  • 7/25/2019 3 Endangered Plant Species


    3 Endangered plant species


    Rafflesiais a genusofparasiticflowering plants. It contains approximately 28 species (including

    four incompletely characterized species as recognized by Willem Meijer in !!"#$ all found in

    southeastern %sia$ in Indonesia$Malaysia$&hailandand the 'hilippines.)not in citation given)
  • 7/25/2019 3 Endangered Plant Species


    Rafflesiawas found in theIndonesianrain forestby an Indonesian guide wor*ing for +r. ,oseph

    %rnoldin 88$ and named after-ir &homas -tamford affles$ the leader of the expedition. It

    was disco/ered e/en earlier by 0ouis +eschampsin ,a/abetween "! and "!1$ but his notes

    and illustrations$ seized by the ritish in 834$ were not a/ailable to western science until 85.citation needed)

    &he plant has no stems$ lea/es or true roots. It is a holoparasiteof /ines in the genus Tetrastigma

    (6itaceae#$ spreading its absorpti/e organ$ the haustorium$inside the tissue of the /ine. &he only

    part of the plant that can be seen outside the host /ine is the fi/e7petaled flower. In some species$

    such asRafflesia arnoldii$ the flower may be o/er 33 centimetres (4! in# in diameter$ and weigh

    up to 3 *ilograms (22 lb#. /en the smallest species$R. baletei$ has 2 cm diameter flowers.

    &he flowers loo* and smell li*e rotting flesh$hence its local names which translate to 9corpse

    flower9 or 9meat flower9 (see below#. &he foul odor attracts insects such as flies$ which transport

    pollen from male to female flowers. Most species ha/e separate male and female flowers$ but a

    few ha/e hermaphroditic flowers. 0ittle is *nown about seed dispersal. :owe/er$ tree shrewsand

    other forest mammals eat the fruits and disperse the seeds.Rafflesiais the official state flower of

    Indonesia$ the -abahstate in Malaysia$ and of the -urat &hani 'ro/ince$ &hailand.

    &he name 9corpse flower9 applied toRafflesiacan be confusing because this common name also

    refers to the titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum# of the family %raceae.Moreo/er$ becauseAmorphophallushas the world;s largest unbranched inflorescence$ it is sometimes mista*enly

    credited as ha/ing the world;s largest flower. othRafflesiaandAmorphophallusare flowering

    plants$ but they are only distantly related. Rafflesia arnoldiihas the largestsingleflower of any

    flowering plant$ at least in terms of weight.A. titanumhas the largest unbranchedinflorescence$

    while the talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera# forms the largest branched inflorescence$

    containing thousands of flowers< the talipot is monocarpic$ meaning the indi/idual plants die

    after flowering.


    Symphyotrichum georgianum(formerlyAster georgianus# is a rare species of flowering plant in

    the %steraceae$ the aster family. Its common name is Georgia aster. It is nati/e to the
  • 7/25/2019 3 Endangered Plant Species


    southeastern =nited -tates$ where it is *nown from %labama$>lorida$?eorgia$@orth Aarolina$

    and -outh Aarolina.2)&oday it may be extirpatedfrom the state of >lorida.4)

    &he ?eorgia aster is a robust rhizomatousperennialherbproducing colonies of woody stems up

    to 33 centimetres (4! in# long. &he thic*$ dar* green lea/es are up to " centimetres (4 in# long

    by 2 centimetres (3.8 in# wide. &hey are oblong to lance7shaped with smooth or serrated margins.

    &he flower headsare borne on rough7haired$ glandularpeduncles. &hebractsare linear to lance7

    shaped.2)&he flower heads are relati/ely large$ up to B 4)to 5)centimeters across. ach ray floret

    is up to 2 centimeters long. 4)&he florets are purple and ha/e been described as 9dar* purple94)to

    9la/ender /iolet to dar* reddish purple9. 2)&he disc florets at the center are white and purplish.2)

    &his plant blooms in Cctober and @o/ember.4)

    &he ?eorgia aster grows in oa*7pine woodlands. 2)4)&he local region was once co/ered in apost

    oa*7sa/anna$ and this species was a member of this ecosystem. &his type of plant community

    depends on natural disturbance$ such as wildfire. &oday this type of plant community has been

    largely destroyed or degraded by fire suppressionand the remo/al of certain large grazing

    mammals.)4)&he ?eorgia aster is therefore a relictspecies of this historic ecosystem$ and grows

    in remaining woodlands.4)

    31 populations are estimated to remain.4)

    &hreats to the sur/i/al of the species include elimination of habitat disturbance such as fire.

