Page 1: 4:00 PM 7:30 AM · 2021. 1. 22. · Ron Serpenti Safety & Assistance Director Deacon Ken Anderson Deacon Bill Ditewig

Parish Office Phone Number: 813-949-4565

Fax Number: 813-948-1981

Office Hours Monday—Friday

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Celebration of the Eucharist

Saturday Vigils-NEW! 4:00 PM

6:00 PM (Spanish —Livestream)

Sunday Masses-NEW! 7:30 AM 9:30 AM

11:30 AM / Livestream) 5:00 PM (Life Teen)

Daily Mass

Monday—Friday 8:00 AM

Thursday – Eucharist Adoration 8:30 – 9:30 AM

Early Childhood Center Mary’s House 813-948-5999

[email protected]

Children’s Ministry Young Disciples

813-949-2699 [email protected]

Youth Ministry 813-949-7331

[email protected]

Family Life Ministry 813-949-4565 ext. 232 or 230

[email protected] [email protected]

Music Ministry [email protected]

Sacrament of Reconciliation In Immaculata Hall

Saturday 3:00—4:00 PM Sunday 4:00– 5:00 PM

Or by appointment

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Professing one Faith, one Lord, and

one Baptism, Our Lady of the Rosary

Parish is a Roman Catholic community of the people of God

redeemed by Jesus Christ and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

Strengthened by Prayer, the Sacraments, and the Word, we

seek to know Jesus Christ fully, to serve Him faithfully,

and to experience the transforming power of the

Holy Spirit. Through the Stewardship of our Time, Talent and Treasure, we strive to

minister to the spiritual and material needs of all God’s

Children. Empowered by the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we proclaim the Good News

of Salvation through Jesus Christ and

invite everyone to join us in the Kingdom of God where the

Justice, Peace, and Joy of Christ abound.

Rev. Monsignor, Ronald B. Aubin, J.C.L., Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Felipe Gonzalez —Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Rev. Albert Shuyaka —Weekend Associate [email protected]

Rev. Dayan Machado—In Residence

[email protected]

Kathy Fox [email protected] Office Manager / Bookkeeper

Danielle Murphy, Pastor’s Secretary [email protected]

Barbara Gallagher [email protected] Receptionist / Parish Calendar Coordinator Wendy Ottenwalder [email protected] Parish Secretary

Jenene Peterson [email protected] Web Master

Ron Serpenti [email protected] Safety & Assistance Director

Deacon Ken Anderson [email protected] Deacon Bill Ditewig [email protected] Deacon José Solórzano [email protected] Deacon Frank DeSanto [email protected]

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We continue to pray for all those who are ill

and suffering from COVID-19.

As well as for an end to this pandemic.

Bishop Parkes has mailed all parishioners an invitation to participate in the 2021 Annual Pastoral Ap-peal (APA). Please review the brochure that comes with the mailing and learn more about the good works of our local Church made possible by APA. This year the theme for APA is: Hope in the Lord, a message that states who we are and how our hope gives us strength. In the last year, our parish has witnessed the saving grace hope can be when faced with immense difficulty. Our people have demonstrated that by refocusing on our hope in our Lord, we can all make a difference to someone less fortunate. Giving to the Annual Pastoral Appeal is an additional way we can extend hope to others. Through APA, we reach beyond ourselves and our parish, and extend hope to thousands through the ministries, programs and services that enrich a Christ-centered way of life. To learn more about how our diocesan ministries continue serving in Christ’s name, visit our diocesan website at or follow our diocese on social media @DioStPete and discover something new about our local Church outreach. Together, let’s pray that the Holy Spirit will guide our journey and bestow His grace upon us as we extend that hope to others. Our parish Commitment Weekend is on February 6 and 7. Please bring your commitment card from home or pick-up an in-pew pledge envelope at Mass and come prepared to participate and courageously be part of the Good Works of our diocese.

