Page 1: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Wild at HeartAfrica Safari & Yoga Adventure

1 st to 11 th Apri l 2019Kruger National Park

South Africa

Page 2: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal


T h e R e t r e a t

C o n n e c t i o n

I t i n e r a r y

N e e d l e s L o d g e

M a r l o t h P a r k

K r u g e r N a t i o n a l P a r k

M o r n i n g W a l k s

F u l l D a y D r i v e

S u n s e t D r i v e s

P a n o r a m a Tr i p

S a f a r i T i p s

T & C s

P r i c i n g

B o o k i n g F o r m

G a l l e r y

Page 3: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

The RetreatA f t e r y e a r s o f f i n e t u n i n g h i s A f r i c a Y o g a S a f a r i N e i l U r r y - Y o g i a n d

W o r l d T r a v e l e r j o i n s Y o g a h u b t o s h a r e t h i s o n c e i n a l i f e t i m e

e x p e r i e n c e w i t h o u r Y o g a h u b b e r s .

C o m b i n i n g g a m e d r i v e s , w a l k s , s u n s e t s a f a r i s , u r b a n s a f a r i , y o g a ,

m e d i t a t i o n , p r a n a y a m a & R & R t i m e .

A n i m p o r t a n t c o m p o n e n t t o t h e r e t r e a t i s c o n n e c t i o n .

To t a l c o n n e c t i o n t o s e l f , t o t h e g r o u p , t o M o t h e r E a r t h & h e r

b e a u t i f u l c r e a t u r e s .

Page 4: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal


Ta p i n t o t h e h e a l i n g p o w e r o f M o t h e r N a t u r e a s w e h e a d

t o w a r d s t h e c r a d l e o f h u m a n i t y, A f r i c a .

E x p e r i e n c e a n a m a z i n g b l e n d o f s o u l c l e a n s i n g a c t i v i t i e s .

O u r r e t r e a t o f f e r s a b e a u t i f u l b a l a n c e o f m e d i t a t i o n ,

p r a n a y a m a , s a f a r i a d v e n t u r e s a n d o f c o u r s e , y o g a .

Page 5: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

D a y 1

05:00 Wake Up

05:15 Coffee and Rusks

05:30 Depart from Needles


06:00 Arrive @ Kruger National Park Full Day Game Drive. Includes “Bush Breakfast” cooked by our Guide.

14:00 Lunch break

18:00 Depart Kruger

National Park

18:30 Arrive @ Needles


19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Our Itinerary

Itinerary can be subject to change due to changing weather conditions*

D a y 2 D a y 3

06:00 Wake Up

06:30 Morning Mediation on

the deck

07:00 Asana on the deck

09:00 Breakfast

11:00 Pranayama &


13:30 Light lunch

14.30 Workshop

16:00 Riverside walk &


19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

05:00 Wake Up

05:15 Coffee and Rusks

05:30 Depart from Needles


06:00 Arrive @ Kruger

National Park Full Day Game

Drive. Includes “Bush

Breakfast” cooked by our


14:00 Lunch break

18:00 Depart Kruger

National Park

18:30 Arrive @ Needles


19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Page 6: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

D a y 4

04:15 Wake Up

04:30 Coffee and Rusks

04:45 Depart from Needles


05.15 Arrive @ Kruger National


05:30 Guided Morning Walk

09.30 Return to Needles Lodge

10.30 Breakfast

12:00 Yin on the deck

14:30 Light Lunch

16:00 Optional Asana or

Pranayama & meditation

19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Our Itinerary

Itinerary can be subject to change due to changing weather conditions*

D a y 5 D a y 6

06:00 Wake Up

06:30 Morning mediation on


07:00 Asana practice on the


09:00 Breakfast

11:00 Pranayama &


13:30 Lunch

15:45 Depart Needles Lodge

16:15 Arrive @ Kruger

National Park

16:30 Sunset Safari

20:30 Dinner

23:00 Lights out

05:00 Wake Up

05:15 Coffee and Rusks

05:30 Depart from Needles


06:00 Arrive @ Kruger

National Park Full Day Game

Drive. Includes “Bush

Breakfast” cooked by our


14:00 Lunch break

18:00 Depart Kruger National


18:30 Arrive @ Needles


19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Page 7: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

D a y 7

06:30 Wake Up

07:30 Depart from Needles Lodge for Full day

excursion on Panorama Tour.

