
Baal vs ElijahBaal vs Elijah

We are here to debate the veracity of a book that concerns upheavals of life,

challenges to how one thinks and believes, holding onto values, miracles

and prophesies.

The main situation is coming into the promised land under the ‘leadership’ of Ahab and Jezebel. We are discussing

Elijah vs Baal

I and my colleagues will be defending the veracity and reliability of the book(s)

of Kings as an ancient document

CS Lewis:

In this debate, I and my fellow faculty members will be

holding our esteemed guests’ views accountable to scrutiny and

the sensibilities of free thinkers.

And so…

Anything more than myth and legend? I think not.


Stories in the ancient world abound Baal is no different Elijah no different

The stories haphazard and fanciful!


I’ll take that. Good question let’s consider how the stories play off each

other. Shall we?

Fred Rogers:

Be my guests



We will be arguing the case that all of Elijah’s miracles are meant as arguments against Baal in favor of Yahweh

being better

Baal indeed was a mythical god but Yahweh real and Elijah real

Fred Rogers:

Who was Baal? The God of fire and giver of the rains

both will play a big part in the miracles shown

Fred Rogers:

In his first miracle, Elijah turns off the rain for 3 years

Fred Rogers:

There will be no rain except by my wordThere will be no rain except by my word

Everyone is lucky once in a while, sir. It does not do well to dwell on dreams

and forget to live.


And it continues… although Baal is a God of both fire and rain

Elijah is the one calling down fire

Fred Rogers:

On Mt Carmel, the place of normally abundant rain there was no rain

Baal could not send fire to consume the sacrifice but Elijah drenched his offering in water and called down fire

That would be a ‘double play’ since Baal God over fire and sender of rain water

fanciful hopes imaginations run wild… stories made up…

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody:

And yet does that fit what we see in the accounts Baal is so called ‘god of fire’ but Elijah is the one who calls down file

CS Lewis:

Elijah showed his superiority by sending down fire on opposition

although Baal was supposed to be the god of fire

Elijah also strikes the water making it part also showing Baal is neither

god of fire or water

He who asserts must prove.

Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody:

CS Lewis:

We also note that Baal legends include Baal doing favors for rich people in exchange

for the benefits of having a rich guy indebted to you

CS Lewis:

Where both Elijah and Elisha in contrast helped ‘uninfluential’ poor widows

Baal was said to ‘ride the clouds’ so even as Elijah left this world it was

a slap in the face for Baal

Jonathan Edwards:

Sybill Trelawney is the professor of Divination:

How so?

Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind with chariots of fire

Which mean ‘crash go the chariots’ for Baal, or so to speak.

Jonathan Edwards:

In the end the account of Elijah vs the Baals was quite consistent and makes

perfect sense in the light of who Baal claimed to be

CS Lewis:

Yes… let’s move on… So, are you starting to see how in the story of Elijah

is spells Jesus all over?

CS Lewis:

Excuse me? Jesus?

How, pray tell is Jesus in the book?


Jonathan Edwards:

Like Jesus, Elijah gave his follower a double portion of his spirit. And a double portion is what the heir gets.

Those who follow Jesus are co heirs.

Fred Rogers:

Both Elijah and Jesus raised the dead, confronted wrong ideas about God

could control weather and multiplied food

CS Lewis:

Both Elijah and Jesus ascended to heaven

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand

up to our friends

Now alas we must bid you farewell.

Albus Dumbledore:

And on your way ….

Albus Dumbledore:

What’s happening?

Albus Dumbledore:

I’m afraid dear sirs and madams, we are more real than you.

While you are clever works of fiction we are the ‘poema’ work of God

Is is us who bid you adieu.

Jonathan Edwards:

In the book of Kings, our guy bested the Baal. Whether we did the same will be left to the

audience. Adieu.

Jonathan Edwards:

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