Page 1: Ageless Grace Introduction letter Anti-Aging and Longevity September 2015

An Introduction to Anti-Aging Timeless Exercises for Body and Brain

for males and females of ALL AGES

Ageless Grace is a cutting-edge brain fitness program based on neuroplasticity that activates all 5

functions of the brain – analytical, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, creativity and

imagination – and simultaneously addresses all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal function.

In the simplest terms, neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain and central nervous system to change

form and function throughout one’s lifetime, specifically when stimulated by various physical


Each of the Ageless Grace Tools, or exercises, emphasizes a different “anti-aging” technique, such as

joint mobility, balance, spinal flexibility, right-left brain coordination, upper body strength,

development of new neural pathways, dexterity of the feet and hands, systemic health, oxygenation

of the cells, increased self-esteem, confidence and playfulness. The easy-to-learn Tools promote the

“three Rs” of lifelong comfort and ease – not reading, ´riting and ´rithmetic—but the ability to

Respond, React, and Recover quickly, efficiently and safely, plus Reset, Rewire and Recode Your


The movements in the program are designed to be performed seated in a chair to activate and work

the core muscle group, stimulate the systems of the body (i.e. digestive, endocrine, lymphatic,

respiratory, etc.) and help maintain optimal organ function.

It is recommended to be seated with bare feet flat on the floor. Bare feet give you the ability to

exercise the muscles and massage more than 7000 nerve endings in each foot. This can contribute to

improved mobility, stamina and balance.

The biggest difference between Ageless Grace and other fitness programs is that Ageless Grace is

meant to both exercise the body and stimulate the brain. Research now supports that we must

combine the two for optimal lifelong function and graceful aging. And that we must continue to

practice movements we are unfamiliar with in order to create new neural pathways.

The movements are done to your favourite upbeat music. The tempo and beat will sustain your

movement, and will bring emotional pleasure as well as happy memories and pleasant experiences.

Truly, the most fun you can have seated in a chair!



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