
{The Black bear

Josephine By,

The black bear is a mammal. Some characteristics of the black bear is

that they are black, and they come in all sizes and they also migrate during the winter

Classification of the Black bear

Forest areas of Alaska

The Black bear’s Habitat

Black bears have one of the lowest reproductive rates of any North American land animal.

Female black bears can produce every 2 or 3 years, but if they don’t have a good food supply , it may be 3 or 4 years between litter.Life cycle of a black


abundant herbs, forbs, fruits, berries, nuts, and other plant parts and products.

Spring foods are grasses, segdges, shoots and other

Eating habits of the black bear

People Other bears Ticks Tapeworms cougars

The black bear’s predators

Black bears are not all black. When black bear’s eat garbage that

people leave behind their teeth rot.

Other interesting facts about the black bear

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