  • 1. [5] Helicobacter pylori

2. 1821 5 5 , . . 5 , , . 3. Nobel Prize in physiology of .Medicine 2005 . , . 4. . . 5. Barry Marshall and Robin Warren dogma , . , . 6. . 1982 plate plate . Helicobacter pylori . 7. . , . 8. . . . 9. 50% . . . 10. 10-15% (, , ) . 11. . 12. 13. Adhesion adhesin . 14. Virulence DNA cag , (cag) . 15. Protection & Flagella urease . flagella . 16. Immune evasion and suppression , . (ex : toxin T .) 17. Link between H.pylori & gastritis 4 . . 18. Link between H.pylori & gastritis . 19. Relationship between H.pylori & Human , . . 20. , , . 21. NIH 1994 2 79 Helicobacter pylori Consensus Development Conference NIH consensus development panel on Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease. JAMA 1994; 272: 65-9. 22. . (60-80%)1) CLO test (rapid urease test) : urease pH ( ) 2) UBT test : (urea breath test) 95% . 3) - IgG , H. pylori 4) (Giemsa , Warthin-Starry ) 5) stool antigen assay 6) salivary assay 7) urinary assay 23. 1998 1) 2) B MALT 3) => Korean Helicobacter pylori Study Group. Diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection in Korea. Korean J Gastroenterol 1998;32:275-289

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