dok231 srp predskolsko u jugoslaviji

1 Prof. dr Mirjana Pešic Mirjana Markovic Mr Iskra Maksimovic Prof. dr Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic Dragana Koruga PREDŠKOLSKO VASPITANJE I OBRAZOVANJE U SR JUGOSLAVIJI PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA Mirjana Pešic,Ph.D Mirjana Markovic Iskra Maksimovic, M.A. Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic,Ph.D. Dragana Koruga Beograd,2000

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Predskolsko VASPITANJE u Jugoslaviji


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Prof. dr Mirjana Pešic Mirjana Markovic Mr Iskra Maksimovic Prof. dr Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic Dragana Koruga




YUGOSLAVIA Mirjana Pešic,Ph.D Mirjana Markovic Iskra Maksimovic, M.A. Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic,Ph.D. Dragana Koruga


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Jessica Pearl

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U V O D.........................................................................................................................8

Znacaj rane kvalitetne brige o deci .............................................................. 8 Aktuelne teme u ECCD programu razvoja................................................... 9

Integrisano programiranje.....................................................................................9 Znacaj ukljuc enja roditelja .............................................................................10 Investiranje u ECCD Programe...........................................................................11

ECCD u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji..................................................... 12

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OPŠTE KARAKTERISTIKE PREDŠKOLSKOG................................................13

VASPITANJA I OBRAZOVANJA U JUGOSLAVIJI ..........................................13

Obrazovanje i ekonomska kriza u SR Jugoslaviji ...................................... 13 Položaj predškolskog................................................................................. 15 vaspitanja i obrazovanja ............................................................................ 15 Sistem društevne brige o deci ................................................................... 16 Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje u SRJ ............................................. 18

Zakonsko odredenje predškolskog vaspitanja i ...................................................19 obrazovanja i društvene brige o deci...................................................................19 Ustanove za decu .................................................................................................20 Predškolske ustanove ...........................................................................................21 Predškolske institucije za decu ometenu u razvoju..............................................23 Decje odmaralište ................................................................................................23 Privatne predškolske institucije ...........................................................................24

PODACI O DRŽAVNOM PREDŠKOLSKOM VASPITANJU I OBRAZOVANJU U SRJ...........................................................................................26

Predškolsko vaspitanje u SR Jugoslaviji..............................................................26 Predškolsko vaspitanje u Srbiji............................................................................28 Regionalni obuhvat predškolskim vaspitanjem....................................................30

ORGANIZACIJA INSTITUCIJA ...........................................................................32 Dr Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic, profesor pedagogije, Geografski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu...................................................................................................... 32 Mreža ustanova i prostor ........................................................................... 32 Zakljucna razmatranja ............................................................................... 34 Preporuke .................................................................................................. 35


TEORIJA I PRAKSA PREDŠKOLSKOG VASPITANJA I OBRAZOVANJA U SRJ ..............................................................................................................................39

Politicki, kulturni, socijalni i ekonomski kontekst ........................................ 39 Razvoj i odlike pedškolskog vaspitanja...................................................... 40 u Jugoslaviji do sredine 70tih..................................................................... 40 Istraživanje predškolskog vaspitanja: ........................................................ 42 transformacija vaspitne prakse i izgradjivanje pedagoške teorije .............. 42

Teorija i programi predškolskog vaspitanja........................................................42 Šta su odlike otvorenog sistema vaspitanja .........................................................44 Nalazi evaluacionih istraživanja.........................................................................46 Akciona istraživanja - nacin ostvarivanja pedagoške reforme............................47 Projekti Instituta za pedagogiju i andragogiju (IPA) ..........................................50 u domenu predškolskog vaspitanja ......................................................................50 1989 - 1999 ..........................................................................................................50

Aktualno stanje i preporuke ....................................................................... 52

VASPITACI I STRUCNI SARADNICI ..................................................................54

Obrazovanje vaspitaca .............................................................................. 54

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Postojece stanje ...................................................................................................55 Uslovi upisa i diploma koja .................................................................................56 se stice na kraju studija........................................................................................56 Kurikulum ............................................................................................................56

Obrazovanje pedagoga i psihologa .......................................................... 62 Obrazovanje defektologa........................................................................... 65 Zakljucno razmatranje i preporuke............................................................. 66

STRUCNO USAVRŠAVANJE VASPITACA ........................................................69

Strucno usavršavanje prosvetnih radnika u predškolskom vaspitanju u periodu 1975. - 1991................................................................................. 69 STRUCNO USAVRŠAVANJE PROSVETNIH RADNIKA U PREDŠKOLSKOM VASPITANJU U PERIODU 1991 - 2000.................... 72

Mreža metodickih centara u Srbiji.......................................................................74 Usavršavanje vaspitaca............................................................................. 75

SARADNJA PORODICE I PREDŠKOLSKE USTANOVE.................................76

Koliko je ova saradnja fleksibilna?............................................................. 77 Prikaz iskustva i prakse .......................................................................... 78


Mogucnosti za inovacije u državnom......................................................... 86 predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju ..................................................... 86 Državni kurikulumi predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja ........................ 87

Republika Srbija...................................................................................................87 Republika Crna Gora...........................................................................................95

Državni kurikulumi predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja ........................ 95 Program društveno organizovane nege i .............................................................96 vaspitanje dece do tri godine ...............................................................................96 Program društveno-organizovanog vaspitanja dece ...........................................97 od tri godine do polaska u školu ..........................................................................97 Jednogodišnji program vaspitno-obrazovnog .....................................................99 rada u predškolskim ustanovama.........................................................................99 Program predškolskog vaspitanja i ...................................................................100 obrazovanja za decu od tri do sedam ................................................................100 godina ( 2000.god.)............................................................................................100


The Importance of Good Early Child Care............................................... 104 Emerging Themes in ECCD Program Development................................ 106

Integrated Programming ...................................................................................106 The Importance of Parental Involvement ..........................................................106 Investing in ECCD Programs ............................................................................107

ECCD in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .......................................... 108

THE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN FR YUGOSLAVIA.............................................................................................110

Education and the Economic Crisis in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) ....................................................................................................... 110 The Condition of Pre-school .................................................................... 112 Teaching and Education .......................................................................... 112

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The System of Social Child Care ............................................................. 113 Pre-School Teaching and Education in the FRY...................................... 116

Legal Regulations on Pre-school Teaching and................................................116 Education and Social Child Care ......................................................................116 Institutions of Child Care...................................................................................117 Pre-school Institutions .......................................................................................118 Pre-school Institutions for Children with Special Needs...................................121 Recreation Centers for Children........................................................................121

Private Pre-School Institutions................................................................ 122

SURVEY OF DATA ON PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA ............................................................................124

Pre-school Education in the FRY ......................................................................124 Pre-school education in Serbia..........................................................................126 Inclusion of Children at the Regional Level ......................................................129

ORGANIZATION OF INSTITUTIONS...............................................................131

Connection between the Structure and the Space................................... 131 Constraints .............................................................................................. 133 Recomendations...................................................................................... 133



The Political, Cultural, Social and Economic Context .............................. 138 The Development and Features of Pre-school Teaching in Yugoslavia Until the Mid-seventies..................................................................................... 139

Research in Pre-school Education: The Transformation of Teaching Practice and Working on the Theoretical Framework in Pedagogy................................141 Theory and Programs in Pre-school Education ................................................142 What are the properties of an open system of teaching? ...................................143 The Results of Evaluation Procedures ...............................................................146 Action Research-A Way to Put Pedagogical Reforms into Effect......................147 The Projects of the Institute for Pedagogy and Adult Education (IPA) in the Field of Pre-school Education from 1989 to 1999......................................................150

Current Trends and Recommendations................................................... 152

PRE-SERVICE TRAINING AND ISSUES FOR PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF .............................................................................154

Pre-Service Training of Pre-school Teachers .......................................... 154 Current Situation ...............................................................................................156 Conditions of Enrollment and the Type of Degree Given Upon Completion of Studies ................................................................................................................156 Curriculum.........................................................................................................157

Pre-service Education of Pedagogues and Psychologists....................... 164 Pre-service Training in the Field of Special Education............................. 167 Conclusions and Recommendations ....................................................... 168

THE SYSTEM OF IN-SERVICE TRAINING .....................................................171

In-Service Training for Pre-school Teachers from 1975-1991 ................. 172

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In Service Training of Staff in Pre-school Institutions from 1991-2000 .... 174 In-service teacher training ....................................................................... 178

CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE FAMILY AND THE PRE-SCHOOL INSTITUTION IN PROGRAM PLANNING.......................................................179

How Flexible is This Cooperation? .......................................................... 180 Survey of Experience and Practice.......................................................... 181 Possibilities for innovation ....................................................................... 189

THE CURRICULUM IN PRE-SCHOOL TEACHING AND EDUCATION IN SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO ............................................................................191

Possibilities for Innovation in State Pre-schools ...................................... 191 The Government Curriculum in Pre-school Teaching and Education ...... 192 The Government Curriculum ................................................................... 201

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U v o d

Znacaj rane kvalitetne brige o deci Poslednjih godina, interes medu kreatorima politike za rane intervencije u detinjstvu je naglo porastao. Pošto postaje jasnije da pozitivan rast i razvoj jedne zemlje zavise od zdravog i dobro obrazovanog društva i da se nedovoljna razvijenost može objasniti neadekvatnom brigom o ranom razvoju dece, mnoge medunarodne organizacije su radile na stimulisanju daljeg razvoja i diskusija o razvoju male dece. Tri decenije naucnih istraživanja o zdravlju ljudi su pokazale da se mentalni rast odvija najbrže tokom prvih osam godina covekovog života. Nedavne studije su pokazale da se tokom prve godine života mozak razvija brže nego što se ranije mislilo i da je uticaj rane životne sredine na razvoj mozga trajan. U prošlosti se pretpostavljalo da razvoj mozga zavisi od urodene genetske konfiguracije. Ta pretpostavka se sada razvila i obuhvatila je efekat interakcije izmedu iskustva i gena (Shore, 1997). Sledeci dijagram koji predstavlja adapataciju Doertija (Dohertyja 1997) u studiji koju je sponzorisala kanadska vlada, rezimira kriticne periode za neke aspekte razvoja mozga.

Istovremeno, istraživanje Programa rane brige i razvoja dece (ECCD)1 širom sveta tokom poslednjih decenija pružilo je dosta dokaza da ECCD može: 1 Early Childhood Care for Development (ECCD ) - "Program rane brige i razvoja dece obuhvata svu potrebnu podršku za svako dete kako bi ono ostvarilo svoje pravo da preživi, bude zašticeno i zbrinuto što ce mu omoguciti optimalan razvoj od rodjenja do osme godine" (Judith L. Evans, Robert G. Mayers, Elen M. Ilfeld: EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNTS, A Programming Guide on Early Childhood Care for Development ,World Bank Institute, Washington, D.C. 2000)

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• da poboljša uspeh u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi, • da poveca izgled deteta za vecu produktivnost i buduci prihod, • da smanji verovatnocu da pojedinac postane teret javnom budžetu za

pružanje zdravstvenih i socijalnih usluga, • da podigne status žena i umanji nejednakost izmedu polova, • da pomogne da se postigne veca društvena pravednost, • da poveca samopoštovanje, motivaciju i društvenu sposobnost u

komunikaciji. U okviru društvenog razvoja, kvalitetna rana briga o deci ce omoguciti

razvoj pojedinaca koji su sposobni da pozitivnije doprinesu društvu i time ekonomskom razvoju, i kao rezultat vec navedenih faktora, bice manje verovatno da ce zatražiti socijalnu pomoc. Na primer, procena Predškolskog programa High/Scope Perry koji je pokrenut u Sjedinjenim Državama u 1962. godini pokazala je da je investiranje od USD 1,00 u ovaj ECCD program doprineo uštedi od ca. USD 7,16 socijalne pomoci i povecao produktivnost (Schweinhart, Barnes and Weikart, 1993).

Šta to znaci za javnu politiku? Ti rezultati, pored mnogih drugih, ukazuju da su ECCD programi odlucujuci za bekstvo iz kruga siromaštva i pozitivan ekonomski rast. Medutim, da bi ti programi bili uspešni, oni moraju biti "integralni deo strategije jedne zemlje za razvoj ljudskog kapitala (Young, 1997)".

Aktuelne teme u ECCD programu razvoja Integrisano programiranje Naucno istraživanje i iskustvo onih koji primenjuju ECCD programe (posebno u zemaljama u razvoju) pokazali su da postoji nekoliko faktora (na primer zdravlje, ishrana i obrazovanje) koji su vezani za rezultate koje postižu odrasli. Drugim recima, rast zdravstvene brige tokom perida ranog detinjstva ima dugorocne posledice koje se pojavljuju u odrasloj dobi, kao što ima briga o ishrani i obrazovanje u ranom detinjstvu. Pošto je svaka od ovih komponenti direktno povezana sa razvojem deteta u odrasloj dobi, nedovoljna briga u nekoj od tih oblasti ce umanjiti pozitivan razvoj u nekoj drugoj oblasti. Drugim recima, ako u jednom selu postoji nutricionisticki program za malu decu, ali ta deca nemaju pristup cistoj vodi i/ili pozitivnoj mentalnoj stimulaciji, efikasnost nutricionistickog programa bice znatno umanjena. Pozitivnije receno, implementacijom holistickog programa (t.j. nutricionistickog programa koji obuhvata i pružanje ciste vode), pozitivni efekti jednog uticaja bice uglavnom pojacani pozitivnim efektima drugog. Jedno od normativnih pitanja koje je najviše došlo do izražaja na Konferenciji Uneska u Amsterdamu 1998. godine bilo je "integracija usluga brige i obrazovanja u ranom detinjstvu …. jer poseduje sposobnost da udovolji mnoštvu socijalnih i obrazovnih potreba …". Potreba za jednim takvim integrisanim pristupom se takode odnosila na rastucu heterogenost sveta sa raznovrsnim nacinima života i strukturama porodica. Pored toga integrisani programi omogucavaju i ohrabruju pojacanu saradnju izmedu agencija (javnih i privatnih) koji se staraju o razlicitim aspektima brige i razvoja u ranom

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detinjstvu. Na primer, saradnja izmedu škola, zdravstvenih klinika i inicijativa lokalnih zajednica. Integrisani pristupi ECCD-u imaju za cilj ne samo potrebe individualnog deteta, nego i interakciju izmedu deteta i porodice i deteta i zajednice. Svaki ECCD program mora uzeti u obzir meduzavisne potrebe roditelja i deteta. To posebno važi za roditelje u neravnopravnom položaju koji možda i sami pate od lošeg zdravlja i/ili nepoverenja društva. Zato, ako ECCD intervencija ne ukljuci i roditelje, svi pozitivni efekti za dete ce verovatno nestati preko noci pošto roditelj nije u stanju da podržava te razvoje i mogucnosti. Znacaj ukljucenja roditelja "Naucila sam i izrasla u roditelja i partnera sa svojim suprugom kroz mnoštvo programa i radionica. Kada sam im se pridružila, imala sam vrlo malo prijatelja sa decom. Danas imam mrežu roditelja i prijatelja" (roditelj u Better Beginnings Program /Program za bolji pocetak/ iz Kingstona, Ontario, citat iz McCain and Mustard, 1999). Dok se nastavljaju debate o definicijama participacije (unutrašnja protiv spoljne participacije, participacija protiv partnerstva protiv podele vlasti), postignuta je opšta saglasnost da je odredeni oblik ucešca roditelja u razvoju deteta presudan za zdraviji razvoj (Conners and Epstein, 1995; Powell, 1993; Sanders, 1996; Swick, 1991; citat iz McBride et al., 2000). Ucešce roditelja može da promoviše pozitivnije stavove i vece samopouzdanje u sposobnost podrške razvoju deteta i da ohrabri njihov rast kao pojedinca. Bez podrške i ucešca roditelja i porodice, pozitivna dostignuca iz intervencija programa ECCD bila bi neodrživa. To posebno važi za decu sa nepovoljnom i visokorizicnim poreklom. Najpoznatiji okvir za evaluaciju roditeljskog ucešca u obrazovanju (na svim nivoima) i za vodenje programa razvoja programa za roditeljsko ucešce je Epsteinova tipologija (1992, 1996). Epštajn deli koncept roditeljskog ucešca na šest širokih kategorija:

I. Osnovne obaveze roditelja ( pozitivno kucno okruženje) II. Pozitivne obaveze škola ( komunikacija sa roditeljima o

programu i uspehu deteta) III. Ucešce roditelja u školi ( dobrovoljno ucešce u školskim

aktivnostima) IV. Ucešce roditelja u aktivnostima ucenja i razvoja kod kuce (

pomoc roditeljima kako da medusobno deluju sa decom i pomognu im da uce)

V. Ucešce roditelja u vladi i zastupanju kod pravosudnih organa ( savetodavni odbori, organizacije roditelja i nastavnika)

VI. Saradnja sa Zajednicom ( rad sa lokalnim preduzecima, agencijama za pružanje socijalnih usluga i privatnim licima).

Ove kategorije služe kao okvir za evaluaciju i planiranje ukljucenosti roditelja u škole i u obrazovanje.

Neophodnost za usredsredivanje na odgovorno roditeljstvo i programe koji se koncentrišu na zajednicu je takode poslužilo kao kamen

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temeljac za medunarodne organizacije kao što su UNICE, UNESCO i Svetska banka. Investiranje u ECCD Programe Ako su se ECCD programi vremenom pokazali da imaju pozitivne rezultate i za pojedinca i za dete, zašto kreatori politike nerado investiraju u tu oblast? Tri trenutna odgovora su: • troškovi su trenutni ali je ocigledna korist dugorocna • ECCD nije vidljiv/opipljiv, on više promoviše trecu generaciju • ECCD programi su cesto formirani više izmedu odeljenja nego izmedu

sektora. To znaci da povracaj sredstava iz trenutnog investiranja u ECCD programe nije uvek odmah primetan. Dok se ulaganje vrši danas (programi ishrane, obrazovni programi, roditeljski programi, itd.), rezultat se vidi tek kada dete postane odrastao clan društva. Do tada vecina politicara koji podržavaju ovo investiranje nece biti više na dužnosti. Mnoge nevladine agencije koje primenjuju programe su cesto pod pritiskom donatora da pokažu trenutne rezultate kao dokaz da je investicija donatora bila uspešna. Na kraju, kao što je vec receno, potreba za kompleksnim i integrisanim programiranjem cesto zahteva koordinaciju izmedu razlicitih ministarstva i agencija u sredinama koje su retko prijemcive za takvu interaktivnu saradnju. To dodatno podrazumeva da se rezultati iz ECCD intervencija moraju prevashodno ocenjivati pomocu longitudinalnih i interdisciplinarnih studija. Kao posledica toga, ocena programa postaje problematicna, jer rezultati longitudinalnih istraživanja prošlih predškolskih iskustava nece moci uvek da reflektuju aktuelne okolnosti. Zato se procene moraju shvatiti kao kontinuiran proces kojim se vrše uskladivanja i poboljšanja programa. Potreba za dugoricnim studijama o rezultatima ECCD programa zahteva pažljivo planiranje i selekciju pokazivaca i podataka. Ona takode naglašava znacaj posedovanja osnovnih podataka na osnovu kojih se mere dugorocni rezultati, kao i kontrolne grupe za komparativne svrhe.

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ECCD u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji

Katolicka služba za pomoc (Catholic Relief Services / CRS) primenjuje program pod nazivom Partnerstvo izmedu roditelja i škole (PSP) na Balkanu i Kavkazu od 1994. godine. Suština ovog programa je promovisanje pozitivnog razvoja dece i ucešce zajednice angažovanjem roditelja u obrazovanju deteta. Iako je aktivna i prisutna u Saveznoj Republici Jugoslaviji od 1996. godine, CRS za SR Jugoslaviju je zapocela implementaciju PSP programa tek 1998. godine u Crnoj Gori. Oktobra 1999. CRS za SR Jugoslaviju je odlucila da pokrene obrazovni program i u Republici Srbiji. Nakon razgovora sa raznim lokalnim i medunarodnim agencijama, odluceno je da CRS za Jugoslaviju usredsredi pažnju na ECCD. Iako je razvijena petogodišnja strategija zasnovana na diskusijama i iskustvima PSP programa CRS-a u tom regionu, dogovoreno je da prvi korak u toj strategiji mora biti sticanje globalne predstave o statusu predškolskog obrazovanja u današnjoj Jugoslaviji. Zato je primarni cilj ove studije da pruži opis razlicitih komponenata predškolskog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji i Republici Crnoj Gori. Iako su autori pokušali da budu što je moguce više izbalansirani u prezentovanju situacije u ove dve republike, kolicina raspoloživih informacija za Crnu Goru nije bila tako detaljna kao za Srbiju. Pored toga, citalac takode mora imati u vidu da su se desile dve velike politicke promene nakon procesa prikupljanja informacija za studiju (Mart - Juni 2000). Prvo, Pokrajina Kosovo, iako je obuhvacena ovom studijom, je sada pod administracijom misije Ujedinjenih Nacija na Kosovu (UNMIK), i zato mnogo tih informacija koje se odnose na metodologiju kurikuluma više ne važi. Nedavne promene od dolaska UNMIK-a nisu ovde obuhvacene. Drugo, u oktobru 2000., i SR Jugoslavija i Republika Srbija su pretrpele monumentalne promene u pogledu politickih režima. Iako nije došlo do politickih promena u pogledu predškolskog obrazovanja, mogucnosti za takve promene i tipovi inovacija koji se mogu prihvatiti u toj oblasti su sasvim drugaciji u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Kako bi bolje doprineo tom procesu promena, kao i razvoju sopstvenog programa, CRS prezentuje ovu studiju koju su pripremili lokalni predškolski strucnjaci. Svako poglavlje je pripremio individualni autor i ono odslikava razmišljanja i zakljucke tog pojedinca. Ono ne mora da reflektuje mišljenja CRS-a. Iako su pitanja ukljucena u studiju nezavisna, ona su tako organizovana da postoji logicni tok s jednog predmeta na drugi. Studija pocinje pregledom predškolskog obrazovanja u SRJ i prelazi na istraživanje mogucnosti obuke i programa za predškolski kadar, oblike saradnje sa roditeljima i porodicama, i završava se pregledom aktuelnog nastavnog plana koji se primenjuje u predškolskim programima u SRJ. Iako su neki autori uradili analizu odredjenih pitanja, primarni cilj je bio da se pruži sveobuhvatna slika o razvoju predškolskog obrazovanja u SRJ i o njegovim oblicima i izazovima danas. Jessica Pearl, Menadžer obrazovnog programa, CRS/SR Jugoslavija

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Opšte karakteristike predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Jugoslaviji

Mr Iskra Maksimovic, savetnik za obrazovanje CRS/ SR Jugoslavija

Obrazovanje i ekonomska kriza u SR Jugoslaviji Obrazovanje u SR Jugoslaviji (SRJ) je u nadležnosti svake od federalnih republika: Republike Srbije i Republike Crne Gore. U skladu sa saveznim Ustavom i ustavima republika delatnost obrazovanja uredjena je republickim propisima. Prema podacima Saveznog zavoda za statistiku školske 1997/98. godine u SRJ bilo je 1837 predškolskih ustanova sa 185 2282 dece, zatim 4456 osnovnih škola (cetvororazredne, petorazredne, šestorazredne i osmorazredne škole) sa 877 445 ucenika; 567 srednjih škola sa 355 311 ucenika; 54 više škole sa 37 445 studenta i 95 fakulteta sa 151 596 studenata. Prema popisu stanovništva iz 1991. godine u SR Jugoslaviji je" bilo 3,900 8893 dece i omladine do 24 godine starosti. Dece do 7 godina bilo je 1, 283.001, a mladih do 15-27 godina bilo je 1,956.433. U periodu posle 1991. godine došlo je do velikog priliva izbeglica, pa se može proceniti da je ovaj broj po osnovu prirodnog priraštaja i mehanickog priliva povecan". Razvoj obrazovanja u SRJ u poslednjih deset godina bio je uslovljen mnogobrojnim faktorima. Kako su ti faktori uticali na ekonomski, društveni i

2 Dat je ukupan broj ustanova i objekata 3 Podaci su preuzeti iz knjige ŠTETE U OBRAZOVANJU OD NATO AGRESIJE, Ministarstvo prosvete Republike Srbije, Sektor za istraživanje i razvoj obrazovanja, Beograd, 1999, 186 str.

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socijalni položaj ukupnog obrazovanja to se odrazilo i na položaj i razvoj obrazovanja. Razaranje prethodne Jugoslavije, promena društveno, politickog i privrednog sistema, i narocito, uvodenje sankcija prema Jugoslaviji delovali su na odvijanje ukupnog sistema obrazovanja, a samim tim i na predškolsko obrazovanje. Od uvodjenja sankcija (1992. godine) društveni proizvod u SRJ je opadao tako da je u 1994. godini iznosio jednu trecinu u odnosu na nivo 1989. godine. U periodu 1989-1994. godine društveni proizvod je opadao po stopi od 17,5 % prosecno godišnje, tako da je u 1994. godini bio u odnosu na 1989. godinu realno 51,3 % manji. Za obrazovanje se 1990. godine ukupno izdvajalo 4,5 % društvenog proizvoda4 (112,5 USDp.c.), a u 1994. godini ucešce je niže i iznosilo je 4,14% odnosno 45,5 USD p.c. Opšti pad ekonomskih aktivnosti uticao je na pad realnih prihoda stanovništva, zatim na pad individualnog i društvenog standarda, na siromašenje stanovništva i narastanje socijalnih problema. Tako je 1990. godine5 1,5 milion ljudi bio ispod granice siromaštva, a 1995. godine billo je vec 3 miliona ljudi medju kojima i 700 do 800 hiljada dece. U takvim uslovima 6 smanjene su mogucnosti za održavanje dostignutih obrazovnih standarda i kvaliteta obrazovanja. Jedna od karakteristika dosadašnjeg razvoja sistema obrazovanja u Jugoslaviji (i na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije) jesu bila velika ulaganja u u razvoj javnih službi. To je rezultiralo dobro razvijenom mrežom institucija u društvenim delatnostima, odnosno gotovo potpunim obuhvatom stanovništva obrazovanjem, zdravstvenom zaštitom i relativno dobrim kvalitetom društvenih službi. Padom društvenog proizvoda, realna sredstva za ovu namenu su se više nego prepolovila. Ovaj drastican pad sredstava je uzrokovao teško stanje u ovim oblastima: tekuce investiciono održavanje je svedeno na minimum, što je dovelo do zaostajanja u održavanju infrastrukture (problemi u nabavci osnovnih materijala i obezbedjivanje novih investicija) i do pogoršanja društvenih uslova za razvoj. Tome je doprineo i veliki priliv izbeglica i prognanika iz ratom zahvacenih podrucja. Procenjuje se da je u SRJ utocište našlo oko 700.000 izbeglica7 iz Bosne i Hrvatske od cega je oko 310.0008 dece, odnosno 42% dece do 18 godina. Deca predškolskog uzrasta cine 16,7% izbeglicke populacije, isto toliko je dece osnovnoškolskog uzrasta, dok je 8,5 dece srednjoškolskog uzrasta. Prema nezvanicnim procenama, tokom 1999. godine došlo je i oko 250 000 lica sa Kosova. Medju njima je i veliki broj dece. U takvim ukupnim okolnostima obrazovanje je bilo suoceno sa ozbiljnim materijalnim problemima, što se odrazilo na standard zaposlenih u obrazovanju pokrivanje redovnih rashoda škola, a narocito na opremanje i modernizaciju obrazovnog procesa. Kako se najveci deo sredstava za obrazovanje obezbeduje iz budžeta republika, a zatim iz budžeta opština, to od ovih izvora zavisi i podmirivanje obaveza u obrazovanju. U nedostatku potrebnih sredstava prvenstvena pažnja posvecena je pokrivanju redovne 4 JUGOSLOVENSKI PLAN AKCIJE ZA DECU DO 2000 (i dalje), Ulaganja u decu se uvek isplate bez obzira na troškove, Vlada SR JUgoslavije, Beograd, 1996. 5 EVALUACIJA PROGRAMA U 1996. GODINI (godišnji skup), Unicef, Beogradska kancelarija, 1996. godine 6 DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION IN THE FR YUGOSLAVIA, 1994-1995, The Report for the 45th session of the International Conference on Education UNESCO-BIE (Geneva, 1996), Yugoslav Commission for Unesco, Beograd, 1996 7 ibid, str. 7 8 JUGOSLOVENSKI PLAN AKCIJE ZA DECU DO 2000 , str. 16

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delatnosti obrazovnih ustanova (zarade zaposlenih, materijalni troškovi nastave, troškovi grejanja obrazovnih ustanova itd). a smanjena su izdvajanja za nabavku opreme, novu nastavnu tehnologiju, kao i za nove investicije. Sistem obrazovanja u Srbiji pretrpeo je i velike štete kao posledicu NATO bombardovanja.Tokom 79 dana bombardovanja srušeno je ili ošteceno blizu 400 školskih objekata na svim nivoima obrazovanja: oko 140 predškolskih ustanova, 242 osnovnoškolska objekta, 91 srednja škola, 34 visokoškolska objekta i veci broj domova za ucenike i studente.9 Položaj predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja Sankcije i ukupna ekonomska situacija koji su uticali na celokupni sistem obrazovanja uticali su i na ostvarivanje i dalji razvoj predškolskog obrazovanja. Posledice su pre svega u sledecem10: Ø nepovoljan materijalni položaj ukupnog obrazovanja pa time i

predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja (materijalne teškoce); Ø zabrinjavajuce stanje prostora (stanje predškolskih objekata); Ø siromaštvo opreme i nastavnih sredstava.

Pad privrednih aktivnosti uticao je i na pad sredstava namenjenih decijoj zaštiti. Ovaj pad uticao je i na pad realnih plata zaposlenih, nemogucnost zamene zastarele opreme, igracaka, didaktickog materijala, nemogucnost renoviranja ustanova i izostanak razvojne komponente, cak i na" kvalitet ishrane, ali ne i na neposredni rad sa decom".11 Iako postoji razvijena mreža predškolskih ustanova obuhvat dece nije prema mišljenju analiticara, dovoljan.Pored toga, obuhvat je neravnomeran jer je u nekim podrucjima evidentan nedostatak predškolskih objekata, a u drugim nema dovoljno dece za obavljanje delatnosti predškolskih ustanova.Takodje, ne zadovoljava ni obuhvat dece jednogodišnjim predškolskim pripremnim programom za polazak u osnovnu školu.Prema podacima u podacima Unicefa SRJ ima, u odnosu na druge zemlje regina sa izuzetkom Hrvatske i Makedonije, mali broj dece obuhvacene predškolskim vaspitanjem i obrazovanjem


Dostup predškolskom

vaspitanju (ukupno) kao % od uzrasne



osnovnom obrazovanju

(ukupno) kao % od uzrasne kohorte


srednjem obrazovanju

(ukupno) kao % od uzrasne kohorte


ucenika na jednog


SRJ 32 69 62 22 Slovenija 68 98 92 21 Hrvatska 39 87 82 19 BJR 24 99 63 ---

9 Podaci su preuzeti iz knjige ŠTETE U OBRAZOVANJU OD NATO AGRESIJE, Ministarstvo prosvete Republike Srbije, Sektor za istraživanje i razvoj obrazovanja, Beograd, 1999, 186 str. 10 ibid str.64 11 ibid str. 81

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Makedonija Bulgaria 62 99 77 14 Rumunija 53 104 78 21 Ceška Republika

91 104 99 18

Slovacka 76 102 94 22 Poljska 48 96 98 17 Grcka 62 94 95 20 Italija 96 101 94 12 Nemacka 91 102 104 --- Kanada 64 102 105 17 SAD 70 102 97 20

UNICEF, “Evaluacija obrazovnih programa koje realizuje UNICEF u SRJ: 1995/1997”

Sistem društevne brige o deci Sistem društvene brige o deci je javna organizovana pomoc države deci i porodicama sa decom. Društvena briga o deci obuhvata svu decu odredenog uzrasta kojoj je odredena briga, zaštita i pomoc potrebna , zavisno o d ekonomskih i drugih uslova. U Srbiji, sistem društvene brige o deci podrazumeva "društveno-istorijski determinisanu, javno regulisanu, garantovanu i finansiranu pomoc koju država i lokalna zajednica pružaju porodicama sa decom i deci, u cilju obezbedivanja socijalne sigurnosti, zadovoljavanja razvojnih potreba dece , ujednacavanja uslova za njihov psihicki, fizicki, emocionalni i socijalni razvoj i radi sprovodenja odredenih mera populacione politike".12 Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje obuhvata prvenstveno decu smeštenu u predškolske ustanove u kojima se ostvaruje organizovani vaspitno-obrazovni rad. Zakon13 o društvenoj brizi o deci u Srbiji normativno ureduje sistem društvene brige o deci i zasniva se na pravu i dužnostima roditelja da se staraju o podizanju i vaspitanju svoje dece, pravu deteta na uslove života koji omogucavaju njegov pravilan psihofizicki razvoj i na obavezi države da to sve omoguci. Društvenom brigom o deci obezbeduje se: Ø Stvaranje osnovnih uslova za približno ujednacavanje nivoa

zadovoljavanja razvojnih potreba dece; Ø Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje; Ø Dnevni boravak, vaspitanje i obrazovanje, preventivna zdravstvena

zaštita, ishrana, odmor, rekreacija, kulturne , sportske i stvaralacke aktivnosti dece;

Ø Odgovarajuci rad sa decom bez roditeljskog staranja, decom sa smetnjama u razvoju i decom iz socijalno ugroženih porodica;

Ø Posebna zaštita treceg detata. Sistem društvene brige o deci pruža roditeljima pomoc u ostvarivanju njihove reproduktivne, zaštitne, vaspitne i ekonomske funkcije, a društvu

12 Dr Ana Gavrilovic: SISTEM DRUŠTVENE BRIGE O DECI U SRBIJI, Razvoj i perspektiva, Beograd, Službeni glasnik, 1998, str.27 13 ZAKON O DRUŠTVENOJ BRIZI O DECI, Službeni glasnik RS, br. 49/92, 29/93, 53/93, 67/93,28/94, 47/94, 25/96

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efikasnije obavljanje profesionalnih zadataka i povecanje stope radanja i ostvarenje sopstvene reprodukcije. U skladu sa tako definisanim ciljevima sistema društvene brige o deci precizirana su koja prava imaju roditelji i deca. Postoje prava koja su od opšteg interesa i o njihovoj realizaciji brinu republicke vlasti . To su:

Ø Naknada zarade za vreme porodiljskog i produženog porodiljskog odsustva zaposlenog roditelja i odsustva sa rada usvojioca radi nege deteta. Za vreme porodiljskog odsustva zaposlena majka ima pravo n nakndu zarade ( u visini koja bi bila za vreme rada). U Crnoj Gori ima pravo na punu zaradu, a u Srbiji pun iznos je za prvo troje dece. Propisima iz oblasti radnih odnosa i socijalnog osiguranja predvidena je posebna zaštita porodilja, roditelja malog ili bolesnog deteta, žena i radnika mladih od 18 godina života.

Ø Materinski dodatak u trajanju od godinu dana za prvo troje dece, odnosno i za cetvrto dete u opštinama sa negativnim priraštajem (u visini od 30% od prosecne zarade u privredi). Ovo pravo ima svaka majka osim zaposlene majke. U Crnoj Gori nezaposlene majke primaju nadoknadu u visini od 50% od minimalne plate. Da bi se donekle poboljšala višegodišnja negativna stopa prirodnog priraštaja u nekim regionima i opštinama Srbije uvedene su posebne stimulativne mere za porodice u tim opštinama (pravo na materinski dodatak, finansiranje troškova treceg deteta u predškolskim ustanovama, naknada 100% zarade za vreme porodiljskog bolovanja za svako dete, pomoc za opremu novorodenceta itd)

Ø Pomoc za opremu novorodenceta (jednokratna novcana pomoc).U Srbiji, prema propisima, pravo na deciji dodatak imaju porodice sa troje dece. Visina decjeg dodatka u Srbiji za prvo dete iznosi 20%, za drugo 25% i za trece dete 30% od prosecne neto zarade po zaposlenom u Republici za prethodni mesec. U Crnoj Gori, sva deca bez obzira na imovinsko stanje imaju pravo na deciji dodatak.

Ø Naknada troškova boravka u predškolskoj ustanovi za trece dete. Trece dete iz porodice sa troje dece ima pravo na nadoknadu troškova celodnevnog i poludnevnog boravka u predškolskoj ustanovi.

Ø Deca bez roditeljskog staranja, deca sa smetnjama u razvoju u ustanovama socijalne zaštite i deca na dužem bolnickom lecenju imaju pravo na predškolsko obrazovanje i vaspitanje u trajanju od 3 do 5 sati dnevno.

Ø Deca predškolskog uzrasta koje nisu ukljucena u predškolske ustanove imaju pravo u godini pred polazak u osnovnu školu, na organizovani vaspitno-obrazovani program u trajanju od tri sata dnevno. Prostor za ostvarivanje tog programa obezbedjuje opština.

Zakonom o društvenoj brizi o deci u Srbiji predvidjeno je i da se za obezbedjivanje odredjenih prava staraju opštine u skladu sa svojim materijalnim mogucnostima. Pre svega, one mogu da na svom prostoru

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obezbedjujeu predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje, zdravstvenu zaštitu predškolske dece; zatim odmor i rekreaciju dece do 15 godina starosti u decijim odmaralištima što podrazumeva odmor, rekreaciju, vaspitno-obrazovni rad i sportsko rekreativne aktivnosti. Opština obezbedjuje i regresiranje troškova za decu u ovim ustanovama a u zavisnosti od materijalnog položaja porodice.Regres daje lokalna zajednica iz svog budžeta. Neki elementi sistema društvene brige o deci ukljuceni su i u sistem socijalne zaštite :

Ø Deci ometenoj u fizickom i psihickom razvoju (po potrebi, deci sa pomenutim nedostacima obezbeduje se boravak u specijalnim ustanovama namenjenim njihovom vaspitanju i školovanju. Rad ovih ustanova finansira se iz budžeta, tacnije, izdacima za socijalnu zaštitu),

Ø Deci ugroženoj porodicnom situacijom i deci sa poremecajima u ponašanju pruža se odgovarajuca pomoc.

Programima socijalne zaštite, 1997. godine 14 u SRJ je bilo obuhvaceno oko 110 921 maloletnih korisnika (do 18 godina starosti) (ili oko 4% stanovnika do 18 godina). U Srbiji je bilo obuhvaceno 100 667 korisnika, a u Crnoj Gori 10 254 korisnika. Najbrojnija kategorija korisnika socijalne pomoci u SRJ su deca ugrožena porodicnom situacijom 76 614 ,od cega je 69 034 u Srbiji i 7580 u Crnoj Gori. U okviru ove kategorije najbrojnija su deca iz porodica sa slabom materijalnom situacijom. Drugu kategoriju cine deca sa poremecajima u ponašanju - 17 703, zatim sledi kategorija dece ometene u psihickom razvoju -6063 i kategorija dece ometene u fizickom razvoju 4076. Na ostale kategorije socijalne zaštite spada 6465 dece. Oblici socijalne zaštitete koje društvo preduzima da bi pomoglo ovim kategorijama dece su: starateljstvo, usvojenje, smeštaj u drugu porodicu, smeštaj u ustanove socijalne zaštite, smeštaj u drugu ustanovu, novcana pomoc, ostale pomoci i drugi oblici. Najzastupljeniji oblik jesu stalne i privremene novcane pomoci . Tokom 1997. godine novcanu pomoc je primilo 215 867 korisnika.

Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje u SRJ Predškolsko obrazovanje i vaspitanje je društveno organizovano obrazovanje i vaspitanje dece predškolskog uzrasta i sa porodicnim vaspitanjem cini celinu. Ono obezbedjuje brigu o deci, njihovu zaštitu i boravak u uslovima koji su prilagodeni deci, njihovim mogucnostima, interesima i razvojnim potrebama. Kao dopuna porodicnom vaspitanju predškolsko vaspitanje pomaže roditeljima u radu sa decom. U isto vreme predškolsko vaspitanje ublažava razlike medu decom koje su nastale kao posledica socijalnog, ekonomskog i kulturnog statusa porodice. Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje je prvi stepen sistema obrazovanja u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, koji nije obavezan i obuhvata decu od 1 do 7 godine starosti. Organizuje se za decu jaslenog uzrasta (od jedne do tri godine) i do polaska u školu, odnosno do (šest) sedam godina starosti. U predškolskoj ustanovi se obezbedjuje dnevni boravak dece, zatim realizuje se vaspitno-obrazovna, preventivno zdravstvena i socijalna funkcija. 14 poslednji podaci prema Statistickom godišnjaku SRJ za 1999. godinu

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Svojom koncepcijom i programima predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje treba da moguci celovit razvoj predškolskog deteta. Stvarajuci uslove i podsticaje predškolsko obrazovanje i vaspitanje obezbeduje kod dece razvoj njihovih sposobnosti i osobina licnosti, širi im iskustva i izgraduje saznanja o sebi i drugim ljudima i svetu. Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori se ostvaruje na srpskom jeziku, a prema zakonskim odredbama može i na jezicima nacionalnih manjina. U Crnoj Gori pored srpskog jezika predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje može da se ostvaruje i na albanskom jeziku i dvojezicno. U Srbiji predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje se ostvaruje na srpskom, madjarskom, slovackom, rumunskom, rusinskom, albanskom i dvojezicno.U predškolskoj ustanovi za vaspitno-obrazovni rad na jeziku nacionalne manjine izjašnjavaju se roditelji. Ove ustanove svojim aktima ureduju vaspitno-obrazovnu delatnost i pružaju obaveštenje roditeljima o jeziku na kome se rad obavlja. Nacin i uslove ostvarivanja osnova programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada na jezicima nacionalnih manjina propisuje ministar prosvete.U skladu sa tim pripremljen je u Srbiji poseban program predškolskog vaspitanja za rad sa decom preedškolskog uzrasta na jezcima nacionalnih manjina. Zakonsko odredenje predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja i društvene brige o deci Oblast predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Srbiji uredena je Zakonom o društvenoj brizi o deci15. Zakon ureduje celokupan sistem društvene brige o deci. Na osnovu Zakona donet je niz podzakonskih akata kojima se regulišu pojedini aspekti predškolskog vaspitanja i društvene brige o deci. To su:

Ø Osnove programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa decom uzrasta do tri godine;

Ø Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja dece uzrasta od tri do sedam godina;

Ø Osnove programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa decom nacionalnih manjina;

Ø Pravilnik o pedagoškoj dokumentaciji; Ø Uredba o kriterijumima za utvrdivanje mreže ustanova za decu; Ø Pravilnik o merilima za utvrdivanje cene usluga u decjim

ustanovama; Ø Pravilnik o bližim uslovima za pocetak rada i obavljanje

delatnosti; Ø Pravilnik o normativu vaspitnih sredstava u oredškolskom

vaspitanju; Ø Pravilnik o normativu društvene ishrane dece u ustanovama za

decu; Ø Pravilnik o strucnoj spremi zaposlenog osoblja u predškolskim

ustanovama; Ø Pravilnik o strucnom nadzoru u predškolskoj ustanovi.

15 ZAKON O DRUŠTVENOJ BRIZI O DECI, Službeni glasnik RS, br. 49/92, 29/93, 53/93, 67/93,28/94, 47/94, 25-96

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U oblasti obrazovanja, republicki organi utvrduju politiku, donose i izvršavaju zakone i druge propise i obavljaju druge poslove u skladu sa zakonom. Pored toga postoje pokrajinski i opštinski organi koji se staraju o zadovoljavanju odredenih potreba gradana u oblasti obrazovanja. U Srbiji republicka vlada i resorni ministar za društvenu brigu o deci bliže ureduju funkcionisanje sistema, a za vaspitno-obrazovnu i preventivno-zdravstvenu funkciju ustanova za decu, odgovarajuce nadležnosti imaju i ministar za prosvetu i ministar za zdravlje. Nadležnosti nad ovom delatnošcu ima Ministarstvo prosvete (programi vaspitno-obrazovnog rada), Ministarstvo za društvenu brigu o deci (programi socijalnog rada, normativ društvene ishrane dece, obezbedjivanje finansijske osnove i organizaciona pitanja) i Ministarstvo za zdravlje (programi preventivne zdravstvene zaštite). Znacajne kompetencije u ostvarivanju materijalnih davanja i osnivanju i funkcionisanju ustanova za decu ima lokalna samouprava. Odgovornost imaju opštinski organi uprave jer Zakon o društvenoj brizi o deci omogucava da opština može da otvara i organizuje rad predškolskih ustanova i drugih ustanova za decu. Ovu delatnost mogu da obavljaju i druga pravna i fizicka lica pod uslovima i nacinom utvrdjenim za državne predškolske ustanove. U Crnoj Gori, predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje je u nadležnosti Ministarstva prosvjete Republike Crne Gore.Osnove programa rada predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja donosi Ministarstvo prosvete. Ustanove za decu Oblast društvne brige o deci i predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Srbiji se institucionalno ostvaruje u ustanovama za decu. To su predškolske ustanove i decija odmarališta. Ove ustanove osniva opština, kao i njihovu mrežu a na osnovu kriterijuma koje donosi vlada. Ustanova pocinje da radi nakon što opštinska uprava utvrdi ispunjenost svih potrebnih uslova - oprema, prostor i strucni i drugi radnici. Ministar za društvenu brigu o deci, ministar za prosvetu i ministar zdravlja. sporazumno utvrduju bliže uslove prostora, opreme i broja radnika. Prema Pravilniku o bližim uslovima za pocetak rada i obavljanje delatnosti ustanova za decu utvrdjen je prostor (za boravak dece, zajednicki prostor i prostor van objekata), oprema, broj strucnih radnika i drugi uslovi koje treba zadovoljiti za osnivanje i rad predškolskih ustanova i decjih odmarališta. U Crnoj Gori predškolska ustanova može da bude u državnoj, mešovitoj, zadružnoj i privatnoj svojini. Predškolske ustanove ciji je osnivac Republika finansiraju se iz budžeta Republike. Prema Zakonu o predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju predškolske ustanove koje su osnovale opštine prelaze u nadležnost Republike. Da bi se registrovala i pocela da radi predškolska ustanova mora da ispuni uslove koji su predvidjeni zakonom (u pogledu broja vaspitnih grupa, prostora, opreme, finansijskih sredstava, strucnog kadra i higijensko-tehnicke zaštite) Nadzor nad sprovodjenjem odredaba Zakona vrši republicki organ nadležan za poslove prosvete.

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Predškolske ustanove Predškolsko vaspitanje se ostvaruje u predškolskim ustanovama: u jaslicama za decu do tri godine starosti, i u vrticima - od tri godine do polaska u školu. To se ostvaruje organizovanjem celodnevnih, poludnevnih, minimalnih i skracenih, povremenih, petodnevnih i razlicitih oblika rada sa decom do polaska u osnovnu školu. Zakonom je u Srbiji predvidena mogucnost da predškolske ustanove mogu da organizuju svoju delatnost i u drugoj porodici i u stanu roditelja, sa decom na bolnickom lecenju i da pružaju pojedine usluge ka što su ishrana, odmor i rekreacija dece osnovnoškolskog uzrasta do 10 godina starosti. Organizacija i oblici rada predškolskih ustanova Predškolske ustanove organizuju celodnevne, poludnevne, skracene, minimalne, povremene, petodnevne i niz drugih razlicitih oblika rada sa decom uzrasta do tri godine i sa decom od tri godine do polaska u školu. Najzastupljeniji su celodnevni boravci za decu od 1 do 3 godina i od 3 do 7 godina i trocasovni program za decu od 6 do 7 godina. Zakonom o društvenoj brizi o deci u Srbiji utvrdjen je broj dece u vaspitnim grupama u predškolskim ustanovama. U zavisnosti od uzrasta, broj dece u vaspitnim grupama je sledeci:

Ø do 18 meseci; 10 dece u grupi; Ø od 18 meseci do 2 godine: 15 dece u grupi; Ø od 2 do 3 godine: 18 dece u grupi; Ø od 3 do 4 godine: 23 dece u grupi; Ø od 4 do 5 godina: 25 dece u grupi; Ø od 5 do 7 godina: 30 dece u grupi; Ø u mešovitoj grupi: 20 dece u grupi; Ø na bolnickom lecenju: 20 dece u grupi; Ø sa smetnjama u razvoju: 8 dece u grupi; Ø deca smeštena u drugu porodicu i stan roditelja: 10 dece u

grupi; Ø deca osnovnoškolskog uzrasta u mešovitoj grupi: 34 dece u


Prema Zakonu o predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju u Crnoj Gori broj dece u grupi može biti:

Ø deca do 2 godine do 12 u grupi; deca od 2 do 3 godine do 14 u grupi;

Ø deca u mešovitoj grupi do 3 godine do 10 u grupi; Ø deca od 3 do 4 godine do 20 u grupi; Ø deca od 4 do 5 godina do 24 u grupi; Ø deca od 5 do 7 godina do 28 u grupi Ø deca od 3 do 7 godina u mešovitoj grupi do 20 u grupi.

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Predškolska ustanova može imati najviše 40 vaspitnih grupa (Crna Gora). U skladu sa normativnim dokumentima u Srbiji, predškolske ustanove mogu da organzuju 25 razlicitih oblika rada sa decom:

Ø celodnevni boravak za decu od 1 do 7 godina starosti u trajanju od 9 do 11 sati dnevno;

Ø poludnevni boravak za decu od 4 do 7 godina u trajanju od 3,4 ili 5 sati dnevno;

Ø minimalni (trocasovni) program za decu od 6 godina u godini pred polazak u školu , koja vec nisu obuhvacena celodnevnim i poludnevnim programom;

Ø putujuci vrtic za decu u seoskim sredinama, na uzrastu od šest godina. Ovi programi se organizuju u posebno opremljenim autobusima i traju tri sata a održavaju se 2-3 puta nedeljno;

Ø povremeni oblici rada koji obuhvataju decu od 4 do 10 godina i obuhvataju jednodnevne ili višednevne izlete, letnje i zimske odmore, rekreaciju, vrtic u prirodi i nastavu u prirodi (trajanje prema potrebama dece);

Ø razliciti oblici rada za decu od 3 do 10 godina: o igraonica za decu od 3 do 7 godina (2-3 sata dnevno -

jednom nedeljno ili svaki dan). U okviru ovog oblika rada deca se igraju i kroz igru se izražavaju, uce i druže se;

o igrovnica za decu od 3 do 7 godina (2-3 sata dnevno, dva ili vise puta nedeljno). Deca se slobodno igraju i druže sa odraslima i uz ucešce roditelja;

o pricaonica-citaonica za decu od 3 do 7 godina (1-1,5 sat, jednom ili više puta nedeljno). Ovaj oblik rada sa deocm pomaže im u govorno-jezickom izražavanju;

o dramski studio za decu od 5 do 10 godina (1-2 sata jednom ili više puta nedeljno).Cilj je podsticanje kreativnosti kod dece i dramskog stvaralaštva;

o likovna radionica za decu od 4 do 10 godina (1-2 sata jednom nedeljno) i ima za cilj razvoj likovnog izražavanja dece;

o muzicko zabavište za decu od 5 do 7 godina (1,5-2 sata jednom ili dva puta nedeljno) omogucava slušanje muzike i ucenje o muzici;

o obdanište fizicke kulture za decu od 4 do 7 godina (1 ili 2 sata, tri do pet puta nedeljno) ima za cilj da podstice fizicki razvoj kod dece;

o grupe za ucenje stranih jezika za decu od 3 do 7 godina (1,5 do 2 sata, tri do cetiri puta nedeljno);

o ekološko obdanište za decu od 3 do 10 godina (1-2 sata jednom ili dva puta nedeljno) treba da omoguci deci da steknu znanja o ekološkim pojavama i da se ukljuce u razne ekološke akcije;

o radionice za decu od 5 do 10 godina (2-3 sata svaki dan) u kojima se izradjuju igracke, didakticki materijal i sl.

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o deciji klub za decu od 3 do 7 godina (1 do 3 sata svakog dana). U ovim klubovima deca imaju mogucnosti da uce igrajuci se a roditelji da se medjusobno druže i kontaktiraju sa strucnjacima iz oblasti vaspitanja i obrazoavnja.

Pojedini poslovi i usluge za decu i porodice mogu biti: rekreativno-zabavne usluge za decu od 3 do 10 godina koja borave u turistickim mestima; servis usluge za cuvanje dece na sat za vreme vikenda, praznika ili u drugim prilikama; zbrinjavanje dece 24 casa dnevno, odnosno više nedelja prema potrebama porodice; rad sa školskom decom kada im je pomoc potrebna (ucenje, zbrinjavanje,itd);usluge nege i cuvanje bolesne dece. savetovalište za porodicu organizuje se za pružanje strucnih saveta i pomoc vezanu za vaspitanje dece;usluge kuhinje u pripremi obroka, peciva i kolaca po porudžbinama porodica. Iako im je Zakon pružio razlicite mogucnosti u organizovanju svoje delatnosti vecina predškolskih institucija najcešce organizuju celodnevne i poludnevne boravke. Ostali oblici se mnogo manje primenjuju, Nešto više je zastupljeno organizovanje rekreacije i odmora dece. Najmanje se organizuju oblici predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja koji se realizuju u drugoj porodici ili stanu roditelja. Prema mišljenju dr Ane Gavrilovic16 "Razlozi za to mogu se naci u doskorašnjoj dovoljnosti kapaciteta za iskazane potrebe, objektivnoj složenosti organizacije delatnosti u drugoj porodici ili stanu roditelja". U Crnoj Gori, prema Zakonu o predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju predškolska ustanova može da organizuje svoje rad kao poludnevni i celodnevni boravak. Predškolske institucije za decu ometenu u razvoju Prema podacima iz 1996. godine (noviji podaci nisu dostupni) u Republici Srbiji je je bilo 88 grupa predškolske dece ometene u razvoju, sa ukupno 884 deteta, a u okviru bolnickih predškolskih grupa (53 grupe) obuhvaceno je 1.075 dece. Ova deca su obuhvacena trocasovnim programima vaspitno-obrazovnog rada. Istim programom bilo je obuhvaceno i 88 dece bez roditelja.17 Decje odmaralište

Decje odmaralište, je ustanova u kojoj se za decu do 15 godina

starosti, obezbedjuje boravak, vaspitno-obrazovni rad, zdravstvena zaštita, ishrana, sportsko-rekreativni i drugi sadržaji kroz organizovanje aktivnog odmora, rekreacije, nastave u prirodi i klimatskog oporavka dece.

Ciljevi rada decijih odmarališta su: Ø podsticanje pravilnog psihofizickog i socijalnog razvoja i pomoc

u otklanjanju ili korigovanju negativnih cinilaca razvoja; Ø stvaranje osnova za usvajanje aktivnog, zdravog i rekreativnog

nacina života i korišcenja slobodnog vremena; 16 ibid str 95 17 Prema analizi poslovanja predškolskih ustanova u republici Srbiji za 1996. godinu, Ministarstvo za brigu o porodici, Beograd 1997.

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Ø sticanje iskustva u kolektivnom životu i zajedništvu uz razvijanje tolerancije u odnosima medju ljudima;

Ø ublažavanje posledica višemesecnog boravka u zatvorenom prostoru ;

Ø obogacivanje postojecih i sticanje novih znanja i iskustava. U SRJ postoje dve vrste organizovanja decijih odmarališta - odmarališta u sastavu predškolskih ustanova i posebne ustanove. U jednom broju gradova ovakva decija odmarališta postoje u okviru predškolskih ustanova i to su posebni objekti (14 objekata) za odmor i rekreaciju u kojima se tokom citave godine organizuju odredjeno oblici odmora i rekreacije za decu. Pored toga, u nekim mestima postoje posebna odmarališta (22 objekta) koja su organizovana kao samostalne ustanove koja su locirana na planinama, pored reka, jezera ili mora. U njima se organizuju razliciti oblici odmora i rekreacije - letovanja, zimovanja, kampovi, rekreativna nastava, logorovanje, izleti, ekskurzije. Tokom godine izmedju 50 i 60.000 dece poseti ova domarališta. Privatne predškolske institucije Prema odredbama zakona i u Srbiji i u Crnoj Gori moguce je osnivati privatne vrtice i jaslice. Oni, kao i sve druge institucije predškolskog vaspitanja, moraju ispuniti sve uslove predvidjene Zakonom o društvenoj brizi o deci (Srbija) i Zakonom o predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju (Crna Gora). U skladu sa tim za otvaranje privatnih predškolskih ustanova važe isti uslovi18 kao i za otvaranje državne predškolske ustanove. Ministarstvo za brigu o porodici proverava i odobrava ispunjenost uslova za pocetak rada. Privatne predškolske ustanove imaju slobodu da samostalno biraju program po kome ce raditi, a Ministarstvo prosvete odobrava taj program. Zbog otežanih ekonomskih prilika veliki broj privatnih predškolskih ustanova se registruje kao agencije za cuvanje ili za vaspitanje dece koje primaju najviše do 25 dece. To su veoma cesto i predškolske ustanove za ucenje stranih jezika. Raspoloživi tekuci statisticki podaci ne ukljucuju privatne predškolske ustanove, a ne postoji i redovno strucno pracenje rada privatnih predškolskih ustanova. Zbog toga se o njihovom funkcionisanju može posredno zakljucivati i to na osnovu malog broja analiza. Tako je u Novom Sadu uradjena analiza na uzorku od 15 privatnih vrtica, od postojecih 18 (Prentovic) .19 Ova studija uradjena u Novom Sadu je pokazala da su prednosti privatnih vrtica: veca angažovanost i motivisanost zaposlenog osoblja i vlasnika; veca fleksibilnost u pogledu zastupljenosti oblika rada, vrste aktivnosti, radnog vremena i usluga roditeljima; maksimalno nastojanje da se u okviru raspoloživih mogucnosti udovolji interesima dece i roditelja; svestranija saradnja sa roditeljima; prisnija emocionalna klima, manje vaspitne grupe. Na posmatranom uzorku, je primecen nedostatak kvalifikovanog vaspitackog kadra (samo 50% zaposlenih su kvalifikovani vaspitaci) a situacija je još gora kad je rec o pedagozima i psiholozima. Njih skoro da nema. Loša je takodje i 18 Prema Zakonu o društvenoj brizi o deci u Srbiji ustanova može da pocne sa radom ako ima obezbeden prostor, opremu i strucne i druge radnike. U Crnoj Gori uslovi su: dovoljan broj dece (za privatne ustanove najmanje dve vaspitne grupe), strucni kadar, prostor, oprema i sredstva, finansijska sredstva, higijensko-tehnicka zaštita. 19 Prentovic,R (1998): DRŽAVNI I PRIVATNI VRTICI , (Dokumenta sa strucnih skupova)

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zdravstvena zaštita, a nijedan od ovih pracenih vrtica nije imao socijalnog radnika. Postoji takodje i problem prostora. Naime, on je najcešce neadekvatan jer se radi u adaptiranim stanovima ili zakupljenim lokalima koji su daleko ispod zahteva koje postavljaju normativi za prostor. Nemaju ni adekvatno rešenu ishranu, a i mnogo su skuplji od državnih institucija. Prema raspoloživim podacima postoji veoma mali broj predškolskih ustanova sa religijskom orijentacijom. U okviru Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve otvorena je privatna predškolska ustanova "Andjeo" u Beogradu koja ima oko 60 dece uzrasta od 3 do 6 godina koji su rasporedjeni u pet grupa. Sa decom radi 5 vaspitaca i 6 strucnih saradnika. U okviru programa deca imaju i obaveznu veronauku.

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Predškolske ustanove20 obezbedjuju dnevno zbrinjavanje, negu, ishranu i vaspitanje dece uzrasta od jedne do sedam godina starosti. Ove ustanove imaju teritorijalni razmeštaj koji odgovara koncentraciji dece i potrebama njihovog smeštaja zbog zaposlenosti roditelja. To su pretežno urbane sredine, veliki gradovi i opštinski centri, ali i neka manja mesta. Njih skoro i nema u seoskim sredinama. Procenjuje se da je predškolskim vaspitanjem obuhvaceno oko 25% dece predškolskog uzrasta i da se taj broj postepeno povecava. Predškolsko vaspitanje u SR Jugoslaviji Od ukupno 1837 predškolskih ustanova u SR Jugoslaviji, 96,2% se nalazi u Republici Srbiji, a 3,8% u Republici Crnoj Gori, a od 185.228 obuhvacene dece 94,4% se nalazi u ustanovama u Srbiji, a 5,6% u Crnoj Gori. Na jednu ustanovu u proseku dodje oko 100,8% korisnika. Tabela 1 - Predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje u SRJ 1998. SR Jugoslavija Crna Gora Srbija Ustanove 1 837 70 1 767 Deca (korisnici) 185 228 10 369 174 859 Zaposleni 18 153 1 051 17 102 Izvor: Statisticki godišnjak Jugoslavije 1999, Savezni zavod za statistiku, Beograd, 1999. Podaci o kretanju obima predškolskog vaspitanja od 1989. do 1998. godine, pokazuju da je u prethodnoj deceniji došlo do smanjivanja ove delatnosti, što je posledica nepovoljnog ekonomskog, socijalnog i ukupnog stanja. Broj dece koji pohadja predškolsko vaspitanje još nije dostigao nivo iz 1989. godine. Tabela 2 - Kretanje predškolskog vaspitanja u SRJ Godina Broj predškolskih

ustanova INDEKS Broj

korisnika INDEKS

1989 1 754 100 196 715 100 1990 1 743 99,4 191 769 97,5 1991 1 670 95,2 171 138 87,0 1992 1 682 95,9 159 719 81,2 1993 1 638 93,4 146 212 74,3 1994 1 674 95,4 166 586 84,7 1995 1 725 98,3 177 350 90,2 1996 1 748 99,7 182 125 92,6 1997 1 799 102,6 184 890 94,0 1998 1 837 104,7 185 228 94,2 Izvor: Statisticki godišnjak Jugoslavije 1999. SZS. Beograd, 1999.

