. The mixing ratio was recorded

as sensor response.

To make the pH-value approach the desired pH, the

mixing ratio for the subsequent sample was adjusted by

controlling the speed of the pumps. The size of

adjustment depended on the deviation from the desired


pH ¼ pKaþHCO�3 =H2CO3: ð1Þ

From Eq. (1), the ratio HCO3�/H2CO3 can be calculated.

For the ideal mixture of sample and acid, the pH is

5.75 which gives a HCO3�/H2CO3-ratio of 0.251. At the

same mixing ratio, the pH of the mixture will decrease to

5.7 if the bicarbonate concentration of the sample

decreases by 2.5%. Likewise, at the same mixing ratio

the pH will increase to 5.9 if the bicarbonate concentra-

tion of the sample increases by 8.3%. This implies that if

the bicarbonate concentration in the sample is decreas-

ing by 2.5% or increasing by 8.3% before the next

sample is taken, the next measurement will be valid, that

is, within the range. If the changes are higher than the

limits, then the measurement will be out of range and the

system will require one or more measurements with

adjustment of the mixing ratio for the pH of the mixture

to be within the range again.

2.3. Characterisation of the system

The response of the monitoring system towards

samples of Na2CO3 (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25mM) was


Anaerobic digester samples were filtered online from

a full-scale anaerobic digester treating municipal

sludge. The filter was a nylon cloth (gap size: 20 mm)inserted into a pipeline where the reactor content were

circulated from the bottom of the reactor, through a

heat exchanger and to the top of the reactor. The

samples were diluted with distilled water or spiked with

Na2CO3-solution and measured using the monitoring


The stability of the system during a 5-day period was

investigated. Different standard samples were monitored

continuously in the system during the period.

The system was applied to monitor a full-scale

anaerobic digester. The feed to the digester consisted

of a mixture of municipal wastewater sludge and potato-

processing waste. An overload situation was induced by

overloading the digester with a pulse of potato-proces-

sing waste that corresponded to 20% of the normal daily

load of the digester (Jantsch, 2003).

3. Results and discussion

The linear relationship between the concentration of

Na2CO3 in standard solutions and the response of the

monitoring system is illustrated in Fig. 2. In the

concentration range 5–25mM Na2CO3 the monitoring

system response had a regression analysis correlation

coefficient (R2) of 0.9965. The resolution of the system

was defined as two times the standard deviation for the

sample series that had the highest standard deviation,

and when inserted in the regression analysis linearity

formulae, this gave a resolution of 1.44mM Na2CO3.

Guwy et al. (1994) found the range 5 to 50mM

NaHCO3 with an accuracy of 7.5% (0.38–3.8mM) in

a response time of 30min in an automated system based

on gas flow measurements from an acidified sample.










0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Na2CO3 [mM]










Fig. 2. Monitoring system response as a function of Na2CO3concentration in standard solutions with linear regression

analysis (y ¼ 05008x � 0:3213; R2 ¼ 0:9863). Error bars depict95% confidence interval for the system response (3 to 7












Titrimetric partial alkalinity [g CaCO3 l-1]










0 1 2 3 4

Fig. 3. Monitoring system response as a function of titrimetric

partial alkalinity of diluted and spiked digester effluent sample

with linear regression analysis (y ¼ 5:4068x � 1:0508;R2 ¼ 0:9863). X-error bars depict 95% confidence intervals

for titrimetric measurements in duplicates; y-error bars depict

95% confidence interval for system response in triplicates.









Time [days]










10 15

20 25


30 1 2 4 5 6

Fig. 4. Monitoring system response when running continuously

with different standard solutions (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30mM

Na2CO3) over a 5-day period. Order of the samples with

number of measurements of each sample in brackets: 10mM

(269), 15mM (355), 20mM (233), 15mM (6), 10mM (8),

25mM (182), 20mM (3), 15mM (4), 10mM (3), 30mM (308),

25mM (4), 20mM (3), 15mM (3), 10mM (3) and 15mM (3).

T.G. Jantsch, B. Mattiasson / Water Research 38 (2004) 3645–36503648

In this system the monitored range of alkalinity of the

sample was dependent on the concentration of the acid

titrant. By changing the concentration of the acid

titrant, the range of sample alkalinity could be shifted,

thereby expanding the range where the system is useful.

This can also be used to make the concentration of the

digester sample more or less diluted in the mixture. By

diluting the sample in acid and using the ratio between

the absorbance at two wavelengths, the influence of the

intrinsic absorbance of the digester sample is minimised.

