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Table Of


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4

What Is Qi? ............................................................................................................................. 4

What Is Meridian Therapy? ................................................................................................... 5

Coughs .................................................................................................................................... 6

The Common Cold .................................................................................................................. 6

Chapter 1: Protecting Your Qi .......................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2: Meridian Therapy — A Closer Look .......................................................... 9

Curing A Cough..................................................................................................................... 10

Curing A Common Cold ........................................................................................................ 11

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 13

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Welcome to Super Virus Immunizer, the solution to the common cold and cough that you've

been searching for all your life.

That's right—the solution.

"But wait," you cry, "there is no cure for the common cold!" Well, that is true—in modern

medicine. But this book isn't about modern medicine.

This is about ancient techniques that have been proven to work over hundreds of years.

Techniques that hold the answers to some of the most annoying ailments, but that modern

medicine has disregarded nonetheless.

Colds and coughs affect us all. We all know the how they start: the itching throats, the

coughing, the runny noses, the fevers. And we all hate them.

Modern medicine says that we can't really do much to prevent them. They give us

antibiotics and cough syrups to alleviate the symptoms, but that's all they do. They hide the

problem instead of solving it.

So what is the answer? Can we really cure these ailments?

To solve the problem, we have to look at what the cause is. And the cause was discovered

hundreds of years ago by traditional Chinese physicians—imbalanced Qi.

What Is Qi?

Before we can explain what imbalanced Qi is, we have to know what Qi is.

Everything in the universe and beyond is made up of electromagnetic energy that vibrates

at different frequencies. These correspond to sound, light and color. Fields of

electromagnetic energy have been proven to exist around every object in the world, and are

known as Auras. The energy known as Qi (pronounced 'chee'), is present within every living

thing, and is the life force of the universe.

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Qi has been known about for thousands of years, in

various different cultures, from China to South America,

and is only now starting to be studied by modern

physicians. It is the energy of life itself, and is known as

the balance of Yin and Yang in the body. It is the basis of

many ancient health and fitness techniques, including

Yoga, Martial Arts, Reiki and Meridian Therapy.

Imbalanced Qi occurs when the natural patterns of Qi that

circulate along channels - called meridian pathways -

throughout our body are disrupted or unbalanced for

various reasons. This imbalance leads to various

illnesses—including the dreaded colds and coughs.

So how do we go about correcting these imbalances?

With Meridian Therapy.

What Is Meridian Therapy?

Put simply, meridian therapy is an advanced, amazing and all-natural healing technique that

can clear the blockages in your Qi and cure the common cold and coughs—without the need

for expensive and potentially harmful modern medications.

Related to the healing technique known as acupressure, meridian therapy can be

considered an intricate part of it. To put it simply, think of the body as a train system, with

the various train stations being your acupressure points, while the tracks connecting those

points are your meridian pathways.

Whereas acupressure acts on each specific station, meridian therapy acts on the meridian

lines for each specific ailment, and combines that treatment with other aspects, including

diet and lifestyle.

This all-natural healing technique can cure a variety of ailments quickly and effectively. And

the best part: you can do it at home, without having to pay a single cent. That's right, this

has been practiced as a home remedy for thousands of years, and you too can do it to save

tens of thousands of dollars on medical bills and expenses.

Before we continue, let's take a closer look at coughs and colds, because we have to

understand our enemy before we can confront it.

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This is a sudden, repetitive action that the body does to help clear the breathing passages

and lungs of various foreign objects, irritants, and secretions, and is usually a symptom of a

greater problem.

It consists of three actions, including inhaling of air, forced exhalation against a closed glottis

and the violent release of air from the lungs. It usually indicates the presence of a disease,

as bacteria and viruses have evolved to make the host cough to spread the disease, and

ensure the survival of the bacteria.

It can also be caused by air pollution, allergies, asthma, choking, chronic bronchitis, heart

conditions, lung tumors and smoking.

A productive cough is one that occurs when it clears the airways of phlegm or mucus. A dry,

hacking cough does not produce any of that, and is usually caused due to air pollution,

asthma and other such things.

The Common Cold

We've all had this one before. Caused by viruses that affect the upper respiratory tract, this

weakens the body as the immune system gets compromised. This lack of resistance makes

the mucus membranes a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty bugs.

The symptoms we experience during a cold are the body's way of protecting itself against

the bacteria invading our system. For example, mucus is secreted to flush the bacteria out.

Nobody likes having a nasty and persistent cough. It irritates the throat and leaves you

feeling hoarse. It can even negatively affect your daily life.

A common cold is worse. It can leave us feeling weak, lethargic, and unproductive. And since

modern medicine has no cure, we mostly have to suffer through it.

However, you don't have to suffer anymore. In this book you are going to learn the secret to

curing these annoying and draining ailments for good. No more coughs, no more runny

noses, or horrible fevers caused by dreadful colds.

The secrets contained in this book are going to improve your life greatly.

