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Dominican Service Projects 2013 www.dominicansiervceproj

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Dominican Service Projects 2013

Dominican Service Projects 2013

Group of 2013February 19 to February 26, 2013 Villa Emmanuel Community Center Project

Dominican Service ProjectsBuilding a Community Together

DSP is a group of compassionate and selfless individuals who have come together to help support The Samaritan Foundation in the Dominican Republic.

DSPs purpose is to raise donations of money and in-kind to support the health, security and growth of the impoverished residence of this Nation.

DSP have been building homes and support infrastructure in the Dominican for 8 years.

This year the group raised just over $57,000.00. They built a community center, 3 homes and distributed 2,000 lbs of medical and personal supplies.

On the Bus 5:15am Tues. Feb 19, 2013

At the Airport

Almost there, then rerouted to Miami due to issues with our navigation system.

Arrived 4 hours late but happy to be here!

Oh Ohtight squeeze!!

Home Away from Home

Mamajuanna please!!

First Day on the Work Site: We renovated an old church into a community center in Villa Emmanuel.

The locals think we are angleshere, Larry really does look like an angle!

Who says working in 40 degree humid heat cannot be fun!

The Community Center gets a good scraping and paint job!

Family Bonding

Crazy working conditions!

Life Long Friendships Made

I think the heat is getting to nana!

The kids attend school half days only. They must have a uniform and shoes to attend.

The Village of Emmanuel

Lunch Time! Same thing every day: dry ham sandwich, banana, pineapple and a sweet bun.

Villa Paraiso: One of the 11 Samaritan Villages

Translation: God Bless our Children

Translation: Thank You God

John runs the Samaritan Foundation

He is Loved

The Samaritan Principle Give a hand upNot a hand out.

The 1,000th Home built by the Samaritan Foundation

A Home Business

Infant deaths account for 10.9% to total reported deaths30% die from communicable diseases44.8% die from poor prenatal care

Intestinal disease accounts for 15.9% of deaths in children ages 1 to 4

This is the Child that Larry Sponsors

The Trade School woodworking, sewing & hair dressing

The crime rate in the DRis very high

people do have the necessities of life!

The Clinic Built by DSP

A Tour of the Clinic and a heartbreaking education about the 35 people a day that they help

We donated $5,000.00 and 300 lbs of medical supplies

Pip Pip Hooray!!

Children and adults die from common curable diseases and malnutrition.

HIV/AIDS has become the leading cause of death among teenagers and adults between 1549 years old

12% of the population of the Dominican have NO access to clean drinking water.

Rush Hour Traffic!

Time to grab some snacks and beers and enjoy the end of a great first day!

Supper Time!

Night Life!

Day 2Villa Paraiso teaching at the school then back to work

The Dominican Republic has the lowest investment in education in Latin America and the Caribbean with only 1.9% of its GDP invested in public education

It is often their only meal that day

At school the children get a hot meal

13% of the total population of the DR are illiterate.

The Samaritan Foundation quickly learned that over 40% of the people they were assisting could NOT write their names.

Sponsored Children

One more walk around the village

The home of Larrys sponsored child His father was very grateful to see us

Back to Work!

The Public School Part of it donated and built by DSP

Back to the Resort!

Day 3: Construction

Then to the public hospital in Puerto Rico to hand out gifts to the Ill and present the hospital with a $1,000.00 cheque

Brandons egg says it all!

The Divide Between Rich and Poor is Very Wide

Apartments For Rent

Stopped for a picnic on the way to the hospital

Buying cough medicine for our bus drivers mother who is very ill

Presenting the Cheque Shauna even did it in Spanish, wellkind of

Beach Time!

The End of Another Perfect Day

For Most!

Day 5 Food Distribution at Pancho Mateo

Mob mentality occurs

We are the only group to hand out food in this village.

They are afraid we will run out and they will not get any.

There is a lot of pushing and shoving!

We have 4 men guarding the door, letting 4 people in at a time.

250 bags filledOne for each household

Gal Wanted to Try on Shaunas Glasses

Around the Village

We did not see any dogs on leashes.


A lady called me over to seeThe room smelled of urine and decay

Bra Swapping in Town Square

Off to the Orphanage The 20 children here are severely disabled and cannot speak. Most are abandoned at birth and left at the hospital as the parents cannot afford to care for them.

Land purchased last year by DSP so they can expand

We helped feed the orphans to give the staff a break.

This facility is 100% privately funded no govt support

Presented a cheque for $1,000.00

Day 5 Off to church at Samaritan Village: Villa Esperanza.

Church Lasts 4 Hours

Married women wear white on their heads. Men and women sit on opposite sides of the church.

Keeper of the door!

After church we got some well deserved beach time!

Manicure and Pedicure on the beach, only $22.00 for both!

Last work day Back to Pancho Mateo for Juice Ministry Then back to the construction site.

The group gave money to our bus driver a couple years ago to fix his bus. Sickest ride in town now!

We are all so tired

This lady runs the juice ministry. Please ask me about her heart breaking story. We donated $5,000.00 to her ministry

We handed out gift bags with soap, toothbrushes and paste, toys, clothing and juice to all children and expecting moms.

More Crowds

A very moving experience!

Like Christmas but even better to these children!!

This baby was jaundice and semi-conscious

Around Town

New Face Book friend

Last Day Time to go home but first the dedications of the community center and 3 homes!

3 Deserving Families

Blessing the homes

Hope for a better future for a single mom and her 3 girls.

We all felt pride and shed a few tears, for a job well done!!

We leave a piece of our hearts behind and look forward to next year!

Thank you for your time and your donations!

If you are interested in donating or participating in future trips, please speak with your presenter,

Or refer to our website:

AngelsRobbie WilliamsPromoOnly Mainstream Radio-SePop238252.17Beautiful DayU2The Best Of 1990-2000 CD1, track 32002Rock248101.3null236632.42Thank YouSimply RedIt's Only Love, track 112000Oldies241178.17