20 U SRJ postoji 200 predškolskih državnih ustanova koje obuhvataju veliki broj pojedinacnih objekata. U ovom tekstu pod pojmom ustanove obuhvaceni su i objekti i ustanove.

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Predškolskim vaspitanjem bavi se 18 153 zaposlenih radnika, od cega su 48,5% vaspitaci, 16,6% zdravstveno osoblje, a 39,9% je administrativno i ostalo osoblje. Kao što se vidi skoro polovina zaposlenih je vaspitacko osoblje koje se bavi vaspitnim aktivnostima sa decom. Tabela 3 - Korisnici i zaposleni u predškolskom vaspitanju u SRJ 1998. muški % ženski % ukupno % Broj korisnika 96 037 51,8 89 191 48,2 185 228 100,0 Broj zaposlenih 1 056 5,8 17 097 94,2 18 153 100,0 Broj vaspitaca 563 6,4 8 353 93,4 8 798 100,0 Broj zdravstvenih radnika



3 001


3 023


Broj ostalih zaposlenih



5 861


6 332


Izvor: Statisticki godišnjak SRJ 1999. Sastav korisnika prema polu pokazuje da je relativno ujednaceno ucešce decaka i devojcica, iako je nešto veci broj decaka smešten u predškolske ustanove. Medju zaposlenima više od 94% su žene, a medju zdravstvenim osobljem njihov broj prelazi 99%. Tabela 4 - Predškolsko vaspitanje po podrucjima 1998. Srbija svega Central

na Srbija


Kosovo i Metohija

Crna Gora

SR Jugoslavija

Broj ustanova

1 767 1 051 605 111 70 1 837

% 96,2 57,2 32,9 6,1 3,8 100,0 Broj korisnika

174 859 118 556

48 124 8 179 10 369 185 228

% 94,4 64,0 26,0 4,4 5,6 100,0 Izvor: Statisticki godišnjak SRJ 1999. Od ukupnog broja ustanova i korisnika, najveci broj se nalazi u Centralnoj Srbiji, zatim u Vojvodini, na Kosovu i Metohiji i najmanji broj je u Crnoj Gori. Postoje i izvesne razlike u prosecnom broju dece po jednoj ustanovi koje pokazuju da su najmasovnije predškolske ustanove u Centralnoj Srbiji. Najveci broj ustanova predškolskog vaspitanja obavlja delatnost na srpskom jeziku (87,7%), ali se ova delatnost obavlja i na jezicima nacionalnih manjina i to u podrucjima gde pojedine manjine žive. Broj vaspitnih grupa i obuhvacene dece na jezicima nacionalnih manjina zavisi od interesovanja stanovništva u ovim podrucjima. Tabela 5 - Predškolsko vaspitanje prema jeziku vaspitnog rada 1997.





U K U P N O 1748 67 1681

990 603 88

SRPSKI 1533 66 1472

979 433 60

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ALBANSKI 9 - 9 6 - 3 MADJARSKI 54 - 54 - 54 - RUMUNSKI 9 - 9 - 9 -

RUSINSKI 1 - 1 - 1 - SLOVACKI 6 - 6 - 6 -


131 1 130 5 100 25

Izvor: Statisticki bilten 2158, SZS, Beograd, 1998. Kao što se vidi najveci broj ustanova koje rade na jezicima nacionalnih manjina nalazi se u Vojvodini, a u Centralnoj Srbiji i na Kosovu i Metohiji postoji predškolsko vaspitanje na albanskom jeziku. Predškolsko vaspitanje u Srbiji Prema podacima za 1998. godinu, predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje u Srbiji odvija se u 1767 objekata 21 i 7 135 vaspitnih grupa. Na jednu ustanovu dolazi oko 100 dece u proseku, a na jednu vaspitnu grupu oko 25 dece. Postoje razlike izmedju pojedinih podrucja Republike u velicini ustanova i vaspitnih grupa: najop-terecenija je Centralna Srbija, a najmanje prosecno opterecenje je na Kosovu i Metohiji. Tabela 8 - Predškolsko vaspitanje u Srbiji 1998.

Prosecno dece

Broj vaspitnih grupa

Broj dece po

ustanovi po grupi

Centralna Srbija 4 766 118 092 113,0 24,8 Vojvodina 2 009 48 697 80,4 24,2 Kosovo i Metohija 360 8 170 69,8 22,7 Republika Srbija 7 135 174 859 98,9 24,5

Ako se posmatraju podaci o deci koja su obuhvacena predškolskim

vaspitanjem mogu se uociti velike razlike u obuhvatu prema uzrastu. Deca do tri godina starosti cine 10,9% smeštene dece (18 917 dece, od cega su 8971 devojcice). Skoro 90% smeštene dece su starija od tri godine, a sa uzrastom povecava se broj obuhvacene dece. Najviše ih ima izmedju 6-7 godina starosti.

Tabela 9 - Korisnici prema uzrastu i polu u predškolskim ustanovama 1997.



I METOHIJA U K U P N O SVEGA 171131 114989 48054 8078 ŽENSKA 82869 55945 23187 3737 DO 2 GODINE

SVEGA 5414 3876 1101 437

ŽENSKA 2566 1872 504 190 2 - 3 SVEGA 13503 10029 2717 757 ŽENSKA 6405 4792 1279 334 3 - 4 SVEGA 19866 14335 4546 985 ŽENSKA 9636 7025 2169 442 4 - 5 SVEGA 24804 17161 6243 1400 ŽENSKA 12155 8347 3111 697

21 samo pojedinacni objekti.

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5 - 6 SVEGA 35282 21644 11106 2532 ŽENSKA 17160 10504 5463 1193 6 - 7 SVEGA 68865 45204 21812 1835 ŽENSKA 33333 22078 10434 821 7 I VIŠE SVEGA 3397 2740 525 132 GODINA ŽENSKA 1614 1327 227 60

Deca koja po uzrastu cine pogodne grupe za obrazovno-vaspitni rad (od 5-7 godina) cine najbrojniji deo dece koji je obuhvacen organizovanim vaspitnim radom - 60,6%. To je znacajan pokazatelj koji potvrdjuje zakljucak da se sa uzrastom dece povecava obuhvat predškolskim vaspitanjem. Tabela 10 - Korisnici prema uzrastu i polu u predškolskim ustanovama 1997.



S T R U K T U R A U % U K U P N O SVEGA 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ŽENSKA 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DO 2 SVEGA 3.2 3.4 2.3 5.4 GODINE ŽENSKA 3.1 3.3 2.2 5.1 2 -3 SVEGA 7.9 8.7 5.6 9.4 ŽENSKA 7.7 8.6 5.5 8.9 3 - 4 SVEGA 11.6 12.5 9.5 12.2 ŽENSKA 11.6 12.5 9.3 11.8 4 - 5 SVEGA 14.5 14.9 13.0 17.3 ŽENSKA 14.7 14.9 13.4 18.6 5 - 6 SVEGA 20.6 18.8 23.1 31.3 ŽENSKA 20.7 18.8 23.6 31.9 6 - 7 SVEGA 40.2 39.3 45.4 22.7 ŽENSKA 40.2 39.5 45.0 22.0 7 I VIŠE SVEGA 2.0 2.4 1.1 1.6 GODINA ŽENSKA 1.9 2.4 1.0 1.6

Podaci o dužini boravka u predškolskoj ustanovi (do cetiri casa, od 4-6 casova i preko 8 casova dnevno) pokazuju da velika vecina dece, skoro 70% boravi preko osam casova dnevno. Kraci boravak od 4-6 casova ima 22% dece, a do cetiri 8% korisnika. To pokazuje da je najcešci dnevni smeštaj predškolske dece i to u trajanju koje odgovara trajanju radnog vremeena roditelja. Tabela 11 - Deca prema dužini boravka u predškolskim ustanovama 1997.



U K U P N O 153047 100088 47934 5025 DO 4 CASA 11914 4874 7040 - 4 - 6 34401 16112 18154 135 6 - 8 - - - - PREKO 8 CASOVA 106628 78998 22740 4890 5 DANA SA NO]ENJEM

104 104 - -

S T R U K T U R A U % U K U P N O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DO 4 CASA 7.8 4.9 14.7 - 4 -6 22.5 16.1 37.9 2.7

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6 - 8 - - - - PREKO 8 CASOVA

69.7 78.9 47.4 97.3


0.1 0.1 - -

Kada je u pitanju ishrana u predškolskoj ustanovi, 95,9% dobijaju obrok za vreme boravka - 70,4% više obroka, a 25,3% dece dobija jedan obrok. Tabela 12 - Ishrana dece u predškolskim ustanovama 1997.



U K U P N O 153047 100088 47934 5025 DOBIJAJU OBROK

146806 95404 46377 5025

JEDAN OBROK 39015 15683 23332 - VIŠE OBROKA 107791 79721 23045 5025 NE DOBIJAJU NIJEDAN OBROK





S T R U K T U R A % U K U P N O 10.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 DOBIJAJU OBROK

95.9 95.3 96.8 100.0


25.5 15.7 48.7 -


70.4 79.6 48.1 100.0






Regionalni obuhvat predškolskim vaspitanjem Postoje izrazite regionalne razlike kako u obuhvatu predškolskim vaspitanjem, tako i u uzrastu korisnika.

Posmatrano prema broju grupa, 80,8% cine grupe za decu preko tri godine, a 19,2% su grupe za decu do tri godine; u starijim grupama se nalazi 86,5% od ukupnog broja dece, dok je u mladjim grupama 13,5% obuhvacene dece. Prosecne grupe dece mladjeg uzrasta krecu se od 16,5 dece u Vojvodini do 17,6 dece u Centralnoj Srbiji, a starijeg uzrasta su od 25,3 dece u Vojvodini do 27,4 dece u Centralnoj Srbiji.

Tabela 13 - Regionalna obeležja predškolskog vaspitanja u Srbiji 1998.

Broj vaspitnih grupa Broj obuhvacene dece Okruzi do 3 god. od 3-7 god. do 3 god. od 3-7 god. SVEGA

Grad Beograd 486 1 364 7 433 37 108 44 541 Severno-backi 25 176 515 4 744 5 259 Srednje-banatski 17 201 231 4 296 4 527 Severno-banatski 31 190 499 4 690 5 189 Južno-banatski 38 243 578 6 028 6 606 Zapadno-backi 23 157 361 4 161 4 522 Južno-backi 90 514 1 715 13 742 15 467 Sremski 41 260 606 6 521 7 127 Macvanski 24 198 392 4 340 4 732 Kolubarski 28 118 542 9 001 3 543 Podunavski 34 148 273 4 146 4 419

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Branicevski 27 114 477 2 925 3 402 Šumadinski 45 170 964 5 258 6 222 Pomoravski 34 154 519 3 704 4 223 Borski 22 85 339 2 171 2 510 Zajecarski 20 85 312 2 033 2 345 Zlatiborski 41 207 883 5 475 6 358 Moravicki 40 138 965 4 331 5 296 Raški 42 167 938 4 886 5 824 Rasinski 47 173 999 4 687 5 686 Nišavski 60 227 1 208 6 030 7 238 Toplicki 8 48 152 1 366 1 518 Pirotski 8 63 151 1 598 1 749 Jablanicki 22 136 412 3 635 4 047 Pcinjski 24 159 396 4 043 4 439 Kosovski 38 102 758 2 781 3 539 Pecki 27 43 288 1 010 1 298 Prizrenski 12 38 110 970 1 080 Kosovsko-mitrovacki 16 40 250 1 104 1 754 Kosovsko-pomoravski

4 40 69 830 899

UKUPNO 1 374 5 761 23 599 151 360 174 859

Medjutim, postoje znacajne regionalne razlike u razvi-jenosti predškolskog vaspitanja i u obuhvatu predškolskim ustanovama. Tako pet najvecih gradova u Republici (Beograd, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Niš i Priština) imaju 465 ustanova (26,3% svih ustanova u Republici), sa 2 605 vaspitnih grupa i 65 288 obuhvacene dece. To je 37,3% dece u predškolskim ustanovama u Republici. Najveci broj obuhvacene dece nalazi se u regionalnim centrima i u okruzima koji imaju najvecu koncentraciju urbanog stanovništva. Tabela 14 - Predškolsko vaspitanje u najvecim gradovima Srbije 1998. Gradovi Broj Broj vas- Broj Prosecno dece ustanova pitnih grupa dece po

ustanovi po grupi

Beograd 315 1 850 44 541 141,4 24,1 Novi Sad 53 329 8 869 167,3 26,9 Kragujevac 28 133 4 129 147,5 31,0 Niš 49 209 5 435 110,9 26,0 Priština 20 84 2 414 115,7 27,5 UKUPNO 465 2 605 65 288 146,3 25,9

U 59 nedovoljno razvijenih opština u Republici smeštene su svega 193

ustanove (11,2% svih ustanova, sa 588 grupa i 13 491 dece. To je svega 7,7% dece u predškolskim ustanovama u Republici.

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Dr Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic, profesor pedagogije, Geografski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Mreža ustanova i prostor

Prema zvanicnoj statistici u FR Jugoslaviji postoji 1837 ustanova predškolskog vaspitanja22, toga od

Ø 56.63% u centralnoj Srbiji Ø 34.50% u Vojvodini Ø 5.03% na Kosovu i Metohiji Ø 3.83% u Crnoj Gori

Prema podacima Ministarstva za rad, boracka i socijalna pitanja u Republici Srbiji ima ukupno "180 predškolskih institucija, a u Crnoj Gori 20 "23. Drugim recima, to znaci da je cela mreža predškolskih ustanova u FR Jugoslaviji objedinjena u 200 centralnih institucija predškolskog vaspitanja, u okviru kojih se nalazi oko 1 837 vrtica i jaslica. Ovaj broj vrtica i jaslica se u statistici vodi kao broj ustanova i otuda ovolika razlika u podacima. Moglo bi se reci da jedna predškolska ustanova obuhvata u proseku po 8-9 jaslica i vrtica kao organizacionih jedinica,ili posebnih objekata, što je naravno samo statisticki prosek. Realna slika je verovatno drugacija , a ona nije jasna i celovita zbog razlicitih metodologija precenja i evidentiranja predškolskih ustanova. U Republici Srbiji, prema zvanicnim podacima, postoje 1802 zgrade (objekta) za predškolsko vaspitanje, od cega 994 namenski gradjenih zgrada za potrebe boravka dece i predškolsko vaspitanje (površine od 648.639m2) i 808 zgrada adaptiranog i prilagodjenog prostora (površine od 82.094m2). Ukupno se raspolaže sa 2.460.473m2 dvorišnog prostora za igru dece.


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U Republici Crnoj Gori postoji 70 objekata za predškolsko vaspitanje sa površinom od 28.000m2 zatvorenog i 92.000m2 otvorenog dvorišnog prostora. Objekti predškolskih ustanova se razlikuju i po svojoj nameni. Naime, postoje takozvani:

Ø kombinovani decji objekti i njih je najviše u Republici Srbiji (vrtici i jaslice i prostor za druge namene za boravak dece),odnosno 569 objekata,

Ø samo vrtici - 379 objekata, Ø samo jaslice- 46 objekata i Ø prostori za igru koji se iskazuju kao dvorišta u ukupnoj površini

od 575.666m2. Kao što se vidi iz napred navedenog pregleda mreža predškolskih

ustanova nije, ravnomerno rasporedjena u odnosu na stvarne potrebe prouzrokovane pre svega demografskim promenama i migracijama stanovništva.

Broj objekata (zgrada) i površina prostora namenjenih za predškolsko vaspitanje je najmanji na Kosovu i Metohiji24 . Posmatrano u celini i u odnosu na broj dece dobija se sledeca slika stanja:

Ø U Vojvodini jedan objekat dolazi na 222 deteta, Ø u centralnoj Srbiji na jedan objekat dolazi 436 dece, Ø na Kosovu i Metohiji na jedan objekat dolazi 4.967 dece, Ø u Crnoj Gori na jedan objekat dolazi oko 148 dece.

Preciznije , u Vojvodini na jedno mesto u predškolskoj ustanovi dolazi

2,8 dece, u centralnoj Srbiji 5,5 dece, a na Kosovu i Metohiji 53,6 dece. Sa druge strane, iskorišcenost raspoloživog prostora nije potpuna pa se, na primer, navodi da postoji nominalni višak prostora u m2 u odnosu na predvidjenu normu po detetu.

Kada se prostor koji se koristi uporedi sa normativima onda se dolazi do podataka koji govore da je površina decjih objekata u Vojvodini veca po jednom detetu za 3.18 m2 od normativom predvidjenog , u centralnoj Srbiji površina je po detetu veca za 0,73m2, a na Kosovu manja za 0,28m2. U Beogradu je takodje prostor po detetu manji od normativnom predvidjneog za 0,29m2.

Razlozi koji se navode za ovakvu situaciju su sledeci:25 Ø U Vojvodini ima mnogo starih nenamenski gradjenih objekata u

kojima su još pre i posle I svetskog rata formirana zabavišta, koja i danas tamo rade.

Ø U centralnoj Srbiji najveci deo objekata izgradjen je u periodu od 1975-1990 godine iz republickih sredstava solidarnosti pod povoljnim uslovima, pa su gradjeni objekti i iznad standarda.

24 Može se ocekivati da se situacija posle NATO intervencije drasticno pogoršala. 25 Prema analizi Ministarstva za rad boracka i socijalna pitanja, Beograd, 1996. godine

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Ø Na Kosovu i u Beogradu su uglavnom poštovani standardi za gradnju a povecavan je broj dece koja idu u predškolske ustanove.

Ø Gradnja objekata i otvaranje ustanova bili su, prvenstveno uslovljeni brojem zaposlenih žena-majki, pa se podaci o kapacitetima za predškolsko vaspitanje i negu dece podudaraju i sa podacima o broju zaposlenih žena.

Potrebno je napomenuti da ova slika nije apsolutno pouzdana jer se

prosek dece po objektu cesto iskazuje na osnovu razlicitih kriterijuma. Zapravo, nekad se prosek dece po prostoru i vaspitacu racuna na osnovu broja upisane dece, a nekad na osnovu stvarnog proseka pohadjanja, odnoso prisustva dece, što je promenljivo s obzirom na odsustva zbog bolesti, posebno u periodima epidemija.

Takodje, mnogi objekti su gradjeni u novim naseljima su postajali prazni posle odredjenog niza godina, jer deca odrastu, a nema velikog priliva novih porodica. Na žalost, ovi objekti nisu montažno/demontažni i ne mogu se premeštati shodno potrebama koje su rezultat demografskih promena i migracija stanovništva. Udaljenost objekata u kojima ima mesta za smeštaj dece je cesto razlog što roditelji odustaju od njihovog korišcenja. Participacija koju roditelji treba da plate za dete je takodje jedan od razloga, posebno poslednjih godina sa drasticnim padom standarda. Velicina vaspitnih grupa varira u zavisnosti od demografske situacije, mreže ustanova, broja vaspitaca i zaposlenosti majki. Generalno posmatrano oko 50% vaspitnih grupa, u svim oblicima rada, i u svim predškolskim institucijama ima veci broj dece nego što je to predvidjeno normativom. Odstupanje od normativa varira izmedju 10-26% više od predvidjenog broja dece u grupi. Najvece se u vaspitne grupe na Kosovu (za decu uzrasta od 3-7 godina) i u centralnoj Srbiji, potom dolaze Vojvodina, pa podrucje grada Beograda. Podacima o velicini vaspitnih grupa u Crnoj Gori ne raspolažemo.

Zakljucna razmatranja

Mreža institucija je neravnomerno rasporedjena. Razlozi su: demografske promene i migracije stanovništva a i neadekvatna gradnja koja ne omogucava montažno/demontažne objekte koji bi se selili shodno potrebama/ pokretima i priraštaju stanovništva. Skupa gradnja kakva se upražnjava ne omogucuje da se sredstva za objekte funkcionalnije i racionalnije koriste. Ekonomska kriza i medjunarodni položaj zemlje uticali su na smanjeno ulaganje u obnavaljanje i nabavku opreme, didaktickih materijala i igracaka. S obzirom da kriza traje vec deset godina i da su mnoga preduzeca koja su se bavila proizvodnjom i distribucijom didaktickih materijala i opreme, prestala sa radom, može se govoriti o zastarelim i dotrajalim didaktickim materijalima i igrackama kao i o dotrajaloj opremi prostora za boravak dece. U preko 50% slucajeva vaspitne grupe su vece od normativa i to otežava vaspitni rad i može da ima posledice po zdravlje dece. Na osnovu analiziranih podataka može se zakljuciti da su uzroci uglavnom u neadekvatnoj mreži institucija i manjku vaspitaca, što je opet rezultat lošeg

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materijalnog položaja predškolskog vaspitanja i verovatno nedostatka uzimanja u obzir demografskih i socio-ekonomskih pokazatelja pri planiranju mreže ustanova.

Preporuke Izgradnja montažnih objekata sa svim potrebnim merama sigurnosti i sa mogucnošcu njihovog preseljavanja (Norveško iskustvo) bi omogucila racionalniju potoršnju sredstva za gradnju i adaptaciju prostora, pracenje potreba stanovništva i ravnomernije rasporedjivanje mreže . Izrada projekta tipskih, jeftinih montažno/demontažnih objekata za manje grupe dece bi bila od koristi za buduci razvoj infrastrukturte predškolskog vaspitanaja Promena u infrastrukturi bi pomogla i dostizanje evropskih satandarda koji predvidjaju najviše 25 dece u vaspitnoj grupi. Veoma bi bila važna intervencija u obalsti opremanja predškolskih ustanova didaktickim materijalima i igrackama i to na dva nacina: obnavljanjem/zamenom dotrajalih igracaka i didaktickih materijala i nabavkom novih koji bi bili u skladu sa programima usavršavanja vaspitaca i uvodjenja inovacija.

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Za ostvarivanje prava u oblasti društvene brige o deci (u koja spadaju: naknada zarada za vreme porodiljskog odsustva, materinski dodatak, pomoc za novorodjence, dodatak za decu i sl.), obezbedjuju se sredstva i njihovo finansiranje iz budžeta Republike. Visina obezbedjenih sredstava u budžetu Republike Srbije za funkcionisanje sistema društvene brige o deci u 1992. godini26 8,5%, u 1993. - 4,9 %, u 1994. - 10,5 %, u 1995 - 12,9 %, u 1996. - 12,6 %. Na raspodelu sredstava za potrebe društvene brige o deci uticao je pad društvenog proizvoda koji je u SRJ u periodu 1989-1994. godine opadao po stopi od 17,5 % prosecno godišnje , tako da je u 1994. godini bio u odnosu na 1989. godinu realno 51,3 % manji. Izraženo u USA dolarima jugoslovenski društveni proizvod je 1989. godine iznosio 3.30027 dolara po glavi stanovnika, a 1994. godine oko 1.250 dolara. Naknada troškova boravka u predškolskoj ustanovi za trece dete, regresiranje troškova za odmor i rekreaciju dece i pružanje pomoci siromašnim korisnicima nalazi se u nadležnosti opštine. Naknadu troškova za boravak, predškolsko vaspitanje i preventivnu zdravstvenu zaštitu dece i za odmor i rekreaciju dece, za odredjene kategorije korisnika, snosi opština u celini ili delimicno. Troškove za trece dete iz porodica sa troje dece i svako naredno dete finansira opština. Prema Zakonu o društvenoj brizi o deci u Srbiji i Zakonu o predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju u Crnoj Gori iz budžeta republika se finansiraju:

Ø predškolski program za šestogodišnjake u godini pred polazak u osnovnu školu (u trajanju od 3 sata),

Ø predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje za decu bez roditeljskog staranja, decu smetnjama u razvoju i decu na dužem bolnickom lecenju.

Kriterijume za regresiranje troškova boravka dece u predškolskoj ustanovi utvrdjuje nadležni organ opštine, zavisno od sredstava koja su namenjena za ove potrebe i od materijalnog stanja korisnika. Regresiranje troškova boravka može biti od 30%, do 80% ili u celini troškova boravka koji se utvrdjuju prema posebnim normativima rada predškolskih ustanova. Na osnovu normativa se utvrdjuju cene usluga, a na osnovu cena se utvrdjuje visina regresa pojedinih troškova, odnosno iznos koji korisnici placaju za boravak dece u predškolskoj ustanovi. Kako su opštine, odnosno gradovi, najcešce osnivaci predškolskih ustanova, imenuju organe upravljanja i finansiraju rad ovih ustanova, one

26 Podaci su preuzeti iz knjige dr Ane Gavrilovic "SISTEM DRUŠTVENE BRIGE O DECI U SRBIJI", Službeni glasnik 1998, str.82 27 ibid, str 82

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procenjuju visinu regresa za korisnike imajuci u vidu ekonomske troškove i materijalne mogucnosti korisnika, posebno onih porodica koje imaju niske i neredovne prihode. Tako je predškolsko vaspitanje delatnost sa naglašenom socijalnom funkcijom. Tabela 1 - Deca prema participaciji zajednice u troškovima boravka 1997. DECA ZA KOJU ZAJEDNICA


Deca za koju zajednica ne






participira u troškovi- ma boravka

50% 50% SR JUGOSLAVIJA 182125 109630 14912 38206 56512 72495 CRNA GORA 10994 9533 234 - 3299 1461 SRBIJA 171131 100097 14678 38206 47213 71034 - CENTRALNA SRBIJA 114989 72546 10815 26324 35407 42443 - VOJVODINA 48064 24198 3820 11722 8656 23866 - KOSOVO I METOHIJA 8078 3353 43 160 3150 4725 S T R U K T U R A U % SR JUGOSLAVIJA 100.0 60.2 8.2 21.0 31.0 39.8 CRNA GORA 100.0 66.7 2.1 - 84.6 13.3 SRBIJA 100.0 58.5 8.6 22.3 27.6 41.5 - CENTRALNA SRBIJA 100.0 63.1 9.4 22.9 30.8 36.9 - VOJVODINA 100.0 50.3 7.9 14.4 18.6 49.6 - KOSOVO I METOHIJA 100.0 41.5 0.5 2.0 39.0 58.5

Društvena zajednica ucestvuje u troškovima za 109 630 dece, odnosno

za 60,2%. Od toga za 56 512 dece zajednica snosi sve troškove, a za ostale samo delimicno participira. Medjutim, postoje velike razlike u stepenu participacije u Srbiji i u Crnoj Gori. U Crnoj Gori od 10 994 dece smeštene u predškolske ustanove za 86,7% se obezbedjuje participacija, a za 84,6% dece u punom iznosu. U Srbiji participacija se i obezbedjuje za 58,5% obuhvacene dece, a u punom iznosu samo za 27,6% smeštene dece. Tabela 2 - Korisnici prema zanimanju roditelja 1997.




radnici privatnici


strunjaci i ruko- vodece osoblje


Srbija - ukupno 173 896 5 840 77 461 21 146 32 553 20 595 16 304 - Centralna Srbija 117 754 3 450 49 707 14 300 23 610 15 586 1 111 - Vojvodina 48 064 2 335 24 975 5 045 7 085 4 070 4 545 - Kosovo i Metohija 8 078 55 2 777 1 801 1 858 939 648 Crna Gora 10 994 80 4 053 1 710 2 217 1 224 1 710 SR Jugoslavija 184 890 5 920 81 514 22 586 34 770 21 819 18 014 Struktura u % Srbija - ukupno 100,0 3,4 44,5 12,4 19,1 12,1 8,5 - Centralna Srbija 100,0 3,0 43,6 12,5 20,7 13,7 6,5 - Vojvodina








- Kosovo i Metohija 100,0 0,7 34,3 22,3 23,0 11,6 8,1 Crna Gora 100,0 0,7 36,9 15,6 20,2 11,2 15,4 Sr Jugoslavija 100,0 3,3 45,0 12,6 19,2 12,0 7,9

Od socijalnog sastava korisnika zavisi i visina troškova kojim se placaju za smeštaj i ishranu dece, odnosno socijalna pomoc koja se obezbedjuje za pojedine kategorije dece. Svega oko 40% dece placa sve troškove, a za oko

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60% korisnika društvena zajednica, odnosno opština, obezbedjuje odredjeno ucešce i to do 50% troškova, preko 50% troškova ili snosi troškove u celini. Sistem participacije roditelja u ceni predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja kretao se ( od kada je konstituisan sistem društvene brige o deci - 1967. godine) od 50-90 % u ekonomskoj ceni.Medjutim, materijalni položaj društva i samih roditelja direktno utice i na ekonomsku cenu predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja, a time i na obim participacije roditelja. Prema nekim istraživanjima poslednjih nekoliko godina (Gavrilovic, 1998) vecina roditelja cija su deca obuhvacena državnim predškolskim obrazovanjem zalaže se za "postojecu cenu predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja"28. Jedno od pitanja koje sve više izaziva pažnju pedagoške javnosti je finansiranje privatnih predškolskih ustanova. Kako ove ustanove nisu ukljucene u postojecu mrežu predškolskih ustanova to nemaju nikakvih dotacija iz budžeta bilo republika bilo lokalnih zajednica, pa roditelji placaju punu ekonomsku cenu. Zbog toga su i cene izuzetno visoke i ove ustanove su dostupne samo roditeljima sa nadprosecnim materijalnim mogucnostima. Medjutim, sada nevladine neprofitabilne organizacije nude pojedine novi alternativne programi koji su namenjeni siromašnoj populaciji.

28 Dr Ana Gavrilovic: SISTEM DRUŠTVENE BRIGE O DECI U SRBIJI, Razvoj i perspektiva, Beograd, Službeni glasnik, 1998

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Prof. dr Mirjana-Mima Pešic, profesor predškolske pedagogije, Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Politicki, kulturni, socijalni i ekonomski kontekst Jugoslovensko društvo, kako u prethodnoj Jugoslaviji, tako u nešto manjem stepenu i u sadrašnjoj SRJ, karakterišu znacajne regionalne i subkulturne razlike u stepenu ekonomske i društvene razvijenosti, istorijskom nasledju, tradiciji i kulturnim uticajima. Te razlike neminovno se reflektuju na planu porodice i drugih socijalnih institucija i u praksi podizanja i vaspitanja dece. Dok u razvijenijim delovima sadašnje Jugoslavije, pre svega u Vojvodini, institucionalno predškolsko vaspitanje ima po pravilu tradiciju dužu od sto godina (prva ustanova - zabavište frebelijanskog tipa osnovano je u Subotici 1843. godine, svega nekoliko godina posle prvog Frebelovog vrtica u Nemackoj), dotle su prve predškolske ustanove u nekim manjim mestima južne Srbije osnivane tek 70-tih godina ovog veka a u nizu manjih seoskih sredina ni danas ne postoji nikakav oblik vanporodicnog vaspitanja Sastav i struktura porodice, porodicni odnosi i položaj deteta u porodici, takodje pokazuju regionalne, subkulturne razlike: u severnim, razvijenijim delovima zemlje i vecim gradskim sredinama cešce su moderne, nuklearne porodice u kojima deca zauzimaju centralno mesto, dok južne delove i ruralne sredine još uvek karakterišu patrijarhalne porodice u kojima su, i pored niskog socijalnog statusa, deca zašticena (Erlih, 1971 ). Poseban i veoma cest tip porodice, kako u seoskim tako i u gradskim sredinama, cine "porodice u transformaciji"29od patrijarhalne ka modernoj porodici. Ove najcešce proširene, trogeneracijske porodice pokazuju konfuziju starih, patriharhalnih i modernih obrazaca odnosa i vrednosti, ceste sukobe i tenzije i po pravilu nedosledan odnos prema deci, koji varira od prezašticivanja do zanemarivanja i agresije (Pešic i Arežina, 1983). Ostaci patrijarhalne, kolektivisticke vrednosne orijentacije i obrazaca odnosa u porodici, medjutim, pretrajavaju u izraženo patirnalistickom odnosu prema deci i mladima, tipicnom za gotovo sve tipove porodica (Pešic i Arežina, 1983; Tomanovic-Mihajlovic, 1997; Pešic i dr., 1999). Kao kulturni obrazac, tendencija prezašticivanja dece i nepoverenje u kompetencije dece i mladih prenose se i u institucionalne kontekste podizanja i vaspitanja dece: decje vrtice i školu (cak do adolescentnog uzrasta; ibid.). Cini se da se tradicijski koncept deteta kao "slabog, nejakog, nesamostalnog", bica (Trebješanin, 1991), kome je potrebna briga, nega i vodjenje od strane odraslih, sa produženjem detinjstva i sam produžio i preko granica ranog detinjstva, pa u izvesnim aspektima sve do doba adolescencije.

29 Termin Vere Erlih (Erlih 1971)

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Ovakva kulturna tradicija može se uzeti kao barem deo objašnjenja za odnos znacajnog dela roditelja prema institucionalnom predškolskom vaspitanju. Medju razlozima za ukljucivanje svoje dece u neki oblik vanporodicnog predškolskog vaspitanja, roditelji u Srbiji na prvo mesto stavljaju "navikavanje na kolektiv" i "pripremu za školu" (u obrazovnom smislu), dok je "osamostaljivanje deteta" tek na petom, pretposlednjem mestu. Ova opšta slika ponovo prikriva razlike: u centralno beogradskoj opštini "osamostaljivanje deteta" je skoro istio toliko cest razlog koliko i "navikavanje na kolektiv" (Pešic i dr., 1989). Položaj deteta u vrticu u ime i za koga odrasli obavljaju vecinu funkcije: od rutinskih aktivnosti kao što je oblacenje i hranjenje do izbora i odluka o tome šta ce, kada i na koji nacin da rade (vid. kasnije u tekstu podatke evaluacione studije: Pešic, 1982; Pavlovic-Breneselovic, 1993) pokazuje dominantnu kulturnu tradiciju - shvatanje deteta kao nemocnog i nekompetentnog bica, što bitno utice i na "licne teorije vaspitanja" pa time i praksu vaspitaca, o cemu svedoci . Ekonomski i politicko-ideološki cinioci su treca grupa faktora koji su bitno uticali na prirodu i razvoj sistema institucionalnog (vanporodicnog) predškolskog vaspitanja u periodu od II svetskog rata pa, prakticno, do danas. Premda su se ti uticaji odvijali na nivou generalne politike društvene brige o deci i sistema predškolskog vaspitanja, njihovi efekti su prisutni na svim nivoima, sve do konkretne prakse u vaspitnoj grupi. Ekonomski cinioci su u kombinaciji sa politikom društvene brige o deci imali znacajnog uticaja na stanje, stepen razvijenosti ali i regionalne razlike u domenu institucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja. Uprkos znacajnom ulaganju u izgradnju objekata a kasnije i širenje oblika predškolskog vaspitanja, postojeca ponuda nikada nije zadovoljavala potrebe dece i porodica sa malom decom, a ukupni obuhvat dece svih uzrasta i svim oblicima bio je po pravilu niži nego u zemljama slicne ekonomske i društvene razvijenosti (manje od 20% za celu zemlju, ali sa regionalnim razlikama od 14% do 36%). Decentriranje finansiranja izgradnje i opremanja ustanova na nivo opština i gradova, doprinelo je da se vec postojece regionalne i lokalne razlike održe pa i povecaju. Razvoj i odlike pedškolskog vaspitanja u Jugoslaviji do sredine 70tih Nesumnjivo znacajan razvoj sistema institucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja u prethodnoj Jugoslaviji (osnivanje i širenje mreže ustanova, profesionalizacija osoblja koje radi sa decom, inovacije i reforme u domenu kurikuluma) tekao je do sredine 70tih godina u pravcu formiranja jednog centralno regulisanog, državnog30 i relativno zatvorenog sistema. Vec navedeni cinioci ali i cinjenica o porastu zaposlenosti žena, uticali su da se predškolsko vaspitanje gotovo izjednaci sa celodnevnim boravkom (day care) u decjim vrticima i jaslama. Dva tipa predškolskih ustanova, predvidjena Pravilnikom o predškolskim ustanovama iz 1952. godine; "obdanište"- celodnevni boravak dece u ustanovi i "zabavište"- poludnevni,

30 Odlika državnog i centarlno regulisanog sistema postojala je bez obzira da li se radilo o federalnom ili republickom nivou. Privatno organizovanje zakonski je omoguceno u sferi predškolskog vaspitanja u Srbiji tek Zakonom o društvenoj brizi od deci od 1992.godine.

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vaspitno-obrazovni programi, spajaju se ubrzo u jednu, "decji vrtic", "koji može organizovati dnevni, poludnevni ili nocni smeštaj dece" (Zakon o decjim vrticima, 1957.). Decji vrtic i jaslice (odnosno, programi celodnevnog boravka) se još uvek definišu kao "osnovni oblik " vanporodicnog predškolskog vaspitanja a prema najnovijim podacima, skoro 70% sve dece predškolskog uzrasta, koja su obuhvacena predškolskim vaspitanjem, ukljucena su u programe celodnevnog boravka. Da je ovakva situacija više rezultat politike i postojece ponude a ne stvarnih potreba i interesovanja porodica, svedoci podatak iz jednog istraživanja: zainteresovanost i potrebe roditelja za poludnevnim i celodnevnim programima su gotovo ravnomerno distribuirane na nivou Srbije (44% pema 56%), s tim što postoje znacajne regionalne i lokalne razlike (Pešic i dr. , 1989:25) Poludnevni vaspitni programi (a time i jedan deo kapaciteta ranijih zabavišta) opstali su do danas, ali samo u formi pripremnih grupa za polazak u školu (dakle samo za decu u godini pred polazak u školu), zahvaljujuci uticaju svetskog pokreta za kompenzatorno vaspitanje31 krajem 60tih i pocetkom 70tih godina i cine najrasprostranjeniji oblik predškolskog vaspitanja pored decjih vrtica i jasli. Razlog za ovo poslednje je, pored zainteresovanosti roditelja za "bolji start" dece u školi, i cinjenica da su ovi programi finansirani na nivou republike i besplatni za roditelje.Kada se uzme u obzir da deca uzrasta od 6 do 7 godina, cine 40% ukupne populacije obuhvacene dece (a sva deca u poludnevnom boravku cine 30% sve obuhvacene dece), može se zakljuciti da se poludnevni programi zapravo svode na navedene programe pripreme za školu. Pocetni impuls za diversifikaciju programa i usluga (sedamdesetih godina onivani su vrlo raznovsni tipovi ponude, od bolnickih grupa i putujuceg vrtica za seoske sredine, do porodicnih jasli i "dadilja" vezanih za ustanove), nije medjutim doveo i do programske raznovrsnosti niti do znacajnijeg povecanja obuhvata (izuzev dece najstarijeg predškolskog uzrasta, od 6 do 7 godina), a neki oblici su vremenom zamrli. Sami zvanicni programi, koji su u nizu "reformi" menjani i osavremenjivani (1952, 1959, 1968, 1975), bili su u pocetku pod uticajem sovjetskih programa i sovjetske pedagogije, a sve do skorijih varijanti (Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja, 1996), pravljeni po uzoru na programe prvih razreda osnovne škole (bazirani na sadržajima, razvrstanim u "podrucja" obrazovanja, nalik na školske predmete). Pokušaj da se Osnove programa iz 1976. godine teorijski zasnuju, polazeci od jedne filozofske (marksisticke) koncepcije prirode coveka i uz uvažavanje bogate naucne evidencije o razvoju i ucenju deteta, ostale su na pola puta, jer takvo teorijsko polazište nije dosledno ugradjeno u ceo tekst programskog dokumenta (videti o ovome kasnije u tekstu). Izvesno je da je u nekim sredinama (Vojvodini, na primer) postojao uticaj Frebelovog sitema na praksu predškolskog vaspitanja, pa se cak i termin "zanimanje" zadržao sve do sredine 70tih godina, kao naziv za sistematski organizovane sekvence poducavanja dece. Iako ne sasvim nepoznat, sistem Marije Montesori nije bio od uticaja u predelima sadašnje Jugoslavije, a ni danas ne postoji nijedan licencirani Montesori program. 31kompenzatorno vaspitanje obuhvata niz programa ciji je osnovni cilj bio da se deci, posebno iz siromašnih porodica obezbede mogucnosti za " bolji start "u životu.

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Ni razvijanje alternativnih oblika predškolskog vaspitanja nije dalo znacajniju programsku raznovrsnost. Jednogodišnji, poludnevni programi pripreme za školu, isto kao i još kraci programi sa istom funkcijom ("minimalni programi"), odvijaju se po programu za starije grupe vrtica (vid. na pr. Osnove programa..." od 1975.), ili su iz njih izvedeni. Zatvorenost sistema predškolskog vaspitanja ima dvostruko znacenje: i prakticno i pedagoško. Buduci da se razvijao pretežno kao zamena za porodicnu brigu i vaspitanje, decji vrtic a posebno jaslice pretvoreno su u institucije zatvorenog tipa, sa preterano strogim higijenskim zahtevima i prakticno nepristupacne za roditelje i druge "strane osobe". Sa druge strane, programske orijentacije, sledeci tradicionalni pristup obrazovanju kao transmisiji znanja, nudile su jednu zatvorenu pedagošku koncepciju vaspitanja i obrazovanja, koja polazi od odraslog i gotovih sadržaja a ne od deteta njegovih životnih potreba. Istraživanje predškolskog vaspitanja: transformacija vaspitne prakse i izgradjivanje pedagoške teorije Krajem 60tih i pocetkom 70tih godina, predškolsko vaspitanje postaje predmet obimnih društvenih akcija (pokret za kompenzatorno rano obrazovanje) i intenzivnog naucnog proucavanja i istraživanja. Jedan od najznacajnijih ishoda tih akcija i istraživanja bice naucno zasnivanje vaspitnog procesa, u skladu sa zahtevima koje je još pocetkom veka postavila Marija Montesori: ne primena rezultata istraživanja i saznanja drugih nauka u školi, nego "primena naucnog metoda u rešavanju problema škole" (Montessori, 1964:167). Kao najefikasniji metod pokazace se akciono istraživanje, shvaceno kao bazicno pedagoško istraživanje. Prednosti akcionog istraživanja za pedagošku reformu ogledaju su u tome što se ono izvodi u realnog vaspitnoj praksi (vrticu, školi), što su oni ukljuceni u praksu (vaspitaci, drugi profesionalci ali i roditelji i deca) akteri a ne predmet istraživanja i što se istraživanje odvija putem menjanja/usavršavanja prakse. Istovremeno, akciono istraživanje ukuda podvojenost teorije i prakse (teorija je osvešcena praksa a praksa se od rutine pretvara u promišljeno delanje) i prakticara i istraživaca. Teorija i programi predškolskog vaspitanja Iako se predškolska pedagogija kao naucna disciplina izucavala na Beogradskom univerzitetu od 1961/62 godine (a Predškolsko vaspitanje od osnivanja katedre za pedagogiju, 1950.) ozbiljnijih pokušaja teorijskog zasnivanja vaspitne prakse ili istraživanja same prakse gotovo da nije bilo sve do sredine 70tih godina. U Programu predškolskog vaspitanja iz 1969. godine, prvi put se, na deklarativnom nivou, kao jedno od polazišta isticu "naucni stavovi" a strucni casopis Predškolsko dete, obnovljen 1971. godine, pocinje da objavljuje ne samo strucne vec i naucne priloge. Znacajnu promenu, medjutim, predstavlja zvanican programski dokument iz 1976. godine - Osnove programa vaspitno-obrazovne delatnosti decjeg vrtica i i vaspitne grupe pri osnovnoj školi, i to iz

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dva razloga. Prvo, cinjenica da se radi o "osnovama programa" a ne o celovitom programu, barem u nacelu (i prema intenciji) ostavlja mogucnost regionalnog i lokalnog prilagodjavanja uslovima rada i specificnostima populacije na koju se vaspitni program primenjuje. Drugo, ove Osnove programa predstavljaju pokušaj da se programski dokument izvede iz jedne koherentne teorije predškolskog vaspitanja. Uvodni deo programskog dokumenta, koji je izradila poc., prof. Aleksandra Marjanovic, sadrži koncepciju o prirodi coveka i deteta (kao zadatoj a ne datoj), prirodi razvoja deteta (kao socio-kulturno posredovanom procesu, koji se bazira na aktivnosti subjekta i procesu interiorizacije prakticnih radnji a ne na usvajanju znanja ) i posebno, o "rukovodecoj" funkciji igre u razvoju predškolskog deteta. Iz ovih polaznih teorijskih postavki izvedena su nacela za organizaciju sredine (prostora i vremena) i života u ustanovi kao i nacela za izbor metoda predškolskog vaspitanja. Formulacija cilja predškolskog vaspitanja, kao stvaranja "uslova za normalan fizicki, intelektualni, socijalni, emocionalni i moralni razvoj.." umesto ranijeg izraza "pravilan", svedoci da je strucna/naucna terminologija zamenila raniju moralisticku ili ideološku. Specifikacija zadataka vaspitanja po pojedinim aspektima razvoja deteta i oblastima vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, medjutim, može se shvatiti kao stav (a u praksi se to po pravilu dogadja) da se opšti cilj vaspitanja - slobodna, svestrano razvijena licnost, svodi na prostu sumu pojedinacnih, izdvojenih aspekata razvoja, sposobnosti i osobina licnosti. Osnove programa su, zadržale raniju formu školskih programa: program u užem smislu reci, koji se može shvatiti kao "obavezno gradivo" , struktuiran je u šest "oblasti" vaspitno-obrazovnog rada (nalik na školske predmete) putem specifikacije zadataka i sadržaja za svaku oblast. Tekst ovog dela dokumenta cesto odstupa od koncepcijskih postavki koje sadrži uvodni deo i implicitno upucuje na shvatanje razvoja kao spolja izvedenog oblikovanja poželjnog tipa licnosti a ucenja kao transmisije znanja. I sam autor uvodnog dela, iznosi na drugom mestu da Osnove programa, kao dokument "...samo nude moguca rešenja za ostvarivanje ideja koje sadrži koncepcija predškolskog vaspitanja" i da su u njima "teorijsko-metodološka pitanja razvijanja vaspitnih programa i oblikovanja vaspitne prakse, bila potisnuta u drugi plan" (Marjanovic, A., O mogucnosti naucnog zasnivanja vaspitne prakse u predškolskim ustanovama, Predškolsko dete, 1- 4, 1987.).32 Koncepcija "društvenog vaspitanja male dece", kao teorijski model za praksu predškolskog vaspitanja u nas, kasnije je razradjivan i donekle menjan u radovima ovog autora (A. Marjanovic: "Protivrecna pitanja javnog vaspitanja predškolske dece", "Tematsko programiranje", "Decji vrtic kao otvoren sistem", Predškolsko dete, 1987), i radovima drugih strucnjaka i istraživaca. Po ovoj koncepciji, pretvaranje institucionalnog u društveno vaspitanje podrazumeva izmenu bazicne funkcije i strukture decjeg vrtica: umesto "zamene i dopune" porodicnog vaspitanja, bazirane na potrošackom odnosu predškolska ustanova treba da bude prilika za upražnjavanje roditeljske 32 Na postavljena pitanja prof. Marjanovic je odgovorila nekoliko godina kasnije (1984 - 86), kada je zapocela projekat razvijanja tematskog kurikuluma putem akcionog istraživanja. Zbog iznenadne smrti prof. Marjanovic, projekat je nastavljen tek 1991.godine, pod nazivom Tematsko planiranje u decjem vrticu.

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funkcije na društvenom planu i mesto zajednickog življenja i ravnopravnog odlucivanja dece i odraslih (ne samo profesionalaca, vec i roditelja i drugih clanova zajednice). U takvom, "otvorenom vrticu" program vaspitanja nije unapred dat, "dati su problemi, ciljevi i nacela a program je nacin oblikovanja samog života u decjem vrticu" (Marjanovic, "Tematsko programiranje", Predškolsko dete, 1987:50), a zadatak profesionalaca nije da prenose znanja po zadatom programu vec da razumeju dete, stvaraju partnerske razmene sa decom i odraslima i istražuju i kreiraju sopstvenu praksu (Ovo se u dobroj meri poklapa sa ulogom vaspitaca u Montesori sistemu). Ovaj teorijski model predškolskog vaspitanja predstavlja jednu savremenu varijantu otvorenog sistema vaspitanja, slicnu modelu "tematskog kurikuluma baziranog na životnim situacijama", J. Cimera iz Nemackog Instituta za mlade ili italijanskoj Redjo Emilja varijanti "otvorenog vrtica". Šta su odlike otvorenog sistema vaspitanja U otvorenom obrazovanju, i covek/dete i sama obrazovna ustanova (škola, vrtic) posmatraju se kao otvoreni sistemi. Dete, kao i odrasli je ne samo sposobno da uci i da se razvija, ono ima sopstvenu motivaciju da razume sebe i svet, da izgradjuje saznanja vodjeno sopstvenim smislom i stoga ima i mogucnosti i pravo da donosi znacajne odluke o sopstvenom obrazovnom iskustvu. Istovremeno, dete se, kao i odrasli, posmatra kao konkretno, celovito bice a ne kao skup apstraktnih svojstava, osobina i sposobnosti. Iz toga sledi da planiranje vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa polazi od konkretne dece i konkretnih situacija a ne od izdvojenih, apstraktnih ciljeva i zadataka. Saznanje se shvata kao licna sinteza sopstvenog iskustva, što znaci da iste obrazovne situacije mogu da daju razlicita saznanja kod razlicite dece. Decje potrebe i interesovanja, njihove aktualne mogucnosti na osnovu i pomocu kojih stupaju u razmene sa svojom socijalnom i fizickom okolinom, cine polazišta obrazovnog postupka. Posebno su za ukupan razvoj deteta i izgradjivanje saznanja znacajne socijalne interakcije i komunikacije, i to kako sa odraslima tako imedju vršnjacima: u partnerskim , dijadnim ili razmenama u maloj grupi dolazi do sukobljavanja mišljenja, pregovaranja i zajednickih konstrukcija znacenja, koja su prvi korak u formiranju unutrašnjih, licnih znanja. To znaci da vaspitac treba da bude u stanju da otkrije, prepozna decje mogucnosti i interesovanja i da u skladu sa njima stvara dovoljno široke i fleksibilne obrazovne situacije u kojima ce razlicita deca moci da nadju izazov i priliku za ucenje. Vaspitac više doprinosi tom procesu izgradjivanja znanja indirektno, tako što stvara uslove i podstice konstruktivne razmene medju decom, što se na parnerski nacin ukljucuje u rešavanje problema, diskusije i prakticne aktivnosti dece, nego dirtektnim poducavanjem. Ucenje je aktivna konstrukcija a ne usvajanje znanja, konstrukcija do koje dete, isto kao i odrasli, dolazi na osnovu sopstvenih akcija i interakcija sa svojom fizickom i socijalnom sredinom. Obrazovanje se, stoga nikako ne može svesti na prenošenje gotovih, verbalnih znanja, vec cini jedan dugotrajan i kompleksan proces stvaranja uslova i potsticaja za ucenje dece. Otvorenost same predškolske ustanove (škole) podrazumeva pre svega da ona bude mesto smisaonog življenja za decu i skup prilika i

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mogucnosti za njihov celovit licni razvoj a ne mesto gde deca pripremaju za neke odabrane zadatke buduceg života. Otud decji vrtic ne bi smeo da ima prevashodnu funkciju pripreme za školu. Da bi bio mesto punovrednog življenja, sada i ovde, decji vrtic mora da bude otvoren prema porodici i lokalnoj sredini, odnosno decjim iskustvima izvan samog vrtica. To podrazumeva ne samo slobodan pristup roditeljima i drugim odraslim u ustanovu, mogucnost da direktno ucestvuju u njenom životu vec i smisaono povezivanje i prožimanje životnih sadržaja u te tri sredine. Struktura i sadržaj prostora i organizacija vremena i nacin grupisanja dece cine bitan deo otvorenog kurikuluma: oni nisu nešto što je unapred dato i cemu se i deca i vaspitaci moraju da prilagodjavaju, vec predmet dogovora i planiranja. Grupisanje dece je, na primer, daleko cešce po principu mešovitih nego homogenih uzrasta ali to nije opšte pravilo. I sa uzrasno formiranim grupama moguce je ostvariti "otvaranje grupa" i stvarati uslove za kontakte i razmene medju decom razlicitih uzrasta. Slicno je sa organizacijom prostora i vremena: otvoreni sistem vaspitanja ne odlikuju odredjena, uniformna rešenja vec nacin na koji se do tih rešenja dolazi i razlozi koji ih rukovode: dogovor i planiranje polazeci od konkretnih uslova procenjenih potreba i mogucnosti dece a sa osnovnim ciljem da se se stvore uslovi za smisaono življenje i prilike za ucenje i razvoj sve dece. U otvorenom sistemu vaspitanja, vaspitacica nije "u centru vaspitno-obrazovnog postupka", ali je za ostvarivanje ove koncepcije vaspitanja njena uloga vaspitaca od centralnog znacaja. Ona nije puki izvršilac nekog zadatog programa, vec neko ko, zajedno sa decom i drugim odraslim, stvara kurikulum: ono šta ce se i kako dogadjati u vrticu. To iziskuje da i ona sama stalno uci, istražuje, izgradjuje i usavršava sopstvena profesionalna znanja. Jedan od prvih zadataka vaspitacice u ovom sistemu je ucesnicko posmatranje i pracenje dece, kako u spontanim situacijama tako i u planiranim, obrazovnim sekvencama. Tek na osnovu uvida u to šta dete može i zna, kako uci i pristupa razlicitim konkretnim situacijama i problemima, ona može da izgradi pretpostavke o decjim potrebama, razvojnom nivou, interesovanjima i da to onda koristi kao polazište za planiranje daljih aktivnosti i ucenja. Ovo znaci da se ne radi o samo jednokratnom "dijagnostickom" posmatranju dece (pri dobijanju nove grupe ili na pocetku godine), vec o stalnom zadatku vaspitaca. Sastavni deo pracenja dece je beleženje, koje služi kao podsetnik, osnova za poredjenje i planiranje. Sledeci zadatak, direktno oslonjen na prvi je evaluacija. Podaci posmatranja dece imaju dvostruku funkciju: oni služe za procenu napredovanja dece ali i za vrednovanje sopstvenog rada vaspitacice. Pri tome, kriterijum za vrednovanje nisu neke opšte norme niti druga deca, vec prethodni postupci i postignuca samog deteta koje se posmatra. Rezultati evaluacije mogu se saopštavati samom detetu ili roditeljima, ali najviše služe samom vaspitacu za dalje planiranje sopstvenih akcija. Vrednovanje sopstvenog rada, samoevaluacija, je osnova profesionalne angažovanosti i strucnog usavršavanja vaspitaca. Izbori, postupci i reakcije vaspitacice vodjeni su odredenim namerama: da li su ti izbori, postupci i reakcije adekvatni, da li stvarno vode željenim efektima, ona može da sudi tek na osnovu posmatranja i pracenja dece. Posmatranje i evaluacija su osnova za treci zadatak vaspitacice - stvaranje uslova za ucenje dece. Više nego što direktno poducava, vaspitac u

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otvorenom sistemu vaspitanja stvara prilike i potstice ucenje, kao aktivnu konstrukciju znanja. Otud organizacija prostora i materijala, grupisanje dece, odnosi izmedju vaspitaca i dece pa i njene intervencije u odnose medju decom, ukupna atmosfera u grupi, nisu nešto što prethodi ili je izvan vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa, vec upravo sastavni i bitan deo otvorenog kurikuluma. Nalazi evaluacionih istraživanja Da bi se predškolska ustanova transformisala u otvoren vrtic, medjutim, nije dovoljno razviti teorijski model i ugraditi ga u zvanican program predškolskog vaspitanja. Iako je uvodjenje novog programskog dokumenta (Osnove programa, 1976) imalo za cilj promenu prakse (pretvaranje decjeg vrtica od zatvorene institucije u mesto "zajednickog življenja dece i odraslih" i izmenu postojeceg obrazovnog postupka koji polazi od odraslog i pretežno se svodi na transmisiju znanja u postupak koji ce polaziti od deteta, uvažavati ucenje kao aktivnu konstrukciju znanja i stvarati uslove za optimalan i punovredan razvoj svakog deteta) nalazi evaluacione studije, uradjene tri godine posle pocetka primene ovog zvanicnog programa, pokazali su da taj cilj nije ostvaren. Opsežna evaluaciona studija, pod nazivom "Osnovne karakteristike vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa u decjim vrticima Srbije"33 (Pešic i sar., 1982, Pešic, 1987), uradjena je na predlog i uz finansijsku podršku SIZ decje zaštite Srbije, organa koji je tada (1979) bio zadužen za vodjenje ukupne politike društvene brige o deci. To je po sebi znacajan podatak, koji govori da se po prvi put vodjenje politike u ovoj oblasti teži da bazira i na naucnoj evidenciji. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita saglasnost izmedju Osnova programa (tacnije, koncepcije predškolskog vaspitanja koja je bila polazište za programski dokument) i vaspitne prakse u decjim vrticima i to na nivou ciljeva i zadataka vaspitanja i obrazovanja, obrazovnih postupaka i vaspitnih metoda i na nivou strukture vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa (prostorno-vremenska i socijalna organizacija). Ako se kao pokazatelj realnog vaspitnog procesa uzme globalna organizacija života u ustanovi i segmenti planiranog obrazovnog rada (takozvane "usmerene aktivnosti"), onda podaci ove evaluacije govore o znacajnoj nesaglasnosti izmedju modela (Osnova programa) i prakse. U više od 60% ispitanih vrtica, vaspitni proces pruža sliku "visoko struktuiranog programa koji polazi od odraslog" (u toku celog dana, vaspitac bira aktivnosti tri puta, a materijale i sredstva za rad i igru dece, dva puta cešce nego deca), u kome dominira frontalni rada sa celom vaspitnom grupom i to najcešce u fomi verbalnog izlaganja vaspitaca. Poredjenje pisanih planova vaspitaca, zabeležene pedagoške evidencije i podataka dobijenih posmatranjem usmerenih aktivnosti u grupi za zvanicnim programom, pokazalo je da se razvojno formulisani ciljevi, pa i cele podrucja razvoja (ciljevi u domenu socio-emocionalnog) gube u korist saznajnih ciljeva i formulacija koje se svode na usvajanje znanja. Vremenska, prostorna i socijalna organizacija života u vrticu su mahom uniformni i kruto postavljeni, nezavisno od potreba i interesovanja kako dece tako i vaspitaca - što ukazuje da vrtic nije mesto "zajednickog življenja". Štaviše, ovaj "skriveni kurikulum institucije" ostaje mahom

33 "E-S"- Evaluaciona studija u daljem tekstu

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neosvešcen i kod vaspitaca i posmatra se kao nešto što ne stoji u vezi sa vaspitnim programom. Pored ove globalne slike, istraživanje je pokazalo da uprkos jedinstvenom zvanicnom programu vaspitanja, u decjim vrticima postoje velike i znacajne razlike kako u uslovima tako i u samom vasptno-obrazovnom radu: medju regijama, mestima, medju vaspitnim grupama u okviru istog vrtica pa cak i u jednoj grupi u razlicitim delovima dana (na primer, "program slobodnih aktivnosti" nasuprot vec opisanom "programu usmerenih aktivnosti"). Odnos izmedju modela programa i vaspitne prakse posredovan je još jednim tipom "programa"- licnim programima vaspitaca, odnosno njihovim privatnim teorijama vaspitanja. Podaci dobijeni u ovom istraživanju pokazuju da su upravo vaspitni postupci i obrazovne metode koje vaspitaci koriste u svom radu, u najvecoj meri saglasne sa njihovim licnim programima (u istraživanju je korišcen termin "implicitne pedagogije vaspitaca"). Istovremeno, nadjena su znacajne razlike medju medju vaspitacima, kako u sadržaju njihovih licnih teorija vaspitanja tako i u stepenu u kome su te teorije implicitne, odnosno osvešcene. Vaspitaci koji su po svim pokazateljima i mišljenju strucnih saradnika ocnjeni kao najuspešniji, imali su po pravilu elaborirane licne teorije vaspitanja i visok stepen saglasnosti izmedju tih teorija i sopstvene prakse. Slicno evaluaciono istraživanje, premda manjeg obima, imalo je za predmet programe pripreme za školu - "Vrednosti i efekti skracenih programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada u godini pred polazak u školu i putujucim vrticima SR Srbije". Vec je receno da su programi za ove oblike rada sa decom predškolskog uzrasta izvedeni ili se poklapaju sa Osnovama programa. Buduci da se radi o kracem boravku dece (2 X 3casa ili 3X2casa, odnosno još manje kod putujucih vrtica namenjenih seoskim sredinama) i da je akcenat na pripremi za školu, ne cudi što nalazi ove studije pokazuju još veci stepen slicnosti sa tradicionalnom školskom nastavom, nego što je to slucaj u celodnevnom boravku u vrticu: dominaciju frontalnog rada i direktnog verbalnog poducavanja, veoma malo mogucnosti za spontanu igru i druženje dece, centralnu ulogu vaspitaca u izboru aktivnosti i materijala (vaspitac cak 7 puta cešce nego deca vrši izbor aktivnosti, Pavlovic-Breneselovic, 1993:92). Posebno znacajan podatak iz ove studije je da deca koja su pohadjala programe pripreme za školu imaju više teškoca u socio-emocionalnoj adaptaciji na školu, i to ne samo u odnosu na decu iz vrtica vec i onu koja dolaze iz porodice. Akciona istraživanja - nacin ostvarivanja pedagoške reforme Najznacajniji zakljucak evaluacione studije "E-S" bio je, kao što je to bio slucaj i sa slicnim istraživanjima u svetu, da izmena programa (modela) sama po sebi ne dovodi do promena u praksi, odnosno da menjanje vaspitno-obrazovne prakse nužno iziskuje ucešce onih cija je to praksa, dakle vaspitaca, predstavljao je polazište za dalja istraživanja. Dva kljucna, medjusobno povezana problema, proistekla iz nalaza ove studije su bila: problem profesionalnog razvoja prakticara (strucnog usavršavanja, odnosno osposobljavanja za ulogu kreatora sopstvene prakse) i problem menjanja vaspitno-obrazovne prakse i same predškolske institucije, odnosno razvijanje kurikuluma na nivou ustanove. Citav niz istraživanja, bilo da su tipa akcionih ili

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interventnih istraživanja kao i programi interaktivne obuke proistekli iz njih, bavio se direkno ovom problematikom uz aktivno ucešce velikog broja prakticara. Kao ilustraciju, navešcemo projekte Instituta za pedagogiju i andragogiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, koji su najedan ili drugi nacin proistekli iz nalaza evaluacionog istraživanja, a ciji je ishod Model A Osnova programa predškolskog vaspitanja.