Take away breakfast provided by Needles Lodge,

lunch provided by you.

19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Our Itinerary

Itinerary can be subject to change due to changing weather conditions*

D a y 8

04:15 Wake Up

04:30 Coffee and Rusks

04:45 Depart from Needles Lodge

05.15 Arrive @ Kruger National Park

05:30 Guided Morning Walk

09.30 Return to Needles Lodge

10.30 Breakfast

12:00 Yin on the deck

14:30 Light Lunch

16:00 Optional Asana or Pranayama &


19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Page 8: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

D a y 9

Our Itinerary

Itinerary can be subject to change due to changing weather conditions*

D a y 1 0

06:00 Wake Up

06:30 Morning Meditation on the deck

07:00 Asana on the deck

09:00 Breakfast

10:30 Check out

12:00 Lunch break

13:00 Depart Needles Lodge

14:00 Arrive @ Airport

05:00 Wake Up

05:15 Coffee and Rusks

05:30 Depart from Needles Lodge

06:00 Arrive @ Kruger National Park Full Day

Game Drive. Includes “Bush Breakfast” cooked

by our Guide.

14:00 Lunch break

18:00 Depart Kruger National Park

18:30 Arrive @ Needles Lodge

19:00 Dinner

22:00 Lights out

Page 9: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Needle LodgesIn the beautiful surrounds of Marloth Park you'll find Needles Lodge, its décor has been tastefully chosen to ensure that you feel completely relaxed, with all the comforts of home harmonising with the African bush.

From your bed, you can see out into the bush land. Watch as the animals that regularly visit the lodge wander past your suite or walk through the large sliding doorway leading onto the railed wooden deck, which links back to the central deck.

Page 10: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Marloth ParkOn the bank of the Crocodile River between Malelane and Komatipoort on the N4 national highway, Marloth Park is a wildlife sanctuary and holiday town. It boasts game such as kudu, zebra, giraffe, blue wildebeest, nyala, impala, warthog, ostrich and other. The animals aren't restricted by fences and roam freely between the units that are built on 3000 ha.

Marloth Park is on the southern boundary of the Kruger National Park, Crocodile Bridge gate is 14km and Malelane gate 35km from Marloth Park.

Page 11: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Kruger National

ParkThe world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks with the best in Africa. Established in 1898 to protect the wildlife of the South African Lowveld. Kruger National Park is unrivalled in the diversity of its life forms and a world leader in advanced environmental management techniques and policies.

Page 12: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Full-day DriveExperience the call of the African Bush, on your full-day safari with a qualified professional guide in an open-raised vehicle.

Depart from Needles Lodge at 05h00 in the summer or 05h30 in the winter. Enjoy the African sunrise and see the first game on the plains. Perhaps you will be one of the lucky few to experience predators on the hunt! At approximately 10h00, stop and have breakfast in Kruger Park.

Spend the day discovering the ‘Big Five’ and learning about the wonders of nature in its truest form. The game drives concentrate on the southern region of the Kruger National Park, internationally recognisedas the best game viewing area for the Big 5.

Lunch on deck at Lower Sabie, the main rest camps, where curio shops are situated. Then return to the comfort of the Lodge at approximately 17h30 for a

well-deserved sundowner on the deck.

Page 13: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Morning WalksBring your senses to life, when participating on a morning walk in Kruger National Park, an

experience of a lifetime.

See, hear, smell, touch and even taste the bush up close as professional rangers lead you on the game paths through the park. Two armed and trained rangers take up to 8 people out into the bush for 3 to 4 hours. Experience the fauna and flora up close and personal. You may just be lucky enough

to have a Big 5 experience on foot to really get your adrenaline going!

Once again only for the brave hearted as the Lodge departure times are 03h45 in summer and 04h15 in winter. Return to the comfort of the Lodge at approximately 10h00 for a well-deserved brunch.

Page 14: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Sunset Drive

Experience the fabulous African sunset and enjoy the opportunity of finding the Big 5. Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National


The nocturnal animals of Africa such as genets, bush babies and civets come out after dark and with the guidance of spot lights you may have the chance of spotting them.

Return to the lodge at approximately 20h30, where your delicious, 3-course dinner will await you.