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time —January 24, 2021

Saturday, January 23— Weekday/ Saint Vincent Readings: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21 4:00 pm: † Elizabeth Shannon Moran by Peter & Janet Fanuele 6:00 pm: For the People of Our Lady of the Rosary Sunday, January 24— Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Jon 3:1-5, 10; 1Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 7:30 am: † Rolando Navarro by Marie B. Duchy 9:30 am: † Jaime Luna by Vicki Luna 11:30 am: † Deceased Members of the Montero-Salinas Family by the Montero Family 5:00 pm: † Jane Patricia Armand by Jerry & Danielle Murphy Monday, January 25 — Conversion of Saint Paul Readings: Acts 22: 3-16 or Acts 9:1-22; Mk 16: 15-18 8:00 am: † Jean Patrick Finnegan by Anna Maria Finnegan Tuesday, January 26— Saints Timothy and Titus Readings: 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1: 1-5; Mk 3:-31-35 8:00 am: † Rolando Navarro by Marie Duchy Wednesday, January 27— Weekday Readings: Heb 10: 11-18; Mk 4:1-20 8:00 am: † Diane McCue by Ron & Joyce Kordusky Thursday, January 28— Saint Thomas Acquinas Readings: Heb 10: 19-25;Mk 4:21-25 8:00 am: † Mario & Carmen Ramos by Blanca Gomez Friday, January 29 — Weekday Readings: Heb 10:32-39; Mk 4:26-34 8:00 am: Intentions of Scott & Laurie Heinrich by Cheryl Hammond Saturday, January 30— Weekday Readings: Heb 11:1-2, 8-19; Mk 4:35-41 4:00 pm: † Serge Nicolas by Gladys & Raymond Romain 6:00 pm: † Angel & Aida Bracero by Aida & Eddie Roque Sunday, January 31— Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Dt 18:15; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28 7:30 am: For the People of Our Lady of the Rosary 9:30 am: † Michael Whitley by Julia Whitley 11:30 am: † Deceased Members of the Alejandro Family by The Alejandro Family 5:00 pm: † Elias Figueroa by Jean McGowan

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WHY DO WE DO THAT? Catholic Life Explained


In Year B, we hear primarily from the Gospel of Mark. Since each Evangelist has a unique per-spective, what are the key issues that Mark addresses in his Gospel?


Gospels are a particular faith community's reflection on Jesus. Each Gospel's author reflected that communi-ty's faith in Jesus. Jesus' message is made relevant to the commu-nity's situation and context. Mark was the first Gospel to be writ-ten. When Matthew and Luke wrote theirs, they imitated and adapted Mark for their communities. Mark's Gospel seems to be addressed to a faith community under-going turmoil, rejection, and persecution--forces that threaten to overwhelm them. This provides the context around which Mark fashions the story of Jesus. He presents Jesus as the One sent by God to confront the forces of evil. That is the good news of Jesus. Jesus' struggle with the demonic forces leads to confrontation, rejection, outright opposition, and a conspiracy to do away with him. Realizing this, Jesus is not deterred. Rather Jesus calls for total faith in God who helps us to overcome the forces of evil. Suf-fering and even death seem to be the consequences of this strug-gle. Yet, that is not the end. The one who suffers for the sake of others, the suffering servant, will be the one through whom re-demption and salvation will come to all. For Mark, this is what discipleship demands and what true faith in God can and will ac-complish. See if you can detect these themes as you read Mark's Gospel.

Pope Francis Prayer Intention for January

Evangelization— Human Fraternity

May the Lord give us the grace to

live in full fellowship with our broth-ers and sisters of other religions,

praying for one another, open to all.

THE INAUGURATION Mark describes the beginning of Jesus’ ministry with his procla-mation that the “kingdom of God is at hand.” The rest of Mark’s Gospel—all of Jesus’ preaching and healing, his death and resur-rection—describes the inauguration of this kingdom of God. For Mark, the life of Jesus is the center point of history, where every-thing leads up to Jesus, and everything follows from Jesus. Mark then tells us that the first disciples follow Jesus immediately and wholeheartedly. They leave their work and family, all for Jesus. Because compared to Jesus and the life he offers, everything else is secondary. Perhaps our invitations from God do not entail such dramatic life changes. But all who follow Jesus are called to align our life and values with his ways of love. As we continue to mature in love and in faith, we might ask: What needs to be renewed, re-oriented, or discarded in light of our life in Christ?