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1979 - 1982 1986-88 1984-85 1984-86/1989-91 1986-90 1988 - 90 1990-91 1995-97 1989-91 1993-1996 1994 -1997 1997-1999 1997 - 1999 1996 - 1998


Strucno usavršavanje vaspitaca putem

dramskih radionica

Tematsko planiranje u

decjem vrticu

Planiranje v.-o. rada po

oblastima Transformacija decjeg vrtica u otvoren sistem


Difuzija akcionog


Decji vrtic kao porodicni


Roditelji i vaspitaci u akciji

obrazovanje za prava deteta

Modeli razlicitih

programa i usluga


Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja

Model A

Reforma predškolskog vaspitanja

Specijalizacija Razvijanje otvorenog


Seminari za primenu Osnova programa

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Projekti Instituta za pedagogiju i andragogiju (IPA) u domenu predškolskog vaspitanja 1989 - 1999 Projekat Strucno usavršavanje vaspitaca putem dramskih radionica, direktno se bavio prvim od ovih problema a indirektno i drugim. On je imao kako istraživacke - ispitati valjanost jednog u nas malo korišcenog obrazovnog metoda za profesionalno usavršavanje vaspitaca, tako i neposredne obrazovne intencije i efekte. Iako se ne radi o pravom akcionom istraživanju, strategija projekta je ukljucivala aktivnu participaciju ucesnika (vaspitaca, strucnih saradnika), kako u obrazovnom (u radionicama ali i u izboru tematike za dramske radionice) tako i u istraživackom delu projekta. Projekat Razliciti modeli programa i usluga za decu i porodice sa decom predškolskog uzrasta bio je jedno primenjeno, razvojno istraživanje, takodje podstaknuto evaluacionom studijom "E-S". Projekat je imao dva dela: razradu i ilustrativnu primenu jednog instrumenata za utvrdjivanje potreba i interesovanja porodica sa malom decom, s jedne i za utvrdjivanje mogucnosti širenja ponude programa i usluga, s druge strane i razvijanje nomenklature razlicitih tipova programa i usluga. Mišljenja i roditelja i vaspitaca ukazala su da relativna uniformnost ponude - pretežno celodnevni programi vrtica i jaslica, ne zadovoljavaju raznolikost potreba i dece i roditelja. Pored ovoga, nalazi ove studije ukazivali su na visok stepen institucionalizacije predškolskog vaspitanja, zatvaranje vrtica u odnosu na decu i roditelje, te skoro izjednacavanje predškolskog vaspitanja sa celovitim, celodnevnim programima. Ova Nomenklatura je potom ukljucena u Zakon o društvenoj brizi o deci, a jedan od tipova predloženih programa, "Igrovnica", je kasnije programski i prakticno razvijan u posebnom projektu. Najintenzivnija i najobimnija istraživacka aktivnost IPA u domenu predškolskog vaspitanja odvijala se na planu razvijanja programa (kurikuluma) na nivou ustanove. To su projekti: Tematsko planiranje vaspitno-obrazovnog rada u decjem vrticu, zatim Planiranje vaspitno-obrazovnog rada po oblastima (projekat "Vila") i projekat Neki pokušaji transformacije decjeg vrtica u otvoren vaspitni sistem, izvedeni u formi akcionih istraživanja u vecem broju decjih vrtica i u saradnji sa ekipama prakticara (oko 50 vaspitaca i strucnih saradnika, kao i jedan broj roditelja, ucestvovali su kao istraživaci u ovim projektima). Sama priroda istraživanih problema nametnula je i izbor metodologije: sva tri aspekta akcionog istraživanja: saznajno-teorijski (izgradjivanje teorije vaspitanja), prakticno-akcioni (menjanje vaspitne prakse i same institucije u kojoj se ona odvija) i obrazovni (samoreflesija i profesionalni razvoj prakticara), bila su relevantna za probleme kojima su se ovi projekti bavili. U prva dva istraživanja, akcenat je bio na transformaciji neposredne vaspitne prakse putem razvijanja kurikuluma na nivou vaspitne grupe, dok je poslednje istraživanje bilo usmereno na otvaranje decjeg vrtica prema roditeljima i lokalnoj zajednici. Tematsko planiranje vaspitnog rada bazirano je na ispitivanju realnih potreba dece, roditelja i vaspitaca i izvodjenju tematskog kurikuluma na toj osnovi. U projektu "Vila" razvijan je kurikulum za rad sa grupama mešovitog uzrasta i strukuiran po "ateljeima" (oblastima vaspitnog rada koje su vaspitaci sami formulisali i izabrali kao podrucje svog

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interesovanja). U kasnijim fazama ovog projekta, kao nacin rada uvedeni su i razvijani obrazovni projekti (projekt metoda slicna onoj koja se primenjuje u vrticima Redjo Emilija). Treca varijanta struktuiranja vaspitno-obrazovnog postupka - rad po "centrima interesovanja", primenjena je u sledeca dva projekta: Decji vrtic kao porodicni centar i Igrovnica. Na prakticnom planu ovi projekti doveli su do transformacije vaspitno-obrazovne prakse u vrticima, od one koja je polazila od odraslog i svodila se u najvecoj meri na prenošenje gotovih znanja (zadatih sadržaja) u praksu koja polazi od deteta i njegovih potreba i interesovanja i ukljucuje partnerske konstrukcije znanja (medju decom i izmedju dece i odraslih) i delimicno, do promene same institucije decjeg vrtica u smislu njenog otvaranja prema detetu, porodici i lokalnoj sredini. Na teorijskom planu rezultat projekata je izgradjivanje interaktivne pedagogije, kao prakticne teorije vaspitaca. Ishodište sva tri projekta je jedna savremena varijanta otvorenog sistema vaspitanja, koja je kasnije bila i polazna koncepcija za izradu Osnova programa predškolskog vaspitanja. Jedna varijanta akcionog istraživanja, "tehnicko akciono istraživanje", primenjeno je u drugim projektima IPA iz domena predškolskog vaspitanja, na primer u razvijanju programa Igrovnice, jednog oblika vaninstitucionalnog vaspitanja, zatim u projektu Difuziji akcionog istraživanja i u projektu Decji vrtic kao porodicni centar. U ovim akcionim istraživanjima polazilo se od vec razvijenog modela programa a sami projekti su ukljucivali obuku za primenu modela, odnosno za razvijanje kurikuluma na nivou ustanove. Projekt Decji vrtic kao porodicni centar, deo je obimnog medjunarodnog projekta i posebno je znacajan po tome što uvodi roditelje u neposredan rad u grupi, isto kao i alternativni oblik organizovanja rada sa predškolskom decom - Igrovnica. Projekt (program) obrazovanja za prava deteta - Roditelji i vaspitaci u akciji, takodje je doprineo otvaranju predškolske ustanove prema porodici. Obrazovna funkcije, koja je tipicna za svako akciono istraživanje a posebno naglašena u poslednja tri pomenuta, postala je dominantna posebnom projektu - specijalizaciji iz predškolske pedagogije sa tematikom razvijanja kurikuluma. Iako formalno specijalizacija, radi se obuci specijalizanata -strucnih saradnika u decjim vrticima iz cele zemlje, za vodjenje akcionih istraživanja i o izvodjenju tih istraživanja u decjim vrticima sa ekipama vaspitaca. Ova istraživanja, koja sva imaju za cilj razvijanje otvorenog kurikuluma na nivou vrtica (u skladu sa Modelom A Osnova programa), su još uvek u toku. Iskustva iz svih navedenih istraživanja poslužila su da se razrade programi kracih seminara interaktivne obuke namenjene prakticarima, kao što su oni primenjeni u projektu Reforma predškolskog vaspitanja u Crnoj Gori i seminari za primenu Osnova programa. Slika koja je ovde prikazana predstavlja samo jedan deo ukupne istraživacke delatnosti u domenu predškolskog vaspitanja u Jugoslaviji. I pored nesumnjivih rezultata i radikalne promene vaspitne prakse u jednom broju predškolskih ustanova, mora se imati u vidu da se radi o relativno malom delu ukupnog sistema predškolskog vaspitanja u nas. Opisane razlike u uslovima i kvalitetu vaspitno-obrazovnog rada time nisu smanjene vec pre povecane. Drugi bitan doprinos ovih istraživanja i promena u praksi predškolskog vaspitanja tice se diversifikacije programskih orijentacija i oblika rada sa

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decom. Da je to imalo uticaja i na generalnu prosvetnu politiku u ovoj oblasti, svedoci cinjenica da najnoviji zvanicni programski dokument po prvi put nudi alternative i mogucnost izbora umesto uniformnosti. Time je medjutim, tek zapocet a ne i dovršen proces diversifikacije.

Aktualno stanje i preporuke Tokom poslednje dve decenije došlo je do znacajnog razvoja institucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja u Jugoslaviji, ali više u kvalitativnom nego u kvantitativnom smislu. Izuzetak su samo kraci programi pripreme za školu, koji u nekim sredinama postižu obuhvat od više od 90% populacije dece od 6-7 godina. Ne samo tokom 80tih vec i u poslednjoj deceniji, uprkos krajnje nepovoljnim socio-ekonomskim uslovima, ostvareni su izvanredni rezultati na planu razvijanja teorije predškolskog vaspitanja, usavršavanja prakse i profesionalnog razvoja prakticara. O tome svedoce, izmedju ostalog, aktivno ucešce projekata i istraživaca (ukljucujuci vaspitace) iz Jugoslavije u Evropskom institutu za razvoj potencijala sve dece (IEDPE) - mreži istraživaca/projekata iz cele Evrope koji rade na razvijanju i primeni jedne alternativne interaktivne pedagogije kao osnove za humanisticku školu i obrazovanje, kao i visoko profesionalni i plodni susreti vaspitaca tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina. Premda ne postoje sitematski i objektivni podaci o stanju i kvalitetu pedagoškog rada u decjim vrticima na nivou zemlje (nalik na one koje je pružila evaluaciona studija "E-S"), postojeca evidencija (neka istraživanja manjeg obima), primeri iz prakse i cinjenice o neretko nepovoljnim uslovima rada prakticara (na primer, nepostojanje strucne službe, izolovanost prakticara, loši materijalni uslovi), zajedno sa ranijim podacima upucuju na zakljucak da na nivou celodnevnih programa vrtica, još uvek postoji praksa "zatvorenog vrtica", i u odnosu na dete i na porodicu. Iskustva iz dosadašnjih "reformi" odnosno istraživacko-razvojnih projekata, pokazuju da se transformacija prakse, strucni razvoj i podizanje kvaliteta pedagoškog rada, pre postižu putem intenzivnih pa i dugorocnijih projekata/programa na nivou manjeg uzorka ustanova, nego širokim reformama koje po pravilu ostaju na površini. Takvi projekti, interventna ili akciona istraživanja, imaju i tu prednost da se odvijaju na lokalnom nivou, mogu da odgovore na niz specificnih okolnosti i potreba date sredine i dodju do rešenja koja ce biti konkretna i ostvariva. Sa druge strane, tako se stvaraju "model centri", sposobni da sami dalje vrše diseminaciju. Ukupan obuhvat dece relevantnih uzrasta nije znacajnije povecan. Pored realnih ekonomskih ogranicenja, jedan od razloga je sigurno opstojanje vec opisane teze da celodnevni programi treba da imaju prednost. To delimicno sprecava da se postojeci prostor decjih vrtica, ali i drugi pogodni prostori, iskoriste za krace, pre svega poludnevne, redovne, vaspitne programe za decu mladju od 6 godina, za kojim takodje postoji izražena potreba dece i porodica sa malom decom. Konacno, vec postojeci, zvanican programski izbor (Model A i B Osnova programa, 1996) trebalo bi da preraste u pravi pluralitet, uvodjenjem/adaptacijom ili razvijanjem i drugih modela programa. Smatra se

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da je to jedan od nacina da se razlike u kvalitetu pretvore u konkurenciju kvaliteta vaspitno-obrazovne ponude za najmladje i njihove porodice. U prilog tome govore i bazicna epistemološka stanovišta društvenih nauka, posebno pedagogije. Ranije, pozitivisticko stanovište, po kome je naucna istina jednoznacna isto kao i putevi (metode) kojima se dolazi do nje, odavno je napušteno. Ovo utoliko pre ako je predmet naucnog proucavanja i istraživanja društvena praksa, a institucioanlno vaspitanje je upravo jedan segment društvene prakse. (Pešic, 1998.). Montesori pedagogija i sistem vaspitanja male dece, je ne samo kompatibilna vec prestavlja jedan od prethodnika i izvora za savremne koncepcije otvorenog sistema predškolskog vaspitanja. Istovremeno, to je jedan od najrazradjenijih i najšire zastupljenih programa predškolskog vaspitanja u celom svetu. Za žaljenje je da u našoj sredini još uvek ne postoji mogucnost da se strucna i šira javnost izvorno upozna ni sa originalnim radovima Marije Montesori (njena dela nisu prevodjena) niti sa praksom Montesori vrtica i škola. Montesori pedagogija i Montesori programi predškolskog vaspitanja su vec pretrpeli niz osavremenjavanja, kako u okviru postojecih Montesori udruženja u svetu tako i šire, i brojne adaptacije u skladu sa specificnim lokalnim okolnostima i potrebama. Uvodjenje i adaptacija Montesori programa u našoj sredini trebalo bi, na osnovu svega iznetog, da tece u dva pravca: 1. da omoguci domacoj strucnoj javnosti upoznavanje sa originalnom

Montesori pedagogijom (prevodjenjem nekih od njenih najznacajnijih radova),

2. eksperimentalno uvodjenje adaptiranog Montesori programa u jednom

broju decjih vrtica, sa razradjenom obukom prakticara i u formi istraživanja razvojnog tipa sa planiranom evaluacijom.

Koncepcija adaptiranog Montesori programa i planiranje istraživanja iziskuje poseban rad. Osnovni pravci adaptacije išli bi u smislu veceg oslanjanja na savremene koncepcije ucenja i razvoja male dece i s tim u vezi, na vecem insistiranju na grupnom radu i interakciji medju decom i izmedju vaspitaca i dece.

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VASPITACI I STRUCNI SARADNICI Dr Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic, profesor pedagogije, Geografski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

U predškolskim ustanovama rade pedagoški, zdravstveni i socijalni radnici, nutricionisti i odgovarajuce pomocno i administrativno osoblje. Rukovodeci kadrovi se ne pripremaju posebno vec se biraju medju strucnim osobljem (obicno pedagoškim) koje radi u sistemu predškolskog vaspitanja. Obrazovanje vaspitaca Vaspitaci koji aktuelno rade u predškolskim ustanovama su sticali svoje inicijalno obrazovanje na razlicite nacine. Naime, sistem obrazovanja vaspitaca se menjao, u poslednjih 30 godina nekoliko puta, pa je za sagledavanje stanja, bez obzira na usavršavanje u toku rada, važno imati na umu kvalifikacije vaspitaca koji još rade sa decom, a koji su se školovali po drugacijim kurikulumima.

Od 1948 do 1953/54 školske godine vaspitaci su se pripremali u srednjim cetvorogodišnjim školama, potom u petogodišnjim, sve do 1973. godine kad je donet Zakon o pedagoškim akademijama kao o šestogodišnjim školama (4+2) koje daju više obrazovanje buducim vaspitacima. Istim Zakonom omoguceno je vaspitacima sa srednjom školom da se dokvalifikuju, odnosno da polažuci diferencijalne ispite i steknu diplomu više škole i povecaju sopstvene profesionalne kompetencije.

Reforma sistema vaspitanja i obrazovanja (78/79) donosi nove promene u sistemu pripremanja vaspitaca. U akademije se uvode zajednicke osnove (dve godine opšteg obrazovanja), ali se to primenjuje samo godinu dana. Potom se novim izmenama i dopunama Zakona pedagoške akademije konstituišu kao jedinstvene cetvorogodišnje škole (posle zajednickih osnova-prve dve godine ošteg obrazovanja na srednjem nivou) koje imaju dva stepena: dvogodišnji pripremni stupanj (koji odgovara III i IV razredu srednje škole) i dvogodišnji završni stupanj (koji odgovara I i II godini studija). U ove akademije upisivali su se ucenici posle desetogodišnjeg opšteg obrazovanja (osnovna škola od 8 godina + dva opšteobrazovna razreda srednje škole). Konacno, 1993 godine prestaju sa radom pedagoške akademije a školovanje se nastavlja/ prelazi na Više škole za obrazovanje vaspitaca koje danas funkcionišu po Zakonu o višoj škloli (Službeni glasnik Republike Srbije 5/90).

Dakle, u protekle tri decenije inicijalno obrazovanje vaspitaca je prošlo kroz tri perioda institucionalnih promena:

Ø obrazovanje na srednjoškolskom nivou (1948 -1973), Ø obrazovanje na višem strucnom nivou, sa dva nastavna stepena (sa

pripremnim stepenom) (1973-1978/79) Ø više strucno obrazovanje na dvogodišnjim studijama, bez

pripremnog stepena (1978/79-1993).

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Sa poslednjim promenana izvršene su i promene u Crnoj Gori i to tako što je obrazovanje vaspitaca organizovano na Filozofskom fakultetu, u Nikšicu, u okviru dvogodišnjih studija. U prethodnom periodu rešenja su bila jedinstvena za Srbiju i Crnu Goru.

Promene u sistemu obrazovanja (institucionalne promene) odražavale su se i na kurikulum po kojem su vaspitaci pripremani. Razlike su se javljale ne samo u pogledu obima programa nego i vrste predmeta i odnosa teorije i prakse. U petogodišnjoj srednjoj školi koja je prestala sa radom 197334 kurikulum je predvidjao, pretežno, savladavanje nastavnih disciplina koje su predavane u opšteobrazovnim školama - gimnazijama (maternji jezik, strani jezik, filozofija, istorija, geografija, matematika, fizika, hemija biologija). Ono što bi se moglo nazvati specificnim predmetima za obrazovanje buducih vaspitaca bili su: pedagogija sa po tri casa u III i IV razredu i po dva casa nedeljno u V razredu, zatim, metodika prakticnog rada sa 2 casa nedeljno u IV godini i 9 casova nedeljno u završnoj V godini školovanja, zatim tehnicko obrazovanje sa elementima primenjene umetnosti, muzicko, likovno i zdravstveno vaspitanje i strucni praktikumi i obaveznih 30 casova skijanja. Analiza nastavnih planova Akademije za vaspitace (1973-93) pokazuje povecanje fonda psiholoških i pedagoških predmeta i to posebno u drugom takozvanom "završnom stepenu" školovanja. U prvom pripremnom stepenu izucavala se osim opšte obrazovnih predmeta i psihologija (u III i IV razredu, sa po dva casa nedeljno), dok se na drugom, završnom stepenu znatno povecavao broj i obim predmeta relevantnih za buduci poziv. Ovde se prvi put javljaju predmeti kao što su : Kultura govora (u toku tri semestra), Telesni razvoj deteta (jedan semestar), Predškolska pedagogija (dva semestra), Decja psihologija (tri semestra), Metodika razvoja govora (dva semestra), Metodika rada sa roditeljima (1 semestar) i posebne metodike (matematike, poznavanja okoline, muzickog odgoja, likovnog i fizickog vaspitanja). Vaspitacima koji su prethodno završili srednju školu za vaspitace zakonom je omoguceno da steknu diplomu Akademije polažuci diferencijalne ispite (Srpskohrvatski jezik za književnošcu za decu i kulturom govora; Psihologiju; Pedagogiju; Metodiku vaspitnog rada sa predškolskom decom; Zdravstveno vaspitanje i telesni razvoj dece i Osnove nauke o društvu sa društvenim uredjenjem SFRJ). U kratkom periodu (jedna školska godina) kad su pedagoške akademije radile po programima usmerenog obrazovanja, sa prve dve godine zajednickih osnova opšteg obrazovanja iz programa je nestala Metodika saradnje sa roditeljima a uvedene su Radionice za igru. Postojece stanje U Višim školama za obrazovanje vaspitaca (pocev od 1993. godine) 35 u Republici Srbiji, radi se po Nastavnom planu i programu koji je usvojila Zajednica (asocijacija) viših škola za obrazovanje vaspitaca Republike Srbije, a koji je, iste godine, dobio saglasnost Ministra prosvete. Te iste godine, obrazovanje ucitelja ya rad sa deocm od I do IV rayreda osnovne [kole je 34 Iako su u praksi verovatno retki vaspitaci iz ovih škola, oni su sigurno ostavili znacajan trag u duhu i prakticnim metodama rada koje su prenosli na svoje mladje kolege, pa je zato znacajno imati u vidu i njihovo školovanje. 35 U Republici Srbiji radi 12 viših škola za vaspitace i to u: Beogradu, Vršcu, Šapcu, Pirotu, Gnjilanu (Bujanovac), Subotici, Aleksincu, Sremskoj Mitrovici, Kruševcu, Novom Sadu i Kikindi (u gašenju).

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podignuto na univerzitetski nivo, pa su dotadašnje akademije sa obrazovaje ucitelja postale Uciteljski fakulteti. Tako se osim vaspitaca za rad u institucijama predškolskog vaspitanja, danas svo vaspitno-obrazovno osoblje priprema na univerzitetima, odnosno odgovarajucim fakultetima. Uslovi upisa i diploma koja se stice na kraju studija Pravo upisa na I godinu viših škola za obrazovanje vaspitaca u Srbiji i na dvogodišnje studije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Nikšicu (Crna Gora) imaju svi kandidati koji su završili srednju školu u trajanju od cetiri godine, bez obzira na smer. Selekcija se vrši na osnovu dve vrste kriterijuma - eliminatornih i klasifikacionih:

Ø provere fizickih, govornih i muzickih sposobnosti na osnovu lekarskog uverenja, uverenja o govornim sposobnostuma, dobijenog od logopeda i provere pred posebnom komisijom. Ova provera ima eliminatorni karakter i njoj ne podležu kandidati koji su završili "prosvetnu struku" na nivou srednjeg usmerenog obrazovanja36

Ø polaganja klasifikacionog ispita iz srpskog jezika i testa opšte kulture-informisanosti.

Redosled kandidata koji su stekli pravo na upis uspostavlja se na

osnovu broja bodova koji se dobija zbirom : Ø opšteg uspeha postignutog u prethodnom školovanju (minimum 16 i

maksimum 40 bodova) i Ø rezultata postignutih na kvalifikacionom ispitu (od 0 do 60 bodova).

Nadoknada školskih troškova se placa iz državnog budžeta za

primeljene studente iznad 51 boda, dok kandidati ciji se rezultati nalaze u rasponu od 30-50 bodova sami placaju školarinu.

Diploma više škole za obrazovanje vspitaca se stice posle odbranjenog diplomskog rada (teme) pred komisijom škole. U Crnoj Gori dvogodišnje studije se takodje završavaju odbranom diplomskog rada. Kurikulum Aktuelni kurikulum viših škola za obrzovanje vaspitaca obuhvata cetiri osnovne celine: 1. Opšte strucni predmeti u koje spadaju: Filozofija, Sociologija, Strani jezik, Opšta pedagogija, Psihologija razvoja licnosti, Kultura govora, Književnost za decu, Fizicko vaspitanje (rekreacija) i Fizicki razvoj i zdravstveno osiguranje. 2. Uže strucni predmeti u koje spadaju: Psihologija predškolskog deteta, Predškolska pedagogija, Porodicna pedagogija, Metodika vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, Metodika fizickog vaspitanja, Metodika razvoja govora, Metodika upoznavanja okoline, Metodika muzickog vaspitanja, Metodika likovnog vaspitanja i Metodika razvoja pocetnih matematickih pojmova.

36 Ovo se, pre svega odnosi na vanredne studente, odnosno one koji su odlucili da se dokavlifikuju na višoj školi.

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3. Praktikumi koji obuhvataju: Vokalno instrumentalnu nastavu, Osnove zakonodavstva u obrazovanju i pedagošku dokumentaciju, Praktikum iz likovnog vaspitanja, Scensku umetnost, Radionicu za igru, Primenu audio-vizuelnih sredstava, Osnove informatike i racunarstva u obrazovanju, Korektivni pedagoški rad, Izbornu nastavu (hor ili orkestar). 4. Pedagošku praksu u ukupnom trajanju od 160 casova u toku dvogodišnjeg školovanja. Praksa je rasporedjena na sledeci nacin:

Ø u I semestru 5 radnih dana (20 casova) Ø u II semestru 10 radnih dana (40 casova) Ø u III semestru 10 radnih dana (40 casova) Ø u IV semestru 15 radnih dana (60 casova)

U toku dvogodišnjeg školovanja studenti su obavezni da urade jedan

seminarski rad, po izboru, iz sledecih predmeta: Kultura govora, Književnost za decu, Predškolska pedagogija, Psihologija predškolskog deteta, Porodicna pedagogija, Metodika vaspitno-obrazovnog rada.

Studenti nemaju obavezu da prisustvuju svim casovima teorijske nastave ali je praksa obavezna. Detaljniji uvid u nastavni plan pokazuje da u ukupnom fondu casova koje studenti imaju u toku dve godine školovanja prvo mesto zauzimaju Psihologija predškolskog deteta, sa po 3 casa predavanja nedeljno i po jednim casom vežbi, u prva dva semestra i Predškolska pedagogija sa istim fondom casova u vežbi rasporedjenim u tri semestra (2+2 u I, II i III semestru). Na drugom mestu su Književnost za decu, sa po 2 casa predavanja nedeljno i po jednim casom vežbi, u I i II semestru i Opšta pedagogija, sa po 2 casa predavanja u I i II smestru i jednim casom vežbi u II semestru i Fizicki razvoj sa po 2 casa nedeljno u dva prva semestra, takodje. Potom dolaze Sociologija sa po 2 casa nedeljno u I i II semestru , Kultura govora sa 2 casa nedeljno i jednim casom vežbi u I semestru i jednim casom nedeljno predavanja i isto toliko vežbi u toku II semestra, Psihologija razvoja licnosti sa istim fondom casova u prva dva semestra ali jednim casom vežbi manje Metodike rada37 su po planu u III i IV semestru i sve su zastupljene sa po 3 casa predavanja i i po jednim casom vežbi u III semestru i po dva casa vežbi u IV semestru izuzev opšte metodike vaspitno-obrazovnog rada. Filozofija se izucava u I semestru sa po 2 casa predavanja i jednim casom vežbi, nedeljno, a Porodicna pedagogija se izucava u završnom (IV) semestru sa po 2 casa predavanja i 1 casom vežbi nedeljno. Praktikumi su rasporedjeni u sva cetiri semestra, s tim što su u I i II semestru predvidjena cetiri praktikuma (vokaln instrumentalna nastava i osnovi zakonodavstva, hor ili orkestar), a samo u I semestru likovno. Scenska umetnost i primena audivoizuelnih sredstava su po planu u II semestru, radionice za igru i informatika i racunarstvo u III semestru, a korektivni pedagoški rad u IV-om. Ukupno posmatrano studenti na Višoj školi za obrazovanje vaspitaca imaju:

37 Napred nabrojane

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Ø u prvoj godini studija, u I semestru 20 casova nedeljno predavanja i 11 casova vežbi, a u II semestru 15+14;

Ø u drugoj godini studija , u III semestru 22 casa predavanja nedeljno i 11 casova vežbi, a u IV semestru 2+15.

U ovaj fond ne ulazi pedagoška praksa, napred posebno iskazana. Po znacaju koji im se pridaje u inicijalnom obrazovanju vaspitaca na višim školama za vaspitace u Republici Srbiji, teorijske discipline koje sadrži školski kurikulum i njime predvidjene aktivnosti se rangiraju na sledeci nacin:

1. Predškolska pedagogija 2. Psihologija predškolskog deteta 3. Književnost za decu 4. Opšta pedagogija 5. Telesni razvoj 6. Sociologija 7. Kultura govora 8. Psihologija razvoja licnosti 9. Filozofija 10. Porodicna pedagogija

U Crnoj Gori vaspitaci se obrazuju u toku dvogodišnjih studija na

Filozofskom fakultetu u Nikšicu38. Kurikulum po kome se pripremaju buduci vaspitaci u Crnoj Gori se razlikuje od kurikuluma škola za vaspitace u Srbiji po ukupnom opterecenju studenata fondom casova i po broju i vrsti predmeta koji su predvidjeni kurikulumom za obrazovanje vaspitaca. Tebele koje slede pokazuju te razlike. Tabela 1. Pregled nedeljnog broja predavanja i vežbi po semestrima Republike I semestar II semestar III semestar IVsemestar SRBIJA 20+11 15+14 22+11 2+15 CRNA GORA 20+6 20+6 16+10 16+10 Tabela 2. Uporedni pregled predmeta i praktikuma u kurikulumima za obrazovanje vaspitaca u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori Predmeti i praktikumi (*) SRBIJA CRNA GORA

Filozofija X Sociologija X X Strani jezik X Fizicko vaspitanje X X Opšta pedagogija X X Psihologija razvoja licnosti/Razvojna X X Didaktika X Kultura govora X X Književnost za decu X X Telesni razvoj i zdrav. vaspitanje X Psihologija predškolskog deteta X

38 Poseban odsek za obrazovanje vaspitaca za rad u predškolskim ustanovama

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Pedagoška psihologija X Predškolska pedagogija X X Muzicko sa harmonikom i klavirom X Porodicna pedagogija X Metodika vaspitno-obrazovnog rada X X Metodika razvoja govora X

Metodika fizickog vaspitanja X X Metodika upoznavanja okoline X Metodika muzickog vaspitanja X X Metodika likovnog vaspitanja X X Metodika razvoja poc. mat. pojmova X Higijena predškolskog deteta X Tehnicke vežbe X Vokalno instrumentalna nastava (*) X Osnovi zakonod. i dokument.(*) X Likovno vaspitanje (*) Likovno pred. X X Scenska umetnost (*) (lutkarstvo) X X Radionica za igru (*) X Primena AV sred. (*)Film i RTV X X Osnovi informatike i racunarstva (*) X Korektivni pedagoški rad (*) X Izborna nast.(hor ili orkestar) (*) X Metode rada sa decom predškolskog uzrasta studenti savladavaju uglavnom kroz programe posebnih metodika39 koje se izucavaju u III semestru, odnosno u II godini studija. Za razliku od ranijih generacija vaspitaca koji su školovani u petogodišnjim srednjim školama za vaspitace i koji su metodike izucavali u toku tri školske godine, studenti današnjih viših škola za vaspitace imaju po 45 casova teorije i po pet vežbi iz svih metodika, što neki procenjuju kao endovoljnu pripremu za praksu. Svaka od navedenih metodika je zastupljena u nastavnom planu sa po 3 casa teorije i jednim satom prakticne primene znanja u III smestru i sa po još jednim casom prakticne primene u IV, završnom, semestru.

Efikasnost prakticnih vežbi u okviru metodika je umanjena velikim brojem studenata u grupama koje vode profesori metodike. Sa po 20 i više studenta u grupi u toku jednog prepodneva profesor ne može da prati prakticni rad svakog od njih. Nedostatak ovih grupnih odlazaka na hospitacije u vrtice se ogleda i u ometanju normalnog rada vaspitaca40.

U III semestru studenti idu i na obaveznu dvonedeljnu praksu, a na kraju studija (na kraju IV semestra) imaju još tri nedelje prakse u predškolskim ustanovama. Dakle, osim hospitacija u okviru posebnih metodika, buduci vaspitaci u toku profesionalne pripreme za poziv imaju svega pet nedelja prakticnog rada.

Postoje mišljenja strucnjaka koji obrazuju buduce vaspitace da bi se ovi problemi mogli prevazici produžavanjem trajanja studija, odnosno prerastanjem viših dvogodišnjih škola u cetvorogodišnje univerzitetske studije 39 Metodike: vaspitno obrazovnog rada, fizickog vaspitanja, razvoja govora, upoznavanja okline, muzickog vaspitanja, likovnog vaspitanja i pocetnih matematickih pojmova 40 Stanic-Boškovic, M (1997): PROBLEMI U PRAKTICNOM OSPOSOBLJAVANJU BUDUCIH VASPITACA, Potrebe i mogucnosti visokoškolskog obrazovanja vaspitaca, Viša škola za obrazovanje vaspitaca, Beograd

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(fakultete). Takodje se smatra da bi u buduce visoko obrazovanje vaspitaca uz bolju metodicku pripremu trebalo uvesti i pripremu za rad sa roditeljima, odnosno sticanje znanja i veština koje su kljucne za povecanje komptencija onih koji se kod kuce bave decom, kao i radi jacanja saradnje izmedju porodice i predškolske institucije. Posmatrano sa stanovišta pola osobe zaposlene u predškolskim ustanovama su pretežno ženskog roda. Naime, od ukupno zaposlenih u SR Jugoslaviji (17.198 radnika prema statistickim podacima iz 1997. godine), 16.274 su osobe ženskog pola, odnosno 94.62% su žene. Taj odnos važi za celu teritoriju Jugoslavije, što svedoci o potpunoj feminizaciji predškolskog vaspitanja. Ova tendencija feminizacije se nastavlja i u osnovnim školama, iako sa nešto manjim procentom, pa se može govoriti o feminizaciji celokupnog bazicnog obrazovanja dece od 1-12 godine.

Prakticna priprema vaspitaca, kao i drugog nastavog osoblja , odvija se najcešce "po modelu imitacije" iskusnih vaspitaca ili nastavnika. Ona bi, medjutim, trebalo da podstice studente na nove kreativne pristupe, da razvija kriticki stav prema ponudjenim modelima i sposobnost pronalaženja rešenja za pedagoške probleme i kreiranja aktivnosti, prilagodjenih razlicitim situacijama i potrebama dece. Kad je rec o boljoj metodickoj pripremi, ne misli se samo na povecanje obima prakticnih aktivnosti vec i na povecanje kreativnosti studenata.Posmatrano sa stanovišta pola osobe zaposlene u predškolskim ustanovama su pretežno ženskog roda. Naime, od ukupno zaposlenih u SR Jugoslaviji (17.198 radnika prema statistickim podacima iz 1997. godine), 16.274 su osobe ženskog pola, odnosno 94.62% su žene. Taj odnos važi za celu teritoriju Jugoslavije, što svedoci o potpunoj feminizaciji predškolskog vaspitanja. Ova tendencija feminizacije se nastavlja i u osnovnim školama, iako sa nešto manjim procentom, pa se može govoriti o feminizaciji celokupnog bazicnog obrazovanja dece od 1-12 godine.

Prakticna priprema vaspitaca, kao i drugog nastavog osoblja , odvija se najcešce "po modelu imitacije" iskusnih vaspitaca ili nastavnika. Ona bi, medjutim, trebalo da podstice studente na nove kreativne pristupe, da razvija kriticki stav prema ponudjenim modelima i sposobnost pronalaženja rešenja za pedagoške probleme i kreiranja aktivnosti, prilagodjenih razlicitim situacijama i potrebama dece.

Specifican problem je što su sadašnji programi za obrazovanje vaspitaca koncipirani sa osloncem na raniju srednjoškolsku pripermu za prosvetnu struku. Naime, u periodu usmerenog obrazovanja ucenici srednjih škola sa prosvetnim usmerenjem sticali su znanja iz pedagoških i psiholoških disciplina kao što je više bilo zastupljeno i muzicko i likovno vaspitanje. Škole iz kojih sada dolaze kandidati za upis na više škole za obrazovanje vaspitaca ili na dvogodišnje studije u Crnoj Gori ne daju tu vrstu pripreme. Situaciju otežava i to što svi svršeni srednješkolci imaju pravo da se, posle predvidjenih tesova i kvalifikacionog ispita, upišu na višu školu za obrazovanje vaspitaca. Njihovo prethodno obrazovanje je, dakle, veoma šaroliko pa se to odražava i na kvalitet studija. Dvogodišnje studije, smatraju profesori ovih škola, nisu dovoljne da se njihovo opšte i strucno obrazovanje ujednaci kao i da se izvrši bolja prakticna priprema za rad sa decom. U predškolskim ustanovama, rade danas vaspitaci sa razlicitim obrazovnim poreklom i razlicitom teorijskom i prakticnom pripremom, što

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upucuje na potrebu sistematicnijeg i sa inicijalnim obrazovanjem povezanog usavršavanja . Slabosti u koncepciji i organizaciji obrazovanja vaspitaca41 se ogledaju u:

Ø nedovoljno usaglašenim obimom programa sa trajanjem studija pa se mnoge znacajne discipline za buduci rad ne proucavju dovoljno produbljeno;

Ø nedovoljno usaglašenim programima obrazovanja vaspitaca sa programima vaspitnog rada sa decom i sve vecim zahtevima koji se postavljaju pred vaspitace;

Ø nedovoljna povezanost sistema inicijalnog obrazovanja i usavršavanja pa se time umanjuje šansa ne samo da se izvrše odgovarajuce korekcije u znanju vaspitaca vec i da se osavremenjavaju i proširuju njhova znanja;

Ø nepovoljnom materijalnom položaju škola za obrazovanje vaspitaca, što se ogleda u nedostatku nastavne opreme i nerešenom pitanju vežbaonica za studente. Ovome treba dodati i loš materijalni status profesije što svakako deluje destimulativno kako na profesore viših škola i njihove studente tako i na vaspitace u praksi.

Problem koji se, takodje, navodi u strucnim raspravama medju

profesorima viših škola za vaspitace i fakulteta, jesu uslovi za upis na više škole, zapravo nacin selekcije. Smatra se da bi, osim provere zdravlja, opšte kulture, muzickih i govornih sposobnosti trebalo utvrditi i neka posebna svojstva licnosti kao što su motivisanost, empaticnost, fleksibilnost, tolerantnost i komunikativnost.

Postoji predlog strucnjaka, koji je sada aktuelan i o kojem su intenzivirane rasprave, da se obrazovanje vaspitaca podigne ne viši nivo, te da se za njihovu pripremu, kao što je ucinjeno za pripremu ucitelja, uvede cetvorogodišnje fakultetsko obrazovanje. Ovaj predlog se objašnjava ne samo napred navedenim nedostacima vec i potrebom da vaspitaci koji rade sa decom realizuju razlicite programe vaspitno-obrazovnog rada. Osim osnovnih programa od njih se ocekuje da budu osposobljeni za izvodjenje programa za specijalne potrebe (specijalno vaspitanje), specijalnih povremenih programa, da uspešno obavljaju dijagnosticko-terapeutske i savetodavne poslove, da intenzivnije saradjuju sa roditeljima i podižu pedagošku kulturu roditelja (edukativna funkcija u radu sa roditeljima).

Promene u obrazovnoj strukturi stanovništva, zapravo, povecanje obrazovanog nivoa, takodje, iziskuje širi i bolje pripremljen profesionalni profil vaspitaca. Da bi vaspitac mogao da odgovori ovako složenim zadacima, neki strucnjaci smatraju da bi on trebalo da bude "vaspitac u montesorijevskom smislu, do kraja predan poslu koji obavlja" vaspitac koji se poistovecuje za istraživacem, naucnikom koji je putem iskustva i pomnog

41 Stanojlovic, B.(1997): POTREBE I MOGUCNOSTI VISOKOŠKOLSKOG OBRAZOVANJA VASPITACA, u istoimenoj publikaciji, Beograd, Viša škola za obrazovanje vaspitaca.

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posmatranja dece osetio sredstva za otkrivanje velikih životnih istina.."(Nikic, J. 1996).42

U istraživanju koje je sprovedeno medju vaspitacima43 prikupljene su sugestije koje se odnose na poželjne promene u sistemu predškolskog vaspitanja. Ispitanici su na prvo mesto stavili materijalni položaj predškolskog vaspitanja, na drugo kadrovsku strukturu, na trece mesto organizaciju vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa decom i na cetvrto saradnju sa porodicom i društvenom sredinom Što se tice materijalnih uslova vaspitaci i drugi strucnjaci zaposleni u predškolskim ustanovama, predlažu, izmedju ostalog, da bi osim poboljšanja opštih materijalnih uslova trebalo graditi objekte manjih kapaciteta (100-150 mesta). Što se tice kadrova zanacajn je zahtev da se osim povecanja pomocnih i tehnickih radnika, zaposle strucnjaci razlicitih profila.

Najveci broj promena se predlaže u oblasti organizacije i izvodjenja vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa decom. Vaspitaci koji rade u vrticima predlažu i:

Ø formiranje manjih mešovitih grupa dece, Ø uvodjenje više fleksibilnosti u dnevni ritam života u vrticima, Ø osavremenjavanje programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, Ø prilagodjavanje radnog vremena potrebama roditelja, Ø pružanje razlicitih usluga roditeljima, Ø zbrinjavanje dece i u popodnevnim casovima, Ø obezbedjivanje ucenja stranih jezika bez dodatnog placanja od

strane roditelja, Ø vece ukljucivanje roditelja u rad vrtica i unapredjivanje i

proširivanje saradnje sa roditeljima. Kao posebno znacajno istice se organizovanje savetodavnog rada sa

roditeljima, prilagodjavanje radnog vremena roditeljima, proširivanje usluga i ukljucivanje roditelja u vaspitni rad. Jedno anketno ispitivanje vaspitaca pokazalo je da oni žele inoviranje znanja i to da su posebno zainteresovani za sledeca podrucja:

Ø rad sa decom sa emocionalnim problemima Ø razvijanje slike o sebi u dece Ø nove mogu}nosti komuniciranja sa roditeljima Ø rad sa nadarenom decom Ø integracija stranih jezika u vrtice Ø rad u komunikacijskim i stvaralackim radionicama44

Obrazovanje pedagoga i psihologa

Pedagozi i psiholozi se školuju na filozofskim fakultetima u Beogradu (Odeljenje za pedagogiju i Odeljenje za psihologiju), Novom Sadu (Odeljenje za pedagogiju, Nišu (Odeljenje za psihologiju) i Prištini (Odeljenje za

42 Nikic, J.(1996): ULOGA VASPITACA U ADAPTACIJI DETETA U JASLICAMA I ORGANIZOVANJU OBOGACENE STRUKTURISANE SREDINE. Zbornik Filozofskog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, sveska jedanaesta, Novi Sad 43 Gavrilovic, A.(1998): SISTEM DRUŠTVENE BRIGE O DECI U SRBIJI-RAZVOJ I PERSPEKTIVA, Službeni glasnik, Beograd 44 Burazin, S.(1990): IDEJE I STAVOVI ODGOJITELJA O POTREBI DALJEG DOŠKOLOVAVANJA, Osijek, prema publikaciji "Potrebe i mogucnosti visokoškolksog obrazovanja vaspitaca, Beograd 1997.

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pedagogiju i Odeljenje za psihologiju). Studije traju cetiri godine (8 semestara).

Pravo na upis imaju svršeni ucenici svih srednjih škola posle položenog prijemnog ispita koji se sastoji:

Ø za pedagogiju iz testa opšte informisanosti i testa iz pedagogije ili psihologije, po izboru kandidata,

Ø za psihologiju važe isti uslovi s tim što je test iz psihologije obavezan.

Defektolozi se školuju na Defektološkom fakultetu u

Beogradu.Obrazovanje pedagoga, psihologa i defektologa regulisano je Zakonom o univrezitetu45. Pedagozi koji rade u decjim vrticima su se od kraja 60-tih do 1979.godine pripremali na posebnom smeru "Predškolska pedagogija". Promena u oragnizaciji studija nije umanjila obim i kvalitet pripreme, može se reci da je i poboljšana, iako buduci školski i predškolski pedagozi studiraju po istom programu. Predmet "Sistemi i programi predškolskog vaspitanja" je uveden posle ukidanja smerova i njime je povecan obim sadržaja koji se odnose na predškolsko vaspitanje. Kurikulum po kojem se pripremaju buduci pedagozi danas cine:

Ø opšteobrazovne discipline relevantne za pedagoške nauke (Uvod u teoriju društva, Uvod u filozofiju, Logika sa opštom metodologijom, Etika i Strani jezik);

Ø opšte pedagoške discipline (Opšta pedagogija I i II, Opšta istorija pedagogije, Nacionalna istorija pedagogije, Savremeni pedagoški pravci, Metodologija pedagoških istraživanja, Statistika u pedagogiji);

Ø psihološke discipline (Razvojna psihologija i Pedagoška psihologija);

Ø posebne pedagogije (Porodicna pedagogija; Predškolska pedagogija, Školska pedagogija, Andragogija);

Ø didakticko-metodicke discipline (Didaktika, Metodika matematickog obrazovanja, Metodika jezickog obrazovanja, Metodika rada školskog pedagoga, Sistemi i programi predškolskog vaspitanja);

Ø izborni predmeti (Teorija saznanja, Estetika, Socijalna psihologija, Sociologija porodice, Psihopatologija dece i mladih, Socijalna patologija, Socijalna antropologija);

Ø izborni kursevi (Metode strucnog usavršavanja prakticara u obasti vaspitanja i obrazovanja, Metode razvijanja ekspresije i komunikacije, Metode obrazovanja za razvoj i toleranciju, Metode saradnje sa porodicom i obrazovanja roditelja, Rad sa decom ometenom u razvoju, Rad sa darovitom decom, Metode vanškolskog vaspitnog rada sa decom i omladinom, socijalno-pedagoški rad sa decom i porodicom, Metode obrazovanja za vizuelne medije, Metode preventivnog vaspitnog rada).

45 ZAKON O UNIVERZITETU, Službeni glsnik Republike Srbije, broj.20, maj 1998.

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Vrsta i sadržaj kurseva su promenljivi i oni se mogu planirati u dogovoru sa studentima i prema mogucnostima realizacije. U svakom slucaju studenti moraju da izaberu najmanje cetiri kursa.

Specificna znanja, potrebna za rad u predškolskim institucijama studenti sticu prvenstveno kroz predmete: Razvojna i Pedagoška psihologija, Predškolska pedagogija, Sistemi i programi predškolskog vaspitanja.

U okviru predmeta Predškolska pedagogija (V i VI semestar, po 4 casa nedeljno) studenti se upoznaju sa teorijom i praksom predškolskog vaspitanja, sa problemima vaspitanja u porodici i izvan nje i strukturom institucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja, sa procesima ucenja i obrazovanja dece predškolskog uzrasta i kultivisanjem decje igre i stvaralaštva. Ovaj predmet takodje obuhvata obaveznu dvonedeljnu praksu u predškolskoj ustanovi, jedan seminarski rad, pismeni ispit esejskog tipa i usmeni ispit. U okviru predmeta Sistemi i programi predškolskog vaspitanja (VII i VIII semestar po 4 casa nedeljno) studenti se upoznaju sa tradicionalnim i savremenim sistemima i programima predškolskog vaspitanja, shvatanjima deteta, modelima predškolskog vaspitanja, razvojem i evaluacijom programa za predškolsko vaspitanje i vaspitnom praksom. U okviru ovog kursa studenti se uvode i u akciona istraživanja u oblasti predškolskog vaspitanja. Kurs se završava pismenim ispitom esejskog tipa.

Za rad u predškolskim ustanovama znacajna su i znanja koja se sticu okviru Opšte pedagogije koja se bavi opštim vaspitnim pitanjima, predmeta Savremeni pedagoški pravci i Porodicna pedagogija. Izborni predmeti nude mogucnost sticanja specificnih znanja potrebnih u radu sa decom a tu posebno izdvajamo probleme socijalne patologije i sociologije porodice kao i psihopatologije dece (Socijalna psihologija, Sociologija porodice, Psihopatologija dece i mladih, Socijalna patologija, Socijalna antropologija). Teorijska priprema buducih pedagoga , koji osim u školama i drugim vaspitnim ustanovama rade i u predškolskim institucijama je pre svega opšteg karaktera, ali sistemom izbornih predmeta i kurseva, izborom seminarskih radova i diplomskog rada studenti mogu usmeriti svoju profesionalnu pripremu ka radu u predškolskim ustanovama. Studenti pedagogije imaju, takodje, i obaveznu dvonedeljnu praksu u okviru predmeta Predškolska pedagogija i ucešce u pilot istraživanjima u okviru predmeta Sistemi i programi predškolskog vaspitanja. Posle odbranjenog diplomskog rada i stecene diplome (zvanje Diplomirani pedagog), pedagozi mogu da nastave poslediplomske studije u okviru tri nivoa: specijalisticke studije (1 godina), magistarske studije (2 godine) i doktorske studije (3 godine). Na specijalisticke studije se mogu upisati svršeni studenti, sa stecenom diplomom dok se za magistarske studije osim diplome redovnih studija traži i prosek ocena najmenje 8, a za doktorske studije 8,546. Postidiplomske studije su prilika za uže usmerenje. Tako kandidati mogu da se opredele za magistarske i doktorske studije iz predškolske pedagogije.

Uloga pedagoga47 u predškolskim institucijaama varira od konsultantske uloge do aktivnog ucesnika u stvaranju i realizaciji programa rada ustanove. Status pedagoga i psihologa nije sasvim jasno definisan tako da obim i karakter njihovih aktivnosti cesto zavise od rukovodioca ustanove, 46 Na studijama se primenjuje ocenjivanje od 5-10. 47 Kamenov, E.(1991): PREDŠKOLSKI PEDAGOZI U SRBIJI, Metodicki dani 91, Nova Prosveta, Beograd

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kolektiva ili njih samih. Dok pedagozi i psiholozi koji rade u predškolskim ustanovama smatraju da bi trebalo više da se angažuju u neposrednom planiranju i organizaovanju rada sa decom, oni se ipak više bave pracenjem decjeg razvoja, ponašanja i interesovanja dece, a da to potom ne utice na konkretne aktivnosti. Zbog takve situacije pedagozi predlažu više prakse u toku studija, motivišuci taj zahtev potrebom da se stekne specificno iskustvo koje ce biti od koristi u njihovom potonjem angažovanju. Pedagozi posebno isticu potrebu sticanja specificnih znanja vezanih za planiranje, programiranje, pracenje i evaluaciju rada u predškolskim ustanovama. Kurikulum po kojem se pripremaju buduci psiholozi, na cetvorogodišnjim studijama sastoji se od:

Ø zajednickih predmeta (Uvod u teoriju društva i Strani jezik); Ø opštih bazicnih predmeta (Statistika u psihologiji, Metodologija

psiholoških istraživanja, Fiziologija nervnog sistema, Opšta psihopatologija);

Ø usko strucnih predmeta (Opšta psihologija I i II, Psihologija licnosti, Psihometrija, Razvojna psihologija I i II, Pedagoška psihologija I i II, Socijalna psihologija I i II, Kadrovska psihologija, Psihopatologija dece i mladih, Mentalna higijena, Mentalno testiranje dece, Klinicka psihologija sa psihodijagnostikom, Osnovi psihoterapije i savetovanja, Psihologija medjuljudskih odnosa, Inženjerska psihologija i ergonomija, Psihološke škole i pravci);

Ø izbornih predmeta iz opštih ( Uvod u filozofiju, Genetika, Sociologija porodice, Menadžment ljudskim resursima, Didaktika) i usko strucnih disciplina (Psihološka prevencija, Psihologija ometenih u razvoju, Neuropsihologija, Psihologija u marketingu, Ekološka psihologija, Psiholingvistika).

Kao pedagozi, tako i psiholozi dobijaju, posle odbranjenog diplomskog

rada, zvanje "Diplomirani psiholog". Sistem postdiplomskih studija je isti kao na Pedagogiji.

Obrazovanje defektologa Fakultet za defektologiju, u sastavu Univerziteta u Beogradu školuje kadar za rad sa decom i odraslim poremecenog sluha (surdoaudiologija), govora (logopedija), vida (tiflologija), sa telesno invalidnim licima (somatopedija), mentalno retardiranim (oligofrenologija) i sa poremecajima u društvenom ponašanju (prevencija i resocijalizacija). Studije traju 4,5 godine, odnosno devet semestara. Deveti semestar je rekapitulacijia i sinteza teorijskih i prakticnih znanja iz oblasti za koje su se studenti usmerili.

Prva godina studija je zajednicka za sve i u toku te godine studenti sticu opšta znaja iz fundamentalnih predmeta za podrucje defektologije (Uvod u defektologiju, Medicinska genetika, Medicinska fiziologija sa anatomijom, Sociologija, Pedagogija i Opšta psihologija sa psihologijom licnosti). Na drugoj

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godini studenti se usmeravaju za neku od nabrojanih oblasti, za koju su se opredelili vec prilikom upisa, i dalje se u tom pravcu obrazuju.

Svi smerovi imaju obavezno Razvojnu i Pedagošku psihologiju kao i Metodiku rada za decom predškolskog uzrasta, sa odgovarajucim vežbama. Ovu metodiku nemaju samo oni koji se spremaju za poslove logopeda (imaju poseban prakticni logopedski rad) i prevencije i resocijalizacije osoba za poremecajima u društvenom ponašanju. Metodikama rada sa predškolskom decom je posvecen znacajan fond casova. Na primer, za rad sa gluvom i nagluvom decom studenti slušaju i vežbaju metode rada (2+2 casa nedeljno) u toku pet semestara.

Posebno se savladavaju metodike veština (fizickog, likovnog i muzickog) u zavisnosti od oštecenja koje dete ima.

Posle odbranjenog diplomskog rada studenti dobijaju zvanje "Diplomirani defektolog"

Od osnivanja fakulteta (1974. godine)diplomiralo je preko 3.500 studenata, mada ih u predškolskim i školskim ustanovama nema dovoljno. Godišnje se na fakultet prima izmedju 150-220 studenata. Pravo da konkurišu imaju svi svršeni srednjoškolci ako prodju prijemni ispit, slican onom koji prolaze pedagozi i psiholozi. Defektološki fakultet organizuje magistarske i doktorske studije po važecem Zakonu o Univerzitetu.

Zakljucno razmatranje i preporuke48 U predškolskim institucijama na podrucju SR Jugoslavije bilo je zaposleno 1997. godine ukupno 17.198 osoba, od cega:

Ø 48.48% vaspitaca Ø 16.90% zdravstevnih radnika Ø 2.32 % strucna saradnika (pedagozi, psiholozi i specijalni

pedagozi-defektolozi) Ø administrativnih službenika Ø 27.3% ostalog osoblja (socialni rad, zdravlje, ishrana,

higijena, održavanje)

Prema analizi stanja iz 1996. godine49 nedostajalo je oko 10% osoblja predvidjenog normativom kadra, s tim što se pojavljuje višak medicinskih sestara u vaspitnim grupama , administartivnog osoblja i osoblja zaposlenog na spremanju hrane a znatan nedostatak vaspitaca, medicinskih sestara u prevenciji, socijalnih radnika, dijeteticara. Manjak vaspitaca nije rezultat manjeg broja obrazovanih za ovaj poziv. Prema nezvanicim podacima postoji hiperprodukcija vaspitaca. Procenjuje se da samo u Republici Srbiji iz 12 viših škola za vaspitace godišnje izadje oko 1000 diplomiranih vaspitaca, kao i da ih trenutno u Srbiji ima oko 8000.

48 Zakljucna razmatranja i preporuke su licni stav autora koji je pripremio poglavlje o obrazovanju vaspitaca i strucnih saradnika . 49 Gavrilovic, A.(1998).Ibid.