Page 15: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Panorama TripExperience the breathtaking beauty of rock formations, picturesque waterfalls, landscapes and magnificent views of the Blyde River Canyon, God’s Window and Bourke’s Luck Potholes, as well as the amazing Graskop Gorge Lift an unforgettable journey in to the heart of a pristine indigenous forest.

Page 16: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Safari Tips

FlightsSouth African Airways fly direct to Johannesburg departing Perth 23:50 and arriving Johannesburg 05:00. We then take a 50 minute internal flight to Nelspruit likely to depart Johannesburg around 09:00 Departure flights will be 16:40 leaving Nelspruit and our return from Johannesburg 23:15 arriving Perth 13:25 the following day.

TemperatureIn April and May the temperature will range from an average minimum of 12 to average maximum of 29 with rainfall between 12-36mm.

CameraIt is definitely worth getting a little bit of cover it’s pretty cheap and for peace-of-mind it’s well worth it. I usually use insure and go as they seem well priced and offer good cover but, you can choose who you want if you have a preferred company.

Binoculars are a must!More than anything else I think they are the most useful thing to take with you (unless your camera has amazing zoom facilities). I would suggest nothing less than an 8x42 or 10x42 pair to give you the best balance between magnification, lens size and weight.

What to Pack Neutral/earthy colours are the best option especially for the game drives and definitely for the walks. NO bright colours!! At the Lodge keep it pretty relaxed Jeans, T-shirts are fine. Take a couple of warmer sweaters as mornings and evenings can get chilly!A lightweight rain jacket is good to pack too. On the drives layer up!! Long pants, jumpers and may be a jacket, last year the team packed their shorts and changed when we arrived at the Park or at our first toilet stop!!

Here’s a bit of useful information to make your trip to the Kruger National Park an amazing adventure.

Page 17: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Safari Tips

Laundry ServiceThe Lodge as a very efficient laundry service so you pack travel light and wash clothes while you are there.

Internet accessAccess to the internet is available but, may sometimes be limited and slow.

InsuranceIt is definitely worth getting a little bit of cover it’s pretty cheap and for peace-of-mind it’s well worth it.

MedicalMedical is one of those areas that is very completely up to you! Marloth Park, (where we stay) does have a risk of Malaria so it is definitely worth taken precautions like covering up, repellent and if you wish antimalarial medication.

MoneyYou won’t need a lot!! May be the odd cup of coffee, snacks for the game drives and what every you spend of wine or laundry at the Lodge (you can pay your bar bill at the Lodge by credit card)

There are some nice tourist shops at some of the bigger camps that we will stop off at but, remember tourist shop = tourist price!! They are great to buy a few gifts from though! The Panorama Trip is a great opportunity to stock of souvenirs of Africa and you’ll need cash.

Take Rand with you as we have very limited access to money changing facilities. Credit cards are always a good option if you intend to buy gifts.

Page 18: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Safari Tips

VisasNo visas are required if you are an Australian passport holder. If you are not an Aussie passport holder check out the website below.

Travel plugsAlthough the plug sockets are three pin in the rooms Denis (Needles owner) has put in two pin four socket power boards.

TippingAt the end of the trip most of the groups that have travelled with me have offered a tip to our Safari guide 400 rand per person, the Lodge staff 300 rand per person , Colin the Lodge manager who does a lot of running around for us 200 rand per person, SanparksRangers 100 rand. Please remember tipping is completely up to you and your group.

Other useful things to pack• Sunscreen• Sunglasses• Rehydration sachets• Torch or flashlight• Water bottle/bladder• Toothbrush• Mosquito repellent• Smile• Hand Sanitiser

Page 19: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

T&CsThe cost of the trip include• All accommodation • All group meals, • Entry in to the Kruger National Park

and all Safaris and Morning walks, (includes Breakfast)

• Day Trip - Panoramic Tour (includes breakfast)

• Transport from and to Nelspruit airport (If traveling with the group).

What’s not included in this price;• Return Flights to and from Nelspruit

(MQP)• Own snacks• Alcohol• Laundry

Page 20: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Cost of the trip.

The trip for the cost for this incredible experience will be $4200.

If you would like to do a full payment, you can do so at the Safari Special of $4000

You will need a maximum of $2500 for return flights to Nelspruit (MQP) flying via Johannesburg with South African Airways. (there will be deals to be done and we will keep you posted on cheap flight prices.)A non refundable deposit of $1050 will be required to secure your place by 16th July with three additional payments of $1050 due 1st September, 1st November and 1st February.