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“Mercy is the true face of love” —Pope Francis

Provides a faith based structured preschool learning environ-ment. Our program starts at age 2 through the state funded VPK program. Our rigorous academics have been proven successful by the performance of our children going onto Kindergarten. Our curriculum focuses on phonetic awareness, letter recognition, writing skills, reading strategies, and problem solving activities. We offer two sessions, a morning preschool program and an afternoon program. We also offer extended hours when needed. For more information please contact: Corrine Ertl, Center Director at 813-948-5999 or [email protected]

Anointing of the Sick Those scheduled for Serious Surgery should contact the Parish to arrange for the reception of this sacrament prior to their entrance into the hospital. Those in imminent danger of death have a right to the consolation of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick and Holy Eucharist. Immediate relatives should call the Parish 949-4565 . Baptism Baptism for infants and children under seven: Please contact Deacon Frank or Kathy DeSanto at (813) 949-4565 ext 232 or 230 or by email to [email protected] or [email protected] to schedule an appointment prior to deciding on a Baptismal date. Confirmation Teens: Baptized Teens in 9th grade or above may enroll in the Confirma-tion Class by calling Patricia Ikhwan at 949-7331. Adults: who practice their Catholic Faith but have not yet been confirmed, should contact Dea-con Frank or Kathy DeSanto at 949-4565 ext 232 or 230 so special in-structions and arrangements may be made for their Confirmation. Eucharist The homebound may receive Communion on a regular basis by contacting the parish office to request this service. Lay ministers assist the pastor in this ministry. Holy Orders If you would like to serve God by preaching the Gospel, celebrating the Sacraments and serving the needy, God may be calling you to be a priest or deacon. For more information contact Fr. Ron or the Diocesan Vocation Director at 727-345-3452 or website: or e-mail: [email protected]. Marriage In keeping with Diocesan guidelines, arrangements must be made at least six months before an anticipated wedding date can be set, to allow for the required SIX MONTH preparations for the sacrament of matrimony. Couples need to pre-register for the next Joined in Christ Sacramental Marriage Preparation Pro-gram as soon as a decision to marry has been made, by contacting Deacon Frank or Kathy DeSanto at 949-4565 ext 232 or 230 or Email at [email protected] or [email protected] Reconciliation (Confession) In Immaculata Hall Saturday: 3:00 to 4:00 PM, Sunday 4:00— 5:00 PM or by appointment. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA, RCIA adapted to teens, RCIA adapted to children) Unbaptized adults, older children, or teens who wish to be baptized in the Cath-olic Faith, or adults, older children or teens already baptized into another Chris-tian community and who now desire full communion with the Catholic Church, should contact Deacon Frank or Kathy DeSanto at 949-4565 ext 232 or 230 or Email at [email protected] or [email protected] .

Robert Schwager Mike Caltieri Hector Aleman Raul Hernandez Alba Osorio Virginia Hoeffner Julito Alonso Roberto Perez Elia Ronda Ramon Sandoval, Jr. Olivia Dipasupil Stephany Strul Hanane Badran Mae Brown Belinda & Tommy Towsend Judy McCray Ngan Van Tran Judy Kumpel Joe & Arline Cody Bruce Henderson Joey Newsome Annie Donnelly Malcom Babione Dolores Escobar Kathy Feustal Nichole Kress Harry & Ann Costello

Michael Glorioso Maryleen Charles Gabriel Mason Tony Varano Eleni Driscoll Xiomara Mejia Gilberto Lopez Gladys Cestoni Damian Perroti Karen Sullivan Sophia Dipasupil Brad Sherwin Bill Kress Joseph Benigno Eileen Mason Edith Lugo Patricia Ahlgren Patricia McLeod Marc Ventresca Bud Beck Lena Gamble Anne B. Donnellan Roger Meken Joey Comes Jenny Benau

Call the Parish Office with your prayer requests.

Let us pray for those who are sick and all caregivers.

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Catholic Church encourages the “practice of merciful love,” offering as a guide the corporal works of mercy, charitable acts for the common good and basic human welfare. These actions are rooted in our love for the Lord, and as Jesus tells us, knowing that

whatever we do for the most vulnerable among us we do for Him. Pantry Hours: Thursday and Friday 9 am -11:30 am. For assistance Contact (813)949-6094


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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time — Word of God Sunday January 24, 2021 Page 5