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Problem koji se, takodje, nezvanicno navodi kao razlog za nedostatk kvalifikovanih vaspitaca jeste finansiranje novih radnih mesta, a tome treba dodati i nezainteresovanost mladih za ta slabo placena radna mesta. Poseban problem kada su u pitanju vaspitaci jeste izrazit trend prevremenog penzionisanja i to uglavnom iz zdravstevnih razloga. Nisu poznata istraživanja opterecenosti i stresa kojima je ovo osoblje izloženo u svakodnevnom radu. Posmatrano sa stanovišta pola osobe zaposlene u predškolskim ustanovama su pretežno ženskog roda. Naime, od ukupno zaposlenih u SR Jugoslaviji (17.198 radnika prema statistickim podacima iz 1997. godine), 16.274 su osobe ženskog pola, odnosno 94.62% su žene. Taj odnos važi za celu teritoriju Jugoslavije, što svedoci o potpunoj feminizaciji predškolskog vaspitanja. Ova tendencija feminizacije se nastavlja i u osnovnim školama, iako sa nešto manjim procentom, pa se može govoriti o feminizaciji celokupnog bazicnog obrazovanja dece od 1-12 godine. Procenat zaposlenih pedagoga i psihologa uglavnom odgovara normativima a to je jedan zaposleni po centralnoj instituciji. U izveštaju Ministarstva za 1996. godinu stoji da je od 198 potrebnih pedagoga-psihologa angažovano 145. Ogranicenja u pogledu obrazovanja vaspitaca ogledaju se na više planova. Sa jedne strane postoji hiperprodukcija kadra a sa druge strane, zvanicni podaci pokazuju da je broj vaspitaca u predškolskim ustanovama manji od broja potrebnog po normativima koji predvidjaju odnos grupa/vaspitac. Nije posebno istraživan problem stresa kod vaspitaca mada je izražena pojava prevremenog penzionisanja. Loš materijalni položaj destimuliše mlade za rad u predškolskim ustanovama. Iako zakon dozvoljava i formalno izjednacava privatne institucije za predškolsko vaspitanje, one još uvek nisu postale integralni deo sistema, sistematski se ne prati njihov rad i ne pojavljuju se podaci o njihovom radu u zvanicnim izveštajima. Poseban problem je što ne postoji sistematsko pracenje kadra koji radi u privatnim vrticima, programa i poštovanja normativa prostora i opreme. Može se reci da se privatni vrtici i jaslice još uvek stihijno otvaraju i da se njihov status reguliše u zavisnosti od lokalne administracije. Problem predškolskog vaspitanja i smeštaja dece ometene u razvoju je posebno izražen. Podaci o predškolskom vaspitanju dece ometene u razvoju se sporadicno pominju. Nema podataka ni o radu sa darovitom decom. Buduci da se obrazovanje kadra koji radi u predškolskom vaspitanju obavlja na razlicitim nivoima i pri razlicitim školama i fakultetima, nedostaje jedan minimum neke vrste integrativnog programa koji bi celokupnom potencijalnom strucnom osoblju, koje namerava da radi u predškolskim institucijama, ponudio specificna opšta i prakticna znanja iste vrste i istog nivoa. Nesporazumi koji se javljaju medju vaspitacima, pedagozima, psiholozima i specijalnim pedagozima kad su u pitanju njihove nadležnosti, kompetencije i vrsta angažmana su dobrim delom rezultat razlicitog koncepta koji je posledica razlicitog pripremanja za poziv. Izražena feminizacija profesije je problem koji vec dugo postoji i on je isti i u osnovnom obrazovanju. Decaci tako nemaju potrebnu mogucnost identifikacije sa osobama muškog pola, što se odražava na njihov emocionalni i socijalni razvoj. Sve je manje muškaraca, ili ih prakticno više nema, koji se opredeljuju za pozive vaspitaca i ucitelja, jer je rec o profesijama koje su

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veoma loše placene i time nisko vrednovane na lestvici socijalnih vrednosti. Ovaj problem, medjutim, nije istraživan i trebalo bi mu posvetiti pažnju. Programi viših škola za vaspitace nisu usaglašeni sa programima predškolskog vaspitanja dece, a ne postoji ni povezanost izmedju sistema i programa usavršavanja i inicijalnog obrazovanja. Sami vaspitaci procenjuju svoje obrazovanje kao neadekvatno potrebama dece i porodica i posebno naglašavaju nedovoljnu saradnju sa porodicom i ucešce roditelja u radu predškolskih ustanova. Oni takodje naglašavaju da su im potrebna specificna znanja za rad sa decom sa problemima i nadarenom decom. Direktori predškolskih ustanova se ne pripremaju na poseban nacin, pa na to mesto može doci bilo koji vaspitac, pedagog ili psiholog za koga se proceni da bi svojim organizacionim i strucnim kvalitetiam mogao da obavlja taj posao. Bez obzira da li ce se obrazovanje vaspitaca podici na univerzitetski nivo, neophodno je da se ponude moduli za strucno usavršavanje koji povezuju obrazovanje sa potrebama prakse i raznovrsnim potrebama roditelja, dece i lokalnih sredina. To znaci da bi program za strucno usavršavanje trebalo da bude modularno diferenciranog tipa tako da može da zadovolji potrebe razlicitih strucnih profila koji rade u predškolskom vaspitanju (vaspitaca- pocetnika i iskusnih, pedagoga, psihologa, socijalnih radnika), da ponude raznovrsne kreativne modele rada sa decom, saradnje sa porodicom i osnovnom školom i da omoguce napredovanje u struci kroz savladavanje programa višeg nivoa. Program (sistem) bi dakle bio diferenciran kako po potrebama i problemima vaspitnog rada sa decom, tako i po nivoima složenosti, a granao bi se i u pravcu savladavanja nekih specificnih nivoa više složenosti. Posebna pažnja u strucnom usavršavanju treba da se posveti radu sa decom sa posebnim potrebama (daroviti i ometeni u razvoju) i pružanju pomoci porodicama koje imaju takvu decu. U okviru ovih programa trebalo bi ponuditi specijalizovane module za rad sa decom ometenom u razvoju i sa decom koja pokazuju neke talente. Programi strucnog usavršavanja bi morali a imaju naglaženo prakticni karakter, jer vaspitaci kao i drugi strucni profili koji rade sa decom sticu dosta teorijskih a malo metodickih i prakticnih veština. Poboljšanje prakticne pripreme i njeno cvršce povezivanje sa teorijom treba da omoguci i unošenje inovacija u rad sa decom. Trebalo bi, zapravo, ponuditi raznovrsne module razvojnog karaktera, zapravo module sa diferenciranim sadržajima i mogucnostima podsticanja razvoja dece. Neophodna je pomoci razvoj privatnih predškolskih institucija i njihovo povezivanje sa državnim institucijama. Bilo po poželjno da se pruži profesionalna i logisticka podrška procesu prerastanja viših škola za obrazovanje vaspitaca u fakultet, ako takva odluka bude doneta. Intervencija bi bila posebno korisna u domenu definisanja programa obrazovanja kadra.

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STRUCNO USAVRŠAVANJE VASPITACA Mirjana V. Markovic, savetnik ministra, Ministarstvo prosvete Republike Srbije Strucno usavršavanje nastavnog i vaspitnog osoblja u Srbiji prvi put je 1973. godine postalo obaveza za sve pedagoške kadrove koji ostvaruju društveno utvrdene programe na predškolskom, osnovnoškolskom i srednjoškolskom uzrastu - Zakonom o stalnom strucnom usavršavanju nastavnog i vaspitnog osoblja ("Službeni glasnik RS", 29/73). Zakon je pod stalnim strucnim usavršavanjem podrazumevao:

Ø pocetnika - pripravnika za uspešan vaspitno-obrazovni rad i polaganje strucnog ispita

Ø dopunsko obrazovanje za pedagoški rad odredenih kategorija nastavnika, saradnika i vaspitaca

Ø stalno usavršavanje posle položenog strucnog ispita Ø strucno usavršavanje u cilju sticanja višeg stepena u zvanju,

odnosno strucnom nazivu pedagoškog i višeg pedagoškog savetnika.

Stalno strucno usavršavanje predškolskih kadrova posle položenog strucnog ispita, obuhvatalo je usavršavanje za pedagoški rad, društveno-ekonomsko i politicko obrazovanje i usavršavanje u užoj struci. Prosvetni savet SR Srbije doneo je na osnovu Zakona Osnove programa strucnog usavršavanja u sva ova tri segmenta obrazovnog sistema. Realizatori ovog programa bili su: škole, predškolske ustanove, regionalni prosvetno-pedagoški zavodi, Republicki zavod za unapredivanje vaspitanja i obrazovanja, pedagoške akademije, fakulteti i narocito, strucna udruženja i organizacije. Potrebu za stalnim strucnim usavršavanjem nametali su društveni i pedagoški ciljevi reforme, donošenje novih programa, potrebe obnavljanja znanja, inovacije, komunikativna i informativna tehnologija i dimanicni razvoj našeg društva u tom periodu. Godine primene Zakona o stalnom strucnom usavršavanju pored evidentnih rezultata i efekata... ispoljile su mnoge slabosti koje su se manifestovale u sporom menjanju metoda, oblika i sadržaja rada, nedovoljnoj povezanosti svih nosilaca usavršavanja, nedoslednosti u realizaciji utvrdenih programa, neblagovremenom obezbedivanju finansijskih sredstava za pojedine oblike usavršavanja, slaboj motivaciji kadrova za sopstveno usavršavanje zbog nedovoljne materijalne stimulacije i sl. Republika Srbija

Strucno usavršavanje prosvetnih radnika u predškolskom vaspitanju u periodu 1975. - 1991. U ovom periodu su znacajan doprinos u strucnom usavršavanju prosvetnih radnika u predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju, dali regionalni prosvetno-pedagoški zvodi, Republicki zavod za unapredivanje vaspitanja i

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obrazovanja, same predškolske ustanove, Zajednica predškolskih ustanova i Savez strucnih društava predškolskih radnika Srbije i Samoupravna interesna zajednica društvene brige o deci. SUSRETI PREDŠKOLSKIH RADNIKA SRBIJE su bili oblici strucnog usavršavanja koje je prvo organizovala Zajednica predškolskih ustanova, a kasnije Republicki zavod za unapredivanje vaspitanja i obrazovanja, regionalni prosvetno-pedagoški zavodi u saradnji sa velikim brojem predškolskih ustanova. Svaki susret je bio poseban projekat , koji je vodio profesor univerziteta, savetnici za predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje, u saradnji sa strucnim saradnicima, vaspitacima i medicinskim sestrama. Održano je šesnaest susreta i to: deset u Beogradu i po jedan u Novom Sadu, Gornjem Milanovcu, Vrnjackoj Banji, Vranju, Nišu i Kragujevcu. Sadržaji Susreta su "pokrivali" sve znacajne probleme predškolskog vaspitanja u Srbiji, ali su uvek predstavljali afirmaciju novih tendencija u naukama o razvoju i vaspitanju dece, kao i zaokruživanje i prezentovanje prakticnih razrada tih ideja. Neke od njih su: Kultivisanje decje igre, Znacaj individualnog rada s decom, Decji vrtic kao otvorena institucija, Osnove programa i planiranje vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, Stvaralaštvo i vaspitanje predškolskog deteta, Formiranje i razvoj motiva kod predškolske dece, Posledice osujecenja motiva na predškolskom uzrastu, Ugledne aktivnosti vaspitaca u predškolskim ustanovama Beograda, Vranja, Kragujevca, Niša, Novog Sada i dr., Vaspitanje dece ranog uzrasta (do 3 godine), Razvoj decje moralnosti - moralno mišljenje i moralni ideali, Licnost vaspitaca - faktor formiranja licnosti deteta, Fizicko vaspitanje predškolske dece, Muzicko vaspitanje predškolske dece, Razvoj govora predškolskog deteta, Tradicionalna kultura i savremeno predškolsko vaspitanje, Likovno vaspitanje predškolske dece, Intelektualno vaspitanje i intelektualne aktivnosti, Programiranje, planiranje i organizacija vas-pitno-obrazovnog rada, Perceptivne aktivnosti i njihov znacaj za razvoj deteta i dr. Analizom ovih sadržaja strucnog usavršavanja može se lako napraviti uvid u evoluciju pojedinih ideja, kao i proces njihovog urastanja u nove oficijalne programe vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, koji se sve vreme odvijao kroz spregu naucnika, istraživaca i prakticara predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja. U ovom procesu strucnog usavršavanja neprestano je povecavan broj ucesnika - prve 1975. godine bilo ih je 130, a poslednje 1991. godine 1157 ucesnika (1985.god. - 720). METODICKI DANI PREDŠKOLSKIH RADNIKA - su bili drugi znacajan oblik strucnog usavršavanja u organizaciji Republickog zavoda za unapredivanje vaspitanja i obrazovanja, Prosvetno-pedagoškog zavoda - Beograda, akademija za vaspitace Saveza strucnih društava predškolskih radnika Srbije i Smoupravne interesne zajednice za društvenu brigu o deci. Održavani su svake godine od 1988.-1991. godine u Beogradu i 1996. godine u Kikindi. S namerom da postane tradicionalna manifestacija, stalno otvorena za nove ideje i stvaralacka osmišljavanja, utvrdeni su precizni kriterijumi za pripremu, prezentaciju i vrednovanje radova prakticara.

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Ø Radovi su morali biti otvoreni za nove pristupe u metodici rada sa predškolskom decom, da se oslanjaju na savremena dostignuca u oblasti razvoja i vaspitanja i predstavljaju originalne, nove i celovite prakticne postupke u neposrednom radu sa decom;

Ø U pripremi radova poštovani su ciljevi vaspitanja i obrazovanja dece predškolskog uzrasta, koji su definisani u zvanicnim Osnovama programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, tako da su predstavljali organsku povezanost programskih zadataka i sadržaja, prirodnu i logicku vezu medu pojedinim oblastima i upucivali na korišcenje programskih sadržaja u funkciji podsticanja razvoja kao celovitog procesa;

Ø Radove je trebalo koncipirati tako da uvažavaju i podsticu decje doživljavanje sveta, njegovo iskazivanje u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji i kroz sve vidove simbolickog izražavanja, da garantuju visok stepen angažovanja dece u vaspitnoj grupi i doprinose uspešnom razrešavanju razvojnih problema dece na predškolskom uzrastu;

Ø Prilozi su nudili originalna rešenja u strukturiranju vaspit-nih sredstava, sredine kao celovitog životnog prostora i negovali spontanost u kombinovanju oblika rada i metodskih postupaka.

Cilj je bio da se i na ovaj nacin unapreduje pedagoška praksa u predškolskim ustanovama, afirmišu i identifikuju najbolji stvaraoci, kao i da se afirmiše pre svega profesija vaspitaca. Posle svakog strucnog skupa sacinjena je posebna publikacija sa nazivom "Metodicki dani 19__. godine" koja je bila dostupna svim predškolskim radnicima u Srbiji. Najbolja ostvarenja su nagradivana posebnim nagradama. Za samo nekoliko godina organizovanja "Metodickih dana predškolskih radnika Srbije", blizu hiljadu vaspitaca, strucnih saradnika i medicinskih sestara ohrabreni su da ponude sveže originalne ideje i da to saopšte na strucnim skupovima i pred strucnim žirijem. Time su dali zaista višestruki doprinos delatnosti u kojoj rade. STRUCNO USAVRŠAVANJE U PREDŠKOLSKIM USTANOVAMA U SRBIJI, u 180 ustanova, bilo je obavezno i najintenzivnije preko strucnih organa predškolskih ustanova - strucnih veca i aktiva vaspitaca uzrasnih grupa. Programom rada predškolske ustanove, koji se donosi svake školske godine, (i odobrava ga opština) obuhvacen je i program strucnog usavršavanja vaspitnog osoblja. Sadržaji programa su strucne teme, ideje i problemi aktuelni u toj sredini. To su bile, uglavnom razrade tema koje ce biti ili su bile predmet "Susreta". Ostvarivanje ovih programa kao i njihov kvalitet pratili su savetnici za predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje prosvetno-pedagoških zavoda. Ovaj period je bio uzlet u razvoju predškolskog vaspitanja, širenjem mreže, povecanjem obuhvata dece, ali i u kvalitetnom i uspešnom procesu strucnog usavršavanja.

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STRUCNO USAVRŠAVANJE PROSVETNIH RADNIKA U PREDŠKOLSKOM VASPITANJU U PERIODU 1991 - 2000. Strucno usavršavanje se u ovom periodu reguliše Zakonom o društvenoj brizi o deci, ("Prosvetni glasnik RS", 6/96), po kome proces strucnog usavršavanja prosvetnih radnika u predškolskom vaspitanju vodi Ministarstvo prosvete, a direktora, medicinskih i socijalnih radnika Ministarstvo za porodicu. Pravilnikom o polaganju strucnog ispita pripravnika, nastavnika, strucnih saradnika i vaspitaca ("Prosvetni glasnik RS", br. 4/93) reguliše se nacin provere znanja i sposobnosti za samostalan vaspitno-obrazovni rad - znanja iz prakticnog rada i metodike, pedagogije, psihologije, ustavnog uredenja i propisa iz vaspitanja i obrazovanja. Pravo polaganja se stice posle pripravnickog staža koji traje godinu dana. Uprkos dogadanja u poslednjoj deceniji ovog veka koja su znacila odredjene teškoce predškolski radnici su zapocili proces promena u saglasnosti sa naucnim dostignucima o razvoju i vaspitanju dece. U tom smislu donete su nove Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja. U toku citavog ovog perioda u Ministarstvu prosvete je proces strucnog usavršavanja podreden uspešnom ostvarivanju Osnova programa. Organizacioni modeli strucnog usavršavanja su sada timovi koji funkcionišu na razlicitim nivoima:

Ø Tim Ministarstva prosvete vrši koordinaciju aktivnosti na uvodenju, primeni i evaluaciji Osnova programa u predškol-skim ustanovama u Srbiji; organizuje i prati proces strucnog usavršavanja i vrši potrebnu evaluaciju.

Tim cine: savetnik ministra prosvete i nadzornici za predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje. Ø Timovi odeljenja Ministarstva prosvete (14)50koordiniraju rad na

uvodenju i primeni Osnova programa ..., organizuju strucno usavršavanje i osmišljavaju rad metodickih centara - centara za strucno usavršavanje.

Timove cine: nadzornici za predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje, strucni saradnici, vaspitaci (voditelji timova u predškolskih ustanovama i rukovodioci aktiva direktora). Ø Timovi predškolskih ustanova donose Plan akcije za uvodenje,

razradu i primenu Osnova programa... i za programiranje i izvodenje procesa strucnog usavršavanja unutar same predškolske ustanove.

Najzastupljeniji oblici strucnog usavršavanja su seminari, preda-vanja, savatovanja, radionice, strucni sastanci, edukativna obuka i sl. Republicki nivo strucnog usavršavanja cine sledeci oblici strucnog usavršavanja, koje organizuje i koordinira Tim Ministarstva prosvete:

Ø REPUBLICKI AKTIV DIREKTORA cine svi direktori predškolskih ustanova (180). U okviru njihovog strucnog usavršavanja koje

50 Broj regionalnih odeljenja Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije

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organizuje ovo Ministarstvo razraduju se teme pedagoškog karaktera: upoznavanje sa idejama oficijelnih programa i mogucnostima njihove primene u razlicitim sredinama; ujednacavanju nivoa kadrovske i materijalne opremljenosti predškolskih ustanova i nabavke adekvatnog didaktickog materijala za opremanje sredine za ucenje; o kvalitetu vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, evaluaciji ostvarivanja programa i sl. (Na ovim skupovima ucestvuje do 120 direktora).

Ø REPUBLICKI AKTIV STRUCNIH SARADNIKA51 cine 356 zaposlenih strucnih saradnika prosvetne struke. Strucno usavršavanje organizuje i koordinira Tim ministarstva prosvete, ali i odgovarajuca strukovna udruženja (pedagoga, psihologa i sl.). Aktuelni sadržaji su: pedagoško akciono istraživanje, timski rad, jezicke kreativne radionice, pedagoške radionice, dramske radionice, interaktivno vaspitanje, inovacije u radu pedagoško-psihološke službe, razmene iskustava i sl. (u radu aktiva ucestvuje u proseku do 220 strucnih saradnika).

Ø Strucna manifestacija "VASPITACI VASPITACIMA" održava se svake godine, sa ciljem da se prezentiraju novi koraci u prakticnoj primeni Osnova programa... Najcešci sadržaji su: Razvijanje modela A, Profesionalni razvoj vaspitaca na principima aktivnog ucenja, komunikativna upotreba govora, Razvoj znacenja reci - govorno misaone aktivnosti, Akciono istraživanje kao model rada u predškolskoj ustanovi, Saradnja sa porodicom, Priprema za školu - Model B, Razvijanje kurikuluma u predškolsoj ustanovi, kooperativno ucenje, Prica o postanku sveta i dr. (Svake godine ucestvuje do 500 vaspitaca).

Pored ovih organizacionih oblika strucnog usavršavanja predškolskih radnika, u poslednjih pet godina 2/3 vaspitaca, strucnih saradnika i direktora, završilo je SEMINARE sa psiho-socijalnim temama, i na teme decjih prava i aktivnog ucenja. Seminare su organizovali i realizovali eksperti iz Srbije uz saradnju sa UNICEF-om.

Ø Roditelji i vaspitaci u akciji Ø Nenasilna komunikacija Ø Cuvari osmeha Ø Decji vrtic kao porodicni centar Ø Razvoj decjeg samopoštovanja Ø Aktivne metode ucenja.

Cilj ovih seminara bio je jacanje kompetencije strucnjaka, povecavanje osetljivosti odraslih za razvojne potrebe dece, unošenje promena u emocionalnu klimu vaspitne grupe, razvijanje osetljivosti za razumevanje tudih i vlastitih pozicija, obrazovanje odraslih za decja prava, razvijanje otvorenog

51Cilj rada strucnih saradnika u predškolskoj ustanovi je da na osnovu savremenih teorijskih i prakticnih saznanja o detetu, uticu na stvaranje uslova za podsticanje razvoja dece predškolskog uzrasta. Prema Normativu kadrova, predškolska ustanova može da zaposli jednog strucnog saradnika na 24 vaspitne grupe - pedagoga, psihologa, pedagoga fizickog vaspitanja, pedagoga muzickog vaspitanja, logopeda i socijalnog radnika. Velike lokalne zajednice sa razvijenom privredom imaju razvijenu mrežu vaspitnih grupa u predškolskoj ustanovi, te one imaju mogucnost za timove ovih strucnjaka, koji rade neposredno i na organizaciji i realizaciji strucnog usavršavanja predškolskih radnika. Pored toga, u saradnji sa vaspitacima rade na problemima programiranja pedagoškog rada na stvaranju optimalnih uslova za psiho-fizicki razvoj dece, organizaciji vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, pedagoško-instruktivnom radu, pracenju i usmeravanju razvoja dece, saradnji sa porodicom, pedagoškoj dokumentaciji i sl.

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sistema predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja, kao i same predškolske ustanove. Ovi seminari su postavili osnovu za lakše prihvatanje i smanjivanje otpora prema promenama, i idejama samih Osnova programa... Regionalni nivo strucnog usavršavanja odvija se kroz metodicke centre koji deluju u okviru regionalnih odeljenja Ministarstva prosvete. METODICKI CENTRI su predškolske ustanove koje su otvorene za promene i inovacije u vaspitno obrazovnom radu, imaju solidnu opremljenost didaktickim materijalom, prstorne uslove za rad ucesnika koji borave na strucnom usavršavanju. U njima se realizuju posebni projekti, akciona istraživanja, kontinuirano informisanje, edukacija i raznema iskustava. Metodickim centrima rukovode i koordiniraju nadzornici sa svojim strucnim timovima. Ima više organizacionih oblika metodickih centara:

Ø metodicki centar - jedna predškolska ustanova; u njoj se organizuje strucno usavršavanje vaspitaca, strucnih saradnika i medicinskih sestara za to regionalno podrucje;

Ø metodicki centar koji prema definisanim problemima strucnog usavršavanja, angažuje više predškolskih ustanova koje za te oblasti imaju afinitete i rezultate (na pr. metodicki centar za fizicko vaspitanje, razvoj govora, intelektualno vaspitanje i sl. - organizovani su u Beogradu);

Ø "Model centar" je treci oblik moguceg organizovanja. To je predškolska ustanova koja duže vreme realizuje poseban projekat ili program i koja pruža mogucnost sistematskog informisanja, boravka i edukaciju ucesnika u strucnom usavršavanju (Nalazi se u Kikindi u kojoj se ostvaruje projekat - Decji vrtic kao porodicni centar)

Mreža metodickih centara u Srbiji Odeljenja

Ministarstva prosvete

Predškolska ustanova Mesto

1. BEOGRAD Više preškolskih ustanova Zvezdara, Cukarica, Zemun

2. SOMBOR "Naša radost", "Vera Gucunja" Subotica, Sombor 3. NOVI SAD "Radosno detinjstvo" Novi Sad - 2 objekta 4. ZRENJANIN "Dragoljub Udicki", "Decja radost" Kikinda, Pancevo 5. VALJEVO "Milica Nožica", "Leptiric" Valjevo, Lajkovac 6. ZAJECAR "Bambi", "Ðulici" Bor, Zajecar 7. KRAGUJEVAC "Pionir", "Mira Simic" Jagodina, Arandelovac 8. KRALJEVO "Naša radost", "Radost", "O. Jovicic

Rita" Aleksandrovac, Cacak, Kraljevo

9. PRIŠTINA "Ðurdevak" Priština 10. PRIZREN "Dragica Nekic" Prizren 11. UŽICE "Olga Jovicic-Rita", "Vito Pantovic" Požega, Užice 12. NIŠ "Poletarac", "Cika Jova Zmaj", "Neven" Niš, Pirot, Prokuplje 13. POŽAREVAC "Naša radost", "LJubica Vrebalov" Smederevo,

Požarevac 14. LESKOVAC "Vukica Mitrovic","Naše dete" Leskovac, Vranje

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STRUCNO USAVRŠAVANJE NA NIVOU PREDŠKOLSKE USTANOVE je obavezno i dalje je sastavni deo Programa rada svake predškolske ustanove. Odvija se kroz strucne organe koje cine svi zaposleni strucni radnici. Sadržaji strucnog usavršavanja obuhvataju sve znacajne aspekte programa i njegove primene; razraduju se teme sa republickih skupova, kao i znacajne teme te sredine na primer: Otkrivamo realni program, Vaspitac u vrticu, Književnost za decu, Lutka scena, Planiranje vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, Posmatranje dece, Ukljucivanje roditelja u tim predškolske ustanove, Opremanje dvorišta za igru i ucenje dece i sl. Strucnim usavršavanjem rukovodi i koordinira rad direktor ili strucni saradnik. Frekvencija strucnog usavršavanja predškolskih radnika u poslednoj deceniji odgovara materijalnim mogucnostima kojima raspolaže ova delatnost, obrazovni sistem i društvo u celini. Nove Osnove programa (iz 1996), kao i inoviranje drugih programa, dodatno su motivisali vaspitace i ostale strucne radnike na pojacano informisanje, ucenje i isprobavanje ideja u svojoj praksi. Proces strucnog usavršavanja omogucio je savladivanje otpora prema promenama, ulaganju napora da se uoci stereotip, da se razume nova ideja i da se traže odgovori na najvažnija pitanja razvoja i ucenja predškolskog deteta u ustanovi. Evidentan je napor i angažman vaspitaca, direktora i strucnih saradnika u ovom znacajnom i izazovnom poslu, koje treba podržati na svim nivoima i ukazati im poštovanje i uvažavanje. Problemi strucnog usavršavanja ostaju i dalje evidentni; nedovoljna materijalna sredstva, nerazradena normativna rešenja za organizovanje, realizaciju i koordinaciju sistema strucnog usavršavanja, veca motivacija za strucno usavršavanje, jer nije potkrepljena materijalnom nadoknadom i napredovanjem u profesiji i sl. Republika Crna GORA

Usavršavanje vaspitaca Usavršavanje vaspitaca u Crnoj Gori ostvaruje se prevashodno na nivou predškolskih ustanova. U tom smislu organizovani su brojni seminare koji su obuhvatili veci broj vaspitaca. Posebni oblici usavršavanja organizovani su u okviru sledecih programa koji su realizovani u Crnoj Gori:

Ø Djeciji vrtic kao porodicni centar Ø Vaspitanje za mir, toleranciju i humani razvoj Ø Djecja ekološka radionica Ø Projekat integracije djece sa posebnim potrebama Ø Roditelji vaspitaci u akciji - obrazovanje za djecja prava

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Dragana Koruga, psiholog, Centar za interaktivnu pedagogiju, Beograd Osnove programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa decom od tri do sedam godina (iz 1976. godine), kao i Osnove programa za rad sa decom do tri godine (iz 1982. godine), donete u vidu dokumenata o ciljevima vaspitanja i nacinima i metodama za njihovo ostvarivanje, predvidaju da se roditelji ukljucuju u realizaciju vaspitnog procesa u institucijama za boravak dece i vaspitno-obrazovni rad sa njima. Predvideni oblici rada sa roditeljima podsecali su na oblike rada sa porodicom u školi. Komunikacija je bila više jednosmerna (od vrtica ka porodici) i imala je pretežno edukativni karakter u odnosu na porodicu i sa ciljem podizanja njene kompetenosti za vaspitanje dece. Nove Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja dece uzrasta od tri do sedam godina, (donete 1996. godine), opet u vidu državnog dokumenta, predvidaju dva modela institucionalnog vaspitanja (A i B ).

Ø Prvi model predvida vrtic kao otvoreni sistem vaspitanja. Polazište modela A je da su svi odrasli iz mikro i makro socijalne sredine, ucesnici u socijalnoj interakciji kao procesu vaspitanja i ucenja tokom detetovog odrastanja. Ovaj model ne definiše precizno forme i sadržaje saradnje vrtica i porodice/roditelja. U uvodu se naglašavaju prava roditelja da aktivno ucestvuju u vaspitanju svoga deteta, da slobodno biraju ustanovu i programe, organizacione oblike kao i pravo da se aktivno ukljucuju u procese vaspitanja i obrazovanja njihove dece Vaspitna funkcija vrtica kao institucije, smatra se integrativnim delom procesa vaspitne interakcije. Kao što program vaspitnog rada nastaje u interakciji dece i vaspitaca, tako i program saradnje vaspitaca, dece i roditelja nastaje u njihovoj interakciji..

Ø Drugi model predvida vrtic kao relativno zatvoreni sistem u kome

je vaspitno-obrazovni proces unapred planiran od strane vaspitaca i koji je otvoren za intervencije dece u programima u onoj meri u kojoj oni ne menjaju osnovne ciljeve i zadatke. U skladu sa tim, i program saradnje vrtica i porodice polazi od njihovih potreba, ali je isprogramiran unapred, prema zamisli, iskustvu i ocekivanjim vaspitaca. Intervencije roditelja u programima saradnje moguce su u onoj meri u kojoj ne remete definisane ciljeve. Dakle prihvatljive su u domenu

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Ø forme i sadržaja. Pored forme i sadržaja saradnje, godišnjim programima je predvidena cak i njena dinamika

Koliko je ova saradnja fleksibilna? Do 1996. godine, programi su predvidali mogucnost da roditelji ucestvuju u životu svoga deteta u vrticu, uz precizan plan vrtica i precizan dogovor sa roditeljima. Cak su bile predvidene i forme zvanicnog organizovanja roditelja u vrticu. Naime, u svakom vrticu po jedan roditelj iz svake vaspitne grupe bio je na roditeljskim sastancima biran kao clan saveta roditelja vrtica. Ovi roditelji su na nivou Ustanove (svi vrtici su birali po jednog) cinili skupštinu roditelja - korisnika usluga ustanove. Mogli su da ucestvuju u svim odlukama vezanim za njihovu decu (npr. o izletima, nabavkama i opremanju zoo kutaka, nabavki igracaka i drugog potrošnog materijala, nacinima proslave praznika i sl), a jednom godišnje su razmatrali i usvajali, po zvanicnoj proceduri, godišnji program rada Ustanove, koji je sadržao kako organizacione teme i planove tako i zadatke osnovne delatnosti: vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa, preventivno - zdravstvene zaštite i ishrane. Formalno, roditeljima su pružana velika ovlašcenja, a prakticno posmatrano, oni su ta ovlašcenja retko koristili. Njihov angažman je više bio formalan nego suštinski. Izvesne izmene doneo je 80-tih, novi sistem planiranja vaspitnog rada - po temama vezanim za decja interesovanja, i po oblastima razvoja, što svedoci o nastojanjima da se uvaže detetove razvojne potrebe. On nije bio ozvanicen od vlade, ali je bio prihvacen i promovisan od strane vladinih strucnih institucija. Novi pristup je sadržao i nove vaspitne postavke i metode, što je prenošeno roditeljima kroz sve oblike i sadržaje saradnje kako bi se postiglo jedinstvo vaspitnog delovanja. Osnovni nedostatak ove koncepcije institucionalnog vaspitanja bilo je pomanjkanje raznovrsnih vaspitnih modela, pretocenih u programe. U svim vrticima, u zemlji, realizovana je gotovo ista programska orjentacija vaspitanja i obrazovanja, koja se dosta ugledala na školu. Bili su to programi koji su polazili, pre svega, od potreba društva, pa je društvo i definisalo ciljeve vaspitanja. Tako definisane ciljeve pratili su prilagodeni oblici metode i sadržaji rada. Iako je proklamovana aktivna pozicija deteta i roditelja u vaspitnom procesu, dete i roditelj su imali poziciju objekta vaspitanja, odnosno saradnje. Malo je bilo prave interaktivne pozicije izmedu ucesnika/subjekata u procesu vaspitanja (roditelj-dete-vaspitac), kao što su pledirali interakcionisti. Nije zanemarljiv ni podatak da obuhvat dece institucionalnim predškolskim sistemom, obicno nije prelazio 30%. Posle 1996. godine, u zvanicnim programima se znacajno menja kurs u saradnji porodice i vrtica, pogotovo u okviru Modela A. U vrticima koji primenjuju Model B saradnja se realizuje prema vec uhodanim principima saradnje, o kojima je dovoljno receno. Model A je definisan kao krajnje otvoren sistem vasptanja i teži ostvarivanju principa interakcije u svim svojim segmentima. On ne definiše saradnju sa porodicom vec je posmatra kroz definisanje uloge odraslog u vaspitnom procesu, pri cemu tretira sve odrasle sa kojima je dete u kontaktu, kao ucesnike u procesu. Interakciju definiše kao osnovni princip u vaspitanju i obrazovanju predškolskog deteta koji se

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ugraduje u oblike, metode i sadržaje vaspitno-obrazovnog procesa. Kao otvoren sistem, vrtic postaje dostupan svim vaspitnim modelima koje je vaspitna praksa u svetu potvrdila, u teorijskom i prakticnom pogledu, kao i za sve modalitete postojecih vaspitnih doktrina prilagodene potrebama deteta, porodice i društva. Novi modeli koji bi nastali kao domaca doktrina, takode su ocekivani i poželjni. Fleksibilnost je, dakle, programski ozvanicena.

Prikaz iskustva i prakse Cinjenica da su Osnove programa iz 1976. i prateci zakoni, predvidali mogucnost veceg angažovanja roditelja, sama komunikacija sa njima, makar i formalizovana, kroz savete i skupštinu roditelja, sugestije, interesovanja roditelja, njihov konkretan angažman na tome da se život dece u vrticima unapredi, doveli su do preispitivanja postojece prakse u vrticu:

Ø Timovi strucnjaka su zapazili da deci nije baš udobno u vrticima; to su pokazivala svojim ponašanjem: otporom prema dolasku u vrtic, placom, teškocama u formiranju navika ishrane, spavanja, pražnjenja itd

Ø Iako su programi deklarativno bili otvoreni za individualizaciju procesa vaspitanja, to se nije dešavalo i u praksi. Ona je bila kruta i neprilagodena potrebama deteta i porodice. Neprilagodenost se ogledala, pre svega u standardu uslova za život, u ritmu života u vrticu, koji je više bio uskladen sa mogucnostima organizacije procesa rada nego sa detetovim potrebama (narocito na uzrastima do 3 godine) i potrebama i ocekivanjima roditelja.

Ø U anketama i studijama roditelji su izrazili ocekivanja i zahteve za vecom fleksibilnošcu vrtica u odnosu na njihove i detetove potrebe.

Ø To je dovelo do revidiranja kako oblika tako i sadržaja rada sa decom i saradnje sa porodicom, a samim tim i do izmena u organizaciji života vrtica, u metodama rada sa decom. Jednom recju dovelo je do otvaranja vrtica prema detetu, porodici i široj društvenoj zajednici.

Teoreticari pedagogije i psihologije dali su snažan podsticaj prakticarima da u akcionim istraživanjima i studijama ucine napor za prevazilaženje postojece prakse u odnosu izmedu vrtica kao institucije i roditelja kao korisnika usluga. Organizovan je niz akcionih istraživanja u cilju unapredenja oblika, metoda i sadržaja rada sa porodicom i širom društvenom zajednicom. Iz njihovih teorijskih koncepcija razvijem je trend preusmeravanja metodike rada i sa decom i sa roditeljima u našim vaspitnim institucijama. U periodu od 1976 do 1990, predškolsko vaspitanje u našoj zemlji tragalo je, pre svega, za novim formama rada, kako sa decom tako i sa roditeljima. Prakticari su stalno težili unapredivanju prakse. Organizovan je niz akcionih istraživanja u cilju unapredenja oblika, metoda i sadržaja rada sa porodicom i širom društvenom zajednicom.

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Ciljevi ovih istraživanja bili su: Ø da se pronadu nacini koji ce detetu zaista omoguciti da postane

aktivni ucesnik vaspitnog procesa, Ø kako da roditelji, budu aktivniji u vaspitanju svog deteta; Ø da se vrtic dokaže kao važan, ako ne i najvažniji, faktor

socijalizacije, vaspitanja i obrazovanja predškolskog deteta; Ø da se razvija sopstvena vaspitna doktrina proveravanjem u

praksi savremenih svetskih dostignuca, u pedagogiji i psihologiji, o vaspitavanju deteta, o ulozi roditelja u institucionalnom vaspitanju…

Efekti istraživanja doveli su do pozitivnih pomeranja vaspitne prakse, koje su se desile pocetkom osamdesetih godina :

Ø uveden je poseban program adaptiranja deteta i porodice na vrtic, za pojedinacne uzraste, sa ukljucivanjem roditelja u adaptaciju kako bi se što pre i što bezbolnije ostvario proces uspostavljanja uzajamnog poverenja - tzv. ″postepena adaptacija″;

Ø izmenjen je tzv.″režim dana″, koji je preimenovan u ″raspored dnevnih aktivnosti″; to prakticno znaci da je vreme po kome se odvijaju dnevne aktivnosti u vrticu pratilo potrebe deteta i porodice, pre svega, a onda potrebe vrtica kao institucije sa svojim organizacionim i materijalnim limitima (uvedeno je kontinuirano namirenje od 1 do 7 godina, ukinuto je spavanje od 5 do 7 godina, pomereno je vreme dolaska dece u vrtic i odlaska iz vrtica uz uvažavanje potreba porodice…);

Ø roditelju su vrtic i vaspitaci postali dostupni u svako doba dana, nezavisno od formalnog vremena dolaska-odlaska deteta, zakazanog vremena za razgovore, roditeljskih sastanaka i sl.;

Ø vrtic je u svakom pogledu širom ″otvorio vrata roditeljima″, tako da je roditelj mogao da ude u sve prostorije, formiran je tzv. ″kutak za roditelje″ sa strucnom literaturom, panoom za informisanje i sl.

Ø saradnja sa porodicom je u godišnjim programima vaspitaca definisana na tri nivoa: informativni, edukativni i neposredno ukljucivanje u vaspitni proces;

Ø sve važne akcije u vrticu (uredenje, posete, priredbe, izleti…) realizovane su zajedno sa roditeljima, oni su ucestvovali u donošenju svih važnijih odluka koje su uticale na neposredan rad i boravak dece u vrticu, a nisu zadirala u organizaciju rada Ustanove;

Radi preglednijeg prikaza prakse koristice nam podela saradnje sa porodicom na tri nivoa, koja je bila uobicajena u periodu izmedu 80-te i 90-te. I NIVO: Informativni

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Ovaj nivo saradnje obuhvatao je upoznavanje i uzajamnu obaveštenost vaspitaca i roditelja o svemu onome što se odnosi na razvoj, podizanje i vaspitanje deteta. Forme informisanja bile su razlicite :

Ø panoi ili oglasne table bili su najrasprostranjenija forma s obzirom na tadašnje tehnicke i materijalne mogucnosti vrtica;

Ø svakodnevna usmena razmena izmedu vaspitaca i roditelja, takode;

Ø tzv. ″otvorena vrata″ na kojima je vaspitac, medicinska sestra, lekar, pedagog, psiholog razgovarao o pojedinom detetu sa roditeljima, dešavala su se povremeno;

Ø roditeljski sastanci, takode; Ø neformalni boravak roditelja u vrticu; Ø poseta porodici, povremeno je praktikovana, prema potrebama i

interesovanjima; Ø telefonski kontakti, po potrebi; Ø tzv. informatori za roditelje, brošure, štampani tekstovi; Ø ″kutak za roditelje″ adaptiran za kratki odmor, cekanje deteta,

vaspitaca, razmenu i druženje sa drugim roditeljima. Sadržaji su se pretežno odnosili na :

Ø život deteta u porodici: ekonomski, stambeni, socijalni uslovi, organizacija života i dnevni raspored, vaspitni modeli u porodici, porodicna dinamika i atmosfera itd.

Ø život deteta u vrticu: ko i kako vaspitava dete, koliko i koja su deca u grupi sa njim, uslovi i raspored života u vrticu, kvalitet ishrane, zdravstvene zaštite i higijene, materijalni položaj vrtica, placanje usluga, program vaspitanja i obrazovanja;

Ø podaci o razvoju deteta, iz porodice i iz vrtica: kako protice fizicki rast i razvoj, kako se zadovoljavaju osnovne fiziološke potrebe, kako se ponaša, kako izražava svoju licnost, kako koristi i razvija i ispoljava svoje sposobnosti, kao usvaja i poštuje norme ponašanja, kako rešava konfliktne situacije i kako saraduje sa vršnjacima i sa odraslima, kako je orjentisano u odnosu na svoju okolinu, kako se razvijaju mentalne i ostale sposobnosti itd.

II NIVO : EDUKATIVNI Ovaj nivo saradnje porodice i vrtica bio je namenjen usvajanju novih znanja i veština o razvoju i vaspitanju deteta, bez obzira da li je izvor bio porodica ili vrtic. Korišceni su svi strucni resursi unutar više generacija na obe strane. Bile su razvijene sledece forme edukacije :

Ø tematske diskusije, vezane za pojedine probleme koji se pojave u vaspitanju (npr. kao nastaju poremecaji navika, prevencija bolesti disajnih puteva, šta raditi sa detetom kada je besno …), u njima su obicno ucestvovali oni koji su za tu temu

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zainteresovani, a uvod bi pripremio neko od roditelja ili osoblja vrtica;

Ø tribine su organizovane na predlog vrtica ili porodice, izlagac bi bio neko od strucnjaka za temu van porodice i vrtica, a teme su bile iz oblasti živita, važne za razvoj i vaspitanje dece;

Ø roditeljski sastanci, koje su držali vaspitaci, pedagozi, psiholozi sa temama iz decjeg života u vrticu, vezanim za vaspitanje i razvoj (npr. šta je dobra igracka, knjiga, slikovnica, osobine deteta odredenog uzrasta, nagradivanje i kažnjavanje, cucla i flašica - da ili ne, odevanje prilagodeno vrticu, priprema deteta za polazak u školu…);

Ø predavanja sa video i filmskim zapisima; Ø ″kutak za roditelje″ sa strucnom literaturom, casopisima,

prirucnicima, brošurama, tekstovima sa edukativnim sadržajima za roditelje;

Sadržaji ostvareni na ovom nivou saradnje porodice i vrtica odnosili su se na:

Ø preventivnu zdravstvenu zaštitu; Ø psihofizicke karakteristike uzrasta; Ø vaspitanje dece;

III NIVO : NEPOSREDNO UKLJUCIVANJE RODITELJA U VASPITNI PROCES Forme ukljucivanja roditelja u život dece u vrticu bile su najraznovrsnije:

Ø prirodne, životne spontane situacije u vrticu (igra, hranjenje, uspavljivanje…)

Ø unapred isplanirane situacije usmerene na postizanje odredenih vaspitnih ili obrazovnih efekata:(izleti, usmerene aktivnosti, izrada plana vaspitnog rada sa decom za naredni period, opremanje vaspitne sredine, kupovina, izrada i popravka decjih igracaka, poseta radnom mestu nekog roditelja, pozorištu, bioskopu, uredenje dvorišta…)

Osnovni sadržaj ovih formi druženja bilo je druženje, zajednicki provedeno vreme, razmena. Ostvaren je efekat da su i vaspitaci i roditelji razvili viši stepen razumevanja, poverenja, tolerancije.U ovim formama i sadržajima roditelji su se pojavljivali u raznim ulogama: kao volonteri, instruktori, posmatraci, koordinatori, organizatori… Efekti ovako koncipirane saradnje porodice i vrtica, na tri nivoa, bili su višestruki i za jedne i za druge:

Ø znatno je porastao nivo informisanosti jednih o drugima; Ø približene su potrebe i interesi porodice i vrtica u odnosu na

vaspitni i obrazovni proces; Ø decji razvoj je pracen svestrano i sveobuhvatno; Ø podignut je nivo uzajamnog poverenja i tolerancije;

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Ø olakšana je i skracena adaptacija deteta i porodice u celini na vrtic;

Ø povecan je osecaj sigurnosti kod dece, smanjen osecaj uskracenosti;

Ø pozitivna motivacija za vrtic je povišena kod porodice u celini; Ø proširen je repertoar vaspitnih modela za dete; Ø uskladeniji su vaspitni modeli porodice i vrtica…

Osim ovih oblika institucionalnog vaspitanja, postojali su i neki eksperimentalni ili alternativni programi, realizovani takode u institucijama, koji su zahtevali veci stepen i viši nivo saradnje vrtica sa porodicom.To su: U mnogim vrticima realizovani su razliciti psihosocijalni programi u okviru kojih je u vecoj ili manjoj meri intenzivirana saradnja sa porodicom; neki od tih su : ″Samopoštovanje″ koji je u animirao roditelje u cilju podrške programu radionica za podsticanje razvoja samopoštovanja kod dece; radionice su obuhvatale i roditelje i decu, a u nekim sredinama je to bilo veoma uspešno (Backa palanka, Novi sad…) tako da je program podsticanja imao pozitivne efekte i na decu i na njihove roditelje; program ″Cuvari osmeha″ je takode realizovan zajedno sa roditeljima i decom u mnogim sredinama; njegov cilj je bio osnaživanje psihosocijalnih potencijala pojedinca u ratom izmenjenom socijalnom kontekstu; program radionica je ostvarivao svoje efekte indirektno - preko dece, ali i direktno - ucešcem roditelja u radionicama zajedno sa decom i nezavisno od dece; program ″Bukvar decjih prava″ je takode animirao roditelje sa ciljem da se decja prava postave u centar interesovanja i da se programom radionica osvesti u kojoj meri se decja prava poštuju u porodici, a koja i u kojoj meri ne; ovaj program je sadržao i niz akcija koje su roditelji sami ostvarivali , ali pre svega u saradnji sa vrticem; akcije su bile orjentisane na predstavnike lokalne zajednice, ali i na druge roditelje i odrasle koji su animirani u cilju podizanja stepena poštovanja decjih prava; neki od efekata bili su podizanje nivoa decje, socijalne i zdravstvene zaštite u lokalnoj zajednici, poboljšanje uslova za boravak dece u pojedinim ustanovama za decu, pogotovo za decu sa posebnim potrebama, izlaženje u susret potrebama dece koja su na neki nacina bila uskracena, kao što su deca izbeglice, podizanje edukativnog nivoa odraslih u odnosu na decja prava …; svi ovi programi su sadržali ozbiljan program edukacije odraslih - više vaspitaca, manje roditelja; osmišljeni su tako da proizvode efekte unutrašnjih pomeranja u domenu stavova i vrednosti, osecanja i znanja vezanih za temu kojoj su namenjeni; programom je bio obuhvacen veoma veliki broj profesionalaca, pa se može smatrati da su bili znacajan i dragocen inicijator promena sistema vaspitnog delovanja u institucijama sistema; u velikom broju porodica i vrtica, na ovaj ili onaj nacin prisutan je pojam ″cuvari osmeha″, ″doktor za probleme″, ″kovcežic samopoštovanja″… u okviru edukativnog programa ″jezik žirafe u vrticu i školi″ sistemom radionica namenjenih razvijanju nenasilnog nacina komunikacije izmedu dece, dece i odraslih i odraslih snaženi su i razvijani kapaciteti za toleranciju na frustracije, konstruktivno rešavanje sukoba i problema, pozitivnu komunikaciju jezikom osecanja i potreba u emotivno zasicenim situacijama; u porodice i vrtice je edukacijom odraslih ucesnika u vaspitnom procesu postepeno ugradivan pojam i elementi uzajamnog

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vaspitanja, interakcionistickog pristupa vaspitanju za demokratiju… efekti se vide u tome što veliko broj dece i odraslih, edukovanih u ovoj oblasti prepoznaje i pocinje da koristi u svakodnevnom životu jezik osecanja i potreba; U ″Školigrici″ pri Centru za kulturu Stari grad u Beogradu realizovan je program stvaralackog vaspitanja koji je zahtevao takode radionicu kao osnovni metod rada i posebno planiranje i programiranje rada sa decom, pretežno individualno. U ovim formama i programima i saradnja sa porodicom je bila znatno intenzivnija i sadržajnija. Naime, nove metode i sadržaji rada zahtevali su visok nivo poverenja u porodici, a to je nametalo intenziviranje saradnje sa porodicom kao i primenjivanje novih formi saradnje kao što su radionice koje su po sadržaju bile pretežno stvaralacke. Iskustva rada u grupama mešovitog uzrasta, sa novim formama rada i saradnje sa porodicom proizvela su efekat da u ovim grupama nikad nije bilo slobodnog mesta, što govori dovoljno o kvalitetu rada i zainteresovanosti roditelja za njih. Interesantni su bili ekološki programi, koji su nastali u sredinama ekološki ugroženim pa se proširivali i na ostale sredine. Osnovno obeležje ovih programa je bilo potpuno avangardni pristup i široki plan delovanja (najpre šira - lokalna društvena zajednica pa zatim sve vece širenje uticaja). Da bi se postigao efekat bilo je neophodno obezbediti podršku najpre porodice, pa zatim lokalnih vlasti. To je zahtevalo pre svega edukovanje porodice, što je cinjeno najpre indirektno - preko dece, pa zatim direktno. Zatim je porodica ukljucivana u planiranje i sprovodenje akcija u široj zajednici. Najbolji primer je program ″Srce za planetu″ iz vrtica u Pancevu, u okviru koga je ugraden citav niz zaštitnih filtera na industrijskim postrojenjima u Pancevu, nauceno stanovništvo da se štiti od zagadenja na pravilan nacin, a pre svega da štiti bašte i izvore vode, animirana je šira zajednica da povede brigu o zdravlju i zaštiti svog stanovništva, pre svega dece itd; poznati su i tzv, programi ″Ekološki vrtic″ realizovani kako u Beogradu tako i u nekoliko gradova u Srbiji, koji su nastali kao eho pancevackog programa, i koji su uz prilagodavanja lokalnim karakteristikama takode animirali kako decu, tako njihove porodice i širu zajednicu da se zainteresuju za zaštitu životnr okoline; u mnogim od ovih vrtica organizovanim akcijama zajedno sa roditeljima, opremljeni su ekološki centri, uredena su dvorišta, popravljene fasade a unutrašnji prostori opremljeni prirodnim materijalima, prikupljen je citav niz sredstava i materijala za razvijanje viših obrazovnih nivoa iz ekologije, štampane su slikovnice sa ekološkim sadržajima i sl. Program koji opstaje vec nekoliko godina je i sportski vrtic u Beogradu, koji je namenjen iskljucivo deci i porodicama koje žele da od pocetka ucestvuju u realizaciji svih programa; naime, uslov da se dete upiše u ovaj vrtic je da se i roditelji obavežu da ucestvuju zajedno sa decom u programu; program se odvija nekad paralelno (sa decom i sa roditeljima), nekad odvojeno (posebno deca, posebno roditelji); tokom godine postoji program zajednickih aktivnosti i akcija, a za njihovo osmišljavanje, pored strucnjaka koji vodi program, odgovorni su i roditelji; program je , dakle, interaktivan i u postavci i u realizaciji. Specificni oblici a više sadržaji saradnje sa porodicom javljali su se u seoskim sredinama, u kojim su vrtici bili retka pojava i zahtevali su prosvetitekjski rad sa roditeljima i širom zajednicom kako bi zadobili poverenje. Ispit na kome su vaspitaci prolazili ili ne, bio je program pripreme

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dece za školu ( koliko su pesmica i prica deca u vrticu naucila, kaoliko su unapredila svoje ponašanje, izražavanje i kulturu). Rezultati su bili razliciti i zavisili su od pojedinog vaspitaca, što nije bilo dobro, jer se eventualno nezadovoljstvo pojedincem generalizovalo u nezadovoljstvo institucijom. To su bili programi ″Putujuci vrtic″, ″Mala škola″, ″Povremeni rekreativno-zabavni oblici″ - zabavišta, igraonice i sl. Roditelji su pružali podršku ovim programima kako bi zadobili poverenje zajednice i kako bi prerasli u tradiciju. Njihov specifican zadatak bio je da pomognu uspostavljanju adekvatne veze izmedu tradicije i kulture lokalne zajednice i savremenih elemenata obrazovanja koje je vrtic donosio u njihovu sredinu (npr. operacije skupovima u oblasti matematickih pojmova, strani jezik, video tehnika i sl.) U periodu posle 1990. a posebno posle 1996. godine razvijen je citav niz novih oblika i programa rada i saradnje koji su realizovani ne samo u predškolskim institucijama, vec u velikoj meri i van njih. Navešcemo neke od njih, koji su najupecatljiviji:

Ø Programi tipa ″mala olimpijada″ u kojima su ucesnici deca i roditelji; nekada su organizovani na nivou jedne vaspitne grupe, jednog vrtica, nekada kao takmicenje izmedu dva ili više vrtica, a nekada na nivou grada ili šire zajednice (opština, okrug); njihov cilj je da roditelji na trenutak budu deca, tako da se u njima evocira njihovo sopstveno dete kako bi se u vaspitnom pogledu decentrirali iz pozicije odraslog i vaspitno delovali iz pozicije deteta - sa empatijom i razumevanjem detetovih razvojnih i licnih ogranicenja; ovi programi su rado prihvatani od roditelja i njihov efekat je bio podizanje opšte psihološke klime u vrticu ili na viši nivo, ili cak prevodenje sa negativnog na pozitivni nivo; najpoznatije su ″Zvezdane igre″ PU Zvezdara, Beograd;

Ø Programi tipa ″igraonica″ u kojima su roditelji - volonteri stavljani u ravnopravni položaj sa profesionalnim vaspitacima, pedagozima i psiholozima i postajali kreatori i izvodaci vaspitnog programa sa punom odgovornošcu; cilj ovih programa je bio da se roditelj stavi u ravnopravnu poziciju sa vaspitacem po pitanju odgovornosti za vaspitno delovanje i intervenisanje u odnosu na svu decu sa kojom se njihovo dete druži; ocekivalo se da ce roditelj na taj nacin decentrirati svoja ocekivanja od vrtica i kao institucije i kao faktora socijalizacije u odnosu na svoje dete i da ce time postati adekvatniji saradnik vaspitacu u vaspitnom procesu.

Ø Na globalnijem planu, slican program je realizovan u nekoliko gardova u Srbiji u okviru projekta ″Step by step″ - Vrtic kao porodicni centar; u ovom programu roditelji - volonteri bili su redovni saradnici vaspitacima u kreiranju i realizaciji programa rada sa decom, tako da su bili ukljuceni u projekat od pocetka; program je u velikoj meri animirao sve roditelje cija su deca bila upisana u vrtic, primenjivan je u saglasnosti sa njima i prilagodavan njihovim potrebama, odnosno potrebama porodice; program se i dalje realizuje, ne više kao projekat - uz finansijsku pomoc sa strane, vec samostalno - finansiranjem od strane lokalne zajednice;

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Ø U programima namenjenim izbeglim i raseljenim licima u Srbiji kao što su : ″Zdravo da ste″, ″Otvoreni klubovi″, ″radionice za odrasle″ i slicno, edukovan je odreden broj roditelja za rad sa decom i oni i danas ostvaruju taj svoj rad u mnogim izbeglickim centrima, klubovima namenjenim deci, mladima i odraslima; ušavši u programe iz želje da sebi i deci olakšaju adaptaciju na uslove u kojima žive i da razviju decje i sopstvene snage za odbranu od nevolja i frustracija, roditelji i odrasli su postali skoro profesionalci u radu sa decom i danas grade ili proširuju sopstvene programe, osmišljavajuci ih potpuno samostalno, na osnovu aktuelnih potreba koje markiraju u sredini; mnogi od roditelja su danas koautori radionica, koordinatori centara, klubova i sl.

Ø posebni programi koji u velikoj meri obuhvataju rad sa roditeljima, su programi namenjeni deci sa posebnim potrebama, kao što su romska deca, deca sa simptomima autizma, paraliticnim oštecenjima, deca sa sindromom RPM, deca sa hronicnim obolenjima (dijabetes i sl.), sa oštecenjima cula i sl.; programi su usmereni kako na konkretnu edukaciju roditelja za efikasan život i obrazovni rad sa decom, tako i za komunikaciju, ovladavanje psihickim problemima koje donose rast i razvoj, na osposobljavanje dece i podržavanje za maksimalno korišcenje sopstvenih kapaciteta i sl. kursevi za roditelje su raznoliko osmišljeni, prema tipu problematike, ali su ovi programi još u zacetku i u vecoj meri se realizuju tek od 2000-te.

Mnogi odrasli, kako vaspitaci, tako i roditelji, koji su edukovani kroz neki od navedenih programa ili su ucestvovali u nekom od projekata, sada su autori sopstvenih programa koje ostvaruju u nekom od alternativnih formi rada : igraonice, klubovi, radionice, centri i sl.

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Mirjana V. Markovic, savetnik ministra, Ministarstvo za prosvetu Republike Srbije Mogucnosti za inovacije u državnom predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju Otvorenost prema pedagoškim inovacijama državnog predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja datira još od 1976. godine, kada su donete Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja i pripreme dece od šest do sedam godina za polazak u školu. Ovo je bio prvi put da država ne propisuje programe vec samo osnove programa, a svaki vrtic je imao obavezu da na bazi tih osnova pripremi svoj program vaspitno-obrazovnog rada u zavisnosti od specificnosti lokalne zajednice. U svojoj koncepciji Osnove programa otvorile su problem ” otvorenog vaspitanja”,uzele igru i igracku aktivnost za potku pedagoške aktivnosti, a težište sa programskih sadržaja pomerale su na razvijanje sposobnosti. Predložili su fleksibilniju organizaciju života u ustanovi i sl. Evaluacija ovih Osnova programa izvedena je prvom polovinom osamdesetih godina i to je ujedno prva evaluacija obrazovnih programa u Jugoslaviji. (M. Pešic, 1987). Evaluacija je ukazala na dobre strane primene programa, ali i na niz problema koje je trebalo rešavati i otklanjati u daljem procesu razvijanja predškolskog vaspitanja u Srbiji. Neki znacajniji nalazi su:

Ø usmerenu aktivnost gotovo u potpunosti organizuje i neposredno vodi vaspitac;

Ø u slobodnoj igri deca su potpuno prepuštena sebi ili se rede nametljivo ukljucuju vaspitaci;

Ø predominacija frontalnog rada; Ø izbor aktivnosti cešce vrši vaspitac nego deca; Ø mali je procenat individualnog rada; Ø “skriveni programi” u decjim vrticima su visoko struktuirani i

polaze više od odraslog nego od deteta i sl. Najznacajniji zakljucak evaluacije je da državni programski dokumenat predstavlja samo jednu determinantu vaspitno-obrazovnog rada, da njegovo usavršavanje ne garantuje i automatsko menjanje aktualne prakse u predškolskoj ustanovi i da zakonska obaveza da svaki vrtic donosi svoj program nije još uvek realna. Posle ovih nalaza u okviru predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Srbiji se preduzimaju osamdesetih i devedesetih godina istraživanja i to najcešce u realnim kontekstima decjih vrtica - “Razvijanje otvorenog kurikuluma − akciono istraživanje” (M.Pešic); “Decji vrtic kao porodicni centar” (D.Pavlovic); “Etnografski pristup istraživanju” (L.Radulovic); “Istraživanja

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prakticara” (M.Pešic); Prikaz jednog akcionog istraživanja” (T.Pavlovski); “Pedagoška analiza sadržaja” (M.Mitrovic); “Aktivno ucenje” (I.Ivic) i sl. Uzimajuci u obzir savremene teorije obrazovanja, razvoja deteta, ucenja i sl. kao i nalaze istraživanja jugoslovenskih teoreticara i prakticara, prišlo se izradi novog državnog dokumenta na osnovnim tezama:

Ø program ili kurikulum; Ø shvatanje prirode razvoja deteta − humanisticka teorija razvoja Ø ucenje, znanje, obrazovanje − aktivne konstrukcije, deo licnog

razvoja Ø koncepcija vaspitanja − otvoreni sistem vaspitanja Ø evaluacija − kontinuirano procenjivanje i menjanje prakse i sl.

Državni kurikulumi predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja Ministar prosvete (Srbije) donosi pravilnike o Osnovama predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja. U Srbiji se ostvaruju:

Ø Osnove programa vaspitnog rada s decom do tri godine (1994. god.)

Ø Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja dece uzrasta od tri do sedam godina (1996.god.)

Ø Osnove programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada sa decom nacionalnih manjina (1996. god.)

U Crnoj Gori ostvaruju se programi koje donosi Pedagoški savjet Crne Gore:

Ø Program društveno organizovane nege i vaspitanja djece do tri godine (1973.god.)

Ø Program društveno-organizovanog vaspitanja i obrazovanja djece od tri godine do polaska u školu (1973.god.)

Ø Jednogodišnji program za decu koja se u društveno-organizovano predškolsko vaspitanje i obrazovanje ukljucuju godinu dana pre polaska u školu (1973.god.)

