Page 1: 210x148 plaquette edile UK · (creation of durable/ qualified jobs, training, social protection) COMMUNITY associate the area in value creation (transparency, social and solidarity

Page 2: 210x148 plaquette edile UK · (creation of durable/ qualified jobs, training, social protection) COMMUNITY associate the area in value creation (transparency, social and solidarity

AGENDA ➜ EDILE Award granted to the most « inclusive » investors during the Mediterranean Economic Week (4-7 November 2015)

➜ Training sessions destined to institutions and investors on the optimisation of economic performance

➜ Audit and diagnosis of projects: technical assistance by local and international EDILE experts

➜ Regional experience exchange seminars around the evaluation of local impacts

➜ National forums to value the partners associated to the EDILE label toward the economic community

MISSIONOptimise the local impacts of investment projects

The EDILE project proposes evaluation tools and a label focused on the local impacts of investment projects, in order to support investors and organisations in charge of accompanying and regulating investments.

EDILE wishes to contribute to generate as much positive local spillover as possible, especially in terms of employment, subcontracting and environment compliance.

OBJECTIVEEncourage continuous improvement

The objective of the EDILE approach is to provide public authorities and investors with a set of tools for the evaluation and optimisation of an investment project. The EDILE methodology, inspired by the international norm ISO 26000 on CSR adopted by more than 500 experts from 90 countries, aims at measuring local impacts according to the following aspects:


anchor economic performance locally (partnerships, subcontracting, contribution to infrastructures)


optimise human capital

(creation of durable/qualified jobs,

training, social protection)


associate the area in value creation

(transparency, social and solidarity



integrate the environmental factor (recycling, water and energy consumption)

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TOOLSA set of supports made available

• METHODOLOGICAL GUIDE: referential of all evaluation criteria of an investment project

• EDILE RATING METHOD: 36 specifically « local impacts » criteria

• TRAINING SUPPORTS: awareness and learning tools

• ONLINE SELF-ASSESSMENT TEST: open access pedagogical questionnaire for investors

EDILE LABELA value-creating process at local and international levels

Supporting investors in taking into account the local impacts of their project is the guarantee for them to enhance their economic performance.

The EDILE label provides auto-assessment tools and a rating of such performance over time. It will additionally offer a comparative dimension thanks to a rating base of companies as well as several testimonies and feedback from investors and institutional actors.

The EDILE approach aims at involving investors in a policy of continuous improvement of the territorial anchorage of their projects, which brings companies to:• Increase their performance• Strengthen the motivation of their employees• Rationalise their expenses (resources and inputs, subcontracting)• Prevent risks of disputes

The attribution of the EDILE label enables valuing such approach, by giving labelled projects access to various levels of privileges. Depending on the maturity level of the company and its commitment, the investment project will benefit from advantages among which:

VISIBILITY: « EDILE » logo recognition locally and internationally

EDILE CLUB: access to a community of committed investors

TRAINING PLATFORM : operational tools and online resources

EXCLUSIVE ADVANTAGES from donors and administrations

TONY BOUTROS, WilcoPM Production Manager (Lebanon): “I seek a way to stand out from my competitors: I am number 3 in my field, my objective is to become number 1, the EDILE approach could be a mean to create value for my company beyond mere profit.“

MONGIA KHEMIRI, General Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation (Tunisia): “Tunisia would gain from being inspired by EDILE indicators and capitalising such interesting experience in its policy of measuring the economic, social and environmental impact of investment projects, in the framework of building its new monitoring and impact evaluation database for public projects.“

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The EDILE project ( is coordinated by ANIMA Investment Network and associates public and private partners in six European and Mediterranean countries.

The EDILE Board ensures the technical and political monitoring and the deployment of the EDILE label. It gathers territorial stakeholders, international private sector representatives and financing institutions active in the Mediterranean.

This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of ANIMA Investment Network and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union or of the Programme’s management structures.The EDILE project is implemented under the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Program (, and is financed, for an amount of EUR 1.7 million, by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. The ENPI CBC MED Programme aims at reinforcing cooperation between the European Union and partner countries regions placed along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.The 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme is a multilateral Cross-Border Cooperation initiative funded by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). The Programme objective is to promote the sustainable and harmonious cooperation process at the Mediterranean Basin level by dealing with the common challenges and enhancing its endogenous potential. It finances cooperation projects as a contribution to the economic, social, environmental and cultural development of the Mediterranean region. The following 14 countries participate in the Programme: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Syria (participation currently suspended), Tunisia. The Joint Managing Authority (JMA) is the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy). Official Programme languages are Arabic, English and French (

ASSOCIATED PARTNERS :General Authority for Investment GAFI (Egypt) ; AVITEM,

AFD, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Finances Conseil

Méditerranée, Région PACA (France) ;

Enterprise Greece (Greece) ; WWF (Italy) ;

BusinessMed, Ministère du Développement Régional

et de la Planification (Tunisia).

Project coordinationBadr Biede

[email protected]

Project officerKarim El Arnaouty

[email protected]

Communication officerViolène Mendonça

[email protected]

ANIMA Investment Network11 bis rue Saint-Ferréol13001 Marseille - FranceTEL : +33 4 96 11 67 60 - FAX : +33 4 96 11 67 [email protected]

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