



Computer Programming


Basic programming-in-the-small abilities and concepts.

Highlights include procedural and functional abstraction with

simple built-in data type manipulation.

Basic abilities of writing, executing and debugging programs.


So What is Programming Like?

It’s really hard to describe!

Many similarities to solving “word problems”

In math Translate a “problem description“ into a ”formal solution Symbol ”

Some people describe it as “puzzle solving”

Some people describe it as “problem solving”

A mix of high-level creativity and low-level picky details11/26/2012

Stages of Problem Solving

Ultimate goal: use a computer to solve a problem

Typical stages of building a solution:

Clearly specify the problem

Analyze the problem

Design an algorithm to solve the problem

Implement the algorithm (write the program)

Test and verify the completed program

Maintain and update the program11/26/2012


All stages are important.

In this course, we ignore none of them But we focus on:

Algorithm developmentWriting a program to implement the algorithm



100 Marks course

Course Organization:

Lecture: 4 periods a week

Tutorial: 1 period a week

10 minutes of Quiz session during each lecture

5 Programming projects (To be done by you outside of class, on your

own time)

Two midterm exams

Final exam11/26/2012

CT 401: Goals

We will learn

Read: Understand programs written in C language

Write: Design and implement programs using C language

Compile: Use compiler to convert C code into executable file

Execute: Run corresponding code to get results

Debug: Identify and fix syntax and semantic errors in C code.

Prepare: Have Base for learning other high level languages like C++, JAVA, etc.


Using the BOOK

Not everything in the course will be covered in the slides…. So you are required to refer the BOOKS

Not everything, instructor says, from the slides will be correct and complete…. So you need to verify the contents using the BOOK and submit the summary report in the NEXT CLASS

You need both! And then some...11/26/2012


You won’t learn programming by reading the BOOKS as might you read the other theoretical subjects

You won’t learn programming by watching the lectures slides as might you watch a TV program

What you need in addition is:The ability to ask questions and get them answeredAnd most important: hands-on practice


The Importance of Practice

You wouldn’t expect to learn to SING/DANCE just by

watching a TV series on itThere is no substitute for practice. And no one can do it

for you.

The same holds for learning to program.


Tips for Success

Take the material in orderWith rare exceptions:you can’t skip any lecture but I won’t take attendanceyou can’t take material out of order

Seek help if you get behind

Practice, Practice ….. And MORE PRACTICE!

Master each topic before continuing to the next


Where Do You Go From Here?

The next course is “Object Oriented Programming (OOP)“ in

the third semester

A direct continuation of Computer Programming

OOP introduces the C++ programming language

On the fourth-semester course called "Data Structures“

continues with the application of C/C++ programming

Languages 11/26/2012

What is OOP like?

100 marks; 4-5 projects

15-30 files in later projects (you don’t write all)

Students say:

"intense", "time-consuming"

Language: C++

Initially just like C

Learn programming concepts to support writing larger programs

Eventually objects + classes (“object-oriented”)


What is Covered in a 2nd and 3rd Courses?

Lots of programming practicebut less class discussion of it

Data structuresmany involving pointersabstract data types (ADTs)

Algorithmsmany recursive

Problem-solving & designFoundation for later CS courses


Going on in C

There is much about the C language we won't cover

You will have a foundation to master more advanced C

programming features at the end of the course

Learning more C may or may not be useful but you are

required to PASS the EXAMS for completing your degree


Programming Concepts

We will use C, but the concepts go beyond the C languageVariables; data types; values

Conditions: conditional statements and conditional execution



Functions: parameters (including pointers), call/return

Data structuring: arrays; structures;


Beyond Programming…

Compiler concepts

syntax vs semantics; compilation steps; libraries; debugging

What is a computer?

Visualize memory, CPU, I/O operation

Instruction execution, data movement

Problem solving


Functional decomposition, Data decomposition



Building and Understanding Software

Software give computer its personality

Computers are booming I.e., software is.

Programs are complex things

Compare to a bridge or a novel

What's the effect of a small error?

Humanizing complexity

Analysis, design, testing, communicating


Next Class

Problems, Algorithms, and Programs


Who am I?

Manish AryalHead,

Department of Computer Engineering

B.E. Computer (KEC, 2003)

M.S. Information and Communication Engineering (Pulchowk Campus, 2005)

Working @ KEC for last EIGHT Years


[email protected]

7:00 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday- Friday 11/26/2012

Is Programming Hard or is Programming


Advanced Programming is HARD but Your

Programming Course is also HARD

Best of Luck for the Course. See You in the Next



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