Ø Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja (2000) Republika Srbija OSNOVE PROGRAMA VASPITNOG RADA SA DECOM UZRASTA DO TRI GODINE su samo jedan elemenat u celokupnom definisanju uslova u kojima se odvija razvoj dece u institucionalnim uslovima. Njihova osnovna svrha je da definišu cilj i zadatke vaspitanja, opštu povoljnu klimu za razvoj dece, socijalno-emocionalne odnose dece i onih koji se njima bave, sistem potencijalnih aktivnosti za decu i uslove saradnje sa porodicom u vaspitanju dece. Opšti cilj predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja je da dete upozna sebe, ovlada sobom, saznaje svet oko sebe delujuci na njega, razvija odnose sa drugima sticanjem iskustava o njima.Prevodeci opšti cilj predškolskog

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vaspitanja i obrazovanja u termine ponašanja karakteristicne za uzrast deteta do tri godine - Cilj vaspitanja je stvaranje povoljne vaspitne sredine u kojoj ce dete sticati iskustva po svom sopstvenom programu; organizovanim sistemom sadržaja, aktivnosti i metoda, dete ce prevoditi iskustva u saznanja otkrivanjem sebe i svoje okoline, koju ce menjati shodno svojim mogucnostima. Osnovni zadatak vaspitnog radaje da cuva, podstice i oplemenjuje spontane izraze ponašanja malog deteta u odnosu na okolinu. Pored osnovnog zadatka, podloga za razvoj trajnih svojstava licnosti su i posebni zadaci: a) fizicko - senzornog razvoja: * Održavanje fizickog zdravlja dece * Podsticanje razvoja pokreta * Ovladavanje motorikom * Podsticanje celovitog senzornog i perceptivnog razvoja * Razvijanje navika (telesne higijene, uzimanja hrane, pražnjenje i sl.) b) emocionalno - socijalnog razvoja: * Ocuvanje spontanosti i iskrenosti deteta u kontaktu sa svetom * Negovanje otvorenosti deteta za doživljaje * Pružanje pomoci u sticanju samostalnosti * Pružanje pomoci u stvaranju slike o sebi i sticanje poverenja u svoje sposobnosti * Pomaganje detetu u usvajanju osnovnih normi ponašanja u okviru osnovnih moralnih vrednosti (dobro, rdavo) * Podsticanje dece na zajednicko obavljanje aktivnosti * Podsticanje zadovoljstva i radosti kod deteta c) senzornog razvoja:

o Podsticanje i negovanje prirodne radoznalosti malog deteta u odnosu na svet koji ga okružuje

o Podržavanje prirodne mogucnosti deteta da se uživljava u predmete i pojave; negovanje osetljivosti za utiske kao motive za postavljanje pitanja

o Podsticanje rešavanja problema senzorno-motorne inteligencije o Podržavanje na izgled neosmišljene govorne komunikacije

deteta o Podsticanje i bogacenje decjeg govora kao sredstva za

komunikaciju i sticanje saznanja o Podsticanje razvoja senzomotornih i perceptivnih sposobnosti o Stvaranje povoljnih uslova za formiranje pocetnih saznajnih

pojmova kroz prakticne aktivnosti. Opšta nacela vaspitanja razraduju: vaspitnu sredinu u kojoj je dete aktivan subjekt u vaspitnom procesu, neophodnost jedinstva nege i vaspitnog rada, karakteristike povoljne emocionalno-socijalne klime, ulogu igre u

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fizickom i psihickom razvoju, raspored življenja u predškolskoj ustanovi, saradnja sa porodicom u vaspitnom procesu i sl. Struktura Osnova programa sadrži tri uzrasne celine: uzrast dece od 12-18, 18-24 i 24-36 meseca: Svaka od ovih celina sadrži:

Ø Psihicki razvoj (glavne karakteristike razvoja deteta odgovarajuceg uzrasnog perioda: razvoj motorike, percepcije, socioemocionalni razvoj i razvoj saznajnih funkcija − inteligencije, razvoja govora, oblici ucenja)

Ø Negu deteta Ø Socijalno-emocionalne odnose Ø Igru Ø Motoricke aktivnosti Ø Senzorno-perceptivne aktivnosti Ø Muzicko-ritmicke aktivnosti Ø Intelektualne aktivnosti Ø Jezicke aktivnosti i Ø Pricanje i dramatizacija

Pracenje prakticnih ostvarenja ovog programa, pokazalo je na prvom mestu shvatanje znacaja uspešnog ostvarivanja programa samih prakticara. NJihovo pozivanje na strukturu prostora, vremena, socijalne odnose i dovodenje u vezu sa ostvarivanjem sistema aktivnosti dece, kao osnovnog pokretaca razvoja, pokazuje da su ovi strukturalni elementi važan okvir, koji gotovo neprimetno, ali neprestano diktiraju svakodnevne realne programe prakticara, kvalitet življenja dece i odraslih. U procesu planiranja vaspitnog rada, Osnove programa daju široku lepezu mogucih aktivnosti dece. Moguc je izbor i prilagodavanje aktivnosti individualnim osobenostima dece, ali potencira se sloboda prakticara u osmišljavanju sredine, izboru aktivnosti, postupaka − što im sve stvara osecaj profesionalne kompetentnosti i autonomije. Formiraju se vaspitne grupe mešovitog uzrasta, otvaraju se prema porodici, fleksibilniji je raspored života u ustanovi, a sve je to u funkciji potreba dece. Napredak je uocen u oblasti socio-emocionalnog razvoja, sa akcentom na prihvatanju dece, boljem razumevanju njihovih potreba, individualnom postupku i korišcenju aktivnih metoda u radu sa decom i roditeljima. Otežavajuci cinioci su: veliki broj dece u vaspitnoj grupi, nedovonjna opremljenost didaktickim materijalom, nedovoljna strucna pomoc strucnom osoblju, nedovoljna je uskladenost vremena u ustanovi i porodici, tako da dete ne živi po svom biološkom ritmu, nego po ritmu odraslih. U aktivnostima dece, veci deo vremena odnose aktivnosti nege, iz cega sledi da se vaspitne namere odraslih moraju utkati u te aktivnosti. Pored svih prednosti koje nudi savremeni kurikulum i pored napora koji ulažu medicinske sestre koje ga ostvaruju, a delom i same kreiraju, evaluacija pokazuje da je praksa bliža tradicionalistickom, nego modernom naucnom gledanju na dete. OSNOVE PROGRAMA PREDŠKOLSKOG VASPITANJA I OBRAZOVANJA DECE UZRASTA OD TRI DO SEDAM GODINA definišu funkcije predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u ostvarivanju prava deteta

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zadovoljavanju potreba dece, porodice i društva. Ono je nastavak i dopuna porodicnom vaspitanju, otvoreno je za roditenje, njihove uticaje, ideje potrebe i neposredno ucešce, ima veliku ulogu u pripremanju dece za polazak u školu i sistematsko obrazovanje; ublažava razlike medu decom nastale u socijalnim i kulturno-ekonomski uskracenim sredinama; deci ometenoj u razvoju pruža kroz odgovarajuci korektivan postupak vaspitanja, povecanu društvenu pomoc; i darovitoj deci kroz posebne vaspitne postupke stvara mogucnosti ispoljavanja i razvijanja stvaralackih sposobnosti. Kurikulum se temelji na humanistickom shvatanju prirode deteta. Suštinska odrednica je da je dete vrednost samo po sebi, da u sebi nosi pozitivne razvojne potencijale i da je i samo cinilac sopstvenog razvoja socijalizacije i vaspitanja. Humanisticko shvatanje deteta je utemeljeno u savremenim teorijskim i empirijskim saznanjima i definiše ga kao AKTIVNO, INTERAKTIVNO I KREATIVNO BICE. Aktivna priroda deteta se ispoljava u njegovoj inicijativi, u spontanim i eksplorativnim ponašanjima i iznad svega u decjoj igri. Snažan pokazatelj njegove aktivne prirode je njegova uloga kao aktivnog partnera u socijalnim interakcijama − saradnji u zajednickim aktivnostima, komplementarno delovanje, opoziciju, konflikt, partnerstvo. Dete kao aktivno, interaktivno bice, ono je nužno i kreativno bice koje u svim domenima ponašanja stvara i konstruiše. Kurikulum polazi od poštovanja decje licnosti kojoj se pruža prilika da postane svesno svojih osobenosti, da ih prihvata i razvija. Suština kurikuluma je ocuvanje, podsticanje i oplemenjivanje spontanih stvaralackih mogucnosti i svojstava predškolskog deteta, obezbedujuci mu uslove za normalan fizicki, intelektualni, socijalni, emocionalni i moralni razvoj. Ova jedinstvena i celovita koncepcija kurikuluma razradena je u dva modela − model A i model B. Izbor modela vaspitaci vrše na osnovu slobodnog strucnog raspravljanja o njihovim razlikama i slicnostima, vodeci racuna o prethodnom iskustvu; proceni prednosti i nedostataka modela, evidentiranju problema, utvrdivanju nacina za njihovo rešavanje i sl. Ovo je ujedno i prvi put da državni program pored osnova programa nudi više rešenja, a vaspitacu, deci i roditeljima mogucnost izbora. MODEL A − je kurikulum otvorenog sistema vaspitanja i obrazovanja. Polazište programa je dete koje ima potrebu i pravo da bude ono što jeste, raste i razvija se. Ono ima urodenu motivaciju da uci i saznaje, zato uci, kada ono što uci za njega ima znacenje. Ucenje je proces izgradivanja znanja. Igra deteta je nacin izražavanja i specifican oblik ucenja. Vaspitni postupak pruža priliku svakom detetu da bude “svoje”, pomaže mu da bude svesno svojih osobenosti, da ih prihvati i da se razvija sopstvenim tempom. Presudnu ulogu u njegovom razvoju ima socijalna interakcija − socijalni odnosi sa odraslima, decom razlicitog uzrasta i vršnjacima. Opšti cilj predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja je da se doprinese celovitom razvoju deteta, tako što ce mu pružati uslove i podsticaje da razvija svoje sposobnosti i svojstva licnosti, proširuje iskustva i izgraduje znanje o sebi, drugim ljudima i svetu.

Ø Ciljevi predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja su da dete:otkriva, upoznaje samoga seberazvija odnose i stice iskustva i saznanja o drugim ljudima saznaje svet oko sebe i razvija nacine

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delovanja na njega − da otkriva i upoznaje svojstva i odlike predmeta i pojava u svojoj okolini na osnovu sopstvene aktivnosti.

Ø Ciljevi se odnose na postignuca, razvojne ishode ili izgradena saznanja, kao i na delanje, akcije i interakcije koje vode izgradivanju saznanja i razvojnim postignucima. Vaspitni ciljevi ostvaruju se u predškolskoj ustanovi kroz niz spontanih situacija, slobodno odabranih ili zajednicki planiranih aktivnosti, pri cemu se koriste razlicita sredstva, materijali i metode rada.

U skladu sa polazištem ovog modela, osnovna nacela vaspitno-obrazovnog rada su:

Ø Nacelo poštovanja drugog Ø Nacelo angažovanosti Ø Nacelo životnosti Ø Nacelo realisticnosti Ø Nacelo doslednosti

Uloga vaspitaca u skladu sa ciljevima i nacelima je da stvara uslove za kvalitetan život, ucenje i razvoj dece i da direktno podstice razvoj i ucenje. Vaspitac je posmatrac, izvor informacije, partner u pedagoškoj komunikaciji, partner u afektivnoj interakciji, ima motivacionu ulogu, regulator je socijalnih odnosa, procenjivac u domenu postignuca detetovog ponašanja i sopstvenog rada, autonomni donosilac odluka i clan tima vaspitaca. Vaspitac kao kreator kurikuluma i istraživac sopstvene prakse, programira ukupan rad i vaspitnu sredinu, polazeci od posmatranja; na osnovu toga razvija kurikulum i procenjuje njegove efekte. Izvori sadržaja rada nalaze se pre svega u realnom životnom kontekstu “dete uci ono što živi”. Tek potom su to skupovi znanja i umenja pohranjeni u nauci, umetnosti, usmenoj i pisanoj tradiciji. Polazeci od ovog modela, timovi vaspitaca, pedagoga i psihologa razvijaju konkretne programe sa svojim grupama dece. To je proces koji znaci transformaciju institucije i vaspitne prakse koja se u njoj ostvaruje, ali i profesionalni razvoj prakticara. MODEL B − je više struktuiran model programa i razraduje posebno nacela, ciljeve sistema aktivnosti, delimicno programske sadržaje, organizaciju života, saradnju sa porodicom i lokalnom zajednicom. Nacela predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja ukazuju na osnovna obeležja vaspitno-obrazovnog rada i služe kao orijentacija za pripremanje, organizaciju, izvodenje i vrednovanje rada:

Ø Nacelo celovitosti i integriteta Ø Nacelo orijentacije ka opštim ciljevima Ø Nacelo pracenja i podsticanja decjeg razvoja Ø Nacelo aktivnosti i životnosti Ø Nacelo dominacije i igrovnih postupaka Ø Nacelo uskladenosti sa uzrasnim i individualnim

karakteristikama dece Ø Nacelo postepenog osamostaljivanja dece Ø Nacelo socijalne integracije i kontinuiteta

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Osnovni cilj je celovit razvoj ukupnih potencijala deteta i napredovanje u svakom od njegovih aspekata uz kvalitativno usavršavanje onih domena koje je vec usvojilo: Teži se formiranju emancipovane licnosti svesne sebe i svojih potencijala, licnosti koja je otvorena, komunikativna, konstruktivna i kreativna, kod koje su uravnotežene intelektualna, emocionalna i socijalna svojstva, razvijene licne karakterne crte i individualne sklonosti. Ovi ciljevi ostvaruju se kroz sistem aktivnosti koji doprinose ostvarivanju razvojnih aspekata licnosti deteta u celini. Ciljevi sistema aktivnosti: a) FIZICKI RAZVOJ

Ø Ciljevi telesnih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi perceptivnih aktivnosti


Ø Ciljevi društvenih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi aktivnosti za razvoj pozitivne slike o sebi Ø Ciljevi afektivnih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi ekoloških aktivnosti


Ø Ciljevi otkrivackih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi logicko-matematickih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi radnih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi saobracajnih aktivnosti


Ø Ciljevi govornih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi likovnih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi muzickih aktivnosti Ø Ciljevi dramskih aktivnosti.

Za ostvarivanje ciljeva koji su obuhvatili i predloge sadržaja vaspitno-obrazovnog rada potrebna je odgovarajuca organizacija prostora, sredstava, materijala, vremena i aktivnosti dece, kao i njihovo struktuiranje u vaspitne grupe. Saradnja ustanove i porodice treba da se odvija planski i sistematski, sa jasno formulisanim zadacima i utvrdenom dinamikom njihovog ostvarivanja, uvažavajuci spontane potrebe i inicijative od strane roditelja i vaspitaca. Saradnja sa lokalnom zajednicom u najvecoj meri obuhvata saradnju sa školom, ali i drugim akterima koji pomažu u uredivanju dvorišta i igrališta, organizaciju svecanosti, ekološke akcije, akcije za ugrožene, saradnju sa muzejima, bibliotekom, decjim pozorištem, galerijama i slicno. Evaluacija “u hodu” primene Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja dece od tri do sedam godina, pokazala je da je na izbor modela uticalo sledece: predloženi sistem rada, prethodno iskustvo i obrazovanje ali i veca autonomija vaspitaca, mogucnost decjeg izbora aktivnosti, želja za promenama i novim saznanjima.

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Vaspitaci procenjuju da su kroz primenu razumevali pojedine važne profesionalne stavove, drugacije strukturirali vaspitni proces u kome je dete centar dogadanja (“ucim da ih posmatram, otkrivam njihova interesovanja, osluškujem inicijativu dece; deca su samostalnija i slobodnija, imaju priliku da izaberu i vode; spremnost da se bolje upoznamo, prihvatimo, razumemo i uvažavamo; više poštujemo ono što deca misle i govore”). Šta i kako se menja u implicitnim pedagogijama vaspitaca ukazuje sledece: “novina je vaspitacu izazov, naucila sam da budem maštovitija, fleksibilnija, imam drugaciji odnos prema deci, negujem strpljenje dok ne docekam rezultate; kroz primenu programa menjam svoje stavove, preispitujem svoju praksu, posmatram, igram se i saradujem; planiram uloge, interakciju u aktivnostima, podržavam mogucnost izbora aktivnosti dece; sa roditeljima planiram i izvodim aktivnosti”. Od ukupne populacije vaspitaca, strucnih saradnika i direktora u predškolskim ustanovama u Srbiji 10% je ucestvovalo u ovoj evaluaciji Osnova programa. Procenili su da su im cinioci podrške bili: dobro pripremljena sredina za ucenje, otvaranje svih prostora za ucenje dece, pracenje interesovanja i potreba dece, otvorenija i sadržajnija saradnja sa roditeljima, demokraticniji odnos u vaspitanju, radionicarski i timski rad, povecanje profesionalnog dostojanstva i dr. Otežavajuci cinioci su bili: nedostatak materijalnih sredstava, nedostatak didaktickog materijala, nacin propisanog procesa planiranja, teškoce u prihvatanju partnerskog odnosa, tradicionalna organizacija rada, vece otvaranje prema porodici, opterecenost stereotipima, strah od novina i dr. OSNOVE PROGRAMA VASPITNO-OBRAZOVNOG RADA S DECOM PREDŠKOLSKOG UZRASTA NA JEZICIMA NACIONALNIH MANJINA pored ciljeva definisanih u Osnovama programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja definišu i posebne ciljeve:

Ø podsticanje socijalizacije i stvaranje uslova za razvoj dece u skladu sa

osobenostima višekulturne zajednice; Ø ocuvanje i razvoj nacionalnog i kulturnog identiteta; Ø upoznavanje nacionalne kulture i kulturne baštine; Ø usvajanje maternjeg jezika; Ø uspostavljanje kulturnih veza prožimanjem kulture nacionalne Ø manjine sa kulturama vecinskog naroda; Ø stvaranje temelja za interkulturalne veze i komunikaciju; Ø razvijanje komunikativne sposobnosti na srpskom jeziku; Ø stvaranje temelja za dvojezicnost.

Organizacija vaspitno-obrazovnog rada treba da osigura medusobnu toleranciju, razumevanje i jednako uvažavanje svih kultura, razvije aktivan odnos sa lokalnim socijalno-kulturnim okruženjem i obuhvati produkte svih nacionalnih i kulturnih grupa. Ona zahteva stalnu saradnju vaspitnih grupa koje rade na srpskom jeziku: uzajamne posete, zajednicke aktivnosti, kulturne manifestacije, posecivanje kulturno-specificnih domacinstava. Moguci izvori programskih sadržaja su: maternji jezik, kulturno naslede nacionalne manjine, kultura za decu, elementi kulture odraslih, elementi

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nacionalne istorije manjine i zemlje u kojoj žive i elementi religijske kulture prilagodene uzrastu dece (obicaji, mitovi, legende, moralne pouke). Uvodenje ovog programa u predškolskim ustanovama obuhvatilo je snimanje stanja u kojima se odvija rad na jezicima nacionalnih manjina ili dvojezicni rad; identifikovanje sociolingvistickih faktora koji uticu na razvijanje maternjeg i nematernjeg jezika u razlicitim dvojezicnim okruženjima: analizu metodskih postupaka na osnovu metoda posmatranja i analizu efikasnosti programa interaktivnom metodom. Na osnovu prikupljenih podataka sacinjeni su etnojezicki profili vaspitnih grupa, koji su predstavljali polaznu tacku za organizovanje vaspitno-obrazovnog rada. Važan podatak u odredivanju profila vaspitne grupe je stepen dvojezicnosti dece, pocetnodvojezicne i jednojezicne dece. Pracenje primene Osnova programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada s decom predškolskog uzrasta na jezicima nacionalnih manjina, tekao je u nekoliko faza: U prvoj fazi naglasak je bio na prikupljanju statistickih podataka o broju ustanova u kojima se odvija rad na jezicima nacionalnih manjina. Uporedo sa tim teklo je i odgovarajuce informisanje strucnih radnika, pre svega direktora i strucnih saradnika. Sledeca faza je obuhvatila upoznavanje sa novim Osnovama programa ... vodenje rasprave o promenama u metodickom pristupu koji je dobro razraden u prirucniku “Cuvari jezika”, posebno sacinjenom za primenu programa o kome je rec. U ovoj fazi se nisu odvajali vaspitaci prema jezicima (madarski, rusinski, rumunski i slovacki) da bi se naglasila univerzalnost i opštost osnovnih postavki. Sledeca faza je bila organizacija Aktiva vaspitaca koji rade na pojedinim jezicima nacionalnih manjina, gde se kroz sistem radionicarskog, interaktivnog rada, razradivala primena Osnova programa... i prirucnika. Drugi znacajan dogadaj bilo je pokretanje ideje o izradi odgovarajucih prirucnika koji ce konkretnije pokrivati i pratiti problematiku rada s decom kada su u pitanju jezici nacionalnih manjina. Izradeni su prirucnici na srpskom, madarskom, slovackom i rusinskom jeziku, a u pripremi je na rumunskom jeziku. Na izradi prirucnika, pored autora dr Melanija Mikeš, ucestvovao je po jedan strucnjak za jezik na kome se piše prirucnik, ali su ucestvovali i svi vaspitaci odgovarajuceg aktiva. Prakticni primeri koji se nalaze u prirucnicima su upravo njihovi prilozi. Ovakav rad je u velikoj meri vaspitace upucivao na literaturu, promišljanje i postepeno menjanje prakse. Ono što se moglo uociti je, naravno, tesna povezanost i uskladenost Osnova programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja i Osnova programa vaspitno-obrazovnog rada s decom nacionalnih manjina. Upravo iz tih razloga došlo je do kvalitetnih promena i do prenošenja pozitivnih iskustava iz prakse rada na maternjem jeziku na rad na nematernjem jeziku i obrnuto. Narocito je vidno poboljšanje komunikacije medu decom i decom sa vaspitacem. Problem koji je uocen u ovom procesu primene Osnova programa... je vaspitacevo nedovoljno poznavanje srpskog kao nematernjeg jezika. Nedovoljna je osposobljenost vaspitaca za izvodenje ovih aktivnosti.

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Evaluacija prvih godina primene Osnova programa... pokazala je da deca vladaju maternjim jezikom, ali da su spremna da prihvate i razvijaju komunikaciju na namaternjem jeziku. To se vidi iz sledecih podataka: A/ Deca rado prihvataju aktivnosti na srpskom jeziku

Južnobacki i Sremski okrug

Severno i Zapadnobacki okrug

Severno i Južno Banatski okrug


redovno 49 66% 25 43% 51 45% 51% povremeno 23 31% 24 41% 41 37% 36% retko - - 6 10% 8 7% 5% nikad 2 3% 3 6% 12 11% 7% ukupno 74 100% 58 100% 112 100% B/ Deca žele da se druže sa decom iz srpske vaspitne grupe Južnobacki i

Sremski okrug Severno-i Zapadnobacki okrug

Severno i Južno Banatski okrug


redovno 19 26% 20 35% 26 24% 27% povremeno 23 31% 15 26% 43 40% 34% retko 7 9% 13 22% 12 11% 13% nikad 25 34% 10 17% 27 25% 26% C/ U toku aktivnosti na srpskom jeziku, deca spontano upotrebljavaju reci i izraze Severno-i

Zapadnobacki okrug

Severno-i Zapadnobacki okrug

Severno i Južno Banatski okrug


redovno 13 18% 7 12% 27 24% 19% povremeno 25 34% 23 40% 43 39% 37% retko 19 25% 18 31% 27 24% 26% nikad 17 23% 10 17% 15 13% 17% Analize pokazuju da su deca redovno ili povremeno prihvatala aktivnosti na srpskom jeziku kao nematernjem; da povremeno i retko u toku aktivnosti na srpskom jeziku upotrebljavaju spontano reci i izraze na tom jeziku i da se povremeno druže sa srpskom decom u predškolskoj ustanovi. Republika Crna Gora

Državni kurikulumi predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja U Crnoj Gori Pedagoški savjet je 1983. godine doneo “Plan i program predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja”. Prema ovom dokumentu:

Ø Cilj predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja jeste da se u skladu sa pedagoškim i naucnim dostignucima i opštim ciljevima

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vaspitanja najmladim generacijama obezbede uslovi za normalan fizicki,intelektualni, socijalni, emocionalni i moralni razvoj i uspešno dalje vaspitanje i obrazovanje.

Ø Zadaci predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja su: o stvaranje uslova za skladan celokupan rast i

razvoj deteta i zaradosno detinjstvo; o negovanje privrženosti roditeljima, deci i

odraslima, svome kraju i svojoj domovini; o omogucavanje detetu da se igra i saraduje sa

decom i odraslima,da doživljava vrednost svog rada;

o stvaranje uslova da se dete oseca zadovoljno i slobodno, da bogato doživljava i izražava pozitivna osecanja prema ljudima, te da postepeno upoznaje i uvažava osnovne norme ponašanja;

o podsticanje radoznalosti i razvijanje sposobnosti za aktivno i stvaralacko upoznavanje, razumevanje i snalaženje u svojoj prirodnoj i društvenoj okolini;

o razvijanje govora i drugih izražajnih sposobnosti;

o podsticanje decjeg stvaralaštva; o razvijanje zdravog, telesno dobro i skladno

razvijenog deteta. Program društveno organizovane nege i vaspitanje dece do tri godine Pored opštih ciljeva i zadataka ovim programom se ostvaruju i posebni zadaci:

Ø razvijanje zdravog deteta koje ce postepeno ovladavati svojom motorikom;

Ø razvijanje cula osetljivosti kao pretpostavke što potpunijeg doživljaja sveta;

Ø obezbedivanje uslova za izgradivanje osecanja sigurnosti i osamostaljivanja deteta;

Ø odvijanje pravilne nege u ustanovi i porodici. Dalja struktura obuhvata zadatke i sadržaje prema godištima:

Prva godina života: Ø zadaci vaspitnog rada, Ø sadržaji rada do treceg, od cetvrtog do šestog, sedmog

do devetog i od desetog do dvanaestog meseca; Druga godina života:

Ø zadaci vaspitnog rada, Ø sadržaji od dvanaestog do osamnaestog i osamnaestog

do dvadesetcetvrtog meseca, Ø objašnjenje sa metodickim uputstvima;

Treca godina života:

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Ø zadaci vaspitnog rada, Ø sadržaj : fizicko i zdravstveno vaspitanje Ø upoznavanje okoline Ø razvoj govora Ø likovno vaspitanje Ø muzicko vaspitanje Ø objašnjenje sa metodickim uputstvima

Osnovni principi za organizaciju vaspitno-obrazovne delatnosti u jaslicama:

Ø raspored dece po vaspitnim grupama Ø režim dnevnog života Ø organizacija prostora Ø saradnja sa porodicom

Primena programa obuhvata jedinstvo nege i vaspitnog rada, narocito sa decom najmladeg uzrasta. Uvodenje roditelja , narocito majki u vaspitne grupe doprinosi boljoj adaptaciji dece i majki, kao i njihovom ucenju o postupcima pravilne nege i igranju s decom. Posebna pažnja poklanja se higijeni prostora i pedagoškom okruženju za otkrivanje sveta koji okružuje dete. Program društveno-organizovanog vaspitanja dece od tri godine do polaska u školu PROGRAM ima sledecu strukturu:

Mlada grupa ( od tri do cetiri godine): Ø fizicko i zdravstveno vaspitanje

o zadaci fizickog vaspitanja o sadržaji rada: vežbe za razvoj pojedinih mišicnih grupa,

vežbe za o razvoj motornih navika: trcanje, skakanje, penjanje,

puzanje, provlacenje, o kotrljanje, kolutanje, bacanje, hvatanje, gadanje,

dizanje, nošenje, o aktivnosti u vodi i sl. o metodicko-didakticko objašnjenje;

Ø upoznavanje okoline o zadaci upoznavanja okoline o sadržaji: društvena sredina, prirodna sredina o obrazloženje

Ø razvoj govora i kultura izražavanja o zadaci razvoja govora o sadržaji: razlikovanje glasova, artikulacija, recnik,

recenica, o samogovor i govorna stvaralacka igra;

Ø likovno vaspitanje o zadaci likovnog vaspitanja

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o sadržaji: crtanje, slikanje, vajanje, elementi primenjene umetnost,

o osnove estetskog procenjivanja; Srednja grupa ( od cetiri do pet godina):

Ø fizicko i zdravstveno vaspitanje o zadaci fizickog vaspitanja o sadržaji: vežbe za pojedine grupe mišica, vežbe za

razvoj stopala, vežbe za razvoj kretnih navika, sankanje, smucanje, plivanje

o objašnjenja Ø upoznavanje okoline

o zadaci upoznavanja okoline o sadržaji: društvena sredina, prirodna sredina o objašnjenje

Ø razvijanje matematickih predstava i pojmova o zadaci razvoja matematickih pojmova o sadržaji: formiranje brojnih predstava do pet,

uporedivanje predmeta po velicini, razlikovanje predmeta po raznim svojstvima,

o orijentacija u prostoru i vremenu; Ø razvoj govora i kultura izražavanja

o zadaci razvoja govora o sadržaji: razlikovanje glasova, artikulacija, recnik,

pitanja, horski o govor, dramatizacija i govorne stvaralacke igre

Ø likovno vaspitanje o zadaci likovnog vaspitanja o sadržaji: crtanje, slikanje, vajanje, elementi primenjene

umetnosti, o osnove estetskog procenjivanja

Ø muzicko vaspitanje o zadaci muzickog vaspitanja o sadržaji: pevanje pesama, slušanje muzike, igre uz

muziku, decji o muzicki instrumenti o obrazloženje

Starija grupa ( pet do sedam godina):

Ø fizicko i zdravstveno vaspitanje o zadaci fizickog vaspitanja o sadržaji: boravak dece na vazduhu, vežbe za razvoj

pojedinih mišicnih o grupa, vežbe za razvoj stopala, vežbe za razvijanje

kretnih navika, o vožnja bicikla, sankanje, smucanje, vožnja koturaljki o objašnjenje

Ø upoznavanje okoline

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o zadaci upoznavanja okoline o sadržaji: društvena sredina, priroda o obrazloženje

Ø razvijanje matematickih predstava i pojmova o zadaci razvijanja matematickih pojmova o sadržaji: formiranje brojnih predstava do 10, radno i

kolicinsko znacenje broja, uporedivanje brojeva po velicini, razlikovanjepredmeta po velicini i obliku, orijentacija u prostoru i vremenu,merenje

o objašnjenje

Ø razvoj govora i kultura izražavanja o zadaci razvoja govora o sadržaji: artikulacija, recnik, osnovni oblici usmenog

izražavanja,recitovanje, dramatizacija, izražajnost govora, govorna stvaralacka igra, razvijanje interesa za knjigu

o objašnjenje Ø likovno vaspitanje

o zadaci likovnog vaspitanja o sadržaji: crtanje, slikanje, vajanje, elementi primenjene

umetnosti osnove estetskog procenjivanja o objašnjenje

Ø muzicko vaspitanje o zadaci muzickog vaspitanja o sadržaji: pevanje pesama, igre uz muziku, izražavanje

dece uz muziku,decji muzicki instrumenti o obrazloženje

Jednogodišnji program vaspitno-obrazovnog rada u predškolskim ustanovama I ovaj Program sledi strukturu prethodnih programa. U svim oblastima su definisani zadaci vaspitno-obrazovnog rada i data objašnjenja koja su metodicka uputstva za realizaciju sadržaja. Predvideni su posebni sadržaji iz:

Ø fizickog vaspitanja: vežbe za razvoj mišica i navika kretanja Ø upoznavanja okoline: društvena sredina i prirodna sredina Ø razvijanje pocetnih matematickih pojmova: skup, velicina,

geometrijske figure Ø razvoj govora: razlikovanje i artikulacija glasova, razvijanje

govora i samogovora, govorne stvaralacke igre i bogacenje recnika

Ø likovno vaspitanje: crtanje, slikanje, vajanje, elementi primenjene umetnosti, osnovi estetskog procenjivanja

Ø muzicko vaspitanje: spontano muzicko stvaralaštvo, pevanje, igre uz muziku, brojalice

Karakteristike primene ovog programa ocituju se u bogatom razvijanju pedagoške prakse, posebno na podrucju govornog izražavanja, razvoja muzickih potencijala, rada sa lutkom i dramatizaciji. Vaspitaci su svoju praksu

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razvijali u strukturiranim prostorima po decjim kuticima. Vremenska odrednica sleda aktivnosti se dosledno poštovala primenjivanjem posebno izradenog plana aktivnosti. Saradnja sa roditeljima se odvijala putem roditeljskih sastanaka i individualnih razgovora. Posebno treba istaci negovanje poštovanja prema roditeljima, uvažavanju porodice i patrijarhalnih odnosa u užoj i široj porodici. Karakteristika prakse predškolskih ustanova je negovanje stopljenosti sa prirodom: uživanju u njenim lepotama, pracenju promena, negovanju osecanja radosti, zadovoljstva i slobode koju daje priroda, bilo da su deca u planinama ili moru. Sa školama se odvijala planska i sistematska saradnja radi lakšeg prelaska dece iz jedne u drugu sredinu. Dominiralo je: frontalni rad sa decom, planiranje i usvajanje gradiva, transmisija znanja. Uloga vaspitaca je bila u prenošenju znanja predvidenih programom. Dominirale su verbalne metode rada, aktivnosti je organizovao vaspitac i vodio ih poštujuci didakticke principe. Okosnica pedagoškog rada je vaspitna grupa. Programi vaspitno-obrazovnog rada koji su se ostvarivali u Crnoj Gori bili su visokostrukturirani akademski programi. Program predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja za decu od tri do sedam godina ( 2000.god.) Osnove programa polaze od koncepcije otvorenog sistema vaspitanja, izlažu koncepciju vaspitanja, a ne zadaju programe ucenja i poducavanja. Polazište programa je dete, a vaspitac je kreator, istraživac, prakticar i kriticar sopstvene prakse, ne samo realizator programa. Na osnovu ove koncepcije vrši se izbor uslova i sadržaja. Predškolsko vaspitanje je nastavak i dopuna porodicnom vaspitanju, prvi je stepen sistema vaspitanja i obrazovanja, pruža uslove za optimalan razvoj deteta i ono nije samo direktna priprema za školu. Predškolska ustanova je mesto življenja predškolske dece. Polazište programa je dete koje je jedinstveno bice, ima pravo da bude onošto jeste, da uci i razvija se, razume sebe i svet koji ga okružuje, kroz proces otkrivanja izgraduje znanja (a ne usvaja ih), uci putem interakcije sa socijalnom i fizickom sredinom, ima urodenu motivaciju da uci. Igraje nacin izražavanja i specifican oblik ucenja. Ciljevi predškolskog vaspitanja:

Ø Opšti cilj predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja je da doprinese celovitom razvoju deteta predškolskog uzrasta, tako što ce mu pružiti uslove i podsticaje da razvija svoje sposobnosti i svojstvalicnosti, proširuje iskustva i izgraduje saznanja o sebi, drugimai svetu;

Ø Ciljevi predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja su da dete: otkriva,upoznaje i ovladava samim sobom, razvija odnose i stice iskustva i saznanja o drugim ljudima, saznaje svet oko sebe i razvija nacine delovanja na njega;

Ø nacela vaspitno-obrazovnog rada su: Ø poštovanje drugog, angažovanosti, realisticnosti i doslednosti;

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Ø uloga vaspitaca je da stvara uslove za kvalitetan život, ucenje i razvoj dece i direktno podstice razvoj dece i ucenje;

Ø planiranje pedagoškog rada odvija se na tri nivoa: na nivou vaspitne grupe, nivou manje grupe i nivou individualnog deteta. Prethodi mu: posmatranje, slušanje, razumevanje i upoznavanje dece. Planira se na osnovu uocenih interesovanja dece, problema iliuocenih teškoca.

Ø evaluacija je srž angažovanja, put profesionalnog razvoja, angažovanja i posvecenja. Samoevaluacija je procena odnosa izmedu namere vaspitaca, njegovog delovanja i postignutih efekata.

Razradeni ciljevi i tipovi aktivnosti prema aspektima razvoja predškolskog deteta Fizicke i zdravstvene aktivnosti

Ø podsticanje aktivnosti za razvoj motorike preventivne aktivnosti za ocuvanje zdravlja

Ø ciljevi: otkrivanje i ovladavanje sobom razvijanje odnosa i izgradivanje saznanja o drugima otkrivanje sveta i izgradivanje znanja o njemu

Ø tipovi aktivnosti: životno-prakticne i spontane aktivnosti specificne fizicko-zdravstvene aktivnosti kompleksni tipovi aktivnosti

Ø metodicka uputstva Jezicke aktivnosti

Ø ciljevi: otkrivanje i ovladavanje sobom razvijanje odnosa i izgradivanje saznanja o drugima otkrivanje sveta i izgradivanje saznanja o njemu

Ø tipovi aktivnosti: životno-prakticne i spontane aktivnosti specificne jezicke aktivnosti kompleksne aktivnosti

Ø metodska uputstva. Oblast logicko - matematickih aktivnosti

Ø ciljevi: otkrivanje i ovladavanje sobom razvijanje odnosa i izgradivanje saznanja o drugima otkrivanje sveta i izgradivanje saznanja o njemu

Ø tipovi aktivnosti:životno-prakticne i spontane aktivnost specificne matematicke aktivnosti kompleksne aktivnosti

Ø metodska uputstva Oblast socijalno - saznajnih aktivnosti

Ø ciljevi:otkrivanje i ovladavanje sobom razvijanje odnosa i izgradivanje saznanja o drugimaotkrivanje sveta i izgradivanje saznanja o njemu

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Ø tipovi aktivnosti: životno−prakticne i spontane aktivnosti specificne socijalno-saznajne aktivnostikompleksne aktivnosti

Ø metodska upustva Naucno-eksperimentalne aktivnosti

Ø ciljevi:otkrivanje i ovladavanje sobom razvijanje odnosa i izgradivanje saznanja o drugima otkrivanje sveta i izgradivanje saznanja o njemu

Ø tipovi aktivnosti:specificne naucno-eksperimentalne aktivnosti živa bica i aktivnosti aktivnosti vezane za širu okolinu kompleksni tipovi aktivnosti

Ø metodska uputstva Likovne aktivnosti

Ø ciljevi: otkrivanje i ovladavanje sobom razvijanje odnosa i izgradivanje saznanja o drugima otkrivanje sveta i izgradivanje saznanja o njemu

Ø tipovi aktivnosti: životno-prakticne i spontane aktivnosti specificne likovne aktivnosti kompleksne aktivnosti

Ø metodska uputstva Muzicke aktivnosti

Ø ciljevi:otkrivanje i ovladavanje sobom razvijanje odnosa i izgradivanje saznanja o drugima otkrivanje sveta i izgradivanje saznanja o njemu

Ø tipovi aktivnosti: životno-prakticne i spontane aktivnosti specificne muzicke aktivnosti kompleksne aktivnosti

Ø metodska uputstva. Ovaj Program vaspitno-obrazovnog rada je savremenija koncepcija od prethodnih koncepcija programa predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja. Nalazi se u proceduri donošenja od strane Prosvjetnog savjeta Crne Gore. Predstoji donošenje Programa za uvodenje i primenu u predškolskim ustanovama u ovoj Republici. Konkretizacija ovog Programa zavisice od profila predškolske ustanove, stila rada, profesionalnog nivoa strucnog kadra, konkretne vaspitne grupe dece, zahteva roditelja, materijalnih uslova i drugih faktora koji uticu na realizaciju programa. Osnova za uvodenje ovakve koncepcije Programa bio je cetvorogodišnji projekat “Decji vrtic kao porodicni centar”. Projekat je dao vidne pomake u pedagoškoj praksi kada je u pitanju stepen ukljucivanja roditelja, i neposredan vaspitni rad u životu decijeg vrtica; prestruktuiranje prostora u centre interesovanja, rad u malim grupama; primarna uloga vaspitaca je u pripremanju uslova za ucenje, timskom radu, kao i u podizanju ukupnog profesionalnog nivoa. U toku je diseminacija ovog projekta preko model-centara u Podgorici i Herceg-Novom u druge predškolske ustanove. Ovo su dobre osnove za intenzivno strucno usavršavanje u procesu primene novog državnog dokumenta.

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The Importance of Good Early Child Care

In recent years, interest among policy makers in early childhood interventions has greatly increased. As it becomes clearer that positive growth and development of a country is dependent upon a healthy and well-educated society, and that negative development can be traced back to inadequate attention to early childhood development, many international organizations have worked to stimulate further research and discussion on developing young children. Three decades of health science research has shown that mental growth occurs most rapidly in humans during the first eight years of life. Recent studies have shown that brain development during the first year of life is more rapid than previously realized and that influence of the early environment on brain development is long lasting. In the past, the assumption was that brain development was dependent upon the inherited genetic make-up. This assumption has now evolved to incorporate the effect of the interaction between experiences and genes (Shore, 1997). The following

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diagram adapted from Doherty (1997) in a study sponsored by the Canadian government summarizes the critical periods for some aspects of brain development.

Simultaneously, research on Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) programs around the world during recent decades have provided much evidence that good ECCD can:improve primary and secondary school performanceincrease a child’s prospects for higher productivity and future income reduce the probability that the individual will become a burden on public health and social services budgets raise the status of women and reduce gender inequality help achieve greater social equity increase self-esteem, motivation, and social competence in communication In social development terms, good early child care can not only help disadvantaged children to develop their full potential in the same way as more fortunate peers, but to enable children to develop in a healthy way both physically and mentally. Consequently, these children, as they become adults, will be better able to cope with social interaction as a result of greater self-confidence and independence. In economic development terms, good early child care will produce individuals who are able to contribute more positively to society and thus economic growth, and as a result of the above mentioned factors, will be less likely to seek social welfare assistance. For example, an evaluation of the High/Scope Perry Pre-school Program initiated in the US in 1962 showed that an investment of US$1.00 in this ECCD program yielded an estimated US$7.16 in savings from welfare expenditures and increased productivity (Schweinhart, Barnes and Weikart, 1993). What does this mean for public policy? These results, amongst numerous others, indicate that ECCD programs are critical for positive economic growth and breaking cycles of poverty. However, in order for these programs to be successful, they “must be an integral part of a country’s strategy for developing human capital (Young, 1997).”

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Emerging Themes in ECCD Program Development Integrated Programming Scientific research and the experiences of those who implement ECCD programs (especially in developing countries) have shown that there are several factors (for example, health, nutrition, and education) that are tied to adult outcomes. In other words, the type of health care during ECCD has long-term effects which appear during adulthood; this applies also to early childhood nutritional care and education. Since each of these components is directly linked to the development of the child through adulthood, poor care in one of these areas, will decrease positive developments in another area. In other words, if a village has access to a nutrition program for young children, but the children do not have access to clean water and/or positive mental stimulation, the efficacy of the nutrition program will be greatly reduced. Stated in a more positive way, by implementing a holistic program (i.e. a nutrition program which includes provision of clean water), the positive effects of one influence will be greatly enhanced by the positive effects of another. One of the policy issues which emerged most frequently at a UNESCO conference in Amsterdam in 1998 was “the integration of services in early childhood care and education… because it has the capacity to respond to multiple social and educational needs…” The need for such an integrated approach was also reflective of a increasingly heterogeneous world with a plurality of lifestyles and family structures. Furthermore, integrated programs allow for, and encourage, increased cooperation between agencies (public and private) which cope with different aspects of early childhood care and development. For example, cooperation between schools, health clinics, and local community initiatives. Integrated approaches to ECCD not only center around the needs of the individual child, but the interaction between the child and the family and the child and the community. Any ECCD program must take into account the interdependent needs of the parents and the child. This is especially true of disadvantaged parents who may be suffering themselves from poor health and/or mistrust of society. Therefore, if the ECCD intervention does not incorporate the parent, any positive effects for the child are likely to fade overtime because the parent is unable to support these developments and opportunities. The Importance of Parental Involvement “I have learned and grown as a parent and partner with my husband through a variety of programs and workshops. When I joined, I had very few friends with children. Today, I have a network of parents and friends” (parent in the Better Beginnings Program, Kingston, Ontario, as cited in McCain and Mustard, 1999). While debates about the definitions of participation continue (inside vs. outside participation, participation vs. partnership vs. power-sharing) a general consensus has been reached, that some form of involvement of parents in the development of children is crucial to positive development (Conners and Epstein, 1995; Powell, 1993; Sanders, 1996; Swick, 1991 as cited in McBride et. al., 2000). Parental involvement can promote more positive attitudes and greater self-confidence in the ability to support their child’s development and

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encourage their growth as an individual. Without the support and involvement of the parents and family, positive gains from ECCD interventions will not be sustainable. This is especially true for children from disadvantaged or high-risk backgrounds. The most well-known framework for evaluating parental involvement in education (at all levels) and guiding the development of parental involvement programs is Joyce Epstein’s typology (1995). Epstein breaks down the concept of parental involvement into six broad categories:

• Basic Obligations of Parents (e.g., positive home environment) • Basic Obligations of Schools (e.g., communicating with parents about

program and child’s success) • Parent Involvement at School (e.g., volunteering in school activities) • Parent Involvement in Learning and Developmental Activities at Home

(e.g., resources for parents on how to interact with children and help them learn)

• Parent Involvement in Governance and Advocacy (e.g., advisory councils, parent-teacher organizations)

• Collaborating with the Community (e.g., working with local businesses, social service agencies, and private individuals)

These categories serve as a framework for evaluating and planning parental involvement in schools and education. The need for and focus on responsible parenthood and community-based programs has also served as a cornerstone for international organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO and the World Bank. Investing in ECCD Programs If ECCD programs have been proven time and time again to have positive outcomes for both the individual and the child, why are policy makers reluctant to invest in this area? The three immediate answers are:

• the costs are immediate but observable benefits are long term • ECCD is not visible/tangible, rather it is promoting a third generation • ECCD programs are often inter-departmental as opposed to sectored

This means that returns on immediate investments in ECCD programs are not observable immediately. While the inputs are made today (nutrition programs, educational programs, parenting programs, etc), the outputs will not be fully seen until the child has become an adult member of society. By this time, most of the politicians who supported this investment will be out of office. Many non-governmental agencies implementing programs are often under pressure from donors to produce immediate results as proof that the donor’s investment was worthwhile. Finally, as discussed above, the need for complex and integrated programming often requires coordination between a variety of ministries and agencies in environments which are rarely conducive to such cross-fertilization. This further implies that results from ECCD interventions must be measured primarily through longitudinal and inter-disciplinary studies. Consequently, program evaluation and assessment becomes problematic. The results from longitudinal research on past pre-school experiences may

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not necessarily reflect current circumstances. Therefore, evaluations must be viewed as a continuous process, by which adjustments and improvements are made to the program. The need for long-term studies on the effects of ECD programs necessitates careful planning and selection of indicators and data. It also highlights the importance of having good baseline data, against which to measure the long-term results, and a control group for comparative purposes.

ECCD in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Catholic Relief Services has been implementing a program called Parent-School Partnership (PSP) throughout the Balkans and the Caucasus since 1994. The core of this program is to promote positive development of children and civic participation by engaging parents in their child’s education. Although active and present in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) since 1996, CRS/FRY only began implementing the PSP program in late 1998 in the Republic of Montenegro. In October 1999, CRS/FRY decided to establish an education program in the Republic of Serbia as well. After discussions with various local and international agencies and for the reasons cited above, it was determined that CRS/FRY would focus on ECCD. Although a five-year strategy was developed based on these discussions and the experiences of the CRS PSP programs in the region, it was agreed that the first step in this strategy must be to acquire an overall picture of the status of pre-school education in Yugoslavia today. Therefore, the primary goal of this study was to provide a description of the different components of pre-school education in both the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro. Although the authors attempted to be as balanced as possible in presenting the situation in these two Republics, the amount of information available for Montenegro was not as detailed as that for Serbia. Furthermore, the reader must also bear in mind that two major political shifts have occurred since the study was compiled (March-June 2000). First, Kosovo, although a part of this study, is now under the administration of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), and therefore, much of the information conerning current curriculum and methodology may no longer apply. Developments since the arrival of UNMIK have not been incorporated here. Second, in October 2000, both FRY and the Republic of Serbia underwent a monumental shift in political regimes. Although there have not yet been any policy changes with regards to pre-school education, the possibilities for such changes and the types of innovations which may be accepted in this sphere are quite different from last year. In order to contribute to this process of change, as well as our own program development, CRS presents this study by local pre-school experts. Each chapter was prepared by an individual author and reflects the research, observations, and conclusions of that individual. This does not necessarily reflect the opinions of CRS. While the topics included in the study are independent, they have been arranged in such a way that there is a logical flow from one topic to the next. The study begins with an overview of pre-school education in FRY, and moves on to examine training opportunities and programs for pre-school staff,

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forms of cooperation with parents and families, and concludes with an overview of the actual curriculum implemented in pre-school programs in FRY. While some authors have included an analysis, the primary aim was to provide a comprehensive picture of the development of pre-school education in FRY and its forms and challenges of the present day. Jessica Pearl, Education Program Manager, CRS/FRY

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The General Characteristics of the Pre-School Education in FR Yugoslavia

Iskra Maksimovic, Education Technical Advisor, CRS/FRY

Education and the Economic Crisis in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) Education in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is under the authority of the federative republics: The Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro. Education is regularized by republic regulations in accordance with the federal Constitution and the constitutions of the republics. According to the data of the Federal Association of Statistics for the academic year 1997/98, there were 1,837 pre-school institutions which comprised 185,228 children in the FRY and 4,456 primary schools (four-year primary schools, five-year primary schools, six-year primary schools and eight-year primary schools) which comprised 877,445 school children. There were 567 secondary schools which comprised 355,311 school children, 54 colleges which comprised 37,445 students and 95 faculties which comprised 151,596 students. According to the census in 1991 there were 3,900,88952 children and youth below 24 years of age in the FR Yugoslavia. There were 1,283,001 children up to seven years of age, and 1,956,433 young people within the age range from 15 to 27. Since the period beginning in 1991 there has been a massive influx of refugees, therefore the assumption is that these numbers have been estimated on the basis of the crude birth-rate and a growing influx of refugees. The development of education in the FRY in the last decade has been conditioned by numerous factors. Consequently, these factors have had an economic, societal and social impact upon the condition and development of education. The disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic Yugoslavia, the change of the sociopolitical and economic system, and in particular, the act of imposing sanctions against Yugoslavia have affected the development of the whole system of education, including pre-school education. Since 1992, when sanctions against Yugoslavia were first imposed, the Gross National Product (GNP) in the FRY has continued to decrease; in 1994 it was reduced to only one third of the GNP of 1989. The total decrease of the GNP in 1994 was 51.3% of that of 1989, as it was decreasing at the average annual rate of 17,5%. In 1990 education funds were allocated by 4.5% of the GNP53 (112.5 USD per capita), and in 1994 funding was reduced to 4.14% (45.5 USD per capita). The general deterioration of economic activities had an impact upon the real income of the population in the FRY, which in turn caused the decline of the individual and social standard of living, general poverty and the accumulation of social problems. Thus, 1.5 million people

52 Statistics were taken from Damage in Education from NATO Aggression. Ministry of Education, Republic of Yugoslavia, Sector for research and development of education; Belgrade: 1999. 53 Yugoslavian Plan of Action for Children from 2000 (onwards). Government of the FRY; Belgrade: 1996.

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living below the level of poverty in 199054 amounted to 3 million in 1995, 700,000 to 800,000 of them being children. In such conditions55, possibilities of retaining the quality of and standards in education which had been reached before 1991 were diminished. One of the features in recent developments in the system of education in the current Yugoslavia (but also in the former Yugoslav republics) was greater investment into further development of public services. It resulted in a very well-developed network of institutions in social services, that is, almost complete coverage of the population in terms of education and health care and comparatively good social services. The decrease in the GNP caused a severe cut in actual funds for this purpose by more than half. This drastic decrease in funds caused serious difficulties in these areas. Current investments were reduced to a minimum which resulted in problems of infrastructure maintenance (problems in the supply of basic materials and providing new investments) and aggravating social circumstances for further development. This was made even worse by a massive influx of refugees and the homeless coming from the war-affected regions. It has been estimated that of the around 700,000 refugees56, from Bosnia and Herzegovina have found refuge in Yugoslavia, 310,00057 of them are children, i.e. 42% of children below 18 years of age,. Pre-school children amount to 16.7 % of the total refugee population, the percentage of primary school children is the same, while secondary school children amount to 8.5% of all children. According to unofficial data, about 250,000 persons have come from Kosovo. The number of children among them is considerably high. As a result of such circumstances education has been faced with grave financial problems which, in turn, has been reflected in the living standard of those employed in education, and of course, in the difficulties in covering regular maintenance expenses in schools, and in particular, supplying modern technological teaching devices and introducing innovative educational procedures. As education is mostly funded by the republic budget, and, to a lesser degree, by the municipalities, they are the primary sources of covering expenses in education. As these funds do not suffice, covering regular activities in educational institutions (such as income for the employees, teaching expenses, maintenance expenses etc.) are of primary importance, while the funds for the supply of didactic materials, modernizing teaching technology and new investments are reduced. Finally, the system of education in Serbia suffered enormous damage during NATO bombing. During the 79 day long bombing about 400 schools at all levels in education were either destroyed or damaged: about 140 pre-school institutions, 242 elementary schools, 91 secondary schools, 34 buildings of higher education and a considerable number of students halls of residence.

54 Evaluation of the Program in 1996 (Annual Meeting). UNICEF-Belgrade:1996. 55 Development of Education in the FR Yugoslavia, 1994-1995. The report for the 45th session of the International Conference in Education; UNESCO-BIE; Geneva: 1996, Yugoslav Commission for UNESCO, Belgrade: 1996. 56 ibid., pg. 7 57 Yugoslav Plan of Action for Children until 2000, pg. 16

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The Condition of Pre-school Teaching and Education Sanctions and the general economic circumstances which have had an impact upon the whole system of education, have also influenced the further practice and development in pre-school education. The consequences are primarily reflected in the following areas58:

Ø unfavorable financial circumstances in education on the whole, therefore in pre-school teaching and education as well (financial difficulties, lack of funds)

Ø the present state of buildings in pre-school education Ø poor didactic materials and teaching devices

The decline in economic activities has caused the lack of funds intended for child care, which has automatically brought about reduced income of those employed in education and the impossibility of renovating institutions, replacing outdated teaching devices, toys, didactic materials and promoting the teaching practice, even "the quality of food has been affected, but the direct work with children has not been impaired.59" Although there is a well-developed network of pre-school institutions, the number of children covered by pre-school teaching, according to specialists, is not satisfactory. Furthermore, this coverage is uneven, since there is an evident lack of pre-school institutions in some areas, while in others, there are no children to form teaching groups for normal activities in pre-school institutions. There is also unsatisfactory coverage of children in preparatory pre-school programs one year prior to starting school. A comparison made by UNICEF shows that with the exception of Croatia and Macedonia, FRY has comparatively lower enrollment of pre-primary aged children than other countries in the region.


Pre-primary enrollment (gross) as % of age cohort

Primary Enrollment (gross) as % of age cohort

Secondary enrollment (gross) as % of age cohort

Pupil/ Teacher Ratio

Per capita public current spending ($US) on primary education60 (1992)

FRY 32 69 62 22 $129 Slovenia 68 98 92 21 $1130 Croatia 39 87 82 19 --- FYR Macedonia

24 99 63 --- ---

58 ibid., pg. 64 59 ibid., pg. 81 60 Per capita expenditure figures were self-calculated, by dividing available information on primary school enrollment by known figures for public recurrent spending on primary education in the stated years (converted to US dollars). Figures for Yugoslavia are admittedly tentative – given the record hyperinflation and generalized occurring in Yugoslavia in 1992, it is very difficult to state in precise terms just what was the “value” of the investment which did occur. Nevertheless, it is very clear that rapid declining economic conditions have translated into sharp declines in the amount spent per public primary student, particularly when compared with other countries in the region.

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Bulgaria 62 99 77 14 $282 Romania 53 104 78 21 --- Czech Republic

91 104 99 18 $420

Slovakia 76 102 94 22 $498 Poland 48 96 98 17 --- Greece 62 94 95 20 --- Italy 96 101 94 12 --- Germany 91 102 104 --- --- Canada 64 102 105 17 --- United States

70 102 97 20 ---

UNICEF, “Evaluation of the UNICEF-Supported Education Program in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia: 1995/1997”

The System of Social Child Care The system of social child care is organized by the state to help to children and families with children. The system of social child care comprises all children who need special care, protection and help depending on economic and other conditions. In Serbia, the system of social child care implies "socio-historically determined, publicly regulated, guaranteed help funded and provided by the government and the local community for children and families with children, which is aimed at providing social security, meeting developmental needs of children, leveling conditions of their psychological, physical, emotional and social development in order to carry out certain measures of population policies.61" Pre-school teaching and education covers primarily children in pre-school institutions which carry out organized education. The Social Child Care Act in Serbia62 standardizes the system of social child care. It is based on parents’ rights and duties to bring up their children, on children's right to the living conditions which enable their regular psychological and physical development, and the responsibility of the state to provide the required conditions. The system of social child care provides:

Ø Provide basic conditions, which are targeted to children's developmental needs

Ø Pre-school teaching and education Ø Day care, education, preventive health care, nutrition, holidays,

recreation, cultural, social, sporting and creative children's activities

Ø Adequate work with parentless children, emotionally or mentally disturbed children and children from poor families

Ø Special care of the third child in the family. The system of social child care provides parents with the help they need in performing their reproductive, protective, teaching and economic 61 Dr. Ana Gavrilovic, System of Social Welfare of Children in Serbia, Development and perspective. Sluzbeni Glasnik; Belgrade:1998. pg. 27. 62 Social Child Care Act, Sluzbeni Glasnik Republic of Serbia, no. 49/92, 29/93, 53/93, 67/93, 28/94, 47/94, pgs. 25-96. Preschool Education in Serbia. Ministry of Education, Republic of Serbia, department for research and development of education; Belgrade:1998. pg. 36

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functions, while their help to society is reflected in performing professional tasks more efficiently, increasing the birth-rate and fulfilling goals of one's own reproduction. In accordance with the aims of social child care thus defined, parents' and children's rights are precisely determined. There are rights of general interest and their realization is in the authority of the Republic governments. They are:

Ø (for employed women) Reimbursement of income for during maternity leave of absence, prolonged maternity leave of absence of working mothers and leave of absence of persons who adopt a child and are entitled to it in order to take care of the child. During the maternity leave of absence a working mother is entitled to the reimbursement of her full income (in the amount she receives when she is working). In Montenegro she is entitled to the reimbursement of the total sum of her income, and in Serbia she is entitled to the reimbursement of the total sum for the first three children. The legal regulations on employment and social security guarantee a special care of (puerperal) women who have just given birth, parents of a small or sick child, women and workers below 18 years of age.

Ø (for unemployed women) A maternity allowance, which amounts to 30% of the average income in economic sectors is received during one year for the first three children, and even for the fourth child in the regions/municipalities with a falling birth rate. Each mother, except for working mothers, is entitled to this allowance. In Montenegro unemployed mothers receive 50% of the minimal income in the republic. In order to stimulate an increase in the birth-rate in some regions and municipalities in Serbia with a several-year-long falling birth-rate, special stimulative measures for families in these regions have been introduced (the right to a maternity allowance, expenses for the third child in a pre-school institutions paid by the government, the reimbursement of 100% income during the maternity leave of absence for each child, financial help for newborn babies etc.)

Ø Financial help for a newborn baby's necessities (a certain amount of money is allotted to the family): in Serbia, families with three children are entitled to children's allowance according to the regulations. The sum of money given for the first child amounts to 20%, for the second child to 25%, and for the third child to 30% of the average net income in the previous month at the level of the republic. In Montenegro, all children, regardless of the family's financial circumstances, are entitled to the children's allowance.

Ø The reimbursement of expenses for pre-school education of the third child. The third child in the family with three children is entitled to the reimbursement of expenses for a day and half-day care in the pre-school institution.

Ø Children without parental care, children with disturbed development in institutions of social child care and children

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receiving long-term hospital treatment are entitled to pre-school education lasting three to five hours a day.

Ø Pre-school children who are not educated in pre-school institutions are entitled to attend an organized educational program lasting three hours a day in the year before starting primary school. The location for this program is provided by the municipality.

According to the Social Child Care Act of the Republic of Serbia, the municipal authorities provide certain financial aid within their means. Most importantly, the municipality can organize pre-school education and health care of pre-school children within its geographic jurisdiction. In addition, it can organize holidays and recreation of children up to 15 years of age in recreation centers including recreational, educational and athletics programs. The municipal authorities cover the expenses for children from low-income families who are educated in pre-school institutions. The degree of financial support contributed by the municipality depends on the family's financial position and is allocated from the local community budget. Some elements of social child care are integrated into the social welfare system:

Ø children with disturbed psychological or physical development are provided with care in special institutions of education. The activities in these institutions are funded by the budget, or more precisely, social assistance funds.

Ø children from dysfunctional families and children with behavioral problems are provided with the appropriate assistance.

In 1997 social welfare programs in the FRY benefited about 110,921 minors (below 18 years of age) or about 4% of this age cohort63. This included 100,667 beneficiaries from Serbia, and 10,254 beneficiaries in Montenegro. The most numerous group of welfare beneficiaries in FRY are children from dysfunctional families 76,614 (69,034 in Serbia and 7,580 in Montenegro). Within this group, children from low-income families are most numerous. The second category is children with behavioral problems (17,703 children). Then follows the category of emotionally disturbed children (6,063 children) and the category of children with physically challenged development (4,076). Other categories of welfare and social care cover 6,465 children. Different forms of social care organized by the government to help these children are: family accommodation, adoption, accommodation in some other institutions, financial aid, and other forms of providing help. The most frequent forms are regular and occasional allowances. An allowance was received by 215,867 beneficiaries in the course of 1997.