Once in South Africa you will need very little by way of spending money we suggested $250-500.

Page 21: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Terms and conditions

The tour package starts and ends in South Africa as described in the specific tour itinerary.

Inclusion: Everything described in the T&Cs section.

Exclusion: International and domestic airfare, some meals not described in itinerary, drinks, optional activities, all personal expenses, taxes, excess baggage, Visa fee (where applicable), Passport cost, and travel insurance. Single traveller accommodation surcharge.

Travel insurance: All travellers should be covered by travel insurance prior to departure. Insurance details must be supplied to us at least 4 weeks before departure. It is essential that you are aware that certain actives during the Retreat are dangerous and could potentially lead to injury or even death.

Payments: Payment is due within 14 days of invoice issue date unless there is a special arrangement. All prices are in Australian Dollars and valid at time of publication, but are subject to change as explained below. We strive to make our best efforts to ensure our prices do not change, but we might be required to impose surcharges depending on currency fluctuations, changes in government legislation, unexpected airline price change, fuel surcharges or other events beyond our control. We will contact you with updated prices before the full payment is made.

Payments schedule: Non refundable deposit of AU$1,000 by 16th July. AU$1,000 by September 1, 2018. AU$1,000 by November 1, 2018 and AU$1,000 February 1 2019.

Cancellations or amendments by traveller: All cancellations must be received in writing. No refunds will be made regardless of the reason. Cancellations are subject to the following cancellation fee applied per person, per confirmed booking: (a) For cancellations made more than 90 days before the scheduled tour departure date, the deposit will be forfeited to us. (b) For cancellations madebetween 46 to 89 days before the scheduled tour departure date, a cancellation fee of 50% of the tour costs will be payable. (c) For cancellations made within 45 days of the scheduled tour departure date, 100% of the tour costs will be payable. Cancellation of any third party suppliers’ arrangement will be subject to fees charged in accordance with the supplier. Refund will not be given for unused or cancelled services after your arrangement have commenced. Amendment fees are not charged to the traveller unless we are charged by the third party. Additional amendment charges may be charged by suppliers such as airlines and hotels. Your individual travel insurer may be consulted for assistance.

Cancellations or amendment by us: We reserve the right to cancel, reschedule or amend any itinerary items in accordance with operating requirements or circumstances beyond our control.

Limited liability, Claims and Exclusions: Yogahub as the provider to you of services, as a travel agent and/or a tour operator guarantees to you the those services will be provided to you with due care and skill, be reasonably fit or for their specified purpose, can be reasonably expected to achieve the desired result and will be provided to you within a reasonable time having regard to the circumstances. If we breach any of these guarantees, then you may have rights under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Wherewe are liable to you under that Act then our liability is limited. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you release us from any liability to you for any loss, theft or damage to baggage or property, or for any injury, illness or death whether any such is caused by the negligence of us or not. We are not liable to you for any loss, theft or damage to baggage or property, or for any injury, illness or death howsoever caused or arising directly or indirectly from accidents, loss, theft or damage to person or property delays, transport failure, strikes, third parties, wars and uprisings or acts of God or nature over which we have no control. We strongly urge all customers to undertake a high level of personal responsibility in order to ensure that possessions, equipment and personal documents are closely monitored and protected at all times.

Feedback and publicity: We strive for continuous improvement and value your feedback. After the tour, we will ask every traveller to participate in a feedback sheet or a telephone/meet in person interview. We will use this information only for improvement of our quality of service. You agree that we may use images of you taken on tour and any comments by you regarding the tour for publicity and promotion purpose.

Booking Form

First name

Last name

Postal address

Contact number

Email address

Emergency contact name & number

Relationship to you

Passport number Expiry date

Date of birth


Travel Insurance provider

Policy number Contact number

Please state Medical conditions and any special requirements

Dietary restrictions


I have read and understood the booking terms. The booking terms form part of my contract with Yogahub.




Page 22: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal
Page 23: Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure to 11 Kruger National Park South Africa · Depart the lodge at 15h30, and drive with a professional guide in the Kruger National Park. The nocturnal

Wild at Heart Africa Safari & Yoga Adventure

1 st to 11 th April 2019Kruger National Park

South Africa

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