Who to call to become involved—parish organizations and ministries

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mike & Bonnie Meyer……..………...…618-830-7572 Altar Servers: Deacon Frank & Kathy DeSanto……………...…………….………813-949-4565 Altar Servers (Spanish) Ninoska Paredes………………………...…………………..310-614-6250 Annulments: Fr. Felipe Gonzalez………[email protected] ………813-949-4565 Arts & Crafts: Lynn Jenkins…………………………………..………….……………813-996-1916 Arts & Environment: Jessica Kroger……………………..……..………………….....813-995-0189 BearMakers: Suzie Garrett…………………………………….………………………813 973-1117 Bible Study Group: (Thursdays)……………………………..………………………813.949-4565 Cancer Support Network: Joe Gallagher .……………….…………………………….813-928-4902 Catholic Business Network: Mary Ann Whallen ……………………..……………813 833-4737 Catholic Divorced Survival Group: Cathy Moreland……………………....……913-485-7076 Columbiettes # 8104: Claire Thompson…………………...……………….813–951-0570 Council of Catholic Women: Coleen Ward……………………………………..813-997-1045 Cursillo Movement Representative: Sue Maffeo ……………………….….............813-996-0940 Divine Mercy Cenacles: Elizabeth Montgomery………………….........c:813-240-3843 EMAUS Mujeres : Sally Bonilla….……………….………..………………………......813-495-7776 EMAUS Hombres: Carlos Muñoz ………………………………………………..813-385-1260 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Christine Pearce………..…….813-469-0642 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Spanish): Carlos Muñoz ………… 813– 385-1260 Funeral / Bereavement ………………… Kathy & Deacon Frank DeSanto………..813-949-4565 Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart: Danielle.Richardson.,[email protected] Gethsemane Alba Alzate (S)………………………………………………………813-765-7704 Grupo de Oracion: Amparo Gomez ………………………………………………..….813-370-6442 Healing Ministry: Burt Odom….……………………………………[email protected] Hearts Afire: Cheryl Hammond….…….……………………………..……………...c: 813-728-8448 Jail Ministry: Denise Starkey…………………………………………………………...(813)215-9535 Joseph’s Hands; Filipino Comm. ;Rosary Makers; Mac & Nida Liwanag… 703-447-0331 Knights of Columbus, Council 8104: Ben Strakos Grand Knight………………….. 813-751-4814 Lectors: Dc. Frank DeSanto…949-4565…..(Spanish) Arturo Giammugnani…813.767-1814 Legion of Mary (Spanish): Ligia Villadiego………………..….................. 727-512-2301 LifeTeen Band/Jonathan Rine …..………………………………………..…...……... 727-457-9822

Living Well Women's Study: Christine C.845-790-1613, Kate C. 954-684-2931 Marian Mvmnt. of Priests/Patriotic Rosaries: Hermie dela Cruz 813-406-4567 Marriage Prep: DeaconFrank@ or [email protected] ….949-4565 Mary’s Hands: Chris t ina Cunningham………….845-790-1613 Matrimonio, Dialogo y Seguimiento (M.D.S): Jorge/Jessenia Rodriguez 813-720-9144 Mental Health Counselor: Carmen Anderson…………………. 813-949-4565 Mercy Calling: Cheryl Hammond………………………………… 813 728-8448 Ministers of Hospitality: Robert Nyberg 813-949-4565 (Sp.) Eddie Roque 244-7079 Music Ministry (Sp.) Jose Diaz..…………………………………... 813-758-9401

Nain/Bereavement…Dcn. Frank & Mrs. Kathy DeSanto………...813-949-4565 Nar-Anon: Ingrid M. [email protected] ……………………813-397-7417 Natural Family Planning: Jenene & Matt Peterson … . . . …… . . . 9 4 9 - 2 2 2 6 Nursing Home Ministry: ……………………………………………. 813-949-4565 Prayer Group (Fri AM): Aurora Bowen…………………………813.996-9774 Rediscovering Jesus Men’s Ministry: Dave …….…….727-403-8060 Respect Life Committee: Michele Holzberger……………………..813-323-4304 Respeto a la Vida: Gladys Ruenes:…………………………………813-943-7061 R.I.C.A Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos: Luis Nuñez..….813-784-4035 Sacristan: Kathy DeSanto..949-4565; /(Sp.): Lydia Cordero … .813-846-6348 Scouts U.S.A.….. email: [email protected]…. … …….404-801-3223 Seniors’ Ministry, Director: Carol Gray…………………………….813-310-4729 Servants Heart Couples’ Ministry: Jevon & Cindy Williams…….813-407-2324 Spanish Ministry: Gustavo B …………………………………… ..813-770-5556 Spanish Prayer Group: Amparo Gomez …………………813-370-6442 Sports Program: Patrick Poland………………………………… 813-484-8621 St. Kateri Sodality: Communion to the Homebound……………(813)949-4565 St. Nicholas Society (AKA: Papa Noel): Sheila Vega…………813.949-4565 St. Vincent de Paul Society: Sharon Turner……… ….…………813-494-2551