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Before we explain the true secrets to curing the common cold and coughs, let us first look at

preventing them. Isn't prevention always better than a cure?

It is very important to protect your Qi, not only because it prevents common ailments, but it

also protects the body against more serious ones. A well-balanced Qi is the secret to a

happy and healthy life, and it is surprisingly easy to protect it.

Now don't worry, these tips are going to be incredibly easy to follow. There is nothing crazy

or extreme about them, and they may just have you marveling at just how simple they

actually are.

These tips are taken from the years of meticulous research that Chinese physicians have

carried out for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). They have been analyzing it long before

western medicine, including the causes, stages, levels in the body and the consequences if it

is left untreated. So they know what they're talking about.

Catching a cold or cough is seen as a situation where outside pathogens get past the body's

defensive Qi. They then proceed to battle the body's righteous Qi and thereby disrupt the

pathways that run throughout, causing illness and symptoms to occur. If your Qi is in good

condition, you can prevent the illnesses from overcoming it. You can maintain and improve

the condition of your Qi by:

Dressing Warmly:

This is very important to protect your Qi. In today's culture, many people do not

dress or layer effectively for winter, as they believe there is always going to be

adequate heat in cars, in malls, in their homes, etc.

This is particularly distressing to physicians in China, who layer a lot more effectively.

Cold reduces circulation in the body, meaning that you require more Qi to keep

warm, so your body is more susceptible to illnesses as your Qi is weakened. Wear

warmer layers on your legs and lower back, and protect your neck and upper back

from wind exposure.

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Breathing Through Your Nose:

Another important thing to keep in mind, but this one needs to be applied to

everyday life. Always breathe through your nose and not your mouth. It helps to

warm and filter the air going into your system, while breathing through the mouth is

said to exhaust the digestive, or Qi-producing, organs in the body.

Getting Lots of Rest and Sleep:

This is something all of us need to be mindful of, especially in today's hectic society.

Getting enough rest strengthens our Qi and allows it to fight off the harmful

invaders. It is good to be in bed by 10pm every night, which is excellent for your

health, especially in winter. Remember to slow down, since rushing everywhere can

exhaust your Qi as well.

Controlling Your Emotions:

Emotions play a big role in the state of your Qi. You need to minimize any Qi-draining

relationships, social obligations, or anything that puts undue stress on your

emotional state. Learn to let go of emotional stressors as much as you can, or find

other ways or means of coping with them.

Exercising Moderately and Regularly:

This not only ensures that you keep trim and fit, but it also maintains the normal

flow of your Qi and Yang, and keeps your pores healthy. Regular exercise is great for

controlling your emotions as well, since it has been proven to reduce stress.

Eating with the Season:

You need to be aware of the season and eat accordingly. As the weather gets colder,

you need to eat more warm, cooked foods and cook them for longer, by baking,

roasting or slow-cooking them for instance. Raw salads, cold sandwiches and cold

cereals in the early morning can negatively affect your body's Qi in the winter.

And there you have it. Six easy tips that, if followed, can help you maintain a strong Qi that

will be able to fight off most diseases and ailments that come your way. So now you know

the prevention, let's take a look at an even better way to prevent and even cure coughs and

the common cold.

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We've already touched upon the fact that meridian therapy is a cure for many of the

ailments that affect us today, including the dreaded common cold and coughs. But it's time

for us to take a closer look at it, including its history and how it can actually work for you. So

how did it come about?

In ancient China, only the rich could afford to consult physicians and buy the medication

they needed to look after themselves. The poor had to resort to other—more affordable—

alternatives, one of which involved the rubbing of affected areas. This was the genesis of


Meridian therapy works by applying pressure to the various meridian pathways and points

on the body using the fingertips or other objects. These pathways connect the acupressure

points through which your Qi flows, as we explained earlier. Touching these areas in a

certain way stimulates the body's natural healing ability.

Rubbing is also an essential part of meridian therapy. Since finding the actual acupressure

points might prove difficult for those not trained in the art, rubbing along the meridian line

can be just as effective. The rubbing stimulates your healing ability, and unblocks the

pathways so that Qi can once again flow naturally throughout the body.

If you feel a sharp pain when you apply this technique to a certain part of the body, there is

a high chance that your Qi is blocked in that area. As we touched on, any interruption of Qi

can result in illness, pain or feelings of discomfort.

Meridian therapy has been proven to be one of the most effective and easy to use methods

of eliminating common health problems, such as colds and coughs. It is simple to do, hassle-

free, and doesn't cost a dime.

This means that practicing it can save you a literal fortune on unnecessary medical bills. It

can be performed anytime, anywhere, and without the need for any fancy equipment at all.

All you need to remember is 30 to 40 meridian points, and you can ensure your Qi flows

naturally to maintain your health.

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Now, let's take a look at how you can cure yourself of coughs and the common cold -

without having to set foot in a doctor's office.