63 Most recent figures according to the Statistical yearbook for FRY 1999.

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Pre-School Teaching and Education in the FRY Pre-school teaching and education is organized by the government and is complementary to the family up-bringing of pre-school children. It provides child care during their stay in pre-school institutions in circumstances which are best suited to their potentials, interests and developmental needs. Being complementary to the education provided by the family, pre-school teaching helps parents in their work with children. Pre-school education simultaneously attempts to even the differences among children which stem from the variety in social, economic and cultural factors in their family backgrounds. Pre-school education is the first stage in the system of education in Serbia and Montenegro. It is not compulsory and it covers children from one to seven years of age. It is organized in the form of day care for children from one to three years of age and as pre-school teaching for children before they turn six or seven years of age, i.e. before they start going to primary school. Children's day care, teaching and educational activities, preventive health care and social functions are provided in pre-school institutions. The concept of pre-school teaching and educational programs should provide conditions for the full growth of pre-school children by stimulating the development of their potential, personality traits, the process of gaining experience and learning about themselves, others and the world. Pre-school teaching and education in Serbia and Montenegro is carried out in the Serbian language, and, according to the legal regulations, it can also be performed in the languages of ethnic minorities. Besides Serbian, pre-school teaching and education in Montenegro can also be carried out in Albanian or bilingually. Pre-school education in Serbia is carried out in the Serbian, Hungarian, Slovakian, Rumanian, Ruthenian, Albanian languages, as well as bilingually. In pre-school institutions where the language of instruction can be either Serbian or the language of ethnic minorities, the decision on the language of instruction is made by parents. Teaching and educational activities in these institutions are legally regularized and parents are informed about possible languages of instruction. The procedure and conditions of implementing the Outlines of the programs in pre-school teaching and education in the languages of ethnic minorities are decreed by the Ministers of Education. Accordingly, a special program of pre-school education in the languages of ethnic minorities is prepared. Legal Regulations on Pre-school Teaching and Education and Social Child Care Pre-school education in Serbia is regulated by the Social Child Care Act64. The comprehensive system of social child care is regulated by this Act. Some aspects of pre-school teaching and education and social child care are regulated by a series of legislative normatives which are based on this Act. These aspects are:

64 Social Child Care Act, Sluzbeni Glasnik Republic of Serbia, no. 49/92, 29/93, 53/93, 67/93, 28/94, 47/94, pgs. 25-96.

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Ø The Outlines of the Program of teaching children until three years of age;

Ø The Outlines of the Program of teaching children from 3 to 7 years of age;

Ø The Outlines of the Program of teaching children in communities with ethnic minorities;

Ø Guidelines on pedagogical documentation; Ø Guidelines on criteria for establishing the network of pre-school

institutions; Ø Guidelines on measures for determining costs of services in pre-

school institutions; Ø Guidelines on specifying conditions for founding and running

pre-school institutions; Ø Guidelines on the standard of teaching devices in pre-school

institutions; Ø Guidelines on the standard of nutrition in pre-school institutions; Ø Guidelines on expert supervision in pre-school institutions.

The Republic administration and its corresponding legislative bodies determine education policies, pass and implement acts and other legal regulations and deal with all legal issues in accordance with these acts. There are also other regional and municipal legislative bodies in charge of meeting educational requirements of the population. The system of social child care in Serbia and its operative procedures are specified by the Republic government and the Minister responsible for social child care, while the teaching, educational and preventive health care functions in pre-school institutions are in authority of the Minister of Education and the Minister of Health Care. The above-listed functions are in authority of the Ministry of Education (teaching and education programs of activities), the Ministry of Social Welfare (programs of social work, the standard of nutrition in pre-school children institutions, providing funds and organizational issues) and the Ministry of Health Care (programs of preventive health care). Because municipal legislative bodies are entitled to found and run pre-school institutions and other children's institutions by the Social Child Care Act, local self-management has demonstrated considerable competence in funding and running pre-school institutions. Other corporations and physical persons can perform this function under the same conditions and circumstances as pre-school institutions run by the government. Pre-school education in Montenegro is under the authority of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Montenegro. The Outlines of the program of teaching and educational activities are issued by the Ministry of Education. Institutions of Child Care Institutional social child care and pre-school teaching and education in Serbia are carried out in institutions of child care. They are pre-school institutions and recreation centers. These institutions and their network are founded by the municipal authorities according to the legal regulations passed by the government. The institution can be opened when the municipal authorities verify whether all the requirements pertaining to the equipment,

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premises, specialists and other employees are met. The Minister of Social Child Care, the Minister of Education and the Minister of Health Care agree on specifying the conditions pertaining to premises, equipment and the number of employees. The Guidelines specify conditions for opening an institution of child care and performing its functions: what the premises should be like (premises include the building and the playground), equipment, the number of specialists and other conditions which need to be fulfilled in order to organize pre-school institutions or children recreation center. In Montenegro pre-school institutions can be run by the government, or partly by the government and partly in private or collective enterprise, or only in private enterprise. Pre-school institutions established and run by the Republic are funded by the Republic budget. According to the Pre-school Teaching and Education Act (1992) pre-school institutions which are founded by the municipal authorities are under the jurisdiction of the Republic. In order to register and run pre-school institutions, certain conditions (in terms of the number of teaching groups, premises, equipment, funds, professional staff and sanitary and technical conditions) strictly specified by legal regulations must be fulfilled. The implementation of legal regulations in the Act is supervised by the republic legislative body in charge of educational activities. Pre-school Institutions Pre-school education is realized in pre-school institutions of day care for children up to three years of age, and in nursery schools for children from three to six/seven, i.e. before starting primary school. It is carried out in various forms of activities of different durations. Teaching can be organized during the week (five days), for the whole day, half a day, a minimal stay, a short stay, or an occasional stay for children up to three years of age and from three to starting school. The law in Serbia also allows for the possibility to organize a form of pre-school care in another family’s home (like foster care), in the parents’ apartment, with hospitalized children, as well as to offer individual assistance such as meals, rest, and recreation to children up to ten years of age The Organization and shape of pre-school institutions The most frequent forms of teaching are carried out in day-long programs from one to three years of age and from three to seven, and three-hour program for children from six to seven years of age. The number of children in teaching groups in pre-school institutions is determined by the Social Child Care Act in Serbia and depends on the age of children:

Ø up to 18 months: 10 children in a teaching group; Ø from 18 months to 2 years of age: 15 children in a group; Ø from 2 to 3 years of age: 18 children in a group; Ø from 3 to 4 years of age: 23 children in a group; Ø from 4 to 5 years of age: 25 children in a group; Ø from 5 to 7 years of age: 30 children in a group; Ø in mixed age groups: 20 children in a group; Ø in hospital treatment: 20 children in a group

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Ø emotionally, physically or special needs children: 8 children in a group;

Ø children in other families and the parents' apartments: 10 children in a group

Ø elementary school age children in mixed groups: 34 children in a group.

According to the Pre-school Teaching and Education Act in Montenegro, the number of children in a teaching group can be:

Ø until 2 years of age: maximum 12 children in a group Ø from 2 to 3 years of age: maximum 14 children in a group; Ø children in mixed age group until 5 years of age: maximum 10

children in a group; Ø from 3 to 4 years of age: maximum 20 children in a group; Ø from 4 to 5 years of age: maximum 24 children in a group; Ø from 5 to 7 years of age: maximum 28 children in a group; Ø from 3 to 7 in a mixed age group: maximum to 20 children in a

group; A pre-school institution in Montenegro may comprise 40 teaching groups at most. In accordance with the normatives in Serbia, pre-school institutions can organize 25 different forms of activities in teaching children:

Ø full-day care of children from 1 to 7 years of age which can last from 9 to 11 hours a day;

Ø half-day care of children from 4 to 7 years of age which can last 3, 4, or 5 hours a day;

Ø a prep-school program of minimal duration for six-year old children who are not already included into the whole day or half-day program;

Ø a traveling nursery school for six-year old children in rural areas. These programs are organized twice or three times a week in specially equipped buses and last three hours

Ø occasional forms of teaching for children from 4 to 10 years of age. They comprise outings which last from one to several days, summer and winter holidays, recreation, nursery school outdoor activities and classes (the duration of these activities is suited to children's needs);

Ø various activities for children from three to ten years of age: ð play-time for children from 3 to 7 (two to three hours a day,

once a week, or every day). During this time children play together, get acquainted with their play-mates, learn how to express themselves and socialize;

ð playing and socializing for children from 3 to 7 years of age (two or three hours a day, twice or several times a week). Children play together and their parents or other adults;

ð story-telling or reading workshops for children from 3 to 7 years of age (one to one and a half hours once or several

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times a week). This activity help children to master oral communication skills;

ð drama workshops for children from 5 to 10 years of age (one to two hours once or several times a week). The goal of this activity is to stimulate creativity in acting;

ð painting workshops for children from 4 to 10 years of age (one to two hours once a week) is aimed at motivating them to develop their artistic expression in painting;

ð music workshops for children from 5 to 7 years of age (one and a half to two hours once or twice a week) is intended for listening to and learning about music;

ð physical teaching for children from 4 to 7 years of age (one or two hours, three to five times a week) is aimed at stimulating their physical development;

ð groups for learning foreign languages for children from 3 to 7 years of age (one and a half to two hours, three to four times a week);

ð workshops in ecology for children from 3 to 10 years of age (one to two hours, once or twice a week) motivate them to learn about ecological phenomena and stimulate their participation in various ecological activities;

Ø workshops for children from 5 to 10 years of age (two to three hours a day) where they make toys, didactic materials etc.;

Ø clubs for children from 3 to 7 years of age (one to three hours a day). In these clubs children can play with their play-mates and learn during their play, while parents can socialize or contact teaching specialists;

Ø private services for children and their families can be: ð recreational and entertaining for children from three to ten

years of age who stay in tourist places, ð baby-sitting services per hour during weekends, holidays or

on other occasions, ð taking care of children 24 hours a day, or for several weeks

according to the family needs, ð working with school children when they need help (studying

with them, finding accommodation for them, etc.), ð nursing and taking caring of ill children, family counseling

on raising children, ð assistance with the cooking and baking upon the family's

request Although the Pre-school Teaching and Education Act offers various possibilities in organizing activities, most pre-school institutions mostly organize the whole day and half-day child care programs. Other forms of child care are less frequently organized, except for organizing children's holidays and recreation, which is somewhat more often planned. The least organized activity is child care in another family or in the family's apartment. According to Dr. Ana Gavrilovic, "The reasons for it lie in the objective complexity of organizing such an activity on the one hand, and the fact that the capacity in

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pre-school institutions until recently corresponded to the existing needs, on the other.65" According to the Pre-school Teaching and Education Act in Montenegro, pre-school institutions can organize their activities as a whole day or half-day child care program. Pre-school Institutions for Children with Special Needs According to the data from 1996 (more recent data is not available) in the Republic of Serbia there are 88 groups of pre-school children challenged in either physical, emotional or mental development. This totals 884 children, plus 53 groups of pre-school children in hospitals which comprise 1,075 children. These children are included into three-hour programs of teaching and education. The same program comprises 88 parentless children66. Recreation Centers for Children Recreation centers are institutions which provide teaching and education, health care, meals, sports and recreation activities, natural history classes out of doors and other forms of active holidays. Goals of activities in recreation centers are:

ð to stimulate normal psychological, physical and social development and to correct or eliminate any negative factor in the child development;

ð to provide conditions for active and healthy life through recreation and leisure activities;

ð to gain experience in living in a group and to learn how to be tolerant in human relations;

ð to eliminate consequences of long periods of living indoors ð to expand existing and acquire new experience and

knowledge. There are two forms of organizing recreation centers for children in the FRY: as parts of pre-school institutions and as separate institutions. In a number of cities such recreation centers for children are within the framework of the existing pre-school institutions. They are separate buildings (14 total) for children's holidays and recreational activities in which certain forms of resting and recreation are organized for children throughout the year. Apart from these, in some places there are recreation centers in the mountains, by the rivers and lakes or on the coast, which are organized as separate institutions (22 buildings) where various forms of recreation and leisure activities are planned, such as camping, winter and summer holidays, recreational teaching and education, outings and excursions. These holiday camps and recreation centers are visited by 50 to 60,000 children through the year. The outlines of the program of active holidays, recreation, staying in health resorts and learning about nature in outdoor activities, are issued by the ministries in charge of pre-school teaching and education. 65 Dr. Ana Gavrilovic, System of Social Welfare of Children in Serbia, Development and perspective. Sluzbeni Glasnik; Belgrade:1998. pg. 95 66 According to analyses of pre-school institutions in the Republic of Serbia for 1996 by the Ministry for Family Care, Belgrade: 1997.

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Private Pre-School Institutions Legal regulations in Serbia and Montenegro allow private day-care institutions and nurseries. They, as all other pre-school institutions, have to meet all the requirements under the provisions of legal regulations. In accordance with this Act, all institutions of pre-school training, either private or run by the government, are required to fulfill the same conditions in order to be allowed to work. The Ministry of Family Care checks whether these conditions are fulfilled and if they are, issues permission to open a private pre-school institution. Private pre-school institutions have the freedom of selecting their own programs of activity, but the Ministry of Education issues its endorsement for their programs. Due to unfavorable economic circumstances, a great number of private pre-school institutions register as baby-sitting or pre-school training agencies which accept 25 children at most. They are also quite often registered as pre-school institutions which organize foreign language courses. There are no available statistical data on private pre-school institutions nor is their work supervised regularly by specialists. Therefore, only indirect conclusions on their work based on very few case studies can be reached. Thus, a case study based on a sample of 15 out of 18 private pre-schools in Novi Sad was carried out67. The case study carried out in Novi Sad demonstrated that the advantages in private institutions of pre-school training are the following: more active, interested and motivated owners and staff of private institutions, greater flexibility in terms of variety in the type and form of activities, the range of different services, and working hours. Private institutions also showed the greatest possible effort to meet the requirements and satisfy the needs of both children and their parents, to provide more intensive and diverse co-operation with parents, and an atmosphere of closer emotional contacts and smaller groups. The observed sample also demonstrated the lack of adequately trained pre-school training staff employed in private pre-school institutions (only 50% of the staff are qualified to work as pre-school teachers), and the situation is even worse with pedagogues and psychologists. Specialists with these profiles are extremely rarely employed in private pre-school institutions, while there were virtually no social workers in any of the pre-school institutions analyzed in this case study. Health care is also inadequate. Furthermore, there is a serious problem of premises. Specifically, in most cases these institutions are situated in renovated apartments adapted for this particular purpose or in rented storefront premises. Both solutions are inadequate and far from meeting the requirements set by the regulations on premises. The problem of feeding the children adequately is not solved in any of these institutions either, and, in addition to all these factors, they are far more expensive than the institutions run by the government. According to the available data, there are only a few pre-school institutions with some religious orientation. “The Angel”, a private pre-school 67 Prentovic, R. State and Private pre-schools (Documents from professional conferences)

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in Belgrade, is run by the Serbian Orthodox Church. “The Angel” provides conditions for the pre-school education of sixty children with an age range three to six. Their activities are carried out in five groups by five pre-school teachers and six specialists. Classes on religion are within the compulsory program of activities. “Bread of Life” is another private pre-school in Belgrade with a certain religious orientation in its program of activities.

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OF YUGOSLAVIA Pre-school institutions provide day-care, food and education for children from one to seven years of age. The number and distribution of these institutions in particular areas are determined according to the number of children who need day-care because both parents are employed. They are predominantly urban areas, big cities and municipal communities, but there is a need for these institutions in some smaller places as well. There are almost no such institutions in rural areas. It is estimated that about 25% of children of pre-school age are enrolled in pre-school institutions and that this number is gradually increasing. Pre-school Education in the FRY There are 1,837 pre-school institutions68 in Yugoslavia, 96.2% of them are located in the Republic of Serbia, and 3.8% in the Republic of Montenegro. These institutions offer services for 185,228 children: 94.4% are placed in the institutions in Serbia, while 5.6% in Montenegro. An average of 100.8 children are enrolled in each pre-school building (i.e. affiliated buildings comprising an institution). Table 1 - Pre-school Training and Education in Yugoslavia in 1998 Yugoslavia Montenegro Serbia Institutions 1,837 70 1,767 Children 185,228 10,369 174,859 Staff 18,153 1,051 17,102 Sources: The Yugoslav Yearbook in Statistics, 1999; Federal Bureau for Statistics, Belgrade, 1999. The data on the trends and tendencies in the scope of pre-school education from 1989 to 1998 demonstrate that there has been a decrease in the scope of this activity, due to unfavorable economic, social and general conditions. The number of children who attend pre-school institutions has not yet reached the level of 1989. Table 2 - Trends in pre-school education in Yugoslavia Year No. of pre-school

institutions Index No. of children Index

1989 1,754 100.0 196,715 100.0 1990 1,743 99.4 191,769 97.5 1991 1,670 95.2 171,138 87.0 1992 1,682 95.9 159,719 81.2 1993 1,638 93.4 146,212 74.3

68 This figure includes the number of institutions and affiliated buildings.

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1994 1,674 95.4 166,586 84.7 1995 1,725 98.3 177,350 90.2 1996 1,748 99.7 182,125 92.6 1997 1,799 102.6 184,890 94.0 1998 1,837 104.7 185,228 94.2 Source: The Yugoslav Yearbook in Statistics, 1999 /YAS, A total of 18,153 employees are engaged in pre-school education: 48.5% are pre-school teachers, 16.6% are medical staff, and 39.9% are administrative and other staff. As it is demonstrated, almost half of all employees are pre-school teachers who are engaged in teaching activities with the children. Table 3 - Staff in Pre-school institutions and users of their services male % female % total % No. of users 96,037 51.8 89,191 48.2 185,228 100 No. of employees 1,056 5.8 17,097 94.2 18,153 100 No. of pre-school teachers

563 6.4 8,353 93.4 8,798 100

No. of medical staff 22 0.7 3,001 99.3 3,023 100 No. of other employees 471 7.4 5,861 92.6 6,332 100 Source: The Statistical Yearbook FRY 1999. As far as the gender of the students in pre-school institutions are concerned, participation is relatively equal between boys and girls, however, the number of boys seems to be somewhat higher than the number of girls. Amongst the staff, more than 94% are females, and amongst the medical staff the percentage of women exceeds 99%. Table 4 - Areas with pre-school institutions in 1998 Serbia Total Central

Serbia Vojvodina Kosovo and


Montenegro FRY

No. of institutions

1,767 1,051 605 111 70 1,837

% 96.2 57.2 32.9 6.1 3.8 100 No. of beneficiaries







% 94.4 64.0 26.0 4.4 5.6 100 Source: The Statistical Yearbook FRY 1999. The greatest number of institutions and users are found in Central Serbia, then in Vojvodina, Kosovo and Metohija, while the lowest are in Montenegro. There are certain differences in the average number of children per institution that demonstrate that the greatest number of pre-school institutions are found in Central Serbia. The Serbian language is used in most institutions of pre-school education (87.7%), but the languages of ethnic minorities are also used in areas inhabited by certain ethnic minorities. The number of pre-school groups and children trained in these institutions in the languages of ethnic minorities depends on the level of interest of the inhabitants in that region or town.

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Table 5 - Pre-school education according to the languages used

FRY Montenegro SERBIA Total Central

Serbia Vojvodina Kosovo and

Metohija Total 1748 67 1681 990 603 88

Serbian 1533 66 1472 979 433 60

Albanian 9 - 9 6 - 3

Hungarian 54 - 54 - 54 -

Romanian 9 - 9 - 9 -

Ruthenian 1 - 1 - 1 -

Slovakian 6 - 6 - 6 -


131 1 130 5 100 25

Source: The Bulletin in Statistics 2158, YSA, Belgrade, 1998. As the table above shows, the greatest number of institutions which use the languages of ethnic minorities are found in Vojvodina, while the Albanian language is used in pre-school education in Kosovo and Metohija and in some institutions in Central Serbia. Pre-school education in Serbia According to the statistical data for 1998, pre-school education in Serbia is carried out in 1,767 centers69 and 7,135 teaching groups. The average number of children per school building is 100, and the average number of children per group is 25. There are differences in the number of children per institution and per group among certain areas in the Republic institutions and groups in Central Serbia are largest in number, while those in Kosovo and Metohija are the smallest. Table 8 -Pre-school education in Serbia in 1998 The average

No. of training groups

No. of children By


By group

Central Serbia 4,766 118,092 113.0 24.8 Vojvodina 2,009 48,697 80.4 24.2 Kosovo and Metohija 360 8,170 69.8 22.7 Republic of Serbia 7,135 174,859 98.9 24.5

The analyzed data demonstrates significant differences in the number of children of certain age groups taught in pre- school institutions. Children up to three years of age trained in pre-school institutions constitute 10.9% of all children (18,917 children, 8,971 girls and 9,946 boys). Almost 90% of the

69 180 pre-school institutions exist in Serbia which encompass a large number of individual school buildings.

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children are older than three.The number of children enrolled increases with the age.The greatest number of children enrolled are between six and seven years of age. Table 9 - Age and sex of users in pre-school institutions in Serbia 1997




TOTAL TOTAL 171,131 114,989 48,054 8,078 GIRLS 82,869 55,945 23,187 3,737 UP TO 2 TOTAL 5,414 3,876 1,101 437 GIRLS 2,566 1,872 504 190 2 - 3 TOTAL 13,503 10,029 2,717 757 GIRLS 6,405 4,792 1,279 334 3 - 4 TOTAL 19,866 14,335 4,546 985 GIRLS 9,636 7,025 2,169 442 4 - 5 TOTAL 24,804 17,161 6,243 1,400 GIRLS 12,155 8,347 3,111 697 5 - 6 TOTAL 35,282 21,644 11,106 2,532 GIRLS 17,160 10,504 5,463 1,193 6 - 7 TOTAL 68,865 45,204 21,812 1,835 GIRLS 33,333 22,078 10,434 821 7 & ABOVE

TOTAL 3,397 2,740 525 132

GIRLS 1,614 1,327 227 60

Children in the most suitable age group for pre-school training (age group 5-7) constitute the largest number of children trained in pre- school institutions (60.6%). It is a significant indicator and further supports the conclusion that the number of pre-school children enrolled positively correlates with the age group. Table 10 - Age and sex of users in pre-school institutions in Serbia 1997 TOTAL CENTRAL



S T R U C T U R E IN % TOTAL TOTAL 100 100 100 100 GIRLS 100 100 100 100 UP TO 2

TOTAL 3.2 3.4 2.3 5.4

GIRLS 3.1 3.3 2.2 5.1 2 -3 TOTAL 7.9 8.7 5.6 9.4 GIRLS 7.7 8.6 5.5 8.9 3 - 4 TOTAL 11.6 12.5 9.5 12.2 GIRLS 11.6 12.5 9.3 11.8 4 - 5 TOTAL 14.5 14.9 13.0 17.3 GIRLS 14.7 14.9 13.4 18.6 5 - 6 TOTAL 20.6 18.8 23.1 31.3 GIRLS 20.7 18.8 23.6 31.9 6 - 7 TOTAL 40.2 39.3 45.4 22.7 GIRLS 40.2 39.5 45.0 22.0 7+ TOTAL 2.0 2.4 1.1 1.6 GIRLS 1.9 2.4 1.0 1.6

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The data on the number of hours spent in pre-school institutions (up to four hours, 4-6 hours, 6-8 hours, longer than 8 hours a day) demonstrates that most of the children, almost 70%, remain in pre-school institutions longer than 8 hours, 22% are in shorter classes lasting 4-6 hours a day, and 8% up to 4 hours a day. That shows that the most frequent form of day-care of pre-school children lasts longer than 8 hours a day, which corresponds to the working hours of their parents. Table 11 - Hours of day-care in pre-school institutions in Serbia 1997



TOTAL 153,047

100,088 47,934 5,025

UP TO 4 HOURS 11,914 4,874 7,040 - 4 - 6 34,401 16,112 18,154 135 6 - 8 - - - - OVER 8 HOURS 106,62

8 78,998 22,740 4,890

5 DAYS (OVERNIGHT) 104 104 - -

S T R U C T U R E IN %

TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 UP TO 4 HOURS 7.8 4.9 14.7 - 4 -6 22.5 16.1 37.9 2.7 6 - 8 - - - - OVER 8 HOURS 69.7 78.9 47.4 97.3 5 DAYS (OVERNIGHT) 0.1 0.1 - -

With regards to the issue of school feeding, 95.9% of all children are fed during their stay in the nursery: 70.4% get more than one meal, and 25.3% get one meal during their stay in the nursery. Table 12 - Meals in pre-school institutions in Serbia 1997



Total Children 153,047 100,088 47,934 5,025

Total Number Fed

146,806 95,404 46,377 5,025

One meal 39,015 15,683 23,332 -

More than one meal 107,791 79,721 23,045 5,025

No. of children not fed in day-care





S T R U C T U R E IN % Total Children 10.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Total Number Fed 95.9 95.3 96.8 100.0

One meal 25.5 15.7 48.7 -

More than one meal 70.4 79.6 48.1 100.0

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No. of children not fed in day-care





Inclusion of Children at the Regional Level There are significant regional differences both in the reach of pre-school education and the age of the children attending.According to the number of groups, about 80.8% are groups of children over three years of age, 19.2% are groups of children up to three years of age; 86.5% of the total are found in senior groups, while junior groups cover 13.5% children. The average junior groups range from 16.5% in Vojvodina to 17.6% in Central Serbia, while the average senior groups range from 25.3% in Vojvodina to 27.4% in Central Serbia. Table 13 - Regional features in pre-school institutions in Serbia 1998

Regional Districts No. of groups No. of children Age up to 3 3-7 up to 3 3-7 Total No.

Children Grad Beograd 486 1,364 7,433 37 ,108 44 ,541 Severno-backi 25 176 515 4 ,744 5 ,259 Srednje-banatski 17 201 231 4 ,296 4 ,527 Severno-banatski 31 190 499 4 ,690 5 ,189 Južno-banatski 38 243 578 6 ,028 6 ,606 Zapadno-backi 23 157 361 4 ,161 4 ,522 Južno-backi 90 514 1, 715 13 ,742 15 ,467 Sremski 41 260 606 6 ,521 7 ,127 Macvanski 24 198 392 4 ,340 4 ,732 Kolubarski 28 118 542 9 ,001 3 ,543 Podunavski 34 148 273 4 ,146 4 ,419 Branicevski 27 114 477 2 ,925 3 ,402 Šumadinski 45 170 964 5 ,258 6 ,222 Pomoravski 34 154 519 3 ,704 4 ,223 Borski 22 85 339 2 ,171 2 ,510 Zajecarski 20 85 312 2 ,033 2 ,345 Zlatiborski 41 207 883 5 ,475 6 ,358 Moravicki 40 138 965 4 ,331 5 ,296 Raški 42 167 938 4 ,886 5 ,824 Rasinski 47 173 999 4 ,687 5 ,686 Nišavski 60 227 1, 208 6 ,030 7 ,238 Toplicki 8 48 152 1 ,366 1 ,518 Pirotski 8 63 151 1 ,598 1 ,749 Jablanicki 22 136 412 3 ,635 4 ,047 Pcinjski 24 159 396 4 ,043 4 ,439 Kosovski 38 102 758 2 ,781 3 ,539 Pecki 27 43 288 1 ,010 1 ,298 Prizrenski 12 38 110 970 1 ,080 Kosovsko-mitrovacki 16 40 250 1 ,104 1 ,754 Kosovsko-pomoravski 4 40 69 830 899 TOTAL 1 ,374 5, 761 23 ,599 151

,360 174, 859

There are, however, considerable regional differences in the number of pre-school institutions and the number of children in them. Thus, the five largest cities in the Republic of Serbia (Beograd, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Niš and Priština) have 465 institutions (26.3% of all institutions in the Republic)

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with 2, 605 groups and 65,288 children in them, which means that 37.3% of pre-school children are taken care of in pre-school institutions in the Republic. Most of these children are in the regional centers and districts which are characterized by the greatest urban population density. Table 14 -Pre-school institutions in the largest cities in Serbia 1998 Cities No. of No. of No. of Average No. of children institutions Educational

groups children Per

institution Per group

Beograd 315 1,850 44,541 141.4 24.1 Novi Sad 53 329 8,869 167.3 26.9 Kragujevac 28 133 4,129 147.5 31.0 Niš 49 209 5,435 110.9 26.0 Priština 20 84 2,414 115.7 27.5 Total 465 2,605 65,288 146.3 25.9

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Organization of Institutions Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic, Professor of Pedagogy, Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade

Connection between the Structure and the Space According to official statistics, 1,837 pre-school structures exist in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia70, of which,

Ø 56.6% are in central Serbia Ø 34.5% are in Vojvodina Ø 5.03% are in Kosovo and Metohija Ø 3.83% are in Montenegro

According to information from the Ministry of Work, Veterans and Social Issues71, the Republic of Serbia has a total of 180 pre-school institutions and the Republic of Montenegro 20. In other words, that means that the entire network of pre-schools in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is comprised of 200 central pre-school institutions, which are comprised of 1,837 nurseries and day care centers. This number of nursery schools and day care centers are considered statistically as the number of pre-schools, and from this arise differences in the total figures. It could be said that one pre-school encompasses an average of eight to nine day care centers and nurseries, which are organizationally one, or individual programs, which is of course only a statistical average. The actual picture is surely different, and it is unclear and incomplete because if the different methodologies used for observing and documenting pre-schools. According to official statistics, in the Republic of Serbia, there are 1,802 buildings (structures) for pre-school education, of which, 994 were built intentionally for use as pre-schools or day care centers (size of 648,649 m2) and 808 buildings were adapted and made suitable for this purpose (size of 82,084 m2). All together there is also 2,460,473 m2 of outdoor space for play activities. In the Republic of Montenegro there are 70 structures for pre-school education with a total indoor space of 28,000 m2 and a total outdoor space of 92,000 m2. Structures used for pre-schools differ according to their intended use. Namely, there exist so-called: Combination children’s space (nursery and day care center with space for other children’s activities): the Republic of Serbia has the majority of these with a total of 569. Nursery only: 379 structures Day care centers only: 46 structures Space for play: areas such as gardens total 575,662m2

70 Statistical Yearbook of Yugoslavia, 1999. 71 According to information from the Ministry of Work, Veterans and Social Issues (1996); A. Gavrilovic (1998): System of Social Care of Children, Sluzbeni Glasnik (1998).

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As it can be seen from the overview above the pre-school net is not equally placed regarding the real needs caused by demographic changes and population migrations before all. The number of buildings and the square meterage of the space intended for pre-school education is the smallest in Kosovo and Metohija72. In general and in accordance with the number of children, there exists the following situation73:

Ø In Vojvodina, 222 children/one building Ø In Central Serbia, 436 children/one building Ø In Kosovo and Metohija, 4,967 children/one building

To be more precise, in Vojvodina there is an average of 2.8 children enrolled per one place74 in a pre-school institution, in Central Serbia 5.5 children and in Kosovo and Metohija 53.6 children per one place. On the other hand, because the available space is not fully or optimally used, in actuality there exists more m2 per child than the legal norm. When the used space is compared with legal standards, data show that in Vojvodina the surface area of pre-school buildings is 3.18 m2 per child bigger, in Central Serbia 0.73 m2 bigger while in Kosovo it is 0.28 m2 smaller than suggested standards. The space per child in Belgrade is also smaller than the standard by 0.29 m2. The reasons stated for this situation are following75:

Ø In Vojvodina there are many pre-schools which are situated in the buildings built up before and after World War I, which were not intended for this purpose

Ø In Central Serbia, the major number of pre-school buildings was built during the period of 1975-1990 funded under the favorable conditions from the Republic means of Solidarity. Therefore, some of the institutions were built even above the standards.

Ø In Kosovo as well as in Belgrade the building standards were respected in general, but the number of the pre-school children was increasing.

Ø Pre-school buildings and their opening were primarily determined by the number of women/mothers employed. Therefore, the data regarding pre-school institutions capacities correlates with the data of women employed.

It is necessary to mention that this image is not absolutely reliable due to the fact that the average number of children per institution is given on different criteria basis. Sometimes, the average number of children per space and per teacher is given by the number of children enrolled, and sometimes by the real average of lessons attended, i.e. by the children’s attendance. This could be variable in regard to the absence of children due to illnesses, especially during the periods of epidemics.

72 It can be expected that the situation after NATO intervention has drastically worsened. 73 Data for Montenegro was not available. 74 Editor’s note: the number of places (i.e. capacity) per school is determined in accordance with regulations as the minimal amount of square meterage required per child. 75 According the analyses of the Ministry for Work, Veterans, and Social Welfare; Belgrade:1996.

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Many buildings that had been built in new settlements were left empty after a certain number of years, because the children who attended the classes grew up simultaneous with a lack of influx of new families. Unfortunately, these buildings are not prefabricated buildings and cannot be moved from place to place according to the needs, which are the results of demographic changes and population migration. The distance from the places where pre-schools are allocated and the places where the children live is very often the reason why parents drop enrollment. Participation in fee is also one of the reasons, especially in the course of the last several years of drastic standard deterioration. The number of children per group varies dependent on the demographic situation, the institution network, the number of the teachers and the number of employed mothers. Generally speaking, approximately 50% of the groups have a greater number of children in all pre-school institutions and in every field of the work than suggested by regulations. Exceptions to these regulations vary between 10-26% more than suggested number of children per groups. The largest groups are in Kosovo (for children of 3-7 years of age) and in Central Serbia, then the groups in Vojvodina and in Belgrade area. Data for the number of children per group in Montenegro is unavailable.

Constraints First, institutions are unevenly distributed, mainly for reasons of demographic changes and population migration, but also due to inadequate building regulations. High costs associated with building nurseries as they are currently built prevents their more functional and rational usage. If prefabricated buildings were possible, the buildings would suit the needs of a migrating population. Second, the economic crisis in the country and its position in international relations has further aggravated the conditions of obtaining and improving equipment, teaching materials and toys. Old-fashioned and over-used didactic materials and toys are used, as most firms which used to deal in producing and distributing these materials stopped working due to the ten-year long economic crisis. Buildings need repairing and painting as well. Finally, more than 50% of the classes are too large, considerably more numerous than is regulated by the standards, which aggravates the process of training even further and may have an undesirable effect on children's health. The analysis of data demonstrates that this is mainly caused by an inadequate institutional network and the lack in new openings for pre- school teachers, which, again, is due to insufficient funding in pre-school education and, most probably, the disadvantage of leaving out demographic and socio-economic factors in planning the network of these institutions.

Recomendations Using mobile prefabricated buildings with all safety measures (Norwegian experience), would ensure a more rational use of funds for

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reconstruction of buildings and adaptation of space, analysis of population needs and a more regular distribution of the network. Erecting cheap, mobile prefabricated buildings for smaller groups of children would be useful in the future development of infrastructure in pre- school education. The change of infrastructure would help reach European standards according to which not more than 25 children should be placed in one training group. A very important measure in supplying pre-school institutions with didactic materials and toys would be to organize it in two ways: replacing ruined toys and teaching materials and buying modern, new ones in accordance with the programs of advanced training for pre-school teachers and innovations in pre-school training.

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Financial means for funding institutions of pre-school teaching and education and covering expenses of child care (such as a maternity allowance, a child's allowances, an infant's allowances, etc.) are provided by the Budget of the Republic of Serbia76. The system of child care was funded by 8.5% of the total sum provided by the Budget of the Republic in 1992,77 4.9% in 1993, 10.5% in 1994, 12.9% in 1995 and 12.6% in 1996. The distribution of funds was severely affected by the decline in production, which was gradually reducing in FRY from 1989 to 1994 at the average rate of 17.5% per year, so that in 1994 it was reduced for 51.3% compared to the production in 1989. Expressed in US$, the production amounted to 3,300 US$ per capita,78 while in 1994 it was reduced by 1,250 US$ per capita. The municipal administration is in charge of paying expenses for free day-care for the third child in a family, holiday and recreation allowances and benefit for the poor. Nursery expenses, pre-school education and preventive health measures for children, together with holiday and recreation expenses for certain categories of people are covered by the budget of municipal authorities either partly or fully. Expenses for the third child and higher child in the family are covered by the budget of municipal authorities. According to the Act on Child Care in Serbia and the Act on Pre-school Training and Education in Montenegro the Budget of the Republic provides funds for:

Ø pre-school programs for six-year olds (three hours per day) one year before starting school

Ø pre-school education for children without parental care, emotionally or mentally disturbed children, and children who have to be hospitalized for a long period.

The criteria for covering expenses in a pre-school institution are under the written mandate of the municipal authorities and depend on the funds provided by the government for the above- listed categories and the financial condition of the family. Expenses may be covered from 30% up to 80% of the total sum, or fully, which depends on the standards of the institution in question. Costs of services in the institution are determined on the basis of these standards. The expenses are then calculated on the basis of these costs and partly reimbursed. As municipal authorities, that is, cities, are in most cases founders of pre-school institutions, they nominate management boards in these institutions and finance them. It is their task to calculate the sum of the money to be reimbursed taking into consideration economic prices of services in pre-school institutions and the financial condition of the families who are users of

76 Statistics for the Republic of Montenegro were not available. 77 Statistics are taken from, Dr. Ana Gavrilovic, System of Social Welfare of Children in Serbia. Sluzbeni Glasnik; Belgrade:1998, pg. 82. 78 ibid. pg. 82

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these services, particularly those with irregular and low incomes. Thus, pre-school education is an activity with an emphasized social welfare function. Table 1: Children according to the sum of money provided by the authorities for their pre-school education- 1997

Children for whom the community particiaptes in covering expenses (by monthly salary

Children for whom the community does not participate in expenses

Total Subtotal

Up to 50%

Below 50%

Full coverage

FR YUGOSLAVIA 182,125 109,630 14,912

38,206 56,512 72,495

MONTENEGRO 10,994 9,533 234 - 3,299 1,461 SERBIA 171,131 100,097 14,67

8 38,206 47,213 71,034

- CENTRAL SERBIA 114,989 72,546 10,815

26,324 35,407 42,443

- VOJVODINA 48,064 24,198 3,820 11,722 8,656 23,866 - KOSOVO AND METOHIJA

8,078 3,353 43 160 3,150 4,725

STRUCTURE BY PERCENTAGE FR YUGOSLAVIA 100.0 60.2 8.2 21.0 31.0 39.8 MONTENEGRO 100.0 66.7 2.1 - 84.6 13.3 SERBIA 100.0 58.5 8.6 22.3 27.6 41.5 - CENTRAL SERBIA 100.0 63.1 9.4 22.9 30.8 36.9 - VOJVODINA 100.0 50.3 7.9 14.4 18.6 49.6 - KOSOVO AND METOHIJA

100.0 41.5 0.5 2.0 39.0 58.5

The authorities participate in the expenses for 109,603 children, that is, 60.2%. Expenses are covered fully for 56,512 children, and only partly for the rest of them. However, there are great differences in the amount of participation in Serbia and Montenegro. In Montenegro out of 10,994 children in pre-school institutions, expenses are covered fully for 84.6% children, with an additional 2.1% receiving partial funding. In Serbia pre-school training is funded for 58.5% of the total children, of which expenses are covered fully for only 27.6%. Table 2 Parents' Occupation





private firm

official/civil service

technical specialist


Serbia - total 173 896

5 840 77 461 21 146 32 553 20 595 16 304

- Central Serbia 117 754

3 450 49 707 14 300 23 610 15 586 1 111

- Vojvodina 48 064 2 335 24 975 5 045 7 085 4 070 4 545 - Kosovo and Metohija

8 078 55 2 777 1 801 1 858 939 648

Montenegro 10 994 80 4 053 1 710 2 217 1 224 1 710 FR Yugoslavia 184

890 5 920 81 514 22 586 34 770 21 819 18 014

Structure in Percentage Serbia - total 100,0 3,4 44,5 12,4 19,1 12,1 8,5 - Central Serbia 100,0 3,0 43,6 12,5 20,7 13,7 6,5

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- Vojvodina 100,0







- Kosovo and Metohija

100,0 0,7 34,3 22,3 23,0 11,6 8,1

Montenegro 100,0 0,7 36,9 15,6 20,2 11,2 15,4 FR Yugoslavia 100,0 3,3 45,0 12,6 19,2 12,0 7,9

The social structure is essential in determining what amount of money will be reimbursed for the day-care in pre-school institutions. The community. i.e. the municipal authority, provides financial help for some categories of users (about 60%). The cost of day-care is covered either fully, over 50%, or up to 50% . The system of parent participation in the cost of day-care in preschool institutions (since the system of social care of children was constituted in 1967) ranged from 50-90% of the actual cost. However, the financial condition of the state on the one hand and parents on the other, affects directly the actual cost of day-care in pre-school institutions and the amount of participation on the part of the parents. According to some research in the last few years (Ana Gavrilovic) most parents whose children are in pre-school institutions are in favor of the present cost of pre-school education. One of the issues of particular interest among pedagogues is funding of private pre-school institutions. As these institutions have not yet been integrated into the existing network of pre-school institutions, they are not allocated any financial means from either the Budget of the Republic or local funds. Parents whose children attend private pre- school institutions pay the actual cost of day-care for their children. Consequently, the costs associated with them are very high and their services can be afforded only by parents whose income is well above the average. However, several new alternative programs which target poor families are now being offered by local non-profit organizations.

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REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA Dr. Mirjana-Mima Pesic, Professor of Pre-school Pedagogy, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade

The Political, Cultural, Social and Economic Context Yugoslav society, both in the former Yugoslavia and, to a somewhat lesser extent, in the present FRY, is characterized by considerable regional and subcultural differences in the degree of economic and social development, historical heritage, tradition and cultural influences. These differences must necessarily be reflected at the level of the family, other social institutions and in raising and teaching children. While institutional pre-school education has a formal tradition in more developed regions of the present Yugoslavia, notably in Vojvodina, longer than one hundred years (the first pre-school institution was founded in Subotica in 1843 after the Frebel model, only a few years after the first Frebel kindergarten was founded in Germany), the first pre-school institutions in some smaller places in the south of Serbia were founded as late as the 1970s, while in a great number of places in rural regions there are no institutions or any other form of pre-children education outside the family. The structure of the family, its members, family relations and the status of the child in the family also demonstrate regional and subcultural differences. In more developed parts of the country in the north and in most urban areas, modern, nuclear families with children as their focus are more frequent, while in the south and in most rural regions, patriarchal families are found in which children are protected despite the family's low social status (Erlih, 1971). A special and very frequent type of the family, both in rural but also in urban environments, is “the family in the process of transformation”79 from the patriarchal to the modern family. These cases, most frequently expanded families which comprise three generations, demonstrate the confusion between old patriarchal and modern patterns of relationships and values, frequent conflicts and tensions and, as a rule, contradictory relations toward children which vary from over--protection to neglect and aggressiveness (Pešic and Arežina, 1983). Nevertheless, the patriarchal, collective orientation in family values and traditional patterns of family relations, still live on in the noticeably paternal attitude toward children and the young, which is typical of almost all types of families (Pešic and Are`ina, 1983; Tomanovic-Mihajlovic, 1997; Pešic et al., 1997). As a cultural pattern, the tendency to overprotect children and a lack of trust in the competence of the young and children have been transferred into the institutional context of raising and educating children in nursery and elementary schools and can last until adolescence (ibid.). The traditional

79 Termin Vere Erlih, Erlich:1971.

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concept of the child as a “weak, frail and dependent” being (Trebješanin, 1991), who needs care, nursing and guidance of adults, with a prolonged period of childhood, seems to be maintained beyond the boundaries of early childhood and, in certain aspects, as long as the period of adolescence. The cultural tradition of this sort can be taken at least as part of the explanation for most parents' attitude toward pre-school education. Among the many reasons for integrating their children into some form of pre-school education outside the family, the majority of parents in Serbia give two reasons: "getting used to living in a group" and "getting ready for starting school" (in terms of education). "Learning how to become independent" falls in fifth place, next to last. This general picture again hides some regional differences. For example, in the municipality of central Belgrade, "learning how to become independent" was listed as a reason almost as often as "learning how to live in a group" (Pešic et al., 1989). The child's status in the nursery school, where most functions are done by the adults instead of the child himself (from routine activities such as dressing and eating, to making decisions on what, when and how something is going to be done) is evidence that the dominant cultural tradition, the concept of the child as an incompetent and weak being, strongly influences the parents’ personal theories of teaching and consequently, the actual practice of the pre-school teacher (see the data in the evaluation study in the text below: Pešic, 1982; Pavlovic-Breneselovic, 1993). Economic, political and ideological factors are the third group of factors which have essentially influenced the character and the development of the system of teaching pre-school children in institutions (outside the family) in the period from World War II until practically today. Although these factors have had an impact at the level of general policies in social child care and the system of pre-school education, their effects are present at all levels down to the actual practice in a teaching group. Economic factors, in combination with policies in social child care, have exerted a significant influence upon the state, and the degree of development and regional differences in the domain of pre-school institutions. Despite considerable investment first into building nursery schools and later into the variety of forms in pre-school teaching, the existing number of nursery schools have never met children's needs nor the needs of families with small children, while the total number of children in all age groups and in all forms of pre-school teaching, as a rule, comprised fewer children in our country than in countries with similar economic and social development (less than 20% in the whole country, which includes regional differences from 14% to 36%). The decentralization in the allocation of funds for erecting new buildings and decorating the premises from the state budget to cities and municipalities has contributed to even greater regional and local differences.

The Development and Features of Pre-school Teaching in Yugoslavia Until the Mid-seventies An undoubtedly significant progress in the system of pre-school institutions in the former Yugoslavia (the establishment and developing institutional networks, in-service teaching of the teaching staff, innovations

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and reforms in the domain of curriculum) continued until the mid-seventies in the direction of forming a comparatively closed, centrally regulated system run by the state80. The above mentioned developments and the increased rate of employed women have caused an almost equal treatment of pre-school education with day care institutions (in their two forms: nursery schools and day care). The two types of pre-school institutions (which were regulated by the Regulations on pre-school institutions from 1952) are the following: day care implies a daily stay of children in the institution, and nursery school implies a half-day teaching and educational program. The two were soon merged into one and the nursery school could organize a stay lasting a whole day, half a day or overnight stay of children in the institution. (The Nursery School Act, 1957). Nursery schools and day-cares (that is, programs of day care of children) are still defined as "basic forms" of institutional pre-school education, and according to the latest data, almost 70% of all pre-school children who are taught in pre-school institutions are included in day care programs. That this situation has been caused more by the policy and the existing possibilities, and not by actual needs and interests on the part of the family, is supported by research. Parents’ interest in and need for half-day or day care programs are almost evenly distributed at the Republic level in Serbia (44% versus 56%), with notable regional differences (Pešic et al., 1989). Half-day programs (which cover a part of the capacity of previous nursery schools) have survived to the present day, but only in the form of preparatory groups in preparatory schools (organized for children one year before starting primary school), owing to the world movement for compensatory teaching81 by the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s. They are the most frequent form of pre-school education apart from day care centers and nursery schools for two reasons. First, parents are interested in a "better start" for their children when they enter primary school, and second, these programs are funded by the government (the Republic budget) and free. When the fact that children of six to seven years of age amount up to 40% of the total number of children in pre-school programs (and children in half-day care amount to 30% of all children in pre-school institutions), the conclusion is that half-day care programs actually amount to the above-mentioned programs in preparatory schools. However, the starting point in the diversification of programs and services (in the 1970s certain different types of programs were offered, ranging from nursing groups and a traveling nursery school in rural areas to family day care programs and "nurses" from institutions), did not bring about a variety of programs nor any significant change in the percentage of pre-school age children enrolled (apart from children of the oldest pre-school age, from six to seven), while some forms of pre-school programs vanished completely. Official programs themselves, which were being changed and modernized in a series of "reforms"(1952, 1959, 1968, 1975), were influenced by the Soviet

80 The characteristic of a state and centrally regulated system existed regardless of whether it was at the federal or republic level. Private organizations were not legally allowed to enter the sphere of pre-school education in Serbia until the Act of Social Care for Children was passed in 1992. 81 Compensatory teaching includes a series of programs whose basic aim is to give poor and vulnerable children an equal and better start.

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programs and Soviet pedagogy in the beginning, and, until recently (The Outlines of Programs in Pre-school Teaching), they were modeled after the curriculum for the first year of elementary school (based on the contents and "areas" of education similar to subjects/disciplines which were taught at school). There was an effort to give a theoretical framework to the Outlines from 1976 which started from the (Marxist) philosophical concept of man's nature and relied on rich scientific evidence on child development and learning processes. It was abandoned half-way through, since such a theoretical starting assumption was not consistently integrated into the whole text of the program document (more detail below). It is certain that in some environments (e.g. in Vojvodina) Frebel's system had an impact upon the pre-school teaching practice, so that even the term "interest" was kept as long as the mid-seventies in systematically organized sections of teaching children. Although not utterly unknown, the system of Maria Montessori has not been influential in the regions of the present Yugoslavia, since none of the Montessori programs have been licensed so far. The development of alternative forms in pre-school teaching has never produced any program variety of importance. Day care and part-time (half-day) preparatory programs for primary school, as well as shorter programs with the same function ("minimal programs") have been practiced with older age groups (see e.g. The Outlines of the Programs from 1975), or they have been derived from them. The closed system of pre-school teaching has both practical and pedagogical meaning. Since it has mainly been developed as a substitute for family care and teaching, the nursery school, and the day care in particular, have been turned into closed institutions with too strict hygiene measures, and parents and other "strangers" have had practically no access. On the other hand, program orientations have followed the traditional approach to education as a transmission of knowledge and offered a closed pedagogical concept of teaching and education focused on adult and ready contents, rather than the child and his real needs. Research in Pre-school Education: The Transformation of Teaching Practice and Working on the Theoretical Framework in Pedagogy At the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1970s pre-school education became the subject of a wide scope of social actions (the movement in favor of compensatory early education) and intensive research. One of the most valuable results of these enterprises and research in this field of study was the establishment of a theoretical framework in pre-school education in accordance with the requirements set by Maria Montessori at the beginning of the century. Results of research in other sciences were not merely applied in schools, but "the scientific method was applied in solving problems at school" (Montessori, 1964:167). Action research as a basic research in pedagogy proved to be the most efficient method. The advantages of action research in pedagogical reform are the following: it is performed in the course of actual teaching practice (e.g. in the nursery school or primary school), pre-school teachers, other specialists, as well as parents and children are integrated into teaching practice (they actually take part in it,

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instead of being mere objects in the research process), and the research is done in the course of changing practical procedures. Simultaneously, action research emphasizes the unity of theory and practice (theory is nothing else but practice one becomes aware of, and practice stops being mere routine and becomes conscious work), on the one hand, and practitioners and research workers on the other. Theory and Programs in Pre-school Education Although Pre-school Pedagogy was included as a scientific discipline at Belgrade University in the academic year 1961/62 (and Pre-school Teaching in 1950) when the Department of Pedagogy was established, no theoretical assumptions of some substance were introduced into teaching practice until the mid-seventies. In the program of pre-school teaching from 1969, "scientific assumptions" were mentioned for the first time as starting points, while the magazine "The Pre-school Child" which was resumed in 1971, started publishing not only practical but also scientific articles. A significant change was, however, made by an official program document from 1976. It was the Outlines of the Program in the practice of teaching and education in the nursery school and the teaching group in the elementary school. This major change was reflected in the fact that the Outlines of the Program were in question, instead of the detailed program, at least in principle (and intentions), which created possibilities of regional and local adjustments to specific working conditions and specific properties of the population accessing the pre-school program. The second important point about it was that the introduction of the Outlines of the program was an attempt to create a program document on the basis of a coherent theory of pre-school education. The introduction of the program document, which was written by the late professor A. Marjanovic, was based on the concept of the nature of man and child (not as a given, but taken as a task), the nature of the child development (as a socio-cultural indirect process, which is based on the activity of the subject and the process of internalization of practical activities, not on acquiring knowledge) and in particular, the "leading" function of play in the development of a pre-school child. These theoretical assumptions played an important part in setting principles for not only the organization of environment (time and space) and the life in an institution, but also the principle of selecting methods in pre-school teaching. The goal of pre-school education was now providing "conditions for normal physical, intellectual, social, emotional and moral development" instead of the previously used term "regulated". This in itself proves that scientific terms have replaced former moralistic or ideological ones. The specification of teaching activities in accordance with separate aspects of the child development and educational processes can, however, be understood as a policy (as a rule, practice proves this) that a general aim of pre-school education, a free individual who develops all his potential is merely reduced to the sum of separate aspects of development, characteristics and individual traits. The Outlines of the program kept the former form of the school curricula. The program could basically be understood as " compulsory material" structured in six "areas" of development and educational practice

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(similar to disciplines in school) by means of specifying tasks and activities for each area. The text of this part of the document often departed from conceptual assumptions in the introductory part and implicitly directed to understanding development as molding a desirable personality from the outside, and learning as the process of transmitting knowledge. The author of the introduction herself stated at some other point in the text that the Outlines of the program, as a document "...only offer possible solutions in realizing ideas from the concept of pre-school education" and that "all theoretical and methodological issues on developing teaching programs and their application in the teaching practice were of secondary importance". (A. Marjanovic, On Possibilities of Scientific Teaching Practice in Pre-school Institutions", The Pre-school Child", 1-4, 1987)82. The concept of the "socialization of small children", as a theoretical model in the practice of pre-school education in Yugoslavia, was later elaborated and partly changed in the works by this author (A. Marjanovic: "Contradictory Issues in Public Education of Pre-school Children", "Thematic Programming", "The Nursery School as an Open System", The Pre-school Child, 1987), and the works of other specialists and experts. According to this concept, the change from the institutional into social education implies the change of basic functions and structures in the nursery schools instead of being a "replacement of and complementary part to the family rearing based on the consumers' relations, the pre-school institution should be given a chance of practicing the parental function at the social level, it should be a place of collective living and decision-making on equal footing by both adults (not only professionals, but parents and other adults in the community) and children. In such an "open" nursery school, the program of teaching is not determined in advance, but its "goals, problems and principles are given, while the program consists in creating activities during the child's stay in the nursery" (Marjanovic, "The Thematic Programming", The Pre-school Child, 1987:50), and the professionals' task is not to transmit knowledge according to the given program, but to understand the child, develop creative exchanges with children and adults as partners, and explore and create their own practice. (This corresponds to a great extent to the role of a pre-school teacher in the Montessori system). This theoretical model of pre-school education is a contemporary version of the open system of teaching, similar to the model of the "thematic curriculum based on lifelike situations", by J. Zimmer from the German Institute for the Young or the Italian Reggio Emillia model of an "open nursery school". What are the properties of an open system of teaching? In an open system of education, both man/child and the educational institution itself (school, a pre-school institution) are viewed as open systems. The child, like the adult, is not only capable of learning and developing, but he has his own motivation to understand himself and the world around him by relying on his own potential, and therefore, having the ability and right to 82 When questioned, Profesor Marjanovic replied several years later (1984-86), when she began the project of developing thematic curriculum through action research. Because of her unexpected and sudden death, the project was only continued in 1991, unedr the title Thematic Planning in Children’s Nurseries.

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make important decisions about his own education. At the same time, the child, just like the adult, is viewed, as a concrete, whole being, not as a sum of abstract properties, traits and abilities. Consequently, planning the teaching and educational process starts from concrete individuals- children and concrete situations- instead of separate, abstract goals and tasks. Learning is understood as a personal synthesis of one's own experience, which means that the same educational situations can result in different knowledge in different children. Children's needs and interests, their actual potential on the basis and by means of which they exchange experiences, and their social and physical environment are the starting points in the educational procedure. Social interactions and communication are of particular significance for the child's development on the whole and his acquisition of knowledge both among his peers and with adults. In partner like, dyadic or small group exchange, conflicts, negotiations and mutual constructions of meaning are frequent and they mark the first step in forming inner, personal knowledge. That means that the pre-school teacher should be able to discover and recognize the child's potential and interests, and bearing them in mind, create educational situations broad enough and flexible enough to challenge and motivate different children to learn. The pre-school teacher contributes to this process of acquiring knowledge more indirectly than directly, by providing conditions and stimulating constructive exchange processes among children, by taking part in problem solving, discussions and practical activities as their partner. Learning is an active construction, and not simply an acquisition of knowledge. It is a construction which is reached by the child in the same manner as by an adult person, that is, on the basis of his own actions and interactions with his physical and social environments. Education can, thus, by no means, be reduced to transmitting verbal, ready-made products of knowledge, but implies a long and complex process of providing conditions and stimuli for children to learn. The open (pre-) school institution implies primarily that it should be a place where children can live a meaningful life and be provided with a set of opportunities and possibilities for their integral development, it is not a place where children are prepared for some selected tasks in their future life. Therefore, the nursery school should not be seen as a place with the predominant function of preparing children for starting school. The nursery school should be open towards the family and the local environment, that is, to children's experience outside the nursery school in order to be a place worth living in. This implies not only parents' and other adults' free access to the institution and the possibility of their direct active participation in its activities, but also the meaningful association of all activities in these three environments. The structure and content of space, the organization of time and the mode of grouping children in the teaching groups form an essential part of the open curriculum. They are not determined in advance so that children and pre-school teachers have to adapt to them, but instead, they are liable to change in the course of mutual planning and agreement. Grouping children into teaching groups is, for example, much more often done on the basis of mixed rather than homogeneous age groups, but that is not a general rule. It is also possible to work in "open groups" and provide conditions for the

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contact and exchange among children of different ages, even if teaching groups are formed on the principle of the same age. Similarly, the organization of time and space in the open system of teaching is not characterized by definite, uniform solutions, but by ways to reach them and reasons for them. Planning and agreement starting from concrete conditions of estimated needs and children's potential with the basic goal of providing conditions for meaningful life, learning and development for all children. The pre-school teacher in the open system of teaching is not in the center of the educational process, but the role of the pre-school teacher is essential in applying this method of teaching. He is not a mere performer of a given program task, but he is someone who plans a curriculum in cooperation with parents and other adults. He plans what will take place in the nursery school and how it will be performed. This requires permanent in-service teaching: the pre-school teacher should keep on studying, taking part in research and advancing his professional knowledge and skills. One of the primary tasks of the pre-school teacher in this system is observing the child both in spontaneous and planned educational activities and situations. Only then, when he gets an insight into what the child can do and knows, how he learns and handles things in different concrete situations, can he reach conclusions on the child's needs, his level of development, interests, and then use them as starting points in planning further activities for the learning process. It means that he is not engaged in a single and simple "diagnostic" observation of children (when he accepts his new group at the beginning of the year). His assignment is a continuous teaching process. The integral part of the observation process is making and comparing notes that serve as reminders in further planning. The next assignment, which is directly associated with the first, is evaluation. Data obtained in the process of observing children have two functions: they serve to estimate children's progress, and serve to evaluate the teacher’s own work as a pre-school teacher. In addition, the criteria for evaluation are not some general standards, nor other children, but previous activities and achievements of the child who is being observed. The results of evaluation procedures can be told to the child himself or his parents, but they mostly help the pre-school teacher himself in planning his further activities. The evaluation of one's own work, self-evaluation, is the basis for advancing one’s professional practice and in-service teaching. Decisions, actions and responses of the pre-school teacher are consequences of certain intentions: whether these decisions/choices, actions and responses are adequate, whether they really lead to desirable effects can be judged only by himself in the process of observing children. Observation and evaluation are the basis for the third task of the pre-school teacher: providing conditions for learning. In the open system of teaching the pre-school teacher provides conditions for and stimulates learning as an active construction of knowledge rather than teaching children directly. Therefore, the organization of space, materials, and teaching groups, relations between the pre-school teacher and children, even his interventions into relations among children, and the general atmosphere in the group, do not precede the educational processes, or exist outside of them, but are precisely the essential part of the open curriculum.