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The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel. — Mark 1:15

Music Ministry The last several months have been unprecedented for all of us in so many ways. Our daily lives have been turned upside down due to the coronavirus, and our music ministry, too, has been affected. As soon as we entered the period of quarantine, all of our music ministries were sus-pended. Since the Third Sunday of Lent (March 15), we have been celebrating Mass without choirs, cantors, or instrumental-ists. I’ve been leading the music alone, as part of our live stream and now as we begin having public gatherings for Sun-day Mass, I will continue leading the music by myself for the time being. I am grateful for all those who participate in our music ministry, and I am disappointed that we have had to cut our time short this season due to COVID-19. I hope that all who have been faithful members of music ministry for so many years will rejoin when our programs are able to safely resume. So when we will have cantors and choirs back for Sunday Mass? The answer right now, the best I can say is I don’t know. Most of the guidelines that the Church is adhering to right now, strongly discourage choirs. Vigorous singing contrib-utes 6x the amount of aerosol particles in the air, which can very easily spread virus. I’m hopeful as we successfully return to public Mass on Sunday, I can use the cantors and instrumen-talists along with myself to lead music. When we do this, we will do so observing social distancing and other precautions. So we will wait and see, and pray for the best as we resume Sunday Mass. May God bless you and keep you safe.

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Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos

(R.I.C.A) El R.I.C.A es la forma actual de instruc-

ción para aquellos que desean unirse a

la Iglesia Católica. Si nunca ha sido Bautizado, Confirmado o

recibido la Primera Comunión, o es miembro de otra Iglesia

Cristiana y desea convertirse en miembro de la Iglesia

Católica, llame al la oficina Parroquial.

Our Lady of the Rosary provides on-site Professional Counseling Services to children, adults, couples and families. Contributions towards the cost of services are welcome and payable to OLOR. For additional information, or to schedule an appointment, please call (813) 949-4565, ext. 223 or e-mail [email protected] Office hours: Thursday and Friday by appointment. Carmen S. Anderson Licensed Mental Health Counselor

Going through divorce? Already divorced? This powerful 12-week program is designed to guide you to encounter Christ – with all of his love, mercy and healing power in a deeply personal way.

Surviving Divorce was created to move past the pain of one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. Surviving Divorce leaders have been through divorce themselves and are examples of the healing and restoration that can occur after the breakup of a marriage.

Surviving Divorce healing ministry is open to ALL, regard-less of faith or length of your separation or divorce.

A new program begins February 4, 2021 at St. Timothy Catholic Church in Lutz. We will meet on Thursdays from 7-9PM. $30 includes materials. You can register online at For more infor-mation, please contact Gina Gawienczuk at [email protected].

Have Ethical Questions and Concerns Regarding COVID-19 Vaccines?

The USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat has developed a new COVID-19 vaccine educational resource. (Search for “USCCB Answers to Key Ethical Questions About COVID-19 Vaccines” on the web.) The document provides concise answers to the most frequently asked ethical questions about COVID-19 vaccines. Additional information can be found at prolife/biomedical-research

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Have you talked to your mother lately? Pray the Rosary... Learn how @

January 24, 2021 3rd Sunday Ordinary Time

Are you a fisher of men?

“Jesus said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’” – Mark 1:17 The year 2020 was a difficult year for many. Racial and political unrest and a global pandemic made it historic and memorable for all the wrong reasons. It also made us hope for a new year of change and opportunity. More than 2000 years ago, Simon and Andrew were struggling fisher-man, just trying to make a living while under the rule of the Roman gov-ernment and religious authorities. Their lives revolved around fish – catching and selling them. That was their present and their future reality.

Not really much to hope for when you think about it. That is until they encounter Jesus. From that moment forward, their lives would change forever. Jesus offers them a new outlook on life, a future of hope, new opportunity and a brighter tomorrow. They make the decision to aban-don their nets and follow Jesus.