The linear relationship between the response of

the monitoring system and the titrimetric PA of diluted

or spiked samples of anaerobic digester effluent, in

the concentration range of 1.1–2.8 g CaCO3 1�1 (11–

28mM), is illustrated in Fig. 3. A correlation study

showed good agreement between the response of the

monitoring system and the traditional method for

determination of PA (R2 ¼ 0:9863). Using the pre-

viously defined definition of the resolution, this was

found to be 0.290 g CaCO3 l�1 (2.9mM) for the

monitoring system (as measured by the titrimetric

method) when inserted in the regression analysis

linearity formulae. The resolution for the titrimetric

method was 0.152 g CaCO3 l�1 (1.52mM) (defined as


In a system based on acidification and gas flow

measurements, when measuring diluted or spiked

samples of reactor effluent, the response time was 1 to

1.5 h to changes in sample bicarbonate concentration

with an accuracy of 5% (0.25–2.5mM) in the concen-

tration range 5–50mM CaCO3 (Hawkes et al., 1993).

The long-term stability of the monitoring system is

illustrated in Fig. 4. The system was run for 5 days

constantly, sampling standard solutions of Na2CO3. The

sensor response increased throughout the period because

of precipitation of pH-indicator in the acid. This drift in

the system did not affect the sensitivity of the system as

shown by the response of the system to different

standards throughout the period. When the standard

solution was changed by 5mM Na2CO3, the system

equilibrated to give a pH in the mixture within the range












15.10. 19:12 16.10. 19:12 17.10. 19:12 18.10. 19:12

Time (date, hours)




g s


m r





Calibration series

Fig. 5. Alkalinity system response upon overload in anaerobic

digestion system over a 3-day period. The monitoring system

was submitted to calibration procedures during the experiment

(Jantsch, 2003).

T.G. Jantsch, B. Mattiasson / Water Research 38 (2004) 3645–3650 3649

for valid measurements in less than 40min (eight

measurements). Upon changes in the analyte–alkalinity

smaller than this, the equilibration of the system was

faster. During the period the system was in operation,

there was no need for any maintenance operations. This

benefit as a 5-day period without maintenance operation

is within the limits that staff at digester plants considers

being satisfactory (Embrandt, 2000).

The fact that the system is not using a pH-electrode is

regarded as advantageous. A pH-electrode may be

subject to fouling by components in the anaerobic

digester liquor, thereby reducing the reliability of the

pH-readings. For a titration method with a pH probe,

the problem of recalibration of the pH probe has been

solved in a newly described system where the electrode is

recalibrated periodically (Almeida et al., 2001). How-

ever, no details regarding fouling of the pH probe was

given. The repeatability and reproducibility of the

method in terms of the relative standard deviance were

2.4% and 5.1%, respectively, and the analysis time

13min. An approach by VanVooren et al., based on an

online wide-range titrimetric sensor, provides data in the

ppm range of the concentration of ammonia, bicarbo-

nate and VFAs with a response time of 30min

(Vanrolleghem and Lee, 2003).

Several systems have been developed for measure-

ments of bicarbonate concentration (Hawkes et al.,

1993; Rozzi et al., 1985), but none of these are, to the

authors’ knowledge, commercially available or in

operation at full-scale anaerobic digesters. However,

the bicarbonate concentration can be estimated from the

PA and this has been found to be a valuable parameter

for anaerobic digester operation (Bjornsson, 2000;

Jenkins et al., 1991; Ripley et al., 1986).

When applied to the full-scale anaerobic digester, the

monitoring system showed a stable baseline in the period

preceding the organic pulse. Upon the pulse load, the

system gave a clearly detectable response as shown in

Fig. 5 (Jantsch, 2003). The full-scale experiment

illustrates the potential for implementing the monitoring

system in practice.

The monitoring system described here can be applied

to monitor buffer capacities at different pH endpoints

by selecting a suitable indicator. The results show that

the system can be used for monitoring the PA of

anaerobic digester effluent samples. The system could

be suitable for online application to any process where

an offline titration/titrimetric method is applicable,

provided that a pH colour indicator with suitable

equilibration points exists.

4. Conclusions

The automated monitoring system for buffering

capacity can be used for measuring a wide range of

bicarbonate concentrations. The system is reasonably

stable with time and drift in the system response can be

accounted for by periodic measurements of standards.

The system show potential for monitoring anaerobic

digesters as it responds to the alkalinity of a large scale

anaerobic process, as well as being stable over a

relatively long time span without any maintenance



The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial

support of the Nordic Energy Research Programme,

The Swedish National Energy Administration, and

Borregaard Ind. Ltd.


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