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The Results of Evaluation Procedures It is not sufficient, however, to develop a theoretical model and institute it in an official pre-school program so that a pre-school institution is transformed into an open nursery. Although the introduction of a new program document (The Outlines of the program, 1976) aimed at changing the existing practice (transforming the closed pre-school institution into a "place where children and adults can live together" and transforming the existing educational process of transmitting knowledge from adults to children into a procedure of active learning construction which will start from the child and provide conditions for optimal and useful development of every child) results of the evaluation study which was done three years after first applying this official program demonstrated that this goal had not been reached. An elaborate evaluation study called “Basic Characteristics of Development and Educational Processes in Nursery Schools in Serbia83” (Pešic et al., 1982, Pešic, 1987) was written at the suggestion of the Self Management Community of Interest of Child Care in Serbia, which was at that time in charge of the overall policy of the social child care. The study was funded by the same administrative body, which is in itself a significant fact, as it is evidence of the first official policy in this field which tends to be based on scientific research. The basic goal of this research was to examine the extent to which the Outline of the program (or, more precisely, the concept of pre-school education as the starting assumption in the program document) agreed with the teaching practice in pre-school institutions in terms of goals, tasks and methods, and educational procedures on the one hand, and the structure of educational process in terms of its social, time and space organization, on the other. If the global organization of life in the pre-school institution and segments of the planned educational procedure (so-called “directed activities”) are taken as indicators of actual educational processes, then the data in the evaluation study speak of a considerable divergence of practice from the theoretical model (The Outlines, 1976). In more than 60% of the nursery schools examined in the study, the teaching process reflected a “highly structured program which is performed by the pre-school teacher,” i.e. it starts from the adult and is directed toward the child (during the day the pre-school teacher chooses activities three times, and materials and objects for activities and their play, twice more often than the children), while rote work with the whole teaching group is a dominant method most often performed by the pre-school teacher himself talking to the group of pre-schoolers. The comparison of pre-school teachers' written plans, evidence of pedagogical notes, and the data obtained by observing directed activities in the group in which the official program was applied, demonstrated that the formulation of developmental goals, even separate fields of development (goals in the field of socio-emotional development) are lost in favor of goals in learning, which are reduced to acquiring knowledge. Time, space and social organization of life in the nursery school are mostly uniform and rigid in their framework, independent of the needs and interests of both children and pre-school teachers, which means that the

83 From this point forward refered to by the author as “E-S”.

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nursery school is not a place of "collective life". Moreover, most teachers remain unaware of this "hidden curriculum of the institution" which is understood as something not associated with the educational program. Apart from this global picture, the study demonstrated that despite the unique official program of pre-school education, there are huge and considerable differences in both conditions and methods in teaching practice in nursery schools among regions, places, teaching groups in the same institution, and even in the same teaching group at different hours of the day (e.g. "the program of free activities" versus the already mentioned "program of directed activities"). The relationship between the model of the program and the teaching practice is marked by another type of "program" - the personal program of the pre-school teacher, that is, his private theory of teaching. Data obtained in this area of research indicate that it is precisely these teaching procedures and educational methods which pre-school teachers apply at work that are to the greatest extent in accordance with their personal programs (the term "implicit pedagogical procedures" is used in the research). At the same time, considerable differences have been found in the work of various pre-school teachers in both their personal theories of teaching and the degree in which these theories are implicit, i.e. consciously applied. Pre-school teachers who have been estimated as most successful, according to all indicators and specialists' assessment, apply, as a rule, elaborate personal theories of pre-school teaching and their work demonstrates a high degree of accordance between these theories and their practice. Similar evaluation research, although somewhat limited in scope, has examined preparatory programs which are applied one year prior to starting primary school – “Values and Effects of the Short Teaching and Educational Programs in the Year before Starting School in Preparatory Schools and Traveling Nursery Schools in Serbia”84. It has already been stated that programs in all forms of teaching pre-school children conform to the Outlines of the program. Since in this case the child’s stay in the nursery school is short (they have only 2 x 3 classes or 3 x 2 classes, or even fewer classes in traveling nursery schools in rural regions) and a preparatory program for starting school is emphasized, the findings of this study are as expected: they indicate an even greater degree of similarity with traditional school curricula than in day care. The dominant methods are rote work and direct verbal teaching, very little time is spent in spontaneous child play and group activities, it is the pre-school teacher who chooses activities and materials (the pre-school teacher chooses activities even seven times more often than children, Pavlovic-Breneselovic, 1993:92). An especially significant result from this study is that children who have attended one-year preparatory pre-schools have more socio-emotional difficulties in adapting to going to school in comparison with children who have attended nursery schools and those who have stayed in their families. Action Research-A Way to Put Pedagogical Reforms into Effect The most important conclusion of the evaluation study "E-S" is that, as in similar studies in the world, a change in programs (models) in itself does

84 author?

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not bring about changes in practice, i.e. the change in teaching and educational procedures has to be followed by the participation of those who are in charge of these procedures, that is, pre-school teachers. This conclusion is a starting point for future studies. The two essential, related problems which stem from the findings of this study are: the problem of in-service training of practitioners in order to make them capable of creating their own practice, and the problem of changing teaching and educational procedures and the institution of pre-school teaching itself, that is, the problem of developing curricula at the level of the institution. A great number of practitioners dealt with these problems in a whole series of studies, whether action or intervention research, as well as studies of programs in interactive education stemming from them. To illustrate this we shall mention the projects carried out in the Institute for Pedagogy and Adult Education at the Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University, which, in one way or another, stemmed from the findings in this E-S evaluation study and resulted in the Model A of the Outlines of the programs in the teaching of pre-school children.

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1979 - 1982 1986-88 1984-85 1984-86/1989-91 1986-90 1988 - 90 1990-91 1995-97 1989-91 1993 - 1996 1994 -1997 1997-1999 1997 - 1999 1996 - 1998


In-service training of teacher through

drama workshops

Thematic planning in the children’s nursery

Planning of teachers’ work by subject

Transformation of the children’s nursery into an open systen of

The Diffusion in Action Study

The Nursery School as the Family Center

Parents and teachers in action research

for children’s rights

Models of different programs and services


Basic Pre-school Program Model A

The Reform of Pre-School Teaching

Specialization in the development of an open


Seminars on the Implementation of the Outlines of the


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The Projects of the Institute for Pedagogy and Adult Education (IPA) in the Field of Pre-school Education from 1989 to 1999 The project called In-service Teaching of Pre-school Teachers in Drama Workshops is directly related to the first of the above-mentioned problems (enabling teachers to create their own practice), and indirectly to the second (changing procedures at the institutional level). Its goals and intentions are directed to both estimating the validity of an educational method in in-service teaching, which is rarely used in Yugoslavia, and direct educational effects. Although it is not an action study in the real sense, the strategy of the project implies an active participation of pre-school teachers and specialists in both educational and research procedures of this project (in workshops, as well as in the choice of topics in drama workshops). The project called Various Models of Programs and Services for Children and Families with Pre-school Children is an applied developmental study which is also stimulated by the evaluation study "E-S". The project consists of two parts: elaboration and illustration of applying one instrument in determining what the needs and interests of the families with small children are and the possibility of offering a greater variety of services and programs, as well as developing the nomenclature of various types of programs and services. Parents’ and pre-school teachers’ opinions indicate that a comparative uniformity of supply, (i.e. services offered in the institution, mainly a day care program in nursery schools), do not meet various needs of the children and parent. Additionally, the findings of this study indicate a high degree of institutionalization in pre-school education, a lack of openness towards parents and children and almost equal programs in pre-schools and those in day care. The nomenclature is also included in the Social Child Care Act , and one type of the suggested programs, "Play-acting" was then developed in a special project. The most intensive and most comprehensive research activity in the IPA in the domain of teaching pre-school children has been carried out in programs development (curricula) at the level of the institution. These projects are: The Thematic Planning of Teaching and Educational Procedures in the Nursery School, The Planning of Teaching and Educational Procedures in Various Domains (the project called "The Fairy"), and a project called Some Attempts in Transforming Nursery Schools into an Open System of Teaching have been carried out in the form of action research in a large number of nursery schools and in cooperation with teams of practitioners (about 50 pre-school teachers and specialists, and a number of parents have taken part in these projects as research workers). The nature of research itself has imposed the problem of the selection of methodology. All three aspects of action research, cognitive and theoretical (establishing a theoretical framework in teaching pre-school children), practical (changing teaching procedures and the institution in which they are applied) and educational (self-observation and in-service teaching of practitioners) are relevant to the problems that have been dealt with in these studies. In the first two projects, the emphasis was laid on transforming the actual teaching practice by means of developing the curriculum at the level of the institution, while the last project was directed to opening the nursery

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school to parents and the local community. The thematic planning of the teaching practice is based on the investigation of children’s, parents’ and pre-school teachers’ actual needs and the application of the thematic curriculum based on these needs. In the project “Fairy” a curriculum in working with mixed age groups was developed. It was structured in “studios” (the fields of the teaching practice which have been chosen and formulated by pre-school teachers as their specific interests). In later stages of this project, educational procedures (similar to methods applied in nursery schools modeled after Reggio Emilia) have been introduced and developed. The third variant of structuring the teaching and educational process, working in “interest centers”, has been applied in the following two projects: A Nursery school as a Family Center and Play-acting. These projects have brought about a transformation in teaching and educational procedures in nursery schools at the level of practical work, from the process of direct teaching and transmitting knowledge (given contents) by a pre-school teacher, to the practice of focusing on the child, his needs and interests and including partnership into the process of constructing knowledge (among children, and between children and adults) and partly, the change of the institution itself in terms of its opening up toward the child, the family and the local community. Theoretically, the projects resulted in interactive pedagogy as a practical theory of pre-school teachers. The result of all these three projects is a contemporary variant of the open system in teaching pre-school children, which has also served as the starting assumption for the Outlines of the program in pre school teaching. One form of action research, “technical action research” has been applied in other projects within the IPA in the domain of pre-school education, for example, the development of the program called Play-acting, one form of extra-curricular education, and in the projects called The Diffusion of Action Research and The Nursery School as the Family Center. This action research started from the already developed model of programs, while the projects themselves included training for the application of the model, i.e. developing the curriculum to the level of the institution. The project called The Nursery School as a Family Center was a part of a larger international project and is of particular importance as it integrates parents into direct group activities, similar to an alternative form of organizing activities with pre-school children - Play-acting. The educational project (program) on children's rights –Parents and Pre-school Teachers in Action, has also contributed to the opening of pre-school institutions to the family. Educational functions, typical of all action research have been particularly emphasized in the last three projects mentioned above and become dominant in an important project-the specialization in pre-school pedagogy which was concerned with topics on developing the curriculum. Although it is formally a sort of specialization, it actually deals with teaching specialists in nursery schools from all over the country on how to conduct action research and carry it out with teams of pre-school teachers in nursery schools. These studies, which all aim at developing an open curriculum in the nursery school (following Model A in the Outlines of the programs), are still taking place. The experience from the above-mentioned studies serve as models of program framework in short seminars of interactive training intended for practitioners, similar to those applied in the project called The Reform in Pre-school

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Education in Montenegro and the seminars on the implementation of the Outlines of the programs. What has been shown here is only one part of the overall research activity in the domain of teaching pre-school children in Yugoslavia. Although results and radical changes in teaching procedures in a number of pre-school institutions are beyond doubt, one has to bear in mind the fact that these changes represent only a small portion of the overall system of pre-school education in Yugoslavia. The already described differences in conditions and the quality of the teaching and educational practice have not been reduced, but, on the contrary, have become greater. Another essential contribution of these studies and changes in the practice of pre-school education deals with the diversification of program orientations and forms of working with children. That it has had an impact upon the general educational policy in this field is proven by the fact that the latest official program document offers alternatives and choices instead of uniformity for the first time. This, however, is only the beginning of the process of diversification, not its completion.

Current Trends and Recommendations In the course of the last two decades a significant level in the development of pre-school institutions in Yugoslavia has been reached, but more in terms of quality than quantity. Only shorter programs in preparatory schools, which in some environments comprise more than 90% of the population, are an exception to this rule. Despite highly unfavorable socio-economic conditions, extraordinary results have been achieved in developing theoretical concepts in pre-school education, advancing teaching procedures and in-service teaching in the course of 1980s and 1990s. This is indicated by, among other things, active participation of Yugoslav research workers (including pre-school teachers) and their projects in the European Institute for Developing Potential of Children (IEDPE) - a network of researchers and projects from all over Europe who are engaged in developing and applying an alternative interactive pedagogy as a basis for humanistic schooling and education. Another indicator is an exceptional number of highly professional and fruitful conferences of pre-school teachers in the last several years. Although the systematic and objective data on the state and quality of pedagogical practice in pre-school institutions in our country (similar to those from the "E-S") are not available, the existing evidence (some studies of a rather limited scope), examples of practical activities and indicators of often unfavorable working conditions (e.g. the lack of specialists, the isolation of practitioners, insufficient and inadequate funding) may lead to the conclusion that, at the level of day care programs in pre-school institutions, the “closed pre-school institution”, as far as both the child and the family are concerned, still exists. The experience based on the "reforms" i.e. projects in research and development indicates that the transformation of practice, in-service teaching and better quality of pedagogical work, are all reached more successfully by means of intensive, even long-term projects/programs in a small sample of institutions, then by reform undertaken on a larger scale, which are, as a rule, superficial.These projects, intervention or action research, have the advantage of being carried out locally. Therefore, they meet the needs in the

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given environment and respond to its specific circumstances, and consequently reach concrete and applicable solutions. On the other hand, "model centers" which are capable of further dissemination are thus organized. The total number of children of the relevant age included in pre-school education has not been significantly increased. Apart from actual economic constraints, one of the reasons is definitely the persistence of the thesis that day care programs should be prevalent. This partly prevents the use of space in pre-school institutions and other suitable premises as well, for shorter primarily part-time regular teaching programs for children below six years of age, which are in demand by families with small children. Finally, the already existing official choice of programs (Models A and B in the Outlines of the programs, 1996) should become pluralistic by introducing and developing other models of programs. It is believed that it is one of the ways to turn the differences in quality into the competition in quality of the teaching and educational practice in the supply of services offered to the youngest and their families.This is supported by fundamental epistemological assumptions in social sciences, primarily in pedagogy. An earlier, positivistic viewpoint according to which the scientific truth is the only one, just as the methods of reaching it are, has long been abandoned, even more so, if the field of scientific research is social practice. Institutional education is definitely one segment of social practice (Pešic, 1998). The Montessori pedagogy and system of teaching pre-school children is not only compatible with, but also one of the predecessors and the source of the contemporary concept of the open system in teaching pre-school children. It is, at the same time, one of the most elaborate and most frequently applied programs in pre-school education all over the world. It is a pity that there are as yet no possibilities for introducing this system to the scientific and broader public by her original works (since they have not been translated) and practice in the Montessori pre-school institutions. The Montessori pedagogy and the Montessori programs have undergone a series of changes in the Montessori associations around the world in order to keep up with modern concepts in teaching pre-school children and to be adapted to specific needs in a particular environment. The introduction and adaptation of the Montessori program in our country should run in the two following directions: 1. To introduce her original pedagogy to our specialists by translating some of her most important works 2. To experimentally apply an adaptation of the Montessori program in a certain number of pre-school institutions by practitioners trained especially for that purpose. This experiment should be carried out in the form of a developmental study with an evaluation procedure. The concept of the adapted Montessori program and the planning of a research project demands an extra effort. Basic directions of the adaptation should rely on contemporary concepts in the teaching and development of pre-school children and, consequently, a special emphasis should be laid on group activities and interaction among children, and between children and pre-school teachers.

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Pre-service Training and Issues for Pre-school Teachers and Professional Staff

Gordana Zindovic-Vukadinovic, Professor of Pedagogy, Faculty of Geography University of Belgrade Pedagogical and medical specialists, social workers, nutritionists and the accompanying administrative and other staff are employed in pre-school institutions. Heads of these institutions are not specifically trained for this role, but are chosen among specialists, usually pedagogues, who are already employed in the system of pre-school education.

Pre-Service Training of Pre-school Teachers Pre-school teachers currently working in pre-school institutions have received their initial training in various ways. Namely, the system of initial training of pre-school teachers has been changed several times in the last thirty years. Therefore, it is essential to keep in mind the qualifications of pre-school teachers who are still working with children, but who were trained when different curricula were observed. In the period between 1948 and 1953/54 academic years pre-school teachers were trained in vocational schools which lasted four years, then five years, until as late as 1973 when the Pedagogical Academies Act was passed. According to this Act, pre-school teachers were required higher education training which lasted six years (4+2). The same Act enabled the pre-school teachers from vocational schools to pass necessary differential exams in order to get the higher education degree and thus improve their own professional competence. The reforms of the system of training and education (1978/79) brought about changes in the system of pre-school teacher training. The so-called common core (i.e. two years of general education) was introduced into pedagogical academies, but that lasted only for a year. Then new changes and additional articles in the Act constituted pedagogical academies as unique schools with a four-year long course of study which consisted of two stages: a two-year preparatory stage (which corresponds to the third and fourth grades in high school) and a two-year final stage (which corresponds to the first and second years of study in institutions of higher education). Students entered these academies after a ten-year schooling (elementary education which lasts for eight years plus two years of general high school education).Finally, in 1993, pedagogical academies were closed down, and colleges for pre-school teacher training were introduced. Their activities were regulated by the College Education Act (Sluzbeni glasnik 5/90).Thus, the initial training of pre-school teachers has experienced three periods of institutional changes:

Ø education/training at the high school level (1948-1973) Ø education/training at the higher professional level in two stages

(with a preparatory stage)(1973-1978/79)

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Ø higher professional education which consists of a two-year course of study (without a preparatory stage)( 1978/79-1993).

The latest changes also included the changes in Montenegro. Thus, the training of pre-school teachers is organized at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšic during a two-year course of study. In the previous period decisions which concerned the issues of training of pre-school teachers were the same in Serbia and Montenegro. The institutional changes in the system of education were reflected in the curriculum for pre-school teacher training. There were differences not only as far as the scope of the curriculum, but also in the variety of subjects taught and the proportion of theoretical and practical issues presented in the curriculum. In the five-year long high school education (first period), which was ended in 1973,85 the curriculum set the frame and goals, mainly, in the study of disciplines taught in schools of general education - high schools (the mother tongue, philosophy, history, foreign languages, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology). What could be considered as subjects specific to the training of future pre-school teachers were the following disciplines: Pedagogy with three classes per week in the third and fourth grades, and two classes per week in the fifth grade, Methodology of Practical Work with two classes per week in the fourth year, and nine classes per week in the fifth and final year of education, and finally Technical training with some elements of applied arts, Music, Painting, Physical Training and professional practicum with an obligatory thirty hours of skiing. An analysis of curricula in the Academy for Pre-school teachers (1973-93) (second period) has demonstrated an increase in the number of classes of pedagogical and psychological disciplines, particularly in the second, the so-called “final stage” of the training. During the first, or preparatory stage, apart from disciplines of general education, psychology was also taught (in the third and fourth grades with two classes per week), while the number and scope of disciplines relevant for the future profession was considerably more comprehensive. The following disciplines were included for the first time such as Communication (three semesters), Physical Child Growth (one semester), Pre-school Pedagogy (two semesters), Child Psychology (three semesters), Methodology of Speech Development (two semesters), Methodology of Teacher-Parent Relations (one semester) and Methodology of a specific subject (Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Music Education, Painting and Physical Training). Pre-school teachers who had previously completed pre-school teacher training in high schools, were given the opportunity of getting a degree at the Pedagogical Academy and to pass the exams in the subjects they had not been taught (the so-called differential exams): Serbo-Croat with literature for children and Oral Communication, Psychology, Pedagogy, Methodology of Pre-school Training, Health Training and Physical Child Growth, Elements of

85 Although there are probably only few pre-school teachers who were educated in these schools, their work was certainly reflected in the work and practical methods of their younger colleagues; these schools are, therefore, worth mentioning.

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Social Sciences with the Socio-economic System of the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. In the short period (one academic year) when pedagogical academies followed the curricula of stream-lined education, with the common core of general education in the first two years, Methodology of Teacher-Parent Relationship was replaced by Play Workshops. Current Situation In higher education institutions of pre-school teacher training or colleges (starting from 1993)86 in the Republic of Serbia, the curriculum established by the Association of Institutions of Pre-School Teacher Training of the Republic of Serbia was observed. The curriculum was accepted by the Ministry of Education in the same year, in the course of which the training of primary school teachers was advanced to the university level and all of what had been pedagogical academies became pedagogical faculties. Thus, apart from pre-school teachers who work in pre-school institutions, all pedagogical specialists are educated at the university level, i.e. at pedagogical faculties. Conditions of Enrollment and the Type of Degree Given Upon Completion of Studies All candidates who have completed their education in high schools or other vocational schools which last for four years have the right to be enrolled in the first year of study in institutions of higher education, i.e. Colleges of Pre-school Staff Training in Serbia or the two-year course of study at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšic (Montenegro), regardless of the type of their high school diploma. The acceptance of candidates is based on two types of criteria: eliminatory and classifying criteria:

Ø verification of physical, speech and musical competence on the basis of a doctor's certificate, the certificate on speech competence issued by the logopede and the confirmation before a board of experts. This confirmation procedure is eliminatory and candidates who have graduated from a high school institution of stream-line education which specializes in "teacher training" do not need to pass this exam.87

Ø passing the classification test of the Serbian language and cultural knowledge

The list of candidates who have been granted the right to enroll is determined by the score, which is obtained in the following way:

Ø the number of points obtained in school (minimum 16, maximum 40) is added to

Ø the number of points obtained at the qualification test (0-60 points).

86 There are 12 colleges of pre-school training in the Republic of Serbia: in Belgrade, Vršac, Šabac, Pirot, Gnjilane (Bujanovac), Subotica, Aleksinac, Sremska Mitrovica, Kruševac, Novi Sad, and Kikinda (closing down). 87 This refers mainly to in-service training of students, that is, to those who have decided to continue their training and obtain a degree.

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Candidates who have obtained 51 points and above are entitled to free studies, i.e. do not pay a tuition fee and study at the expense of the government, while those who have obtained 30-50 points pay tuition fees. A degree of the College of Pre-school Teacher Training is granted to candidates who submit a thesis and pass the final examination before the board of examiners. A two-year course of study in Montenegro is also completed with a final examination which consists of a discussion on the thesis which had been previously submitted to the board of examiners. Curriculum The present curriculum in institutions of higher education of Pre-school Staff Training/ or Colleges of Pre-School Staff Training consists of four basic categories: 1. General and specific subjects in the following disciplines: Philosophy, Sociology, Foreign Languages, General Pedagogy, Psychology of Personality, Oral Communication, Children's Literature, Physical Training and Physical Development and Health Insurance. 2. Professional disciplines which include the following: Psychology of Pre-school Children, Pre-school Pedagogy, Family Pedagogy, Methodology of Training and Educational Procedures, Methodology of Physical Training, Methodology of Speech Development, Methodology of Environmental Studies, Methodology of Teaching Music, Methodology of Teaching Art and Methodology of Developing Basic Mathematical Notions. 3. Practicum that include the following disciplines: Vocal and Instrumental practice, Elements of Legislature in Education and Pedagogical Documentation, Practicum in Teaching Art, Drama, Play Workshops, Application of Audio-visual Aids, Practicum in Teaching Elementary Informatics and Computer Sciences, Instruction of students with poor performance, optional activities (choir or orchestra). 4. Pedagogical practice, which comprises a total of 160 classes during a two-year study course. Its distribution within the whole course runs as follows:

Ø five working days in the first semester, which amount to 20 classes

Ø ten working days in the second semester, which amount to 40 classes

Ø ten working days in the third semester, which amount to 40 classes

Ø fifteen working days in the fourth semester, which amount to 60 classes

During the two-year study course students are required to write one seminar paper work in one of the following disciplines according to their own choice: Communication, Children's Literature, Pre-school Pedagogy, Psychology of Pre-school Children, Family Pedagogy, or Methodology of Teacher Training. Students are not required to attend all classes of theoretical training, but classes of practical training are obligatory.

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A detailed study of the curriculum shows that in their two-year study course students are offered the greatest number of classes in Psychology of Pre-school Children, which amounts to three classes of lectures and one seminar class per week in the first two semesters and the same number of classes for lectures and seminars in three other semesters (2+2 in the first, second and third semesters). This is followed by Children's Literature with two classes of lectures and one seminar class per week in the first and second semesters, General Pedagogy with two classes of lectures in the first and second semesters and one seminar class in the second semester and Physical Development with two classes per week in the two first semesters as well. Then follows Sociology with two classes per week in the first and second semesters, Communication with two classes per week and one seminar class in the first semester, and one class per week of lecture and one seminar class per week in the second semester, then Psychology of Personality with the same number of classes in the first two semesters, but with one seminar class less. Methodologies for specific disciplines88 are planned for the third and fourth semesters with three classes of lectures per week each, and one seminar class in the third semester and two seminar classes per week in the fourth semester for all disciplines except Methodology of Teacher Training. Philosophy is taught in the first semester with two classes of lectures and one seminar class per week, while Family Pedagogy is taught in the fourth, and final semester with two classes of lectures and one seminar class per week. Practicum are distributed in all four terms: four practicum are planned for the first and second semester (classes in Singing and Playing various instruments, choir or orchestra, and An Outline of Legislature); the practicum in Painting is planned for the first semester only. Drama classes and the use of audio-visual aids in teaching are planned for the second semester, play workshops, informatics and operating computers for the third semester, while additional classes for poor students are planned for the fourth semester. On the whole, students in Colleges for Pre-school Teacher Training are required to attend: twenty classes of lectures and eleven seminar classes per week in the first semester, and 15+14 in the second semester of their first year. In their second year they are required to attend 22 classes of lectures and 11 seminar classes per week in the third semester, and 2+15 in the fourth semester. This number of classes does not include practicum, which are explained above separately. The theoretical disciplines included in the curriculum in colleges for Initial Training of Pre-school Teachers are ranked as follows: 1. Pre-school Pedagogy 1. Psychology of Pre-school Children 2. Children's Literature 3. General Pedagogy 4. Physical Training 5. Sociology 6. Communication

88 Listed above

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7. Psychology of Personality 8. Philosophy 9. Family Pedagogy In Montenegro pre-school teachers are trained during a two-year study course at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšic.89 Their curriculum differs from the curriculum of colleges for initial training of pre-school teachers primarily in the total number of classes, but also in the number and type of disciplines included in the curriculum. The following tables illustrate those differences: Table 1. The survey of lectures and seminars in each term Republic 1st

term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term

Serbia 20+11 15+14 22+11 2+15 Montenegro 20+6 20+6 16+10 16+10 Table 2. The comparative survey of disciplines and practicum in the curricula designed for initial training of pre-school teachers in Serbia and Montenegro Disciplines and practicum (*) SERBIA MONTE


Philosophy X Sociology X X Foreign Language X Physical Training X X General Pedagogy X X Developmental Psychology X X Didactics X Communication X X Children's Literature X X Physical Development and Health instructions X Psychology of Pre-school Children X Pedagogical Psychology X Pre-school Psychology X X Music with piano and accordion classes X Family Pedagogy X Methodology of Pre-school Teacher Training X X Methodology of Speech Development X

Methodology of Physical Development X X Methodology of Environmental Studies X Methodology of teaching music X X Methodology of teaching painting X X Methodology of developing basic terminology in maths


Hygiene of pre-school children (*) X Technical exercises X

89 A separate department of pre-school teacher training

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Audio-instrumental Classes (*) X Outlines of Legislature and Documentation(*) X Painting (*) X X Drama(*) Puppet Theatre X X Play Workshop(*) X Use of Audio-visual Aids(*) Film, Radio and Television


Outlines of Informatics and the use of Computers (*)


Additional classes for students with poor performance (*)


Optional classes (choir or orchestra (*) X Students master methods of teaching pre-school children mainly in the courses in methodology of specific disciplines90, which are taught in the third semester, i.e. in the second year of their studies. Contrary to the previous generations of pre-school teachers who used to be trained in five-year vocational schools for initial training of pre-school teachers and who used to study methodology of specific disciplines during three academic years, present-day students in teacher training colleges for pre-school teachers attend 45 classes of theoretical teaching and five seminar classes in the methodology of each discipline, which is generally considered to be insufficient training for practical work. The methodology of each of the above cited disciplines is taught in three theoretical classes and one practicum in the third semester, and two seminar classes in the fourth and final semester. Large classes considerably aggravate teaching methodology of different disciplines and affect its efficacy. With 20 or more students in a group a teacher cannot follow the practical work of each one of them in the course of one set of morning classes. An additional disadvantage of group observation in children's nurseries is the disturbance caused by the group to the nursery’s daily routine.91 Students are required to have two weeks of practical work in a pre-school institution in the third semester, and at the end of their studies (end of fourth semester) they have another three-week practicum in a pre-school. Therefore, apart from observation classes designed in the curriculum of methodology of specific disciplines, future pre-school teachers have only five weeks of experience during their professional training. Experts who lecture to future pre-school specialists believe that this problem can be solved by extending the course of study. The present two-year course of study in colleges of pre-school staff training may be advanced to a four-year course of study at universities in future. It is also believed that future pre-school staff training in institutions of higher education should include not only improved methodological procedures, but a sort of elementary introduction into teacher-parent relationships which would result in 90 Methodologies of: pre-school teacher training, physical training, speech developing, environmental studies, music training, painting and elementary mathematical concepts 91 Stanic-Boškovic, M.(1997): Problems in the practical training of future pre-school teachers, Needs and Options in Pre-school Teacher Training at the Level of Higher Education, The College of Pre-school Teacher Training, Belgrade

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both improving the competence of those who deal with children at home and better understanding and co-operation between the family and pre-school institutions. When speaking of developing methodological adequacy, it does not necessarily mean a greater number of classes in practical activities, but the development of students' creativity. From the point of view of gender, the majority of pre-school staff are female. Namely, out of the total number of staff employed in pre-school institutions in FR Yugoslavia (17,198 persons according to the statistics from 1997), 16,274. i.e. 94.62% are women. That ratio is valid for the whole country, which speaks of the complete feminization of staff in pre-school institutions. This tendency towards feminization is observed in elementary schools as well, although the percentage of women who work in elementary schools is somewhat lower, but it can be said that there has been a feminization of all basic elementary education of children from the ages of 1-12. The practical training of pre-school teachers, as well as teaching staff at all levels of education, follows the "model of imitation" of experienced teachers. This training should, however, be designed to inspire students and provoke a more creative approach to teaching, to develop critical attitudes towards offered models and an ability to provide new creative solutions to pedagogical problems which would result in activities designed specifically for particular situations and children's needs. The specific problem is that the present curricula for pre-school staff training are designed according to the previous high school curricula in teacher training. Namely, during the period of stream-lined education, more pedagogical and psychological disciplines featured in teacher training at the level of high school education. There were also more music and painting classes. Schools from which candidates come when enrolling in colleges of pre-school training in Serbia or in a two-year study course in Montenegro do not provide the necessary kind of introduction into the further teacher training provided by these colleges. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that students who graduate from high school or any other vocational school have the right to enroll in the first year of study at institutions of pre-school staff training after they have passed the entrance exam and other necessary tests. Therefore, their previous training differs greatly, which affects the quality of their studies to a considerable degree. A two-year course of study, believe the teachers in those schools, does not provide the required level of general education and professional training, because the differences in their previous education cannot be leveled in such a manner that they can continue their training successfully and simultaneously improve their practical teaching skills. As it has been demonstrated, pre-school teachers with various background and different theoretical and practical training are employed in pre-school institutions, which requires a more systematic connection between training at its initial and higher level. Some weaknesses in the concept and organization of pre-school training are reflected in the following:

Ø inadequate and insufficient agreement in the scope and duration of studies, so that quite a number of disciplines which are important to the work of future specialists are not represented adequately in their study course,

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Ø inadequate agreement on curricula in institutions of pre-school staff training and the scope of the programs of activity for children in pre-school institutions and the growing demands concerning aims set before pre-school teachers;

Ø inadequate and insufficient connection between the system of initial training and in-service training, which not only reduces the possibility of advanced professional training but staying current on contemporary practice and broadening of knowledge of theoretical issues in the realm of pre-school training

Ø insufficient funding of institutions of pre-school training, which is reflected in the lack of adequate equipment, and the unresolved question of practice rooms for students. To all this must be added inadequate earnings of pre-school teachers which has a de-stimulating effect on both professors in colleges where future pre-school teachers are trained, and their students and pre-school staff are working.

The problem that is often cited in discussions amongst professors who teach in pre-school staff training institutions of higher education, refers to the conditions of enrollment into these institutions, i.e. the procedure of selecting the most suitable candidates for this profession. It is assumed that, in addition to the medical check-up, the test of general education, and testing of speech competence and the talent for music, a set of tests which would be designed to check some specific personality properties such as motivation, empathy, flexibility, tolerance and communicativeness should also be required. Some experts suggest, and their suggestion has been widely discussed, that the training of pre-school teachers should be promoted to a higher, university level and that their training should last for four years, as has already been done in the training of elementary school teachers. This suggestion has been supported not only because of the above-listed disadvantages, but also because of the current demand for adequately qualified pre-school teachers who would be trained to realize a wider scope of various programs of activities in their work with pre-school children. Apart from basic programs of activities they would be expected to be trained in providing special programs (special training) to answer special needs, occasional special programs, to be able to offer diagnostic, therapeutic and advisory services, and to intensively co-operate with parents and promote parents' pedagogical knowledge (the educational function in the teacher-parent relation). Changes in the structure of parents' education, actually, a higher level of education among parents in general, also demands a broader and better prepared professional profile of a pre-school teacher. In order to fulfill these complex requirements, some experts believe that the pre-school teacher should be fully and utterly devoted to his/her work, and trained in the Montessori methodology. The teacher should be one who is on a par with a researcher, a scholar who by constantly observing children he/she works with

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and using his/her experience intuitively finds instruments for revealing truth in life."(Nikic,J. 1996).92 In the research that was conducted among pre-school teachers,93 some suggestions which refer to most desirable changes in the system of initial training of pre-school teachers were collected. Participants in the study considered the problem of their financial condition as the most urgent one, followed by the problem of staff structure, then the problem of organizing their work with children and finally the problem of their relationship with parents and the community. As far as the financial conditions are concerned, pre-school teachers and other specialists in this field suggest that, among other things, aside from an improvement in the financial situation in general, it is necessary to build the capacity of nurseries (holding about 100-150 children). As for the staff, the most significant demand is an increase in the number of assistants and technical staff as well as the need for employing specialists of variously-oriented backgrounds. The greatest number of changes suggested was in the field of organizing and conducting children's activities. Pre-school teachers who work in nurseries also suggest the following:

Ø forming less mixed-age groups Ø introducing more flexible schedules in the daily routines of the

nurseries Ø modernizing the training program Ø adjusting working hours in the nurseries to suit the needs of

parents Ø providing various services according to the requirements of

parents Ø taking care of children also in the afternoon Ø organizing foreign language classes without extra cost to the

parents Ø promoting the inclusion and co-operation with parents in various

nursery activities The counseling of parents, changing working hours to suit the needs of parents and introducing new services on their demand, including parents into nursery activities are particularly emphasized. When pre-school teachers were asked for their opinion on innovations in their programs in pre-school children training, they reported that they were particularly interested in the following fields:

Ø working with emotionally-disturbed children Ø developing the picture of themselves in the mind of the children

with whom they work Ø new possibilities of communicating with parents Ø working with talented children Ø introducing foreign language teaching into nursery programs

92 Nikic, J.(1996): The Role of Pre-school Teachers in the Child's Adaptation to the Nursery and the Organization of a Better-structured Environment, The Proceedings of the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, Vol. 11, Novi Sad 93 Gavrilovic, A.(1998): The System of Child Care in Serbia, The Development and Perspectives, Službeni Glasnik, Belgrade.

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Ø working in communication and creative workshops94.

Pre-service Education of Pedagogues and Psychologists Pedagogues and psychologists are educated at the Faculties of Philosophy in Belgrade (Department of Pedagogy and Department of Psychology), Novi Sad (Pedagogy Department), Niš (Psychology Department) and Priština (Pedagogy Department and Psychology Department). The undergraduate program lasts four years (eight semesters). Candidates are high school graduates and are required to pass the entrance examination. The entrance examination in the Department of Pedagogy consists of the test in general education and the test in either pedagogy or psychology, according to the candidate's choice. The same entrance requirements plus a test in psychology is obligatory in the Department of Psychology. Special-education teachers are educated at the Faculty of Special Education in Belgrade. The initial training of pedagogues, psychologists and Special Education Teachers is regulated by the Higher Education Act.95 From the late sixties until 1979, pedagogues who worked in nurseries were required to select and follow the subject track Pre-school Pedagogy. The changes in the organization of studies after 1979 have not affected the scope and quality of the training. On the contrary, it is believed to have improved the training, although future school and pre-school pedagogues follow almost the same course of study as before 1979. A new course, the Systems and Programs of Pre-school Education, was introduced after stream-lined high school education (track system) had been rescinded. Thus, the scope of courses offered in pre-school pedagogical training had been widened. Current curriculum in the training of future pedagogues includes:

Ø Disciplines of general education relevant for pedagogues (Introduction into Social Sciences, Introduction into Philosophy, Logic and General Methodology, Ethics an Foreign Languages);

Ø Disciplines of general pedagogy (General Pedagogy I and II, General History of Pedagogy, National History of Pedagogy, Contemporary Processes in Pedagogy, Methodology of Pedagogical Research, Statistics in Pedagogy):

Ø Disciplines in Psychology (Developmental Psychology and Pedagogical Psychology);

Ø Disciplines of special pedagogy (Family Pedagogy, Pre-school Pedagogy, Educational Pedagogy, Androgyny);

Ø Didactic and methodological disciplines (Didactics, Methodology of Teaching Mathematics, Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages, Methodology of Educational Psychology, Systems and Programs/Curricula of Pre-school Education);

94 Burazin, S.(1990): Ideas and Attitudes of Pre-school Teacher on the Need for Advanced Training, Osijek. 95 The Higher Education Act, Službeni Glasnik Republike Srbije, No.20, May 1998.

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Ø Optional disciplines (Cognitive Theory, Aesthetics, Social Psychology, Social Anthropology);

Ø Optional courses (Specialization Methods in the Practical Training of Pre-school and School teachers, Methods of Developing Communicative Skills, Methods of Developing Tolerance, Methods of Developing Teacher-parent Relationships and Parent Counseling, Working with Retarded Children, Working with Talented Children, Methods of Working with Children and Teenagers in Extra-curriculum Programs, Social and Pedagogical Work with Children and their Families, Methods of Training in Visual Media, Methods of Prevention).

The type and contents of the course are liable to change and can be planned in agreement with the students according to the possibilities of their realization. In any case, students have to opt for at least four courses. Specific skills essential for pre-school staff training are offered in the following disciplines: Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology, Pre-school Pedagogy, Systems and Programs of Pre-school Education. The course in Pre-school Pedagogy is designed to last two semesters, (5th and 6th) with four classes per week and introduces the theoretical framework of and practical procedures for pre-school education. The students learn about the structure of pre-school institutions, problems of education in and outside of the family, learning and educational processes in pre-school education and procedures of promoting child play and creativity. This course also requires two-week practical experience in a pre-school institution, a seminar paper, a written examination and writing a thesis on a given topic, and an oral examination. The course in the Systems and Programs in Pre-School Education (7th and 8th term with four classes per week) consists of a survey of both traditional and contemporary systems and programs in pre-school education, understanding of the child's attitudes, models of pre-school education and development and evaluation procedures in pre-school education. This course also introduces action research in the field of pre-school education. Students are required to sit an exam and write a composition on a given topic. The courses in General Pedagogy, Contemporary Pedagogical Processes and Family Pedagogy cover general educational issues and are therefore significant for the activities in pre-school institutions. Optional disciplines are designed to train pre-school teachers to deal with problems in social pathology, family sociology and psychopathology in children (Social Psychology, Family Sociology, Psychopathology in Children and Teenagers, Social Pathology, Social Anthropology). Students of Pedagogy have an obligatory two-week practicum within the framework of the subject Pre-school Pedagogy and participation in research on the subject of Systems and Programs of Pre-school Education. The curriculum designed for the courses in Pre-school Pedagogy and Systems of and Programs in Pre-school Education set the following requirements for all students, a two-week practical work and the participation in research work. Students are awarded a degree in pedagogy after they have submitted a diploma paper and passed the final (diploma) examination. Holders of this

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degree can then continue their education and start post-graduate studies which are organized in three ways: a specialist course (lasting one year), an MA course (two years) and a PhD course (three years). Specialist studies are open to all holders of a BA degree, while masters' studies are open to those candidates who have obtained an average grade of at least 8 during their undergraduate studies. Doctoral programs are open to those students who have obtained an average grade of at least 8.5 in their undergraduate studies.96 Postgraduate programs are designed to offer specialization in a specific field of study. Candidates can opt for masters' and doctoral programs in pre-school pedagogy. The role of a pedagogue97 in pre-school institutions varies from the role of a consultant to an active participant in designing and realizing the program of the institution. The status of the pedagogue and the psychologist has not been quite clearly defined, so that both the scope and character of their activities often depend either on the head of the institution, or the rest of the staff, or themselves. Although pedagogues and psychologists believe they should take a more active part in planning and organizing the children’s activities in pre-school institutions, they are more often engaged in supervising the children's development, behavior and interests, without being able to actually influence the course of their activities. This position is caused, they believe, by the inadequate training they receive at university. Therefore, they propose that practical work during their studies should be more emphasized, as they are assured that there is an urgent need on their part to get specific experience which would then be useful at work. Pedagogues particularly stress the point that their studies do not offer adequate methodological training and demonstrate the lack of specific courses in planning, designing programs and observation and evaluation procedures. The curriculum in the four-year long course of study of future psychologists comprises the following:

Ø general disciplines (Introduction into Social Sciences, Foreign Language)

Ø general basic disciplines (Statistics in Psychology, Methodology of Psychological Research, Physiology of the Nervous System, General Psychopathology);

Ø professional disciplines (General Psychology I and II, Psychology of Personality, Psychometrics, Developmental Psychology I and II, Pedagogical Psychology I and II, Social Psychology I and II, Staff Recruitment Psychology, Psychopathology in Children and Teenagers, Mental Health, Testing Mental Health in Children, Clinical Psychology with Psycho diagnostics, Introduction into Psychotherapy and Counseling, Psychology of Human Relations, Psychological Engineering and Ergonomics, Main Schools in Psychology);

Ø optional courses in general disciplines (Introduction into Philosophy, Genetics, Family Sociology, Management of Human Resources, Didactics) and professional disciplines ( Prevention in Psychology, Psychology of the Mentally-Disturbed,

96 Grades at universities range from 5-10. 97 Kamenov, E.(199!): Pre-school Pedagogues in Serbia, Metodicki dani 91, Nova Prosveta, Belgrade

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Neuropsychology, Psychology in Marketing, Psychology in Environmental Studies, Psycholinguistics).

Students of psychology are awarded a degree in psychology on submitting a diploma thesis on a specific topic and defending it in a diploma examination. The system of postgraduate studies corresponds to the one in pedagogy.

Pre-service Training in the Field of Special Education The Faculty of Special Education at the University of Belgrade trains specialists who deal with children and adults with impaired hearing, speech or vision, physically invalid persons, mentally-retarded persons and persons with disturbed social behavior (prevention and re-socialization). Undergraduate studies last four and a half years, i.e. nine semesters. Theoretical frameworks and practical experience in the disciplines selected by students are synthesized in the ninth semester. The first year of studies is the same for all students and offers general courses in fundamental disciplines in Special Education (Introduction into Special Education, Medical Genetics, Medical Physiology and Anatomy, Sociology, Pedagogy and General Psychology with Psychology of Personality). In their second year of study students opt for some of the listed disciplines which they already chose when they enlisted at the Faculty of Special Education and continue their studies generally within the same framework. In all tracks lectures and seminars in Developmental and Pedagogical Psychology and Methodology of Pre-school Training are obligatory. Students who opt for the study of speech therapy (they have practical work in speech therapy) and the prevention and re-socialization of persons with disturbed social behavior do not attend classes in methodology. Methodologies of specific subjects are particularly significant and the total number of classes devoted to these programs is considerable. For example, four classes per week during five semesters (2 classes of lectures, 2 classes of seminars) are designed for working with children who are either deaf or have impaired hearing. The curricula of methodologies of teaching physical training, painting and music are specifically designed according to the degree of physical disorder. After submitting and defending the diploma thesis students are awarded a degree in special education and obtain the affiliated title.Around 3,500 students have been awarded the degree in Special Education at this faculty since 1974 when it was first founded. However, there is a considerable lack of these specialists in both pre-school and elementary institutions (see below). The Faculty of Special Education accepts from 150 to 220 students a year. All holders of high school diploma are allowed to take the entrance examination similar to the one organized for future students of pedagogy and psychology. The Faculty of Special Education offers masters' and doctoral programs in accordance with the regulations determined by the Higher Education Act.

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Conclusions and Recommendations98 Limitations in pre-school teacher training are reflected in several areas. On the one hand, there is hyper-production in specialists of this orientation, while on the other, official statistical data demonstrate that the number of pre-school teachers is less than it should be according to the planned standards vis-à-vis student/teacher ratios. The stress factor has not been examined in detail, but premature retirement has been frequent. Financial prospects have a de-stimulating effect on young people who might be interested in seeking employment in pre-school institutions. Although private pre-school institutions are permitted, and given, legally and formally, the corresponding status, they have not yet become an integral part of the system. Their work has not been supervised systematically. There is neither statistical data on their staff structures and programs, nor strict observance of premises and equipment standards. It can be said that private pre-school institutions and nurseries are still opened ad hoc and their status determined by the local administration. The problem of pre-school training of mentally-retarded children is acute. Data on pre-school training of mentally-retarded children are mentioned only sporadically, so it can be stated that it is actually neglected. There are no data on the work with and activities of talented children either.Since pre-school teacher training has been carried out at different levels, in different schools, colleges and faculties, there is a lack of at least some sort of integrative program which would offer specific theoretical and practical curricula at the same level and of the same sort to all potential specialist staff in pre-school institutions. Different concepts stemming from different professional training mostly result in misunderstandings among pre-school teachers, pedagogues, psychologists and specialist pedagogues when their competence, scope and type of activities are at stake. Insufficient methodological training in practical work is a problem with all specialist profiles employed in pre-school institutions. Marked feminization in this profession has long been a problem. It is basically the same as in elementary education. Boys thus do not have a male model of identification, which is reflected in their emotional and social development. The number of males who seek employment in pre-school and elementary education institutions is declining; in some instances it is reduced virtually to none. These specialists are underpaid, therefore underestimated socially. This problem has not yet been examined and it certainly deserves some attention. Curricula in pre-school teacher training institutions at the level of higher education have not been in accordance with the curricula in pre-school institutions, just as there is no connection between the systems and programs of in-service training and initial training. Problems in the organization and practical procedures in pre-school teacher training caused by the lack of time and large classes have been evident. Pre-school teachers themselves consider their training inadequate since they are not able to meet the requirements of children and their families.

98 Conclusions and Recommendations are those of the author of this chapter and not necessarily those of CRS or the other authors.

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The insufficient and inadequate co-operation with the family and parents' participation in various activities in pre-school institutions have been particularly stressed. They also stress their need for more specialized training in the programs designed both for talented children and those who have certain problems. Pre-school teachers believe that the organization of activities in these institutions has not been adjusted to answer the needs of parents, since their programs have been neither flexible nor rich enough in order to present more adequate activities which would meet various requirements of children and parents. Heads of pre-school institutions have not received special training, so this position can be occupied by any pre-school teacher, pedagogue or psychologist who is believed to have certain organizational and professional qualities required for this task. Regardless of whether pre-school teachers will be trained in institutions of higher education or not, it is essential that certain modules for in-service training are offered which connect initial training with practice and actual various needs of children and parents, and particular environments. That means that the curriculum for the professional training should be differentiated modularly in order to answer the needs of various profiles of professionals who work in pre-school education (pre-school teachers, both beginners and experienced ones, pedagogues, psychologists, and social workers), to offer various creative models of activities for children, cooperation with parents and primary schools, and to enable professional development by offering courses at higher levels of education. The system would thus be differentiated according to the requirements and specific problems of educational institutions at all levels as well as according to the levels of complexity. It would aim to overcome some specific levels of complexity of the higher order. Activities in the treatment of children with specific needs (such as talented children, emotionally-disturbed children) should be highlighted in in-service training and families with these children should be assisted. Specialized modules for working with talented and mentally/emotionally - disturbed children should be offered within the framework of in-service training. Programs of specialization would have to be of predominantly practical nature, as pre-school teachers and other professionals who work with children are trained in theoretical disciplines more often than in practical skills. The adequate application of theoretical knowledge would be reflected in introducing more innovative methods in the practical work with children. Actually, a variety of developmental modules should be offered, that is, modules with different contents and numerous possibilities for stimulating the development of children. Special modules for the specialization of the professionals who are employed as directors of pre-school institutions and supervisors from the Ministry of Education should also be prepared. Innovative programs are indispensable and would be of special significance for professionals who occupy these positions, since they make important decisions concerning both organization and program content in these institutions. Essential is the development of private pre-school institutions and their relations with those run by the state.It would be helpful to provide professional advice and logistic support to the process of restructuring colleges of pre-

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school training into faculties, should such a decision be made. Defining the programs of teacher training would be particularly useful.

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Mirjana V. Markovic, Advisor to the Minister of Education, Ministry of the Education Republic of Serbia The in-service training of pre-school, elementary and secondary school teachers first became obligatory for all members of the teaching staff who put into effect the curricula planned by the government in institutions of pre-school, primary and secondary education when the Permanent In-service Training of Teachers Act was passed in Serbia in 1973. According to this Act, permanent in-service training implied:

Ø the training of junior teachers in classroom activities and for the state examination

Ø additional professional training and education for the pedagogical practice of certain categories of pre-school, primary and secondary school teachers and their collaborators

Ø permanent in-service training after passing the state exam Ø in-service training aimed at professional promotion, i.e. the title

of a pedagogical counselor and a senior pedagogical counselor. The permanent in-service training of pre-school staff was comprised of, apart from the state exam, the professional training in pedagogical practice, socioeconomic and political education, and specialist training. Based on this Act, the Council of Education of the Republic of Serbia passed the Outlines of the Program of In-service Training for these three segments in the system of education. This program was carried out by schools, pre-school institutions, regional educational and pedagogical institutes, The Republic Bureau for Promoting Education and Training, pedagogical academies, faculties and, in particular, professional associations and organizations. The need for permanent in-service training was imposed by social and pedagogical goals of reforms, introduction of new curricula, the need to renew knowledge and for innovations, communication and information technologies and keeping in touch with the latest achievements and the dynamics of social development in that period. The years which have passed under the Act on Permanent In-service Training have exposed not only evident achievements, but also numerous weaknesses, which were manifest in the slow change of methods, forms and activities in pedagogical practice, insufficient co-ordination of participants in the process of in-service training, inconsistency in the realization of planned programs, inefficient funding for certain forms of in-service training, insufficiently motivated staff for their own in-service training due to inadequate financial stimulation, etc.

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Republic of Serbia

In-Service Training for Pre-school Teachers from 1975-1991 During this period, a considerable contribution to in-service training of teachers in pre-school education was made by the regional educational and pedagogical bureaus, the Republic Bureau for the Promotion of Training and Education, pre-school institutions themselves, the Association of Pre-school Institutions and the Association of Societies of Pre-school Teachers in Serbia and the Self-Managing Community of Interest in the Social Child Care. THE MEETINGS OF PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS IN SERBIA were organized annually as a form of in-service training by The Association of Pre-school Institutions, and later, the Republic Bureau for Promoting Training and Education, and regional educational and pedagogical bureaus in co-operation with a great number of pre-school institutions. Each meeting was a separate project carried out by university professors, counselors for pre-school training and education in co-operation with specialists, pre-school teachers and nurses. Sixteen meetings were organized altogether: ten in Belgrade, and one in each of the following cities: Niš, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Gornji Milanovac, Vrnjacka Banja and Vranje. The activities of the meetings “covered” all significant problems in pre-school training in Serbia, but they always demonstrated the affirmation of new tendencies in the sciences pertaining to the development and training of children and presented practical procedures based on them. Some of these presentations were: Cultivating Child Play, The Importance of Individual Work with Children, A Pre-school Nursery as an Open Institution, Outlines of Programs and Planning in Teaching and Education, Creativity and the Teaching of Pre-school Children, Developing Motivation in Pre-school Children, Consequences of Motivation Obstruction at Pre-school Age, Representative Activities of Pre-school Teachers in Pre-school Institutions in Belgrade, Vranje, Kragujevac, Niš, Novi Sad etc., Teaching Children of up to Three Years of age, Developing Morality in Children - Moral Attitudes and Moral Ideals, The Personality of a Pre-school Teacher as a Factor in Developing the Child's Personality, The Physical Education of Pre-school Children, Music Training of Pre-school Children, Developing Speech Competence in Pre-school Children, Tradition, Culture and Contemporary Pre-school Training, Art Training of Pre-school Children, Intellectual Education and Intellectual Activities, Programs, Curricula and the Organization of Teaching and Education, Perceptive Activities and Their Significance in Child Development, etc. The analyses of these topics in in-service training may easily give insight into the evolution of certain ideas, but also into the process of their integration into new official programs of training and education which was carried out through the lively co-operation between scientists, research workers and practitioners in pre-school institutions. The number of participants in the Meetings as one form of in-service training rose continually: during the first Meeting in 1975 there were 130

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participants, and at the last one in 1991, there were 1157 participants (in 1985 there were 720 participants). METHODOLOGY DAYS OF PRE-SCHOOL TEACHERS was another important form of in-service training which was organized by the Republic Bureau for Promoting Training and Education, the Bureau of Education and Pedagogy, Belgrade, the Academy for Pre-school Teachers, the Association of Professional Societies of Pre-school Teachers in Serbia, and the Self-management Interest Community for the Social Child Care. The seminar was held each year in the period from 1988 to 1991 in Belgrade and in 1996 in Kikinda which aimed at becoming a traditional manifestation always open to new ideas and creative procedures. For this reason, a series of precise criteria for preparing, presenting and evaluating practitioners' papers were set.

Ø Papers had to be open to new approaches in the methodology of education pre-school children, to rely on contemporary achievements pertaining to the child's education and development, and to present original, novel and integral practical procedures in immediate contacts with children;

Ø Goals of the education of pre-school children had to be observed in the manner they were defined in the official documents such as the Outlines of Program Activities in Training and Education, so that they represented an organic whole of program tasks and activities, natural and logical relations among specific areas of study. They were directed toward the actual application of program activities in the function of stimulating development as an integral process;

Ø The basic concept of papers had to be concerned with how to stimulate and promote the child's experience of the world, ways he expresses himself in everyday communication using all instruments of symbolic expression, to grant a high degree of children's activity in a training group and contribute to successful solving of developmental problems of pre-school children;

Ø Presented papers should offer original solutions in structuring the means of teaching, the environment as an integral part of the space of living and cultivated spontaneity combined with methodological activities and procedures.

The goal was to promote, in this way, pedagogical practice in pre-school institutions, to identify and bring affirmation to the best authors of activities and programs, and above all, to stress the important role of the pre-school teacher. The proceedings from each conference were published with the title “Methodology Days in 19__”. The publication was at the disposal of all pre-school teachers in Serbia. The best papers were given special awards. During the few years "Methodology Days of Pre-school Teachers in Serbia" were organized, about one thousand pre-school teachers, professional counselors and nurses were encouraged to present their original ideas at professional seminars before an expert jury. They thus really contributed to their own profession in numerous ways.

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In Service Training in Pre-school Institutions (180 pre-school institutions) was obligatory and most intensive through professional bodies in pre-school institutions, i.e. professional councils and committees of pre-school teachers for different age groups. The curriculum in a pre-school institution, which was planned for every academic year (and approved by the municipal authorities), also incorporated a program of in-service training for pre-school staff. These programs focused on current professional topics, ideas and problems in the particular environment. These topics were mostly discussions on various themes, which would later be presented at the "Meetings". The realization of these programs, as well as their quality, was supervised by counselors for pre-school training and education from the bureaus of education and pedagogy. This period was an enhancement in the development of pre-school training, an expansion of the pre-school institution network, an increase in the number of children enrolled in pre-school institutions, as well as in its excellent and successful in-service training.

In Service Training of Staff in Pre-school Institutions from 1991-2000 In-service training since 1991 has been regulated by The Social Child Care Act (Prosvetni Glasnik RS/6/96). According to this Act, the process of in-service training of pre-school teachers is carried out by the Ministry of Education, while the Ministry for Family Care takes care of the in-service training of directors of pre-school institutions, medical staff and social workers. Guidelines on passing the advanced (expert) exam for junior teachers, teachers, and expert advisors and educators (Prosvetni Glasnik RS no. 4/93) regulate the method of ensuring knowledge and responsibility for independent educational work in disciplines such as practical work, methodology, pedagogy, psychology, and constitutional and legal regulations pertaining to teaching and education. Individuals are allowed to take a test after they complete their first year of employment. Despite developments in Yugoslavia (transition, sanctions) in the 1990’s pre-school teachers started, where possible, the process of changes, which are modeled after the latest scientific achievements in the development and education of children and in accordance with the Outlines of the program activities in pre-school training and education, its introduction and successive implementation in the limited social environment. During this period the successful realization of the Outlines has been given priority in the Ministry of Education to the process of in-service training. The organizational models of in-service training are now teams that function at different levels:

Ø The team of the Ministry of Education consists of the counselor of the minister of education and supervisors in institutions of pre-school training and education. It co-ordinates activities in introducing, implementing and evaluating the Outlines of the program in pre-school institutions in Serbia; it organizes and supervises the processes of in-service training and carries out necessary evaluation procedures.

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Ø Teams of fourteen regional departments in the Ministry of Education99 coordinate the introduction and implementation of the Outlines of the program, and organize activities in methodology centers where the in-service training is carried out. Teams consist of supervisors in institutions of pre-school training and education, specialists, pre-school teachers who act as team coordinators in pre-school institutions, and heads of the board of directors.

Ø Teams of pre-school institutions outline the plan of activities for introducing and implementing the Outlines of the Program and processes of in-service training within the pre-school institution itself.

The most frequent forms of in-service training are seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops, meetings and professional discussions, educational training etc. The team of the Ministry of Education organizes and co-ordinates the following forms of in-service training at the republic level:

Ø The Republic Committee of Directors comprises all managing directors (heads) (180) of pre-school institutions. Among the pedagogical topics which are discussed within the framework of their in-service training are: the presentation of ideas found in official programs and possibilities of applying them in various environments; the equalizing of the level of staff and material equipment in pre-schools and ensuring an adequate supply of didactic materials for the learning environment; the quality of education in pre-school institutions, evaluation of active programs, etc. (Up to 120 directors take part in these conferences.)

Ø The Republic Committee of Specialists100 comprises 356 specialists of education (educationists) who are employed in pre-school institutions. Their advanced training is organized and co-coordinated by the Ministry of Education and corresponding associations of specialists (the Association of Pedagogues, the Association of Psychologists etc) The topics of their in-service training are: pedagogical action research, team work, creative language workshops, pedagogical workshops, role-play workshops (drama workshops), interactive training, innovations in pedagogical and psychological services, exchanges of

99 The number of regional departments. 100 The goal of expert advisors in pre-school institutions is, on the basis of contemporary theoretical and practical knowledge about children, to influence the establishment of conditions required for the development of the pre-school aged child. According to the Guidelines for these cadres, a pre-school institution can employ one expert advisor per 24 teaching groups (pedagogue, psychologist, physical trainer, music trainer, speech therapist, and sociologist. Larger communities with economic means, have developed networks of teaching groups in pre-school institutions, which have the possibility for teams of these specialists, who work directly on the organization of and realization of in-service teacher training for pre-school staff. In addition to this, in cooperation with pre-school teachers, they work on problems of developing a program (i.e. curriculum) which enables the optimum conditions for psycho-social development of children, organization of socio-educative work, pedagogical-instructional work, observing and directing children, cooperation with the family, pedagogical documentation , and so forth.

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experience and the like. An average of about 220 specialists take part in the conferences of this committee.

Ø A conference called "Pre-school Teachers to Pre-school Teachers" is organized every year. Its goal is to present novel procedures in the actual implementation of the Outlines of the Program. The most frequent topics are: Developing Model A, Professional Development of Pre-school Teachers Based on the Principles of Active Learning, Communicative Speech Acts, The Development of the Meanings of Words - Speech and Thought Activities, Action Research as a Model of Work in Pre-school Institutions, Co-operation with the Family, Preparing for School- Model B, The Development of the Curriculum in Pre-school Institutions, Co-operative Learning, The Story of the Genesis" etc. Up to 500 pre-school teachers attended this conference.

Apart from these organizational forms of in-service training of pre-school teaching staff, about two thirds of specialists and managing directors in pre-school institutions have attended seminars in psychology and sociology in the last five years. Topics on children's rights and active learning have been organized by experts from Serbia in co-operation with the UNICEF:

Ø parents and pre-school teachers in action Ø non-aggressive communication Ø smile-keepers Ø a pre-school institution as a family center Ø developing self-respect in children Ø active methods of learning

The goal of these seminars has been to advance the professional competence of specialists, to make adults responsive to developmental needs of children, to introduce changes into the emotional atmosphere of the classrooms, to develop sensitivity to legal and government positions, to inform adults about children's rights, to develop an open system of training and education in pre-school institutions themselves. These seminars have opened the way to appreciating ideas and changes from the Outlines of the Program itself. The regional level of in-service training is carried out in centers of methodology which are active within the regional departments in the Ministry of Education. Centers of Methodology are pre-school institutions open to changes and innovations in teaching and education practices. They are quite well-supplied with didactic materials and their premises are suited for in-service training seminar activities of its participants. Special projects, an exchange of experience, action research, continual information exchange and education are carried out in these centers. These centers of methodology are managed and coordinated by supervisors and their expert teams. There are several forms of organization in the centers of methodology:

Ø a center of methodology which is represented by one pre-school institution where the in-service training of pre-school teachers, specialists and nurses for that particular region is organized.

Ø a center of methodology which is represented by several pre-school institutions according to the problems defined within the framework of in-service training; these institutions have achieved

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results in specific areas of training (e.g. the methodological centers for intellectual training, physical training, speech development, etc. have been organized in Belgrade).

Ø "The model center" is the third form of possible organization. It is a pre-school institution which has for a long time been engaged in realizing a special project or program and offers the possibility of providing other institutions with systematic information, accommodation and training of participants in the process of specialist training. The project is called The Pre-school Institution as a Family Center and is situated in Kikinda.