Many people feel trapped in their current reality. Career goals, societal pressures and family responsibilities can make life difficult and challeng-ing. We often look for short term solutions that we think will bring us happiness and fulfillment. But, in the end, they only leave us feeling more empty. But there’s a different path we can follow – a path that leads to ultimate and eternal happiness. It’s the path of following Jesus Christ. Jesus’s invitation to Simon, Andrew, James and John is also ex-tended to us. Come, follow me.

I know that many are already following Jesus. You have a good life, at-tend church regularly and do charitable works. But are you a fisher of men as Jesus says? Do you give good example to others by the way you live your life? Do you invite others to a relationship with Jesus Christ by sharing the Good News?

Our mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ, invite others to follow Him, and to see His presence in those we encounter. It’s not too late to embark on a different path as we begin this new year. Bishop Gregory Parkes

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HeartsAfire Lent 2021

You are invited to join our Study Program:

The Ascension Lenten Companion: Year B A Personal Encounter with the Power of the Gospel

By Fr. Mark Toups

Journal Book available on Zoom Discussion Wednesdays, Feb. 24 – Mar. 31

Contact Cheryl Hammond: [email protected]

LA INAUGURACIÓN Marcos describe el comienzo del ministerio de Jesús con su proclamación de “el Reino de Dios está cerca”. En todo el resto del Evangelio de Marcos, toda la predicación y curaciones, su muerte y resurrección, se describe la inauguración de este Reino de Dios. Para Marcos, la vida de Jesús es el punto central de la historia, donde todo lleva a Jesús, y todo continua con Jesús. Luego Marcos nos dice que los primeros discípulos siguieron a Jesús inmediatamente y de todo corazón. Ellos dejan sus traba-jos y familia, todo por Jesús. Porque comparado con Jesús y la vida que ofrece, todo lo demás es secundario. Tal vez nuestras invitaciones de Dios no implican cambios de vida tan dramáticos. Pero todos los que siguen a Jesús están llamados a orientar su vida y valores con su sentido de amor. A medida que continuamos madurando en el amor y en la fe, po-dríamos preguntarnos: ¿Qué necesita ser renovado, reorientado o desechado a la luz de nuestra vida en Cristo?

Want to make a REAL difference in combatting abortion, suicide, euthanasia and human trafficking? Enroll today in CEAL, Confraternity of Eucharistic Adoration for Life - these individuals from around the globe unite in prayer from home or chapel or at adoration. You decide your amount of prayer time. No meetings, simply Christ’s body praying in one accord. You can get more info and enroll at the web-site When you enroll be sure to indicate that you are from OLOR - The founder is from right here in Tampa – Fr. Robert Romaine at St. Paul’s Church; he would gladly come to OLOR and present the mission of CEAL to all in person.


Disorder in the society is the result of disorder in the family. —St. Angela Merici


The soul cannot live without love. —St. Francis de Sales

W o r d o f G o d S u n d a y The celebration of Word of God Sunday is a gift given us by Pope Francis just over a year ago, we pray it may bear fruit in a deeper appreciation of God’s word living among us.

Please visit:

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Connie Whittington Director of Children’s Ministry [email protected]


Kimberly Sievert Children’s Ministry Assistant [email protected]

Communion Corner Please keep in prayer all children who are preparing to receive Jesus for the first time in May or December.

“I cleaned my room.”- Haley B. “I cleaned my room.” - Savannah B. “I helped my brother learn how to play and understand a game.”- Madeline J. “I helped my friend bring his stuff into his house.”- Jake R. “I held a door open for an elderly person.” - Jonah V.

Home Study Families Sunday, January 24 Family Faith

Formation via Zoom. Link will be sent on January 21st. See everyone then.

Sunday Classes: 11:00 AM -12:15 PM January 24 and 31 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Lvl 1 Young Disciples Grades 1-3 Monday Classes 4:45 PM –6:00 PM January 25 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Lvl 1 & 2 Young Disciples Grades K– 3 Monday KIC 6:00 PM—8:00 PM January 25 KIC Grades 4 & 5 Tuesday Classes 12:30 PM—1:45 PM January 26 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Lvl 1 Wednesday Classes 4:45 PM—6:00 PM January 27 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Lvl 1 & 2 Young Disciples Grades K– 5 Thursday Classes 10:30 AM—12:00 PM January 28 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Lvl 1 & 2 Home Study January 24—Via Zoom

DECEMBER 2021 First Reconciliation Group

Your first required Reconciliation session will be held on January 27 at 6:30 PM in the Church.