Curing A Cough

With meridian therapy, you will no longer have to spend tons of money on cough

medication, or suffer with chronic coughs ever again. All you have to do is rub certain

meridian points, and you can rid yourself of a bad cough in no time at all.

Meridian Point 1 - Cubit Marsh/LU5 (also used for sinus, sore throat, common cold and


1. Find the point located a thumb's distance away from the crease of the elbow

2. Rub the point in a circular motion or outwards five times, or for about 30 seconds to

a minute

3. Repeat for the other arm. You can do this regularly, 5 to 6 times a day

Meridian Point 2 - Lesser Merchant/LU11 (also used for sore throat and common cold):

1. Find the Lesser Merchant, located at the corner of the thumbnail

2. Clamp your index finger and middle finger around this point. Press inwards firmly

and twist your fingers around the point. Massage for about a minute

3. Repeat for the other hand. Can be repeated on a regular basis

Meridian Point 3 - Celestial Chimney/CV22 (also used for a sore throat):

1. Locate the Celestial Chimney, at the hollow at the base of the throat

2. Rub it gently in a circular motion 10 times, with short pauses in between each circle.

Do this for 20 minutes and remember to be gentle, as this is a tender area

Meridian Point 4 - Central Palace/LU1 (also used for sinus, asthma, bloating and

indigestion, skin conditions and the foundation technique):

3. Feel the base of the neck and located the collar bone. Place your index finger in the

hollow beneath the collar bone

4. Place your next three fingers with the index finger. The point below the ring finger is

the Central Palace Meridian

5. Gently rub the point in a circular motion for 30 seconds to a minute

6. Repeat on the other side. Do this on a regular basis, 5 to 7 times a day

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Curing A Common Cold

This is the big one. According to modern medicine, there is no cure for the common cold. So

you're just given a ton of expensive medication that does nothing except mask the

symptoms and empty your pockets.

But meridian therapy has the answer. By just rubbing these meridian points, you can cure

yourself of the common cold, without spending any money at all.

Meridian Point 1 - Cubit Marsh/LU5 (also used for sinus, sore throat, coughs and asthma):

1. Find the point located a thumb's distance away from the crease of the elbow

2. Rub the point in a circular motion or outwards five times, or for about 30 seconds to

a minute

3. Repeat for the other arm. You can do this regularly, 5 to 6 times a day

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Meridian Point 2 - Lesser Merchant/LU11 (also used for sore throat and coughs):

1. Find the Lesser Merchant, located at the corner of the thumbnail

2. Clamp your index finger and middle finger around this point. Press inwards firmly

and twist your fingers around the point. Massage for about a minute

3. Repeat for the other hand. Can be repeated on a regular basis

Meridian Point 3 - Welcome Fragrance/LI20 (also used for sinus):

1. Find the Welcome Fragrance Point, which is located beneath the cheekbones, beside

the nostril. Use your middle fingers to press on both points

2. Rub in a circular motion for 5 sets of 5 circles while inhaling and exhaling

3. Next, use the middle fingers and move upwards along the nose. Do this for 5 sets of

5 again, for about 30 seconds to a minute. You can do this regularly, 5 to 7 times a


Meridian Point 4 - Great Vertebra/GV14:

1. Feel for the bone at the base of the neck, this is the Great Vertebra

2. Rub the area in a downward motion using the index, middle and ring fingers. This

point also relieves fever symptoms, if you have that in conjunction with your cold.

You can do this regularly, 5 to 7 times a day

Meridian Point 5: Leg Three Mile/ST36 (also used for bad breath, asthma, heartburn,

stomachache, bloating and indigestion, diarrhea and the foundation technique):

1. When you're in a sitting position, place your thumb at the hollow of your kneecap.

Use the rest of your fingers to cover the area below the kneecap

2. Measure about one thumb's distance from where your pinkie finger rests. This is on

the outside of the leg, at the muscle. Tap or knock on the area with a loose fist, or

press firmly for a minute

3. Repeat for the other leg. Repeat regularly for about 5 to 7 times a day.

4. NOTE: Do not do this if you are pregnant as it can induce labor.

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There you have it. The secret to curing coughs and the common cold. It seems unbelievable,

but it's true. You can cure these ailments in an all-natural way, from the comfort of your

own home.

But what if we told you that there was more?

There is.

Remember how we said that meridian therapy can cure a whole host of ailments?

It's true. And that's why we have something incredible for you - Pure Natural Healing.

It is the complete guide to meridian therapy. With it you will learn how to heal an entire

spectrum of common ailments and pain.

With Pure Natural Healing you will never have to suffer from sore throats, insomnia,

backaches, high blood pressure or a whole host of other illnesses.

Ever. Again.

You will learn the secrets to curing these once and for all, without having to spend any

money on medical bills.

All of the techniques are easy to master and completely hassle free, just like those we just

shared here, and you will get a step-by-step guide to each one.


We're sure you are.

Just CLICK HERE for an exclusive presentation, just for you.

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