Ministry of Education Network of Methodological Centers in Serbia Regional

Department Pre-school Institution Location

1. BEOGRAD several institutions Zvezdara, Cukarica, Zemun

2. SOMBOR “Our Joy”, “Vera Gucunja” Subotica, Sombor 3. NOVI SAD “Happy Childhood” Novi Sad-two

buildings 4. ZRENJANIN “Dragoljub Udicki”, “Children’s Joy” Kikinda, Pancevo 5. VALJEVO “Milica Nožica”, Little Butterfly” Valjevo, Lajkovac 6. ZAJECAR “Bambi”, “Rose”” Bor, Zajecar 7. KRAGUJEVAC “Pioneer”, “Mira Simic” Jagodina,

Arandelovac 8. KRALJEVO “Our Joy”, “Joy”, “O. Jovicic Rita” Aleksandrovac,

Cacak, Kraljevo 9. PRIŠTINA “Lily of the Valley” Priština 10. PRIZREN “Dragica Nekic” Prizren 11. UŽICE “Olga Jovicic-Rita”, “Vito Pantovic” Požega, Užice 12. NIŠ “Poletarac”, “Cika Jova Zmaj",

“Marigold” Niš, Pirot, Prokuplje

13. POŽAREVAC “Our Joy”, “Ljubica Vrebalov” Smederevo, Požarevac

14. LESKOVAC “Vukica Mitrovic”, “Our Child” Leskovac, Vranje In-service Training at the Level of the Pre-school Institution is compulsory and forms part of the Program of Activities in every pre-school institution. It is carried out through bodies which are constituted by all employed professionals. The activities of in-service training are comprised of all the significant aspects of the program and its application. They are worked out within the scope of topics discussed in the seminars organized at the level of the Republic, but also include topics important for their environment, for example: We Discover the Real Program, A Pre-school Teacher, Children's Literature, Puppet Shows, Planning Teaching and Educational Procedures, Observing Children, Integrating Parents into the Team of Pre-school Institution, Decorating the Nursery Yard for Playing and Learning, etc. Activities in the in-service training of specialists are managed and co-coordinated by a managing director of a pre-school institution or a specialist. The frequency of the in-service training of pre-school staff has in the last decade depended on financial means, i.e. funds allocated to pre-school training, the educational system on the whole, and even more generally, funds

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at the disposal of the society on the whole. Pre-school teachers and other specialists have been more motivated to keep up with the latest innovations, further studies and experimenting with new concepts in their practice of the New Outlines of the Program (1996). The process of in-service training has made it possible for them to overcome their resistance toward change, to make an effort to recognize stereotypes, to comprehend new ideas and look for answers to the most intriguing questions of child development in pre-school institutions. Efforts and serious work on the part of pre-school teachers, specialists and heads of pre-school institutions are evident in this significant and challenging profession which needs to be supported at all levels so they are fully to be respected and recognized. Problems of professional in-service training continue to be evident: insufficient funding, inefficient standards in the organization, realization and co-ordination of the system of this type of training, and stronger motivation for professional development, since this has not been supported by adequate income and promotion at work. Republic of Montenegro

In-service teacher training In-service teacher training in Montenegro consists mostly in the realm of the pre-school itself. Within this framework, several seminars are organized which encompass a large number of teachers. Specific forms of organized in-services training conducted in Montenegro include the following:

Ø Nursery like a Family Center Ø Teacher for Peace, Tolerance, and Human Development Ø Children’s Ecological Workshops Ø Project for Integration of Children with Special Needs Ø Parents and Teachers in Action- Education on Children’s Rights

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PROGRAM PLANNING Dragana Koruga, psychologist, Center for Interactive Pedagogy, Belgrade As early as 1976 and 1982 the goals of teaching pre-school children and ways and methods of achieving them were outlined in official documents. The Outlines of the Basic Program in institutions of teaching pre-school children from three to seven years of age was implemented in 1976, and the Outlines of Program Activities in pre-school institutions for children up to three years of age was implemented in 1982. These official documents also set the general framework of the parent's role in the realization of teaching and educational processes in pre-school institutions. It was mostly one-way communication (from the pre-school institution towards the family) and as far as the family was concerned, it was of a predominantly educational nature with the basic goal of enhancing the family’s competence in raising children. In 1996, another official document, the New Outlines of Program Activities, was introduced in pre-school institutions for children from three to seven years of age. It proposed two models of teaching methods (A and B). The first model proposes an open system of teaching in pre-school institutions. The starting assumption in Model A is that all adults from both micro and macro social environments take part in the social interaction as a process of raising and educating children as they grow-up. This model does not define precisely what forms and activities the co-operation between the family/parents and the institution should take. The right of parents to take an active part in various processes in their children's teaching and education, to freely choose the pre-school and model of pre-school teaching, as well as forms of their organization are highlighted in the introduction. The educational function of the pre-school institution is considered an integral part of the process of educational interaction. Just as the program of teaching and educational procedures is worked out in an interaction between children and pre-school teachers, so is the program of co-operation among pre-school teachers, children and their parents continued through their interaction. The second model proposes a comparatively closed system of pre-school institutional teaching in which the teaching process is planned in advance by pre-school teachers and remains open to change on the part of children only if basic goals and tasks remain unaltered. Accordingly, the program of cooperation between the family and the pre-school institution is designed to meet the requirements of the family, but it is planned in advance according to the experience, concepts and expectations of pre-school teachers. Parents' interventions in programs of cooperation with the institution are made possible only if they do not disturb its strictly defined aims. Therefore, both the form and contents of these interventions can be accepted under this condition. Apart from its form and contents, the dynamics of this co-operation is planned according to annual programs.

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How Flexible is This Cooperation? Until 1996, programs of co-operation allowed parents to take part in their child's life in the pre-school institution if they followed the precise plan of the nursery and a precise agreement with the parents. Even some forms of the official organization of parents' activities in a pre-school institution were planned. Namely, the parent councils consisted of one parent from each class who were elected during regular parent meetings and as a member of the institution’s parent council (each branch of the institution elected one parent). They were allowed to take part in making decisions on matters concerning their children, (such as outings, organizing small zoo-gardens in the institution, the purchase of toys and other supplies, organizing holidays and various celebrations, etc.), and once a year they discussed and agreed upon, following an official procedure, the annual program of activities in the institution, which was comprised of both organizational topics and plans and basic goals of these activities: the teaching and educational process, preventive measures in health care and nutrition. Formally, parents were given significant authority, but in practice they hardly ever exercised their rights. They were involved in running the institution only formally. Certain alterations were introduced in the 1980s by a new system in planning programs of teaching activities which was designed according to children's topics of interest as well as areas of development. This speaks of certain efforts made to take the child's developmental needs into consideration. This system had not been authorized by the government, but it was accepted and promoted by governmental expert agencies. The new approach was comprised of certain novel assumptions and methods in teaching procedures, which were passed on to parents in all forms and contents of their co-operation with the institution in order to create an integral teaching method. The main disadvantage of this concept of pre-school education was the lack of a variety of teaching models transformed into programs. In all pre-school institutions in the country almost the same orientation in programs of teaching and education was exercised, which was basically modeled after the school system. The programs were based predominantly on the needs of society, therefore the society itself defined the goals of teaching and education. The goals thus defined were accompanied by corresponding methods and programs of activities. Although it was alleged to be an active position of children and parents in the process of teaching and education, children and parents actually occupied the position of an object of teaching, that is the object in the process of co-operation. There was little true interaction among the participants/subjects in the process of teaching (parents-child-pre-school teacher), as pleaded by interactionists. The fact that the number of children integrated in the system of pre-school teaching usually did not exceed 30% should also be taken into account. After 1996, official programs demonstrated a significantly different attitude towards the co-operation between the family and the pre-school institution, particularly within model A. In pre-schools where model B is applied, cooperation is in accordance with the broader framework of principles of cooperation, of which enough has been said. Model A is defined as a highly open system of teaching which tends to realize principles of interaction in all its segments. This model does not define the co-operation with the

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family, but it is assumed that co-operation is defined by the role of adults in the teaching process in which all adults in contact with the child are treated as participants in the process of teaching. Interaction is defined as a basic principle in the teaching and education of pre-school children which is integrated in forms, methods and contents of the teaching and educational process. As an open system, the pre-school institution becomes accessible to all models of teaching confirmed by the teaching practice in the world, both in its theoretical and practical aspects, as well as to all modalities of the existing teaching doctrines which are adjusted to answer the needs of the child, the family and society. New models which would stem from the practice and experience in this country are also expected and desired. Thus, flexibility has been officially accepted in programs.

Survey of Experience and Practice The fact that the Outlines of Basic Program Activities dating from 1976 and the accompanying acts foresaw the possibility of more intensive participation of parents, direct communication with them, even when highly formalized, in the form of parent councils, assemblies, suggestions, interest and actual participation in activities which were designed to improve the life of their children in pre-school institutions, resulted in an analysis of existing practice in pre-school institutions. Teams of experts concluded that children were not exactly comfortable in pre-school institutions, as demonstrated by their behavior. They resisted coming to the nursery in various ways, such as by crying, and resisting activities such as the formation of eating habits, napping, toilet-training, etc. Although the programs were said to be open to the individualization of teaching processes, they did not reach that stage in practice. They were rigid and failed to meet the needs of both the children and the family. Their inadequacy was primarily reflected in the standards of living conditions, the pace of daily routines in the nursery, which was conditioned more by the actual possibilities of organizing the process of activities than the actual needs of children (particularly up to three years of age) and the needs and expectations of their parents. Opinion polls and case studies revealed parents’ requests and expectations for increased flexibility in meeting their own and their children's needs. The results led to a revision of both form and content of working procedures in the nursery and its co-operation with the family, and consequently, in changing the methods of organizing how the hours were spent in pre-school institutions. In a word, it resulted in opening pre-school institutions to the child, the family and a broader social community. Theoreticians in pedagogy and psychology stimulated practitioners to make an effort to overcome the existing practice in the relations between nurseries as pre-school institutions and parents as users of their services by means of action research and case studies. At that point the theory and practice in the world, notably in Europe, which was closer to us and their results easier to get hold of, favored the views of Bruner, Piaget and Vigotsky, who were representatives of the interactionist approach in pedagogy and developmental psychology.

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A trend of changing direction in the methodology of teaching children in co-operation with their parents in our teaching institutions stemmed from their theoretical assumptions. In the period from 1976 to 1990 pre-school education in Yugoslavia primarily searched for new forms of working with both children as well as their parents. Practitioners were constantly trying to improve practical procedures. A series of action research and case studies was organized in order to promote forms, methods and the content of procedures in the interaction with the family and a broader social community. The goals of these investigations were:

Ø to find ways which would really make the child an active participant of the teaching process

Ø to enable the parent, by an adequate offer, to overcome her/his frustration pertaining to his role as a parent in the pre-school institution.

Ø to prove that pre-school institutions play an important, maybe even the most important, role in the process of socialization, education and teaching of pre-school children

Ø to develop its own teaching doctrine by practical evaluation of contemporary achievements in the world in pedagogy and psychology, child teaching and the parent's role in the institutional pre-school education.

This research resulted in the following positive changes in teaching practice:

Ø a special program of adapting the child and the family to the teaching method in pre-school institutions for different age groups, which includes parents so that the process of developing mutual trust, the so-called “gradual adaptation” could be carried as quickly and easily as possible;

Ø the so-called “regime of the day” was changed into “the schedule of daily activities”, which meant in practice that the daily routine was designed in accordance with primarily the child's and family's needs, and only then the needs of the pre-school institution as an organization with its own organizational and financial limitations (the prolonged period of feeding time was introduced in the age group from 1 to 7, obligatory nap-hour was left out in the age group from 5 to 7, the time of admitting children into the nursery and the hour of their leaving was changed in order to meet family needs);

Ø the institution and its pre-school teachers were at the parents' disposal at any time during the day, regardless of the actual hour of the child's coming into/leaving the nursery, the parents' hour, parents' meetings etc.;

Ø the pre-school institution virtually “opened its door” in every sense of the word, so that the parent had access to all rooms of the institution; the so-called “parents' corner” was arranged and equipped with the notice board, literature in corresponding fields, etc.

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Ø co-operation with the family was defined in pre-school teacher annual programs at three levels: informative, educational and the level of direct integration into the teaching process;

Ø all important activities in the pre-school institution (decorating, visits, shows, outings, etc.) were realized together with parents. They took part in making all important decisions which had a direct impact upon their children's stay and activities in the nursery, provided they did not interfere with the organizational procedures in the Institution.

After this research, starting from 1984, every opportunity was used to rely upon parents' experience, bringing different teaching methods within the family into harmony and balancing them with those of the institution. The fact that there were essential differences in teaching procedures (within the family it was mainly individual contact, while in the nursery it was mainly group or collective contact) was then observed, which produced the need for constant flow of information between the family and the institution and more frequent integration of parents into the activities in the institution. A certain degree of flexibility was achieved both in programs and their realization. In order to understand actual practice more clearly, cooperation with parents has been divided into three levels which were typical in the period between the 1980s and the 1990s. Level I: The informative level This level of co-operation consisted of an introduction to and the reciprocation of information between the pre-school teacher and the parent on whatever was relevant for the development, raising and teaching of the child.

o Forms of information were various: Ø notice boards were the most usual form of presenting

information due to the then technical and financial means of the pre-school institution;

Ø everyday oral communication between the pre-school teacher and the parent;

Ø the so called “parents' hour” during which the pre-school teacher, nurse, doctor, pedagogue, and psychologist talked with the parent about her/his child; it was organized occasionally, not on a regular basis;

Ø parents' meetings; Ø informal parents' visits to the nursery were also organized

occasionally, but not many parents showed interest in this activity;

Ø visits to families were organized occasionally in accordance with the needs and interests;

Ø contact by telephone if necessary; Ø so-called information leaflets for parents, brochures, and printed

materials were also used; Ø the ‘parent's corner’ was a waiting room of a sort where parents

could wait for their child or the pre-school teacher, or talk with other parents;

Ø The content predominantly referred to:

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Ø the child's family life, i.e. economic, social and accommodation conditions, the organization of the family life with its daily routine, models of raising the child as applied in the family, family dynamics and atmosphere, etc.

Ø life in the nursery: by whom and how the child is taught, how many children and who of them belong to his teaching group, conditions in the nursery, the daily routine, the quality of a diet, health care and protection, education, the financial status of the institution, amounts paid for the services in the institution, and the program of socialization and education;

Ø data about the child's development which were obtained from the family and the pre-school teaching institution: the process of the child's physical development and growth, whether she/he was toilet-trained, the child's behavior, how he/she expresses his/her personality, how she/he used, developed and expressed her/his potentials, how the child acquired certain patterns of behavior and observed them, how the child resolved problems and difficulties and co-operated with her/his peers and adults, how well he could adjust her/himself to his environment, and how her/his mental and other capacities were developing.

Level II: The Educational Level This level of the co-operation between the family and the pre-school institution was developed in order to acquire knowledge about skills and new methods of teaching children. It referred to everything pertaining to the child development, regardless of whether the source was the family or the nursery. All specialist resources passed down from earlier generations on both sides were used. The following forms of education were developed:

Ø discussions on certain topics mainly referring to problems which arise in raising children (e.g. how habit forming processes are disturbed, prevention of pulmonary diseases, what to do with an angry child, etc.); those who were interested in a particular topic would usually take part in it, while an introduction was prepared either by one of the parents or pre-school teachers;

Ø panels were organized to discuss a particular subject suggested either by the family or the nursery; an expert on the subject in question (usually something referring to the child's development and education) was invited;

Ø parents' meetings held by pre-school teachers, pedagogues, or psychologists were usually devoted to various topics on the child's activities in the nursery, her/his development and teaching (e.g. what is an adequate toy, book, picture-book, what characteristics are specific of a particular age,

Ø awards and punishment, a milk bottle, a pacifier - yes or no, what the child should wear in the nursery, how to prepare a child for going to school..);

Ø lectures followed by video and film recordings; Ø “parents' corner” with specialist literature, magazines, manuals,

brochures, texts for parents' education;

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Ø The content realized at this level of co-operation between the

family and the nursery referred to the following: Ø preventive health care Ø psychological and physical characteristics of an age group Ø children's socialization

Level III: Direct Integration of Parents into the Teaching Process Forms of integrating parents into nursery activities were various: natural and spontaneous situations in the nursery (playing, eating, sleeping), situations planned in advance that were aimed at reaching certain teaching and educational effects, outings, directed activities, designing the program of teaching for the next period, decorating the premises, shopping, making and mending children's toys, visiting the office of one of the parents, going to the theatre, cinema, cleaning and decorating the nursery garden. The basic content of this form of socializing was the time spent together and exchange. These activities resulted in better understanding, greater confidence and more tolerance between parents and pre-school teachers. Parents acted as volunteers, instructors, co-coordinators, organizers, and spectators. This concept of co-operation between the family and the nursery had multifold effects on both parties:

Ø the level of informativeness in both directions was raised considerably

Ø the needs and interests of the family and the institution were brought closer in their mutual enterprise, i.e. to promote teaching and educational processes;

Ø the children's development was comprehensively and fully supervised;

Ø the level of mutual trust and tolerance was enhanced; Ø the period of adaptation of the child and family to the pre-school

institution was shortened and made easier; Ø the children's sense of security was improved, while the feeling

of being deprived was less emphasized; Ø the family on the whole reacted positively and was more

motivated to decide on enrolling the child into the pre-school institution;

Ø the repertoire of teaching models was improved; Ø more adequately balanced teaching models were applied in the

family and the nursery. Ø Apart from these forms of institutionalized teaching, there were

more experimental or alternative programs which were also carried out in institutions. They required a more emphasized level of the co-operation between the family and the nursery.

For example: 1. The pre-school teaching institutions “Fairy” and “Pionirski grad” in Belgrade applied “The Program of activities in teaching groups with boys and girls at the age 3-7” in small groups. “The Fairy” applied workshops as the main method of teaching, while in the nursery “Pionirski grad” group work and

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co-operative learning (which was not called exactly like that at that time) were applied as the main methods of teaching; 2. In many pre-school teaching institutions a variety of psychological and social programs were realized whose task was, to a lesser or greater extent, to intensify the co-operation with the family. Some of them are: “Self-respect” which was designed to interest parents in supporting a workshop program aimed at developing self-respect in children. Workshops were intended for both children and parents, and in some environments they were very successful (Backa Palanka, Novi Sad), so that this program had good results with both children and parents. The program called “Keep your smile” was also designed for both children and their parents. Its goal was to emphasize the psychological and social potentials of an individual in the social context changed by the war. The program of workshops was indirectly effective - via children, but directly as well - parents took part in these workshops not only together with their children, but also independently of them. The program of workshops called “An ABC of Children's Rights” included parents also. It was aimed at focusing on children's rights, which of them were respected in the family and to what extent. This program was comprised of a series of activities organized by parents themselves, but strictly in co-operation with the pre-school teaching institution. Actions were oriented towards representatives in a local community, but also toward other parents and adults who were included in these activities in order to stress the significance of respecting children's rights. Some of the results were: improving social and health care of children in a local community and general conditions in some pre-school institutions, particularly those which take care of children with special needs; meeting the requirements of children who were in a way denied certain services (such as refugee children); informing adults of children's rights and thus improving their general level of education. All of these programs included an important program of educating adults, though more for pre-school teachers than parents. They were designed to provoke a change in their attitudes and values, emotions and knowledge of the topic in question. The program included a great number of professionals and, therefore, can be considered a significant and valuable initiation in changing the pre-school institution education system and its functions. In a great number of families and pre-school institutions the concept of the workshops called “Keep your smile”, “A doctor for solving problems”, “A small suitcase with self-respect” was present in one way or another within the educational program called “The language of the giraffe in the nursery and at school” which is comprised of workshops meant to develop non-aggressive patterns of communicating among children, children and adults, and adults, to strengthen and develop their ability to tolerate frustrations, to solve problems and to handle conflicts with a special emphasis on the positive ways of communication by expressing emotions and needs in emotionally charged situations. By educating adults during the process of teaching children, concepts and elements of education as a two-way process and the interactionist approach to pre-school education was gradually being introduced into the family and the institution. This resulted in a more frequent use of the language of emotions and needs in everyday life by a great number of both adults and children who were trained to recognize it.

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3. A program of creative teaching was organized in “Learn and Play”, a nursery in the Cultural Center in the municipality of Stari Grad in Belgrade. It too required workshops as a basic method of teaching, but it also required a special program for teaching children, mostly on a one-to one basis. These methods and programs call for a considerably more intensive and comprehensive co-operation between the family and the institution. Namely, new methods and programs emphasized mutual trust among the members of the family, which, in turn, intensified the co-operation between the family and the institution and introduced new forms of it, such as predominantly creative workshops. The method of working in groups with children of different ages, with novel forms of co-operation resulted in marked interest in these groups on the parts of the parents. Namely, there were never any available places, which speaks for itself of the quality and success of this approach. 4. Ecological programs, which first appeared in ecologically threatened areas, but later spread to other places as well, were also interesting. The main feature of these programs was a totally avant-garde approach to children's teaching and a scope of its influence (first a broader local community, then slowly spreading its domain of influence). The support of both first the family and then the local authorities was essential in order for this to be successful. It called for educating the family first, which was first carried out indirectly, through children, then directly. The family was then integrated into planning and carrying out actions in the broader community. The best example was the program called “The Heart for the Planet” which was applied in a nursery in Pancevo. Within this program a whole series of protective filters were built into industrial plants in Pancevo. The inhabitants in this area were taught how to properly protect themselves from the pollution there, how to keep their gardens and springs clean, while the broader community was integrated in the health care and protection of its inhabitants, primarily children. A series of programs known as “Ecological Nurseries” was organized in Belgrade and several other cities in Serbia under the influence of the program in Pancevo, but suited to local needs. They included children, their families and the broader community into the process of protecting their environment. In many of these nurseries, both parents and their children were included in various organized activities such as establishing ecological centers, cleaning the yards and repairing the facades in the nurseries. Their premises were decorated with natural materials, and the funds and materials for promoting ecology within the scope of general education were collected and picture-books on ecology were published etc. 5. A nursery with a sports programs has been in existence for several years now in Belgrade. It is intended and obligatory for those children whose families are willing to take part in the realization of all its programs from the start. Activities are sometimes carried out simultaneously for parents and children, and sometimes activities are carried out separately with children in one group and parents in another. Throughout the year there is a program of group activities that is organized by parents and specialists together; it is thus an interactive program both in its concept and realization. 6. Specific forms, and even more notably the content of the co-operation with the family, were occasionally developed in rural areas. Nurseries were a rare phenomenon in these areas and a process of informing both parents and the community as a whole was necessary so that parents

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would trust pre-school teachers. Parents judged pre-school teachers by the success they had in preparing their children for primary school (for instance, they judged their success by the number of nursery rhymes and stories children managed to learn in the nursery, how much they improved their manners, ways of expressing themselves and their behavior on the whole). Results varied and depended mainly on the pre-school teacher in question, which was not good, as the dissatisfaction with a pre-school teacher was generalized and resulted in the dissatisfaction with the whole pre-school institution. Programs called “The Traveling Nursery”, “Pre-school”, “Occasional Recreation and Fun” were realized through child play, workshops, etc. Parents supported these programs in order to gain the confidence of the community, as they wanted them to become a tradition. Its specific task was to help establish adequate relations between the tradition and culture of the local community and elements of contemporary education and teaching which were introduced into their environment by a pre-school institution (e.g. learning foreign languages, introducing basic mathematical concepts, or video technology). During the period after 1990, and particularly after 1996, a series of new forms and programs of activities and ways of co-operating were performed not only in pre-school institutions but, to a great extent, outside it as well. Some of the most prominent are listed below: Both parents and children took part in programs called “Small Olympic Games”; in some cases they were organized within one class group, or a nursery, and in others, as a competition between two or more institutions, or cities, municipalities, or regional districts. Their goal was to place parents in the role of children and thus evoke the child in themselves so that they could detach themselves from the position of an adult in the rearing process and act from the child's position, that is, with empathy and understanding of the child's developmental and personal limitations. These programs were accepted by parents readily and they resulted in raising a general psychological climate in the nursery to a higher level, or even the transferring from a negative to a positive level; the best-known sports program in Belgrade was organized in the pre-school institution in Zvezdara, which called “Star Games”. “Play acting” programs in which parent-volunteers were placed in an equal position with qualified pre-school pedagogues and psychologists and created and performed teaching programs with full responsibility. The goal of these programs was to place parents in an equal position with the professional as far as her/his responsibility for the rearing process and interventions towards other children with whom their child is in company. It was expected that the parent would thus remove the focus of her/his expectations from the nursery both as an institution and as a factor in the process of socialization of her/his child and instead become a more adequate collaborator with a pre-school teacher in the teaching process. A program designed by the Institute of Pedagogy, the Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University, which was realized in Šabac and Belgrade within the project called “Playing”, was also known. A similar program was realized in several cities in Serbia within the project called “Step by Step- The Nursery as a Family Center”. This program also included parent-volunteers as regular collaborators with pre-school teachers in creating and performing activities of child development. All the

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parents whose children were enlisted in the nursery were considerably interested in the program, which was carried out with their consent and adapted to their needs, that is, the family needs. This program is still active, but not as a project with outside financial help. It is now funded by the local community. A certain number of parents were instructed how to work with children by the programs designed for refugees in Serbia, such as “Hi Neighbor”, “Open Clubs”, “Workshops for Adults” and the like. Today, they work in many refugee camps and clubs for youth and adults. People joined these programs because they wanted to help themselves and their children adapt to their present conditions and develop their children's and their own defense mechanisms to fight problems and frustration. Parents and adults became almost professionals in their work with children, and now they create or adapt their own programs; they design them by themselves on a basis of current needs which they notice in their own environment. Many parents are today co-authors of workshops and coordinators in centers and clubs etc. Specific programs which include parents to a considerable degree, are programs intended for children with specific needs, such as Roma, autistic children, paralytic children, children with the Down’s syndrome, children suffering from chronic diseases (diabetes and the like), children with impaired vision, hearing or any other physical sense. The programs are intended not only for the actual instruction of parents on how to be more effective in raising their children, but also to help them to communicate, overcome psychological problems of growing-up and personality development, teach and urge children to rely to their own potential to the greatest possible extent, etc. Courses for parents are designed according to the type of the problem, but these programs are still in the initial phase. A greater advance towards their realization occurred only in the year 2000 when they resulted in establishing institutions and teaching groups for children with specific needs, in which parents act as volunteers, or organizers and creators of some part of the children's program (particularly in the nursery for Roma and centers for autistic or paralyzed children). Many of the adults, pre-school teachers or parents, who were instructed in one of the above-mentioned programs or took part in any of the listed projects, are now authors of their own programs which they realize in some alternative form of teaching: play acting, clubs, workshops, centers, etc.

Possibilities for innovation Despite a move towards a more open environment in pre-school institutions, it appears that there is not enough essential content exchange between families and institution, exchange in the form of teaching values and pedagogical postulates. A working partnership between parents and pre-school teachers is not yet quite clear enough, let alone practiced in the sense of proper co-operation between the family and the institution. Modern concepts and contemporary approaches in pedagogy, teaching and education have recently highlighted ideas of peace and democracy, but their complete integration into new teaching models, and consequently their application can be expected only if they are adapted to the national identity.

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This means that these models require more adequate adaptations in order to get closer to the national spirit and be sensitive to traditional understanding of the parents towards child rearing and development. Therefore, an essential ‘refreshing’ of the pre-school system is indispensable to the domain of co-operative relations with the family, notably with models which define clearly a system of immediate integration of the parent into nursery activities.The Montessori model is certainly one of the best-known models of this type.Its advantages, as far as cooperation with the family is concerned, are the following:

Ø it favors a permanent presence of parents in the nursery in accordance with patterns of activities planned in advance and based on mutual respect and competence building;

Ø cooperation is based on an equivalent and proportional contribution to the child's development;

Ø it can serve as a solid starting point for developing various models of mutual education and

Ø it is pragmatic and concrete enough, while still quite stimulating for all participants in the teaching process.

It is also clear that very few different models of institutional teaching are present in present practice in Yugoslavia. Therefore, each new approach to the institutional teaching of pre-school children is welcome, particularly if it brings novelty in theory and practice. However, its adaptation to the tradition, culture and standards in our society is required. European teaching models which have not yet been presented in the Balkans might be of interest. Anything that refers to cooperation between the family and the pre-school institution would have to be adapted to the family in our society and contemporary patterns of raising children in the family, which is at the moment more burdened with tradition than before.

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AND MONTENEGRO Mirjana V. Markovic, Advisor to the Minister of Education, Ministry of the Education Republic of Serbia

Possibilities for Innovation in State Pre-schools The willingness to accept pedagogical innovations in pre-school institutions dates from as early as 1976 when the Outlines of the Program in Pre-school Institutions of Teaching and Educating Children and Preparing Children from Six to Seven Years of Age for Primary School was implemented. It was the first time that the government did not determine detailed programs, but only their Outlines instead. Each nursery school was under the obligation to propose its own program of teaching and education depending upon the specific properties of the local community to which it belonged. This concept of the Outlines of the Program created the problem of “open teaching”, by basing its pedagogical activities on playing and play activities and focusing on developing creativity instead of program activities. They suggested a more flexible organization of daily activities in pre-school institutions. An evaluation of the Outlines was carried out in the first half of the 1980s, which was the first program evaluation procedure ever carried out in Yugoslavia (M.Pešic, 1987). The evaluation highlighted positive aspects of the program’s application, but it also pointed out a series of problems to be solved and averted in the further process of developing pre-school institutions for teaching children in Serbia. Some significant findings include:

Ø directed activities are almost completely and directly run by the pre-school teacher;

Ø children are completely left to themselves in their play-time, or, the pre-school teacher is rarely included actively in their play;

Ø the predominance of rote learning; Ø the choice of activities is more frequently performed by the pre-

school teacher than children; Ø the percentage of individual work is low; Ø “covert programs” in nurseries are highly structured and more

often have in mind the adult rather than the child, etc. The most important conclusion in the evaluation procedure is that legal regulation represents only one variable of pre-school teaching and education, that its improvement does not guarantee an automatic change in the actual practice of pre-school institutions, and that the legal obligation for each institution to create its own program has not yet been fulfilled. After these findings in connection to the framework pre-school teaching and education in Serbia, research was carried out in the course of the 1980s and 1990s. This research was performed mostly in the institution itself, that is to say, within the actual context, and was concerned with the topics like:

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“Developing an Open Curriculum - Action Research” (M.Pešic), “The Nursery School as the Family Center” (D.Pavlovic), “An Ethnographic Approach to Research” (L.Radulovic ), “Practitioners' Research” (M.Pešic), “A Presentation of an Action Research” (T.Pavlovski), “Pedagogical Analysis of Content” (M.Mitrovic), “Learn Actively”(I.Ivic). Taking into consideration contemporary theories in education, child development, learning processes etc., and the research of Yugoslav theoreticians and practitioners, an attempt to pass another legal document in the early 1990s was made. The starting assumptions were the following:

Ø program versus curriculum Ø understanding the nature of child development versus the

humanistic approach in the theory of development Ø learning, knowledge, education versus active constructions, part

of personality development Ø the concept of education versus an open system of teaching Ø evaluation versus continual assessment and the change of

practice Accordingly, new plans and programs of pre-school teaching and education were implemented in the mid-1990s.

The Government Curriculum in Pre-school Teaching and Education The following curricula are implemented with the approval of the Minister of Education for Serbia:

Ø The Outlines of the Basic Program for Pre-school Institutions for Children up to three years of age (1994)

Ø The Outlines of the Basic Program in Pre-school Institutions for Children from three to seven years of age (1996)

Ø The Outlines of the Basic Program in Pre-school Institutions for children in ethnic minorities (1996).

In Montenegro the following programs are implemented with the approval of the Pedagogical Council of Montenegro:

Ø The program in state (public) pre-school institutions for child care and teaching children up to three years of age (1973)

Ø The program in state (public) pre-school institutions for child care and teaching and educating children from three to seven years of age (1973)

Ø The one-year program for pre-school children in the preparatory year for primary school (1973)

Ø The outlines of the basic program in pre-school institutions (2000).

Republic of Serbia Defining the Outlines of the program of teaching children up to three years of age is only one element in the process of defining precisely the

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framework within which child development is carried out in pre-school institutions. The basic aim of the Outlines is to define the goal and tasks of teaching, create an adequate atmosphere for child development in general, social and emotional relations between children and those who take care of them, and establish the system of potential activities designed for children and the terms of co-operation with the family in the process of children development. The general goal of pre-school teaching and education is to let the child get to know himself, teach him how to control himself, to learn about the world around him by influencing it, and to develop relations with others through getting to know them. If the general goal in pre-school teaching and education is translated into terms of behavior characteristic of children of up to three years of age, it can be expressed as follows: The goal of pre-school education is to create an adequate learning environment where the child will gain experience following his own program. The child will transfer his experience into knowledge by means of the organized system of content, activities and methods in the process of learning about himself and his environment, which he will change according to his abilities. The basic task of pre-school education is to keep, stimulate and refine spontaneous expressions of behavior of a small child in relation to his environment. Apart from this basic task, special tasks of education which constitute a basis for personality development are: a) securing physical and sensory development:

Ø keeping children in good physical health Ø stimulating the development of movement Ø developing their motor skills Ø stimulating complete sensory and perception development Ø developing good habits (body hygiene, eating habits and toilet-

training) b) emotional and social development:

Ø preserving the spontaneity and honesty of the child during his contact with the world

Ø cultivating his capacity to be open to new experiences Ø helping him become independent Ø helping him create a picture about himself and develop self-

confidence Ø helping the child to acquire basic behavior principles within basic

moral values (good, bad) Ø stimulating children to take part in group activities Ø encouraging children to feel happy and joyful

c) developing sensory properties: Ø stimulating and cultivating the natural curiosity of small children

in relation to the world which surrounds them Ø encouraging the child's capacity for empathy; cultivating his

sensitivity to impressions as motivation to ask questions Ø stimulating problem-solving of a sensory-motor nature Ø encouraging seemingly non-sensical oral communication of the


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Ø stimulating and enriching their speech as means of communication and learning

Ø stimulating the development of sensory-motor and perception potential

Ø creating a favorable atmosphere for forming basic cognitive concepts through practical activities.

General principles of teaching deal with: the teaching environment in which the child becomes an active subject in the teaching process, the unity of care and teaching as a necessary condition, characteristics of a favorable emotional and social atmosphere, the role of the child's play in his physical and psychological development, the daily routine in the pre-school institution, the co-operation with the family in the teaching process etc. The structure of the Outlines of the program is comprised of three age groups: 12-18, 18-24, and 24-36 months old. Each one of these age groups is comprised of:

Ø psychological development (main characteristics of child development corresponding to the age group: the development of motor skills and perception, social and emotional development, cognitive development - intelligence, speech development, forms of learning)

Ø child care Ø social and emotional relations Ø play Ø motor activities Ø sensory and perception activities Ø music and rhythmic activities Ø intellectual activities Ø language activities Ø story-telling and drama activities

A close observation of the application of these programs showed that it was of utmost importance for pre-school teachers to understand the significance of a successful realization of the program. Their reference of the structure of space, time and social relations with regards to the system of activities, whose fundamental role is to trigger the process of child development, demonstrates that these structural elements are a significant framework which, almost imperceptibly, but continually, dictate actual everyday programs practiced by pre-school teachers, and the quality of life of children and adults. In the process of planning the pre-school education process, the Outlines of the program create a variety of possible activities for the children. There is the possibility of choosing and adapting activities to children's individual traits. However, the potential for the freedom of practitioners to create different environments and the choice of activities and actions, is emphasized, which gives them the feeling of professional competence and autonomy. Teaching groups with children of different ages are formed and made closer and more open to the family, the daily routine in the institution is more flexible, and all this is done in order to meet children's needs more successfully. Progress has been noticed in the field of emotional and social development with an emphasis on accepting children, gaining a better

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understanding of their needs and individual acts and the application of active methods in working with parents and children. Factors which aggravate the implementation of the program are: large class/group sizes, insufficient and inadequate supplies of didactic materials, insufficient professional help to the staff of specialists, insufficient agreement on the working hours between the family and the institution, so that the child cannot follow his own biological rhythm, but follows the biological rhythm of adults instead. A great amount of the time children spend in the nursery is spent on nursing them and caring for them, which means that development activities must be integrated into these activities. With all the advantages offered by the contemporary curriculum and efforts made by nurses who not only apply it, but also partly create it, evaluation procedures show that practice is closer to the traditional than contemporary scientific approach to developing children. THE OUTLINES OF THE PROGRAM IN PRE-SCHOOL TEACHING AND EDUCATION OF CHILDREN FROM THREE TO FIVE YEARS OF AGE define functions of pre-school education by realizing children's rights and meeting their needs, as well as the needs of the family and society. The curriculum is the continuation of and complementary to the family teaching; it is open to parents and their influence, ideas, and needs and allows their direct participation. It has an important role in preparing children for going to school and continuing their systematic education. It reduces differences among children caused by different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds and offers greater social help to children with slower development by means of adequate corrective teaching procedures. It also offers possibilities of expressing and developing creative capacity to gifted children by means of specific teaching procedures. The curriculum is based on humanistic principles in understanding the child's nature, which, essentially state that the child is in itself a great value with positive developmental potential, and that the child himself is a factor in his own development of socialization and teaching. The humanistic approach to children is fundamental in contemporary theoretical and empirical knowledge and it defines the child as an active, interactive and creative being. The child's active nature is exposed in his initiative, spontaneity and explorative behavior, and above all, the child's play. A powerful indicator of his active nature is his role as an active partner in social interactions – his cooperativeness in group activities, his complementary acts, his opposition, conflict and partnership. The child as an active and interactive being must necessarily also be a creative being who is constructive and creative in all forms of his behavior. The curriculum starts from the assumption that the child's personality should be respected and given the chance to become fully aware of his individual traits and accept and develop them. The essential feature of the curriculum is preserving, stimulating and refining spontaneous creative potential and features of the pre-school child by providing the conditions for his normal physical, intellectual, social, emotional and moral development. This unique and comprehensive concept of the curriculum has been further specified in two models - Model A and Model B. Pre-school teachers choose one of the models on the basis of open professional discussions about the similarities and differences between the

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two models and, taking their prior experience into consideration, determine what their advantages and disadvantages are, point out possible problems and suggest their solutions, etc. This is also the first government program which, within its outline of the basic principles, offers a greater number of solutions and the possibility of creating options on the part of pre-school teachers and parents. MODEL A is the curriculum applied in an open system of teaching and education. The starting point in this curriculum is the child with his need and right to be what he is, to grow and develop. He has an in-born motivation to learn and acquire knowledge, so he learns when he finds learning meaningful. Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge. The child's play is his way of expressing himself and a specific way of learning. Educational activities offer a chance to every child to be what he really is and help him to be aware of his intrinsic features, to accept and develop them at his own pace. The turning point in his development is the social interaction - social relations with adults, children of different ages and his peers. The general goal in pre-school education is to contribute to the child's integral development in a manner which will provide conditions and stimuli to develop his own properties and personal traits and learn about himself, other people and the world. The goals in the process of pre-school teaching and education are that the child should:

1. get to know himself 2. develop relations, gain experience and learn about other people 3. learn about the world around him and develop mechanisms of

influencing it - find out and get to know characteristics of objects and phenomena in his surroundings on the basis of his own activities.

These goals refer not only to achievements, developmental results and acquired knowledge, but also to activities, actions and interactions which altogether result in acquiring more knowledge and more successful development. The goals in teaching procedures are realized in the pre-school institution by means of a series of spontaneous situations and activities either freely chosen or planned together. In this process various means, materials and methods of teaching are applied. In accordance with the starting point in this model, basic principles of the teaching and educational process are:

Ø the principle of mutual respect Ø the principle of being engaged in activities Ø the principle of life Ø the principle of consistency

According to these aims and principles, the role of a pre-school teacher is to provide good living, learning and developmental conditions for children and to directly stimulate their development and learning.The pre-school teacher is an observer, a source of information, a partner in pedagogical communication and behavioral interaction. He has a motivating role, balances social relations, evaluates the child's achievements and his own work, is an autonomous decision-maker and a member of the team of pre-school teachers. The pre-school teacher as an author of the curriculum and a research worker within the scope of his own practice, plans all activities in the teaching environment starting from his observations.Then he plans the

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curriculum and evaluates its effects on the basis of all activities prior to this one. Resources of the teaching activities are found primarily in the context provided by real life: “the child learns what he lives”. Only afterwards is knowledge in science, arts, the oral and written tradition learnt. Starting from this model, teams of pre-school teachers, pedagogues and psychologists develop actual programs aimed at developing their own groups of children. It is a process which introduces the transformation of the institution and the teaching practice realized in it, but it also transforms the professional development of practitioners. MODEL B is more of a structured model of the curriculum and deals separately with principles, goals of the system of activities, and only partly with the content of the programs, the organization of the daily routine in the pre-school institution and the co-operation with the family and the local community. Principles of pre-school teaching and education point to basic properties of teaching and educational processes and act as points of orientation in preparing and organizing the process of teaching and evaluation procedures:

Ø the principle of integrity Ø the principle of orientating towards general goals Ø the principle of observing and stimulating the child's

development Ø the principle of activity and liveliness Ø the principle of dominance and play-acting Ø the principle of agreement with adult and individual traits of

children Ø the principle of developing children's independence gradually Ø the principle of social integration and continuity.

The basic goal is an integral development of the child’s full potential and progress in each one of its aspects together with qualitative improvement in those domains which have already been acquired. The tendency is to develop emancipated individuals aware of themselves and their potential, open to communication, constructive and creative, with balanced intellectual, emotional and social features, with well-developed personal traits and individual inclinations.These goals are realized through a system of activities which contributes to developing all aspects of the child's personality on the whole. The Goals of the System of Activities: a) physical development

Ø goals of physical activities Ø goals of perception activities

b) social and emotional development Ø goals of social activities Ø goals of activities aimed at developing a positive picture of

oneself Ø goals of behavioral activities Ø goals of ecological activities

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c) cognitive development Ø goals of activities aimed at learning about the world Ø goals of logical and mathematical activities Ø goals of working activities Ø goals of traffic activities

d) cultivating communication and creativity Ø goals of speech activities Ø goals of artistic activities (painting) Ø goals of music activities Ø goals of drama activities.

In order to reach these goals, which also comprise suggestions on possible activities educational procedures, an adequate organization of space, means, materials, time and children's activities, as well as their structuring in teaching groups is required. The institution and the family should co-operate according to plan and systematically. Their tasks should be formulated clearly and the dynamics of their application should be strictly defined, while maximum attention should be paid to spontaneous needs and initiatives on the part of both parents and pre-school teachers. The organization of various celebrations, ecological activities, helping the poor and the needy, cleaning the playground, co-operation with schools, museums, libraries, children's theatres, galleries etc., are supported by the local community. Evaluation procedures which ran parallel to the implementation of the Outlines of the program in pre-school education of children from three to seven years of age demonstrated that the choice of models was influenced by the following: suggested method of work, previous experience and teaching of pre-school teachers and their greater autonomy, and the possibility of children opting for certain activities and their desire for changes and knowledge. Pre-school teachers believe that in the very course of its implementation they recognized and understood important professional attitudes and structured various teaching processes differently, so that the child became the center of activities (“I learn to observe them and recognize their interests; I pay attention to their initiative; children are freer, more independent, they have a possibility to choose and take a lead; we are ready to get to know them better, to learn to accept, understand and respect them and their thoughts and talks”). The following statements show what has changed in implicit pedagogies of pre-school teachers and how: “Innovation is a challenge to the pre-school teacher; I've learnt to be more imaginative and flexible; My relations with children are different; I am now learning to be more patient and wait for results; I've changed my attitudes by applying the program, I check my practice, observe, play, plan interactions and roles in activities, support the choice of children's activities; I plan and carry out activities together with parents.” The Outlines were evaluated by 10% of the total number of pre-school teachers, specialists and managing directors of pre-school institutions in Serbia. They agreed that their main factors of support were a well-prepared environment for learning, use of all space in the nursery school for the learning process, observation of children's needs and interests, more open and varied forms of co-operation with parents, more democratic relations in

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the education process, team work and workshop activities, higher professional esteem etc. The following factors made their work more difficult: lack of financial means and insufficient supply of didactic materials, method of planning a program of activities, difficulties in accepting a working partnership with children and parents, traditional organization of work, more open relations with the family, the burden of stereotypes, and their reluctance to accept innovations. OUTLINES OF THE BASIC PROGRAM OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION IN LANGUAGES OF NATIONAL MINORITIES have the following specific goals:

Ø stimulating the process of socialization and providing conditions for children's development in accordance with specific properties of the multicultural community

Ø the preservation and development of the national and cultural identity

Ø getting to know the national culture and cultural heritage Ø acquisition of mother tongue Ø promoting cultural relations between the ethnic minority and the

major nationality Ø establishing intercultural relations and communication Ø developing communicative competence in Serbian language Ø providing conditions for bilingualism.

The organization of the developmental and educational process should provide mutual tolerance, understanding and equal respect of all cultures, develop an active relationship with the local social and cultural environment, and comprise products of all ethnic and cultural groups. It demands permanent co-operation between teaching groups which use the Serbian language as the language of instruction, mutual visits, participation in the same activities, cultural manifestations, and visits to culturally specific households. Possible sources of program activities are: the mother tongue, the cultural heritage of an ethnic minority, the culture of children, elements of the culture in adults, elements of the national history of the ethnic minority and the country in which they live and elements of religion adjusted to the age of children (customs, myths, legends, morals). The introduction of this program into pre-school institutions included an estimate of existing conditions of pre-school education in the language of ethnic minorities or bilingual teaching, identifying sociolinguistic factors which have an impact upon learning the mother tongue and second language acquisition in various bilingual environments, the analysis of methodological procedures based on the methods of observation and the analysis of the program; effectiveness by means of the interactive method. Ethno-linguistic profiles of teaching groups were made based on the collected data. They formed the starting point in organizing the development and education process. The degree of bilingualism in children is a significant factor in determining the profile of a teaching group. They can be completely bilingual, partially bilingual (the beginners' stage) or monolingual children. The observation of the application of the Outlines of the program in teaching pre-

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school children in the languages of ethnic minorities was carried out in several stages. In the first stage, emphasis was laid upon the collection of data on the number of institutions where the teaching of pre-school children is performed in the languages of ethnic minorities. The next stage consisted of familiarization with the New Outlines of the program, and discussions on changes in the methodological approach which were well-defined in the manual “Keep Your Language”, specifically written for the application of the program in review. In this stage pre-school teachers were not grouped according to the language of instruction (Hungarian, Ruthenian, Rumanian and Slovakian) in order to stress the universal character of its basic assumptions. The next phase consisted of founding the Committee of Pre-school Teachers who teach in one of the languages of ethnic minorities. They were engaged in planning details of the application of the Outlines of the program and the corresponding manuals through a system of interactive procedures and workshops. Another important activity was the actual writing of manuals which were designed for the specific purpose of teaching pre- school children in the language of ethnic minorities. Manuals in Serbian, Hungarian, Slovakian and Ruthenian were written, while a manual in Romanian is now being written. Apart from the author, Dr. M.Mikeš, one expert in each language was engaged, but all pre-school teachers of the corresponding committee participated in this task by contributing. practical examples for these manuals. This type of work has, to a great extent, directed researchers to literature, careful consideration and general introduction changes into their practice. What could be noticed was, naturally, a close relationship and a high degree of correspondence between the Outlines of the program in pre-school teaching and education and the Outlines of the program in teaching pre-school children in the languages of ethnic minorities. For precisely these reasons, qualitative changes and positive experiences in education in the mother tongue have been applied to the education process in the second language and vice versa. Communication among children and between children and their pre-school teachers has been considerably improved. A problem which was evident in the process of applying the Outlines was the insufficient knowledge of the teachers of Serbian as a second language. The evaluation of the application of the Outlines in these first years demonstrated that children are in good command of their mother tongue, but are also ready to accept and promote their communication in the second language. The following data from the regions in Vojvodina prove this: A/ Children readily accept activities in Serbian language

South-Backa and Srem regions

North and West-Backa regions

North and South-Banat regions


always 49 66% 25 43% 51 45% 51% sometimes 23 31% 24 41% 41 37% 36% rarely - - 6 10% 8 7% 5% never 2 3% 3 6% 12 11% 7% total 74 100% 58 100% 112 100% B/ Children want to socialize with the children from the Serbian groups

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South-Backa and

Srem regions North and West-Backa regions

North and South-Banat regions


always 19 26% 20 35% 26 24% 27% sometimes 23 31% 15 26% 43 40% 34% rarely 7 9% 13 22% 12 11% 13% never 25 34% 10 17% 27 25% 26%

C/ During activities in Serbian language children spontaneously use Serbian phrases and expressions South-Backa and

Srem regions North and West-Backa regions

North and South-Banat regions


always 13 18% 7 12% 27 24% 19% sometimes 25 34% 23 40% 43 39% 37% rarely 19 25% 18 31% 27 24% 26% never 17 23% 10 17% 15 13% 17%

These analyses show that children accept activities in Serbian as their second language regularly or occasionally, they use Serbian words and phrases spontaneously during their activities in that language only occasionally and rarely, and that they make friends with Serbian children in the pre-school institution occasionally. The Republic of Montenegro

The Government Curriculum The Pedagogical Council implemented “The Curriculum in Pre-School Institutions of Teaching and Education in Montenegro” in 1983. According to this document, the goal of pre-school development and education is to provide conditions for normal physical, intellectual, social, moral and emotional development and successful further education for the youngest in accordance with pedagogical and scientific achievements and general goals of educating pre-school children. Tasks of pre-school teaching and education of children are:

Ø providing conditions for the harmonious growth and development of the child and a happy childhood;

Ø cultivating the love for his parents, children and adults, his native place and country;

Ø providing conditions for the child's play and co-operation with both children and adults and for teaching him the meaning of the value of his work;

Ø providing conditions for the child's happiness enabling him to feel satisfied and free, to experience and express his positive feelings towards others and gradually learn and respects basic standards of behavior;

Ø stimulating his curiosity and developing his potential to get to know, understand and deal with his natural and social environment actively and creatively;

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Ø developing speech competence and other means of expressing himself

Ø stimulating children's creativity Ø developing healthy, physically well-built children.

The Program of Child Care and Development up to Three years of Age in State Pre-schools Apart from general goals and tasks this curriculum provides conditions for the realization of special tasks, such as:

Ø developing a healthy child who will gradually master motor skills Ø developing the child's senses of physical perception as means

of more complete knowledge of the world; Ø providing conditions for developing the child's sense of security

and independence; Ø providing good child care in the family and institution.

Further structures are comprised of tasks and activities designed for a particular age: The first year of life:

Ø teaching tasks Ø teaching activities of up to the third month, from the fourth to the

sixth, from the seventh to the ninth, and from the tenth to the twelfth month;

The second year of life: Ø teaching tasks Ø activities of teaching from the 12th to 18th months, and from the

18th to 24th months Ø explanations with methodological instructions;

The third year of life: Ø teaching tasks Ø activities: physical teaching and health care, getting to know the

environment, speech development, drawing, music instruction Ø explanations with methodological instructions.

Ø Basic principles in the organization of development and

education activities in the nursery school: Ø organizing children into teaching groups Ø daily routine schedule Ø the organization of space Ø cooperation with the family.

The application of this program implies a combination of child care and learning processes, especially with the youngest children. The integration of parents, particularly mothers, into teaching groups contributes to a more successful adaptation of both children and mothers who also learn how to care for and play with their children correctly. Special attention is paid to the hygiene of premises and the pedagogical surroundings for learning about the world around the child. The Program of Teaching Pre-school Children in State Institutions has the following structure:

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Children of three to four years of age Physical training and health care:

Ø physical training activities Ø activities: exercises designed for the development of certain

groups of muscles, exercises designed to develop motor skills, such as running, jumping, climbing, crawling, rolling, passing through, circling, hitting, catching, shooting, picking up, carrying, activities in water etc.

Ø methodological and didactic explanations Getting to know the environment

Ø tasks designed for learning about the environment activities: the social environment, the natural environment

Ø explanations Speech development and oral communication skills

Ø tasks aimed at speech development activities: recognition of various sounds, articulation, vocabulary, sentences, speech acts and creative speech play

Drawing Ø tasks designed to develop drawing skills Ø activities: drawing, painting, sculpting, elements of applied arts,

basic principles of esthetic evaluation Children of four to five years of age Physical training and health care

Ø tasks of physical training Ø activities: exercises designed for the development of certain

groups of muscles, exercises for feet development, exercises for the development of motor skills, sledging, skiing, swimming

Ø explanations Learning about the environment

Ø tasks of getting to know the environment Ø activities: the social environment, the natural environment Ø explanations

The development of basic mathematical notions and concepts Ø tasks of developing mathematical concepts Ø activities: forming concepts of numbers 1-5, comparing objects

in size, learning how to make distinctions between various objects according to their different properties, the orientation of space and time

Speech development and oral communication skills Ø tasks of developing speech Ø activities: learning how to recognize different speech sounds,

articulation, vocabulary, asking questions, chorus answering, role-play and creative speech games

Art Ø tasks aimed at developing artistic creativity Ø activities: drawing, painting, sculpting, elements of applied arts,

basic principles of esthetic evaluation; Music

Ø tasks aimed at developing creativity in music

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Ø activities: singing, listening to music, dancing, children's musical instruments

Ø explanations Children of five to seven years of age : Physical training and health care

Ø tasks aimed at developing physical fitness Ø activities: taking children out, exercises for developing certain

groups of muscles, exercises for feet development, exercises for developing motor skills, riding bicycles, sledging, skiing, roller-skating

Ø explanations Learning about the environment

Ø tasks aimed at learning about the environment Ø activities: the social environment, the natural environment Ø explanations

Learning mathematical notions and concepts Ø tasks aimed at learning mathematical concepts Ø activities: forming concepts of numbers 5-10, various meanings

of numbers, the comparison of numbers, learning how to distinguish objects by their size and form, measuring, the orientation of space and time

Ø explanations Developing speech competence and oral communication skills

Ø tasks aimed at developing speech competence Ø activities: articulation, vocabulary, basic forms of oral

communication, reciting poetry, role-play, expressive properties of speech, creative speech games, developing an interest for books

Ø explanations Art

Ø tasks aimed at art teaching Ø activities: drawing, painting, sculpting, elements of applied arts,

basic principles of esthetic evaluation Ø explanations

Music training Ø tasks aimed at learning about music Ø activities: singing, dancing, learning to express themselves

listening to the music, children's musical instruments A One-Year Preparatory Program This program follows the structure of the programs previously mentioned. Tasks of teaching procedures are defined in all fields of study and explanations are given about methodological instructions in the application of activities. Special activities are planned in:

Ø physical training: exercises for muscle development and motor activities

Ø getting to know the natural and the social environment Ø the development of basic mathematical concepts: sum, size,

geometrical figures

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Ø speech development: distinguishing speech sounds, the articulation of speech sounds, the development of speech acts, creative speech games and vocabulary build-up

Ø art: drawing, painting, sculpting, elements of applied arts, basic principles of esthetic evaluation

Ø music: spontaneous musical creativity, singing, dancing to music, “sing and count”.

The characteristics in the application of this curriculum are reflected in developing rich pedagogical practice, particularly in the field of oral communication skills, developing potential for music, exercises with dolls and role-play. Pre-school teachers have developed their practice in a structured space, the so-called children's corners. The time of activities and their sequence is carefully observed according to a specially designed schedule of activities. Cooperation with parents is carried out in the form of parents' meetings and individual talks with the pre-school teacher. The traditional respect for parents, the family and patriarchal relations within it should be pointed out. The practice in pre-school institutions is characterized by its attitude towards nature: children are taught to observe natural phenomena, to enjoy the natural environment and beauty of different landscapes and to cultivate the feeling of joy, satisfaction and freedom it inspires, whether in the mountains or on the coast. Through cooperation between pre-school institutions and primary schools, systematic procedures are undertaken to make it easier for children to start going to school and accept the change of environment. Rote work with children, planning programs and teaching are the dominating activities. The role of the pre-school teacher is to teach what is planned by the curriculum. They carry out verbal forms of teaching and activities organized by pre-school teachers in an atmosphere of strict observance of didactic principles. A teaching group is the basic framework of pedagogical practice. The programs in pre-school institutions, which are applied in Montenegro, are multi-structural academic programs. The Program in Pre-school Institutions from Three to Five Years of Age (Year 2000) The Outlines of the program start from the concept of the open system of teaching. They do not prescribe syllabi and curricula, but present concepts of pre-school education instead. The starting point in the curriculum is the child, while the pre-school teacher is a creator, researcher, practitioner and critic of his own practice. He is not simply someone who carries out strictly ordered tasks. A choice of conditions and activities is made on the basis of this concept. Pre-school education is the continuation of and complementary to the family’s role of raising the child. It is the first stage in the system of development and education, provides conditions for the optimal child development and is not reduced to a direct preparation for starting school. Pre- school institutions are places where pre-school children live. The starting point of the program is that the child is a unique being, and has the right to be what he is, to learn and grow, to understand himself and the world that surrounds him, to accumulate his knowledge by discovering things (not by acquisition), and learns through interaction with his social and

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physical environment; the child has an in-born motivation to learn. Child play is a way of expressing oneself and a specific form of learning. Goals of pre-school teaching include:

Ø the general goal of pre-school teaching and education is to contribute to the integral growth and development of pre-school children by providing conditions and stimuli to develop their potential and traits, to broaden their minds, learn about themselves, others and the world;

Ø goals of pre-school teaching and education are meant for children to discover, learn and control themselves, develop relationships, gain experience and knowledge about others, learn about the world around themselves and develop mechanisms to influence it;

Ø the principles of teaching and educational processes are: respect for others, involvement, being realistic and persistent;

Ø the role of the pre-school teacher is to provide good conditions for living, learning, development and growth of children and to directly stimulate these processes;

Ø planning of the pedagogical practice is performed on three levels: on the level of a teaching group, on the level of a smaller sub-group, and on the level of an individual child. It is preceded by observing, listening, comprehending and getting to know children. The planning is undertaken upon having realized what children's interests, problems and difficulties are;

Ø evaluation is the core of professional involvement, the process of professional development and devotion. Self-evaluation consists in estimating the relations of the pre- school teacher's intentions, his activities and achieved results.

Detailed goals and types of activities according to aspects of development of pre-school children include: Physical activities and health preventive measures activities aimed at developing motor capacity ,preventive measures in health care Goals: learning about oneself and how to control oneself and developing relations with and learning about others Types of activities: spontaneous, practical activities useful in everyday life, specific physical activities and preventive health measures, complex activities and methodological instructions Linguistic activities Goals: learning about oneself and controlling oneself, developing relations with and learning about others, learning about the world and accumulating facts about it Types of activities: spontaneous, practical activities useful in everyday life, specific language activities, complex activities methodological instructions Logical and mathematical activities Goals: learning about oneself and controlling oneself, developing relations with and learning about others, and learning about the world Types of activities: spontaneous, practical activities useful in everyday life, specific mathematical activities, and complex activities.

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Social and cognitive activities Goals: learning about oneself and how to control oneself, developing relations with and learning about others, learning about the world and accumulating facts about it Types of activities: spontaneous, practical activities useful in everyday life, specific social and cognitive activities, complex activities methodological instructions Scientific and experimental activities Goals: learning about oneself and how to control oneself, developing relations with and learning about others, learning about the world and accumulating facts about it Types of activities: specific scientific and experimental activities, living beings and activities, activities concerned with larger environment, and complex activities methodological instructions Artistic activities Goals: learning about oneself and how to control oneself, developing relations with and learning about others, and learning about the world Types of activities: spontaneous, practical activities useful in everyday life, specific artistic activities, complex activities methodological instructions Musical activities Goals: learning about oneself and how to control oneself, developing relations with and learning about others, learning about the world and accumulating facts about it Types of activities: spontaneous, practical activities useful in everyday life, specific musical activities, complex activities methodological instructions. This program of developmental and educational processes is based on a more contemporary concept than previous concepts of the programs in institutions of pre-school teaching and education. The Pedagogical Council of Montenegro has started the procedure of its implementation. The Program of its introduction and application in pre-school institutions in this Republic is still to be done and it depends on specific profiles of pre-school institutions, their style of work, the professional level of their staff, actual teaching groups, parents' requirements, funding and other factors, which have an impact upon its realization. These concepts of the Program are based on a four-year long project called “The Pre-school Institution as a Family Center”. This project has greatly contributed to promoting pedagogical practice by emphasizing the integration of parents and direct teaching processes in the nursery, restructuring of space into centers of interests, and working in small teaching groups. It also promotes the primary role of pre-school teachers in providing conditions for learning, team work and the enhancement of the level of professionalism in general. The dissemination of this project into pre-school institutions is currently taking place through model-centers in Podgorica, Herceg-Novi and some others. This is a solid basis for intensive professional advancement in the course of applying this new official document.

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