Questions or concerns please contact me at: [email protected]

May 2021 First Holy Communion Group

For parents and students who did not attend the May First Holy Communion Session #1 on Wednesday January 20 there is the alternate date of Tuesday January 26 at 6:30 PM

in the church. I will see you then. Questions or concerns please contact me: [email protected]

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2021 GriefShare Meeting Schedule

Wednesdays, from 6:30pm—8:00pm in Nicodemus Room

Loss of Spouse Session : Feb 10, 2021 Feb. : 24 Mar.: 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Apr.: 21, 28 May.: 5, 12, 19, 26 Jun.: 2

We know it’s painful and We want to help you.

Come for Support & Encouragement after suffering the loss of a loved one.

GriefShare is a special weekly support group designed to help you rebuild your life

after suffering a loved one’s death.

10 Day Pilgrimage to the Holy Land April 11—21, 2021

Jerusalem • Bethlehem • Nazareth • Galilee • Last Supper • Gethsemane Nativity Church • Capernaum • and More…

Join Deacon Frank and Kathy DeSanto on this once in a life time customized trip.:

$4,199.00 Per Person ~ Includes round trip airfare from Tampa


Questions ? Contact: Kathy DeSanto at 813-536-0988

To reserve your seat go to: Select: CLERGY TRIPS Search for: HOLY LAND WITH DEACON FRANK D.



Tomb of Jesus Renew Baptismal Promises

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Altar Servers Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult

Marriage Preparation Young Adult Ministry

Tech Team Mission

DIRECTORS OF FAMILY LIFE MINISTRIES Kathy DeSanto: [email protected] Deacon Frank DeSanto: [email protected] Direct Office: 813-536-0988

Have you recently become Engaged?

Are you Planning to be Married We are excited you have chosen Our Lady of the Rosary

These are the beginning Steps to have your Wedding at OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY

1. Call Kathy or Deacon Frank DeSanto to arrange a meeting 2. Register and attend both sessions shown below 3. Visit our website,, for more information

The first two sessions of each of our nine session program are in Nicodemus on Thursday evenings from 7:00 –8:30 PM.

Two Part Series - Presented by Fr. Ron Aubin

Part 2—Marriage as Sacrament—02/18/2021

Part 1—Marriage as Contract — TBA

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Alpha Come and see!


If you want to . . . ♦ be on a Spiritual Journey ♦ be Baptized ♦ Join the Church ♦ become Catholic ♦ receive Communion with your spouse and/or family ♦ received Confirmation & Holy Eucharist as a Baptized Catholic

If any of these apply, RCIA is just what you need! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) is the process for initi-ating adults into the Sacramental Life of the Catholic Church. It is a process designed for adults who have never been bap-tized or who have been baptized in other Christian faiths who are seeking full communion with the Catholic Church.

The process includes four periods, three major rites:

1. Pre-Catechumenate (Inquiry Process) 2. Catechumenate 3. Full Initiation 4. Mystagogy (Action)

Other rituals also mark a person’s journey toward faith and full initiation into the Catholic Church.

RCIA is Not just for those who want to be Cathol ic .

This program is a powerful way to enter into a new level of learning the Richness and Teachings of the Catholic


If today you hear the voice of GOD, harden not your hearts! Please Call!

Please call or email Kathy and Deacon Frank DeSanto (see top of page for contact info)

Page 12: 4:00 PM 7:30 AM · 2021. 1. 22. · Ron Serpenti Safety & Assistance Director Deacon Ken Anderson Deacon Bill Ditewig

Courageously Growing Together in Christ!


If for whatever reason, you are not able to attend Mass and receive Jesus in Holy Communion, then I encourage you to make a spiritual communion, or better yet, make your entire day a spiritual communion with Jesus. There are several web sites, listed below, that explain how to do just that. But my favorite prayer for maintaining a spiritu-al communion with Jesus is the Prayer of Saint Patrick, also known as the Breastplate of Saint Patrick: I’ve adapted this prayer to suit my own spiritual needs and my version goes something like this:

Christ be with me, within in me, before me, behind me, beneath me, above me.