    Cther threats include road construction andherbicideapplication.
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  • 7/25/2019 3 Endangered Plant Species


    Acalypha capitata

    Acalyphais a genusofflowering plantsin thefamilyuphorbiaceae. It is the sole genus of the

    subtribeAcalyphinae. It is one of the largest euphorb genera$ with approximately 1B3 to 152

    species.)2)4)&he genus nameAcalyphais from the ?ree*akalephes(9nettle9#$ and was inspired

    by the nettle7li*e lea/es.1)?eneral common names include copperleaf.B)

    &he genus is distributed mainly in the tropicsand subtropics$with about 53D of species nati/e to

    the %mericas and about 43D in %frica.5)
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    &he genus includes annuals or perennial herbs$ shrubs$and small trees. Most are monoecious$

    and some are dioecious. Indumentum of simple hairs or glands$ rarely of stellate hairs. &he

    lea/es are alternately arranged$ undi/ided$ generally petiolate$ stipulate< stipels rarely present at

    apex of petiole or leaf base$ caduceus. &he blades entire or more freEuently dentate or crenate$

    pinnately or palmately /eined. &here are se/eral types of inflorescence$terminal or axillary$

    freEuently both$ unisexual or androgynous. Male inflorescences spicate$ densely flowered$ with

    se/eral flowers at each node subtended by a minute bract. >emale inflorescences generally

    spicate$ sometimes racemose or panicle7shaped$ with F4(FB# flowers at each node$ usually

    subtended by a large bract$ increasing and foliaceous in the fruit$ generally dentate or lobedlowers unisexual$ apetalous$ disc absent. Male flowers /ery small$ shortly pedicellate$

    globose in bud< calyx parted into 1 small /al/ate sepals< stamens 1F8(F5# on a slightly raised

    receptacle$ filaments free or basally connated< anthers with di/aricate or pendulous thecae$

    unilocular$ more or less elongated and later becoming /ermiform< pollen grains oblate7

    spheroidal$ with 4FB pseudopores$ tectate$ psilate< pistillode absent. >emale flowers generally

    sessile or subsessile$ pedicellate in a few species< calyx of 4F (1FB# small sepals imbricate$

    connate at base< o/ary of F2)4 carpels$ surface often muricate$ pubescent or papillose< o/ulessolitary in each cell$ anatropes< styles reddish$ free or basally connate$ se/eral times di/ided into

    filiform segment$ rarely bifid or entire< staminodes absent.>ruits capsular$ small$ 47lobed$ soon

    dehiscing septicidally into 4 bi/al/ed cocci< generally surrounded by the accrescent female bract.

    -eeds small$ o/oid or ellipsoid$ usually carunculate$ smooth or fo/eolate< endosperm present$

    whitish< the embryo straight< cotyledons broad and flat.%llomorphic female flowers present in

    some species$ generally terminal (sometimes median or basal# in the inflorescences< ebracteate$

    long pedicellate or subsessile< calyx as in the normal female flowers< o/ary and fruits 72 locular.")


    A. hispida$ the chenille plant or red7hot cat;s tail$ is culti/ated as a houseplantfor its interesting

    flowers. It earned the oyal :orticultural -ociety;s %ward of ?arden Merit$8) as has A.

    hispaniolae$ the :ispaniola cat;s tail.!) Cthers are grown for their foliage and a number of
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    culti/ars ha/e been de/eloped$ such as A. wilkesiana ;Cbo/ata Aristata; and A. wilkesiana


    A. bipartita is eaten as a /egetable in some parts of %frica$ and it is used in bas*etryand as

    animal fodder.)

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