Christ be on my right, and on my left. Christ be in my heart, in my mind, in my soul, and in every fiber of my

being. Christ be in my thoughts, in my words, and in my actions.

Christ be in my eyes (what I see), my ears (what I hear), on my lips (what I say),

in my hands (what I do) and in my feet (where I go). Christ be in my sleeping, in my waking, and in all my doing.

I love Jesus, be with me today, that I might be with you forever.

GRUPO DE ORACION LUNES 7:30-9:00PM Reunion por Zoom

Necesitan inscribirse enviando un correo electronico a Amparo Gomez [email protected]

envien su nombre, email y # de Telefono, se le enviara el codigo para poder entrar a la reunion del grupo por Zoom.

A unirnos todos en ORACION!

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El propósito de M.D.S es dar apoyo y ayudar en el crecimiento espiritual a parejas y Matrimonios. Nuestro Lema:

Reuniones via Zoom todos los Martes a las 7:30 pm Para mas Informacion contactar a Jorge 813-720-9144

o Jessenia 813-850-4520



Para Inscribirse: [email protected]


Do you or anyone you know have

a prayer need? Go to:

Page 13: 4:00 PM 7:30 AM · 2021. 1. 22. · Ron Serpenti Safety & Assistance Director Deacon Ken Anderson Deacon Bill Ditewig

“Stand Firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong." l Cor. 16:13

Annual Pastoral Appeal 2021 Goal: $343,264

We sincerely thank all those who have gone above and be-yond our expectations to sup-port Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in our APA 2020 cam-paign!

Now we begin again for APA 2021 knowing we can rely on OLOR parishioners to support the many works APA makes possible for our parish and for the greater Tampa Bay area. You can make APA donations through our web site:

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Saint Michael’s Ministry As we reopen the Church and our Campus to the Faithful and Parish friends and visitors this Christmas Season, Saint Michael’s Ministry will be there to help keep our community safe. This vital ministry helps provide for safety and

security of everyone who visits here at OLOR, but we desperate-ly need new volunteers to help at our masses, at Young Disci-ples, Edge, and Life Teen. If you have been involved and would like to come back in Janu-ary, or if you are new and would like to help in some capacity, please send an email to [email protected] or call the office (813) 949-4565. We need volunteers for our SAT (Safety helpers) SRT (Law en-forcement and military background) and MRT (Medical and nursing background) to assist with keeping the children on campus safe while they learn about their faith and to assist and protect all visitors here at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish.

Council 8104 Meeting Dates

First Thursday of the Month @ 7:00

Officers Third Thursday @ 7:00

Meetings held via Zoom

Check your email for the link

Page 14: 4:00 PM 7:30 AM · 2021. 1. 22. · Ron Serpenti Safety & Assistance Director Deacon Ken Anderson Deacon Bill Ditewig

Stewardship: Our Way of Life

Now you can make your offertory gifts work harder than ever to support your parish by participating in our

Online Giving Program. Here is a link to Online Giving!

Accepting Offertory, Holy Day Offerings, APA, Parish Faith Formation Fees & More For more information on this program contact [email protected]


Terry Miller 746-9922 Gladys Ruenes 943-7061 Danielle Murphy 416-8146 Thomas Ryan 838-4635 Christine Pearce 469-0642 Gerry Lagasca 766-0905 Rosalia Moreno 991-9742 Ben Strakos 751-4814 Charles Nyberg 973-3187 Claire Thompson 949-4565 John Lann 909-5199

PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL John Lann, Chairman 909-5199 Margaret Smith 949-8568 David Caruso 690-2469 Eddie Roque John Hofmann Dick Loar Sal Kass

Next Finance Council Meeting: January 27, 2021

2020 2019

Jan 16-17 Jan 18-19 Offertory $ 8,135 $ 28,999 Mail In $ 7,135 Online Giving $ 10,951 $ 6,307 Total Offertory $ 26,221 $ 35,306

YTD Offertory (Fiscal Year: begins July 1st)

$ 903,630 $ 1,070,277

Envelopes Mailed 2241 2175 Online Givers (by the week) 99 253 Envelopes returned Mass Attendance 822

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